以上关于“[议论文]高考作文议论文骄兵必败优秀作文”的信息由网友上传分享,希望对您有所帮助 ,感谢您对就爱阅读网的支持~
“滚滚长江东逝水,浪花淘尽英雄??古今多少事,都付笑谈中。 ”当我翻 看《三国演义》这本书时,立刻被开卷的词所吸引。沉思之余,意犹未尽,令人 回味??
“话说天下大事,分久必合,合久必分。 ”这部宏伟的长篇小说描写了中平 元年黄巾起义至晋武帝泰康元年一统天下。
看其人“面如重枣,唇若涂脂,丹凤眼,卧蚕眉。 ”接下来的日子,我同云 长在桃园结义;同他温酒斩华雄,斩颜良文丑与马下;和他为保二嫂,千里走单 骑,过五关斩六将。
我似乎在刀枪乱马之间,使我壑欲难填,合卷之余,我觉得一切恍恍惚惚, “单刀赴会、刮骨疗毒??”历历在目,耳边回响诗曰:威倾三国著英豪,一宅 分居义气高,奸相枉将虚礼待,岂知关羽不降曹。
可是如此一位忠义威严、 万夫不敌之勇的汉寿侯竟死在东吴小将吕蒙、 陆逊 之手,岂不怪哉?
为何关羽会是以这样的结局收场呢?人无完人, 金无赤足。 莫非是关羽不够 英勇?是他缺少孔明的高见?非也! 非也! 是关羽的骄傲自大在作祟。 书中写到:关羽不听王甫之谏,却高傲地说:“虽有埋伏,吾何惧哉! ”正中吕蒙之计,真是 “月晕而风,础润而雨。 ”当我读到“关羽翻身落马,被潘璋部将马忠所获” “唉 ——”一声长叹,我不禁为之怜惜,合上书本,带着一丝痛惜——即使是盖世英 雄,但骄兵必败啊!
关云长与张翼德 “敬爱君子而不恤小人” 的性格相反, 关羽对大将的不屑一 顾,心中藐视一股傲气,导致败走麦城的悲剧。
“某某某, 60分”听到老师报到我是这次化学考试的第一时,我心花怒放 飘飘然走向讲台,得意至极,回到家,早已把书包抛在一边、
模拟考前, 我还沉浸在 “第一” 的喜悦中, 上课看着窗外足球队精彩的球赛, 听着啦啦队的呐喊声。如关羽在麦城,带着残卒,还如此骄傲,轻视对手,最终 命忘了。
果然在模拟考中,我的成绩一落千丈,犹如掉入万丈深渊,万念俱灰。 高傲的训诫还不够吗?魏将杨修才华横溢,但恃才狂放最终被曹操忌恨所 杀。 古来又有严氏父子异志中严俊骄傲如此, 后竟为宋孝武帝所诛。 家喻户晓的 “龟兔赛跑” ,又何尝不是兔子因骄傲所引发了最后这意想不到的结果呢? 在这部战争图画中,既有波澜壮阔,又有细致入微,大江东去,小桥流水, 铁马刀枪??尽纳其中,令我欲罢不能。
孔明说:“非淡泊无以明志,非宁静无以致远。 ”于我,莫骄傲,能得此淡泊 宁静,夫复何求?
Test 12 (Band Three)
Part I Translation (10 points)
Directions: Complete the sentences by translating into English the Chinese given in the brackets.
1. ___________________ (骄兵必败) is a paraphrase of an ancient Hebrew Proverb, designed
to warn that excessive pride will often cause one to fall or fail.
2. Not only is the food very healthy with a wide variety of selections, but it's
___________________ (我做梦都想不到的美味). The energy I felt after having dined there
was amazing.
3. In my opinion, if we are to look at these inquiries _________________ (从经济发展的视角),
we should not over-emphasize the distinction between democracy and non-democracy.
4(If______________________________(如果你要申请这份奖学金),you must fill in the
application and return it now.
