注意:1、信的开头已为你写好2、词数100左右 Dear editor:
Recently we have had a heated discussion on whether people should keep pets at home in cities. Some students think it's a good idea to keep pets because many old people who live alone at home can get some forts from pets. Besides, getting along well with animals will make our life interesting. On the contrary the
other students are against the idea. In their opinion if too many people keep pets at home, it's bad for the environment. What is worse, pets may make too much noise and even attack people.
I like animals, so I don't think it's bad to keep pets at home. But we must take some measures to prevent them from polluting our environment.
篇二:英语作文 关于养宠物
Keeping pets
What ar
e pets? Just the domesticated animals we keep in our home and take care of? Or perhaps more than this? For many of us, pets are unique and individual characters, almost people in the sense of how we relate to them. We speak to them and give them the physical affection (kissing, hugging, stroking and carrying) normally reserved for our children. In this way they could even be treated as members of our families. For me, I would like to keep pets, because they act as members of my families, bringing panionship, a sense of security and life lessons of responsibilities to people, especially children. But some of my friends hate pets, they think keeping pets brings a lot of disadvantages.
The biggest annoying thing to them is that caring pets needs time. However, I hold the very opposite opinion. More people feel alone
in the busy and hectic routine of the present day world. Hence, people need panionship to avoid stress and mental anguish. It can be found that more and more people suicide because they bee depressed and doubt whether they have worth. This thought will make the situation deteriorate. If they keep pets, they will be acpanied at home and can talk and play with them. These pets are good silent listeners and best secret keepers, which help people to overe the loneliness. Furthermore, some special dogs can help disable people, especially the blind. For example, they help blind people to cross the road to protect their safety.
Secondly, money is also an obstacle. But at the same time, most people keep dogs for their home security. When an intruder or a stranger walks around your house, dogs will bark loudly, making a noise to warn you and frighten the stranger. Therefore, you do not need to worry that burglars may break into the house. Instead, your dogs will help to protect your money and safety.
In addition, the pets especially dogs are naughty and it should be instructed. So keeping pets can teach children to be responsible and respect life. It can encourage a child to feel accountability and help to develop a conscience and sense of responsibility, because the child feel that feeding and taking care of a pet is his responsibility to avoid the pet from danger. Moreover, children learn that pets
deserve respectful treatment, just as they do. They find that pets are like humans, which also have needs and feelings, and can get hungry, thirsty and tired. They deserve caring as humans.
In conclusion, I must say pets will make your life as fun as you can
The Advantages and Disadvantages of Keeping Pets
the disadvantages of keeping a pet
many people like to keep a kind of annimal as a pet ,such as
dogs,cats,birds,and so on .they put so great enthusiasm on them that some pets are treated like their family members.
a good relationship between people and pets can be very
fortable.they are loyal audiences of you ,while you have something can't tell any one else.they occuppy the loneliness ,cure your pains,make anxious hearts return to peace and innocence ,some pets even can help to cure some mental disease.that's the advantages of keeping an pet. however ,pets are often expensive,to feed them would even cost more .too much money spend on pets are more or less a little improper while there are so many starving people in this nation.
some dangerous pets are a menace to their owners ,even a dog attack people sometimes,things could be worse if they carrying some fatal virus.that's the disadvantages of keeping a pet.
饲养动物的 16 种好处 当你情绪低落或外来压力颇大的时候,是不是也曾因为看著心爱宠物 的照片,就有一种获得解脱的放松呢?家中饲养宠物的人,一定也有过 抚摸他的背,心情就转变得宁静并有一种放松心情的愉快经验. 最近国外非常盛行[动物疗法],她以能治疗心灵,产生和疾病战斗力 的治疗法而备受重视.宠物不但长得灵巧可爱,还能带来很多正面效 果,甚至医学界也相当瞩目,不论你是否饲养宠物,何不再重新一次改 变您对宠物的观点呢! 饲养动物的 16 种效用 1.让你忘掉寂寞. 2.和无力感说再见. 3.紧张压力一扫而空. 4.笑脸增加,性格保持开朗. 5.成为有爱心的小孩. 6.不被价值偏差的社会所击败. 7.了解生命的重要. 8.从虚幻的世界中脱离. 9.是朋友交谈的最好开端. 10.交友圈可扩展到邻居. 11.预防亲子关系决裂. 12.外出变得积极起来. 13.运动不足的现象自然消除.
14.能拥有正常规律的生活. 15.减肥效果倍增. 16.预防生活习惯病变. 专家认为,宠物能为人们带来好的影响,这是绝对错不了的事,因此也 希 望各位对宠物的情事更加理解,并构筑彼此更深远的关系. 优点:寂寞时有“人”陪 能感受到纯真的感情 自己被需要的感觉很好 缺点: 家中会有异味, 会脏 (如果是猫、 狗而你又不能 勤打扫的话) 当它们离开你的时候会很难过 不能出远门,心中要时刻记挂着它们 要顶住来自家人和邻居的压力 Some people like keeping pets, while some people think we should stop keeping pets, but I think we shouldn’ stop keeping pets because pets are our good friends. t For example, a strong dog can keep your house safe all the time and a lovely cat or rabbit can make you happy all the time. You will have fun when you play with them and look after them. When you feel sad, you can play with your pets and this will give you a good mood. But not all pets are good. Some dangerous and wild animals, such as snakes, wolves, tigers may be harmful to you. Sometimes, pets will damage the enviroment because they
always make dirty things. But, on the whole, I think pets are friendly to people and we shouldn’t stop keeping petsYour Dog If you can start the day without caffeine, If you can get going without pep pills, If you can always be cheerful, ignoring aches and pains, If you can resist plaining and boring people with your troubles, If you can eat the same food everyday and be grateful for it, If you can understand when your loved ones are too busy to give you any time, If you can overlook it when those you love take it out on you when, through no fault of yours, something goes wrong, If you can take criticism and blame without resentment, If you can ignore a friend\'s limited education and never correct him, If you can resist treating a rich friend better than a poor friend, If you can face the world witho
ut lies and deceit, If you can conquer tension without medical help, If you can relax without liquor, If you can sleep without the aid of drugs, If you can say honestly that deep in your heart you have no
prejudice against creed, color, religion or politics, Then, my friend, you are almost as good as your dog!
