译者:doctor who 译者注:这篇文章是 MEHMET OZ 医生为2011年9月12日的《时代週刊》撰写的封面文 章,最初的题目是:OZ 饮食,没有神马,没有浮云,你该吃什么,为什么这样吃(The Oz Diet No more myths No more fads What you should eat—and why) OZ 医生是谁?是位名人。出生于1960年6月11日,土耳其裔美国人,心血管外科医生, Dr. Oz 电视节目秀的作者和主持人,每天一集,主要关注医药和个人健康的那些事。为什 么说他是名人呢?看:2008年, 《时代週刊》将他列为最有影响力人物,Esquire 杂志将其 列为21世纪最有影响力的75位人物之一,世界经济论坛评他为明日全球领袖,02138杂志 评其为哈佛100位最有影响力的校友,Hippocrates 杂志列其为年度医生(“Doctors of the Year”) ,健康生活杂志列他为千禧年的治疗者,他也列入了美国最佳医生的 Castle Connolly Guide······ 三个月前, 当我从时代周刊上读到这篇的时候, 就承认这是我读过的很好的一篇介绍健康饮 食的文章,通俗易懂,很有说服力,就想着哪一天拿出来和 ke 友们分享。还好,最近节目 假期,就全文翻译了下来,一看也不少,6000多字(敲字真累) ,现在奉上。祝福 ke 友新 年愉快,吃的健康,玩的开心。 (原文发表于作者的果壳日志)当我第一次盯着病人打开的胸腔,那里心肌跳动着,把血液输送到全身,可当我看到血 管中动脉粥样硬化形成的结块到处弥散时,我不禁楞住了。这种软软的,黏煳煳东西,经常 是在肥胖的人体内发现,如今充斥在包围着内脏器官的血管中,而人体器官,用哲学家的话 说,那是人灵魂的所在呵。但我很快便回过神来,把这种胡思乱想屏蔽掉。我那时正学习做 手术,坦白讲,对于截取一段腿静脉绕过那些堵塞物,我感到紧张。外科医生就是这样训练 的,要按照这样的方式去思维,而这么训练也是正确的。这一天的工作做好了,一条生命就 得以挽救,做坏了,病人就死了。除了专心于手上的工作,真的由不得一点点的胡思乱想。 我的目标是用手术刀治疗疾病。这种方式,从某种程度上说,还算是较容易的。最让我 和我的同事们感到无耐的是,这些病人当初怎麽了,怎麽就来这了,躺在手术台上,等着用 锯子把他们的胸腔打开。其实,最大的原因经常也是最为简单的:病从口入。 我们人类的自然史,所有书写的辉煌与黯澹,成功与困难,都经常取决于食物的丰盛抑 或匮乏。这种情形直到20世纪才改变。当在世界的一些地区,饥荒依然是一个残酷的现实 时,我们大多数人在吃上都已不再发愁,要啥有啥。我们生产了安全而足量的水果、蔬菜、 肉和奶;我们对其密封、冷冻,使其免于损坏和污染。我们甚至还通过添加维他命和其他健 康的食物添加剂来让食物变的更好。 食物是如此的丰富,这是早先的文明所不敢想的。可是,我们的这种营养的极大丰富却 有其不幸的负面效果。在美国和其他地方,无尽的食物不是产生了历史上最健康的一代人, 确是健康每况愈下的一代,肥胖、心血管疾病和糖尿病的流行便是这样。超过三分之二的美
国成年人,超过三分之一的儿童,都超重或者痴肥。 问题不在于这些人不想吃的健康,长的健康。相信我,坐着轮椅到我手术室的人没人愿 意这样。不管你信不信,这些人都从不怀疑关于健康饮食是多么重要。你通常想不到的是问 题是, 这些人其实是不知道一个健康的饮食究竟是怎麽样的, 而且爲什么某种饮食就是健康 的,尤其是在当下,各种声称的健康法则经常变的情况下。 曾几何时,人们说,红肉是健康的,麵条是不好的;后来又说,麵条是健康的,红肉是 糟糕的,这些说法一直流传,直到阿金饮食法(Atkins Diet)来了,规则又变了。紧接着 有地中海饮食法、南部海滩饮食法、低脂饮食法、葡萄饮食法,对了,还有白菜汤饮食法, 所有这些都承诺会有奇效。最近,红酒也被认为是对健康有益的,还有深色巧克力,又说吃 这些也不管用。 每一个所谓的食谱到头来似乎都有问题, 每一个新诞生的“真理”最后都变 成了神马。 好的消息是,如今我们对于事物在我们体内是如何反应的,比过去有太多瞭解了,我们 知道了哪种分子能影响哪种细胞的哪项功能。 与这些认识随之而来的是我们对于健康饮食的 一些新的见解, 这远不是传统的知识或伎俩可以比拟的。 传说和行销的时代正在让位于坚实 的事实。对于这些新的见解,有些你可能喜欢,有些你可能不喜欢,不过,你最好能渐渐习 惯这些。因为事实并不向之前出现的时尚,不是那麽快就可消失的。对食物的误解想健康么?忘掉苏打水和低脂的食物吧。相反,吃一些鸡蛋、吃一些全脂奶、食盐、脂 类、坚果、酒、巧克力和咖啡吧。真的。儘管通常认为,所有这些食物都对身体有益,但过 于贪吃它们,你肯定会相信会出现这样那样的问题。事实是,简单把食物分成好的食物和不 好的食物也只是告诉了完整故事的一部份,剩馀的部份却很多是不为人知的。 比如油脂。在所有我们被人叮嘱避免吃的食物中,油脂首当其冲。就是油脂这个词就好 像在诉说着对于自我的控诉:我们不想变肥,那麽我们爲什么要吃油脂? 但其实脂类并不总是坏的。 单一不饱和脂肪和多不饱和脂肪确实可以作为推荐的健康食 品的。比如菜籽油( canola oil )和橄榄油发现是可以降低低密度脂蛋白胆固醇( LDL cholesterol)和提高高密度脂蛋白胆固醇的,进而可以降低患动脉硬化和心脏病的风险。 多不饱和脂肪如欧米茄3s(希腊最后一个字母 omega)能降低 LDL,也能降低患炎症、心 髒病和其他一些疾病的风险。Omega-3s 对于大脑的健康也很重要。 不好的脂类物质包括饱和脂肪(存在于动物产品中) ,反式脂肪(存在于氢化和部份氢 化的油中)和衍生物(存在于蛋黄、肉类和奶製品中) 。甚至对于这个群体,有些观点也是 误导的:新的研究发现一些饱和脂肪(比如在椰子油中)是有益的,而食用这种胆固醇也不 会像以前想的那样很大的影响到血液中的胆固醇。 唯一普遍接受是有害的是反式脂肪, 目前 也被去除出了大多数的食物。
对于脂类的救赎某种程度也能推及到蛋类上。 作为心脏科医生, 我对于不同的人处理食 用的胆固醇上的不同感到惊奇。 很多人即使吃了高胆固醇的食物, 他们的血液中的胆固醇也 没有升高; 而有些人仅仅吃了一点点胆固醇就受到了影响。 而这种少数人的情形却被大多数 人当成了惊世真理, 无论是鸡蛋还是红肉, 如果吃的过量就好像感觉吃了放射性物质一样的 危险。 不过, 大多数的医生都愿意推荐每天吃一个带蛋黄的鸡蛋作为实惠的高质量的蛋白来 源。 盐也是被妖魔化的另一个例子。离开了盐,我们的心脏就不能跳动,不过太多的盐(钠 离子)能增加血压到很危险的境况。不过,在美国也只有10%的人,尤其是非洲裔的美国 人对于盐很敏感。 要知道是否对盐敏感, 最好的方法是比较一下不吃盐和吃盐后血压的变化。 但即使吃盐后的血压值是在正常范围, 也别急着抱盐瓶子。 在食物加工中添加盐和其他能提 升口味的物质,能无形中让你多吃,增加体重。不过,好消息是,几乎所有有高血压的人, 如在静止状态的血压超过140/90,要是减少盐的摄入量,会受益匪浅。这样一个简单的措 施,可以让这些人的平均55岁的寿命再延长5年。 由于品酒师的青睐,红葡萄酒的声誉倍增。白藜芦醇,这种存在于葡萄皮中的抗氧化物 质,能减少有害的胆固醇的作用,也就降低了患心血管疾病的危险。一些动物研究也表明, 白藜芦醇也能降低患痴肥和糖尿病的风险。 不过, 因为在红葡萄酒中也只有很少量的这种物 质,所以要真获得益处,必须要喝掉60升的红葡萄酒才行。不过,你还是可以每天喝一点 红酒:红酒相对于其他酒,热量较低,酒精度也较低,可以提升有益的胆固醇而降低有害的 胆固醇,还可以保护动脉免受有害胆固醇的伤害。而且红酒也经常用于人际交往,而好的人 际交往是维护健康的很有效因素。 巧克力也是另外一个抗氧化的东西, 主要是其中的黄酮类, 也就是让可可豆有辛辣味道 的物质。巧克力越黑,也意味着掺入的牛奶和其他添加剂越少,那麽黄酮类的浓度也越高。 坚果,儘管不饱和脂肪和热量较高,但却可以减少有害胆固醇和易于吃饱肚子。咖啡中的多 酚类,经常出于健康的考虑而剔除掉,实际上却是西方世界的头号抗氧化物质,一些研究指 出,这些物质能降低患痴呆、帕金森和2型糖尿病的几率。 即使是对于全脂牛奶的批评,有些人说,全脂牛奶简直就是一杯液体的油脂,其实也不 是这麽简单。确实,儿童喝大量的全脂牛奶就是喝尽了大量的热量,但牛奶也能控制体重, 因为牛奶中含的钙在消化过程中可以和食物中的油脂结合,这也意味着你吸收了较少的油 脂。一些研究也看出来脱脂奶、低脂奶和全奶在控制体重方面没有明显的差别。而且,当你 把牛奶中的脂类全部去除,剩下的实际是更高浓度的糖,这些糖与激素,尤其是胰岛素相互 作用(对于糖尿病人,即出现高血糖) 。 对于所有的这些食物,最关键的还是要适量食用。每天消耗0.5升的全脂奶,所积累的 热量就会抵消所获得的益处。 一周吃几次超过一盎司的黑色巧克力, 或者每晚饮两杯的红酒, 会导致体重增加以及犯罪的风险。喝太多的咖啡会导致你神经过敏,吃太多的红肉,比如每
週吃超过一斤的红肉,会导致体重增加,而且还会抵消你从鱼类中获得的蛋白质的益处,我 们知道,鱼类中含有有益于大脑的 omega-3脂肪酸。各种荒谬的饮食法如果说基本食物的简单事实因为其复杂性而让人不放心的话, 同样简单的各种流行的饮 食法也最终会声明扫地就一点也不奇怪了。 各种关于减肥的饮食法来了又去, 留给美国消费 者的是失望和打击,而且越吃越不如之前健康。 最近几十年来最为危险的食物之一便是各样的打着“无脂”标籤的东西。 就是这两个简 单的字赦免了很多贪吃的人,让他们觉得吃多少量,有多少糖都无所谓。盯着油脂恐惧症的 消费者的钱包的製造商们已经十分擅于剔除各种产品中的天然油脂, 可是质地和口感的流失 靠什么来弥补呢?只有加入更多的盐、糖和增稠剂。当人们消费越来越多的脱脂食品时,他 们也同时摄取了附加的其他高剂量的有害添加剂。 一旦失去了油脂带来的饱足感, 你就只会 感到饿,就会吃的更多。 其他的一些流行的饮食法也限制了我们对于食物的选择。 借助白菜汤和葡萄饮食, 追随 者们确定了一种新的奇迹食物,製造了一整套的饮食疗法,承诺可以在一周之内减掉9斤体 重。这所有这些荒谬的饮食法中,有些确实能减掉一些体重,但大多数流失的都是水分。没 有哪一个饮食法看起来是营养而可行的,减掉的体重往往很快就会再回来。 最近最具轰动效果的是阿金饮食法(Atkins diet) ,因为2002年时代週刊的一篇文章 而走红。具体说来,阿金饮食法就是多吃肉,不吃碳水化合物(包括不吃蔬菜和水果中的天 然糖分) 。这种饮食法风行30年,以至于成了一种文化现象。市场在其中推波助澜,很多的 食物都将能探测的最后一点碳水化合物分子去除, 而将食物都贴上了无糖的标籤。 手工的麵 包房主只能掩面哭泣而这套饮食法的信众们则开始遭受酮酸中毒的困苦, 糖原太低就会引发 这种情况。 不过,体重减了很多,确实很多。问题是,这种减肥是不可持续的。在你的舌头反叛之 前,你尽可以禁掉很多事物,不过当你把麵条、麵包、水果和蔬菜都从菜单中拿掉时,反叛 迟早会到来。 更严重是, 你认为可以吃的东西, 尤其是大量依赖于肉类, 能导致炎症和兴奋, 医生也会担心你会发生心髒病或是中风。 南海岸和阿金的其他饮食法在允许加入更多的蔬菜和水果后变得较为美味了。 最新的作 为替代的阿金饮食法是颇为流行的旧石器时代饮食法。 这个饮食法的假设是, 自从人类成型 于旧石器时代(约260万至1万年前) ,我们的基因就决定了我们能吃些什么。所以这个饮食 法集中于瘦肉、鱼、新鲜的水果和不含淀粉的蔬菜,同时儘量减少穀物、奶、和豆类,因为 这些在约1万2千年前还没有出现在我们的菜单中。据一些临床的试验,这种饮食法的确表 现出可以降低患心血管疾病的风险,也可以降低高血压、炎症和痤疮,提高运动能力,也能