5. My suggestion is ________________________________________(我们应该推崇用功学习
Part II Listening Comprehension (25 points)
Section A
Directions: In this section, you’ll hear five short conversations. After each conversation, a
question will be asked about what was said. The conversation and question will be
read only once. Listen carefully and choose the best answer to each question.
1. A) At 3:30. B) At 4 o’clock.
C) At 4:30. D) At 3 o’clock.
2. A) To play chess with the man. B) To take a test.
C) To review her lessons. D) To study with the man.
3. A) It’s too late to go out. B) He doesn’t like walking.
C) He doesn’t want to go out. D) They can’t go out because of the rain.
4. A) It’s lunch time. B) Ann has eaten her lunch.
C) Ann has not e to work. D) The man has dialed a wrong number.
5. A) She’s not interested in math. B) She’s too busy to study.
C) She’s studying math now. D) She will study math later.
Section B
Directions: In this section, you’ll hear a long conversation and a passage. The conversation and passage will be read twice. At the end of them, you’ll hear some questions. Listen carefully and choose the best answer to each question.
Long conversation
Questions 6 to 10 are based on the following conversation:
6. A. Driver — passenger. B. Policeman — witness.
C. Lawyer — client. D. Judge — defendant.
7. A. At the crossroads of Bridge Street and Churchill Avenue.
B. Outside Brown’s toyshop.
C. Just where the woman was standing.
D. Where the policeman and the woman are talking.
8. A. At 10. B. At 10:40.
C. At 2:30. D. At 2:40.
9. A. 10 miles per hour. B. 40 miles per hour.
C. 30 miles per hour. D. 20 miles per hour.
10. A. To write down what she had said. B. To identify the drivers.
C. To sign her name. D. To go to the court.
Questions 11 to 15 are based on the following passage:
11. A. Noise. B. Newspapers.
C. Advertisements. D. Electronic equipment.
12. A. It gives too much music.
B. It has too many programs for advertising.
C. Its noise does harm to our ears.
D. It changes our daily live.
13. A. They spend too much time on sports.
B. They are always watching TV programs.
C. They like to play games on TV.
D. They take little interest in their wives.
14. A. Electronic equipment may invade our private life.
B. Electronic equipment may harm our health.
C. Electronic equipment may affect children’s study.
D. Electronic equipment may affect family relationship.
15. A. There are too many programs for grown ups on TV.
B. Reading advertisements is a waste of time.
C. Watching TV may hurt children’s eyes.
D. Some electronic equipment may cause social problems.
Section C
Directions: There is a passage with ten blanks in this section. You’ll hear the passage read twice.
Listen carefully and fill in the blanks with what you have heard.
There are three kinds of tourist 16 ________. One kind, a tourist assistant, may meet tourists
at the 17 ________. He may also help them get hotel 18 ________ or help them decide what they
will be able to see or do. The assistant must 19________ know about the local events, such as the
hotels of 20________ kinds and the prices of everything.
The second kind of guide takes tourists on tours of the city and 21 ________ areas. This kind
of guide meets tourists in groups, takes them on buses to see the local 22 ________ and places of
interest, and tells them about local history and 23 ________.
The third kind of guide takes groups of people on buses to 24 ________ cities or even to different countries. These tours sometimes take several weeks. Usually only 25 ________ men serve as guides for these tours.
Part III Reading Comprehension (Reading in Depth) (30 points)
Section A
Directions: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word
for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage.
Read the passage through carefully before making your choices. Each choice in the
bank is identified by a letter. Please mark the corresponding letter for each item on
Answer Sheet. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once.(注:
Questions 26 to 35 are based on the following passage.
As a bicycle kingdom gearing up to bee an automobile society, China, the world's third largest car manufacturing base, is facing a serious problem of automobile-related pollution and soaring levels of petrol 26 .
China already 27 third among the world's automobile manufacturing countries, with a voracious domestic demand that has attracted all major automobile manufacturers to 28 .
Statistics from the State Environmental Protection Administration show that China will have 33 million automobiles by 2005 and over 131 million by 2020.
