?? ?? ??篇一: ??
?? 大学英文简介??,学校英文??简介模板??,??大学介绍?? INTRDU??CTIN?? XX ??Univ??ersi??ty, ??fund??ed i??n XX??, is?? ne ??f th??e ke??y un??iver??siti??es f?? the?? ??prvince??.Its?? fiv??e ca??mpus??es a??re l??cate??d re??spec??tive??ly i??n ci????ties f ??XX, c??veri??ng t??he a??reas?? f m??re t????han XX m??illi??n sq????uare met??res.?? The??re ??are X??X cl??lege??s ff??erin??g XX?? spe??cial????ties fr ??bach??elr ??degr??ee a??nd X??X ??prgram??s fr?? mas??ter ??degr????ee. The ??camp??uses??’?? librar??ies ??psse??ss a?? ??cllecti??n f ??ver ??XX m??illi??n vl??umes?? f b??ks. ??The ??appa??ratu??ses ??and ??equi??pmen????ts are v??alue??d at?? aru??nd 1??9 mi??llin?? yua??n RM??B. T??he t??each??ing ??facu??lty ??is m??re t??han ??XXX ??and ??ttal?? enr??llme??nt i??s XX??X . ????Flling t??he ??mtt ??“In e??duca??tin,?? tru??th c??uld ??nt b??e bt??aine??d it??hut ??prac??tice??; th??e ??subtle??ness?? f m??atte??rs c??uld ??nt b??e ap??prac??hed ??ithu??t ex??peri??ment??”??, XXX h??as f??rged?? a t????raditin ??f ru??nnin??g sc??hl f?? the?? bin??atin??s f ??teac??hing??, ??re??search i??th s??cial?? ser??vice??s. S??ince?? 198??9,XX?? nat??inal?? aar??ds a??nd ??XXX p??rvin??cial?? aar??ds h??ave ??been?? n f??r it??s ex??cell??ent ??achi??evem??ents?? ??in teac??hing?? and?? res??earc??h. T??he q??uant??ity ??and ??grad??e f ??scie??ntif??ic ??and t??echn??lgic??al a??ards?? hav??e be??en r??anki??ng f??irst?? amn??g th??e ??prvinc??ial ??univ??ersi??ties?? fr ??ten ??year??s in?? a r??. XX??X is?? als?? ran??ked ??amng?? the?? tp ??10 u????niversit??ies ??f Ch??ina ??fr d??ecad??es. ??? XX??X is?? ne ??f ??the ld????est high??er e??duca??tina??l in??stit??utin??s in?? Chi??na, ??and ??ne f?? the?? ??key uni??vers??itie??s f ??the ??prvi??nce.?? ? S??ince?? 198??9, X??X na??tina??l aa??rds ??and ??XXX ??prvi??ncia??l aa??rds ??have?? bee??n n ??fr i????ts excel??lent?? ??achieve??ment??s in?? tea??chin??g. ??? Crs??s-di??scip????linary p??rgra??ms c??ver ??the ??fiel??d f ??agri??cult??ure,?? ind??ustr??y, b??asic?? sci??ence??s, e??mi??cs, ??mana??geme??nt, ??lite????rature, ??la a????nd iatrl??gy. ??? Lc??ated?? in ??XX ,?? ne ??hur ??t XX??X by?? tra??in, ??t-hu??r??’s trip?? t X??XX I??nter??nati??nal ??Airp??rt .?? ? X??XX ??has e??stab??lish??ed f??fici??al c??pera??tive?? rel??atin??ship?? ith?? XX ??rld ????famus ??univer??siti??es i??n ve??rsea??s cu??ntri??es. ??
?? ?? ??篇二:??
英文版山??东理工大??学校园介??绍?? CAMPUS?? As ??I en????ter the ??XI c??ampu??s??,ith it??s gr??ey a??rche??d su??th g??ate??,I nt??ice ??an a??venu??e. G?? str??aigh??t ??dn thi??s av??enue?? I c??an s??ee t????he Hng Y??uan ??buil??ding?? ith?? 9 s??trey??s hi??gh. ??In f??rnt ??f th??is b????uilding ??lies?? a s??quar??e, n?? hic??h st??ands?? a g??rass?? ??area. N??ext ??t th??is b??uild??ing ??is a?? lak??e??,hich h??as b??een ??carv??ed u??p ??int t ??part??s by?? a c??harm??ing ??arch?? bri??dge.?? The??re a??re m??any ????easeful ??stne?? cha??irs ??near??by t??he l??ake ??hich?? prv??ided?? v??enie????nce fr u??s t ??have?? ??a fresh?? air?? und??er t??he s??hinn??y gr??een ??tree??s. e?? can?? enj??y ur?? eek??end ??in t??he b??eaut??iful?? pav??ilin?? ith?? the?? art??ific??ial ??lake??. G ??acrs??s th??e ??garden?? and?? alk?? tar??d th????e est??,the st??arti??ng p??int ??in m??y vi??e is?? t ??mini ??mutn??s su??rrun??ding?? aru??nd. ??Ther??e ar??e st??eps ??up t?? the?? tp ??f th??e ??hi??ll direc??tly ??hich?? ffe??r us?? a c??hanc??e t ??d ex??erci??se a??nd h??ave ????relaxati??ns d??urin??g ur?? spa??re t??ime.?? ur ??YIFU?? lib??rary?? is ??famu????s in ??ur univ??ersi??ty f??r it??s ma??gnif??icen??t st??ruct??ures?? and?? frt??able?? scr??een.?? ??The lak??e in?? frn??t f ??the ??libr??ary ??adds?? mre???? vigr t ??the ??atms??pher??e ??f stud??ying??. ur?? cam??pus ??is a??s be??auti??ful ??as a?? pai??ntin??g at?? all?? ??seasns.?? The?? sce??nery?? f t??rees???? and fle??rs c??uld ??alay??s ma??ke y??u fe??el ??arm j??ust ??like?? at ??yur ??n hm??e. A??ll I?? hav??e sa??id a??bve ??is n??t en??ugh ??t sh?? yu ??ur f??anta??stic?? cam??pus??,if y??u an??t t ??veri??fy m??y rd??s??,ele. ??
?? ?? ?? ??篇三: ??
??关于介绍大学的??英语作文?? ele?? t .??....??. Un??iver??sity??, hi??ch i??s ne?? ??f the k??ey u??nive??rsit??ies ??in .??....??.prv????ince. As?? a s??cien??ce c??lleg??e, ??ur cl??lege?? reg??ard ??the ??civi??l en??gine??erin??g as?? the?? key?? dis??cipl??ine ??and ??main??ly c??ulti??vate?? sci??ence?? and???? technlg??ical?? tal??ents?? , a??nd ??there?? als?? are?? lib????eral art??s ma??jrs ??such?? as ??em??ic, ??cult??ural?? and?? ??thers,.?? As ??a fr??eshm??an, ??yu s??huld?? lea??rn s??me b??asic?? cur??ses,?? suc??h ??as?? advance??d ma??them??atic??s ,C??lleg??e En??glis??h ,C??lleg??e Ph??ysic??s, ??mecha??nics??, PE?? and?? s n??. Th??e ju??nir ??ill ??need?? t l??earn?? sme?? prf??essi??nal ??
curs??es.S??tude??nts ??can ??chse?? the?? dir??ecti??ns a??ccrd??ing ??t th??eir ??inte??rest??s t ??ti??nue ??a fu??rthe??r st??udy.??Bein??g th??e se??nir ??, th??e ??majrit??y f ????peple il??l ge??t a ??jb i??n a ??gd p??any.?? but?? the?? pre??mise?? is ??that?? yu ??need???? t read ??all ??the ??prfe??ssin??al p??ulsr??y, a??nd p??ass ??the ??exam?? ??ith?? great g??rade??s.In?? add??itin?? ,yu?? shu??ld l??earn?? ele??ctiv??e cu??rses?? and?? ??get enu????gh credi??ts. ??hat ??yu s??huld?? pay?? att??enti??ns t?? is ??that?? yu ??must?? ??g back ??t yu??r ap??artm??ent ??n ti??me .??and ??dn t?? abs??ent ??clas??ses ??ithu??t ??prper ????reasns.??篇四:??
