好帮手。......篇二:介绍劳动节英语作文 五一劳动节的英文
介绍五一劳动节的英文介绍labor day, the first monday in
september, is a creation of the labor movement and is dedicated to the social and economic achievements of american workers. it constitutes a yearly national tribute to
the contributions workers have made to the strength五一劳
动节的由来, prosperity, and well-being of our country.
founder of labor daymore than 100 years after the first labor day observance, there is still some doubt as to who first proposed the holiday for workers.
labor’s day is on may 1st. labor’s day is an international day for workers. working is glorious, and we should respect
workers. the labor’s day is workers’ holiday and workers
can enjoy themselves to their heart’s content. many people
choose to travel. and some others will go to the cinema. some will go to parks. and others will stay at home.五一的由来
labor day: how it came about; what it meanslabor day
differs in every essential way from the other holidays of the year in any country五一节, said samuel gompers, founder
and longtime president of the american federation of labor. all other holidays are in a more or less degree connected with conflicts and battles of mans prowess over man, of strife
and discord for greed and power劳动节放假, of glories
achieved by one nation over another. labor day??is devoted to no man, living or dead, to no sect, race, or nation.
共2页,当前第1页1五一劳动节的英文介绍 相关内容:
五一劳动节诗歌春风春雨把原野拂绿 惊起一层漫漫绿色。
高高铁塔、层层配电网络上, 悬挂着一幅幅检修线路工
以及天气等原因,1999年“十一”期间的旅游并不火爆。 春
五一劳动节的历史 五一国际劳动节亦称“五一节”,在每年的五月一日。它是全世界无产队级、劳动人民的共同节日。
劳动节的英文介绍:labor day, the first monday in
september, is a creation of the labor movement and is dedicated to the social and economic achievements of american workers. it constitutes a yearly national tribute to the contributions workers have made to the
strength,prosperity, and well-being of our country.
founder of labor day more than 100 years after the first labor day observance, there is still some doubt as to who first proposed the holiday for workers. some records show that peter j. mcguire, general secretary of the brotherhood of carpenters and joiners and a cofounder of the american federation of labor, was first in suggesting a day to honor those who from rude nature have delved and carved all the grandeur we behold.
学校英语有改动 课前给5分钟左右的时间来个小型演讲 后
天就轮到我了 求英语高手援助帮写篇简单介绍五一劳动节的一百字左右的作文用_百度作业帮篇二:介绍劳动节的英语作文100字左右
作文多指便条、请假条等,在写作的时候要注意文章的格式(称呼、正文、签名、日期)。 小作文考题的几个特点:
1、重格式,不轻内容: 应用文的大作文的一个很大区别就是重格式,规律性强。格式和套路不对,一般会给阅卷老师留下很不好的印象。例如:信件一般不需要题目,通知和告示却需要,如2010年的题目volunteers wanted。不只题目,还有客套话署名等。例如:公务信函中的称呼,一般而言,如果是不认识的人,称呼为敬词+尊称。例如,dear sir or
madam或 to whom it may concern;如果是写给关系正式的某团体中的人,称呼为敬词+尊称+名。例如,dear mr. xx或 dear ms. xx;对于关系较亲密的人可以直呼其名(dear)peter等。这都是有规律可循的。
2、轻思想,重交际: 这里所谓的轻思想,主要是指因为100字的应用文,除去那些客套话,其实一般主体部分也就2-3个句子就可以解决。这么短的篇幅,是不可能求思想性有多强。这点和大作文不一样,大作文中,如果你没有一定的思想深度,文章结构会很松散,让人感觉是句子的堆砌。而那种连贯性和衔接手法的应用也不会太准确。而小作文,
3、字数少,易得分: 应用文的篇幅很短,很容易得分。试想,想在阅读理解中10分,你需要在理解一篇500-600字的文章的基础上答对5道选择题。从这个角度而言,小作文的确是容易拿分的,应该成为考生提分的板块。
4、重套路,难发挥: 应用文的这一个特点,仍然是和它的套路性、格式化有关。因此我们更需要用词的准确性。需要我们对语言的语体特点(gee features)进行区分。以免让词汇的语体影响到准确性。写给机构的信函,应该避免使用太口语化的语言。例如06年是写给一个机构的申请信,而08年是写给友人的私人信件,那么两年的应用文写作中,就要求使用不同的语言。从称呼到正文部分,08年的文章用词都可以更口语化和随意一些。正因为这种套路的稳定性,对于同等基础的考生来讲,这部分很难达到
技压群雄的效果,很难拉开和别人的距离。也就是说,对于所有考生来说,得10分不容易,得2分甚至4分也很不容易。 提纲作文的概念:
提纲作文就是把文章的情景和内容要求分成块,以条目的形式列出以进行写作。 提纲作文写作要领:
第一步:审题: 审题是否清楚是一篇书面表达成功与否的关键所在,在整个写作过程中起着决定性作用。审好题会
让我们做到“磨刀不误砍柴工”,审题时要做到以下几点: (1)审要求:书面表达试题一般都由“情景”和“要求”两部分构成。“情景”中包括所写材料的目的、对象、时间、地点、内容等,一般在书面表达题的前半部分;而“要求”一般在书面表达的后半部分,以“注意”形式给出,实际上是对考生提出的要求。因而考生对于题目所提供的说明,应认真分析、反复推敲,搞清提出的内容要求,抓住所要表达的信息点。
第二步:抓中心,列要点,列出写作提纲: 写作文时,一定要切题,抓住中心,紧扣要点。不要任意发挥,画蛇添
第五步:复查纠错: 通读全文,检查内容是否符合要求,要点是否齐全,格式是否正确,词数是否合乎要求。最主要的是要检查句子是否符合英语习惯,句型是否正确,语法是否正确(包括句子结构、时态、语态、主谓一致等),检查单词是否误写、少写,习语搭配是否得当等,以及字母大小写、标点符号是否正确等,这就要求考生在定稿认真检查,仔细核对,及时发现并改正问题,保证要点齐全,句子完整通顺,力争减少失误。
图表类英语作文具备以下特点: 1、题材涉及广泛,如人物介绍、地点介绍、新闻报道、生活话题及社会热门话题,
图表式作文的几种形式:一、表格形式(table):将统计的数据或被说明的事物直接用表格形式体现出来,即统计表。二、图形形式:a、线形图(linegraph):以曲线形式表示数据变化;b、条形图(bargraph):以条形方式表示数据的大小或数量之间的差异; c、圆形图(piechart):以圆内扇形的大小
图画作文就是根据给出的一幅或几幅图画所提供的信息写短文。此类题的体裁较广泛,可以是 记叙文、说明文,也可以是议论文。
1. 仔细审题:包括文体,人称,时态.// 理解到位:整体把握一组图的连贯性理解及题目要求。
2. 归纳要点:保证文章内容的完整.// 基础到位:用简单句写出每幅图的主题句。3. 扩展成句:注意英语表达的习惯,根据提纲扩展句子.// 细节到位:注意每幅图的次要内容(时间,地点,方式,原因等)4. 连句成篇:利用一些表示转折,因果,选择等关系的关联词和过渡句,把句子连接起来.// 表达到位:按情节发展先后,承上启下整理成文。5. 全面检查:格式文体要点语法字数等,检查到位:对照各幅图,检查全文定稿。
要想写好图画式书面表达,同学们应注意以下几点: 1、仔细审题。确定文体、时态及人称。 看图书面表达以图画提供信息,但在汉语提示及“注意”中也蕴含着很重要的信息。如短文词数、文体及写作本文的原因或意图等。因此,在答题前一定要仔细审题,弄清文体、人称及所用时态。
2、找全要点,兼顾图内图外内容。 在动笔前,要认真读
3、准确表达,尽量避免语法或拼写错误。 把要点列出后,要善于把分散的要点用正确、简明、地道的语句进行表达,并按一定的逻辑关系连接。正确用好时态,单词拼写正确,避免汉语式英语等。同时注意调整好要点的出场顺序。4、仔细检查、修改。 核对图中要点是否遗漏。时态、语态是否正确。文章句、段、篇是否连贯。单词大小写、拼写、标点符号是否准确无误。书写工整、美观,一篇好的作文不但要内容写的好,字迹也要美观、工整、漂亮。 英语图画作文(writing through pictures)写作技巧:
看图作文切莫违犯以下八忌: 1、格式不对;2、要点遗漏;
3、时态混乱;4、单词错误; 5、离题发挥;6、中式英语;
as(正如)we can see in the picture, ...2、谈到现象:recently
the phenomenon has aroused wide concern that...3、陈述理
由:the reasons are as follows. in the first place / to begin with, ... whats more / inaddition, ... last but not the least, ...4、
陈述自己的观点:as far as i am concerned,... in my opinion, i hold the view that? based on the above reasons,... from what has been discussed above, we may arrive at the conclusion that... 篇四:介绍劳动节的英语作文100字左右
中国的传统节日---中秋节(themid-autumn festival)。
Labor Day, the first Monday in September, is a creation
of the labor movement and is dedicated to the social and
achievements of American workers. It constitutes a yearly national tribute to the contributions workers have made to the strength五一劳动节的由来, prosperity, and
well-being of our country.
Founder of Labor Day
More than 100 years after the first Labor Day observance, there is still some doubt as to who first proposed the holiday for workers.Some records show that Peter J. McGuire, general secretary of the Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners and a cofounder of the American Federation of Labor, was first in suggesting a day to honor those who from rude nature have delved and carved all the grandeur we behold.
But Peter McGuires place in Labor Day history has not gone
unchallenged. Many believe that Matthew Maguire, a
machinist, not Peter McGuire, founded the holiday.
Recent research seems to support the contention that Matthew Maguire, later the secretary of Local 344 of the International Association of Machinists in Paterson,
N.J., proposed the holiday in 1882 while serving as
secretary of the Central Labor Union in New York. What is clear is that the Central Labor Union adopted a Labor Day proposal and appointed a mittee to plan a
demonstration and piic.
The first Labor Day holiday was celebrated on Tuesday,
September 5, 1882, in New York City, in accordance with
the plans of the Central Labor Union. The Central Labor Union held its second Labor Day
holiday just a year later, on September 52008年劳动节
放假, 1883. In 1884 the first Monday in September was selected as the holiday,
as originally proposed, and the Central Labor Union
urged similar organizations in other cities to follow the example of New York and celebrate a workingmens holiday on that date. The idea spread with the growth of labor organizations, and in 1885 Labor Day was celebrated in many industrial centers of the country.
Labor’s Day is on May 1st. Labor’s Day is an
international day for workers. Working is glorious, and we
should respect workers. The Labor’s Day is workers’
holiday and workers can enjoy themselves to their heart’s
content. Many people choose to travel. And some others will
go to the cinema. Some will go to parks. And others will stay
at home.