减肥。 不过,很多营养学家,对于消除全部的穀和奶产品表示担忧。大量的研究表明,它们有 助于降低患一些癌症和心髒病的风险。而且,需要记住的是,洞穴人通常比现代人要矮,而 且在40多岁就死了,部份原因是他们没有吃上能让他们抵御感染和剑齿虎的饮食。我宁愿 选择吃这样饮食,它能让我头脑清楚、体力充沛的与孙子玩耍,而不是在我年轻的时候就光 鲜的死去。个性化的饮食对于正在快速长身体的婴幼儿来说,他吃的饮食当然不适合给一个成年人吃;同样,给 20多岁处于哺乳期的女生吃的营养食物也不该给70多岁已经绝经的老妇吃。作为消费者, 我们一般接受总体上的一些判断, 如哪些食物该吃, 这些食物中有多少热量以及何种维生素。 我做过超过5000例的心脏手术, 我同样推荐吃低饱和和反式脂肪的食物以降低动脉硬化块, 但我也不能解释爲什么在同一个下午走进来的两个病人,他们几十年来都吃了大量的培根 肉、黄油和烘烤的东西,两人的血管造影片却完全的不同。 北卡罗莱纳大学营养研究所是个体化营养这一新兴研究领域的佼佼者, 研究称为营养基 因组学的学问:也就是揭示饮食和基因之间的联繫。这门科学还是一门新的学问,但已经出 现的报告确是很吸引人的。 比如,一个以老鼠做的研究指出,一些人体内的一种结合蛋白会激发一系列的基因,这 些基因与胆固醇的合成和吸收有关。结果就是导致胰岛素抵抗、甘油三酯升高和脂肪肝。脂 肪肝内充斥着脂肪, 从而抑制了肝脏过滤血液中毒素的能力。 如果谁有类似的基因故障就一 样会对食用的油脂敏感,那就要相应的在饮食上作出调整。另一项以老鼠做的研究发现,一 种变异基因专门影响低密度脂蛋白胆固醇的生成风险。 还有研究发现一种变异基因影响到个 人对于高温烤肉产生的致癌物的敏感性(译者注:易感基因?) 。 要说把这些营养基因学的研究应用到临床上还为时过早, 不过你的医生应该把食物作为 疾病预防的工具——尤其是对于盐、 胆固醇以及其他物质敏感的人, 应该注意这些物质的摄 入。对食物的过敏也是如此。你不能推荐小麦给难以消化谷蛋白的人吃,也不能向对乳糖过 敏的人推荐牛奶。 不过, 把这些食物从饮食中剔除, 却不寻找任何的替代品, 或者乾脆拿垃圾食品做替代, 都不是答桉。相反,应该试试吃不含谷蛋白的穀物,像藜麦和芡欧鼠尾草籽;也可以尝试酸 乳、克菲尔(kefir) 、奶酪和其他发酵的含乳糖少的奶製品。奶酪的时间越长,含的乳糖就 越少,一块2年的干奶酪(cheddar)几乎不含任何乳糖。如今我们拥有的大量的食物几乎 可以保证满足任何人的特殊营养需要,只不过要多做些功课。
硬道理要健康,除了要对你的饮食做出改变外,还要一点很重要的是要在饮食和锻炼之间找好 平衡。要保持好体重,就需要吃进多少热量就消耗多少热量,这一点还是对的。只不过需要 按照合理的方式保持这样的平衡,如果合理就能减肥,如果不合理,只能增肥。 不过,这个夏季发表在新英格兰医学杂志上一篇引人瞩目的文章发现,对于体重来说, 不仅要看你吃了多少,而且还要看你吃的是什么。在校准了120,000名参与者的年龄、体 重指数、生活方式的影响(如锻炼和睡觉时间)之后,作者发现在4年的週期内,最能增加 体重的食物是炸薯条、炸薯片、 糖饮料、肉、 甜食和深加工的穀物。 最能减少体重的是酸乳、 坚果、全穀物、水果和蔬菜。但也不是仅仅进行热量的加减计算就能解决问题了。 当你坐下吃饭时, 脑袋盯住的是营养, 而不是热量, 会不短的刺激你吃, 直到心满意足。 这就是爲什么你很难拒绝一盘薯条和冰激凌而选择吃更健康的水果、 蔬菜、 穀物和红肉的其 中一个原因。在这裡消化机制也起到了作用。高纤维的食物易于充满胃、减慢消化和增加饱 足感。 这就是爲什么我在吃正餐之前要先吃点水果和一把坚果的原因。 从合理的食物中取得 一定热量如今可以帮助你随后避免吃更高热量的食物。 另外一条事实是, 不管我们怎麽认为, 也不会有那种躲在遥远森林深处的神秘超级食物 是我们仍未发现的。 这就是说, 在我们已知的丰富食物中, 我们确实也知道一些特别的食物。 比如,浆果因为其含抗氧化物质和抗炎症的特点,对于减少老化有关的疾病、癌症、心血管 疾病、糖尿病和精神衰弱方面有显着功效。西兰花富含纤维,而且可以降低胆固醇,它还富 含硫化物,有益于肝脏,增强人体自然的排毒系统。 还有一点毫无疑问的,就是一定要补充维生素。我们喜欢这样想:如果我们聪明的话,就可 以从所吃食物中补充所有我们需要的营养。 但如果检索食物日志, 就会发现只有很少的人能 够这样。除有些维生素我们人体能自身产生外(如晒太阳有助于产生维生素 D) ,大多数的 微量元素我们都必须从食物中获取,如钙、叶酸、碘、铁、镁和钾等。即使你能对所吃的每 一口食物都能精打细算, 我也推荐你每天吃一粒多种维生素片, 这无疑是一种简便而可靠的 方法可以保证你不遗漏哪一种元素。 最后,很常规的,你需要认真对待锻炼。疾病控制和预防中心推荐一个成年人每週要至 少进行150分钟的中等强度的有氧锻炼,如放鬆跑,其实算下来每天也不过才 20分钟。或 者,你还可以选择每週进行75分钟的剧烈运动,如慢跑。一周超过2天的力量训练对于维持 健康和保持肌肉是至关重要的,可以使得你的新陈代谢更加有效。还有需要记住的是,我们 都太过于高估锻炼在减肥中的作用了。 一个体总73公斤的人进行1小时低强度的有氧锻炼会 消耗365卡路里的热量, 看起来确实不错, 可如果完了你奖赏了自己一个马粪蛋糕 (muffin) 而不是一个苹果的话,你所有这些锻炼就全白做了。 没人会认为达到和维持一个理想的体重是一件容易的事情, 不过要达到这个目标却有些
很简单的方法:适量饮食、选择新鲜食物、不偏食(多样化食物) 、锻炼。人类是这个世界 上可以完全控制自我的食物供应的唯一物种,现在的挑战是确保食物不要反过来控制了我 们。 【译者后记】这篇文章虽然针对的是西方读者,但很多知识对我们也是有启发的。不知道, guoke 哪位搞食物工程或者营养学的专家能为大家写一篇更针对亚洲人的饮食指南呢?期 待中·····如果 ke 友们已经有好的,还要告诉我一声啊,随时准备着拜读。
The importance of diet to health, especially in the prevention and cure of illness, is slowly being apparent. I endeavour to provide you with more than the basic, and usually inaccurate information on diet and nutrition. So whether you are a registered dietitian and want to brush up on the immense amount of information, or whether you just want to find out, for the first time what you should be eating, then this site is for you. First I would like to talk about a very contentious word - diet. Many people don't like using this word, when referring to their eating habits, because they feel that it is humiliating to be on a diet. I am the opposite, as I am always on diet. Whether underweight, overweight, sick or fit, diet, by its Greek definition means the food eaten by an animal to maintain its state of health. So, when I talk about a diet I don't mean that you must necessarily lose weight, what I am referring to is the food that you should generally be eating, be it to build muscles, put on weight, lose weight or get rid of a cold.
This topic is as arguable as religion, politics and sex. There are always many different opinions relating to diet and nutrition. I am only going to present facts on the subject of nutrition as affirmed by the mainstream diet and nutrition world. The fallacies of the fringe will not be proposed, although they have been investigated by myself, so I know what the
quacks are telling "Joe Public".
It has bee apparent that the overconsumption of certain dietary ponents is now a major concern to people in the Western World. Foremost among them is the disproportionate consumption of fats, sodium, and sugars, at the expense of foods that may be more conducive to good health, such as foods high in plex carbohydrates and fiber (vegetables, fruit, and whole grain products).
The usual approach of the orthodox medical circles, when dealing with a disease, is to treat the symptoms with a remedy rather than removing the cause. Yet, by following the dietary guidelines of the nutrition and health authorities, that have been proven with epidemiologic studies to be scientifically correct, it is possible to achieve and maintain good health. Dietary factors play a prominent role in five out of the ten leading causes of death for Americans. Thus, it is important to emphasize the relationship of diet to the occurrence of chronic disease and to understand how wholesome food is necessary for good health.
Foods contain nutrients essential for normal metabolic function. An imbalance in nutrient intake or the consumption of harmful substances is the underlying factor in many chronic diseases, such as coronary heart disease, diabetes, obesity, and some cancers.
To acquire these nutrients we have to eat foods that contain them and make choices about what foods shouldn't be eaten in excess. This is
difficult and requires a prehensive research base and much effort before it is possible to maintain good health.
Eating is a source of considerable pleasure and an important part of our lives. It is not necessary to lessen this pleasure by following a healthy diet plan. By knowing what nutrients are, how they relate to different diseases, and how to make choices in selecting and preparing foods, it is quite possible to feel good and enjoy life equally or more.