As the market 29 , so are serious pollution problems. Vehicles have bee the biggest carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxide emitters in big cities like Shanghai, Beijing and Guangzhou. In China's 14 largest cities, air pollution takes its 30 on 50,000 newborn babies and causes
400,000 cases of respiratory illness every year, according to the Ministry of Science and Technology.
Not only do vehicles create stress on the environment and human health, a growing automobile society also threatens to 31 China's oil resources. In 2000, vehicles in China consumed 65.6 million tons of oil, one-third of total demand. This expected to rise to 138 million tons annually by 2010 and 32 for 43 per cent of the nation's total oil demand. This figure projected to rise further to 256 million tons by 2020, accounting for 57 per cent of total demand.
As a result, China will depend ever more heavily on oil imports ― since the country's
domestic oil reserves are quite limited ― the nation's energy security will be greatly affected and the economical development seriously 33 . China's overall oil demand is 34 to be 450
million tons annually by 2020, with imports providing more than half. With overcrowded roads and worsening 35 jams, Chinese cities are urgently seeking solutions to the automobile pollution problem.
A) hindered K) victim
B) ranks L) accelerates
C) overwhelm M) declining
D) traffic N) consumption
E) imports O) pour in
F) amount
G) toll
H) account
I) forecasted
J) forecast
Section B
Directions: There are 3 reading passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some
questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four suggested
answers marked A), B), C) and D). Choose the best answer to each question.
Passage One
Questions 36-40 are based on the following passage:
Let's take a look at the society around me. I have got to be a 5-foot-10, super-thin gorgeous
woman to even be considered for media praise.
My coach keeps on pushing me, even though I am honestly trying my best. My boss will go mad if I'm five minutes late. My parents expect me to have a 4.0 grade-point average, be nice to my brother, earn a music scholarship and still make it home in time to do the dishes.
Well, I never really have the guts to plain about any of these things, so I found a way
around them. I simply do what's expected of me. That's the way of the teenage world.
In today's society, a girl is expected to do several things at a time to be a success. I'm all for aiming high, but I don't like to be kicked if I don't hit my target. I would rather work on something I love to do, than to be No. 1 in something I hate.
Don't get me wrong; I appreciate the push that everyone gives me. I just wish I could be pushed in the direction I want to go in, instead of worrying about disappointing the people I love.
I blame a lot of this teenage stress on the media
When you turn on MTV, the first thing you usually see is an unbelievably beautiful girl with no problems, perfect grades and excellent athletic ability. The image that is painted for teenage girls is totally false!
We do have problems. We all don't have a 4.0 GPA. Our hair isn't always perfect. All of us
aren't rich. We do get pimples.
We should acknowledge these things and steer away from people who try to change us. I, for one, don't want to be a part of an unrealistic fantasy world anymore. So I want to break these barriers.
I am not the prettiest, smartest, most athletic girl in the universe. But I am good at a lot of things. I guess you could call me a normal teenage girl. And I'm happy with that.
36. What is expected of a young woman in today’ society?
A) Be tall and thin.
B) Be athletic and good at music.
C) Be perfect in everything.
D) Be graceful and have good manners.
37. What is the greatest stress affecting young girls?
A) They have to do several things at a time.
B) Too much is expected of them.
C) They have to do things they do not like.
D) Their parents want them to take care of their brother.
38. Who or what is chiefly responsible for the stress young girls are suffering?
A) The media.
B) Their parents.
C) Their school.
D) Their own fault.
39. What does the author want to do?
A) Get a 4.0 GPA and be an academic success.
B) Try not to disappoint her parents and people around her.
C) Grow into the prettiest and most athletic girl in the world.
D) Be realistic and steer away from the fantasy world.
40. What does the author advise her peers to do?
A) Be happy with themselves.
B) Be good at a lot of things.
C) Follow the media closely.
D) Pay attention to their image.