There are many advantages of keeping a pet. Firstly, it's good for culturing people's love and sense of responsibility. If you keep a pet, you must feed it several times a day. In that case, you will feel it's your duty. Secondly, you can have a faithful friend that you can tell him anything even your secret in your heart, because it can't tell anyone else. Finally, you can have a guard that it can tell you at once if the stranger e. In a word, you can have lots of beneficialness by keeping a pet. 养宠物有很多好处。 首先,养宠物有助于培养人的爱心和责任感。如果你养宠物,你必须 每天喂它几次,从而你就感到这是你的责任。其次,你会有一个忠实 的朋友。你可以告诉它任何心底的秘密,因为它不会告诉任何人。最 后,你还可以拥有一个保镖。如果有陌生人近来它会马上告诉你。 总而言之,养宠物你获益良多。
the benifits and disavantages of having pets pets are our friends. they are cute and they are fun. we need
to feed and clean pets; we can learn to take responsibilities when we have pets. for older people, pets are very important. pets stay with them and make them no longer lonely. sometimes pets can even save people's lives. pets can also be dirty and dangerous- they might bite people and get us ill. sometimes pets can cost us a lot of money, too
Many people like to keep a kind of annimal as a pet ,such as dogs,cats,birds,and so on .They put so great enthusiasm on them that some pets are treated like their family members. A good relationship between people and pets can be very fortable.They are loyal audiences of you ,while you have something can't tell any one else.They occuppy the
loneliness ,cure your pains,make anxious hearts return to peace and innocence ,some pets even can help to cure some mental disease.that's the advantages of keeping an pet. However ,pets are often expensive,to feed them would even cost more .Too much money spend on pets are more or less a little improper while there are so many starving people in this nation. Some dangerous pets are a menace to their owners ,even a dog attack people sometimes,things could be worse if they carrying some fatal virus.That's the disadvantages of keeping a pet.
●可以培养孩子的爱心:关心小动物、爱护小生灵,本来就是人类提 倡的美德,如果家里不仅有别人关心孩子,孩子也有关心的对象,这 样可从小培养孩子的爱心。
●可以替代配偶:老公不在家虽然闷得慌,还好,有只狗陪着; 而且狗不吸烟、不长脚气、不嫌你胖;不会喝醉酒了要你伺候它;你
不必担心会和它的母亲发生婆媳问题; 给它点儿吃的就能让它受宠若 惊;闷了,它还愿意陪你散步、逛街。总之,有只狗比有个老公省事 多了。
●可以找到拒客的好托词:对那些爱蹭饭的同事说,我们家的猫 正在闹情绪,一见生人就狂抓,别人听了肯定不敢再来蹭饭吃。
●可以联络感情:宠物一关不严实就往外跑,一旦跑了,你就可 以满院子、满楼道挨家挨户地找,街坊邻里不全都熟了?在小区里散 步,经常碰到其他遛狗的人,大家可以抽空交流一下。
●可以视同子女: 养宠物和养孩子有异曲同工之妙, 涵盖吃、 喝、 拉、撒、睡等多个方面,除了不指望它上大学和赡养老人。
●可以赏心悦目:心情不好的时候,回头看到你喜欢的宠物,然 后再被它们的搔首弄姿逗得破涕为笑,是不是觉得心情好多了?
●可以测试你的耐心:为了改变它们喜欢随地大小便、抓沙发、 深夜大叫的坏习惯, 你必须很有耐心地训练它们, 就像训练自己一样。
●可以与之倾诉:专业心理医生赞同饲养宠物,因为宠物可以减 少他们的门诊负担。当你需要哭诉而心理门诊又太贵的时候,宠物就 是你最好的诉说对象。虽然它们不会安慰你,也不会给你提供治疗计 划,但有个说话的伴儿总比没有强。
●可以增值: 既然有养宠物是为了玩的, 就有养宠物是为了卖的。 有的狗曾卖到三十多万,一只鸟也打破了 10 万元的纪录,虽说现在 钱贬值得厉害,从事此道的人却依然不少,谁又能说这不是养宠物的 理由?
●可以增强心理承受力:这不,它又带来一只土鳖虫,放在枕头 边。这样的礼物几乎每天都能收到:臭大姐、蚯蚓、麻雀以及恐怖的 老鼠尾巴。这种发自天性的爱实在叫人害性,可它却兴致勃勃。 请问专家饲养宠物有什么益处? 专家答复: 在越来越城市化的社会里,人的生活和活动的空间显得越来越 小,人与人的交流和交往也越来越少,而犬猫可以作为人很好的生活 伴侣,可以帮助我们人解除生活的孤寂,调节人的心理健康。当然也
有养犬是出于对宠物爱好。以下是养宠物的一些好处: 1、宠物作为我们人类的伴侣动物是我们人类获得幸福和健康生 活的一个来源,饲养宠物可以让人们生活的更健康,更充实,同时对 人的心脏有好处,能降低血压和血脂,研究发现患有心脏病和具它一 些慢性病,饲养宠物犬猫后,通过调节人的一些心理状态,可以明显 减轻临床症状。通过遛犬,与它一起玩耍,可以放松人的精神。 2、对于一些独居的孤独老年人有益于他们的身心健康,通过与 宠物的相互沟通使老年人生活的更充实。 犬对于独居的人是