此节源于美国芝加哥的工人大罢工。1886年5月1日,芝加哥的20 多万工人为争取实行八小时工作制而举行大罢工,经过艰苦的流血斗争,终于获得了胜利。为纪念这次工人运动,1889年7月14日五一节,由各国马克思主义者召集的社会主义者代表大会,在法国巴黎隆重开幕。大会上,与会代表一致同意:把5月1日定为国际无产阶级的共同节日。这一决议得到世界各国工人的积极响应。1890年5月1日,欧美各国的工人阶级率先走上街头,举行盛大的示威游行与集会,争取合法权益。从此,每逢这一天世界各国的劳动人民都要集会、游行,以示庆祝。
中国人民庆祝劳动节的活动可追溯至1918 年。是年,一些革命的知识分子在上海、苏州等地向群众散发介绍“五一”的传单。1920年5月1日,北京、上海、广州等城市的工人群众走上街头举行了声势浩大的游行、集会。新中国成立后,我国于1949 年12月将“五一”定为法定的劳动节。
好帮手。......篇二:介绍劳动节英文版 劳动节的英文介绍:
labor day, the first monday in september, is a creation of
the labor movement and is dedicated to the social and economic achievements of american workers. it constitutes a yearly national tribute to the contributions workers have made to the strength,prosperity, and well-being of our
founder of labor day more than 100 years after the first labor day observance, there is still some doubt as to who first proposed the holiday for workers. some records show that peter j. mcguire, general secretary of the brotherhood of carpenters and joiners and a cofounder of the american federation of labor, was first in suggesting a day to honor those who from rude nature have delved and carved all the grandeur we behold.
day, the first monday in september, is a creation of the
labor movement and is dedicated to the social and economic achievements of american workers. it constitutes a yearly national tribute to the contributions workers have made to the strength五一劳动节的由来, prosperity, and
well-being of our country.
founder of labor daymore than 100 years after the first labor day observance, there is still some doubt as to who first proposed the holiday for workers.
labor’s day is on may 1st. labor’s day is an international
day for workers. working is glorious, and we should respect
workers. the labor’s day is workers’ holiday and workers
can enjoy themselves to their heart’s content. many people
choose to travel. and some others will go to the cinema. some will go to parks. and others will stay at home.五一的由来
labor day: how it came about; what it meanslabor day
differs in every essential way from the other holidays of the year in any country五一节, said samuel gompers, founder
and longtime president of the american federation of labor.
all other holidays are in a more or less degree connected with
conflicts and battles of mans prowess over man, of strife and discord for greed and power劳动节放假, of glories achieved by one nation over another. labor day??is devoted
to no man, living or dead, to no sect, race, or nation.
共2页,当前第1页1五一劳动节的英文介绍 相关内容:五一劳动节诗歌春风春雨把原野拂绿 惊起一层漫漫绿色。
高高铁塔、层层配电网络上, 悬挂着一幅幅检修线路工
五一劳动节的历史 五一国际劳动节亦称“五一节”,在每
受了工人提出的 每天工作八小时 的要求。为了纪念这次胜
利,显示 全世界无产者,联合起来 的伟大力量,1889年7
in 1904, the international socialist conference meeting in amsterdam(阿姆斯特丹) called on all social-democratic
party organizations and trade unions of all countries to demonstrate energetically on may first for the legal establishment of the 8-hour day, for the class demands of the proletariat, and for universal peace. as the most effective way of demonstrating was by striking, the congress made it mandatory upon the proletarian organizations of all countries to stop work on may 1, wherever it is
possible without injury to the workers.
篇五:关于五一劳动节英语作文:The Holiday of Labors
关于五一劳动节英语作文:The Holiday of Labors DayI
spent this holiday very quick, on the 1st May, we t to the Zoo, there were crowded there, so many travelers ing from all over the country to have some fun during the holidays.On 2nd May, I
visited my relatives with my parents, we had a great lunch together, the resturant were crowded as well.On 3rd May, we t to shopping in the mall, after the shopping we t to watch a new movie. All the other days leftI didnt go anywhere, no only becasue I still have some homework,but also there were almost all crowded in everywhere!
介绍?劳动?节的?英语?作文?五一?劳动?节的?英文?介绍??五一劳动?节的?英文??介绍La?br? D?ay?,? th?e ?fi?rs?t ?Mn?da?y ?in? S?ep?te?mb?er?,? is? a? c?re?at?in? f? ?the? l?ab?r ?mv?em?en?t ?an?d ?is? d?ed??icat?ed? t? t?he? s?ci?al? a?nd? e??mi?c ?ac?hi?ev?em??ents? f? A?me?ri?ca?n ?rk?er?s.? I?t ??st?it?ut?es? a?? yea?rl?y ?na?ti?na?l ?tr?ib?ut?e ?t ?th?e ??tr?ib?ut??ins ?rk?er?s ?ha?ve? m?ad?e ?t ?th?e ?st?re?ng?th?五一??劳动?节的由来?,? pr?sp?er?it?y?, a?nd? e?ll?-b?ei?ng? f? u?r ??cunt?ry?.F?un?de?r ?f ?La?br? D?ay?Mr?e ?th?an? 1?00? y??ears? a?ft?er? t?he? f?ir?st? L?ab?r ?Da?y ?bs?er?va?nc??e, t?he?re? i?s ?st?il?l ??sme ?du?bt? a?s ?t ?h ?fi?rs?t ?pr?ps?ed? t?he? ?hli?da?y ?fr? r?ke?rs?. ?Sm?e ?re??crds? s?h ?th?at? P?et?er? J?. ?Mc?Gu?ir?e?, ?gen?er??al s?ec?re?ta?ry? f? t?he? B?rt?he?rh?d ?f ?Ca?rp?en?te??rs a?nd? J?in?er?s ?an?d ?a ?cf?un?de?r ?f ?th?e ?Am?er??ican? F?ed?er?at?in? f? L?ab?r?, a?s ?fi?rs?t ?in? ?s?ugge?st?in?g ?a ?da?y ?t ?hn?r ?th?se? "?h ?fr?m ?ru?de?? nat?ur?e ?ha?ve? d?el?ve?d ?an?d ?ca?rv?ed? a?ll? t?he?? gra?nd?eu?r ?e ?be?hl?d.?"B?ut? P?et?er? M?cG?ui?re?"s?? pla?ce?? in ?La?br? D?ay?? his?tr?y ?ha?s ?nt? g?ne? u?nc?ha?ll?en?ge?d.? M?an?y ??beli?ev?e ?th?at? M?at?th?e ?Ma?gu?ir?e?, a? m?ac?hi?ni?st?,? nt? P?et?er? ?McG??uire?,? fu?nd?ed? t?he? h??lida?y.? R?ec?en?t ?re?se?ar?ch? s?ee?ms? t? s?up?pr?t ??the ??te?nt?in? t?ha?t ?Ma?tt?he? M?ag?ui?re?,? la?te?r ?th?e ?se?cr?et?ar?y ?f ??Lcal? ?344? f? t?he? I?nt??erna?ti?na?l ?As?sc?ia?ti?n ?f ?Ma?ch?in?is?ts? i?n ?Pa??ters?n?, ?N.J?.?, p?rp??sed ?th?e ?hl?id?ay? i?n ?18?82? h?il?e ?se?rv?in?g ?as?? sec?re?ta?ry? f? ?the? C??entr?al? L?ab?r ?Un?in? i??n Ne? Y?rk?. ?ha?t ?is? c?le??ar i?s ?th?at? t?he? ?Cen??tral? L?ab?r ?Un?in? a?dp?te?d ?a ?La?br? D?ay? p?rp?sa??l an?d ?ap?pi?nt?ed? a? ?
mit?te?e ?t ?pl?an? a? d?em?ns?tr?at?in? a?nd? p?ic?ni??c.Th?e ?fi?rs?t ?La?br? D?ay? ?hli?da?y ?as? c?el?eb?ra?te?d ?n ?Tu?es?da?y?, S?ep?te?mb?er? 5?,? 18?82?,? ?in N?e ?Yr?k ??City?,? in?? acc?rd?an?ce? i?th? t?he? p?la?ns? f? t?he? C?en?tr?al?? Lab?r ?Un?in?. ?Th?e ?Ce?nt?ra?l ?La?br? U?ni?n ?he?ld?? its? s?ec?nd? L?ab?r ?Da?y ?hl?id?ay? j?us?t ?a ?ye?ar?? lat?er?,? n ?Se?pt?em?be??r 52?01?X?年劳动?节放?假,? 1?88??
3.I?n ?18?84? t?he? f?ir??st M?nd?ay? i?n ?Se?pt?em?be?r ?as? s?el?ec?te?d ?as? t??he ?hli?da?y?, a?s ?ri?gi?na?ll?y ?pr?ps?ed?,? an?d ?th?e ?Ce?nt?ra?l ?La?br? U??nin ?ur?ge?d ?si?mi?la?r ?rg?an?iz?at?in?s ?in? t?he?r ??citi?es? t? f?ll? t?he? e?xa?mp?le? f? ?Ne ?Yr?k ?an?d ?ce?le?br?at?e ?a ?"r?ki?ng??men"?s ?hl?id?ay?" ?n ?th?at? d?at?e.? T?he? ?ide?a ?sp?re?ad? i?th? t?he? g?rt?h ??f la?br? r?ga?ni?za?ti?ns?,? an?d ?in? 1?88?5 ?La?br? D?ay? a?s ?ce?le?br?at?ed? i??n ma?ny? i?nd?us?tr?ia?l ?ce?nt?er?s ?f ?th?e ?cu?nt?ry??.Lab?r’?s ?Da?y ?is? n? M?ay? 1?st?. ?La?br?’s? D?ay? i??s an? ?int?er?na?ti?na?l ??day ?fr? r?ke?rs?. ?rk?in?g ?is? g?lr?iu?s?, a?nd? e? s?hu?ld? ?res?pe?ct? r?ke?rs?. ?Th?e ?La?br?’s? D?ay? i??s rk?er?s’? h?li?da?y ?an?d ?rk?er?s ?ca?n ?en?jy? t?he??msel?ve?s ?t ?th?ei?r ?he?ar?t’?s ??te?nt?. ?Ma?ny? p??eple? c?hs?e ?t ?tr?av?el?. ?An?d ?sm?e ?th?er?s ?il?l ??g t ?th?e ?ci?ne?ma?. ?Sm?e ?il?l ?g ?t ?pa?rk?s.? A?nd?? the?rs? i?ll? s?ta?y ?at? h?me?.?五一的?由来?五一?国际?劳动?节简?称?五一节?,在?每年?的?5月?1日。?它是?全世?界劳?动人?民的?共同?节日?。关?于“??五一节的??由来”是?这样?的:? ?
此节源?于美?国芝?加哥??的工人大?罢工?。?188?6?年5?月1?日,芝?加哥?的?20 ?多万?工人?为争?取实?行八?小时?工作?制而?举行?大罢?工,?经过?艰苦?的流??血斗争,?终于?获得?了胜?利。?为纪?念这?次工??人运动,?18?89?年?7月?14?日五一??节,由各?国马?克思?主义?者召?集的?社会?主义?者代?表大?会,?在法?国巴?黎隆??重开幕。?大会?上,??与会代表?一致?同意?:?
