对于这个问题是众说纷纭,莫衷一是.一些人认为,人的本性是善的,“人之初,性本善”,恶是后天放纵的结果;也有一些人认为,人的本性是恶的,人是一种自私、贪婪的动物. 我认为,人的本性无所谓善,也无所谓恶.人生活在这个世界上,首先是为了生存,其次是为了需要.生存和需要是硬道理,善与恶是文明社会的人们用某种道德标准去衡量所得出的结论.善恶是表面现象,生存和需求是内在因素. 在动物世界里,动物为了生存,为了其物种不被灭绝,每时每刻在同死亡作斗争.而这种斗争,在人类看来,有些是善的,有些是恶的.狼吃羊是恶的,狼与狼之间很讲情义是善的.老羊为了保护整个羊群,自已挺身而出送上去给狼吃掉,是何等的善举.公羊为争夺配偶大打出手,是多么可恶.鸟喂食幼鸟是善,幼鸟之间为争食相斗是恶,而鸟的父母眼睁睁地看着子女争食而不管,甚至看到弱小的幼鸟因争不到食而活活饿死却无动于衷是多么可恶.其实不然,动物的种种行为都遵循一个原则,那就是为了物种的延续,为了物种的延续有时候必须优胜劣汰.在动物世界是没有“善”与“恶”的概念和区分的. 人从动物中进化而来,从生物学的意义上讲,人也是一种动物,只不过是一种高级动物.既然如此,人生来就带有动物的本性,这种本性无论是善,还是恶,都是人类生存和发展所必须的.人类社会发展至今天,正是这种本性的
human nature is the concept that there are a set of characteristics, including ways of thinking, feeling and acting, that all 'normal' human beings have in common.
the soul is seen as the substantial form of the body (matter). the soul, as the substantial form, is what is universal, or common, to all humanity, and therefore, is indicative of human nature; that which differentiates one person from another is matter, which aquinas refers to as the principle of individuation. the human soul is characterized as spiritual, immortal, substantial, and subsistent: it is the spiritual and vital principle of the human being, but is also dependent on the body in a variety of ways in order to possess these characteristics. thus, no division is made between the "physical" and the "spiritual," though they are in fact distinct. this position differentiates thomism from both materialism and idealism. unlike idealism, it holds that the visible universe is not a mere shadow of a transcendent reality, but instead is fully real in and of itself.
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