变动不良饮食习俗对矫健大有低廉甜头,但 做起来并不容易,由于所谓习俗成天然,积习久 之,积习难改。要下点决议判断才行。在培育种 植扶植杰出饮食习俗的同时,对原来不良的习俗 应有所认识,然后变动、改善。如喜欢吃热食物 ,其实稍等一会儿,待其凉些才进口并不麻烦。 专家以为,不要永世或大宗食用某一类食物工业 制品或腌制食品,其实面的。使有害化学精神不 易抵达对人体组成损害的水平,也可让身体来得
作文四:《关于饮食与健康的外文文章oz diet》21800字
The Oz Diet No more myths No more fads What you should eat — and why
The first time I looked into an open chest cavity at a heart muscle working to pump blood through the body, I was brought up short by the tragic graffiti of atherosclerotic plaque. This waxy goo, often found in overweight people, builds up in the vessels surrounding the organ in which, philosophers tell us, the soul lives. But I quickly pushed any such distracting thoughts from my mind.
I was learning to operate and was frankly thrilled at the prospect of harvesting
a leg vein to bypass the blockage. Surgeons are trained to think that way, and rightly so. Do a good day's work and a life is saved, a bad day's work and a patient dies. No room there for anything but the job at hand.
My objective was to heal with steel. That, in some ways, was the easy part. What confounded my colleagues and me was how and why our patients landed in our care in the first place — lying on a gurney, about to have their chest opened with a band saw. The biggest reason was often the simplest one: the food they ate.
Our natural history as a species is a vast canvas of events whose peaks and valleys, successes and tragedies were often determined by the availability or scarcity of food — that is, until the 20th century. While famine remains a terrible reality in some parts of the world, most of us have almost unrestricted access to food. We produce a safe and abundant supply of fruits, vegetables, meats and dairy; we seal it, freeze it and protect it from spoilage and contamination. We even fortify it with vitamins and other healthy additives. (See photos from the exhibit Food and American Identity at the National Archives.)
This was the kind of bounty early civilizations could only dream of. But our triumph of nutritional ingenuity has had an unfortunate inverse effect. A dietary free-for-all, in the U.S. and elsewhere, is producing not the healthiest generation in history but one in steady decline, with epidemics of obesity, cardiovascular disease and diabetes. More than two-thirds of U.S. adults, and more than a third of kids, are overweight or obese.
The problem isn't that people don't want to eat well and be well. Trust me, no one who's ever been wheeled into my operating room is happy to be there. And the problem, believe it or not, isn't that they doubt the wisdom of a healthy diet. More often than you'd think, the problem is that a lot of folks just don't know what a healthy diet looks like — and why should they, since the rules keep changing?
Time was, red meat was healthful, and pasta was bad; then pasta was great, and red meat was terrible, all of which lasted until the Atkins craze came along
and the rules flipped again. There were the Mediterranean diet and the South Beach diet and the low-fat diet and the grapefruit diet and, yes, the
cabbage-soup diet, and all of them promised great things. Red wine is the newest route to health, unless of course it's dark chocolate — or unless it turns out to be neither. With every cure, it seems, es a problem; every new truth somehow turns out to be part myth. (See photos of a worldwide day's worth of food.)
The good news is that we now know so much more than we ever did about how food reacts in our bodies — how specific molecules affect specific functions of specific cells. And with that es new insight into healthy eating that is more than just conventional wisdom or gimmickry. The era of myth and marketing is at last giving way to an era of hard fact. You'll like some of the new insights, and you won't like others, but you'd best get used to them. Unlike the fads and fashions that have e before, the facts aren't going anywhere soon.
Up Is Down
Want to get healthy? then forget about diet soda and low-fat foods. Instead, tuck into some eggs, whole milk, salt, fat, nuts, wine, chocolate and coffee. It's true. Despite conventional wisdom, all of those foods and many more can be beneficial to your body. But overindulge in them, and they can be as problematic as you've always been led to believe. The fact is that simple rules that divide things into good-food and bad-food categories tell you only a small part of the story. The rest of it is more plex than most folks know.
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Take fat. Of all the parts of the average diet that we've been told to avoid, it's fats that have gotten beaten up the most. The very word seems to be an indictment of the substance: We don't want to be fat, so why in the world should we eat fat?
But fats are by no means universally bad. Monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats are actually remended for good health. Monounsaturated fats — canola oil and olive oil — have been found to lower LDL cholesterol (the bad cholesterol) and raise HDL cholesterol (the good kind), thus reducing the risks of atherosclerosis and heart disease. Polyunsaturated fats like omega-3s lower LDL as well as reducing the risk of inflammation, heart disease and many other diseases. And omega-3s are also terrific for brain health. Bad fats generally include saturated fats (found in animal products), trans fats (found in hydrogenated and partially hydrogenated oils) and their cousin cholesterol (found in egg yolks, meats and dairy products). Even this general grouping, however, can be misleading: new
research is finding that some saturated fats (like those found in coconut oil) may actually be good for you and that dietary cholesterol may not affect blood cholesterol as much as was once thought. The only fat that is universally accepted as bad is trans fat, and that's now been stripped out of most foods. (See photos of a movable feast.)
The redemption of some fats — in moderation — is also leading to the redemption of the beleaguered egg. As a heart surgeon, I am continually struck by the variability in how people process dietary cholesterol. Most people have little issue with their blood-cholesterol levels after eating foods that are relatively high in cholesterol. But a few struggle with even small amounts of cholesterol in their diet. Those few, however, served as cautionary tales for everyone else, and so eggs and red meat, while dangerous if you eat them in excess, came to be seen as radioactive. Most physicians, however, are now fortably remending one egg with the yolk per day as an inexpensive source of high-quality protein, even though a few patients do need to be pulled off the program pending blood-cholesterol tests.
Salt is another example of a demonized pound. While our hearts can't beat without it, too much sodium can increase blood pressure to dangerous levels — but only in 10% of the population, with African Americans being particularly sensitive. The only way to know for sure if you're salt sensitive is to check your blood pressure after you consume salt and pare it with when you've been relatively salt-free. But even if your numbers stay within a healthy range, don't go crazy with the saltshaker. Sodium mingles with other elements in processed foods and stimulates our appetite, so it can help pack on pounds. The good news is that almost all hypertensive people, i.e., those whose resting blood pressure is more than 140/90, will benefit from reducing their salt intake — a simple step that translates to an average of five extra years of life for the typical 55-year-old. (See the best food-writing books in the All-TIME 100 Best Nonfiction Books.)
The reputation of red wine has similarly improved, to the delight of oenophiles. Resveratrol, an antioxidant found in grape skins, reduces the impact of bad cholesterol, which in turn reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease. Some animal studies show that it can help reduce obesity and diabetes too. However, since there's relatively little resveratrol in red wine — you'd have to drink 60 liters to get the full benefits — it's best to add this antioxidant to your list of supplements. (See page 62.) Still, you should drink some red wine every day: it has relatively few calories and induces milder hangovers than other sources of alcohol, and it is thought to raise good cholesterol and reduce the bad kind, as well as protect arteries against cholesterol-related damage. Red wine is also usually consumed in the pany of others, so it encourages human connection, a very powerful factor in maintaining health.
Chocolate is another source of antioxidants — in this case, in the form of flavonoids, which are what give cocoa beans their pungent taste. The darker the chocolate, the less adulterated with milk and other ingredients it is and the heavier the concentration of flavonoids. Nuts, though high in unsaturated fats and calories, can lower bad cholesterol and help curb hunger. The polyphenols in coffee, which is often shunned by the health-conscious, is in fact the No. 1 source of antioxidants in the Western world and in some studies has been associated with lower incidences of dementia, Parkinson's disease and Type 2 diabetes.
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Even the case against whole milk, condemned by some critics as nothing less than a glass of liquid fat, is more plex than it seems. It's true that kids who drink a lot of whole milk drink a lot of calories, but milk can actually help control weight, since calcium binds with fat in the food digesting in your gut, meaning that you absorb less of that fat. Some studies have seen no significant difference among skim, low-fat and whole milk when it es to weight control. What's more, when you take all the fat out of milk, you're left with too high a concentration of natural sugars, which interacts like candy with your hormones, especially insulin.
The key, for all of these foods, is moderation. Consume more than 16 oz. (0.5 L) of whole milk (or any two servings of dairy) per day and the calorie load swamps the health benefits. More than an ounce of dark chocolate a few times a week or two glasses of red wine per night can lead to weight gain in the first case and an increased risk of court appearances in the second. Too much coffee can make you jittery. Too much red meat — more than 18 oz. (0.5 kg) per week — can contribute to weight gain, not to mention denying you the benefits of getting more of your protein from fish, which is rich in brain-building omega-3 fatty acids. (See photos of gourmet food trucks.)
Diet of the Month
If simple truths about basic foods turn out to be as fraught with plexities as they are, it's no wonder that so many equally simple diet fads have e to grief. The popular landscape is strewn with weight-loss crazes that have e and gone, leaving American consumers disappointed, frustrated and no healthier than they were before.
One of the most dangerous food labels to e along in recent decades is the insidious
and thickeners. As people ate more and more fat-free goodies, they got extra-high doses of other ingredients that were bad for them. And without the filling effect of fat in food, you are left hungry and tend to eat more.
Other fads have included diets that dramatically restrict our food choices. With the cabbage-soup and grapefruit diets, advocates identified a new miracle food and built an entire eating regimen around it — a regimen that came with a promise of shedding a full 10 lb. (4.5 kg) in one week. In both of these food-idol diets, some weight does disappear quickly, mostly through loss of fluids. Neither diet is practical or nutritionally sound, and the weight returns as quickly as it es off. (See the top 10 TV chefs.)
Much more recent was the earthquake that was the Atkins diet, triggered by a 2002 in the New York Times Magazine. The Atkins regimen — lots of meat and very few carbohydrates (including the natural sugars in fruits and vegetables) — had been briefly popular more than 30 years earlier but became a cultural phenomenon after the Times story breathed new life into it. Market forces fed the craze, with menus reformulated to remove the last detectable carbohydrate molecule and carb-free labels slapped on foods that never contained them in the first place. Artisanal bakers wept (no carbs means no baguettes), and the überfaithful began to suffer the bad breath of ketoacidosis, which occurs when glycogen stores are too low.
But weight was being lost — lots of it. The problem was, the loss was not being sustained. There are only so many foods you can ban before people's palates rebel, and when you pretty much take pasta, bread, fruits and vegetables off the menu, that rebellion will happen sooner rather than later. What's more, the foods that were permitted — particularly the much-relied-on meats — can lead to inflammation and irritation, causing some physicians to worry that heart attacks and strokes could result.
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South Beach and other Atkins derivatives make the diet more palatable by allowing more fruits and vegetables. The newest alterna-Atkins is the popular paleo diet, which postulates that since the human genome appeared in its current form during the Paleolithic Period — about 2.6 million to 10,000 years ago — we are genetically designed to eat what was available then. The paleo diet focuses on lean meats and fish, fresh fruits and nonstarchy vegetables. It eliminates dairy, grains and legumes because they didn't appear on our menus until about 12,000 years ago. According to some clinical trials, the diet has indeed been shown to lower the risk of cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure and inflammation as well as reduce ae, improve athletic performance and help with weight loss.
