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w w w.5Y k J.C om 关于“父亲”的美文5篇
?张弛 “为什么您总不回家,”这是我一直在心里想对爸爸说的话,可是我却久久不能开口,因为他是我的爸爸,我不能主宰他的生活。可是作为儿子的我,心中唯一的愿望就是爸爸能在家多跟我玩一会儿,爸爸,您听到我的心声了吗, 我的爸爸今年41岁,最爱梳个小平头,相貌一般,为人诚实,按说,他应该算是一个好爸爸的,就是有个坏毛病,因为爱打麻将天天不回家。 爸爸的打麻将,可以说到了一种痴迷的状态,他常常都是晚上11点或者12点时才回家,作为儿子的我,总是很少见到他,李白说:蜀道难,难于上青天,我想见我爸爸的一面,也实在是太难了,有时甚至只能在梦中了?? 我的爸爸也非常想和我在一起玩一会儿的,但这种时候实在是太少了,每当遇到这种时候,我就觉得我的家突然会变得像瑶池一样明亮了。每到这个时候,我爸爸也总是说今天不去打麻将了,好好跟我大儿子玩一会儿。可是如果这时候有人给他打电话,他就又控制不住自己了,又会坐立不安了起来。每当这个时候,我就会哀求地看着爸爸的脸,爸爸心里也十分为难吧,因为每到这个时候他总会躲开我的目光,在屋子里转着,转着,就这么转了几圈以后,他还会弃我而去的,虽然走的时候总会安抚一下我,有时给我几块钱,有时给我拿出几样好吃的东西,但此时,什么样的东西都无法代替亲爱的爸爸啊~“爸爸,我多么希望你能跟我玩一会儿呀~” 今天也是一样,他回到了家,吃了晚饭,我就开始期待上了,我跑到他的面前,尽力让自己的笑容灿烂一些,甚至把胖乎乎的脸贴在了他的怀里,我以为这样就能留住他的脚步了,可偏偏就在这时,那个该死的电话就又响了,我不用猜都知道:又是找爸爸打麻将的。妈妈就埋怨着说:“今天你不能去了~”爸爸口里也连声说着:“我不能去了~什么,不去不行,那好吧,那我就去吧~”接着就装着无奈的样子,快速地跑出了家门。 爸爸,我不会忘记您逃跑时的姿态,你的姿态让我很心伤~教师评语:一个渴望爸爸陪伴的孩子的心声。小作者用真挚的情感,表达着那份心中的渴望,语言发自内心,流于言表的那份情感的表达,令人不禁产生了一份思考,作为父母的我们是否能读懂孩子的那份心,小作者在给一些父母们敲起了警钟。 “我要变形了”?张赫斗 “ 我要变形了~”此时此刻,那句熟悉而又令人兴奋的话再一次响起,我的爸爸又要变形了,要说他为什么变形,还要听我细细道来。 自从我的爸爸遇到了那位来自未来的神奇科学家后,他就会变形了,所变的形态都是可我所愿的。当我学习时,我的爸爸就会说:“我要变形了~”只见一股白雾升腾,我的爸爸变成了一台全自动电脑,我所有不会的难题都会化为一道妖气,我的全自动电脑会帮我拿出那个长长的解题金箍棒,把妖气消灭于无形之中。 当我要上学的时候,我的爸爸就会说:“我要变形了。”说着说着,我的爸爸就会用出分身术,变出一辆车,然后那辆车就会快乐行驶起来,去送我上学去,啊~春色得意车轮疾,别提有多美了~ 当我闲着无聊时,我的爸爸又会说:“我又要变形了~”此时我的爸爸就会变成了一个淘气的小孩子,用缩小的自己和我玩羽毛球,你看,我们俩配合的相当默契了~ 当我口渴时,我的爸爸又会说:“我要变形了。”这时,爸爸就会摇身变成了一大瓶水,让我喝个够,那甜甜的滋味,真是爽啊,爽到了我的心坎里~ 当我疲惫时,我的爸爸还会说:“我要变形了~”他就会变成一张床,让我舒舒服服地睡个够,就像躺在爸爸的臂弯里一样,太舒服了~比皇帝才要舒服~ “我要变形了,儿子~”我的变形爸爸为了我真是忙得不亦乐乎啊~教师评语:小作者用奇特的想象创造了一个神奇爸爸的形象,令读者感到很新奇。对爸爸的变形描写的十分的细腻,小作者那种在爸爸幸福的怀抱中的感觉,仿佛就在眼前,令人羡慕~老小孩?沙桐为什么说我爸爸是一个老小孩呢,你们肯定猜不到,下面还是请听我慢慢道来。因为我的爸爸总喜欢孩子吃的东西,例如:饼干、糖、苹果等。最有趣的是他有时还会像小孩子似的央求着对我们姐妹说:“求求你了~让我玩一会儿电脑吧~”听到这话,我们总会忍不住笑出笑来。还有更有趣的事呢~那次我们去