最好的伴 侣。对于一些单身的老年人在家发生一些意外情况,如突然中风,心 脏病突发,经过训练的伴侣宠物能及时起到报警作用。 3、在日益竞争激烈的社会中饲养宠物可以提供精神支持,特别 是在遇到打击时,通过与宠物犬的交流,有利于饲养者的心理健康, 减轻生活中产生的各种不必要的压力,从而提高工作的效率。 4、饲养宠物可以培养孩子的责任心和爱心和社会社交能力。在 孩子抚养犬时,会扮演正面角色。而且,犬被心理学家广泛地用于医 治或帮助有问题的孩子或成人。饲养小犬会给儿童从小带给责任感, 和对动物的理解和同情,这些常常会转移到人身上,产生同样的对人 的理解和同情心和关心的效果。 5、饲养宠物可以保护家庭,起到防止家庭被盗窃,护卫作用, 使整个家庭有一种安全感。宠物的听觉和嗅觉都十分敏感,对主人家 庭十分忠诚,在遇到意外的情况下,宠物会挺身而出不顾自己的生命 保护主人和家庭,另外家里如果发生一些煤气泄露或是忘关水龙头,
它也会及时提醒主人。 6、饲养宠物也可以达到治疗疾病的作用,如果一个患有胃病者 饲养一条长毛狗经常把狗抱在怀里有利于胃的康复。 7、饲养宠物也可以带来无限的乐趣成为快乐和欢乐的源泉,并 能促进人们进行体育锻炼,提供人与人相互交流的机会。 8、国外对饲养犬猫者进行调查发现拥有宠物能明显改善健康状 况,并且每年看病的次数明显减少,即使生病其症状比不养宠物的人 明显轻,所以饲养宠物可以明显减少我们用于治病的医药开支。 9、另外宠物作一个产业,在经济社会中的比重越来越重,可以 解决许多人的就业和相关产业的发展。 据报道上海宠物相关产业每年 近六个亿人民币。有宠物美容、用品、药品、宠物医院、宠物饲料等。 同时宠物上的一些相关产业正在开发。
======================= 请问专家饲养宠物的害处? 专家答复: 当然饲养宠物也有许多害处, 最主要是宠物可以感染许多人犬共 患病,有些疾病是严重威胁我们人类生命的安全,需要引起我们足够 重视的。由于宠物与我们有密切接触的情况,在饲养各类可爱的宠物 同时,一定要做好宠物疾病的预防和控制,一定要防止宠物疾病传染 给人,否则产生的危害远大于饲养宠物的好处。下面分别说明介绍。 1、狂犬病不容忽视,狂犬病是人类传染病中死亡率最高的人畜
共患病,犬猫是最容易感染和携带狂犬病病毒,如果饲养犬猫过多, 不进行十分有效的狂犬病的免疫, 并随意流浪一些不免疫和无证的犬 猫,就有可能使这些宠物感染狂犬病等各类疾病,就会引起人类疾病
的流行,一旦发生狂犬病的流行对我们人类将会带来生命的威胁。所 以饲养犬首要是要做好狂犬病的有效免疫。 确保饲养人和他人的生命 安全和社会的安定。 所以狂犬病的免疫每个国家都是法定强制性的免 疫。 2、弓形体等其它人畜共患病,由于犬猫的生活习惯使得犬猫感 染弓形体和一些肠道寄生虫十分普遍,弓形体是人畜共患病,如果孕 妇密切接触病犬,感染后可能会引起孕妇流产和胎儿的畸形,所以孕 妇还是要远离宠物为好,如果要接触,应对所养的宠物进行弓形体健 康检查,确保没有感染后才可放心接触。 3、目前由于随意饲养宠物引起犬猫咬人、伤人的事故发生较多, 对人造成了肉体和精神伤害, 一些野犬和流狼犬成为我们的感染疾病 的隐患,同时被咬后也要支付较高的治疗和免疫费用,加重了我们的 经济负担。 4、另外宠物的肠道寄生虫和皮肤的真菌感染也较普遍,与人密 切接触很有可能感染饲养者,宠物也能感染结核病、布氏杆菌病等疾 病,严重威胁我们人类的健康。饲养宠物的同时对这些疾病也要引起 我们重视。 5、饲养宠物对环境造成的危害,由于大多数宠物饲养者环保意 识较差,犬猫在小区或公共场所随意大小便,另外宠物病死后的尸体
随意丢弃,严重污染了我们的生活环境,也产生了动物疾病引起流行 的可能。 6、饲养宠物也可能会影响邻居关系,由于我们现在城市的住房 还没有达到独门独户,饲养宠物特别是一些大型宠物的叫声,影响邻 居的生活,有些犬会对邻居造成伤害,引起不必要的纠纷,饲养宠物 引起邻居的抱怨,这是很常见的,所有养犬的人一生至少碰到一次, 这要引起养犬的人的思想准备。 7、养犬经济上要有很多花费,这是一定要认识到的。还要接种 疫苗,除虫,抚养,喂食,生病时给它照顾,这些增加了家庭的经济 负担,每年的办证,免疫看病费,饲料用品等费用对一个普通的家庭 来说是一笔较大的开支。对经济较为困难,但又十分喜爱饲养宠物的 家庭,会带来了更重的经济负担,我们也必须充分认识到。在我国的 经济还不很发达的今天,宠物每年也消耗大量的食物和资金。城市中 每年用于养犬的钱可以养活大量的我国贫困人口。 8、限制养犬人的许多自由,因为犬需要照顾,甚至周末和假期 也不例外(许多人养宠物前没有意识到,以后认识到这点都太晚了, 有些人于是产生将犬遗弃流放) 。因有些人怕犬而发生危险,或有些 人太宠爱犬而未采用适当保护措施而造成问题出现, 或犬因惊吓而出 现咬人伤人的危险,这些都是养宠物中会遇到的常见情况。 所以饲养宠物有
利有弊,在饲养宠物前要充分权衡利和弊,饲养 后要把弊降到最低程度。
========================== 请问专家如何健康安全饲养宠物? 专家答复: 尽管饲养宠物有利也有弊,饲养宠物后有些隐患还是较为严重, 但目前城市养宠物, 数量越来越大, 关注宠物的各阶人士也越来越多, 最关健我要有正确的引导,要做到健康安全饲养宠物, 1、饲养宠物前要经过家庭所有成员的同意,同时要考虑到是否 会妨碍邻居的出入和所在小区的一些规定。 2、要准备养犬也要考虑自已的经济状况。 3、购买犬要到正规的犬场、商店,确定是否健康,是否免疫。 4、要合法养犬要去公安局登记办证,并经政府许可的部门每年 进行狂犬病及其他疾病的免疫,和必要的健康检查,以有效防止狂犬 病的发生。 5、有儿童的家庭养犬更要注意犬类健康特别是一些寄生虫病的 感染会影响儿童的健康,有孕妇的家庭,饲养犬必须保证犬猫没有弓 形虫感染,以免孕妇感染造成流产。 6、饲养犬猫要有责任心,切不可流放和随意丢弃尸体。宠物病 死后提倡火化。 如果做不到以上几条我奉劝大家还是不要养犬的为好。 好处: 1.宠物是自然的情绪调节剂。和猫狗在一起,或观赏游动的 鱼儿 15-30 分钟,可减轻压力。
2.稳定血压。一项研究表明,与宠物狗玩耍可预防儿童患高血 压。
3.降低胆固醇。一项新研究发现,养宠物有助于降低胆固醇和 甘油三酯水平。当然,宠物主人还应注意饮食锻炼等生活方式因素。
4.宠物猫狗有益心脏。一项为期 20 年的研究发现,没养宠物猫 的人群,心脏病死亡率比养宠物猫的人高 40%。另一项研究发现,养 宠物狗可以提高心脏病发作后的生存率。
6.有益健身。每天遛狗 30 分钟可达到适度运动最低标准,肥胖 几率更低。
16.治疗儿童自闭症。与宠物在一起可以刺激患儿触觉、听觉、 嗅觉等感觉,增强注意力。
17.遛狗能强壮骨骼。遛狗有助于接受更多阳光,增加体内维生 素 D。
19.与宠物狗一道治疗关节炎。如果你的宠物狗有关节炎,可与 宠物一道锻炼,同时服药。
21. 缓解风湿病。 与宠物散步或扔飞盘等活动, 有益缓解风湿病。
22.狗身体产生的热量对慢性疼痛患者有节炎的人来说。 “就像安定一样,宠物
能减少焦虑。焦虑越少,痛苦就越少。 ”他说, “关于急性疼痛的一些 研究发现, 使用宠物治疗的成年人对止痛药的需求比那些没有使用的 人要低 50%。 ”
4. 降低胆固醇
根据 CDC 的说法,养宠物对心脏健康的另一个好处是降低胆固 醇。 “他们大概通过五点来降低胆固醇。 ”贝克尔说。至于是不是宠物 的存在降低了胆固醇, 还是说那些保持了健康生活方式的人往往是宠 物主人,这一点还不是很清楚。但有一点是肯定的,宠物主人,特别 是男性宠物主的甘油三酸酯和胆固醇含量都比不养宠物的人要低。