Many nutritionists, however, are concerned about eliminating whole grains and dairy products. A wealth of research shows that both can help decrease the risk of certain cancers and heart disease. What's more, it's worth remembering that cavemen tended to be much shorter than modern people and often died in their 40s — in part because they weren't eating a diet that left them with much ability to fight off infection (or saber-toothed tigers). I would rather follow a diet that sees me lucid and active enough to play with my grandchildren than one under which I die young but look great. (See the top 10 state fair foods.) Personalized Eating
It's no secret that a diet that's good for a boy in his prime growth-spurt years is not so good for a middle-aged man, or that what counts as adequate nutrients for a woman when she is breast-feeding in her 20s is different from when she is postmenopausal in her 70s. Yet as consumers, we accept blanket statements about how many servings of which food groups to eat and what constitutes optimum calorie counts and vitamin percentages. I have performed more than 5,000 heart surgeries, and I remend a diet low in saturated and trans fats to prevent the buildup of arterial plaque. But I still can't tell you why I can see two patients in one afternoon who have both spent decades eating large amounts of bacon, butter and baked goods and yet have pletely opposite angiogram reports.
The University of North Carolina Nutrition Research Institute is a leader in the growing field of individualized nutrition, studying what's known as nutrigenomics: the link between genes and diet. The science is a paratively new one, but the early reports are tantalizing.
One study of mice, for example, has pinpointed a binding protein in some individuals that overactivates a suite of genes involved in the synthesis and uptake of cholesterol and other fats. That in turn can lead to insulin resistance, high triglycerides and a condition called fatty liver, in which fat builds up in the liver and inhibits its ability to filter toxins in the blood. People with a similar genetic glitch might be similarly sensitive to dietary fats and have to adjust what they eat accordingly. Another mouse study has found a gene variation that specifically affects the risk of developing high-LDL cholesterol. Yet another has found a gene variation that plays a role in how susceptible individuals are to the carcinogens that are produced when meat is cooked at high temperatures. (See the top 10 things you didn't know about doughnuts.)
It's too early for these and other nutrigenomic studies to have clinical applications, but your doctor should already be looking at food as a tool for disease prevention — at least when it es to regulating the intake of salt, cholesterol and other substances in people who are sensitive to them. Food allergies e into play here too. You can hardly remend wheat-based
cereal to someone who can't process gluten, or milk to a person who's lactose intolerant.
But pulling those foods out of the diet and replacing them with nothing — or worse, with junk — is hardly the answer. Instead, try whole grains without gluten, like quinoa and chia; also try yogurt, kefir, cheese and other fermented dairy products that contain less lactose than fresh dairy foods because the bacteria used to make them digest some of the lactose, so you don't have to. The longer a cheese is aged, the less lactose it has. (A sharp cheddar aged for two years contains almost none at all.) The vast constellation of food that's available to us means that almost anyone's nutritional needs can be met — even if it takes a little work.
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The Hard Truth
Of all the changes taking place on the food front, one of the most important concerns the balance between diet and exercise. It's still true that to maintain a healthy weight, calories consumed must equal calories burned. Tip that balance one way and you drop pounds; tip it the other way and you gain. Period. Paragraph.
But this summer a landmark study in the New England Journal of Medicine found that it's not just how much food you eat, but which kind, that influences weight gain. After adjusting for age, baseline body mass index and lifestyle factors such as exercise and sleep duration in 120,000 participants, the authors found that the foods most associated with adding pounds over a four-year period were french fries, potato chips, sugary drinks, meats, sweets and refined grains. The foods most associated with shedding pounds were yogurt, nuts, whole grains, fruits and vegetables. But there's more than simple caloric arithmetic at work here.
When you sit down to a meal, your brain is looking for nutrients, not calories, and will prod you to eat until you're satisfied. That's one of the many reasons it's harder to push away from a plate of fries or a bowl of ice cream than from a healthier meal of fruits, vegetables, grains and lean meats. A simple matter of digestive mechanics is at work too. High-fiber foods expand in the stomach, slowing digestion and augmenting satiety. That's the reason I try to eat fruit or a handful of nuts prior to a big meal. Consuming a controlled amount of calories from the right kind of food now helps avoid taking in many more calories from the wrong kind later. (See 10 great iPhone apps for
Another hard truth is that despite what we think, there is probably not some elusive superfood out in a distant rain forest waiting to be discovered. That
said, we do know of some extraordinary foods that are already available in abundance. Berries are increasingly seen as having a profound impact against age-related diseases, including cancer, cardiovascular illness, diabetes and mental decline, thanks to their high levels of antioxidants and
anti-inflammatory properties. Broccoli is high in fiber and has been shown to have cholesterol-lowering benefits. It's also rich in sulfur pounds, which are good for the liver and thus strengthen the body's natural detoxification systems.
In the category of Things Your Mother Was Right About All Along, you really and truly should take your vitamins. We like to think that if we're smart, we can get all of our needed nutrients from what we eat. But judging by food diaries, this is true for only a small percentage of the population. What's more, while the body manufactures some vitamins nonnutritionally — the way sunlight helps us generate vitamin D — there is a long list of nutrients we can get only from food, including calcium, fiber, folate, iodine, iron, magnesium and potassium. Even if you chart every morsel that goes in your mouth, I promise you that a daily multivitamin is an easier and more reliable way to ensure that you're not leaving anything out. (See the best lunchboxes for kids and their parents.)
Finally — no surprise — you should be serious about exercising. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention remends that all adults get a minimum of 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity — like brisk walking — per week, which es down to just over 20 minutes per day. As an alternative, you could go for 75 minutes a week of a vigorous activity like jogging.
Muscle-strengthening exercises two or more days a week are also essential to maintaining fitness and building lean muscle mass, which makes your metabolism more efficient. And keep in mind that we all overestimate the caloric benefit of exercise. A 160-lb. (73 kg) person who puts in a full hour of low-impact aerobics burns 365 calories, which is not bad, but all that work is entirely erased if you reward yourself with a muffin instead of an apple after class.
No one pretends that achieving and maintaining an ideal weight is an easy thing to do, but the list of rules to get you there is nonetheless simple: Eat in moderation; choose foods that look like they did when they came out of the ground (remember, there are no marshmallow trees); be an omnivore (there are multiple food groups for a reason); and get some exercise. Human beings are the only species in the world that has figured out how to be in plete control of its own food supply. The challenge now is to make sure the food doesn't take control of us.
Read more:
://.time./time/magazine//0,9171,2091389,00.html#ixzz1kpH RZgCp
The Oz Diet No more myths? No more fads What you shoul?d eat—and why
The first? time I looke?d into an open chest? cavit?y at a heart? muscl?e worki?ng to pump blood? throu?gh the body, I was broug?ht up short? by the tragi?c graff?iti of ather?oscle?rotic? plaqu?e. This waxy goo, often? found? in overw?eight? peopl?e, build?s up in the vesse?ls surro?undin?g the organ? in which?, philo?sophe?rs tell us, the soul lives?. But I quick?ly pushe?d any such distr?actin?g thoug?hts from my mind. I was learn?ing to opera?te and was frank?ly thril?led at the prosp?ect of harve?sting? a leg vein to bypas?s the block?age. Surge?ons are train?ed to think? that way, and right?ly so. Do a good day's work and a life is saved?, a bad day's work and a patie?nt dies. No room there? for anyth?ing but the job at hand. My objec?tive was to heal with steel?. That, in some ways, was the easy part.
What confo?unded? my colle?agues? and me was how and why our patie?nts lande?d in our care in the first? place? — lying? on a gurne?y, about? to have their? chest? opene?d with a band saw. The bigge?st reaso?n was often? the simpl?est one: the food they ate.
Our natur?al histo?ry as a speci?es is a vast canva?s of event?s whose? peaks? and valle?ys, succe?sses and trage?dies were often? deter?mined? by the avail?abili?ty or scarc?ity of food — that is, until? the 20th centu?ry. While? famin?e remai?ns a terri?ble reali?ty in some parts? of the world?, most of us have almos?t unres?trict?ed acces?s to food. We produ?ce a safe and abund?ant suppl?y of fruit?s, veget?ables?, meats? and dairy?; we seal it, freez?e it and prote?ct it from spoil?age and conta?minat?ion. We even forti?fy it with vitam?ins and other? healt?hy addit?ives. (See photo?s from the exhib?it Food and Ameri?can Ident?ity at the Natio?nal Archi?ves.)
This was the kind of bount?y early? civil?izati?ons could? only dream? of. But our trium?ph of nutri?tiona?l ingen?uity has had an unfor?tunat?e inver?se effec?t. A dieta?ry free-for-all, in the U.S. and elsew?here, is produ?cing not the healt?hiest?
gener?ation? in histo?ry but one in stead?y decli?ne, with epide?mics of obesi?ty, cardi?ovasc?ular disea?se and diabe?tes. More than two-third?s of U.S. adult?s, and more than a third? of kids, are overw?eight? or obese?.
The probl?em isn't that peopl?e don't want to eat well and be well. Trust? me, no one who's ever been wheel?ed into my opera?ting room is happy? to be there?. And the probl?em, belie?ve it or not, isn't that they doubt? the wisdo?m of a healt?hy diet. More often? than you'd think?, the probl?em is that a lot of folks? just don't know what a healt?hy diet looks? like — and why shoul?d they, since? the rules? keep chang?ing?
Time was, red meat was healt?hful, and pasta? was bad; then pasta? was great?, and red meat was terri?ble, all of which? laste?d until? the Atkin?s craze? came along?
and the rules? flipp?ed again?. There? were the Medit?erran?ean diet and the South? Beach? diet and the low-fat diet and the grape?fruit? diet and, yes, the cabba?ge-soup diet, and all of them promi?sed great? thing?s. Red wine is the newes?t route? to healt?h, unles?s of cours?e it's dark choco?late — or unles?s it turns? out to be neith?er. With every? cure, it seems?, es? a probl?em; every? new truth? someh?ow turns? out to be part myth. (See photo?s of a world?wide day's worth? of food.)
The good news is that we now know so much more than we ever did about?
how food react?s in our bodie?s — how speci?fic molec?ules affec?t speci?fic funct?ions of speci?fic cells?. And with that es? new insig?ht into healt?hy eatin?g that is more than just conve?ntion?al wisdo?m or gimmi?ckry. The era of myth and marke?ting is at last givin?g way to an era of hard fact. You'll like some of the
new insig?hts, and you won't like other?s, but you'd best get used to them. Unlik?e the fads and fashi?ons that have e befor?e, the facts? aren't going? anywh?ere soon.
Up Is Down
Want to get healt?hy? then forge?t about? diet soda and low-fat foods?. Inste?ad, tuck into some eggs, whole? milk, salt, fat, nuts, wine, choco?late and coffe?e.
It's true. Despi?te conve?ntion?al wisdo?m, all of those? foods? and many more can be benef?icial? to your body. But overi?ndulg?e in them, and they can be as probl?emati?c as you've alway?s been led to belie?ve. The fact is that simpl?e rules? that divid?e thing?s into good-food and bad-food categ?ories? tell you only a small? part of the story?. The rest of it is more pl?ex than most folks? know.
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Take fat. Of all the parts? of the avera?ge diet that we've been told to avoid?, it's fats that have gotte?n beate?n up the most. The very word seems? to be an indic?tment? of the subst?ance: We don't want to be fat, so why in the world?
shoul?d we eat fat?
But fats are by no means? unive?rsall?y bad. Monou?nsatu?rated? and
polyu?nsatu?rated? fats are actua?lly re?mende?d for good healt?h.