姥姥家过年发生的事。因为去姥姥家要两个小时,再加上我学习没时间,所以我们只能过年时去一次。去年过年,我们又去了姥姥家,因为老姨家的小妹妹想我爸都想哭了,因为爸爸的小孩子脾气,常常令妹妹很开心,所以她才那样的想爸爸。爸爸也特别想念我的这个小妹妹。这不,没去之前爸爸就给她买了一袋旺旺饼干,结果老姨在长春上班没回来,所以妹妹也就没有吃到爸爸的饼干,而那些饼干就成了我们的美食了~可是就在我们吃饼干的时候,正在打麻将的爸爸却冲我们喊道:“好东东怎么不给我分一点呀,”我们姐妹俩听了,一边忍不住笑着,一边就把饼干给他送了过去。可他又笑嘻嘻地说:“没看见我两手都有麻将吗,快喂我~”我没办法只好又把饼干送到了他的嘴边,一块一块地喂给他吃,就像喂笼子里的小鸟儿看着我们爷俩的那个样子,大家都哈哈大笑起来。你们看看我的爸爸,难道还不算老小孩吗,教师评语:小作者用灵巧生动的语言,刻画出一位十分具有趣味的爸爸形象。文中多处对人物的细节刻画,做到了突出地表达人物的性格的作用。可怜虫老爸?王城尧 看到这个标题,你一定很吃惊,老爸怎么会是可怜虫呢,想知道的话,就接着看下面吧~ 我的爸爸有着和其它大人不一样的地方,因为他很像小孩,不仅举止言谈像小孩儿。还和小孩儿一样爱吃糖果。他每一天都要吃三块糖,就是去串门,也要从家里拿几块糖偷偷地装在兜里,免得到别人家没有糖,他就吃不到糖了。每次见到他美滋滋地吃着糖的样子,真是让人觉得他就是一个大孩子~ 大家都知道,糖吃多了的话会有蛀牙的,所以我很担心爸爸也会生蛀牙,可是爸爸却从来不听别人的劝告,每天都义无反顾地坚持着自己的习惯。终于有一天,爸爸尝到了糖吃多了的苦头了。那一天晚上,妈妈做了很丰盛的晚餐,大家都使劲吃,而爸爸却在桌子旁,捂着嘴巴,还发出一些痛苦的叫声。“爸爸,您怎么了,”我关?牡奈省~把捞郏 卑
Φ?/P> 这时,妈妈从厨房拿出一些味精,往爸爸嘴里放,想为爸爸止疼,可是那种味道想起来就不会太好受,所以爸爸马上吐了出来。妈妈见不管用,便使出了第二招,去拿白醋。可是,家里的白醋用没了,妈妈便让我去买,我赶紧跑去小卖店买了两瓶。回家后,妈妈打开醋瓶,让爸爸喝,你瞧爸爸被折磨的样子,真是痛苦啊~呵呵,爸爸可是吃够了苦头了。 哈哈,你们瞧,这回爸爸成了可怜虫了~教师评语:小作者用生动有趣的语言描绘出一位更加有趣的爸爸形象。在抓住了爸爸的特点后,小作者用恰当的事例,准确的语言对人物的形象进行了刻画,是人物的性格特点十分的鲜明。我的四不像爸爸?李大地 我的四不像爸爸,你们一定很不明白,爸爸就是爸爸,怎么会四不像呢,下面就一起来看看吧~ 似虫:我是家里公认的活力王。可是每到起床的时候,就成了不爱动的小懒虫了,因为我总是想久久的懒在被窝里。这种时候,我最怕听到的就是我妈妈的河东狮吼,只要她的喊声进入了我的耳朵里,我只能被迫起床,如果不然,接下来就会有笤帚疙瘩飞过来的。而这时,我的爸还在他的屋子里睡着,我心里不服气,总会跑到爸爸的屋子里,用比妈妈大十倍的声音,对爸爸大喊:“爸爸起床了~”可我的爸爸却是修练有术,他总是什么反应都没有,一转身就又睡着了~你说我爸爸像不像虫,一只大懒虫~似虎:这次月考我没有考好,心里很害怕,害怕爸爸会使用武器打我,我怀着忐忑的心情到了家。爸爸第一句话就严肃地问我:“这次月考考了多少分,”我小声地说:“考??