5. 改善情绪
“养宠物的人烦恼更少,他们的生活中有更多笑声。 ”贝克尔说, “当你回到家,你会觉得自己是乔治·克鲁尼,是个明星。 ”这是宠 物被作为各种形式疗法一个最基本的原因。 “在沃尔特里德陆军医疗 中心,他们用狗来帮助士兵解决严重创伤后遗症, ”兽医学博士凯
蒂·纳尔逊说, “他们发现养宠物能使他们更容易重新融入社会。而 且, 养宠物还能降低自杀率, 这是退伍军人面临的最严重的健康威胁。 养宠物会使他们有一种责任感,会觉得自己是被关心着的,他们也不 必向宠物解释他们曾经经历过什么。 ”
6. 帮助人们社交
虽然听起来有点不合常理,但养狗的确是能增加主人社交的机 会,天然宠物食品品牌 Nulo 的首席执行官迈克尔·兰达这样认为。 “我每天都带我的狗出去散步,每次途中都会有 5 到 10 次停下来跟 人说说话。 ”他说。PetConnection. 的社会媒体网络编辑克里斯 蒂·基思对此表示赞同: “一份 1999 年加拿大的研究发现,宠物主人 的‘社会参与度’比非宠物主人要高。 ”此外,奥地利的一项研究发 现宠物主的身份有助于增加社会接触,增加邻里间的交往(比如邻居 之间在遛狗的时间会聊聊天),甚至于让邻里间的关系更加和谐。
7. 预防中风
不仅仅是养狗,养猫同样也对健康有很多好处。 “如果你养猫, 那你得心脏病的几率就降低了 30%,患心血管疾病的几率就则降低了 40%, ”贝克尔说。另外,宠物能够帮助心脏病患者恢复健康。 “如果 你有心脏病,养狗能让你恢复健康的几率增加八倍。 ”
8. 监控糖尿病患者的血糖水平
根据美国糖尿病协会的糖尿病预测杂志,1992 的一项研究发现, 与糖尿病人一起生活的宠物(大部分是狗,也有猫、鸟和兔子)中,有 三分之一在他们主人的血糖水平降低时会有行为上的变化。 这很可能 是对主人体内化学变化的一种反应。 一些组织为此专门训练了一些狗 狗去陪伴那些血糖含量不稳定的病人。
9. 防止过敏和
贝克尔说,宠物可以显著提高免疫力并且预防过敏。 “一项研究 发现,家里养宠物的 5 至 7 岁的孩子每年上学时间比其他同龄人多 3 个星期, ”他还说,小的时候接触越多的宠物,得过敏症的几率就会
越低。 “在农场或是在动物身边长大的孩子不会有过敏反应, ”他说, “这是自然的免疫疗法。 ”但他也指出,这种影响是不可逆的:养宠 物不会使一个成年人减少过敏反应, 而是仅仅有助于儿童预防某些过 敏。
10. 有助于孩子成长
孩子生长在有宠物的家庭有无数的好处, 尤其是在他们的情感发 展方面。 “孩子与猫或狗相处,能学会用更多方式表达自己,并能更 好的与人相处。 ”兰达说。她经常带孩子到动物收容所为它们提供玩 具和食物。 宠物也极大地有利于治疗儿童的孤独症和注意力缺陷多动 症。对有注意力缺陷多动症的孩子来说,照顾宠物能让他们把注意力 集中到责任感上,而拥抱和抚摸宠物能极大的抚慰有孤独症的孩子。
养宠物的好处 养宠物的好处
在越来越城市化的社会里,人的生活和活动的空间显得越来越小,人与人的交流和交往也越在越来越城市化的社会里,人的生活和活动的空间显得越来越小,人与人的交流和交往也越来越少,而犬猫可以作为人很好的生活伴侣,可以帮助我们人解除生活的孤寂,调节人的心来越少,而犬猫可以作为人很好的生活伴侣,可以帮助我们人解除生活的孤寂,调节人的心理健康。当然也有养犬是出于对宠物爱好。以下是养宠物的一些好处: 理健康。当然也有养犬是出于对宠物爱好。以下是养宠物的一些好处:
1、宠物作为我们人类的伴侣动物是我们人类获得幸福和健康生活的一个来源,饲养宠 1、宠物作为我们人类的伴侣动物是我们人类获得幸福和健康生活的一个来源,饲养宠物可以让人们生活的更健康,更充实,同时对人的心脏有好处,能降低血压和血脂,研究发物可以让人们生活的更健康,更充实,同时对人的心脏有好处,能降低血压和血脂,研究发现患有心脏病和具它一些慢性病,饲养宠物犬猫后,通过调节人的一些心理状态,可以明显现患有心脏病和具它一些慢性病,饲养宠物犬猫后,通过调节人的一些心理状态,可以明显减轻临床症状。通过遛犬,与它一起玩耍,可以放松人的精神。 减轻临床症状。通过遛犬,与它一起玩耍,可以放松人的精神。
2、对于一些独居的孤独老年人有益于他们的身心健康,通过与宠物的相互沟通使老年 2、对于一些独居的孤独老年人有益于他们的身心健康,通过与宠物的相互沟通使老年人生活的更充实。犬对于独居的人是最好的伴侣。对于一些单身的老年人在家发生一些意外人生活的更充实。犬对于独居的人是最好的伴侣。对于一些单身的老年人在家发生一些意外情况,如突然中风,心脏病突发,经过训练的伴侣宠物能及时起到报警作用。 情况,如突然中风,心脏病突发,经过训练的伴侣宠物能及时起到报警作用。
3、在日益竞争激烈的社会中饲养宠物可以提供精神支持,特别是在遇到打击时,通过 3、在日益竞争激烈的社会中饲养宠物可以提供精神支持,特别是在遇到打击时,通过与宠物犬的交流,有利于饲养者的心理健康,减轻生活中产生的各种不必要的压力,从而提与宠物犬的交流,有利于饲养者的心理健康,减轻生活中产生的各种不必要的压力,从而提高工作的效率。 高工作的效率。
4、饲养宠物可以培养孩子的责任心和爱心和社会社交能力。在孩子抚养犬时,会扮演 4、饲养宠物可以培养孩子的责任心和爱心和社会社交能力。在孩子抚养犬时,会扮演正面角色。而且,犬被心理学家广泛地用于医治或帮助有问题的孩子或成人。饲养小犬会给正面角色。而且,犬被心理学家广泛地用于医治或帮助有问题的孩子或成人。饲养小犬会给儿童从小带给责任感,和对动物的理解和同情,这些常常会转移到人身上,产生同样的对人儿童从小带给责任感,和对动物的理解和同情,这些常常会转移到人身上,产生同样的对人的理解和同情心和关心的效果。 的理解和同情心和关心的效果。
5、饲养宠物可以保护家庭,起到防止家庭被盗窃,护卫作用,使整个家庭有一种安全 5、饲养宠物可以保护家庭,起到防止家庭被盗窃,护卫作用,使整个家庭有一种安全感。宠物的听觉和嗅觉都十分敏感,对主人家庭十分忠诚,在遇到意外的情况下,宠物会挺感。宠物的听觉和嗅觉都十分敏感,对主人家庭十分忠诚,在遇到意外的情况下,宠物会挺身而出不顾自己的生命保护主人和家庭,另外家里如果发生一些煤气泄露或是忘关水龙头,身而出不顾自己的生命保护主人和家庭,另外家里如果发生一些煤气泄露或是忘关水龙头,它也会及时提醒主人。 它也会及时提醒主人。
6、饲养宠物也可以达到治疗疾病的作用,如果一个患有胃病者饲养一条长毛狗经常把 6、饲养宠物也可以达到治疗疾病的作用,如果一个患有胃病者饲养一条长毛狗经常把狗抱在怀里有利于胃的康复。 狗抱在怀里有利于胃的康复。
7、饲养宠物也可以带来无限的乐趣成为快乐和欢乐的源泉,并能促进人们进行体育锻 7、饲养宠物也可以带来无限的乐趣成为快乐和欢乐的源泉,并能促进人们进行体育锻炼,提供人与人相互交流的机会。 炼,提供人与人相互交流的机会。
8、国外对饲养犬猫者进行调查发现拥有宠物能明显改善健康状况,并且每年看病的次 8、国外对饲养犬猫者进行调查发现拥有宠物能明显改善健康状况,并且每年看病的次数明显减少,即使生病其症状比不养宠物的人明显轻,所以饲养宠物可以明显减少我们用于数明显减少,即使生病其症状比不养宠物的人明显轻,所以饲养宠物可以明显减少我们用于治病的医药开支。 治病的医药开支。