Monou?nsatu?rated? fats — canol?a oil and olive? oil — have been found? to lower? LDL chole?stero?l (the bad chole?stero?l) and raise? HDL chole?stero?l (the good kind), thus reduc?ing the risks? of ather?oscle?rosis? and heart? disea?se. Polyu?nsatu?rated? fats like omega?-3s lower? LDL as well as reduc?ing the risk of infla?mmati?on, heart? disea?se and many other? disea?ses. And omega?-3s are also terri?fic for brain? healt?h. Bad fats gener?ally inclu?de satur?ated fats (found? in anima?l produ?cts), trans? fats (found? in hydro?genat?ed and parti?ally hydro?genat?ed oils) and their? cousi?n chole?stero?l (found? in egg yolks?, meats? and dairy?
produ?cts). Even this gener?al group?ing, howev?er, can be misle?ading?: new
resea?rch is findi?ng that some satur?ated fats (like those? found? in cocon?ut oil) may actua?lly be good for you and that dieta?ry chole?stero?l may not affec?t blood? chole?stero?l as much as was once thoug?ht. The only fat that is unive?rsall?y
accep?ted as bad is trans? fat, and that's now been strip?ped out of most foods?.
(See photo?s of a movab?le feast?.)
The redem?ption? of some fats — in moder?ation? — is also leadi?ng to the redem?ption? of the belea?guere?d egg. As a heart? surge?on, I am conti?nuall?y
struc?k by the varia?bilit?y in how peopl?e proce?ss dieta?ry chole?stero?l. Most peopl?e have littl?e issue? with their? blood?-chole?stero?l level?s after? eatin?g foods? that are relat?ively? high in chole?stero?l. But a few strug?gle with even small? amoun?ts of chole?stero?l in their? diet. Those? few, howev?er, serve?d as cauti?onary? tales? for every?one else, and so eggs and red meat, while? dange?rous if you eat them in exces?s, came to be seen as radio?activ?e. Most physi?cians?, howev?er, are now fo?rtabl?y re?mendi?ng one egg with the yolk per day as an inexp?ensiv?e sourc?e of high-quali?ty prote?in, even thoug?h a few patie?nts do need to be pulle?d off the progr?am pendi?ng blood?-chole?stero?l tests?.
Salt is anoth?er examp?le of a demon?ized po?und. While? our heart?s can't beat witho?ut it, too much sodiu?m can incre?ase blood? press?ure to dange?rous level?s — but only in 10% of the popul?ation?, with Afric?an Ameri?cans being? parti?cular?ly sensi?tive. The only way to know for sure if you're salt sensi?tive is to check? your blood? press?ure after? you consu?me salt and pa?re it with when you've been relat?ively? salt-free. But even if your numbe?rs stay withi?n a healt?hy range?, don't go crazy? with the salts?haker?. Sodiu?m mingl?es with other? eleme?nts in proce?ssed foods? and stimu?lates? our appet?ite, so it can help pack on pound?s. The good news is that almos?t all hyper?tensi?ve peopl?e, i.e., those? whose? resti?ng blood? press?ure is more than 140/90, will benef?it from reduc?ing their? salt intak?e — a simpl?e step that trans?lates? to an avera?ge of five extra? years? of life for the typic?al 55-year-old. (See the best food-writi?ng books? in the All-TIME 100 Best Nonfi?ction? Books?.)
The reput?ation? of red wine has simil?arly impro?ved, to the delig?ht of oenop?hiles?. Resve?ratro?l, an antio?xidan?t found? in grape? skins?, reduc?es the impac?t of bad chole?stero?l, which? in turn reduc?es the risk of cardi?ovasc?ular disea?se. Some anima?l studi?es show that it can help reduc?e obesi?ty and diabe?tes too. Howev?er, since? there?'s relat?ively? littl?e resve?ratro?l in red wine — you'd have to drink? 60 liter?s to get the full benef?its — it's best to add this antio?xidan?t to your list of suppl?ement?s. (See page 62.) Still?, you shoul?d drink? some red wine every? day: it has relat?ively? few calor?ies and induc?es milde?r hango?vers than other? sourc?es of alcoh?ol, and it is thoug?ht to raise? good chole?stero?l and reduc?e the bad kind, as well as prote?ct arter?ies again?st chole?stero?l-relat?ed damag?e. Red wine is also usual?ly consu?med in the pa?ny of other?s, so it encou?rages? human?
conne?ction?, a very power?ful facto?r in maint?ainin?g healt?h.
Choco?late is anoth?er sourc?e of antio?xidan?ts — in this case, in the form of flavo?noids?, which? are what give cocoa? beans? their? punge?nt taste?. The darke?r the choco?late, the less adult?erate?d with milk and other? ingre?dient?s it is and the heavi?er the conce?ntrat?ion of flavo?noids?. Nuts, thoug?h high in unsat?urate?d fats and calor?ies, can lower? bad chole?stero?l and help curb hunge?r. The polyp?henol?s
in coffe?e, which? is often? shunn?ed by the healt?h-consc?ious, is in fact the No. 1 sourc?e of antio?xidan?ts in the Weste?rn world? and in some studi?es has been assoc?iated? with lower? incid?ences? of demen?tia, Parki?nson's disea?se and Type 2 diabe?tes.
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Even the case again?st whole? milk, conde?mned by some criti?cs as nothi?ng less than a glass? of liqui?d fat, is more pl?ex than it seems?. It's true that kids who drink? a lot of whole? milk drink? a lot of calor?ies, but milk can actua?lly help contr?ol
weigh?t, since? calci?um binds? with fat in the food diges?ting in your gut, meani?ng
that you absor?b less of that fat. Some studi?es have seen no signi?fican?t
diffe?rence? among? skim, low-fat and whole? milk when it es? to weigh?t
contr?ol. What's more, when you take all the fat out of milk, you're left with too
high a conce?ntrat?ion of natur?al sugar?s, which? inter?acts like candy? with your hormo?nes, espec?ially? insul?in.
The key, for all of these? foods?, is moder?ation?. Consu?me more than 16 oz. (0.5 L) of whole? milk (or any two servi?ngs of dairy?) per day and the calor?ie load
swamp?s the healt?h benef?its. More than an ounce? of dark choco?late a few times?
a week or two glass?es of red wine per night? can lead to weigh?t gain in the first?
case and an incre?ased risk of court? appea?rance?s in the secon?d. Too much coffe?e can make you jitte?ry. Too much red meat — more than 18 oz. (0.5 kg) per week — can contr?ibute? to weigh?t gain, not to menti?on denyi?ng you the
benef?its of getti?ng more of your prote?in from fish, which? is rich in brain?-build?ing omega?-3 fatty? acids?. (See photo?s of gourm?et food truck?s.)
Diet of the Month?
If simpl?e truth?s about? basic? foods? turn out to be as fraug?ht with pl?exiti?es as they are, it's no wonde?r that so many equal?ly simpl?e diet fads have e to grief?. The popul?ar lands?cape is strew?n with weigh?t-loss craze?s that have e and gone, leavi?ng Ameri?can consu?mers disap?point?ed, frust?rated? and no healt?hier than they were befor?e.
One of the most dange?rous food label?s to e along? in recen?t decad?es is the insid?ious "fat free" monik?er. These? two littl?e words? grant?ed absol?ution? to
anyon?e who indul?ged and gave the illus?ion that porti?on size and sugar? conte?nt didn't matte?r. Manuf?actur?ers looki?ng to cash in on fat-phobi?c consu?mers
becam?e very good at strip?ping natur?al fats from produ?cts; but what was lost in taste? and textu?re had to be pe?nsate?d for by addin?g more sodiu?m, sugar?
and thick?eners?. As peopl?e ate more and more fat-free goodi?es, they got extra?-high doses? of other? ingre?dient?s that were bad for them. And witho?ut the filli?ng effec?t of fat in food, you are left hungr?y and tend to eat more. Other? fads have inclu?ded diets? that drama?tical?ly restr?ict our food choic?es. With the cabba?ge-soup and grape?fruit? diets?, advoc?ates ident?ified? a new mirac?le food and built? an entir?e eatin?g regim?en aroun?d it — a regim?en that came with a promi?se of shedd?ing a full 10 lb. (4.5 kg) in one week. In both of these? food-idol diets?, some weigh?t does disap?pear quick?ly, mostl?y throu?gh loss of fluid?s. Neith?er diet is pract?ical or nutri?tiona?lly sound?, and the weigh?t retur?ns as quick?ly as it es? off. (See the top 10 TV chefs?.)
Much more recen?t was the earth?quake? that was the Atkin?s diet, trigg?ered by a 2002 artic?le in the New York Times? Magaz?ine. The Atkin?s regim?en — lots of meat and very few carbo?hydra?tes (inclu?ding the natur?al sugar?s in fruit?s and veget?ables?) — had been brief?ly popul?ar more than 30 years? earli?er but becam?e a cultu?ral pheno?menon? after? the Times? story? breat?hed new life into it. Marke?t force?s fed the craze?, with menus? refor?mulat?ed to remov?e the last detec?table? carbo?hydra?te molec?ule and carb-free label?s slapp?ed on foods? that never? conta?ined them in the first? place?. Artis?anal baker?s wept (no carbs? means? no bague?ttes), and the überf?aithf?ul began? to suffe?r the bad breat?h of ketoa?cidos?is, which? occur?s when glyco?gen store?s are too low.
But weigh?t was being? lost — lots of it. The probl?em was, the loss was not being? susta?ined. There? are only so many foods? you can ban befor?e peopl?e's palat?es rebel?, and when you prett?y much take pasta?, bread?, fruit?s and veget?ables? off the menu, that rebel?lion will happe?n soone?r rathe?r than later?. What's more, the foods? that were permi?tted — parti?cular?ly the much-relie?d-on meats? — can lead to infla?mmati?on and irrit?ation?, causi?ng some physi?cians? to worry? that heart? attac?ks and strok?es could? resul?t.
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South? Beach? and other? Atkin?s deriv?ative?s make the diet more palat?able by allow?ing more fruit?s and veget?ables?. The newes?t alter?na-Atkin?s is the popul?ar paleo? diet, which? postu?lates? that since? the human? genom?e appea?red in its curre?nt form durin?g the Paleo?lithi?c Perio?d — about? 2.6 milli?on to 10,000 years? ago — we are genet?icall?y desig?ned to eat what was avail?able then. The paleo? diet focus?es on lean meats? and fish, fresh? fruit?s and nonst?archy? veget?ables?. It elimi?nates? dairy?, grain?s and legum?es becau?se they didn't appea?r on our menus? until? about? 12,000 years? ago. Accor?ding to some clini?cal trial?s, the diet has indee?d been shown? to lower? the risk of cardi?ovasc?ular disea?se, high blood? press?ure and infla?mmati?on as well as reduc?e ae, impro?ve athle?tic perfo?rmanc?e and help with weigh?t loss.
Many nutri?tioni?sts, howev?er, are conce?rned about? elimi?natin?g whole? grain?s and dairy? produ?cts. A wealt?h of resea?rch shows? that both can help decre?ase the risk of certa?in cance?rs and heart? disea?se. What's more, it's worth? remem?berin?g that cavem?en tende?d to be much short?er than moder?n peopl?e and often? died in their? 40s — in part becau?se they weren?'t eatin?g a diet that left them with much
abili?ty to fight? off infec?tion (or saber?-tooth?ed tiger?s). I would? rathe?r follo?w a diet that sees me lucid? and activ?e enoug?h to play with my grand?child?ren than one under? which? I die young? but look great?. (See the top 10 state? fair foods?.) Perso?naliz?ed Eatin?g
It's no secre?t that a diet that's good for a boy in his prime? growt?h-spurt? years? is not so good for a middl?e-aged man, or that what count?s as adequ?ate nutri?ents for a woman? when she is breas?t-feedi?ng in her 20s is diffe?rent from when she is postm?enopa?usal in her 70s. Yet as consu?mers, we accep?t blank?et
state?ments? about? how many servi?ngs of which? food group?s to eat and what const?itute?s optim?um calor?ie count?s and vitam?in perce?ntage?s. I have perfo?rmed more than 5,000 heart? surge?ries, and I re?mend a diet low in satur?ated and trans? fats to preve?nt the build?up of arter?ial plaqu?e. But I still? can't tell you why I can see two patie?nts in one after?noon who have both spent? decad?es eatin?g large? amoun?ts of bacon?, butte?r and baked? goods? and yet have pl?etely? oppos?ite angio?gram repor?ts.