考了??考了85分。”爸爸听见了这个成绩,便用老虎一样的语气对我狂吼到:“你长没长心啊??”“你将来蹬三轮车去吧~”唉~那些让我熟悉不过的训斥声,都使我的耳朵生老茧了。似猪:前面写了爸爸似虫又似虎,这次我要写爸爸像猪了。别看爸爸有点瘦小,可是爸爸的食量可是有些惊人,我爸爸饿的时候,能吃三碗饭,一大盘子菜,还要填补一些水果什么的,你说我的爸爸能不能吃,是不是贪吃的猪啊~似鱼:我和爸爸有着共同的爱好,那就是游泳。我和爸爸每周都去白城的游泳馆。爸爸可以一次游500米远。,每当我一提起游泳,爸爸就像一个小孩子一样,乐的都喘不上气来了,而且爸爸是我们公认的游泳健将,有的时候,我就想象力大发,甚至想象,我和爸爸一起游到了大海的中央,我掉下海,爸爸总会游鱼一样把我救起来。 这就是我的似虫,似虎,似猪,似鱼的四不像爸爸~教师评语:
小作者用富有趣味的想象力,展示着一位很有个性的爸爸形象。在刻画中小作者注重着人物的语言、动作、神态的刻画,突出地表达出人物的鲜明的特征。不能太把爸爸的话当回事?张昊 今天中午放学,我笑嘻嘻地问爸爸:“老爸,你最好了~对不对,”老爸自豪地说:“那不咋地,我多好啊~”我再一次带着笑脸说:“那你给我20元钱吧~行不,”老爸这时想了一下说:“对了,前院让我帮着干一下活呢,有什么事回来再说吧~” 我心里暗暗地想:“这是啥老爸,一到关键时刻就掉链子~不给就不给吧,还找借口开溜~”不一会儿,老爸就回来,我不泄气地又一次走过去问:“给我20元钱吧,老爸~”老爸这次倒是很干脆地说:“行,不过三天后,你要是还这么听话。”我信以为真的干脆地说:“行~”我小心翼翼地终于挨到了第三天,我信心百倍地找到老爸说:“20元钱~”老爸却一票否决了我,皱着眉头说:“听话方面不合格~”我愤愤地说:“还不合格,上次你和我妈吵架,我还帮着你呢~”老爸又狡辩地说:“我什么时候说过给你钱啊,”听到这些话,我真的很失望,生气地走了。后来我跟妈妈说:“老妈,以后不能太把老爸当回事~”老妈不解地问:“为什么呢,”我哼哼着说:“因为所以,科学道理~你就相信我吧,没错的~”教师评语:小作者通过一次和爸爸的约定的失败,让他感到失望后,决定“不能太把爸爸当回事~”真实的反映出一个孩子的单纯与可爱,还有一个坚持不给孩子钱的爸爸形象,描写很真实,表达也很形象。文 章来源
w w w.5Y k J.C om
Many years ago, a baby boy came into this world. But unfortunately, he didn't e with a cry, which was a big problem from the medical point of view. The doctor, tough and quick, turned the baby upside down and slapped his bottom sharply. The baby cried, and he survived. At that moment, the father yelled at the doctor, "Why did you hit my baby?" He did not realize that the doctor had saved the baby's life. The baby cried and cried, and the father smiled and silently cried as well. He held the baby in his arms and did not allow the
doctor to touch the baby anymore.