??高考英语作文??校园游范??文?? 作文题目?? 目前许多著??名大学校??园向公??众开放,吸??引许多市??民前往参??观游玩,??引发校园??游热潮。??请你就这????一现象谈谈你的看??法。?? 写作思路一?? ??可以写成一篇利??弊分析型??的议论??文章??, 客观地分析??和评论这??一现象的??正反两方??面,并探??讨对这一??现象??的解决方法。?? ??
(一)介??绍背景:?? ??
??我认为可行的??解决方法?? ??写作思路二?? 也可以支持??校园游为??中心论??点,文章首??段就应着??重强调它??所带来的??优点,然??后在中间??二段详尽????论述,结尾部分再??次强调。?? ??
(一)背??景引入:?? ??
??(1)描述校园??游对个人??的好处。??(??也可分析对校外??游人带来??的好处??) ??
??再次强调中心论??点。?? 写作思路三?? ??也可以写成反对??校园游的??文章??(分析思路可??借鉴“写??作思路二??”??) Sampl??e 1 ??Accr??ding?? t a?? rec??ent ??surv??ey, ??the ??camp??uses?? f f??amus?? uni??vers??itie??s ar??e be??ing ??ne h??t tu??rist?? ??attract??ins??,hich?? app??eal ????t many c??ity ??resi??dent??s. p??inin??s n ??this?? ??phenmen??n va??ry f??rm p??ersn???? t persn??. As?? fr ??me, ??ther??e ar??e me??rits?? and?? ??demerit??s ??cern??ing ????campus t??uris??m. A??s ca??n be?? eas??ily ??seen??, pa??ying?? ??a visit?? t s??me f????amus uni??vers??itie??s de??s be??nefi??t pe??ple ??a lt??. It?? can?? ??help rd??inar????y peple,?? esp??ecia??lly ??midd??le s??chl ??stud??ents??, ha??ve a?? ??better ??unde????rstandin??g f ????cllege l??ife,?? sti??mula??ting?? the??ir i??nter??est ??in s??cien??ce a??nd c??ultu??re. ??In a??ddit??in, ??the ??ine ??frm ??tick??et s??ales?? ??can be ??used?? t i??mprv??e th??e ca??mpus?? env??irnm??ent ??as e??ll a??s sc??ient??ific?? ??researc??hes.?? n t??he t??her ??hand??, ca??mpus?? tur??ism ??ill ??als ??give?? ris??e ??t sme ??prbl??ems.?? nce?? lar??ge n??umbe??rs f?? tur??ists?? flc??k t ??camp??uses??, th??e ??nrmal ??stud??ies ??and ??live??s f ??stud??ents?? and?? prf??essr??s il??l un??dubt??edly???? be dist??urbe??d. h??at??’s mre??, lt??s f ??rubb??ish ??left?? by ??turi??sts ????may bee ??a bi??g bu??rden?? fr ??the ??univ??ersi??ties??. Th??eref??re, ??gd m??anag??emen??t is?? ??a key f??actr?? in ??the ??succ??ess ??f ca??mpus?? tur??ism.?? In ??my p??inin??, e ??may ??pen ??univ??ersi??ty c??ampu??ses ??t tu??rist??s du??ring?? vac??atin?? nly????. In thi??s ??ay, th??e pr??blem??s me??ntin??ed a??bve ??culd?? be ??slve??d in?? sme???? ay. Sam??ple ??2 he??n I ??visi??ted ??Beij??ing ??last?? yea??r??,my fri??end ??ther??e ar??rang??ed f??r ??me a c??ampu??s vi??sit ??t Be??ijin??g Un??iver??sity??,??hic??h left a?? dee??p ??impres??sin ??n me??. Fr??m my?? pin??t f ??vie,?? cam??pus ??turi????sm can g??reat??ly ??benef??it p??eple?? and?? the?? sci??ety ??as e??ll. ??T be??gin ????ith, uni??vers??itie??s ??are hl??y pa??lace??s f ??knle??dge ??t mn?? pep??le. ??Camp????us turis??m ff??ers ??a gd?? ??chance ??t th??em t?? e n??ear ??thei??r dr??eaml??and,???? realizi??ng t??heir?? dre??ams ??hich?? did??n??’t r ha?? ven??’??t e tru??e. T????uring ar??und ??the ??univ??ersi??ty ??campu??s ca??n sa??tisf??y pe??ple??’s re??spec??t fr?? sci??ence??, cu??ltur??e an??d ??humani??sm, ??hich?? is ??ell ??rth ??ding??. Fu??rthe??rmre??, ca??mpus?? tur??ism ??ill ??d a ??lt f?? gd ??t ur?? sci??ety ??ithu??t an????y invest??ment??. pe??ning?? the?? ??univers??ity ??ill ??nt n??ly d??ra m??any ??citi????zens frm?? sce??nic ??spts?? but?? als?? ??create ??an a??tmsp??here?? f l??earn??ing ????in the h??le s??ciet??y, a??nd t??here??fre ??
it i??s he??lpfu??l in?? sha??ping?? a h??armn??ius ??scie??ty. ??All ??in a??ll, ??the ????fact ??is that?? cam??pus ??turi??sm i??s he??re t?? sta??y it??h us??, an??d I ??thin????k many ??peple?? uld?? lik??e t ??acce??pt i??t. A??lthu??gh t??here?? is ??smet??hing???? t be ??imprve??d ab??ut t??his ??ne k??ind ??f tu??rism??, I ??d hp??e it?? ill?? dev????elp smth??ly ??s as ??t be?? ben??efic??ial ??t us?? t a?? gre??ater?? ext??ent.?? Sam????ple 1 Ac??crdi??ng ??t a r??ecen??t su??rvey??, th??e ca??mpus??es f?? fam??us u??nive????rsities ??are ??bein??g ??ne ht ??turi??st a??ttra??ctin??s??, hich ??appe??al t???? many ci??ty r??esid??ents??. ??pinins?? n t??his ??phen??menn?? var??y fr??m pe??rsn ????t persn.?? As ??fr m??e, t??here?? ??are mer??its ??and ??deme??rits?? c??erni??ng c????ampus tu??rism??. As?? can?? be ??easi??ly s??een,?? pay??ing ??a vi??sit ??t sm??e fa??mus ??univ??ersi??ties?? des?? ben??efit?? ??peple a?? lt.?? It ??can ??help?? rdi??nary?? pep??le, ??espe??cial??ly m??iddl??e sc??hl ??stude??nts,?? hav??e a ????better u??nder??stan??ding?? f c??lleg??e li??fe, ??stim??ulat??ing ??thei??r in??tere??st i??n sc??ienc??e an????d cultur??e. I??n ad??diti??n, ??the i??ne f??rm t??icke??t sa??les ??can ??be u??sed ????t imprve?? the?? cam??pus ??envi??rnme??nt a??s el??l as?? sci??enti??fic ??rese??arch??es. ??n th??e th??er h??and,?? ??campus ??turi??sm i??ll a??ls g??ive ??rise?? t s??me p??rble??ms. ??nce ??larg??e nu??mber??s ??f turi??sts ??flck?? t c??ampu??ses,?? the?? nrm??al s??tudi??es a??nd l??ives?? f ??stude??nts ??and ??prfe??ssrs?? ill?? und??ubte??dly ??be d??istu??rbed??. ha??t??’s mre,?? ??lts f r??ubbi??sh l??eft ??by t??uris??ts m??ay b??ee a?? big?? bur??den ??fr t??he ??unive??rsit??ies.?? The??refr??e, g??d ma????nagement?? is ??a ke??y fa??ctr ??in t??he ??succe??ss f?? cam??pus ??turi??sm. ??In m??y pi??nin,?? e m??ay p??en u??nive??rsit??y ??campus??es t?? tur??ists?? dur??ing ??vaca??tin ??nly.?? In ??this?? ay,?? the?? prb??lems?? ??mentine??d ab??ve c??uld ??be s??lved?? in ??sme ??ay. ??Samp??le 2?? Sam??ple ??2 he??n ??I visi??ted ??Beij??ing ??last???? year??, my fr??iend?? the??re a??rran??ged ??fr m??e ??a camp??us v??isit?? t B??eiji??ng U??nive??rsit??y??, hich ??left?? a d??eep ??impr??essi??n ??n me. ??Frm ??my p??int ??f vi??e, c??ampu??s tu??rism?? can?? gre??atly?? ben??efit?? pep??le ??and t??he s??ciet??y as?? ell??. T ??begi??n it??h, u??nive??rsit??ies ??are ??hly ??pala??ces ??f kn??ledg??e t ????mn peple??. Ca??mpus?? tur??ism ??ffer??s a ??gd c??hanc??e t ??them?? ??t e nea??r th????eir drea??mlan??d, r??eali??zing?? the??ir d??ream??s hi??ch d??idn??’t r ??have??n??’t e tr??ue. ??Turi??ng a??rund?? the?? uni??vers??ity ??camp??us c??an ??satis??fy p????eple’??s respe??ct f??r sc??ienc??e, c??ultu??re a??nd h??uman??ism,?? hic??h ??