Passage Two
Questions 41 to 45 are based on the following passage:
Lead deposits, which accumulated in soil and snow during the 1960’s and 1970’s, were
primarily the result of leaded gasoline emissions originating in the United States. In the
tty years that the Clean Air Act has mandated unleaded gas use in the United States. The lead accumulation worldwide has decreased significantly.
A study published recently in the journal Nature shows air-borne leaded gas emissions from
the United States are the leading contributor to the high concentration of lead in the snow in Greenland. The new study is a result of the continued research led by Dr. Charles Boutron, an expert on the impact of heavy metals on the environment at the National Center for Scientific Research in France. A study by Dr. Boutron published in 1991 showed that lead levels in Arctic snow were declining.
In his new study, Dr. Boutron found the ratios of the different forms of lead in the leaded gasoline used in the United States were different from the ratio of European, Asian and Canadian gasolines and thus enabled scientists to differentiate the lead sources. The dominant lead ratio found in Greenland snow matched that found in gasoline from the United States.
In a study published in the journal Ambio, scientists found that lead levels in soil in the
North-eastern United States had decreased markedly since the introduction of unleaded gasoline.
Many scientists had believed that the lead would stay in soil and snow for a longer period.
The authors of the Ambio study examined samples of the upper layers of soil taken from the same sites of 30 forest floors in New England, New York and Pennsylvania in 1980 and in 1990.The forest environment processed and redistributed the lead faster than the scientists had expected.
Scientists say both studies demonstrate that certain parts of the ecosystem respond rapidly to reductions in atmospheric pollution, but that these findings should not be used as a license to pollute.
41.The study published in the journal Nature indicates that _______.
A) the Clean Air Act has not produced the desired results
B) lead deposits in Arctic snow are on the increase
C) lead will stay in soil and snow longer than expected
D) the U.S. is the major source of lead pollution in Arctic snow
42.Lead accumulation worldwide decreased significantly after the use of unleaded gas in the U.S. ________.
A) was discouraged
B) was enforced by law
C) was prohibited by law
D) was introduced
43. How did scientists discover the source of lead pollution in Greenland?________.
A) By analyzing the data published in journals like Nature and Ambio.
B) By observing the lead accumulations in different parts of the Arctic area.
C) By studying the chemical elements of soil and snow in Northeastern America.
D) By paring the chemical positions of leaded gasoline used in various countries.
44.The authors of the Ambio study have found that ________.
A) forests get rid of lead pollution faster than expected
B) lead accumulations in forests are more difficult deal with
C) lead deposits are widely distributed in the forests of the U.S.
D) the upper layers of soil in forests are easily polluted by lead emissions
45.It can be inferred from the last paragraph that scientists________.
A) are puzzled by the mystery of forest pollution
B) feel relieved by the use of unleaded gasoline
C) still consider lead pollution a problem
D) lack sufficient means to bat lead pollution
Passage Three
Questions 46 to 50 are based on the following passage.
Tight-lipped elders used to say, “It’s not what you want in this world, but what you get.”
Psychology teaches that you do get what you want if you know what you want and want the right things.
You can make a mental blueprint of a desire as you would make a blueprint of a house, and each of us is continually making these blueprints in the general routine of everyday living. If we intend to have friends to dinner, we plan the menus, make a shopping list, and decide which food
to cook first and such planning is an essential for any type of meal to be served.
Likewise, if you want to find a job, take a sheet of paper, and write a brief account of yourself. In making a blueprint for a job, begin with yourself, for when you know exactly what you have to offer, you can intelligently plan where to sell your services.
This account of yourself is actually a sketch of your working life and should include education, experience and references. Such an account is valuable. It can be referred to in filling out standard application blanks and is extremely helpful in personal interviews. While talking to you, your could-be employer is deciding whether your education, your experience, and other qualifications will pay him to employ you and your “ware” and abilities must be displayed in an
orderly and reasonably connected manner.