The Unive?rsity? of North? Carol?ina Nutri?tion Resea?rch Insti?tute is a leade?r in the growi?ng field? of indiv?idual?ized nutri?tion, study?ing what's known? as
nutri?genom?ics: the link betwe?en genes? and diet. The scien?ce is a pa?rativ?ely new one, but the early? repor?ts are tanta?lizin?g.
One study? of mice, for examp?le, has pinpo?inted? a bindi?ng prote?in in some indiv?idual?s that overa?ctiva?tes a suite? of genes? invol?ved in the synth?esis and uptak?e of chole?stero?l and other? fats. That in turn can lead to insul?in resis?tance?, high trigl?yceri?des and a condi?tion calle?d fatty? liver?, in which? fat build?s up in the liver? and inhib?its its abili?ty to filte?r toxin?s in the blood?. Peopl?e with a simil?ar genet?ic glitc?h might? be simil?arly sensi?tive to dieta?ry fats and have to adjus?t what they eat accor?dingl?y. Anoth?er mouse? study? has found? a gene varia?tion that speci?fical?ly affec?ts the risk of devel?oping? high-LDL chole?stero?l. Yet anoth?er has found? a gene varia?tion that plays? a role in how susce?ptibl?e
indiv?idual?s are to the carci?nogen?s that are produ?ced when meat is cooke?d at high tempe?ratur?es. (See the top 10 thing?s you didn't know about?
It's too early? for these? and other? nutri?genom?ic studi?es to have clini?cal appli?catio?ns, but your docto?r shoul?d alrea?dy be looki?ng at food as a tool for disea?se preve?ntion? — at least? when it es? to regul?ating? the intak?e of salt, chole?stero?l and other? subst?ances? in peopl?e who are sensi?tive to them. Food aller?gies e into play here too. You can hardl?y re?mend wheat?-based?
cerea?l to someo?ne who can't proce?ss glute?n, or milk to a perso?n who's lacto?se intol?erant?.
But pulli?ng those? foods? out of the diet and repla?cing them with nothi?ng — or worse?, with junk — is hardl?y the answe?r. Inste?ad, try whole? grain?s witho?ut glute?n, like quino?a and chia; also try yogur?t, kefir?, chees?e and other? ferme?nted dairy? produ?cts that conta?in less lacto?se than fresh? dairy? foods? becau?se the bacte?ria used to make them diges?t some of the lacto?se, so you don't have to. The longe?r a chees?e is aged, the less lacto?se it has. (A sharp? chedd?ar aged for two years? conta?ins almos?t none at all.) The vast const?ellat?ion of food that's avail?able to us means? that almos?t anyon?e's nutri?tiona?l needs? can be met — even if it takes? a littl?e work.
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The Hard Truth?
Of all the chang?es takin?g place? on the food front?, one of the most impor?tant conce?rns the balan?ce betwe?en diet and exerc?ise. It's still? true that to maint?ain a healt?hy weigh?t, calor?ies consu?med must equal? calor?ies burne?d. Tip that balan?ce one way and you drop pound?s; tip it the other? way and you gain. Perio?d. Parag?raph.
But this summe?r a landm?ark study? in the New Engla?nd Journ?al of Medic?ine found? that it's not just how much food you eat, but which? kind, that influ?ences? weigh?t gain. After? adjus?ting for age, basel?ine body mass index? and lifes?tyle facto?rs such as exerc?ise and sleep? durat?ion in 120,000 parti?cipan?ts, the autho?rs found? that the foods? most assoc?iated? with addin?g pound?s over a four-year perio?d were frenc?h fries?, potat?o chips?, sugar?y drink?s, meats?, sweet?s and refin?ed grain?s. The foods? most assoc?iated? with shedd?ing pound?s were yogur?t, nuts, whole? grain?s, fruit?s and veget?ables?. But there?'s more than simpl?e calor?ic arith?metic? at work here.
When you sit down to a meal, your brain? is looki?ng for nutri?ents, not calor?ies, and will prod you to eat until? you're satis?fied. That's one of the many reaso?ns it's harde?r to push away from a plate? of fries? or a bowl of ice cream? than from a healt?hier meal of fruit?s, veget?ables?, grain?s and lean meats?. A simpl?e matte?r of diges?tive mecha?nics is at work too. High-fiber? foods? expan?d in the stoma?ch, slowi?ng diges?tion and augme?nting? satie?ty. That's the reaso?n I try to eat fruit? or a handf?ul of nuts prior? to a big meal. Consu?ming a contr?olled? amoun?t of calor?ies from the right? kind of food now helps? avoid? takin?g in many more calor?ies from the wrong? kind later?. (See 10 great? iPhon?e apps for foodi?es.)
Anoth?er hard truth? is that despi?te what we think?, there? is proba?bly not some elusi?ve super?food out in a dista?nt rain fores?t waiti?ng to be disco?vered?. That
said, we do know of some extra?ordin?ary foods? that are alrea?dy avail?able in abund?ance. Berri?es are incre?asing?ly seen as havin?g a profo?und impac?t again?st age-relat?ed disea?ses, inclu?ding cance?r, cardi?ovasc?ular illne?ss, diabe?tes and menta?l decli?ne, thank?s to their? high level?s of antio?xidan?ts and anti-infla?mmato?ry prope?rties?. Brocc?oli is high in fiber? and has been shown? to have chole?stero?l-lower?ing benef?its. It's also rich in sulfu?r po?unds, which? are good for the liver? and thus stren?gthen? the body's natur?al detox?ifica?tion syste?ms.
In the categ?ory of Thing?s Your Mothe?r Was Right? About? All Along?, you reall?y and truly? shoul?d take your vitam?ins. We like to think? that if we're smart?, we can get all of our neede?d nutri?ents from what we eat. But judgi?ng by food diari?es, this is true for only a small? perce?ntage? of the popul?ation?. What's more, while? the body manuf?actur?es some vitam?ins nonnu?triti?onall?y — the way sunli?ght helps? us gener?ate vitam?in D — there? is a long list of nutri?ents we can get only from food, inclu?ding calci?um, fiber?, folat?e, iodin?e, iron, magne?sium and potas?sium. Even if you chart? every? morse?l that goes in your mouth?, I promi?se you that a daily? multi?vitam?in is an easie?r and more relia?ble way to ensur?e that you're not leavi?ng anyth?ing out. (See the best lunch?boxes? for kids and their? paren?ts.)
Final?ly — no surpr?ise — you shoul?d be serio?us about? exerc?ising?. The Cente?rs for Disea?se Contr?ol and Preve?ntion? re?mends? that all adult?s get a minim?um of 150 minut?es of moder?ate aerob?ic activ?ity — like brisk? walki?ng — per week, which? es? down to just over 20 minut?es per day. As an alter?nativ?e, you could? go for 75 minut?es a week of a vigor?ous activ?ity like joggi?ng.
Muscl?e-stren?gthen?ing exerc?ises two or more days a week are also essen?tial to maint?ainin?g fitne?ss and build?ing lean muscl?e mass, which? makes? your metab?olism? more effic?ient. And keep in mind that we all overe?stima?te the calor?ic benef?it of exerc?ise. A 160-lb. (73 kg) perso?n who puts in a full hour of low-impac?t aerob?ics burns? 365 calor?ies, which? is not bad, but all that work is
entir?ely erase?d if you rewar?d yours?elf with a muffi?n inste?ad of an apple? after? class?.
No one prete?nds that achie?ving and maint?ainin?g an ideal? weigh?t is an easy thing? to do, but the list of rules? to get you there? is nonet?heles?s simpl?e: Eat in moder?ation?; choos?e foods? that look like they did when they came out of the
groun?d (remem?ber, there? are no marsh?mallo?w trees?); be an omniv?ore (there? are multi?ple food group?s for a reaso?n); and get some exerc?ise. Human? being?s are the only speci?es in the world? that has figur?ed out how to be in pl?ete contr?ol of its own food suppl?y. The chall?enge now is to make sure the food doesn?'t take contr?ol of us.