is ell?? rth?? din??g. F??urth??ermr??e, c??ampu??s tu??rism?? ill?? d a?? lt ??f gd???? t ur sc??iety?? ith??ut a??ny i??nves??tmen??t. S??ampl??e 3 ??N it?? is ??mn t?? see?? a l??t ??f pare??nts ??and ??gran??dpar??ents?? shi??ng t??heir?? chi??ldre??n, e????ven tddl??ers,?? ??arund t??he u??nive??rsit??y ca??mpus??, hi??ch i??s be??ing ??mre ??and ??mre ??ppul??ar ??in ur?? sci??ety.?? The?? phe??nmen??n ha??s ge??nera??ted ????a heated?? deb??ate.?? As ??far ??as I?? am ??ce??rned??, al??l tu??r gr??ups ??shul????d be ban??ned ??frm ??the ??camp??us. ??My r??easn??s fr?? thi??s ar??e as?? fll??s: F????irst, e ??shul??d ma??inta??in ??rder ??n ca??mpus??. A ??univ??ersi??ty s??huld?? be ??a pl??ace ??fr s??tude??nts ??and ??prfe??ssrs?? t l??earn?? and?? stu??dy. ??If i??t is?? crd??ed i??th p??ht-s??napp??ing ??turi??sts,?? tal??king?? lud??ly n??ear ??clas??srms??, a ??quie??t st??udy ??envi??rmen??t ??ill be?? dis??turb??ed, ??thus?? cau??sing???? many pl??aint??s fr??m st??uden??ts a??nd ??teach??ers.?? Sec??nd, ??secu??rity?? is ??als ??an a??spec??t e ??shul??d ta??ke i??nt ??sid??erat??in c??ncer??ning?? cam????pus turi??sm. ??If a?? uni??vers??ity ??bees?? a ??turis??t de??stin??atin??, pe??ple ??f di??ffer??ent ??kind??s il??l fl??ck t?? the?? ??campus.?? Per??haps?? nt ??nly ????ill sme ??publ??ic r?? tea??chin??g fa??cili??ties?? be ??dama??ged,?? but?? the?? sec????urity f ??pers??nal ??prpe??rty ??can ??nt b??e gu??aran??teed??. ??All th??e di??sadv??anta??ges ??si??dere??d, e?? shu??ld c??lse ??the ??drs ??f ??univer??siti??es t???? public ??visi??trs.?? A q??uiet?? and?? pea??cefu??l pl??ace ??shul??d ??be giv??en b??ack ??t th??e pr??fess??rs a??nd s??tude??nts ??in t??he u??nive??rsit??y.??篇五:??
??关于大学是否开??放校园旅??游英语作??文?? Shuld ??the ??univ??ersi??ty b??e ??pened ??t tu??rist?? As ??e kn??,hen?? e h??ave ??free?? tim??e,sm??e pe??ple ??ill ??chic??e ??t ??travel.A??s ti??me g??es n??,sme?? fam??us u??nive??rsit??y be??e ht?? tur??ist ??spt.???? Anthing?? has?? t s??ides??.Shu??ld t??he u??nive??rsit??y be?? pen??ed t?? tri??st h??as ??advan??tage?? and?? dia??adva??ntag??e.T ??bega??n it??h,ca??mpus?? tur?? can???? bring ??emi??c be??nefi??t.ha??t??’s mre,??e ca??n mu??nica??te i??th d??iffe??rent?? ??peple.F??inal??ly, ??this?? app??rach?? can?? mak??e ma??(??来自:.Smh????aiDa. ??海达??范文网:介绍大学??校园英语??作文??)ny pa??rent??s an??d st??uden??ts t?? kn ??abut?? ??the cll??ege ??and ??impr??ve s??chl ??repu??tati??n . ??But ??sme ??pepl??e th????ink that?? ??shuld n??t le??t th??e ca??mpus?? has?? bee?? a t??uris??t at??trac??tins??.Bec??ause?? man??y ??strang??ers ??ente??r in??t ca??mpus?? hic??h br??ings?? sec????urity pr??blem??s.It?? ill?? ??
prduce ??garb??age ??infl??uenc??e ca??mpus?? env??irnm??ent.?? As ??fr m??e,th??e ki??nd ??f phe??nmen??n ad??vant??age ??utei??gh i??ts d??isad??vant??age.??If e?? chs??e th??e ??vacati??n pe??ning?? cam??pus ??cann??’??t nly t?? let?? mre?? pep??le k??n ab??ut c??lleg??e ??and sl??ved ??the ??prbl??em. ??? [??学习提示??] ??易混词汇??: chice??, ??al??ternativ??e, p??refe??renc??e, p??tin,?? sel??ecti??n, e??lect????in 均含有“选????择”之意。??
XX University, founded in XX, is one of the key universities of the
province.Its five campuses are located respectively in cities of XX, covering the areas of more than XX million square metres. There are XX colleges offering XX specialties for bachelor degree and XX programs for master degree.
The campuses’ libraries possess a collection of over XX million
volumes of books. The apparatuses and equipments are valued at around 1million yuan RMB.
The teaching faculty is more than XXX and total enrollment is XXX . Following the motto “In education, truth could not be obtained without practice; the subtleness of matters could not be approached without experiment”, XXX has forged a tradition of running school of the binations of teaching, research with social services.
Since 1989,XX national awards and XXX provincial awards have been won for its excellent achievements in teaching and research. The
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quantity and grade of scientific and
technological awards have been ranking first among the provincial universities for ten years in a row. XXX is also ranked among the top 10 universities of China for decades.
? XXX is one of the oldest higher educational institutions in China, and one of the key universities of the province.
? Since 1989, XX national awards and XXX provincial awards have been won for its excellent achievements in teaching.
? Cross-disciplinary programs cover the field of agriculture, industry, basic sciences, economics, management, literature, law and iatrology.
? Located in XX , one hour to XXX by train, two-hour’s trip to XXX International Airport .
? XXX has established official cooperative relationship with XX world famous universities in overseas countries.
As I enter the XI campus,with its grey arched south
gate,I notice an avenue. Go straight down this avenue
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I can see the Hong Yuan building with storeys high. In front of this building lies a square, on which stands a grass area.
Next to this building is a lake,which has been
carved up into two parts by a charming arch bridge. There are many easeful stone chairs nearby the lake which provided convenience for us to have a fresh air under the shinny green trees. We can enjoy our weekend in the beautiful pavilion with the artificial lake. Go across the garden and walk toward the west,the starting
point in my view is two mini moutons surrounding around.
There are steps up to the top of the hill directly which offer us a chance to do exercise and have relaxations during our spare time.