9、另外宠物作一个产业,在经济社会中的比重越来越重,可以解决许多人的就业和相9、另外宠物作一个产业,在经济社会中的比重越来越重,可以解决许多人的就业和相关产业的发展。据报道上海宠物相关产业每年近六个亿人民币。有宠物美容、用品、药品、关产业的发展。据报道上海宠物相关产业每年近六个亿人民币。有宠物美容、用品、药品、宠物医院、宠物饲料等。同时宠物上的一些相关产业正在开发。 宠物医院、宠物饲料等。同时宠物上的一些相关产业正在开发。
得多,伴侣动物对孩子、老人和独居者尤为有益。 2.加拿大哥伦比亚不列颠大学的研究证实,老人拥有伴侣动物,不仅对身体健康有好处,还能缩短他们康复的时间,节省医疗开支。研究人员发现,拥有伴侣动物的老人每年平均看病次数为30次,而没有伴侣动物的老人每年平均看病次数为37次。另外,他们还发现,年长的伴侣动物主人在医院过夜的时候比较少,他们每年住院的平均时间为8天,而没有伴侣动
本大学公共政策中心计算出,伴侣动物每年为国家医疗支出节省了15亿美元。 4.在英国,对256名小学生进行的调查显示,养宠物的孩子体内的免疫球蛋白A的分泌水平
最轻微。在日本和澳大利亚也得出过类似的调查结论。 7.在03年11月《心理发展与教育》杂志上,中国儿童中心的研究人员陈学锋、谢天壬发表长达近七千字的论文,通过广泛的调查和一系列数据证明,养有伴侣动物的儿童更有责任感、
生活能力更强,亲社会程度更高,更善于和乐意与伙伴分享,照顾他人。 8.拥有小动物的儿童更容易结识新朋友,因此带来更多的交流机会。成年人可以帮助儿童照顾小动物,共同分享其中的乐趣。英国剑桥的研究结果显示,饲养伴侣动物越多,孩子社交
12.澳大利亚的研究显示:58%的伴侣动物主人说,他们通过伴侣动物与人交往并结识朋友。 13.很多研究显示,残疾人豢养伴侣动物,使他们的社会交往明显增加,会更频繁地从路人
那里得到社会认可,如友好的目光、微笑或谈话。 14.(北京2004年4月15日电) 伴侣动物对空巢家庭老人的身心健康具有积极的影响 -- 这是北京师范大学心理学院与伴侣动物研究信息中心在今天召开的"老年人身心健康研讨会"上共同发布的一项最新调查结果。根据研究结果,喂养伴侣动物的空巢老人无论在身体和心
理方面都更加健康,伴侣动物对人身心健康有直接或条件性影响。 15.研究发现,长期和猫、狗泡在一起的儿童反而比刚刚开始饲养宠物的儿童更不易患上过
敏症。在对猫过敏的儿童中,80%从来没有在家里养过猫。 1、养宠物的孩子不易过敏
Pets can help prevent eczema and some allergies in children. Babies and toddlers who live with dogs -- but not cats -- have lower rates of childhood eczema than those raised without dogs. And young children who've had a cat or dog since their first year of life have fewer pet allergies than other kids their age。
People who own pets make fewer trips to the doctor than those who don't. As a result, pets help keep the cost of health care down for individuals as well as our nation。
Pet owners tend to have lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels than people who don't have pets。
Petting pets has been shown to reduce blood pressure and heart rates in adults. Even being in the same room with pets, including fish in tanks, can lower blood pressure and reduce stress in adults and children. Indeed, many dentists and other doctors keep aquariums in their waiting rooms. This not only helps relieve anxiety, but reduces the need for pain medication as well。
Regardless of age, people who have pets, especially dogs, get more exercise than non-pet owners. While this isn't surprising for dog owners, owners of other kinds of pets are also more likely to be physically active than people who don't have pets. Perhaps as a result of this increase in exercise, adults and kids with pets also tend to have lower rates of obesity。
不论年纪几何,养宠物,特别是养狗的人的运动量比其他不养宠物的人要大得多。这对于养狗的人来说很正常,养其他宠物的人比不养宠物的人也能获得更多锻炼身体的机会。也许是因为养动物增加了运动量,养宠物的成年人和小孩得肥胖症的几率也较低。 6、猫狗饲养者心脏病发存活率高
Dog and cat owners are significantly more likely to survive heart attacks than non-pet owners, regardless of the severity of the heart attacks。 忽视心脏病严重程度这个因素,猫、狗饲养者心脏病发后存活下来的几率比其他人要高。
2、人与动物和谐相处,增添生活乐趣 注意:1、信的开头已为你写好2、词数100左右 dear editor:i like animals, so i dont think
its bad to keep pets at home. but we must take
some measures to prevent them from polluting our environment.
高中英语作文范文10篇:养宠物 范文(五)
2、人与动物和谐相处,增添生活乐趣 注意:1、信的开头已为
你写好2、词数100左右 dear editor:i like animals, so i dont think its bad to keep pets at home. but we must take
some measures to prevent them from polluting our environment.
文朗读背诵3 (1)参考范文朗读背诵?
1(是否赞成体育纳入高考及原因; 2(简述健康与学习的关系;
students’ health has been getting worse these years, and some
believe putting pe into(高考) might be a way out. in my