Contest chair, ladies and gentlemen, that baby was me, and that man was my dad. Whenever my mom told people this story, I would always laugh aloud, and my dad would just shake his head and smile quietly。
Dad never tried to hug or kiss me when I was a child. And of course, he never said "I love you" to me, either. Maybe it's a Chinese cultural thing, or maybe that's the way my dad
was. But whenever I felt defeated, sad or lonely, dad was always there. Dad was a man of few words, but I always liked to talk to him, and I could always feel a very special connection to him。
As I got older, I had a huge crush on a girl. She was tall and beautiful, with long hair. One day, I walked up to her and blurted out, "you are so beautiful baby. I love you so much.
Please be my wife!" She was afraid and ran away with tears in her eyes. She told my teacher, and my teacher was so angry that she made me stay after school, and called my dad to take me home. My first love was over, and that year I was 7 years old。
On the way home, dad was very quiet. It seemed that nothing had happened. Finally I broke the silence and asked
him, "Daddy, did I do something wrong?" Dad paused for a while as he always did and said quietly, "Son, you did nothing wrong, except that it's too early for you to pursue girls." "Daddy, do you think I could marry a tall and beautiful girl
with long hair when I grow up?" I asked. Dad gave me one of his rare laughs and said, "Of course you could. You are so handsome! Just like your handsome father." For the first time, I realized that dad had a sense of humor, although he was always quiet。
When I was in high school, dad retired and set up a food
stand on the street near my school. Dad was very good at making fried noodles, and a lot of people liked his noodles. Every day when I finished school, my classmates and I would pass his food stand. But I really hated talking to dad in front of his food stand, because I did not want my classmates to know that my dad was selling noodles on the street!
One night, I couldn't stand it any more and shouted, "Dad, could you stop selling your stupid noodles? I don't need a father who sells noodles on the street!" At that moment, dad was shocked. He tried to say something but didn't. When he turned his head away, something happened that I had never seen and would never forget for the rest of my life. His eyes were filled with tears and sadness. It was the first time that I saw dad crying. My mom later told me that dad was selling noodles to save money for my college education. I was such an idiot, and even today I still feel guilty for that night。
Time really flies. I finished college and then left my home city. For the past ten years, whenever I've visited home,
dad was always there meeting me and seeing me off quietly at the railway station. Whenever he saw me off, he never tried to hug me or touch me, although I always expected a father's hug. When I was away from home, dad never wrote or called me, but
he always pushed my mom to call me. Whenever mom was calling me, dad would sit beside her with a list of questions. He would instruct mom to talk to me for him. That's the way dad is, and that's how dad shows his love to me。
I was married three years ago. Dad was very happy for me. And now he likes to tell people that his daughter-in-law is
tall and beautiful, with long hair.。。
Dad is still quiet, but I still feel a connection. Ladies and gentlemen, when a connection is deep and powerful, it lives in a place far beyond words, and it bees something
special---"a silent father's love."
The United States is one of the few countries in the world that has an official day on which fathers are honored by their children. On the third Sunday in June, fathers all across the United States are given presents, treated to dinner or otherwise made to feel special.
The origin of Father’s Day is not clear. Some say that it began
with a church service in West Virginia in 1908. Others say the first Father’s Day ceremony was held in Vancouver, Washington.
The president of the Chicago branch of the Lions’ Club, Harry
Meek, is said to have celebrated the first Father’s Day with his
organization in 1915; and the day that they chose was the third Sunday in June, the closest date to Meek’s own birthday!
Regardless of when the first true Father’s Day occurred, the
strongest promoter of the holiday was Mrs. Bruce John Dodd of Spokane, Washington. Mrs. Dodd felt that she had an outstanding father. He was a veteran of the Civil War. His wife had died young, and he had raised six children without their mother.
In 1909, Mrs. Dodd approached her own minister and others in
Spokane about having a church service dedicated to fathers on June 5, her father’s birthday. That date was too soon for her minister to prepare the service, so he spoke a few weeks later on June 19th. From then on, the state of Washington celebrated the third Sunday in June as Father’s Day.
Children made special desserts, or visited their fathers if they lived apart.