Our YIFU library is famous in our university for its magnificent structures and fortable screen. The lake in front of the library adds more vigor to the atmosphere of studying.
Our campus is as beautiful as a painting at all seasons. The scenery of trees and flowers could always make you feel warm just like at your own home.
All I have said above is not enough to show you
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our fantastic campus,if you want to verify my words,
Wele to ...... University, which is one of the key universities in ......province.
As a science college, our college regard the civil engineering as the key discipline and mainly cultivate science and technological talents , and there also are liberal arts majors such as economic, cultural and others,.
As a freshman, you should learn some basic courses, such as advanced mathematics ,College English ,College Physics, mechanics, PE and so on. The junior will need to learn some professional courses.Students can choose the directions according to their interests to continue a further study.Being the senior , the majority of people will get a job in a good pany. but the premise is that you need to read all the professional pulsory, and pass the exam with great grades.In addition ,you should learn elective courses and get enough credits.
what you should pay attentions to is that you must go back to your apartment on time .and don’t absent classes without proper reasons.
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可以写成一篇利弊分析型的议论文章, 客观地分析和评论这一现象的正反两方面,并探讨对这一现象的解决方法。
具体分析:描述校园游对个?a href=“:///fan/shuoshuodaquan/”
target=“_blank” class=“keylink”>说暮么Α?也可分析对校外游人带来的好处)
5 / 12
Sample 1
According to a recent survey, the campuses of famous universities are being new hot tourist attractions,which appeal to many city residents. Opinions on this phenomenon vary from person to person. As for me, there are merits and demerits concerning campus tourism.
As can be easily seen, paying a visit to some famous universities does benefit people a lot. It can help ordinary people, especially middle school students, have a better understanding of college life, stimulating their interest in science and culture. In addition, the ine from ticket sales can be used to improve the campus environment as well as scientific researches.
On the other hand, campus tourism will also give rise to some problems. Once large numbers of tourists flock to campuses, the normal studies and lives of students and professors will undoubtedly be disturbed.
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What’s more, lots of rubbish left by tourists may bee a big burden for the universities.
Therefore, good management is a key factor in the success of campus tourism. In my opinion, we may open university campuses to tourists during vacation only. In this way, the problems mentioned above could be solved in some way.
When I visited Beijing last year,my friend there
arranged for me a campus visit to Beijing University,
which left a deep impression on me. From my point of view, campus tourism can greatly benefit people and the society as well.
To begin with, universities are holy palaces of knowledge to mon people. Campus tourism offers a good chance to them to e near their dreamland, realizing their dreams which didn’t or ha
ven’t e true. Touring around the university campus can satisfy people’s respect for science,
culture and humanism, which is well worth doing.
Furthermore, campus tourism will do a lot of good to our society without any investment. Opening the
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university will not only draw many citizens from scenic spots but also create an atmosphere of learning in the whole society, and therefore it is helpful in shaping a harmonious society. All in all, the fact is that campus tourism is here to stay with us, and I think many people would like to accept it. Although there is something to be improved about this new kind of tourism, I do hope it will develop smoothly so as to be beneficial to us to a greater extent.
Sample 1
According to a recent survey, the campuses of famous universities are being new hot tourist attractions,
which appeal to many city residents. Opinions on this phenomenon vary from person to person. As for me, there are merits and demerits concerning campus tourism.
As can be easily seen, paying a visit to some famous universities does benefit people a lot. It can help ordinary people, especially middle school students, have a better understanding of college life, stimulating their interest in science and culture. In addition, the ine from ticket sales can be used to
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improve the campus environment as well as scientific researches.
On the other hand, campus tourism will also give rise to some problems. Once large numbers of tourists flock to campuses, the normal studies and lives of students and professors will
undoubtedly be disturbed. What’s more, lots of
rubbish left by tourists may bee a big burden for the universities.
Therefore, good management is a key factor in the success of campus tourism. In my opinion, we may open university campuses to tourists during vacation only. In this way, the problems mentioned above could be solved in some way.
When I visited Beijing last year,
my friend there arranged for me a campus visit to Beijing University,
which left a deep impression on me. From my point of view, campus tourism can greatly benefit people and the society as well.
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To begin with, universities are holy palaces of knowledge to mon people. Campus
tourism offers a good chance to them to e near their dreamland, realizing their dreams which didn’
t or haven’t e true. Touring around the university campus can satisfy people’s respect for science,
culture and humanism, which is well worth doing.
Furthermore, campus tourism will do a lot of good to our society without any investment. Sample
Now it is mon to see a lot of parents and grandparents showing their children, even toddlers, around the university campus, which is being more and more popular in our society. The phenomenon has generated a heated debate. As far as I am concerned, all tour groups should be banned from the campus. My reasons for this are as follows:
First, we should maintain order on campus. A university should be a place for students and professors to learn and study. If it is crowded with photo-snapping tourists, talking loudly near
classrooms, a quiet study enviroment will be disturbed, thus causing many plaints from students
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and teachers.
Second, security is also an aspect we should take into consideration concerning campus tourism. If a university bees a tourist destination, people of different kinds will flock to the campus. Perhaps not only will some public or teaching facilities be damaged, but the security of personal property can not be guaranteed.
All the disadvantages considered, we should close the doors of universities to public visitors.
A quiet and peaceful place should be given back to the professors and students in the university.
Should the university be opened to tourist
As we know,when we have free time,some people will choice to travel.As time goes on,some famous university bee hot tourist spot. Anthing has two sides.Should the university be opened to torist has advantage and diaadvantage.To began with,campus tour can bring economic benefit.What’s more,we can municate with
different people.Finally, this approach can make many parents and students to know about the college and improve school reputation . But some people think that
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should not let the campus has bee a tourist attractions.Because many strangers enter into campus which brings security problems.It will produce garbage influence campus environment.
As for me,the kind of phenomenon advantage outweigh its disadvantage.If we chose the vacation opening campus cann’t only to let more people know about college and solved the problem.
? [学习提示] 易混词汇: choice, alternative,
preference, option, selection, election 均含有“选
12 / 12
大学英文简介,学校英文简介模板,大学介绍 INTRDUCTIN XX
University, funded in XX, is ne f the key universities f the prvince.Its five campuses are lcated respectively in cities f XX, cvering the areas f mre than XX millin square metres. There are XX clleges ffering XX specialties fr bachelr degree and XX prgrams fr master degree. The campuses’ libraries pssess a
cllectin f ver XX millin vlumes f bks. The apparatuses and equipments are valued at arund 19 millin yuan RMB. The teaching faculty is mre than XXX and ttal enrllment is XXX . Flling the mtt “In educatin, truth culd nt be btained ithut practice; the subtleness f matters culd nt be apprached ithut experiment”,
XXX has frged a traditin f running schl f the binatins f teaching, research ith scial services. Since 1989,XX natinal aards and XXX prvincial aards have been n fr its excellent achievements in teaching and research. The quantity and grade f scientific and technlgical aards have been ranking first amng the prvincial universities fr ten years in a r. XXX is als ranked amng the tp 10 universities f China fr decades. ? XXX is ne f the ldest higher educatinal institutins in China, and ne f the key universities f the prvince. ? Since 1989, XX natinal aards and XXX prvincial aards have been n fr its excellent achievements in teaching. ? Crss-disciplinary prgrams cver the field f agriculture, industry, basic sciences, emics, management, literature, la and iatrlgy. ? Lcated in XX , ne hur t XXX by train, t-hur’s trip t XXX Internatinal Airprt . ? XXX has established fficial cperative relatinship ith XX rld famus universities in verseas cuntries.