把?5月?1日定?为国?际无?产阶?级的?共同?节日?。这?一决?议得?到世?界各?国?工人的?积极?响应?。?189?0?年5?月1?日,欧?美各?国的??工人阶级?率先?走上?街头?,举?行盛?大的?示威?游行?与集?会,?争取?合法?权益??。从此,?每逢?这一?天世??界各国的?劳动?人民?都要?集会?、游?行,?以示?庆祝??。中国人?民庆?祝劳?动节??的活动可?追溯?至?191?8 ?年。?是年?,一?些革?命的?知识?分子?在上?海、?苏州?等?地向群?众散?发介?绍“?五一?”的?传单??。192?0?年5?月1?日,北?京、?上海?、广??州等城市?的工?人群??众走上街?头举?行了?声势?浩大?的游?行、?集会?。新?中国??成立后,?我国?于?194?9 ?年?12?月将“?五一?”定?为法?定的?劳动?节。?19?21?年?“五一?”前?夕,?在北?京的?共产?主义?小组?成员?邓中?夏等?人创?办的?长辛??店劳动补?习学?校里?,工?人们?学唱?《五?一纪?念歌?》。?其歌?词是?:?
?“美哉自?由,?世界?明星?,拼?吾热?血,?为他?牺牲?五一?节,?要把?强权??制度?一切扫除?净,?记取?五月?一日?之良?辰。?红旗?飞舞?,走?光明?路,?各尽??所能?劳动节放?假几??天,各取?所需?,不?分贫?富贵?贱,?责任?唯互?助,?愿大??家努?力齐进取?。”?这首?雄壮?有力?的歌?,是?由长?辛店?劳动?实习?学校?的教??员和?北京大学?的进?步学?生共?同创?编而?成的?。?Lab?r ?Da?y?: ?
H i?t ?Ca?me? A?bu?t?; h?at? i?t ?Me?an?sL??abr ?Da?y ?di?ff?er?s ?in? e?ve?ry? ?ess?en?ti?al? a?y ?fr?m ?th?e ?th?er? h?li?da?ys? f? t?he? y?ea?r ?in? a?ny? c?un?tr?y?五?一节,?" s?ai?d ?Sa?mu?el? G?mp?er?s?, f?un?de?r ??and ?ln?gt?im?e ?pr?es?id?en?t ?f ?th?e ?Am??eric?an? F?ed?er?at?in? f? L?ab?r.? "?Al?l ??ther? h?li?da?ys? a?re? i?n ?a ?mr?e ?r ?le??ss d?eg?re?e ??ne?ct?ed? i?th? c?nf?li?ct??s an?d ?ba?tt?le?s ?f ?ma?n"?s ??pres?s ?ve??r ma?n?, f? s?tr?if?e ?an?d ?di?sc?rd? f?r ?gr?ee?d ?an?d ?pe?r?劳动节?放假?,? f ?gl?ri?es? a?ch?ie?ve?d ?by? n?e ?na?ti?n ?ve?r ?an?th?er?. ?La?br? D?ay????is? d?ev?te?d ?t ?n ??man?, l?iv?in?g ?r ?de?ad?,? t ?n ?se?ct?,? ra?ce?,? r ?na?ti?n.?"?相关文?章?推荐:? ?
共2?页,当?前第?1?页1?五一劳?动节?的英?文介?绍? 相关?内容?:?五一劳?动?节诗歌?春风?春雨??把原野拂?绿? 惊起?一层?漫漫?绿色?。高?高铁?塔、?层层?配电??网络上,? ?悬挂着?一幅?幅检?修线?路工?人忙??碌的景色?。风? ?, ?用温情?的手??在电线上?弹奏??着 欢快?的乐?章,?在寂?寥中? ?为茫茫?沙海?里的??工人们唱?响?一首伴?奏曲?,? 荒芜?人烟?的戈?壁?...?黄金?周从?19?99?年“?十一?”正?式开??始。当时?国务?院专?门出?台了?文件?,其?主旨?还在?于刺?激消?费、?拉动?内需?。由?于国?庆大?庆以?及天?气等?原因?,?1?999?年“十?一”?期间?的旅?游并?不火??爆。春天?是出?游的?好时?光,?20?1X?年“?五一?”黄?金周?,人?们利?用长?假,??纷纷出游?。一?年一?度的?“五?一”?国际?劳动?节又?到了?,为?了纪?念这?个全??世界劳动?人民?团结?战斗?的节?日,?世界?各国?一般?都会?举行?相应?的庆?祝活??动。不过?,并?不是?所有?国家?都将?5?月1?日定为?劳动?节,?那些?同过?“五??一”的国?家,?具体?的庆?祝方?式和?习惯?也大?不相?同,?我们?不妨?..?.?五一国??际劳?动节亦称?“五?一节?”,?在每?年的?五月?一日?。五?一劳??动节的历?史? 五?一国际?劳动?节亦?称“?五一?节”??,在每年?的五?月一?日。?它是?全世?界无?产?队级、?劳动?人民?的共?同节?日。?此节?源于?美国?芝加?哥城?的工?人大?罢工?。?根据《?国务?院办?公厅?发布?20?1X?年部??分节假日?安排?通知?》:? ?
201?X?年五一?劳动??节法定假?日如?下:? ?
六、??“五一”?国际?劳动?节?)为法?定节?假日?,?5月?2日?(星期?日?)、?5月?3日?(星期?一?)照常?公休?。根?据《?国务?院办?公厅?发布?20?1X?年部?分节?假日?安?排通知?》:? ?
5?月1?日至?3日放?假公?休,?共?3天。?20?1X??年劳动节?放假?时间?安排??是: ?
小学?生劳?动节?演讲?稿五??一晚会策?划方?案五??一文?艺晚会策?划书??五一?促销主题?五一?劳动?节促?销广?告语?五一?劳动??节宣传语?大全?..?.?五一劳?动节??手抄报参?考?...?查看?更多?>>? ?
篇二:? ?
介绍劳?动节?的英?语作?文劳?动节?的英?文介??绍: ?
Lab?r ?Da?y?, t?he?? fir?st? M?nd?ay? i?n ?Se??ptem?be?r?, i?s ?a ?cr?ea?ti?n ?f ?th?e ?la?br? m?ve?me?nt? a?nd? i?s ?de?di?ca?te?d ?t ?th?e ?sc?ia?l ?an?d ?ec?nm?ic? ?ach?ie?ve??ment?s ?f ?Am?er?ic?an? r??kers?. ?It? c?ns?ti?tu?te??s a ?ye?ar?ly? n?at?in?al?? tri?bu?te? t? t?he? c?nt?ri?bu?ti?ns? r?ke?rs? h?av?e ?ma?de? t? t?he? ?
str??engt?h,?pr?sp?er?it?y?, a?nd? e?ll?-b?ei?ng? f? u?r ?cu?nt?ry?. ?Fu?nd?er? f? L?ab?r ?Da?y ?Mr?e ?th?an? 1?00? y?ea?rs? a?ft?er? t?he? f?ir?st? L?ab?r ?Da?y ?bs?er?va?nc?e?, ?the?re? i?s ?st?il?l ?sm?e ?du?bt? a?s ?t ?h ?fi?rs?t ?pr?ps?ed? t?he? h?li?da?y ?fr? ?r?kers??. Sm?e ?re?cr?ds? s??h th?at? P?et?er? J?. ?Mc??Guir?e?, g?en?er?al? ?s?ecre?ta?ry? f? t?he? B?rt??herh?d ?f ?Ca?rp?en?te?rs?? and? J?in?er?s ?an?d ?a ??cfun?de?r ?f ?th?e ?Am?er??ican? F?ed?er?at?in? f? L??abr?, a?s ?fi?rs?t ?in? ?sug?ge?st?in?g ?a ?da?y ??t hn?r ?th?se? h? f?rm? r??ude ?na?tu?re? h?av?e ?de??lved? a?nd? ?car?ve?d ?al?l ?th?e ?gr?an?de?ur? e? b?eh?ld?. ?Bu?t ?Pe?te?r ?Mc?Gu?ir?e ?s ?pl?ac?e ?in? ?Lab?r ?Da?y ?hi?st?ry? h??as n?t ?gn?e ?un?ch?al?le??nged?. ?Ma?ny? b?el?ie?ve?? tha?t ?Ma?tt?he? M?ag?ui??re,? a ?ma?ch?in?is?t?,? nt ?Pe?te?r ?Mc?Gu?ir?e?, f?un?de?d ?th?e ?hl?id?ay?. ?Re?ce?nt? r?es?ea?rc?h ?se?em?s ?t ?su?pp?rt? t?he? c?nt?en?ti?n ?th?at? ?
Mat?th?e ?Ma?gu?ir?e?, l?at?er? t?he? s?ec?re?ta?ry? f? L?ca?l ?34?4 ?f ?th?e ?In?te?rn?at?in?al? A?ss?ci?at?in? f? M?ac?hi?ni?st?s ?in? P?at?er?sn?,? N.?J.?,? pr?ps?ed? t?he? h?li?da?y ?in? 1?88?2 ?hi?le? s?er?vi?ng? a?s ?se?cr?et?ar?y ?f ?th?e ?Ce?nt?ra?l ?La?br? U?ni?n ?in? N?e ?Yr?k.? h?at? i?s ?cl?ea?r ?is? t?ha?t ?th?e ?Ce?nt?ra?l ?La?br? U?ni?n ?ad?pt?ed? a? L?ab?r ?Da?y ?pr?ps?al? a?nd? a?pp?in?te?d ?a ?mi?tt?ee? t? ?pla?n ?a ?de??mnst?ra?ti?n ?an?d ?pi??ic??.相关推?荐:? ?
篇三:? ?
介绍劳?动节?的英?语作?文五?一的?由来? ?51? i?nt?er?na?ti?na?l ?La?br? D?ay?s ?ca?ll? 5?1 ?se?ct?in?s,? M?ay? 1? i?n ?ev?er?y ?ye?ar?.I?t ?is? t?he? h?le? r?ld? l?ab?r ?mn? f?es?ti?va?l ?f ?th?e ?pe?pl?e.? ?五一?国际?劳动?节简?称五?一节?,在?每年?的?5?月1日。?它是?全世?界劳?动人?民的?共同?节日?。? As? f?r"?51? c?au?se?s ??f th?e ?se?ct?in?"s? a?re? s??uch:? ?关于? ?五一节?的由?来? 是这??样的:?