opinion, it is essential to put pe into the college entrance examination
because it can body develop the strength of our spirits. in other words, i can’
t agree more. as we know, more and more pressure of study we have to face now so that
a strong body is of vital importance to help us shoulder the pressure. will be taken
for us to recover and our study progress will be influenced. as far as i’m concerned, schools have the responsibility to require students
to exercise one hour ever day at least. meanwhile ,schools are supposed to hold more
outdoor activities in order to make sure that each student is in good health.in a word, more and more attention should be paid to students’ health. nowadays, more and more high school students open their own blogs on the internet.
for one thing, it can provide a colorful platform to show their talent. for another,
it is a useful way to release their pressure, and all this makes it more and more
popular with students. but many parents and teachers hold the
different view.they
think that managing ones blog will take a lot of time and energy.our blogs.
blog itself is of little harm.matters. we should take the advantages and avoid
some bad effects.
3.目标话题:1.目标的重要性.2.如何设立目标. 3.谈谈你的近期目
目标. dear classmates,
it’s a great honor to have a chance to speak here . today i’d like
to share
my thought about goals with you.there is no denying that goals are important especially for seniors because they
act as maps guiding you to where are heading for. with a clear direction you will
straightly get what you want.in my view, goals are not difficult to set. first, you should make clear what
you really want. what’s more , it’s essential to make detailed
plans which can be
carried out step by step.to achieve this , not only will i spare no efforts and make full use of every
minute to be prepared, but also i will keep a positive attitude
towards ups and downs
in life.
wish you to realize your dreams. that’s all. thank you!
4. 某英文网站发起了论家庭饲养宠物的论坛,请你根据以下要
文写一篇短文,参与该论坛的讨论。1). 饲养宠物的流行情况;
2). 饲养宠物的好处与坏
处;3). 你家饲养的宠物的情况;4). 饲养宠物最值得注意的
地方。as for my family, we prefer a dog to any other animal. we think it is smarter,
and it needs less food and space than others. to keep a pet, you must make sure you have much spare time. at the same time,
make sure the animal is safe in health and it does not disturb the neighbours.
行为。《滚动测试卷三》in recent years, with the rapid development of chin’s economy, more and more
chinese people travel to foreign countries during their holidays and festivals. but
there’re much bad behavior among them. some people throw rubbish everywhere. they often make loud noises in public places.
besides, some people jump the queue while others are waiting. all these behaviors
seriously affect the image of chinese people. what should we do? firstly, we should
be friendly and keep quiet in public places. secondly, following the local customs
and obeying their laws are also necessary. also, it’s very
important to protect the
natural environment when travelling. in my opinion, it’s time
for us to get rid of our bad habits to he good tourists.
only in this way can we be respected by foreign people when we are in foreign countries.