When you have carefully prepared a blueprint of your abilities and desires, you have something tangible to sell. Then you are ready to hunt for a job. Get all the possible information about your could-be job. Make inquiries as to the details regarding the job and the firm. Keep your eyes and ears open, and use your own judgment. Spend a certain amount of time each day seeking the employment you wish for, and keep in mind: Securing a job is your job now.
46.What do the elders mean when they say, “It’s not what you want in this world, but what you
A) You’ll certainly get what you want.
B) It’s no use dreaming.
C) You should be dissatisfied with what you have.
D) It’s essential to set a goal for yourself.
47. A blueprint made before inviting a friend to dinner is used in this passage as
A) an illustration of how to write an application for a job
B) an indication how to secure a good job
C) a guideline for job description
D) a principle for job evaluation
48. According to the passage, one must write an account of himself before starting to find a job
because ___________________.
A) that is the first step to please the employer
B) that is the requirement of the employer
C) it enables him to know when to sell his services
D) it forces him to bee clearly aware of himself
49. When you have carefully prepared a blueprint of your abilities and desires, you have
something _______________.
A) definite to offer B) imaginary to provide
C) practical to supply D) desirable to present
50. In the author’s standpoint, which of the following items is not among the things that you could
do after having prepared a blueprint for yourself?
A)You could gather information about suitable job vacancies in accordance with your
B) You could find newspaper clippings about the pany that is offering your preferred
C) You should make inquiries to the pany that are offering jobs or your friends who may
provide you with some employment information so as to learn the details regarding the
job and the firm.
D) You should send out your resume to as many panies as possible regardless of the
pany business and job natures.
Part IV Cloze (10 points)
Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage. For each blanks there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should choose the one that best fits into the passage. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.
Nearly all surgical students stick themselves with needles and 51 instruments while
in training. But 52 fail to report the injuries, 53 their health and that of their
families and patients to the threat of 54 diseases, according to a survey by Dr. Makary
and colleagues being published today. Their being 55 was the chief reason the surgical
residents 56 for the injuries, which were mostly 57 .
The survey revealed that young surgeons didn’t report the potentially fatal injuries for a range of reasons. 58 a time surgeons feel that doing so would take too much time, could __59__
career opportunities and might cause a loss of face among 60 .In addition, there was a
__61__ belief that getting even timely medical attention would not prevent infection.
“It’s been long 62 ,but no one truly appreciated the 63 of the problem,” said
Martin Makary. “Every surgeon is __64__ to be on anti-HIV medications and is at risk for
contracting HIV and hepatitis at far higher rates than we suspected.”
“Part of the surgical culture has been maintaining the patient first at all cost, and when an accident occurs in the operating room, the surgeon’s 65 inclination is to continue with the
operation, ” he said .”But the extent of the problem is much greater than we thought .Previous estimates of injuries understate the seriousness of the problem, 66 most of the injuries are
not being recorded.”
“More hospitals need to do a better job in protection”, Makary said. “They need more appropriate and more timely surgical systems 67 surgeons can get medical treatment
immediately, not after a long 68 process that takes them away from the patient.” The
findings 69 the need for “immediate steps to improve safety and care for health care workers to reduce the spread of HIV and hepatitis infection,” he said. The hospitals could __70__
so-called “sharpless” technologies where possible, including electric scalpels, clips and glues.
51. A) medical surgical D)
B) acute C) sharp
52. A) few a few D)
B) most C) least
53. A) harming hurting D)
B) risking C) impairing
54. A) serious B) dangerous C) fatal D) infectious
55. A) rushed pushed D) B) quickened C) speeded
56. A) adjoined assessed D) B) cited C) quoted
57. A) self-projected B) self-inserted C) self-injected D) self-inflicted
58. A) Many Often D) B) Seldom C) Never
59. A) jeopardize paralyze D) B) minimize C) utilize
60. A) partners patients D) B) peers C) pairs
61. A) genuine true D) B) forged C) false
62. A) suspected doubted D) B) guessed C) predicted
63. A) magnetism magnitude D) B) multitude C) altitude
64. A) claimed proclaimed D) B) detained C) destined
65. A) best last D) B) first C) least
66. A) although but D) B) because C) so
67. A) for so D) B) since C) as
68. A) bureaucratic B) intrinsic C) systematic D) eccentric
69. A) decrease
B) darken C)
increase D)
70. A) get B) adopt C) receive D) adapt
Part V Writing (15points)
Direction: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Blog Writing. You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below:
1. 写博客的好处;
2. 写博客存在的问题;
3. 你的看法。
Blog Writing
Part VI Oral English Test (10 points)
Answer Sheet (Band Three)
Part I Translation ( 10points)
Score Marker
Part II Section C: Spot Dictation (10 points)
Score Marker
16. 17. 18. 19. 20.