States and organizations began lobbying Congress to declare an annual Father’s Day. In 1916, President Woodrow Wilson approved of this idea, but it was not until 1924 when President Calvin Coolidge made it a national event to “establish more intimate relations between fathers
and their children and to impress upon fathers the full measure of their obligations.” Since then, fathers had been honored and recognized by their families throughout the country on the third Sunday in June.
When children can’t visit their fathers or take them out to dinner, they send a greeting card. Traditionally, fathers prefer greeting cards that are not too sentimental. Most greeting cards are whimsical so fathers laugh when they open them. Some give heartfelt thanks for being there whenever the child needed Dad.
Father’s Day has bee a day to not only honor your father, but all men who act as a father figure. Stepfathers, uncles, grandfathers, and adult male friends are all honored on Father’s Day.
“父亲节”的起源并不很清楚,有人说它起始于1908年西弗吉尼亚的一种教堂仪式,也有人说第一个“父亲节”仪式是在华盛顿的范库弗峰举行的,还有人说是Lions俱乐部芝加哥分部的会长Harry Meek于1915年在其俱乐部庆祝了第一个“父亲节”。
不管“父亲节”到底是什么时候出现的,这个节日最强大的推动者都是多德太太。在她的推动下,华盛顿州将六月的第三个星期天定为“父亲节”。其后,其他的州及组织开始游说国会将“父亲节”作为每年的例行节日。1916年, Woodrow Wilson总统批准了这一提议,但是直到1924年,“父亲节”才在全国范围内风行起来。
作文十:《美文 父亲的眼睛-英语美文-》3800字
美文 父亲的眼睛
Bob Richards, the former pole-vault champion, shares a moving story about a skinny young boy who loved football with all his heart. Practice after practice, he eagerly gave everything he had. But being half the size of the other boys, he got absolutely nowhere. At all the games, this hopeful athlete sat on the bench and hardly ever played. This teenager lived alone with his father, and the two of them had a very special relationship.
Even though the son was always on the bench, his father was always standing with cheering. He never missed a game. This young man was still the smallest of the class when he entered high school. But his father continued to encourage him but also made it very clear that he did not have to play football if he didn't want to. But the young man loved football and decided to hang in there. He was determined to try his best at every practice, and perhaps he'd get to play when he became a senior.
All through high school he never missed a practice nor a game but remained a bench-warmer all four years. His faithful father was always in the stands, always with words of encouragement for him.
When the young man t to college, he decided to try out for the football team as a "walk-on." Everyone was sure he could never make the cut, but he did. The coach admitted that he kept him on the roster because he always puts his heart and soul to every practice, and at the same time, provided the other members with the spirit and hustle they badly needed.
The news that he had survived the cut thrilled him so much that he rushed to the nearest phone and called his father. His father shared his excitement and was sent season tickets for all the college games. This persistent young athlete never missed practice during his four years at college, but he never got to play in a game.
It was the end of his last football season, and as he trotted onto the practice field shortly before the big playoff game, the coach met him with a telegram. The young man read the telegram and he became deathly silent.
Swallowing hard, he mumbled to the coach, "My father died this morning. Is it all right if I miss practice today?" The coach put his arm gently around his shoulder and said, "Take the rest of the week off, son. And don't even plan to e back to the game on Saturday."
Saturday arrived, and the game was not going well. In the third quarter, when the team was ten points behind, a silent young man quietly slipped into the empty locker room and put on his football gear. As he ran onto the sidelines, the coach and his players were astounded to see their faithful teammate back so soon. "Coach, please let me play. I've just got to play today." said the young man. The coach pretended not to hear him. There was no way he wanted the worst player in this close playoff game.
But the young man persisted, and finally feeling sorry for the kid, the coach gave in. "All right," he said. "You can go in." Before long, the coach, the players and everyone in the stands could not believe their eyes. This little unknown, who had never played before was doing everything right. The opposing team could not stop him. He ran, he passed, blocked like a star.
His team began to triumph. The score was soon tied. In the closing seconds of the game, this kid intercepted a pass and ran all the way for the winning touchdown. The fans broke loose. His teammates hoisted him onto their shoulders. Such cheering you never heard.
He looked at the coach, with tears in his eyes, and said, "Well, you knew my dad died, but did you know that my dad was blind?" The young man swallowed hard and forced a smile, "Dad came to all my games, but
today was the first time he could see me play, and I wanted to show him I
could do it!"
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