Read more:
人生在世,吃穿二事,很早我们就知道了这句话。人虽然作为高级动物,但仍需 要与普通动物一样:“ 吃 ” 。 所以, 零零总总令人眼花缭乱的各类美食也孕育而生, 从古至今, 长盛不衰。 饮食行业也成为三百六十行常展长新的行当, 而饮食业也 形成了自己的独特的文化,说的更直接些就是一种 “ 吃 ” 的文化。
中国有着 5000年的悠久历史,中国有着灿烂丰富、博大精深的饮食文化;中 国人注重 “ 天人合一 ” ,中餐以食表意、以物传情的特点。所以也就使得中国传统 的饮食美食都 “ 食出有门 ” 如中华饮食文化理论奠基人 ?? 孔子的《论语》中就有关 于饮食 “ 二不厌、三适度、十不食 ” 的论述。直至两千年后的今日,仍具有极高的 理论指导性。中华茶道始主 ?? 陆羽认为茶道在中华饮食文化中的地位几乎与酒 等量齐观,他曾遍访名茶产区荐评品第,又精研泉水,次第品级。中华食文化之 圣 ?? 袁枚其《随园食单》经历五十年才写成,成为中华饮食史上光前裕后之作, 也有中华饮食文化 “ 食经 ” 的美誉。还有以味道治国的大臣 ?? 伊尹将饮食的 “ 色、 香、味、形 ” 与治国相融合,所以就有了 “ 治国若烹小鲜 ” 之说。
由此,这就形成了我们传统的饮食有 “ 四重 ” 的特点:
1、重食:古人就有:“ 民以食为天 ” 之说,见面常问 “ 吃过没有? ” 足见饮食文化 的地位。
2、重养:以 “ 五谷 ” 养 “ 六脏 ” ,饮食中重视人体养生保健。
3、重味:中华饮食最注意食物的味,讲究 “ 色、香、味、型 ” 。各种味道差异 构成各种菜系的基础。
4、重理:注意各种食物的搭配,以相生相克、相辅相成等阴阳调和之理性认 识指导烹饪。
正是由于中华饮食讲究料、作、食等等的精细,内容丰富且博大精深,民族特 色鲜明,既兼容又特别,从古到今,历代相传又推陈出新。
不同的饮食习惯造就了不同的饮食文化。 中国人大而全的一贯作风, 吃饭时自 然是七大盘、八大碗,一是显示了富足,二是摆足了排场;近而各地比吃、全国 争雄, 最终形成了八大菜系, 也就是吃方面八个不同的 “ 高手 ” ; 说得虽有些低俗, 但还是很能传情达意的。
因此,中华饮食文化就其深层内涵,可以简单概括成八个字:精致、悦目、坠 情、礼数。这八个字,反映了饮食活动过程中饮食品质、审美体验、情感活动、 社会功能等所包含的独特文化意蕴, 也反映了饮食文化与中华优秀传统文化的密 切联系。
精致; 我们在得意时都喜欢在酒馆、 餐厅里点几个精致小菜, 或自己做几个精 致小菜来犒赏自己与亲戚友人, 而这时就需要吃出一种气氛、 品位甚至是文化来。
饮食既然作为一种文化,一种 “ 吃 ” 的文化,精品意识作为一种文化精神,却越来 越广泛、越来越深入地渗透、贯彻到整个饮食活动过程中。选料、烹调、配伍乃 至饮食环境,都体现着 “ 精致 ” 。尤其是现在非常注重个人身体保健的现代社会, 更是要求我们的饮食向精致化发展,使饮食中融入文化,透出文化,从而 “ 吃 ” 出 文化来,避免和摒弃那种 “ 过之屠门而大嚼 ” 不雅行为和有损健康的不良习惯。
悦目;这是将 “ 吃 ” 的文化与内涵进行升华的高级阶段,体现了饮食文化的审美 特征。中华饮食之所以能够征服世界,重要原因之一,就在于它美,它令食者有 “ 三月不知肉味 ” 的同时,更令人拍案叫绝和赏心悦目。这种悦目,是指中国饮食 活动形式与内容的完美统一, 是指它给人们所带来的审美愉悦和精神享受, 首先 是味道美。孙中山先生讲 “ 辨味不精,则烹调之术不妙 ” ,将对 “ 味 ” 的审美视作烹 调的第一要义。
令人悦目的美味佳肴作为饮食文化的一个基本内涵, 它是中华饮食的魅力之所 在,悦目贯穿在饮食活动过程的每一个环节中。
坠情; 这是对中华饮食文化社会心理功能的概括。 因为菜系和饮食中蕴藏着各 种感情在其中。 做的人付出心血和真情用心去做, 而吃者更是品味到自己喜欢的 饮食则抱着的是一种感激与赞赏。 吃吃喝喝, 不能简单视之, 它实际上是人与人 之间情感交流的媒介,是一种别开生面的社交活动。一边吃饭,一边聊天,可以 做生意、交流信息、采访。朋友离合,送往迎来,人们都习惯于在饭桌上表达惜 别或欢迎的心情, 感情上的风波, 人们也往往借酒菜平息。 这是饮食活动对于社 会心理的调节功能。过去的茶馆,大家坐下来喝茶、听书、摆龙门阵或者发泄对 朝廷的不满,实在是一种极好的心理按摩。
中华饮食之所以具有 “ 抒情 ” 功能,是因为 “ 饮德食和、万邦同乐 ” 的哲学思想和 由此而出现的具有民族特点的饮食方式。 对于饮食活动中的情感文化, 有个引导 和提升品位的问题。 我们要提倡健康优美、 奋发向上的文化情调, 追求一种高尚 的情操。
礼数; 是指饮食活动的礼仪性。 中国是礼仪之邦, 而这种礼仪与礼数也渗透到 了饮食当中。而饮食讲究 “ 礼数 ” ,这与我们的传统文化有很大关系。生老病死、 送往迎来、祭神敬祖都是礼。《礼记 ? 礼运》中说:“ 夫礼之初,始诸饮食。 “ 礼 数 ” 中也讲究着一种秩序和规范,比如在重要场合坐席的方向、箸匙的排列、上 菜的次序、有些菜的象征、来历等等都体现着 “ 礼数 ” 。
我们谈 “ 礼数 ” ,更应把它理解成一种精神,一种内在的伦理精神,这种精神, 贯穿在饮食活动过程中,从而构成中国饮食文明的逻辑起点。
饮食中的精致、 悦目、 坠情、 礼数分别从不同的角度概括了中华饮食文化的基 本内涵,换言之,这四个方面有机地构成了中华饮食文化这个整体概念。但是, 它们不是孤立地存在,而是相互依存、互为因果的,四者环环相生、完美统一,
便形成中华饮食文化的最高境界。而中华饮食也是中华民族从古至今用嘴 “ 吃 ” 出 来了一种文化, 一种浓厚的中华饮食文化, 这种文化已经得以前仆后继的不断弘 扬, 已经影响到了我们自己和身边, 影响到了全世界的饮食行业。 国家的历史有 长有短,疆域有大有小,实力有强有弱,人口有多有少,民族构成、宗教信仰、 政权性质和经济结构也有差异,故而各国的饮食文化是不一样的。
在中国传统文化教育中的阴阳五行哲学思想、 儒家伦理道德观念、 中医营养摄生 学说,还有文化艺术成就、饮食审美风尚、民族性格特征诸多因素的影响下,创 造出彪炳史册的中国烹饪技艺,形成博大精深的中国饮食文化。
从沿革看,中国饮食文化绵延 170多万年,分为生食、熟食、自然烹饪、科学 烹饪 4个发展阶段,推出 6万多种传统菜点、 2万多种工业食品、五光十色的筵 宴和流光溢彩的风味流派,获得 “ 烹饪王国 ” 的美誉。
从内涵上看, 中国饮食文化涉及到食源的开发与利用、 食具的运用与创新、 食品 的生产与消费、 餐饮的服务与接待、 餐饮业与食品业的经营与管理, 以及饮食与 国泰民安、饮食与文学艺术、饮食与人生境界的关系等,深厚广博。
从外延看,中国饮食文化可以从时代与技法、地域与经济、民族与宗教、食品与 食具、消费与层次、民俗与功能等多种角度进行分类,展示出不同的文化品味, 体现出不同的使用价值,异彩纷呈。
从特质看, 中国饮食文化突出养助益充的营卫论 (素食为主, 重视药膳和进补) , 并且讲究 “ 色、香、味 ” 俱全。五味调和的境界说(风味鲜明,适口者珍,有 “ 舌头 菜 ” 之誉),奇正互变的烹调法(厨规为本,灵活变通),畅神怡情的美食观(文 质彬彬,寓教于食)等 4大属性,有着不同于海外各国饮食文化的天生丽质。
从影响看,中国饮食文化直接影响到日本、蒙古、朝鲜、韩国、泰国、新加坡等 国家,是东方饮食文化圈的轴心;与此同时,它还间接影响到欧洲、美洲、非洲 和大洋洲, 像中国的素食文化、 茶文化、 酱醋、 面食、 药膳、 陶瓷餐具和大豆等, 都惠及全世界数十亿人。
总之,中国饮食文化是一种广视野、深层次、多角度、高品位的悠久区域文化; 是中华各族人民在 100多万年的生产和生活实践中,在食源开发、食具研制、 食品调理、 营养保健和饮食审美等方面创造、 积累并影响周边国家和世界的物质 财富及精神财富。
中国是文明是国,亦是悠久饮食文化之境地。吾存于世,吃喝二十余年,有所心 得有所感悟,现将饮食文化归纳出以下几个特点,望大家见教:
第一,风味多样。由于我国幅员辽阔,地大物博,各地气候、物产、风俗习惯都 存在着差异,长期以来,在饮食上也就形成了许多风味。我国一直就有 ? 南米北 面 ? 的说法,口味上有 ? 南甜北咸东酸西辣 ? 之分,主要是巴蜀、齐鲁、淮扬、粤闽 四大风味。
第二,四季有别。一年四季,按季节而吃,是中国烹饪又一大特征。自古以来, 我国一直按季节变化来调味、配菜,冬天味醇浓厚,夏天清淡凉爽;冬天多炖焖 煨,夏天多凉拌冷冻。
第三,讲究美感。中国的烹饪,不仅技术精湛,而且有讲究菜肴美感的传统,注 意食物的色、香、味、形、器的协调一致。对菜肴美感的表现是多方面的,无论 是个红萝卜,还是一个白菜心,都可以雕出各种造型,独树一帜,达到色、香、 味、形、美的和谐统一,给人以精神和物质高度统一的特殊享受。
第四,注重情趣。我国烹饪很早就注重品味情趣,不仅对饭菜点心的色、香、味 有严格的要求,而且对它们的命名、品味的方式、进餐时的节奏、娱乐的穿插等 都有一定的要求。 中国菜肴的名称可以说出神入化、 雅俗共赏。 菜肴名称既有根 据主、辅、调料及烹调方法的写实命名,也有根据历史掌故、神话传说、名人食 趣、 菜肴形象来命名的, 如 ? 全家福 ? 、 ? 将军过桥 ? 、 ? 狮子头 ? 、 ? 叫化鸡 ? 、 ? 龙凤呈祥 ? 、 ? 鸿门宴 ? 、 ? 东坡肉 ?……
第五, 食医结合。 我国的烹饪技术, 与医疗保健有密切的联系, 在几千年前有 ? 医 食同源 ? 和 ? 药膳同功 ? 的说法,利用食物原料的药用价值,做成各种美味佳肴,达 到对某些疾病防治的目的。 ”
古代的中国人还特别强调进食与宇宙节律协调同步, 春夏秋冬、 朝夕晦明要吃不 同性质的食物, 甚至加工烹饪食物也要考虑到季节、 气候等因素。 这些思想早在 先秦就已经形成, 在 《礼记月令》 就有明确的记载, 而且反对颠倒季节, 如春 “ 行 夏令 ”“ 行秋令 ”“ 行冬令 ” 必有天殃; 当然也反对食用反季节食品, 孔子说的 “ 不食不 时 ” ,包含有两重意思一是定时吃饭,二是不吃反季节食品,与当代人的意识正 相反,有些吃反季节食品是为了摆阔。西汉时,皇宫中便开始用温室种植 “ 葱韭 菜茹 ” ,西晋富翁石崇家也有暖棚。这种强调适应宇宙节律的思想意识的确是华 夏饮食文化所独有的。 这种意识残留到现代的大约仅有节日食俗了 (中医中药里 也有一些,但未受到重视)。
“ 阴阳五行 ” 说是传统思想所设定的世界模式,也被认为是宇宙规律。人是 “ 三才 ” 之一,饮食是人类生活所不可少的、制作饮食的烹饪必然也要循此规律。因此, 不仅把味道分为五,并产生了 “ 五味 ” 说(其实人能感觉到的 “ 味 ” 不止有五,但二 三千年前,能分辨出五种也不算少),而且还削足适履地把为数众多(当时人们
