A poor husband and wife to each other in time to send holiday gifts and gone to great pains to present the final show no use: to sell a gold watch for his wife bought a comb, a hair cut for her husband bought a watch chain root. Nick was "The Gift of the Magi," the plot is not complicated, the authors used the coincidence of suspense and make the uncomplicated plot is full of changes and attractive: the advent of Christmas, a pair of husband and wife at the expense of the poor own the most valuable The other things to buy a useful gift is no longer a story of suspense set of circumstances and coincidence to the readers to look forward to unexpected and a sense of feeling in order to praise the purity of the heroine's love, reflects the human side of the United States.
O. Henry
Saer Dan said: "What is love, love is boundless tolerance, some things can bring joy. Love is the goodwill of the unconscious, of the total self-forgetting." Novelist O. Henry "The Gift of the Magi "Told the true meaning of love. A couple of small Christmas comes, the two sides are well-prepared not to find a gift for her husband Jim to his wife's hair with a comb, to sell his gold watch, bought a comb, his wife and Germany In order to pull her husband's gold watch to sell their hair, bought a watch chain, when they gift each other, found themselves ready to present the other side is not needed, not a matter of fact, they have been more than a comb and watch chain precious gift - Love.
Some people have said that the true meaning of love is given and not obtained. In the novel, the heroine la sobbed several times, but this is not the aggrieved tears, but tears of confusion, she did not know what to give her husband a Christmas present to send her money is too little less, a total of Only seven angle of 11 cents a piece, which she would like to buy and that's the price of gold watch chain far worse, how to do this Leila her down, crying, she had decided to bring her to work with the Greek Pakistan's jewelry looks beautiful hair sold only able to buy a watch chain that is also why her husband Jim in order to buy a la comb, and that piece of King Solomon is jealous enough to blowing a beard stare of a gold watch sold Before they buy a set of combs. Some people may say: "What a pity ah!" But more people in envy: "good people! More than happy!"
Wa Xifu "love" in the show such a point of view: Love is the highest state of each other's well-being for their own well-being.
"Jim and truly la this point, this is a comb la favorite for a long time but should not have to drive things, the watch chain is Jim phase for a long time but dare not wish for anything, in order for them to the other side The desire to achieve, give up their most precious things, this is how the realm of high-ah! That their sincere love is pure merit serious consideration. The world needs love, dedication, we also need to love in the hearts of each should be There is love, not only for themselves, other people, their life should be so.
A spring sowing, harvesting spring, gave us love it! Let love be the main theme of our lives
欧·亨利短篇小说选》是美国短篇小说大师欧·亨利作品的选集。书中,社会上那些巧取豪夺,坑蒙拐骗,利欲熏心,尔虞我诈的“上流人物”,“得意之徒”们的丑恶行径,被揭露无遗。通过他们的种种表现,形象逼真,不拘一格地向读者展现了“文明社会”的黑暗与滑稽本质,弱肉强食与天良丧尽的现实,并喻示在金钱万能,唯利是图的生存环境中,人性的异化和畸变。 然而在众多对丑恶人性的描写之中,也不乏许多使人肃然起敬的“小人物”,让人对荒诞,滑稽的故事漠然一笑之后,感慨万千。留给我印象最深的是《两位感恩节的绅士》这篇文章,它让我真正领略到了人性的魅力。 故事讲了两位美国绅士——其中一人根本不能称之为绅士,他只能说是一个常年受饥饿折磨的穷人。在他们之间有个奇怪的约定——每年感恩节,穷人便会坐在联邦广场喷水池对面人行道旁边东入口右面的第三条长凳上,等待着老绅士的到来。老绅士来了之后,会带这位饥肠辘辘的穷人饱餐一顿。这就是他们之间神圣的约定。对老绅士而言,一顿饭钱简直微不足道,但是,他却从其中找到了助人的乐趣。而穷人的目的也并不完全是在于那顿丰盛的饭菜,更重要的是能使一位老人如自己所愿。 这个传统延续了九年之久,第十年的感恩节,穷人照惯例走在去约会地点的路上。可出乎意料的事发生了。半路上,穷人被一幢住宅的管家请进了门,并可以享受一顿丰盛的大餐。原来住宅的主人——两位老太太,也有一个奇怪的传统——在正午把第一个饥饿的路人请进门,让他大吃大喝,饱餐一顿。饥饿的穷人抵挡不住事物的诱惑,畅开肚子,吃了起来。当他心满意足地走出住宅时,才想起了和老绅士的约定。但他还是如约与老绅士碰了面。老绅士将他带到了一处餐厅,穷人为了不扫老绅士的兴,只能装作饥饿难奈地狼吞虎咽起来。尽管穷人那时只剩下挪动身子和呼吸的确力气了。穷人吃完后,老绅士付了帐,两人便道了别。 故事的结局是——两人在回家的路上都晕了过去,被送进了医院。穷人是因为吃得太撑,几乎撑破了胃,而老绅士,一位在前些日子还家财万贯的富翁则是因为三天三夜没有吃东西,身体脱虚,而在路上倒了下来。 读这篇文章就好像是在嚼一只橄榄,甜味中带了一丝酸涩,让人在漠然一笑之后,思索良久。 文中的主人公,充其量不过是两个“小人物”,然而反映初等推己及人,相濡以沫的人性魅力却是那些“大人物”,“权贵们”所无法匹敌的。 那位老绅士在身上只剩下一点钱的情况下,完全可以不去赴约,但是他看重的不是金钱,而是诚信,他宁可饿死也不愿意食言。相比如今社会上一些只要自己利益受到损害就不择手段的人来说,老绅士的人性魅力显露无遗。再看那个穷人,尽管吃不饱穿不暖,没有受什么教育,但是他比任何受过良好教育的“权贵”都充满魅力——那是人性的魅力,他可以对老绅士说自己已经饱了,可他为了圆老绅士的心愿,咬紧牙关,把饭菜吃得干干净净。也许这很可笑,可是却是不是多么伟大,多么令人钦佩! 读了这篇文章,我知道了人性的伟大力量,我也立志要像那两个绅士一样,不求活得轰轰烈烈,但求真真实实,充满意义,有所追求!!!
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