21. 22. 23. 24. 25.
Part III Section A (10 points, identified by a letter)
Score Marker
26. 27. 28. 29. 30.
31. 32. 33. 34. 35.
Part V Writing (15points)
Score Marker
Part VI Oral English Test (10 points)
Key to Achievement Test (Band Three)
Part I Translation(10points)
本部分是汉译英5道题,每题为2分,共10分。该题主要考查学生对所学句型、语法结构、词汇和短语的掌握。批改此题时,首先要注意句子的时态和句型是否正确,然后再检查每个句子中的关键词、短语是否恰当,如果学生没有用所要求的词或短语,但意思表达正确也可酌情得分, 但不能得满分。
1. Pride es/goes before a fall
2. delicious beyond my wildest dreams
3. from the perspective of economic development
4. you want to apply for this scholarship
5. that we should hold up the hard working students for others to follow.
Part II Listening Comprehension (25points)
Section A 本部分听力共5个小题,1个1分,共5分。答对1个得1分。答错不得分。
1. A 2. C 3. D 4. A 5. D
Section B 本部分听力共10个小题,1个1分,共10分。答对1个得1分。答错不得分。
6. B 7. A 8. D 9. C 10. C
11. C 12. C 13. B 14. A 15. D
Section C本部分听力共10个小题,1个1分,共10分。答对1个得1分。答错不得分。
16. guides 17. airport 18. reservations 19. therefore 20. various
21. nearby 22. sights 23. culture 24. faraway 25. single
Part III Reading Comprehension (30points)
Section A本部分阅读理解10个小题, 1个1分,共10分。
26. N 27. B 28. O 29. L 30. G.
31. C 32. H 33. A 34. I 35. D
Section B本部分阅读理解15个小题,Passage One and Passage Three 1个1.5分, 共15分,
Passage Two 1个1分,共5分。答错不得分。
Passage One: 36-40 C B A D A Passage Two: 41-45 DBDAC
Passage Three: 46-50 B A D A D
Part IV Cloze (10 points)
51-55 DBBDA 56-60 BDAAB 61-65 DACDB 66—70 BCADB
Part V Writing (15points)
Blog Writing
Nowadays, blog writing is being more and more popular, which has led to some conflicts in opinions. Those who are in favor of blog writing claim that it realizes information sharing. Anyone who is interesting in your blog can get the information he wants in the shortest period of time .Moreover, it can promote mutual understanding. By reading your blog, people may know about your personality, hobby, taste, view and so on.
However, those who are opposed to blog writing hold that it will make the spread of false information easier on the Internet, which may lead to great damage to individuals as well as to the society. Besides, the convenient access to the blogs will certainly violate the privacy of blog writers.
In my opinion, the advantages of blog writing obviously outweigh its disadvantages. With more effective regulations and restrictions, blog writing will no doubt be developed at a faster pace by the majority by the majority of the society.
Part VI Oral English Test (10 points)
六(3)齐麟 每次做周末练习卷时,想起那件事. . . . . .