英文版山东理工大学校园介绍 CAMPUS As I enter the XI campus,
ith its grey arched suth gate,I ntice an avenue. G straight
dn this avenue I can see the Hng Yuan building ith 9 streys high. In frnt f this building lies a square, n hich stands a grass area. Next t this building is a lake,hich has been carved up
int t parts by a charming arch bridge. There are many easeful stne chairs nearby the lake hich prvided venience fr us t have a fresh air under the shinny green trees. e can enjy ur eekend in the beautiful pavilin ith the artificial lake. G acrss the garden and alk tard the est,the starting pint in my vie is t
mini mutns surrunding arund. There are steps up t the tp f the hill directly hich ffer us a chance t d exercise and have relaxatins during ur spare time. ur YIFU library is famus in ur university fr its magnificent structures and frtable screen. The lake in frnt f the library adds mre vigr t the atmsphere f studying. ur campus is as beautiful as a painting at all seasns. The scenery f trees and flers culd alays make yu feel arm just like at yur n hme. All I have said abve is nt enugh t sh yu ur fantastic campus,if yu ant t verify my rds,ele.
关于介绍大学的英语作文 ele t ...... University, hich is ne
f the key universities in ......prvince. As a science cllege, ur cllege regard the civil engineering as the key discipline and mainly cultivate science and technlgical talents , and there als are liberal arts majrs such as emic, cultural and thers,. As a freshman, yu shuld learn sme basic curses, such as advanced mathematics ,Cllege English ,Cllege Physics, mechanics, PE and s n. The junir ill need t learn sme prfessinal
curses.Students can chse the directins accrding t their interests t tinue a further study.Being the senir , the majrity f peple ill get a jb in a gd pany. but the premise is that yu need t read all the prfessinal pulsry, and pass the exam ith great grades.In additin ,yu shuld learn elective curses and get enugh credits. hat yu shuld pay attentins t is that yu must g back t yur apartment n time .and dn t absent classes ithut prper reasns.篇四:
高考英语作文校园游范文 作文题目 目前许多著名大学校园向公
现象谈谈你的看法。 写作思路一 可以写成一篇利弊分析型的议论文
章, 客观地分析和评论这一现象的正反两方面,并探讨对这一现象的
我认为可行的解决方法 写作思路二 也可以支持校园游为中心论
再次强调中心论点。 写作思路三 也可以写成反对校园游的文章
(分析思路可借鉴“写作思路二”) Sample 1 Accrding t a recent
survey, the campuses f famus universities are being ne ht turist attractins,hich appeal t many city residents. pinins n this phenmenn vary frm persn t persn. As fr me, there are merits and demerits cerning campus turism. As can be easily seen, paying a visit t sme famus universities des benefit peple a lt. It can help rdinary peple, especially middle schl students, have a better understanding f cllege life, stimulating their interest in science and culture. In additin, the ine frm ticket sales can be used t imprve the campus envirnment as ell as scientific researches. n the ther hand, campus turism ill als give rise t sme prblems. nce large numbers f turists flck t campuses, the nrmal studies and lives f students and prfessrs ill undubtedly be disturbed. hat’s mre, lts f rubbish left by turists may bee a big burden fr the universities. Therefre, gd management is a key factr in the success f campus turism. In my pinin, e may pen university campuses t turists during vacatin nly. In this ay, the prblems mentined abve culd be slved in sme ay. Sample 2 hen I visited Beijing last year,my friend there arranged fr
me a campus visit t Beijing University,hich left a deep
impressin n me. Frm my pint f vie, campus turism can greatly benefit peple and the sciety as ell. T begin ith, universities are hly palaces f knledge t mn peple. Campus turism ffers a gd chance t them t e near their dreamland, realizing their dreams hich didn’t r ha ven’t e true. Turing arund the university
campus can satisfy peple’s respect fr science, culture and
humanism, hich is ell rth ding. Furthermre, campus turism ill d a lt f gd t ur sciety ithut any investment. pening the university ill nt nly dra many citizens frm scenic spts but als create an atmsphere f learning in the hle sciety, and therefre it is helpful in shaping a harmnius sciety. All in all, the fact
is that campus turism is here t stay ith us, and I think many peple uld like t accept it. Althugh there is smething t be imprved abut this ne kind f turism, I d hpe it ill develp smthly s as t be beneficial t us t a greater extent. Sample 1 Accrding t a recent survey, the campuses f famus universities are being ne ht turist attractins, hich appeal t many city residents.
pinins n this phenmenn vary frm persn t persn. As fr me, there are merits and demerits cerning campus turism. As can be easily seen, paying a visit t sme famus universities des benefit peple a lt. It can help rdinary peple, especially middle schl students, have a better understanding f cllege life, stimulating their interest in science and culture. In additin, the ine frm ticket sales can be used t imprve the campus envirnment as ell as scientific researches. n the ther hand, campus turism ill als give rise t sme prblems. nce large numbers f turists flck t campuses, the nrmal studies and lives f students and prfessrs ill undubtedly be disturbed. hat’s mre,
lts f rubbish left by turists may bee a big burden fr the universities. Therefre, gd management is a key factr in the success f campus turism. In my pinin, e may pen university campuses t turists during vacatin nly. In this ay, the prblems mentined abve culd be slved in sme ay. Sample 2 Sample 2 hen I visited Beijing last year, my friend there arranged fr me
a campus visit t Beijing University, hich left a deep impressin
n me. Frm my pint f vie, campus turism can greatly benefit peple and the sciety as ell. T begin ith, universities are hly palaces f knledge t mn peple. Campus turism ffers a gd chance t them t e near their dreamland, realizing their dreams hich didn’
t r haven’t e true. Turing arund the university campus can satisfy peple’s respect fr science, culture and humanism, hich is ell rth ding. Furthermre, campus turism ill d a lt f gd t
ur sciety ithut any investment. Sample 3 N it is mn t see a lt f parents and grandparents shing their children, even tddlers, arund the university campus, hich is being mre and mre ppular in ur sciety. The phenmenn has generated a heated debate. As far as I am cerned, all tur grups shuld be banned frm the campus. My reasns fr this are as flls: First, e shuld maintain rder n campus. A university shuld be a place fr students and prfessrs t learn and study. If it is crded ith pht-snapping turists, talking ludly near classrms, a quiet study envirment ill be disturbed, thus causing many plaints frm students and teachers. Sed, security is als an aspect e shuld take int sideratin cerning campus turism. If a university bees a turist destinatin, peple f different kinds ill flck t the campus. Perhaps nt nly ill sme public r teaching facilities be damaged, but the security f persnal prperty can nt be guaranteed. All the disadvantages sidered, e shuld clse the drs f universities t public visitrs. A quiet and peaceful place shuld be given back t the prfessrs and students in the university.篇五:
关于大学是否开放校园旅游英语作文 Shuld the university be
pened t turist As e kn,hen e have free time,sme peple ill chice t travel.As time ges n,sme famus university bee ht turist spt. Anthing has t sides.Shuld the university be pened t trist has advantage and diaadvantage.T began ith,campus tur can bring emic benefit.hat’s mre,e can municate ith different
peple.Finally, this apprach can make ma(来自:.SmhaiDa. 海达
范文网:介绍大学校园英语作文)ny parents and students t kn abut
the cllege and imprve schl reputatin . But sme peple think that shuld nt let the campus has bee a turist attractins.Because many strangers enter int campus hich brings security prblems.It ill prduce garbage influence campus envirnment. As fr me,the kind
f phenmenn advantage uteigh its disadvantage.If e chse the vacatin pening campus cann’t nly t let mre peple kn abut cllege and slved the prblem. ? [学习提示] 易混词汇: chice,
alternative, preference, ptin, selectin, electin 均含有“选
四级英语满分作文一:Beauty on the Campus
It is believed in mon that beauty exists
everywhere on the campus as long as you have an eye for it. Some people hold that natural scenes, especially at dawn, are the most beautiful on the campus while others believe that it is in the afternoon when the playgrounds are flooded with
students taking part in sports.In my opinion, the best scene on the campus is during the rush hour when thousands of students rush towards the canteen.
At precisely the same time as the bell rings, some students dash from the chairs, rushing to the canteen. They set the prelude to the most attractive scene of the whole day.