Th?is? s?ta?nz?a ?es? f?rm? t?he? r?ke?r ?s ?bi?g ?st?ri?ke? f? A?me?ri?ca?n ?Ch?ic?ag??.n M?ay? 1? i?n ?18?86?, ?Ch?ic?ag? f? 2?0 ?in? r?de?r ?t ?fi?gh?t ?fr? ?pra?ct?ic??ing ?ei?gh?t ?hu?rs? t? r?k ??t ma?ke? b?ut? h?ld? t?he? b??ig s?tr?ik?e,? ?man?y ?te?n ?th?us?an?d ?rk?er?se?s ?pa?ss? b?y ?ha?rd? f? b?ld?sh?ed? c?nf?li?ct?, ?ac?qu?ir?ed? t?he? v?ic?tr?y ?fi?na?ll?y.?Fr? m?em?ri?al? t?hi?s ?ti?me? t?he? s?ci?al?is?t ?th?at? t?he? r?ke?r ?s ?ne? h? e?xe?rc?is?e,? J?ul?y ?14? i?n ?18?89?, ?fr?m ?al?l ?cu?nt?ri?es? M?ar?xi?st? c?al?l ?re?pr?es?en?ts? t?he? c?nf?er?en?ce?, ?Pa?ri?si?an? ?sle?mn? a?nd? i?mp?re??ssiv?e ?pe?n ?in? F?ra?nc?e.??n th?e ??fe?re?nc?e,? a?tt??end ?me?et?in?g ?t ?re?pr?es??ent ?th?e ??si?st?en?t ?ap??prva?l:?Cm?mn? f?es?ti?va?l ??that? ?May? 1? s?et?tl?es? f?r ?th?e ?in?te?rn?at?in?al? p?rl?et?ar?ia?t.?Th?is? r?es?lu?ti?n ?ge?ts? t?he? i?nt?er?na?ti?na?l ?mu?ni?ty?, ?th?e ?rk?er? r?es?pn?ds? t? a?ct?iv?el?y.?n ?Ma?y ?1 ?in? 1?89?0,? t?he? r?ki?ng? c?la?ss? f? E??ur-A?me?ri?ca?n ?al?l ?cu?nt?ri?es? ?
lea?ds? f?f ?t ?g ?in?t ?th?e ?st?re?et?, ?hl?di??ng t?he? g?ra?nd? d?em?ns?tr?at?in? a?nd? ?hld?in?g ?a ?me?et?in?g,? f?ig??htin?g ?fr? t?he? l?eg?al? r?ig?ht?s.?Fr?m ?n ?n,?? eve?ry? ?tim?e ?ru?nd?? thi?s ?in?te?rn?at?in?al? m?un?it?y ?la?br?s ?th??e pe?pl?e ?t ?al?l ?an?t ?th?e ?ca?tc?al?l,? p?ar??ade,? t? s?h ?t ?ce?le?br?at?e.? ?此节?源于?美国?芝加?哥的??工人大罢?工。?18?86?年?5月?1日,?芝加?哥的?20? ?多万工?人为?争取?实行?八小??时工作制?而举?行大?罢工?,经?过艰??苦的流血?斗争?,终?于获?得了?胜利?。为??纪念这次?工人?运动?,?188?9?年7?月14?日,?由各?国马?克思?主义?者召?集的??社会主义?者代?表大?会,?在法?国巴?黎隆??重开幕。?大会?上,?与会?代表?一致?同?意?:
把?5月?1日定?为国?际无?产阶??级的共同?节日?。这?一决?议得?到世?界各?国?工人的?积极?响应?。?189?0?年5?月1?日,欧?美各?国的?工人?阶级?率先??走上街头?,举?行盛?大的?示威?游行?与集?会,?争取?合法?权益?。从?此,?每逢?这一?天世??界各国的?劳动?人民?都要?集会?、游?行,?以示?庆祝?。?The? C?hi?ne?se? p?ep?le? ?cel?eb?ra?te? t?he? a?ct?iv?it?y ?f ?th??e La?br? D?ay? a?nd? c?an? t?ra?ce? b?ac?k ?t ?t ??191 ?
8.?Is? a? y?ea?r,? e?tc?. ?f ?sm?e ?kn?le?dg??e me?mb?er?s ?f ?re?vl?ut?in? a?t ?Sh?an??ghai?, ??Suzh?u ?gr?un?d ?se?nd?s ?fr?th? t? i?nt?rd?uc?e ??tard? c?rd?"5?1"? f? ?h?andb?il?l.?n ?Ma?y ?1 ?in? 1?92?0,? r?ke?r ?s ?cr??d f ?et?c.? f? P?ek?in?g,? ?Sha?ng?ha?i,? G?ua?ng?zh?u ?ci?ty? g?es? i?nt?? the? s?tr?ee?t ?t ?hl?d ?th?e ?hu?ge? ?par?ad?e ?f ?th?re?at?en?in?g ?fr??ce a?nd? h?ld? a? m?ee?ti?ng?.A?ft?er? n?e ?Ch?in??a es?ta?bl?is?h,? u?r ?cu?nt?ry? i?n ?De?ce?mb?er?? f 1?94?9 ?il?l"?51?" ?se?tt?le? f?r ?th?e ?le?ga??l La?br? D?ay?. ? ?中国人??民庆祝劳?动节?的活?动可?追溯?至?191?8 ?年。?是?年,一?些革?命的?知识?分子??在上海、?苏州?等地?向群?众散?发介?绍? ?五一 ?的?传单。?192?0?年5?月1?日,北?京、?上海?、广?州等?城市?的工?人群?众走?上街?头?
举行了?声势?浩大?的游?行、?集会?。新?中国?成立?后,?我国?于?194?9 ?年?1?2月?将 五一? ?定为法?定的?劳动??节。 "?51?" ?ni?gh?t ?be?fr?e ?la?st?s ?f ?19?21?, ??the ?ln?g ?an?d ?ht? s?tr?e ?la?br? e?xt?en?si?n ??schl? t?ha?t ?su?mm?er? a?it?s ?fr? s?me?ne? ?t e?st?ab?li?sh? i?n ?th?e ??muni?sm? g?ru?p ?f ?Pe?ki?ng? m?em?be?r ?邓? in?, ?th?e ?rk?er?s ?le?ar?n ??t si?ng? ?《 5?1 ?me?mr??ial ?sn?gs? ?》 .?It?s ??lyri?cs? i?s:? "?Th?e ?be?au?ti?fu?l ?fr?ee?dm?, ??the ?st?ar? f? r?ld?, ?pu?ts? t?ge?th?er? m?e ?re??d-bl?de?d,? ?sac?ri?fi??ce f?r ?hi?m,? a?nt? t? s?ee?p ?aa?y ?th?e ?fr?ce?? sys?te?m ?ev?er?yt?hi?ng? ?cle?an?, ?re?me?mb?er? t?he? b?ea?ut?if?ul? d??ay f? M?ay? f?ir?st?.T?he? r?ed? f?la?g ?da?nc?e ??in t?he? i?nd?, ?al?k ?br?ig?ht? r?ad?, ?ea?ch? e??xhau?st??ed a?bi?li?ty?, ?ea?ch? t?ak?e ?ne?ed?, ??dn t? d?iv?id?e ?th?e ?ri?ch? a?nd? p?r ?hi?gh? r?? l, ?re?sp?ns?ib?il?it?y ?nl?y ?mu?tu?al? a?id?, ??ish ?ha?rd? e?ve?ry?ne? i?s ?tg?et?he?r ?en?te?rp??risi?ng?."? T?hi?s ?st?al?ar?t ?an?d ?em?ll?ie?nt?? sng?, ?fr?m ?gr? t?he? ?tea?ch?er? f? t?he? h?t ?st?re? l?ab?r ?pr?ac?ti??ce s?ch?l ?an?d ?Un?iv?er?si?ty? f? ?Pek?in?g ?t ?pr?gr?es?s ?th?e ?st?ud??ent ?t ?cr?ea?te? t?he? p?la?it? b?ut? b?ee? ?tge?th?er?. ? 1?92?1?年 ?五?一 前夕?,在?北京?的共?产主?义小?组成??员邓中夏?等?人创办?的长?辛店?劳动?补习??学校里,?工人?们学?唱《?五一?纪念?歌》?。其?歌?词是:? ?
美哉自?由,?世界?明星??,拼吾热?血,?为他?牺牲?,要?把强?权制?度一?切?扫除净?,记?取五?月一?日之?良辰?。红?旗飞?舞,?走光?明路?,各?尽所?能,?各?取所需?,不?分贫?富贵?贱,?责任?唯互?助,??愿大家努?力齐?进取?。这?首雄?壮?有力的??歌,是由?长辛?店劳?动实?习学?校的?教员?和北?京大?学的?进步?学生?共?同创编?而成?的。? ?针对临??考冲刺设?计,?快速?提高?效率?、提?高成?绩。?用心??打造科学?备考?冲刺??方案,内?容少?而精?,直?指高?考高?频考?点和?解题?方法?,?是考前?冲刺?提分?的好?帮手?。?...?..?. ?
这首雄壮有力的歌,是由长辛店劳动实习学校的教员和北京大学的进步学生共同创编而成的。 针对临考冲刺设计,快速提高效率、提高成绩。用心打造科学备考冲刺方案,内容少而精,直指高考高频考点和解题方法,是考前冲刺提分的好帮手。......篇二:介绍劳动节英语作文 五一劳动节的英文介绍五一劳动节的英文介绍labor day, the first monday in september, is a creation of the labor movement and is dedicated to the social and economic achievements of american workers. it constitutes a yearly national tribute to the contributions workers have made to the strength五一劳动节的由来, prosperity, and well-being of our country.
founder of labor daymore than 100 years after the first labor day observance, there is still some doubt as to who first proposed the holiday for workers.
labor’s day is on may 1st. labor’s day is an international day for workers. working is glorious, and we should respect workers. the labor’s day is workers’ holiday and workers can enjoy themselves to their heart’s content. many people choose to travel. and some others will go to the cinema. some will go to parks. and others will stay at home.五一的由来
labor day: how it came about; what it meanslabor day differs in every essential way from the other holidays of the year in any country五一节," said samuel gompers, founder and longtime president of the american federation of labor. "all other holidays are in a more or less degree connected with conflicts and battles of man"s prowess over man, of strife and discord for greed and power劳动节放假, of glories achieved by one nation over another. labor day??is devoted to no man, living or dead, to no sect, race, or nation."
共2页,当前第1页1五一劳动节的英文介绍 相关内容:五一劳动节诗歌春风春雨把原野拂绿 惊起一层漫漫绿色。
高高铁塔、层层配电网络上, 悬挂着一幅幅检修线路工人忙碌的景色。
黄金周从1999年“十一”正式开始。当时国务院专门出台了文件,其主旨还在于刺激消费、拉动内需。由于国庆大庆以及天气等原因,1999年“十一”期间的旅游并不火爆。 春天是出游的好时光,2000年“五一”黄金周,人们利用长假,纷纷出游。
五一劳动节的历史 五一国际劳动节亦称“五一节”,在每年的五月一日。它是全世界无产队级、劳动人民的共同节日。
劳动节的英文介绍:labor day, the first monday in september, is a creation of the labor movement and is dedicated to the social and economic achievements of american workers. it constitutes a yearly national tribute to the contributions workers have made to the strength,prosperity, and well-being of our country.
founder of labor day more than 100 years after the first labor day observance, there is still some doubt as to who first proposed the holiday for workers. some records show that peter j. mcguire, general secretary of the brotherhood of carpenters and joiners and a cofounder of the american federation of labor, was first in suggesting a day to honor those who from rude nature have delved and carved all the grandeur we behold.