6. 2月4日,星期天上午,你们班同学骑车到学校附近的公园组
morning our class organized an environmental protection activity in the
nearby park. on arriving there, we were divided into three groups .the first group
collected the rubbish, such as the waste paper, cigarette ends ,plastic bags and so
on. the second group set up several boards to remind the visitors
to take care of
the flowers and trees. the last group gave a speech to the visitors on the danger
of “white pollution” and the importance of protecting the
environment. i think it is very important for us to protect the environment .for the sake of
peoples health and happiness, measures should be taken to control and prevent
pollution and everyone should make a contribution to it.first, arrange your time properly. you’d better make a timetable so that
will know what to do and how to do it and take advantage of every minute. it will
make your work more efficient. living in the university, sometimes you will face some
problems that you can’t deal with all alone. then help from others will make things
easy for you. so get along well with all the people around you. always be open-minded
and warm-hearted. don’t speak ill of others at will. you should always bear in mind
that we are in a big family. at last, take an active part in societies.
at school are your second teachers. it will not only provide you more chances to make
friends and challenge yourself, but make your school life rich and colorful as well.
enjoy your university life!
8.module 4 复习朗读材料
cubism / kju:b?z?m/立体派绘画 cubist / kju:b?st/ 立体派艺术
1) pablo picasso, a spanish artist, was considered as the greatest western artist
of the ttieth century. he and george braque started of the object or person showing
at the same time.
roy liechtenstein, an american artist, is a world famous example of pop art. his
paintings showed ordinary ttieth-century city life. qi baishi and xu beihong were two examples of traditional chinese painting style.
qi was famous for painting shrimps while xu was known for his paintings of horses.
both painters have a beautiful 线条). i believe in our future
honorable judges, fellow students:good afternoon!
recently, ther is a heated debate in our society. the college students are the
beneficiaries of a rare privilege, who receive exceptional education at extraordinary
places. but will we be able to face the challenge and support ourselves against all
odds? will we be able to better the lives of others? will we be able to accept the
responsibility of building the future of our country?independently. we help each other clean the dormitory, go shopping and bargain
together, and take part time jobs to supplement our pocket money.the cynics say
we care for nothing other than grades; and we neglect the need for character
cultivation. but again, the cynics are wrong. we care deeply for each other, we cherish
freedom, we treasure justice, and we seek truth. last week, thousands of my fellow
students had their blood type tested in order to make a contribution for the children
who suffer from blood cancer.as college students, we are
adolescents at the critical turning point in our lives.
we all face a fundamental choice: cynicism or faith, each will profoundly impact our
future, or even the future of our country. i believe in all my fellow classmates.
though we are still inexperienced and even a little bit childish. i believe that we
have the courage and faith to meet any challenge and take on our responsibilities.
we are preparing to assume new responsibilities and tasks, and to use the education
we have received to make our world a better place. i believe in our future. 我对未来充满信心
验血,为了给患血癌的孩子贡献自己的力量。 作为大学生,我
17 change the ingredients of your life 十七、 王晨,20岁,安徽
change the ingredients of your life so my dear friend, if faith,
hope, love, endurance are added to your life, you
will find the confidence to conquer your limitation and embrace
new challenges. and
hopefully with my speech included, you will have a fantastic
speech contest. 改变生活的味道
浇铸这堆红砖,就会铸成一座集中营。 因此亲爱的朋友们,不要抱怨人生乏味,世间无望。不喜欢生活的味道,那就换一换生
她曾经说过:“孩子,如果体形无法改变,为什么不把它看做自己独特的风格呢,” 我开始
新的挑战。最后我的演讲包括在内,希望你会看到一场精彩的演讲比赛。 大学生英语演讲稿
十六、 杨颖,21岁,海南kipling said:“east is east, and west is
west, and never the twain shall meet!”
but now, a century later, they have met. i love beijing and hennan opera because it always reminds me of who i am. but
i am also a fan of pop music, especially english songs. so i when two cultures meet, there may be things in one culture, which do not fit into
the tradition of the other. when this happens, we need to learn to understand and
respect the customs of another culture. then there are certain things some people
may not like. to this, i will say, if you do not like it, please try to tolerate it.
to learn to tolerate what you personally don’t like is a great virtue
at a time when
different cultures mix and merge. before us, there are two rivers, eastern and western
cultures. at present, they may run in different courses. but eventually, they will
converge into the vast sea of human culture.right now, i can see peoples of eastern and western cultures, standing side by
side, singing the olympic theme song: we are hand in hand, heart
to heart, together
we will shape a beautiful tomorrow! thank you!让我们共同感受东西方的融合 吉卜林说过:东方是东方,西方是西方,二者永不相聚。但是一个世纪后的今天,东西方
相汇了! 它们相聚在经济领域,它们相聚在教育领域,它们相聚在艺术的殿堂。有人争论说:
风采大赛半决赛选手自备演讲赏析(大学成人组) 十五、 黄扬,
21,福建farewell, indifferencewho was the most well-known figure in china last month? it’s ma jiajue—the
college student who murdered 4 of his roommates. many people attributed his crime
to his poverty and deficient education. in my opinion, his crime also has much to
do with his classmates’ indifference.indifference is a terrible disease in today’s colleges and the whole society.
it’s not rare that two students who have studied together for 4 years have never
spoken to each other. it’s not rare that a student who has been absent from class
for several days is not noticed at all. it’s also not rare that a
student who has
severe psychological problems is not cared about at all.some people may say ‘what the students with psychological problems like ma jiajue
Talking about the pet animals, most people will think it is a popular topic, for with the development of the society more and more people raise pets。But for a pet has a different point of view in the society , now.
Some people think that pets can bring people much happiness and fort. For some people, pets are very important. Pet stay with them and make them no longer lonely. Sometimes pets can even save people's lives.
But the other people think that pets are often expensive, To feed them would even cost more . Some dangerous pets are a menace to their owner , even a dog attack people sometimes, things could be worse if they carrying some fatal virus, and so on .
In my view , animals are our human friends, we should regard the pet as their family members. Keeping pets is very useful for our life .It can bring us a lively and colorful world.讨论宠物很多人将会
Recently, people are having an argument on whether the pets should be raised in the dormitory. Opinions vary from person to person.
Some people think they can relax or fort our spirit especially in this fierce-petition society and gain happiness even friendship. Besides, pets are the perfect friend who can be loyal, adorable, helpful, and so on. Being Push by the highly pressure that include the requirement of passing qualification exams, seeking for jobs, earning their life, or obtaining a master’s degree, students
need this kind of fort particular in mental aspect in order to take the life much easier.