Within a few minutes, all the classrooms bee empty and everyone starts their journey for lunch, on foot or by bike. It gives people the impression that lunch is the most important thing in the world. Most of the students move at the same speed,with the exception of several excellent cyclists. They shuttle smoothly in the crowds just like fish swimming freely in the sea.
On the way to the canteen, everyone looks anxious. But once inside, a look of pride and triumph takes over. Sometimes,it bubbles up in my mind that the rush hour
hustle and bustle is the epitome of the intense petition in real life. If you want to realize your expectations, you must be armed with skills and knowledge, use time and resources efficiently and the most importantly, have a healthy body.
My station in university campus inch territory, breathes and feels a here freshness. The university life like this started. The life four years time already the picture got down certainly has run the line, you along this path endless long journey, the university time will say regarding me will be fresh, the biography first time was far away the hometown, trod studies the road. I to the university life am fuzzy, after investigates many times, everybody is two characters ----- is bored to the university life feeling, perhaps has that a reason! Three years high school life is such intense stimulates. Recollected also a little is afraid, facing high school's intense sprint, diligently was admitted to a school dream of the university, everybody is the like this struggle, assaults the dream. At the present, steps into the
university campus, studies the life has had the bored feeling.
四级英语满分作文三:My university Fudan
The first time I entered the campus as a freshman, I was deeply attracted by her cultural atmosphere and historical connotation. Fudan is a graceful lady who is accustomed to serenity but meanwhile each action of hers outpours her innermost tern perament. Apparently it is worth every effort to probe into her world for the sake of both physical and mental enrichment. Her humanistic spirit inspires me to care for everything around, even the most trivial one.
On the other hand, catching up with the times, Fudan is modern and smart. You see, the many age-old buildings here are actually great libraries and labs. Scientific and technological developrnent is easily smelt in the air,because she never lags behind the world.
Our university has first-level equipment and the most experienced teachers as well as the best students. My campus activities are rich and colorful.I consider it to be a honor that I've got a chance to study here and I sincerely hope that we can live wonderful lives in our campus!
介绍大学校园英语作文一:My university Fudan
The first time I entered the campus as a freshman, I was deeply attracted by her cultural atmosphere and historical connotation. Fudan is a graceful lady who is accustomed to serenity but meanwhile each action of hers outpours her innermost tern perament. Apparently it is worth every effort to probe into her world for the sake of both physical and mental enrichment. Her humanistic spirit inspires me to care for everything around, even the most trivial one.
On the other hand, catching up with the times, Fudan is modern and smart. You see, the many age-old buildings here are actually great libraries and labs. Scientific and technological developrnent is easily smelt in the air,because she never lags behind the world.
Our university has first-level equipment and the most experienced teachers as well as the best students. My campus activities are rich and colorful.I consider it to be a honor that I've got a chance to study here and I sincerely hope that we can live wonderful lives in our campus!
My station in university campus inch territory, breathes and feels a here freshness. The university life like this started. The life four years time already the picture got down certainly has run the line, you along this path endless long journey, the university time will say regarding me will be fresh, the biography first time was far away the hometown, trod studies the road. I to the university life am fuzzy, after investigates many times, everybody is two characters ----- is bored to the university life feeling, perhaps has that a reason! Three years high school life is such intense stimulates. Recollected also a little is afraid, facing high school's intense sprint, diligently was admitted to a school dream of the university, everybody is the like this struggle, assaults the dream. At the present, steps into the university campus, studies the life has had the bored feeling.
介绍大学校园英语作文三:美丽的大学校园英语作文 Beauty on the Campus
It is believed in mon that beauty exists everywhere on the campus as long as you have an eye for it. Some people hold that natural scenes, especially at dawn, are the most beautiful on the campus while others believe that it is in the afternoon when the playgrounds are flooded with students taking part in sports.In my opinion, the best scene on the campus is during the rush hour when thousands of students rush towards the canteen.
At precisely the same time as the bell rings, some students dash from the chairs, rushing to the canteen. They set the prelude to the most attractive scene of the whole day.
Within a few minutes, all the classrooms bee empty and everyone starts their journey for lunch, on foot or by bike. It gives people the impression that lunch is the most important thing in the world. Most of the students move at the same speed,with the exception of several excellent cyclists. They shuttle smoothly in the crowds just like fish swimming freely in the sea.
On the way to the canteen, everyone looks anxious. But once inside, a look of pride and triumph takes over. Sometimes,it bubbles up in my mind that the rush hour hustle and bustle is the epitome of the intense petition in real life. If you want to realize your expectations, you must be armed with skills and knowledge, use time and resources efficiently and the most importantly, have a healthy body.
我是学校是职专的英语 校园生活英文短文 大学介绍英语 描述大学
校园英语作文 篇一:大学英文简介,学校英文简介模板,大学介绍 INTRODUCTION
XX University, founded in XX, is one of the key universities of the
province.Its five campuses are located respectively in cities of XX,
covering the areas of more than XX million square metres. There are
XX colleges offering XX specialties for bachelor degree and XX
programs for master degree. The campuses’ libraries possess a collection of over XX million
volumes of books. The apparatuses and equipments are valued at around
19 million yuan RMB. The teaching faculty is more than XXX and total enrollment is XXX .
Follootto “In education, truth could not be obtained atters could not be
approached ent”, XXX has forged a tradition of running school of the
binations of teaching, research ents in teaching and research. The
quantity and grade of scientific and technological aong the provincial
universities for ten years in a roong the top 10 universities of China for
? XXX is one of the oldest higher educational
institutions in China, and one of the key universities of the
? Since 1989, XX national aents in
? Cross-disciplinary programs cover the field of
agriculture, industry, basic sciences, economics, management, literature,
laous universities in overseas countries.篇二:英文版山东理工大学校
As I enter the XI campus,ing arch bridge. There are many easeful stone
chairs nearby the lake y vieini moutons surrounding around.
There are steps up to the top of the hill directly e. Our YIFU library is famous in our university for its magnificent
structures and fortable screen. The lake in front of the library adds more
vigor to the atmosphere of studying. Our campus is as beautiful as a painting at all seasons. The scenery of
trees and floake you feel just like at your oe. All I have said above is not enough to shopus,if you y ainly cultivate
science and technological talents , and there also are liberal arts majors
such as economic, cultural and others,. As a freshman, you should learn some basic courses, such as advanced
mathematics ,College English ,College Physics, mechanics, PE and so on. The junior e professional courses.Students can choose the directions according to their interests to continue a further study.Being the senior , the majority of people ise is that you need to read all the professional pulsory, and pass the exam ust go back to your apartment on time .and don't absent classes ple 1 According to a recent survey, the campuses of famous universities are being neany city residents. Opinions on this phenomenon vary from person to person. As for me, there are merits and demerits concerning campus tourism. As can be easily seen, paying a visit to some famous universities does benefit people a lot. It can help ordinary people, especially middle school students, have a better understanding of college life, stimulating their interest in science and culture. In addition, the ine from ticket sales can be used to improve the campus environment as pus tourism e problems. Once large numbers of tourists flock to campuses, the normal studies and lives of students and professors ore, lots of rubbish left by tourists may bee a big burden for the universities.
Therefore, good management is a key factor in the success of campus tourism. In my opinion, ay open university campuses to tourists during vacation only. In this s mentioned above could be solved in some ple 2 y reasons for this are as folloaintain order on campus. A university should be a place for students and professors to learn and study. If it is cros, a quiet study enviroment any plaints from students and teachers.
Second, security is also an aspect pus tourism. If a university bees a tourist destination, people of different kinds pus. Perhaps not only e public or teaching facilities be damaged, but the security of personal property can not be guaranteed.
All the disadvantages considered, e,some people e goes on,some famous university bee hot tourist spot. Anthing has tpus tour can bring economic benefit.ore,unicate ake ma(来自:e people think that should not let the
campus has bee a tourist attractions.Because many strangers enter into campus s.It pus environment. As for me,the kind of phenomenon advantage outpus cann’t only to let
more people
? [学习提示] 易混词汇: choice, alternative,
preference, option, selection, election 均含有“选择”之意。
介绍大学校园英语作文 ?