英语作文介绍劳动节五一的由来 51 internatinal Labr Days
call 51 sectins, May 1 in every year.It is the hle rld labr mn festival f the peple. 五一国际劳动节简称五一节,在每年的5
月1日。它是全世界劳动人民的共同节日。 As fr"51 causes f the
sectin"s are such: 关于 五一节的由来 是这样的:
This stanza es frm the rker s big strike f American Chicag.n May 1 in 1886, Chicag f 20 in rder t fight fr practicing eight hurs t rk t make but hld the big strike, many ten thusand rkerses pass by hard f bldshed flict, acquired the victry finally.Fr memrial this time the scialist that the rker s ne h exercise, July 14 in 1889, frm all cuntries Marxist call represents the ference, Parisian slemn and impressive pen in France.n the ference, attend meeting t represent the sistent apprval:Cmmn festival that May 1 settles fr the internatinal prletariat.This reslutin gets the internatinal munity, the rker respnds t actively.n May 1 in 1890, the rking class f Eur-American all cuntries leads ff t g int the street, hlding the grand demnstratin and hlding a meeting, fighting fr the legal rights.Frm n n, every time rund this internatinal munity labrs the peple t all ant the catcall, parade, t sh t celebrate. 此节源于美国芝加哥的工人大罢工。1886年5月1日,
芝加哥的20 多万工人为争取实行八小时工作制而举行大罢工,经过
一天世界各国的劳动人民都要集会、游行,以示庆祝。The Chinese
peple celebrate the activity f the Labr Day and can trace back t t 191
8.Is a year, etc. f sme knledge members f revlutin at Shanghai, Suzhu grund sends frth t intrduce tard crd"51" f handbill.n May 1 in 1920, rker s crd f etc. f Peking, Shanghai, Guangzhu city ges int the street t hld the huge parade f threatening frce and hld a meeting.After ne China establish, ur cuntry in December f 1949 ill"51" settle fr the legal Labr Day. 中国人民庆祝劳
动节的活动可追溯至1918 年。是年,一些革命的知识分子在上海、
苏州等地向群众散发介绍 五一 的传单。1920年5月1日,北京、
新中国成立后,我国于1949 年12月将 五一 定为法定的劳动节。
"51" night befre lasts f 1921, the lng and ht stre labr extensin schl that summer aits fr smene t establish in the munism grup f Peking member 邓 in, the rkers learn t sing 《 51 memrial
sngs 》 .Its lyrics is: "The beautiful freedm, the star f rld, puts tgether me red-blded, sacrifice fr him, ant t seep aay the frce system everything clean, remember the beautiful day f May first.The red flag dance in the ind, alk bright rad, each exhausted ability, each take need, dn t divide the rich and pr high r l, respnsibility nly mutual aid, ish hard everyne is tgether enterprising." This stalart and emllient sng, frm gr the teacher f the ht stre labr practice schl and University f Peking t prgress the student t create the plait but bee tgether. 1921年 五一 前夕,在北京的共产主义小组成员邓中夏等人创办的
同创编而成的。 针对临考冲刺设计,快速提高效率、提高成绩。用
一劳动节的由来的作文,欢迎同学们阅读。 关于劳动节的来历的一:
May hliday is ing. ur family is ging t d smething. Tday I called my little brther s phne at the nn. He asked me hat I am ging t d in the hliday. I tld him e ant t g n a trip sme day during but here e dn t decide t g. e are ging t sleep in the mrning May first. Then e are ging t g t Dauku by bus in the afternn. e are ging t have a day ff May 2nd. If it s ill fine in May 3rd e are ging t g ut n trip. I am ging t g t the Frest Park. Yur sister s husband is ging t hmetn Xiamia. He ants t g fishing. Gui Zexuan is ging t climb the hill ith his friends. e are discussing. I asked my little brther hat plans yu are ging t in the hliday. He invited us t g his hme. He anted t g Suyuku ith us. I as glad t hear the nes. ur family decided t g Yingchun t Suyuku n trip. 关于劳动节的来历的英语作文二:
国家的主人。中国工人第一次走上街头,大规模纪念 五一 国际劳动
月将5月1日定为法定的劳动节。 The establishment f the peple
s Republic f China, the laburing peple barded the stage f histry, rkers bee the masters f the cuntry. The first China rkers tk t the streets, large-scale Memrial five ne Internatinal Labr Day is n 1920. After the funding f ne Chinese, the Central Peple
s Gvernment in 1949 December t May 1st as a statutry labr day. 新中国成立50多年来,在不同时期涌现出千千万万劳动模范,他们
丽、徐虎、王启民、许振超 、李斌等新一代劳动模范,他们以自己
民族精神的重要组成部分。 Mre than 50 years since the funding
f ne China, the emergence f thusands n thusands f labr mdels in different perids, they are utstanding representatives f the majrity f rkers. After 1989, the State Cuncil basically nce every 5 years in recgnitin f the natinal mdel rkers and advanced rkers, abut 3000 peple each in recgnitin. hether it is Shi Chuanxiang, ang Jinxi, Zhang Binggui and ther lder generatin f labr mdel, r Jiang Zhuying, Ba Qifan, Li Suli, Xu, ang Qimin, Xu Zhencha, tiger Li Bin, a ne generatin f labr mdel, ith their n practical actin, created the dedicatin, striving fr excellence, hard rk, innvatin, dedicatin, fame and frtune. The great spirit f mdel rkers, bee a valuable spiritual ealth f ur natin, has bee an imprtant part f the great natinal spirit. 关
The internatinal labr day is als called May Day and internatinal demnstratin day , is mst cuntries in the rld f labr day. n May 1st each year. It is the hliday f rking peple arund the rld have. In July 1889, led by Engels in Paris the sed internatinal gress. The meeting passed a reslutin, the regulatin n May 1, 1890 internatinal labrer parade, n May 1, and decided t take the day as internatinal labr day. The special authrizatin f the central peple s gvernment in December 1949, a decisin that ill be n May 1 fr labr day. 1989 years later,
the state department basically every five years fr a natinal mdel rkers and advanced rkers, fr abut 3000 peple at a time. This sectin es frm the American city f Chicag rkers strike. n May 1, 1886, mre than t hundred and sixteen thusand rkers in Chicag fr shall institute an eight-hur rking day system and a general strike, after a bldy hard struggle, finally n. T memrate the great rkers mvement, in July 1889, the sed internatinal annunced n May 1st each year as internatinal labr day. The decisin immediately get psitive respnse f the rkers arund the rld. T memrate the great rkers mvement, in July 1889, Engels in rganizatin established at the sed internatinal ference annunced every year as the internatinal labr day n May 1, hereinafter referred t as May Day . This decisin immediately get psitive respnse f the rkers arund the rld. n May 1, 1890, the rking class f eur-american tk t the streets, held a grand demnstratins and rallies, strive fr the legitimate rights and interests. Since then, n this day, rking peple arund the rld have t assembly, a prcessin, t celebrate. Is the meaning f the internatinal labr day labrers thrugh the struggle, ith stubbrn, heric unyielding fighting spirit, t their n legitimate rights and interests, human civilizatin is demcratic histrical prgress, this is the essence f the May 1st Labur Day hliday. S, peple are s pay attentin t labr day. This decisin immediately get psitive respnse f the rkers arund the rld. n May 1, 1890, the rking class f eur-american tk t the streets, held a grand demnstratins and rallies, strive fr the legitimate rights and interests. Frm then n, henever that day rking peple arund the rld have t assembly, prcessin, celebratry, and public hlidays. 国际劳动节又称 五一国际劳动节 、 国际示威游行日 ,是世界上大
表大会。会议通过决议,规定1890年5月1日国际劳动者举行游行,并决定把5月1日这一天定为国际劳动节。中央人民政府政务院于1949年12月作出决定,将5月1日确定为劳动节。 1989年后,国务院基本上每5年表彰一次全国劳动模范和先进工作者,每次表彰3000人左右。 此节源于美国芝加哥城的工人大罢工.1886年5月1日,芝加哥的二十一万六千余名工人为争取实行八小时工作制而举行大罢工,经过艰苦的流血斗争,终于获得了胜利.为纪念这次伟大的工人运动,1889年7 月第二国际宣布将每年的五月一日定为国际劳动节.这一决定立即得到世界各国工人的积极响应。 为纪念这次伟大的工人运动,1889年7月,在恩格斯组织召开的第二国际成立大会上宣布将每年的五月一日定为国际劳动节,简称 五一 。这一决定立即得到世界各国工人的积极响应。1890年5月1日,欧美各国的工人阶级率先走向街头,举行盛大的示威游行与集会,争取合法权益。从此,每逢这一天,世界各国的劳动人民都要集会、游行,以示庆祝。 国际劳动节的意义在于劳动者通过斗争,用顽强、英勇不屈的奋斗精神,争取到了自己的合法权益,是人类文明民主的历史性进步,这才是五一劳动节的精髓所在。所以,人们才这么注重劳动节。这一决定立即得到世界各国工人的积极响应。1890年5月1日,欧美各国的工人阶级率先走向街头,举行盛大的示威游行与集会,争取合法权益。从此,每逢这一天世界各国的劳动人民都要集会、游行,以示庆祝,并公众放假。
五一劳动节就要到啦,你是否早就期盼已久五一小长假了呢?当然劳动节也不要忘记劳动哦。下面小编为你整理了许多关于劳动节、劳动的英语谚语,要记住劳动最光荣哦! I believe in the dignity f
labr, hether ith head r hand; that the rld es n man a living
but that it es every man an pprtunity t make a living. --Jhn
D. Rckefeller 我相信,无论体力劳动还是脑力劳动都是高尚的;世界不会让人不劳而获,而会给人一次谋生的机会。约翰 D 洛克菲勒 I
m a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I rk, the mre I have f it. --Thmas Jeffersn 我非常相信运气,而且我发现,越
是辛勤工作我的好运就越多。托马斯 杰弗逊 Gd give me rk, until
my life shall end. And life, until my rk is dne. --Epitaph f inifred Hltby 上帝给我工作,直到生命结束;上帝给我生命,直到
工作完成。温尼弗雷德 霍尔比的墓志铭 A hundred times every day
I remind myself that my inner and uter life depend n the labrs f ther men, living and dead, and that I must exert myself in rder t give in the same measure as I have received and am still receiving. --Albert Einstein 我每天上百次的提醒自己:
受着的东西。阿尔伯特 爱因斯坦 rk is the grand cure f all the
maladies and miseries that ever beset mankind. --Thmas Carlyle 工作是医治人类一切顽疾和厄运的良药。托马斯.卡莱尔 ne crded
hur f a glrius life is rth an age ithut a name. --alter Sctt 辉煌的一生中忙碌的一小时,抵得上碌碌无为的一世。沃尔特 司各
特 1篇四:
文My labr"s day The expectant Labr Day arrived at finally,e can take a break finally. The seldm several days hlidays, I ant t play a fully enjy. The first day, I"m ging t Yiu. I by train, Set ut frm Shanghai, by ay f Jiaxing and Hangzhu. The scenery in the jurney is very beautiful, There is many hills, But nt h many aters, My happpy md did nt therefre suffer the influence, Because I"m nt t like the ater very much, Especially big river. Keep in mind the strange and pleased md, I arrived Yiu. The many peple says, Yiu bee famus because f small merchandise, I apprve very much n, Hever the night that I like it. I live the neighbrhd in hills, Air is very gd, But there is a lt f insectual. The sunlight is very strng there sevral days, Usually in the daytime
f time, I sleeping in huse, The nightfall g t play. Very quick a eek passde by. The hlidays be ver, I felt nt h happy, But I hpe that I can t breathe the air n the hills again. Expect the labr day f the next year.关于劳动节的英语作文 相关内容:I
spent this hliday very quick, n the 1st May, e ent t the Z, there ere crded there, s many travelers ing frm all ver the cuntry t have sme fun during the hlidays....May first is a Sunday. And it is the Labr’s Day. My mther said t me :“pen yur eyes~
流勇进?? 最让我开心的是旋转木马,一匹匹马儿随着音乐一上一
各国工人阶级的支援,迫使资本家接受了工人提出的 每天工作八小
时 的要求。为了纪念这次胜利,显示 全世界无产者,联合起来 的
国的劳动人民都要集会、游行,以示庆祝。 Internatinal rkers
Day(国际劳动节) is a celebratin f the scial and emic
achievements f the internatinal labr mvement. Internatinal rkers Day mnly sees rganized street demnstratins by hundreds f thusands f rking peple and their labr unins thrughut Eurpe and mst f the rest f the rld thugh, as nted bel, nt in either the United States r Canada. Mre radical grups such as munists and anarchists are als given t idespread street prtest n this day as ell. Internatinal rkers Day as riginally the memratin f the Chicag rits(暴乱)f 1886: in 1889, the first gress f the Sed Internatinal(第二国际), meeting in Paris fr the
centenial f the French Revlutin(法国大革命) and the Expsitin
Universelle (1889), flling a prpsal by Raymnd Lavigne, called fr internatinal demnstratins n the 1890 anniversary f the Chicag rit. These ere s successful that Internatinal rkers Day as frmally recgnized as an annual event at the Internatinal s sed gress in 189
1. The May Day Rits f 1894 and May Day Rits f 1919 ccurred subsequently. In 1904, the Internatinal Scialist Cnference meeting in Amsterdam(阿姆斯特丹) called n all Scial-Demcratic
Party rganizatins and trade unins f all cuntries t demnstrate energetically n May First fr the legal establishment f the 8-hur day, fr the class demands f the prletariat, and fr universal
peace. As the mst effective ay f demnstrating as by striking, the gress made it mandatry upn the prletarian rganizatins f all cuntries t stp rk n May 1, herever it is pssible ithut injury t the rkers. Internatinal rkers Day has lng been a fcal pint fr demnstratins by varius scialist, munist, and anarchist grups. In sme circles, bnfires are lit in memratin f the Haymarket Rit, usually right as the first day f May begins. Due t its status as a celebratin f the effrts f rkers and the scialist mvement, Internatinal rkers Day is an imprtant fficial hliday in Cmmunist cuntries such as the Peple s Republic f China, Cuba, and the frmer Sviet Unin(前苏联) . Internatinal rkers Day
celebratins typically feature elabrate ppular and military parades in these cuntries. In cuntries ther than the United States and Canada, resident rking classes fught hard t make Internatinal rkers Day an fficial hliday[citatin needed], effrts hich largely succeeded. Fr this reasn, in mst f the rld tday, Internatinal rkers Day is marked by massive street rallies led by rkers, their trade unins, anarchists and varius scialist and munist parties. The First and Sed Red Scare perids ended Internatinal rkers Day as a mass hliday in the United States, hich n celebrates its Labr Day n the first Mnday f September, due t its imprtance in Cmmunist cuntries.
篇一:? ?
介?绍劳动节?英语?作文?五一?的由?来? 5?1 ??inte?rn?at?in?al? L?ab?r ?Da?ys? ?cal?l ?51? s?ec?ti?ns?, ?Ma?y ?1 ?in? e?ve?ry? y??ear.?It? i?s ?th?e ?hl?e ?rl?d ?la?br? ?mn ?fe??stiv?al? f? t?he? p?ep?le?. ? ?五一国?际劳?动节?简称?五一?节,?在每?年的?5?月1?日。它?是全?世界?劳动?人民?的共?同节?日。? A?s ?fr?"5?1 ?ca?us?es? f? t??he ?sec?ti?n"?s ?ar?e ?su??ch: ? ?关于? 五一?节的?由来? ?是?这样的:? ?
Thi?s ?st?an?za? e??s fr?m ?th?e ?rk?er? s? b?ig? s?tr?ik?e ?f ?Am?er?ic?an?? Chi?ca?g.?n ?Ma?y ?1 ?in?? 188?6,? C?hi?ca?g ?f ?20? i?n ?rd?er? t? f?ig?ht? f?r ??prac?ti?ci?ng? e?ig?ht? h?ur?s ?t ?rk? t? m?ak?e ?bu?t ??hld ?th?e ?bi?g ?st?ri?ke?, ?ma?ny? t?en? t?hu?sa?nd? r??kers?es? p?as?s ?by? h?ar?d ?f ?bl?ds?he?d ??fl?ic?t,?? acq?ui?re?d ?th?e ?vi?ct??ry f?in?al?ly?.F?r ?me?mr?ia?l ?th?is? t?im?e ?th?e ?sc??iali?st? ?tha?t ?th?e ?rk??er s? n?e ?h ?ex?er?ci?se?, ?Ju?ly? 1?4 ?in? 1?88?9,? f??rm a?ll? ?cun?tr?ie?s ?Ma??rxis?t ?ca?ll? r?ep?re?se?nt?s ?th?e ??fe?re?nc?e,? P??aris?ia?n ?sl?em?n ?an?d ?im?pr?es?si?ve? p?en? i?n ?Fr??ance?.n? t?he? c?nf?er?en?ce?, ?at?te?nd? ?mee?ti?ng? t? r?ep?re?se?nt? t?he? c?ns??iste?nt? a?pp?rv?al?:C?mm?n ?fe?st?iv?al? t?ha?t ?Ma?y ??1 se?tt?le?s ?fr? t?he? i?nt?er?na?ti?na?l ?pr?le?ta?ri??at.T?hi?s ?re?sl?ut?in? ?g?ets ?th?e ?in?te?rn?at?in?al? m?un?it?y,? t?he? r?ke?r ??resp?nd??s t ?ac?ti?ve?ly?.n? ?May? 1? i?n ?18?90?, ?th?e ?rk?in?g ?cl?as?s ?f ?Eu??r-Am?er?ic?an? a?ll? c?un?tr?ie?s ?le?ad?s ?ff? t? g? i??nt t?he? s?tr?ee?t,? h?ld?in?g ?th?e ?gr?an?d ?de?mn?st??rati?n ?an?d ?hl?di?ng? a? m?ee?ti?ng?, ?fi?gh?ti?ng? f??r th?e ?le?ga?l ?ri?gh?ts?.F?rm? n? n?, ?ev?er?y ?ti?me?? run?d ?th?is? i?nt?er?na?ti?na?l ?mu?ni?ty? l?ab?rs? t??he p?ep?le? t? a?ll? a?nt? ?the? c?at?ca?ll?, ?pa?ra?de?, ?t ?sh? t? c?el?eb?ra?te??. ?此节源?于美?国芝?加哥?的?
工人大?罢工?。?188?6?年5?月1?日,芝?加哥?的?20 ?多万?工人?为争?取实?行八?小?时工作?制而?举行?大罢?工,?经过?艰苦?的流?血斗?争,?终于??获得了胜?利。?为?纪念这?次工?人运?动,?18?89?年?7月?14?日,由??各国马克?思主?义者?召集?的社??会主义者?代表?大会?,在?法国?巴黎?隆重?开幕?。大??会上,与?会代?表一?致同??意: ?
把5?月1?日定为?国际?无产?阶级?的共?同节?日。?这一?决议?得到?世界?各国??工人的积?极响?应。?18?90?年?5月?1日,?欧美?各国?的工?人阶?级率?先走?上街??头,举行?盛大?的示?威游?行与?集会?,争?取合?法权?益。?从此?,每?逢这?一天??世界各国?的劳?动人?民都?要集?会、?游行?,以?示庆?祝。?Th?e ?Ch?in??ese ?pe?pl?e ?ce?le?br?at?e ?th?e ?ac?ti?vi?ty? f? t?he? L?ab?r ?Da?y ?an?d ?ca?n ?tr?ac?e ?ba?ck? t? t? ?191? ?
8.I?s ?a ?ye?ar?, ?et?c.? f? s?me? k?nl?ed?ge? m?em?be?rs? f? r?ev?lu?ti?n ?at? ?Sha?ng?ha?i,? S?uz?hu? g??rund? s?en?ds? f?rt?h ?t ?in?tr?du?ce? t?ar?d ??crd"?51?" ?f ?ha?nd?bi?ll?.n? M?ay? 1? i?n ?19??20, ?rk?er? s? c?rd? f? e?tc?. ?f ?Pe?ki?ng?, ??Shan?gh?ai?, ?Gu?an?gz?hu? c?it?y ?ge?s ?in?t ??the ?st?re?et? t? h?ld? t?he? h?ug?e ?pa?ra?de?? f t?hr?ea?te?ni?ng? f?rc?e ?an?d ?hl?d ?a ?me??etin?g.?Af?te?r ?ne? C?hi?na? ?est?ab?li?sh?, ?ur? c?un?tr?y ?in? D?ec?em?be?r ?f ?19?49? i?ll?"5?1"? s?et?tl?e ?fr? t?he? ?leg?al? L?ab?r ??Day.? ?中国?人民?庆祝?劳动?节的?活动?可追?溯至?19?18? ?年。是??年,一些?革命?的知?识分?子在?上海?、苏?州等?地向?群众?散发?介绍? ?五一? 的?传单。?19?20?年?5月?1日,?北京?、上?海、?广州?等城?市的?工人?群众??走上街头??举行了声?势浩?大的?游行?、集?会。?新中?国成?立后?,我?国于?19?49?? 年12?月将? ?五一? 定为?法定?的劳?动节?。? "5?1"? n?ig??ht b?ef?re? l?as?ts? f? 1?92?1,? t?he? ?lng? a?nd? h?t ?st?re? l?ab?r ?ex?te?ns?in? s?ch?l ?th?at? s?um?me?r ?ai?ts? f?r ?sm?en?e ?t ?es?ta?bl?is?h ?in? t?he? m?un?is?m ?gr?up? f? P?ek?in?g ?me?mb?er? ?邓 i?n,? t?he? ?
rke?rs? l?ea?rn? t? s?in?g ?《? 51? m?em?ri?al? s?ng?s ?》? .I?ts? l?yr?ic?s ?is?: ?"T?he? ?bea?ut?if?ul? f?re?ed?m,? t?he? s?ta?r ?f ?rl?d,? p?ut?s ?tg?et?he?r ?me? r?ed?-b?ld??ed, ?sa?cr?if?ic?e ?fr? h?im?, ?an?t ?t ?se?ep? a?ay? t?he? f?rc?e ?sy?st?em? e?ve?ry?th?in?g ?cl?ea?n,? r?em?em?be?r ?th?e ?be?au?ti?fu?l ?da?y ?f ?Ma?y ?fi?rs?t.?Th?e ?re?d ?fl?ag? ?dan?ce? i?n ?th??e in?d,? a?lk? b?ri?gh?t ?ra?d,? e?ac?h ?ex?ha??uste?d ?ab?il?it?y,? ?eac?h ?ta?ke? n?ee?d,? d?n ?t ?di?vi?de? t?he? r?ic?h ?an?d ?pr? h?ig?h ?r ?l,? ?res?pn?si?bi?li?ty? n?ly? m?ut?ua?l ??aid,? i?sh? h?ar?d ?ev?er?yn?e ?is? t?ge?th?er?? ent?er?pr?is?in?g.?" ?Th?is? s?ta?la?rt? a?nd? e?ml?li?en?t ?sn?g,? f?rm? g?r ?th?e ?te?ac?he?r ?f ?th?e ?ht? s?tr?e ??labr? p?ra?ct?ic?e ?sc?hl? a?nd? U?ni?ve?rs?it?y ?f ?Pe?ki?ng? t? p?rg?re?ss? t?he? s?tu?de?nt? t? c?re?at?e ?th?e ?pl?ai?t ?bu?t ?be?e ?tg?et?he?r.? ?19?21?年? 五一?? 前夕,?在北?京的?共产?主义??小组成员?邓中?夏等??人创办的?长辛?店劳?动补?习学?校里?,工?人们?学唱?《五?一纪?念歌?》。?其歌??词是:?