那是一次期中考试,好不容易做到最后一项------作文了。一看题目要求,我得意的笑了,因为要写一个活动。我心想:哈哈!太好了! 老天太关照我了,昨晚准备的文章刚好有一篇可以用,好运来了挡都挡不住!又匆忙看了一眼要求,“题目自拟”,我毫不犹豫地在试卷上唰唰写下-----童趣,接下来真是文思如泉,笔走如飞,下笔如有神啊。不一会儿,就一篇得意的佳作就出炉了。
回到家后,我胸有成竹地对爸妈说:“你们等着奖励我吧! ” 终于盼到激动人心的时刻了。“李欣洁78+38. . . . . .”我坐在下面急的站不住做不住,就等老师报道我的成绩。“齐麟
前两局, 我被姐姐杀的人仰马翻。 姐姐得意极了, 说:“还下吗?怎么你都是我的手下败将。 ” 我不服气, 要求下第三局, 姐姐答应。 第三局时, 我吸取前面失败的教训, 便用 “以静制动” 的方法来对付姐姐,姐姐果然中计。得意洋洋地把“车”和“炮”调 入我方阵地,当姐姐 的“炮”把“卒”给杀了后,谁知我的“马”正在看着“卒” 。 “炮”一下子被我“跳马”给 跳了。当“炮”被跳了后,姐姐才知道中了计,便把另一个“车”退回去。谁知我的“炮” 正在盯着“将军” ,姐姐走过后,我的“当头炮”便把“将军”给敲了。过了一会儿,姐姐叹 道:“这真是骄兵必败呀! ”
简评:知道一个成语的意思很容易,但要想真正明白一个成语的意思,往往需要亲身实践。 “实践出真知” ,你通过一盘棋明白了“骄兵必败”这个成语的内涵,真棒!这也将给你的人 生带来启迪。
作文九:《作文 骄兵必败》1200字
作文 骄兵必败
比赛终于开始了,我喊道 :“一,二,三放~”风筝像一只鸟儿一样高高地飞了起来,我胜券在握。这时不知是谁拉了一下风筝线,我的注意力分散,看是哪个捣蛋鬼拉的。等我继续放风筝时,线都缠到了一起,我只能利用1-2米这么一点点线控制,最终不是坚持不住了,风筝像一架失控的飞机,左一下,右一下,最后“机翼”撞上了草地---------失败~唉~这下丢脸丢大了~我们赶紧为风筝“急救”,因为绳索打结,我们想尽了一切办法,要么解开结,解不开的大结剪掉,打一个小结。聂翔宇光说不做,抱怨道:“这个破风筝~”我对这个风筝比赛已经没什么希望了,没想到孔垂凯竟然还踩了它几脚,发泄了一下,并且躺在了上面。我没好气地叫道:“你别坐在上面~”孔垂凯慢悠悠地爬了起来。我心疼地用手摸了摸被他踩了好几脚的风筝。
李老师正在宣布语文考试成绩,当老师说到我考了 100分的时候,我简直是一蹦三尺高。回 到家里,当我把这个成绩告诉父母时,父亲说“不要骄傲,继续努力。 ”可这时候的我,哪里 还记着父亲的教诲,早就把学习忘在九霄云外了。过了两天,老师宣布又要进行考试,这时 候的我心里还在想, 100分我是准拿了,接过试卷一看题目,大喊一声:“简单! ”便在卷子 上龙飞凤舞地写起来, 不到 30分钟, 便写完了。 我几乎达到了忘我的境界, 三个手指捏田螺 —十拿九稳,第一名归我了,我便在那里玩了起来。老师看到了我那骄傲的样子,便说了一 句:“请保持好自己的考试心态。 ”这句话显然是说给我的,但这时的我,一副心不在焉的样 子,心里还想:老师呀老师,考一百您都不愿意?终于挨过了这段时间,该收卷了,我便交 上了试卷, 心情却还属于高度兴奋状态, 好像第一归我了似的。 下午, 老师公布考试成绩时, 我真是骄傲的不知道怎么形容,而当老师宣布我考了 97分的时候,我象霜打的茄子—蔫了。 虽然成绩还算可以,但与第一次相比,真是差的远了。
这件事使我明白了一个深刻的道理,那就是“骄兵必败” 。
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