?大学英文简介,学校英文简介模板?,大学介?绍 INTRDUCTIN XX ?University, fu?nded in XX?, is ne f ?the key un?iversities? f the ?prvince.Its f?ive campus?es are lca?ted respec?tively in ?cities f ?XX, cvering? the areas? f mre tha?n XX milli?n square m?etres. The?re ?are XX clleges ff?ering XX s?pecialties? fr bachel?r degree a?nd XX ?prgrams fr mas?ter degree?. The camp?uses?’ libraries psse??ss a cllectin f ver ?XX millin ?vlumes f b?ks. The ap?paratuses ?and ?equipments are v?alued at a?rund 19 mi?llin yuan ??RMB. The teaching ?faculty is m?re than XX?X and ttal? enrllment? is XXX . ?Flling the? ?mtt “In educatin, t??ruth culd nt be btai?ned ithut ?practice; ?the ?subtleness f mat?ters culd ?nt be appr?ached ithu?t experime?nt?”, XXX has frged a? traditin ?f running ?schl f the? binatins ?f teaching?, ?research ith scial? services.? Since 198?9,XX natin?al aards a?nd ?XXX prvincial aar?ds have be?en n fr it?s excellen?t achievem?ents ?in teaching and? research.? The quant?ity and gr?ade f scie?ntific ?and technlgic?al aards h?ave been r?anking fir?st amng th?e ?prvincial universi?ties fr te?n years in? a r. XXX ?is als ran?ked ?amng the tp 10 u?niversitie?s f China ?fr decades?. ? XXX is? ne f ?the ldest high?er educati?nal instit?utins in C?hina, and ?ne f the ?key univers?ities f th?e prvince.? ? Since 1?989, XX na?tinal aard??s and XXX prvincial ?aards have? been n fr? its excel?lent ?achievements in? teaching.? ? Crss-di?sciplinary? prgrams c??ver the field f agri?culture, i?ndustry, b?asic scien?ces, emi?cs, ?management, lite?rature, la? and iatrl?gy. ? Lcat??ed in XX , ne hur ?t XXX by tra?in, t-hur?’s trip t X?XX Interna?tinal Airp?rt . ? XXX? ?has established ffi?cial cpera?tive relat?inship ith? XX rld fa??mus universities in ?verseas cu?ntries. ?
英文版山东理工大学校园介?绍? CAMPUS As I enter ?the XI cam?pus?,ith its grey arc?hed suth g?ate?,I ntice an avenu?e. G strai?ght ?dn this avenue I? can see t?he Hng Yua?n building? ith 9 str??eys high. In frnt f ?this build?ing lies a? square, n? hich stan?ds a grass? ?area. Next t this b?uilding is? a lake?,hich has bee?n carved u?p ?int t parts by a c?harming ar?ch bridge.? There are? many ease?ful ?stne chairs near?by the lak?e hich prv?ided ven?ience fr u?s t have ?a fresh air? under the? shinny gr?een trees.? e can enj?y ur eeken?d ?in the beautiful p?avilin ith? the artif?icial lake?. G acrss ?the ?garden and alk t?ard the es?t?,the starting pint ??in my vie is t ?mini mutns surr?unding aru?nd. There ?are steps ?up t the t?p f the ?hill directl?y hich ffe?r us a cha??nce t d exercise and? have ?relaxatins dur?ing ur spa?re time. u?r YIFU lib?rary is fa?mus in ?ur university? fr its ma??gnificent structures? and frtab?le screen.? ?The lake in frnt f ?the librar?y adds mre? vigr t th?e atmspher?e ?f studyi?ng. ur campus is as ?beautiful ?as a paint?ing at all? seasns. ?The scenery? f trees a?nd flers c?uld alays ?make yu fe?el arm jus?t ?like at yur n hme.? All I hav?e said abv?e is nt en?ugh t sh y?u ur ?fantastic campu?s?,if yu ant t verify? my rds?,ele. ?
?篇三: ?
关于介绍大学的英语作文? ele t ...... ?University?, hich is ?ne ?f the key univers?ities in .?.....prvin?ce. As a s?cience cll?ege, ?ur cllege regar?d the civi?l engineer?ing as the? key disci?pline ?and mainly cul?tivate sci?ence and t?echnlgical? talents ,? and ?there als are l?iberal art?s majrs su?ch as em?ic, cultur?al and ?thers,. As a ?freshman, ?yu shuld l?earn sme b?asic curse?s, such ?as advanced ?mathematic?s ,Cllege ?English ,C?llege Phys?ics, ?mechanics, PE a?nd s n. Th?e junir il?l need t l?earn sme p?rfessinal ?
curses.Stu?dents can ?chse the d?irectins a?ccrding t ?their ?interests t ?tinue a fu?rther stud?y.Being th?e senir , ?the ?majrity f peple ?ill get a ??jb in a gd pany. but? the premi?se is ?that yu need t? read all ?the prfess?inal pulsr?y, and pas?s the exam? ?ith great grades.In? additin ,?yu shuld l?earn elect?ive curses? and ?get enugh credi?ts. hat yu? shuld pay? attentins? t is that? yu must ?g back t yu?r apartmen?t n time .?and dn t a?bsent clas?ses ithut ??prper reasns.?篇四:
高考英语作文校园游范?文? 作文题目 目前许多著名大学校园向公?
现象谈谈你的看法。? 写作思路一? 可以写成一篇利弊分析型的议论文?
章?, 客观地分析和评论这一现象的正反两方?面,并探讨对这一现象??的解决方法。
?大学校园游热潮,我认为既有利又有弊? ?
?(三)解决问题: ?
我认为可行的解决方法? 写作思路二 ?也可以支持校园游为中心论?点,文章首段就应着重强调它所带来的?优点,然后在中间二段?详尽论?述,结尾部分再次强调。?
?再次强调中心论点。? 写作思路三 也可以写成反对校园游的?文章?(分析思路可借鉴“写作思路二”?) Sample 1 Ac?crding t a? recent ?survey, the ?campuses f? famus uni?versities ?are being ?ne ht turi?st ?attractins?,hich appeal t ma?ny city re?sidents. p?inins n th?is ?phenmenn vary frm? persn t p?ersn. As f?r me, ther?e are meri?ts and ?demerits ce?rning camp?us turism.? As can be? easily se?en, paying?? a visit t sme famus? universit?ies des be?nefit pepl?e a lt. It? can ?help rdinary pe?ple, espec?ially midd?le schl st?udents, ha?ve a ?better understa?nding f cl?lege life,? stimulati?ng their i?nterest ?in? science and culture?. In addit?in, the in?e frm tick?et sales ?can be used? t imprve ?the campus? envirnmen?t as ell a?s scientif?ic ?researches. n the? ther hand?, campus t?urism ill ?als give r?ise ?t sme prblems. n?ce large n?umbers f t?urists flc?k t campus?es, the ?nrmal studie?s and live?s f studen?ts and prf?essrs ill ?undubtedly?? be disturbed. hat?’s mre, lts ?f rubbish ?left by tu?rists may ?bee ?a big burden fr ?the univer?sities. Th?erefre, gd? managemen?t is ?a key factr in ?the succes?s f campus? turism. I?n my pinin?, e may ?pen universi?ty campuse?s t turist?s during v?acatin nly??. In this ay, the pr??blems mentined abve ?culd be sl?ved in sme? ay. Sampl?e ?2 hen I visited Be?ijing last? year?,my friend ther??e arranged fr ?me a campus visi?t t Beijin?g Universi?ty?,hich left a deep ?impressin ?n me. Frm ?my pint f ?vie, campu?s turism c??an greatly ?benefit peple and t?he sciety ?as ell. T ?begin ith,? universit?ies ?are hly palaces ?f knledge ?t mn peple?. Campus t?urism ffer?s a gd ?chance t them? t e near ?their drea?mland, rea?lizing the?ir dreams ?hich didn?’t r ha ven?’?t e true. Turing ar?und the un?iversity ?campus can ?satisfy pe?ple?’s respect fr sci?ence, cult?ure and ?humanism, hi?ch is ell ?rth ding. ?Furthermre??, campus turism ill ?d a lt f g?d t ur sci?ety ithut ?any invest?ment. peni?ng the ?university il?l nt nly d?ra many ci?tizens frm? scenic sp??ts but als ?create an atmsphere? f learnin?g in the h?le sciety,? and there?fre ?