美哉?自由?,世?界明??星,拼吾?热血?,为?他牺?牲,?要把?强权?制度?一切??扫除净,?记取?五月?一日?之良??辰。红旗?飞舞?,走?光明?路,?各尽?所能?,各??取所需,?不分?贫富?贵贱?,责?任唯??互助,愿?大家?努力?齐进?取。?这首?雄壮??有力的歌?,是?由长?辛店?劳动?实习?学校??的教员和?北京?大学?的进?步学?生共??同创编而?成的?。? 针对?临考?冲刺?设计?,快?速提?高效?率、?提高?成绩?。用?心?打造科?学备?考冲?刺方?案,?内容?少而?精,??直指高考?高频?考点?和解?题方?法?,?是考前冲?刺提?分的?好帮?手。?..?..?..? ?
篇二:? ?
介绍劳?动节?英语?作文?五一?劳动?节的?英文?介绍?五一?劳动?节的?英文?介?绍La?br? D?ay?,? th?e ?fi?rs?t ?Mn?da?y ?in? S?ep?te?mb?er?,? is? a? c?re?at?in? f? ?the? l?ab?r ?mv?em?en?t ?an?d ?is? d?ed?ic?at?ed? t? t?he? s?ci?al? a?nd? e??mi?c ?
ac?hi?ev?em?en?ts? f? A?me?ri??can ?rk?er?s.? I?t ??st?it?ut?es? a? y?ea?rl?y ?na?ti?na?l ??trib?ut?e ?t ?th?e ??tr?ib?ut?in?s ?rk?er?s ?ha?ve? m?ad?e ??t th?e ?st?re?ng?th?五一??劳动节的?由来?,? pr?sp?er?it?y?, a?nd? e??ll-b?ei?ng? f? u?r ?cu?nt?ry?.F?un?de?r ?f ?La?br? D?ay?Mr?e ??than? 1?00? y?ea?rs? a?ft?er? t?he? f?ir?st? L?ab?r ?Da?y ?bs??erva?nc?e?, t?he?re? i?s ?st??ill ?sm?e ?du?bt? a?s ?t ?h ?fi?rs?t ?pr?ps?ed? t?he? ?hli?da?y ?fr? r?ke?rs?. ?Sm?e ?re?cr??ds s?h ?th?at? P?et?er? J?. ?Mc?Gu?ir?e?, ?gen?er?al? s?ec??reta?ry? f? t?he? B?rt?he?rh?d ?f ?Ca?rp?en?te?rs? a?nd? J?in??ers ?an?d ?a ?cf?un?de?r ?f ?th?e ?Am?er?ic?an? F?ed?er?at?in?? f L?ab?r?, a?s ?fi?rs?t ?in?? sug?ge?st?in?g ?a ?da?y ?t ??hnr ?th?se? "?h ?fr?m ??rude? n?at?ur?e ?ha?ve? d?el?ve?d ?an??d ca?rv?ed? a?ll? t?he? g?ra?nd?eu?r ?e ?be?hl?d.?"B?ut? P?et??er M?cG?ui?re?"s? ?pla?ce? i??n La?br? D?ay? h?is?tr?y ?ha?s ?nt? g?ne? u?nc?ha?ll?en?ge?d.?? Man?y ?be?li?ev?e ?th?at? M?at?th?e ?Ma?gu?ir?e?, a? m?ac?hi?ni?st?,? nt? P?et?er? ?McG??uire?,? fu?nd?ed? t?he? h?li??day.? R?ec?en?t ?re?se?ar?ch? s?ee?ms? t? s?up?pr?t ?th?e ???tent?in? t?ha?t ?Ma?tt?he? M?ag?ui?re?,? la?te?r ?th?e ?se?cr?et?ar?y ?f ?Lc?al? ?344? f? t?he? I?nt?er?na?ti?na?l ?As?sc??iati?n ?f ?Ma?ch?in?is?ts? i?n ?Pa?te?rs?n?,? N.J?.?, p?rp?se?d ?th?e ?hl?id?ay? i?n ?18??82 h?il?e ?se?rv?in?g ?as? s?ec?re?ta?ry? f? ?the? C?en?tr?al? L?ab?r ?Un?in? i?n ?Ne? Y?rk??. ha?t ?is? c?le?ar? i?s ?th?at? t?he? ?Cen?tr?al? L?ab?r ?Un?in? a?dp?te?d ?a ?La?br? D?ay?? prp?sa?l ?an?d ?ap?pi?nt?ed? a? ?mit?te?e ?t ?pl?an? a? d?em?ns?tr?at?in? a?nd? p?ic?ni?c.??The ?fi?rs?t ?La?br? D?ay? ?h?lida??y as? c?el?eb?ra?te?d ?n ?Tu?es?da?y?, S?ep?te?mb?er? 5?,? 18?82?,? in? N?e ?Yr?k ??City?,? in? a?cc?rd?an?ce? i??th t?he? p?la?ns? f? t?he? C?en?tr?al? L?ab?r ?Un?in?. ?Th?e ??Cent?ra?l ?La?br? U?ni?n ?he?ld? i?ts? s?ec?nd? L?ab?r ?Da?y ??hlid?ay? j?us?t ?a ?ye?ar? l?at?er?,? n ?Se?pt?em?be?r ?52?01?X?年劳动?节放?假,? 1?88? ?
3.I?n ?18?84? t?he? f?ir?st? M?nd?ay? i?n ?Se?pt??embe?r ?as? s?el?ec?te?d ?as? t?he? ?hli?da?y?,? as ?ri?gi?na?ll?y ?pr?ps?ed?,? an?d ?th?e ?Ce?nt?ra?l ?La?br? U?ni?n ?ur??ged ?si?mi?la?r ?rg?an?iz?at?in?s ?in? t?he?r ?ci??ties? t? f?ll? t?he? e?xa?mp?le? f? ?Ne ?Yr?k ?an?d ?ce?le?br?at?e ?a ?"r??king?me?n"?s ?hl?id?ay?" ?n ?th?at? d?at?e.? T?he?? ide?a ?sp?re?ad? i?th?? the? g?rt?h ?f ?la?br? r?ga?ni?za?ti?ns?,? an?d ?in? 1?88?5 ?La?br? D?ay?? as ?ce?le?br?at?ed? i?n ?ma?ny? i?nd?us?tr?ia?l ??cent?er?s ?f ?th?e ?cu?nt?ry?.L?ab?r’?s ?Da?y ?is?? n M?ay? 1?st?. ?La?br?’s? D?ay? i?s ?an? ?int?er?na?ti?na?l ?da?y ?fr? r??kers?. ?rk?in?g ?is? g?lr?iu?s?, a?nd? e? s?hu?ld? ?res?pe?ct? r?ke?rs?. ?Th?e ?La?br?’s? D?ay? i??s rk??ers’? h?li?da?y ?an?d ?rk?er?s ?ca?n ?en?jy?? the?ms?el?ve?s ?t ?th?ei?r ?he?ar?t’?s ??te?nt??. Ma?ny? p?ep?le? c?hs?e ?t ?tr?av?el?. ?An?d ?sm??e th?er?s ?il?l ?g ?t ?th?e ?ci?ne?ma?. ?Sm?e ?il??l g ?t ?pa?rk?s.? A?nd? t?he?rs? i?ll? s?ta?y ?at?? hme?.?五一的?由来?五一?国际?劳动??节简称?五一节?,在?每年?的?5月?1?日。它是?全世?界劳?动人?民的?共同?节日?。关?于“??五一节的?由来?”是?这样?的:? ?
此节源?于美?国芝?加哥?的工?人大?罢工?。?188?6?年?5月1?日,芝?加哥?的?20 ?多万?工人?为争?取实?行八?小时?工作?制而?举行?大罢?工,?经过?艰苦?的流?血?斗争,?终于?获得?了胜?利。?为纪?念这?次工??人运动,?18?89?年?7月?14?日?五一?节,由各?国马?克思?主义?者召?集的?社会?主义?者代?表大?会,?在法?国巴?黎隆??重开?幕。大会?上,?与会?代表?一致?同意?:?
?把5月?1日定?为国?际无?产阶?级的?共同?节日?。这?一决?议得?到世?界各?国?工人的?积极?响应?。?189?0?年5?月1?日,欧?美各?国的?工人?阶级?率先?走上?街头?,举?行盛?大的?示威?游行?与集?会,?争取??合法权益?。从?此,?每逢?这一?天世??界各国的?劳动?人民?都要?集会?、游?行,?以示?庆祝??。中国人?民庆?祝劳?动节??的活动可?追溯?至?191?8 ?年。?是年??,一些革?命的?知识?分子?在上?海、?苏州?等?
地向群?众散?发介?绍“?五一?”的?传单?。?192?0?年5?月1?日,北?京、?上海?、广??州等城市?的工?人群?众走?上街?头举?行了?声势?浩大?的游?行、??集会。新?中国??成立后,?我国?于?194?9 ?年?12?月将“?五一?”定??为法定的?劳动?节。?19?21?年?“五一?”前?夕,?在北?京的?共产?主义?小组??成员邓中?夏等?人创?办的?长辛?店?劳动补?习学?校里?,工?人们?学唱?《五?一纪??念歌》。?其歌?词是?:?
“美?哉自?由,?世界?明星?,拼?吾热?血,?为他?牺牲??五一节,?要把?强权??制度一切?扫除?净,?记取?五月?一日?之良?辰。?红旗?飞舞?,走?光明?路,?各尽??所能劳动?节放?假几?天,?各取?所需?,不?分贫?富贵?贱,?责任??唯互助,?愿大??家努力齐?进取?。”?这首?雄壮?有力?的歌?,是?由长?辛店?劳动?实习?学校?的教??员和北京?大学?的进?步学?生共?同创?编而?成的?。?Lab?r ?Da?y?: ?
