Like a tree, spring in the soil probe, summer grew up in the wind and rain, cho in mature and wind waves, winter in the cold mill. Autumn comes after spring, in the years in the past, a tree seedlings can be wash off the green immature, finally to grow into a tree graceful of trees. Me, too. I can even feel the body NaGuGe disaster of 1, I rattled the jointing stage can even feel the blood flow QingYue voice, I can even feel thinking and vision are open and blasting of "pa, pa" sound, I grew up. Long time no see and the people will encounter praise way: is tall, wiser. Families, will find my font make public, write characteristics, good-looking. Yes, from a day only know the xi hip-hop admire little girl, is blossoming into a big girl's blouse, there will be some changes. There were no longer any say what, know to heart install some business. Independence strong, very conceit that can be a dominant player, not to accept even if it is reasonable and should help. In parents no longer so intimacy before the nature, and the much a few minutes at odds. No matter whether seasonable, will be to put his ideas, even if this that ought not to some results. No longer and more parents, because the words on the word "treason is naive performance". And now, more is to leave, the cold shoulder. Open the back door, and perhaps always now do or not enough positive, can already know, young don't regret it, "young have no what can't", with this unprecedented momentum, I think I'll grow faster, more healthy. Yes, I, has changed a lot. In the teenager always there are some strange things like closed in wait for you, as is like life, and the experience is growth, on a dusty, draw wealth, is you should have grown up. Let's raise our glasses, to celebrate growth, the long and short, colour and attractive growth!!!!! The numerous We will grow up with the self, the change of the self, the side, go on!
(1)When I was young, I love listening to mother of ignorance about the story, sometimes, a spoiled brat like sleeping is still take mother pulled on the bed, to tell me a and a profound myth, will also call mother sing me a and a beautiful song, sing moonlight to make me fall asleep quickly. Now of I, by is a dying of primary school pupils, graduated from lessons more let a person "breathing difficulties" sometimes don't know how to write for the composition and worry, and sometimes you weep; Now I love not ever to take the little girl, but a number of things understand girl; In the past I, not to go to school every day, mother with me, I don't have to listen to the teacher's words every day, also won't understand a lot of things, so I don't worry every day, and you can experience the happiness of the family, also can feel warm family, can now of I, worries, increase, free when time is few, most of it is a learning machine; When I was a child I, before don't understand life more colorful, grew up I know the world is a colorful heaven; In the past I...... Now I am and what I very different, past I have advantages and disadvantages, this is I change!
(2)I change as time changes. My life has changed a lot. In the last ten years. My daily life is different and I used to like different things when I was child. I used to be short when I was younger, but I am tall. I used to be shy when she was younger, but now I am outgoing. I used to like playing football, but now I am like playing tennis. And I used to be afraid of the tests, but now I don’t mind them and love it. OH! Change all the time.
I have changed a lot. I used to be short and had a large build. But now I am much taller and thinner. I was lazy before and I didn't like doing housework. But now I am a hardworking person and I often help my parents do some housework, such as, cleaning the room, washing the dishes, doing the shopping and so on. I think doing the housework can help me grow up and to be indepent. I work hard at my study so I can get better grade than before. I think I am becoming lovely, energetic and easy-going.
