In a dense forest, there are two big trees, one is the father of the tree, the other is the son of the tree. Rain and dew sprinkled all over the earth. The little animals are playing happily by the tree. The little monkey is hanging on the branch and swinging. The birds are singing wonderful songs in the trees. The bunnies were bouncing around under the tree. The chicks are playing the game of Eagle catching chicks in the shade of the tree. They had a good time.
One day, the mantis came to the little tree and said, "little tree, I am going to lay eggs. Can I lay eggs on you?" Big tree said: "OK Ok... Ok... " The little tree said: "no way No way... No! You are so ugly that I won't let you lay eggs on me. " The mantis jumped on the tree helplessly.
After a while Butterflies are flying. Butterfly said: "little tree, can you lay eggs on you?" Xiaoshu said: "yes Yes... Yes. " The big tree said quickly, "little tree, don't let it lay eggs on you. If you let it lay eggs on you, the eggs will turn into caterpillars and suck up your sap and the leaves. " "I don't believe it," said the tree! Beautiful things give birth to good things. " The butterfly flew to the little tree.
After a few days. The larvae of mantis and butterfly are born. The mantis asked the children to eat up all the insects on the tree. The trees are big and strong. But the caterpillars ate all the leaves of the little tree. The woodpecker saw the little tree was a little uncomfortable. He flew over and asked, "little tree, don't you need me to help you with your disease?" "No, caterpillars grow up to be butterflies and fly away," said the tree
On a stormy night, lightning flashed in the sky. A white lightning split the little tree. The big tree looked at the stubborn little tree and shed sad tears.