it is helpful in? shaping a? harmnius ?sciety. Al?l in all, ?the fact ?is that cam?pus turism? is here t? stay ith ?us, and I ?think many?? peple uld like t ac?cept it. A?lthugh the?re is smet?hing t be ?imprved ab?ut this ne? kind f tu?rism, I d ?hpe it ill? develp sm?thly ?s as t be benef?icial t us? t a great?er extent.? Sample 1 ?Accrding ?t a recent ?survey, th?e campuses? f famus u?niversitie?s are bein?g ?ne ht turist attra?ctins?, hich appeal t? many city? residents?. ?pinins n this phen?menn vary ?frm persn ?t persn. A?s fr me, t??here are merits and ?demerits c?ncerning c?ampus turi?sm. As can? be ?easily seen, pay?ing a visi?t t sme fa?mus univer?sities des? benefit ?peple a lt.? It can he?lp rdinary? peple, es?pecially m?iddle schl? ?students, have a be?tter under?standing f? cllege li?fe, ?stimulating thei?r interest? in scienc?e and cult?ure. In ad?ditin, ?the ine frm t?icket sale?s can be u?sed t impr?ve the cam?pus ?envirn?ment as ell as scien?tific rese?arches. n ?the ther h?and, ?campus turism i?ll als giv?e rise t s?me prblems?. nce larg?e numbers ?f turists ??flck t campuses, the? nrmal stu?dies and l?ives f ?students and ?prfessrs i?ll undubte?dly be dis?turbed. ha?t?’s mre, lts f rubbi?sh left by? turists m?ay bee a b?ig burden ?fr the ?universities.? Therefre,? gd manage?ment is a ?key factr ?in the ?success f cam??pus turism. In my pi?nin, e may? pen unive?rsity ?campuses t tur?ists durin?g vacatin ?nly. In th?is ay, the? prblems ?mentined ab?ve culd be? slved in ?sme ay. Sa?mple 2 Sam?ple 2 hen ?I visited ?Beijing la?st year?, my friend t?here arran?ged fr me ?a campus v?isit t Bei??jing University?, hich left a d?eep impres?sin ?n me. Frm my pin?t f vie, c?ampus turi?sm can gre?atly benef?it peple ?and the sci?ety as ell?. T begin ?ith, unive?rsities ar?e hly pala??ces f knledge t mn p?eple. Camp?us turism ?ffers a gd? chance t ?them ?t e n?ear their dreamland,? realizing? their dre?ams hich d?idn?’t r haven?’t e true. Turing? arund the? universit?y campus c?an ?satisfy peple?’s respect fr ?science, c?ulture and? humanism,? hich ?
is ell rth din?g. Further?mre, campu?s turism i?ll d a lt ?f gd t ?ur sciety ith?ut any inv?estment. S?ample 3 N ?it is mn t?? see a lt
f parents ?and grandp?arents shi?ng their c?hildren, e?ven tddler?s, ?arund the univers?ity campus?, hich is ?being mre ??and mre ppular ?in ur sciety. T?he phenmen?n has gene?rated a he?ated debat?e. As ?far as I am ?cerned, al?l tur grup?s shuld be? banned fr?m the ?campus. My rea?sns fr thi?s are as f?lls: First?, e shuld ?maintain ?rder n camp?us. A univ?ersity shu??ld be a place fr stu?dents and ?prfessrs t? learn and? study. If? it is crd?ed ith pht?-snapping ?turists, t?alking lud?ly near cl??assrms, a quiet stud?y envirmen?t ?ill be disturbed, ?thus causi?ng many pl?aints frm ?students a?nd ?teachers. Sed, ?security i??s als an aspect e sh?uld take i?nt ?sideratin cer?ning campu?s turism. ?If a unive?rsity bees? a ?turist destinatin?, peple f ?different ?kinds ill ?flck t the? campus. ?Perhaps nt ?nly ill sm?e public r? teaching ?facilities? be damage?d, ?but the? security f persnal ?prperty ca?n nt be gu?aranteed. ?All ?the disadvantage?s sidere?d, e shuld? clse the ?drs f ?universities t? public vi?sitrs. A q?uiet and p?eaceful pl?ace shuld ?be given b?ack t the ?prfessrs a?nd student?s in the u?niversity.??篇五:
关于大学是否开放校园旅游英?语作文? Shuld the univer?sity be ?pened t turi?st As e kn?,hen e hav?e free tim?e,sme pepl?e ill chic??e t travel.As time g?es n,sme f?amus unive?rsity bee ?ht turist ?spt. ?Anthing has t s?ides.Shuld? the unive?rsity be p?ened t tri?st has ?advantage and? diaadvant?age.T bega?n ith,camp?us tur can? bring ?emic benefi?t.hat?’s mre,e can mu??nicate ith different? ?peple.Finally, this? apprach c?an make ma?(?来自:.SmhaiDa. ?海达范文网:介绍大学校园英语作文?)ny parent?s and stud?ents t kn ?abut ?the cllege and ?imprve sch?l reputati?n . But sm?e peple th?ink that ?shuld nt le?t the camp??us has bee a turist ?attractins?.Because m?any ?strangers enter ?int campus? hich brin?gs securit?y prblems.?It ill ?
prduce garbag?e influenc?e campus e?nvirnment.? As fr me,?the kind ?f phenmenn ?advantage ?uteigh its?? disadvantage.If e c?hse the ?vacatin peni?ng campus ?cann?’t nly t let mre? peple kn ?abut clleg??e and slved the prbl?em. ? [?学习提示?] 易混词汇: chice, ?
alternative, p?reference,? ptin, sel?ectin, ele?ctin ?均含有“选?择”之意。
作文八:《美丽的大学校园英语作文 Beauty on the Campus》1700字
美丽的大学校园英语作文 Beauty on the Campus
美丽的大学校园英语作文 Beauty on the Campus
美丽的大学校园英语作文 Beauty on the Campus
学校工作总结美丽的大学校园英语作文 Beauty on the
作文九:《美丽的大学校园英语作文 Beauty on the Campus》12400字
美丽的大学校园英语作文 Beauty on the Campus
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3. 在区委老干部局领导的大力帮助下,力所能竭为老干解决一些实际困难。
回顾一年来的工作,有3 点使我们感受很深:一是得到了区委老干部局领导的关怀和指导。二是要充分发挥了离退休老干部的作用(主要是建立了离退休干部联络员制度)。三是我们在工作中,要做到“三勤(近)”,即:脚勤、手勤、心近。
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考研屋 .kaoyanwu.
Academic Dishonesty on Campus
It is shown in the recent surveys that many college students copy papers from the Internet to save the trouble of doing their homework. In my opinion,this kind of academic dishonesty is very
harmful to these students.
First, copying papers from the Internet makes students lazy. Copying papers from the Internet seems easy and can save some time and trouble, therefore, students will do this more and more often and seldom work hard to plete their papers on their own. In other words, students will bee lazier and lazier. Second. students can learn little from copying others’ work. Students
cannot improve their abilities just by downloading papers from the Internet without their own thinking and working. What’s worse, once students get used to academic cheating, they may also cheat in other cases in the future, which will be very dangerous for them.
To prevent academic dishonesty on campus, some punishment by the school may be necessary. But the most important thing is that teachers should talk to those students, and make them aware of the fact that copying others’ work cannot bring them any knowledge and that only by working
hard can they improve themselves.
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考研屋 .kaoyanwu. :提供各大机构考研、公务员、四六级辅导视频课程 考研路上必备的网站----考研屋 .kaoyanwu.
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