近代民俗变迁是近代社会变迁的重要组成部分,并与近代社会转型相始终。近代民俗变迁涉及到社会各个角落、各个层面。以下从礼仪、消费、服饰、饮食、居住、出行、节日、婚丧等八个方面进行概括,大致可以窥见近代民俗变迁的基本脉络。 1.礼仪习俗的变化:在鸦片战争以后相当长的一段时间里,传统的社交礼俗和祭典礼俗,包括称谓、见面礼等仍在社会上占据主导地位。人们见面要行作揖、拱手、跑拜、请安等礼。跪拜本是互相致意的姿势,但在封建时代成为敬重、臣服的一种礼节,以体现封建社会的等级尊卑,跪拜主要对尊长,最隆重的是行三跪九叩大礼,平辈之间一般用作揖、拱手方式即可。与此相适应还有一套“大人”、“老爷”、“太太”、“老太太”等称谓。然而,开国以后,在沿海通商地区,受西方平等观念影响,先是在新式知识分子内部,逐渐采用握手、鞠躬等见面方式,并且用“先生”、“女士”、“小姐”、“同志”取代了先前的称谓。1912年民国成立后,明令祭孔时“除去拜跑之礼,改行三鞠躬,祭服则用便服。”(注:《丁祭除去拜跪》,〔上海〕《申报》1912年3月5日。)不久,又明令废除社交中实行的叩拜、相揖、请安、拱手等旧礼节,改行鞠躬礼为主。同年8月17日,民国政府公布了《礼制》,用法律的形式,确立了新式礼节的合法地位(注:《东方杂志》第9卷第4号,1912年9月。)。行鞠躬礼,使用“先生”、“君”的称呼,反映出近代社会人与人之间的平等关系。总之,脱帽、靶躬、握手、鼓掌等新礼俗逐渐成为中国通常的“文明仪式”、“文明礼”,反映出社会礼俗的进步趋向。此外,在城市中交际舞的流行、生日聚会以及同事宴请等,都反映出近代交际习俗的新变化。 2.消费习俗的变化:近代西方资本主义的侵入以及中国新式商业的产生和迅速发展,对传统消费习俗产生巨大冲击,并直接导致了消费习俗的变迁。在鸦片战争后的道光年间,享用洋货在上层社会已渐成时尚,不过开始仅限于通商口岸等少数地区和官僚富裕之家,到19世纪末,随着通商口岸增加到70余个,于是洋货消费遍及各阶层,即使在云南交通偏僻之地的商店里,也可见到不少洋货,包括各种哈剌呢、哔叽、羽纱、法兰绒、钟表、玻璃等,一应俱全,而且其售价“并非贵得惊人”(注:姚镐编:《中国近代对外贸易史料》,〔北京〕中华书局1962年版,第1106-1107页。)许多“农民亦争服洋布”,中产之家更是“出门则官纱纺绸不以为侈”,“一般青年均羔裘如膏矣”(注:宋延斋:《蒲圻乡士志》,转引自严昌洪:《中国近代社会风俗史》,浙江人民出版社1992年版,第82页。)。此外,赛马、赛船、网球、足球、西餐、啤酒、西式点心、西式饮料、业余剧社、公园、室内音乐会、电影、电灯、电话、自来水、邮政、电车等西式生活方式无不影响到中国人消费方式的改变,使中国人消费结构、消费内容均发生重大改变。此外,以上海为例,色情消费、游乐消费也成为商人、富人等消费方式中的重要内容。 3.服饰习俗的变化:中国服饰习俗源远流长,各时代都有绚丽多彩的服饰。至清代中国服饰则多以长袍马褂为主,女子则穿旗袍。民谚有“孔雀翎,马蹄袖”之说。服饰具有体现等级森严、褒衣博带特点,这些弊端与近代人的平等要求以及日益加快的生活节奏很不协调。为此,部分中国人开始接受西式服饰。在19世纪50年代,香港、广州即有人模仿洋人打扮,华商更多有穿洋装者。戊戌时期康有为力倡“易服”。20世纪初,当时青年穿西服的人渐多起来。1903年胡汉民任教的广西梧州中学允许学生可以在岁时年节“披洋衣揖孔孟”(注:《胡汉民自传》,〔北京〕《近代史资料》1981年第2期。),可见在学生中穿洋服的人已不在少数。当时的出“洋”留学生更多着洋装。清亡后,曾出现过“洋装热”,在通都大邑,人们“趋改洋服洋帽,其为数不知凡几”(注:《潘月樵请用国货》,〔上海〕《申报》1912年3月4日。),在偏远小城,“文武礼服,冠用毡也,履用革也,短服用呢也,完全欧式”(注:民国《慈利县志》卷17,风俗。)。此外,洋式衬衣、绒衣、针织衫、西裤、纱袜、胶鞋、皮鞋等都渐渐普及推广,总之,中国服饰中的西方因素不断增加。值得一提的是,中山装则是近代中西服饰合璧的最典型标志。
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