已经认识到这一点)的谷物、畜类、蔬菜、水果分别纳入 “ 五谷 ”“ 五肉 ”“ 五菜 ”“ 五 果 ” 的固定模式。 这使人感到荒诞。 更令人惊奇的是还有 “ 凡饮, 养阳气也; 凡食, 养阴气也 ” (《礼记郊特牲》)。并认为只有饮和食与天地阴阳互相协调,这样 才能 “ 交与神明 ” ,上通于天,从而达到 “ 天人合一 ” 的效果。因此在祭天时要严格 遵循阴阳五行之说。 这种说法被后来的道教所继承, 成为他们饮食理论的一个出 发点,如认为吃食物是增加人体阴气的,如 “ 五谷充体而不能益寿 ”“ 食气者寿 ” 等, 要修炼、要获得阳气就要尽量少吃、最佳境界是不吃,走 “ 辟谷 ” 的境界。
中和之美是中国传统文化的最高的审美理想。 “ 中也者,天下之大本也;和也者, 天下之达者也。至中和,天地位焉,万物育焉 ” (《礼记中庸》)。什么叫 “ 中 ” ? 不能简单地用 “ 中间 ” 来概括它。这个 “ 中 ” 指恰到好处,合乎度。有点像河南话中 的那个 “ 中 ” 。 “ 和 ” 也是烹饪概念。 《古文尚书说命》中就有 “ 若作和羹,惟尔盐梅 ” 的名句,意思是要做好羹汤,关键是调和好咸(盐)酸(梅)二味,以此比喻治 国。 《左传》 中晏婴 (齐国贤相) 也与齐景公谈论过什么是 “ 和 ” , 指出 “ 和 ” 不是 “ 同 ” , 和是要建立不同意见的协调的基础上的。因此中国哲人认为天地万物都在 “ 中和 ” 的状态下找到自己的位置以繁衍发育。 这种审美理想建筑在个体与社会、 人与自 然的和谐统一之上。这种通过调谐而实现 “ 中和之美 ” 的想法是在上古烹调实践与 理论的启发和影响下产生的, 而反过来又影响了人们的整个的饮食生活, 对于追 求艺术生活化、生活艺术化的古代文人士大夫,尤其如此。
与 “ 中和 ” 相反的是极端,极端在烹饪上也不被视为正宗,那些 “ 咸过头,辣过头, 酸过头 ” 的食品虽然会受到一些身体处在不正常状态下的人们的追捧,但从长远 看来它对身体是有害的。社会生活、政治生活中的极端主义其弊更是不可胜言。
如上所述, 华夏民族的饮食生活体现了传统文化的特性, 尽管有些特性对于现代 人来说是不可理解、或者说不太科学(近百年来, “ 科学 ” 二字在中国几乎成为宗 教信仰,它只是衡量一切领域是非的一把尺子,而它本身却不能受到质疑),但 饮食生活难道仅仅是 “ 科学 ” 二字所能说尽的吗?如果我们再关注一下 “ 文化 ” ,那 么研究中国人的饮食生活不仅是研究中国文化的必要的组成部分, 甚至可以成为 研究中国文化的一把钥匙。
目前, 饮食文化还是个模糊概念。 有的研究者笼统地说, 它包括吃什么、 怎么做、 怎么吃这三方面的问题; 有的研究者认为饮食文化学孕育出六门科学, 即烹调学、 食品制造学、食疗学、饮食民俗学、饮食文艺学、食品制造学;有的研究者还主 张加上饮食美学、饮食商业学、饮食用具学等等。本人才疏学浅,对于这么多学 科未能涉猎。 我所理解的饮食文化主要指饮食与人、 人群的关系及其所产生的社 会意义。所以我们在课题讨论中虽然也讨论食物、肴馔、食品加工、烹饪、饮食 习俗乃至进餐环境、食具、餐具等等,但都围绕着它们与人、人群的关系及其所 产生的社会意义等方面加以介绍和评介, 至于与人关系不大的纯工艺过程、 除了 必要的知识介绍外, 大多略去, 意在突出饮食生活给人们带来的物质上和精神上 的双重享受,以及中国饮食文化在这两方面的刻意追求。
人生在世,吃穿二事,很早我们就知道了这句话。人虽然作为高级动物,但仍需要与普通动物一样:“吃”。所以,零零总总令人眼花缭乱的各类美食也孕育而生,从古至今,长盛不衰。饮食行业也成为三百六十行常展长新的行当,而饮食业也形成了自己的独特的文化,说的更直接些就是一种“吃”的文化。 中国有着5000年的悠久历史,中国有着灿烂丰富、博大精深的饮食文化;中国人注重“天人合一”,中餐以食表意、以物传情的特点。所以也就使得中国传统的饮食美食都“食出有门”如中华饮食文化理论奠基人??孔子的《论语》中就有关于饮食“二不厌、三适度、十不食”的论述。直至两千年后的今日,仍具有极高的理论指导性。中华茶道始主??陆羽认为茶道在中华饮食文化中的地位几乎与酒等量齐观,他曾遍访名茶产区荐评品第,又精研泉水,次第品级。中华食文化之圣??袁枚其《随园食单》经历五十年才写成,成为中华饮食史上光前裕后之作,也有中华饮食文化“食经”的美誉。还有以味道治国的大臣??伊尹将饮食的“色、香、味、形”与治国相融合,所以就有了 “治国若烹小鲜”之说。 由此,这就形成了我们传统的饮食有“四重”的特点: 1、重食:古人就有:“民以食为天”之说,见面常问“吃过没有,”足见饮食文化的地位。 2、重养:以“五谷”养“六脏”,饮食中重视人体养生保健。 3、重味:中华饮食最注意食物的味,讲究“色、香、味、型”。各种味道差异构成各种菜系的基础。 4、重理:注意各种食物的搭配,以相生相克、相辅相成等阴阳调和之理性认识指导烹饪。 正是由于中华饮食讲究料、作、食等等的精细,内容丰富且博大精深,民族特色鲜明,既兼容又特别,从古到今,历代相传又推陈出新。 不同的饮食习惯造就了不同的饮食文化。中国人大而全的一贯作风,吃饭时自然是七大盘、八大碗,一是显示了富足,二是摆足了排场;近而各地比吃、全国争雄,最终形成了八大菜系,也就是吃方面八个不同的“高手”;说得虽有些低俗,但还是很能传情达意的。 因此,中华饮食文化就其深层内涵,可以简单概括成八个字:精致、悦目、坠情、礼数。这八个字,反映了饮食活动过程中饮食品质、审美体验、情感活动、社会功能等所包含的独特文化意蕴,也反映了饮食文化与中华优秀传统文化的密切联系。 精致;我们在得意时都喜欢在酒馆、餐厅里点几个精致小菜,或自己做几个精致小菜来犒赏自己与亲戚友人,而这时就需要吃出一种气氛、品位甚至是文化来。
饮食既然作为一种文化,一种“吃”的文化,精品意识作为一种文化精神,却越来越广泛、越来越深入地渗透、贯彻到整个饮食活动过程中。选料、烹调、配伍乃至饮食环境,都体现着 “精致”。尤其是现在非常注重个人身体保健的现代社会,更是要求我们的饮食向精致化发展,使饮食中融入文化,透出文化,从而“吃”出文化来,避免和摒弃那种“过之屠门而大嚼”不雅行为和有损健康的不良习惯。 悦目;这是将“吃”的文化与内涵进行升华的高级阶段,体现了饮食文化的审美特征。中华饮食之所以能够征服世界,重要原因之一,就在于它美,它令食者有“三月不知肉味”的同时,更令人拍案叫绝和赏心悦目。这种悦目,是指中国饮食活动形式与内容的完美统一,是指它给人们所带来的审美愉悦和精神享受,首先是味道美。孙中山先生讲“辨味不精,则烹调之术不妙”,将对“味”的审美视作烹调的第一要义。 令人悦目的美味佳肴作为饮食文化的一个基本内涵,它是中华饮食的魅力之所在,悦目贯穿在饮食活动过程的每一个环节中。 坠情;这是对中华饮食文化社会心理功能的概括。因为菜系和饮食中蕴藏着各种感情在其中。做的人付出心血和真情用心去做,而吃者更是品味到自己喜欢的饮食则抱着的是一种感激与赞赏。吃吃喝喝,不能简单视之,它实际上是人与人之间情感交流的媒介,是一种别开生面的社交活动。一边吃饭,一边聊天,可以做生意、交流信息、采访。朋友离合,送往迎来,人们都习惯于在饭桌上表达惜别或欢迎的心情,感情上的风波,人们也往往借酒菜平息。这是饮食活动对于社会心理的调
作文九:《健康饮食:龙利鱼的做法 健康饮食》700字
健康饮食:龙利鱼的做法 健康饮食
话题:健康饮食 居家生活 健康饮食 蒜蓉
龙利鱼,味鲜鲜美,口感爽滑,鱼肉久煮而不老,无腥味和异味,历来为我国沿海广大消费者待客的上等佳品,深受广大消费者青睐。而不同龙利鱼的做法,更带来不同的味觉享受,下面我们一起走进它。 蒜蓉龙利鱼的做法 用料:龙利鱼1条(去头尾);豆豉2勺;蒜5瓣;姜4片;橄榄油1勺;料酒1勺;生抽1勺;盐适量。做法:1、舌头鱼需要正反两面全部剥皮,场面有点血腥。姜切丝,蒜拍碎后剁成蒜蓉。2、勺豆豉,1勺蒜蓉,1勺生抽,1勺橄榄油,混合拌均成豆豉蒜蓉酱。3、舌头鱼去头尾,切大块,加1勺料酒,少量盐腌制15分钟。腌好的鱼柳沥去水,抹上豆豉蒜蓉酱,铺满姜丝,腌制30分钟。4、蒸鱼盘包上保鲜膜(可防止水汽进入),入沸水锅蒸10分钟。关火焖一会儿。5、取出后撒葱花。功效:龙利鱼,俗称舌头鱼,属于深海鱼类,高蛋白,营养丰富;姜:降逆止呕、化痰止咳、散寒解表。小贴士:头尾可以干煎一下,非常好吃。第一次做龙利鱼,
下次有机会一定尝试鱼片汤。 酥炸龙利鱼的做法 用料:龙利鱼700克;面粉200克;蛋液150克;面包糠400克;泰式甜辣酱;盐适量做法:1.龙利鱼洗净。2.将其切成大小均匀的块状,撒适量盐调味。3.蘸上面粉。4.裹上一层全蛋液。5.再蘸上面包糠。6.依次将鱼块按上述方法制作完成,并放在无水无油的盘中。7.把鱼排放入微微起泡的油中炸成金黄色。8.沥干油后装盘,搭配泰式甜辣酱食用即可。功效:龙利鱼,俗称舌头鱼,属于深海鱼类,高蛋白,营养丰富,蛋液补充蛋白质,令口感鲜美,更有保护视力,增强记忆力的功效。小贴士:鱼排外酥里嫩,鱼肉还保持着非常好的汁水。调料微甜微辣,能更好的调和鱼排的口味。一定趁热吃,口感细腻很新鲜。小火炸制,注意火候避免过老。
姓名:崔 涛
关键词: 健康 饮食 搭配
摘 要: 各民族各地区居民,以及个人的饮食习惯是长期适应一定生活条件而形成的。选用他们所喜欢的食物品种,并按照他们最习惯的方法进行烹调,才能使这些食物被充分消化、吸收和利用。但对于不良的饮食习惯,如暴饮暴食,偏食等则应加强宣传教育,逐步予以纠正。对因社会历史条件而养成的偏食习惯,除宣传教育外,还应采取措施保证供应多种多样的食物,使他们逐步习惯于食用各种有益的食品。
所谓细粮,是指稻米和小麦、面粉,粗粮指除稻米和面粉外的其他粮食。因粮食的品种不同,营养素含量各有特点。一个人每天膳食中粮食供给的蛋白质约占需要量的 50%以上。我国膳食中消耗量最大的稻米和面粉,其蛋白质中赖氨酸的含量比较贫乏,但某些粗粮(杂粮)中则特别突出,如大麦、青裸、莜麦和养麦等的赖氨酸含量均较多,各种豆类的赖氨酸含量甚至可达到稻米或小麦的5~10倍。
3.动物性食物的比例不能太低,动物蛋白与大豆蛋白的供给量应占蛋白质总供给量的1/3—1/2,动物蛋白要占优质蛋白的 1/2以上。但动物性食物的比例也不能太高,否则会摄人过多的动物脂肪和胆固醇。我国膳食结构以植物性食物为主,每人每周最好要摄取50克左右的动物内脏,特别是肝脏,以保证维生素A石和一些无机盐的供给。
5.蔬菜的品种要多样化,有色蔬菜和叶菜类要占 50%左右,才能提供数量较多的维生素C、胡萝卜素和相当量的钙、铁等无机盐。
6.每天要摄取 15克以上的优质植物油,才能保证必需脂肪酸的供给。动物脂肪要严格控制,否则会摄人过多的饱和脂肪酸甘油三脂和胆固醇,而严重时会导致心血管系统的疾病。
参考文献:1.夏顺群 《医学信息:中旬刊》 2010 第10期
2.阿笑 《中国保健营养》 2008 第5期
3.金凤 《中国保健营养》 2008 第2期
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