"Sophie's World" by Jostein Gaarder, is subtitled 'A Novel About the History of Philosophy', which may or may not grab the reader's attention. Through a series of letters to a fourteen-year-old girl, a mysterious man named Alberto Knox offers her a free course in philosophy. He starts the course by delivering questions to Sophie that make her think of who she is and how the world was made. Alberto then takes her through a brief course on the history of philosophy, from Greek to modern times. He manages to shake Sophie out of her mundane existence: he compares humans to living on a rabbit's back, content to remain buried way down in the fur, and never questioning or climbing up to the top to examine the world around us, the way philosophers do.
One does not have to agree with every philosophy presented in the book in order to enjoy it: in fact, one would be very confused indeed if they agreed with every notion every philosopher ever set forth. Gaarder makes the novel an interactive experience, since many of Sophie's questions would be asked by the reader, and the examples put things into perspective. Gaarder has a fascinating imagination that sweeps the novel along at a brisk pace, especially when he causes the reader to question the very plausibility of the where he is taking the characters he has created. Learning about philosophy has never been so exhilarating; here's to never sinking down into the rabbit's fur again.
“我思故我在” 可读完全书的我却很茫然,我存在吗?不过是在这个时段、在这个特定的空间的相对存在罢了。试问,多年以后,一切都归于湮灭之中,我会存在?渺小的我会存在过,或曾经存在过?真不敢相信“恐惧”竟是我读完书后的第一感觉。我不知道他人读此书的过程中是否会有这荒谬的感觉。这是我真实而自觉荒谬的心灵体验。讫今为止,《苏菲的世界》是让我感觉最奇特的书,真的,在以往没有任何一本书会这样让我沉迷其间而深感“恐惧”,读后对这“恐惧”深感荒谬。要解决这种恐惧这中荒谬就只有通过自己的思考,通过思考来更加清楚的认识这个世界,这大概也是作者的最终目的吧
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