On the other hand, others hold the opposite opinion. From their point of view, to illustrate, a pet is not healthful or clean especially dogs which is the sort that you should walk him every day. When you finish walking your dog, you find your dog is still very clean as same as before, at least looks so. Unfortunately, bacteria, germs,
fungus all of which could threaten you healthy have already been brought to your home that you cannot see with your naked eyes. Well, is that frightening you? Every pet is not as clean as you thought. What’s more, we must consider the feelings of friends, they probably don’t like live with pets together. In my view, I point as a college student, it is very easy to addict themselves to the feeding of their pets which is the time that needs them to be very hard and focus on learning. There is nothing wrong about loving your sweet pets, but not the way of delaying your future.So, we’d
better not keep the pets in the dorm.
●可以联络感情:宠物一关不严实就往外跑,一旦跑了,你就可以满院子、满楼道挨家挨户地找,街坊邻里不全都熟了?在小区里散步,经常碰到其他遛狗的人,大家可以抽空交流一下。 ●可以视同子女:养宠物和养孩子有异曲同工之妙,涵盖吃、喝、拉、撒、睡等多个方面,除了不指望它上大学和赡养老人。 ●可以赏心悦目:心情不好的时候,回头看到你喜欢的宠物,然后再被它们的搔首弄姿逗得破涕为笑,是不是觉得心情好多了?
英文: 养宠物的好处
As for me, I think pets are very useful.
Firstly, it is good for culturing people's love and sense of responsibility. Keeping a pet, you must feed it. Several times a day, in that case, you will feel it is your duty.
F, pets could be a faithful friend, and playing with it will bring one happiness.
In, the phenomenon of the empty nest old can easily be found anywhere in our daily life. In the case, I think keeping a pet could remove their loneliness, even though at their children's absence.
在越来越城市化的社会里面,人们的生活空间显的也越来越 小, 人与人的交流也少了, 而宠物可以作为人们很好的甚或伴侣, 重回购物可以帮我们接触生活中的寂寞, 调解人的心理健康。 很 多生活中的苦闷可以跟宠物发泄, 虽然它们听不懂, 但是也会做 出一些让我们高兴的反应。
宠物是我们人类获得幸福和健康生活的一个来源, 饲养宠物可 以让我们的生活更加的健康, 更加充实。 在日益竞争激烈的社会 中,养宠物可以提供精神支持,特别是在遇到打击的时候,通过 与宠物的交流, 有利于饲养者的心理健康, 减轻生活中产生的各 种不必要的压力,从而提高工作的效率。
就比如说养狗的朋友把, 养狗的朋友都是很勤快的, 因为每天 早晨当你想赖床的时候, 狗狗就会很开心的过来把你叫醒, 让你 带它出去玩儿,其实遛狗也有很多的好处。
带狗狗出去遛弯儿可以呼吸新鲜空气,让心情也变得舒畅起 来,有利于狗狗的健康,还能帮助消化。也能让狗狗接受外界陌 生的事物, 让狗狗以免收到外界刺激时产生畏惧感, 外出遛狗还 能进行日光浴, 但不要在很热的天气下遛狗哦。 接受紫外线的照 射,还能满足动物所需要的维生素 D, 同时维生素 D 可以促进狗 狗对钙的吸收,有利于狗狗的骨骼等器官的健康发育。
另外带狗狗出去遛狗也能锻炼自己的身体, 因为每次遛狗时间 都要在半小时到一个小时左右。 但是出去遛狗也要注意保护狗狗
的安全哦, 一定要给狗狗带上牵引绳, 不要让狗狗去很脏很乱的 地方,以免传染病毒,生病了就麻烦了。
宠物还对孩子的成长也有一定的帮助, 孩子生长在有宠物的家 庭有无数的好处, 尤其是在她们的情感方面的发展。 当孩子与狗 或者猫能够好好相处, 也就能学会更多方式表达自己, 并能更好 的与人相处。
在决定宠物前, 您和全家应该对照顾小宠物的责任有充分的思 想准备, 因为宠物会跟我们的生活紧紧相关, 都需要您为它着想。 如果您的工作很忙, 不适合养宠物的话, 也可以在休息日时带着 孩子去近距离的接触小动物,亲近自然,培养一下爱心。其实选 择一个宠物就相当于多了一个孩子, 所以您也需要有更多的责任 感。不管是狗狗还是猫猫,都需要与主任有情感交流,主任也需 要付出更多的时间和关注。
Dear Lily:
I think you had better feed a hamster,the trediest kind of pet these days is the small hamster. People like them because they are quiet and clean.
I have a hamster named Tom,it s very cute and easy to take care of,and it s cheaper than rabbits or cats,so I bought it.
She s my best pany,because she reads books and litens to music with me every night.However,life with a hamster isn t always perfect,she sometimes noisy at night ,she love sleep all day,too. So,sometimes she is very boring! How do you think?
There is no denying the fact that keeping pets is a hotly debated
topic today. Some people claim that keeping pets is a good thing to do. They believe that pets, like cats and dogs, can help relieve the loneliness suffered by senior citizens and other social members who are confined to their homes for this reason or that. They also argue that keeping pets helps mankind understand animals’ world and
develop positive feelings toward them.
Others, however, hold the opposite view. They regard keeping pets as a useless but harmful thing to do. First, pets can transmit diseases. Secondly, the noises and dung of pets are sources of pollution. Last but not least, as many rare birds and animals are kept as pets, they will surely be hunted on a large scale, which means a threat to the balance of the ecosystem.
Weighing the arguments of both sides, I am inclined to agree with the latter. Anyway, we can lessen our loneliness and express our love toward animals in other ways. And it is my belief that only by placing man and other species on an equal basis can we expect to have a lively and colorful world.
注意:1、信的开头已为你写好2、词数100左右 Dear editor:
Recently we have had a heated discussion on whether people should keep pets at home in cities. Some students think it's a good idea to keep pets because many old people who live alone at home can get some forts from pets. Besides, getting along well with animals will make our life interesting. On the contrary the other students are against the idea. In their opinion if too many people keep pets at home, it's bad for the environment. What is worse, pets may make too much noise and even attack people.
I like animals, so I don't think it's bad to keep pets at home. But we must take some measures to prevent them from polluting our environment.
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