H i?t ?Ca?me? A?bu?t?; h?at? i?t ?Me?an?sL?ab?r ?Da?y ?di?ff?er?s ?in? e?ve?ry? ?ess?en?ti?al? a?y ?fr?m ?th?e ?th?er? h?li?da??ys f? t?he? y?ea?r ?in? a?ny? c?un?tr?y?五?一节?," s?ai?d ?Sa?mu?el? G?mp?er?s?, f?un?de?r ?an?d ?ln?gt?im?e ?pr?es?id?en?t ?f ?th?e ?Am??eric?an? F?ed?er?at?in?? f L?ab?r.? "?Al?l ?th?er? h?li?da?ys? a?re? i?n ?a ?mr?e ?r ?le?ss?? deg?re?e ??ne?ct?ed? i?th? c?nf?li?ct?s ?an?d ?ba?tt?le?s ?f ?ma?n"?s ?pr?es?s ?ve?r ?ma??n, f? s?tr?if?e ?an??d di?sc?rd? f?r ?gr?ee??d an?d ?pe?r?劳动节?放假?,? f ?gl?ri?es? a?ch?ie?ve?d ?by? n?e ?na?ti?n ?ve?r ?an?th?er?. ?La??br D?ay????is? d?ev?te?d ?t ?n ?ma?n?, l?iv??ing ?r ?de?ad?,? t ?n ?se?ct?,? ra?ce?,? ?r na?ti?n.?"?相关文?章?推荐:? ?
共2?页,当?前第?1?页?1五一劳?动节?的英?文介?绍? 相关?内容?:?五一劳?动?节诗歌?春风?春雨?把原?野拂?绿? 惊起?一层?漫漫?绿色?。高?高铁?塔、?层层?配电??网络上,? ?悬挂着?一幅?幅检?修线?路工?人忙?碌的?景色?。风? ?, ?用温情??的手?在电线上?弹奏?着? 欢快?的乐?章,?在寂?寥中? ?为茫茫?沙海?里的?工人?们唱??响一首伴?奏曲?,? 荒芜?人烟?的戈?壁?...?黄金?周从?19?99?年“??十一”正?式开??
始。当时?国务?院专?门出?台了?文件?,其?主旨?还在??于刺激消?费、?拉动?内需?。由?于国?庆大?庆以?及天??气等原因?,?199?9?年“十?一”?期间?的旅??游并不火??爆。春天?是出?游的?好时?光,?20?1X??年“五一?”黄??金周,人?们利?用长?假,??纷纷出游??。一年一?度的?“五?一”?国际?劳动?节又?到了?,为??了纪念这?个全??世界劳动?人民?团结?战斗?的节?日,??世界各国?一般?都会?举行?相应?的庆?祝活??动。不过??,并不是?所有?国家?都将?5?月1?日定为?劳动??节,那些?同过?“五??一”的国?家,?具体?的庆?祝方??式和习惯?也大?不相?同,?我们?不妨?..?.?五一国??际劳动节?亦称?“五?一节?”,?在每?年的?五月?一日?。五?一劳?动节?的历?史? 五?一国际?劳动?节亦?称“?五一?节”?,在?每年?的五?月一?日。?它是?全世?界无?产?队级、?劳动?人民?的共?同节?日。?此节??源于美国?芝加?哥城?的工?人大?罢工?。?根据《?国务?院办?公厅?发布?20?1X?年部?分节?假日?安排?通知?》:? ?
201?X?年五一?劳动?节法?定假?日如?下:? ?
六、?“五?一”?国际?劳动?节?)为法?定节?假日?,?5月?2日?(星期?日?)、?5月?3日?(星期?一?)照常?公休?。根?据《?国务?院办?公厅?发布??201X?年部?分节?假日?安?排通知?》:? ?
5?月1?日至?3日放?假公?休,??共3天。?20?1X?年劳?动节?放假?时间?安排??是: ?
小学?生劳?动节?演讲?稿五?一晚?会策?划方?案五??一文艺晚?会策?划书?五一??促销主题?五一?劳动?节促?销广?告语?五一?劳动?节宣?传语?大全?..?.?五一劳?动节??手抄报参?考?...?查看?更多?>>? ?
篇三:? ?
La?br? D?ay?,? th?e ?fi?rs?t ?Mn?da?y ?in?? Sep?te?mb?er?,? is? a? c??reat?in? f? ?the? l?ab?r ??mvem?en?t ?an?d ?is? d?ed?ic?at?ed? t? t?he? s?ci?al? a??nd e??mi?c ?ac?hi?ev?em?en?ts? f? A?me?ri?ca?n ?rk?er??s. I?t ??st?it?ut?es? a? y?ea?rl?y ?na?ti?na?l ?tr?ib??ute ?t ?th?e ??tr?ib?ut?in?s ?rk?er?s ?ha?ve? m?ad?e ??t th?e ?
st?re?ng?th?,p?rs?pe?ri?ty?,? an?d ?el?l-?be?in?g ?f ?ur? c?un?tr?y.? F?un??der ?f ?La?br? ?Day? M?re?? tha?n ?10?0 ?ye?ar?s ?af?te?r ?th?e ?fi?rs?t ?La?br? D??ay b?se?rv?an?ce?,? th?er??e is? s?ti?ll? s?me? d?ub?t ?as? t? h? f?ir?st? p?rp?se??d th?e ?hl?id?ay? f?r ?rk?er?s.? S?me? r?ec?rd?s ?sh? t??hat ?Pe?te?r ?J.? M?cG?ui?re?,? ge?ne?ra?l ?se?cr?et?ar?y ?f ?th?e ?Br?th?er?hd? f?? Car?pe?nt?er?s ?an?d ?Ji?ne?rs? a?nd? a? ?cfu?nd?er? f? t?he? A?me?ri?ca?n ?Fe?de??rati?n ?f ?La?br?,? as? f??irst? i?n ?su?gg?es?ti?ng? a? d?ay? t? h?nr? t?hs?e ?h ??frm ?ru?de? n?at?ur?e ?ha?ve? d?el?ve?d ?an?d ?ca?rv?ed?? all? t?he? g?ra?nd?eu?r ?e ?be?hl?d.? B?ut? P?et?er? M??cGui?re? s? p?la?ce? i?n ?La?br? D?ay? h?is?tr?y ?ha?s ??nt g?ne? u?nc?ha?ll?en?ge?d.? M?an?y ?be?li?ev?e ?th?at?? Mat?th?e ?Ma?gu?ir?e?, a? m?ac?hi?ni?st?,? nt? P?et?er? M?cG?ui?re?,? fu?nd?ed? t?he? ?hli?da?y.? R?ec?en?t ?re?se?ar?ch? s?ee?ms? t?? sup?pr?t ?th?e ??te?nt?in? t?ha?t ?Ma?tt?he? M?ag?ui??re,? ?late?r ?th?e ?se?cr??etar?y ?f ?Lc?al? 3?44? f? t?he? ?Int?er?na?ti?na?l ?As?sc?ia?ti?n ?f ?Ma?ch?in?is??ts i?n ?Pa?te?rs?n?, N?.J??., ?prp?se?d ?th?e ?hl?id?ay? i?n ?18?82? h?il?e ?se??rvin?g ?as? s?ec?re?ta?ry? f? t?he? ?Cen?tr?al? L?ab?r ?Un?in? i?n ?Ne? Y?rk?. ?ha??t is? c?le?ar? i?s ?th?at? t?he? C?en?tr?al? ?
Lab?r ?Un?in? a?dp?te?d ?a ?La??br D?ay? p?rp?sa?l ?an?d ?ap?pi??nted? a? m?it?te?e ?t ?pl?an? a?? dem?ns?tr?at?in? a?nd? p?ic?ni??c.相关?推荐?:?
介绍?劳动?节英?语作??文Lab?r ?Da?y ?di?ff?er?s ?in? e?ve?ry? e?ss?en?ti?al? ?frm? t??he t?he?r ?hl?id?ay?s ?f ?th?e ??year? i?n ?an?y ?cu?nt?ry?, ?sa??id S?am?ue?l ?Gm?pe?rs?, ?fu?nd??er a?nd? l?ng?ti?me? p?re?si?de??nt f? t??he A?me?ri?ca?n ?Fe?de??rati?n ?f ?La?br?. ?Al?l ?th?er?? hli?da?ys? a?re? i?n ?a ?mr?e ??r le?ss? d?eg?re?e ??ne?ct?ed?? ith? c?nf?li?ct?s ?an?d ?ba?tt?le?s ?f ?ma?n‘?s ?pr?es?s ?ve?r ?ma?n,? f? s?tr?if?e ?an?d ?di?sc?rd? f?r ?gr?ee?d ?an?d ?pe?r,? f? g?lr?ie?s ?ac?hi?ev?ed? b?y ?ne? n?at?in? v?er? ?ant?he?r.? L??abr ?Da?y.?..?is? d?ev?te?d ?t ??n ma?n,? l?iv?in?g ?r ?de?ad?, ??t n ?se?ct?, ?ra?ce?, ?r ?na?ti??n. L?ab?r ?Da?y,? t?he? f?ir?st?? Mnd?ay? i?n ?Se?pt?em?be?r,? i??s a ?cr?ea?ti?n ?f ?th?e ?la?br?? mve?me?nt? a?nd? i?s ?de?di?ca??ted ?t ?th?e ?sc?ia?l ?an?d ?ec??nmic? a?ch?ie?ve?me?nt?s ?f ?Am??eric?an? r?ke?rs?. ?It? c?ns?ti??tute?s ?a ?ye?ar?ly? ?nat?in?al? t?ri?bu?te? t? t?he? c?nt?ri?bu?ti?ns? r?ke?rs? h?av?e ?ma?de? t? t?he? ?str?en?gt?h,? p?rs?pe??rity? a?nd? e?ll?-b?ei?ng? f? u??r cu?nt?ry?. ?Fu?nd?er? f? L?ab??r Da?y ?Mr?e ?th?an? 1?00? y?ea??rs a?ft?er? t?he? f?ir?st? L?ab??r Da?y ?bs?er?va?nc?e,? ?the?re? i?s ?st?il?l ?sm?e ?du?bt? a?s ?t ?h ?fi?rs?t ?pr?ps?ed? t?he? h?li?da?y ?fr? ?rke?rs?. ?Sm?e ??recr?ds? s?h ?th?at? P?et?er? J??. Mc?Gu?ir?e,? g?en?er?al? s?ec??reta?ry? ?f t?he? B?rt?he?rh?d ?f ?Ca?rp?en?te?rs? a?nd? J?in?er?s ?an?d ?a ?c-?fu?nd?er? f? t?he? ?Ame?ri?ca?n ?Fe?de?ra?ti?n ??f La?br?, ?as? f?ir?st? i?n ?su??gges?ti?ng? a? d?ay? t? h?nr? ?ths?e ?h ?fr?m ?ru?de? n?at?ur?e ?ha?ve? d?el?ve?d ?an?d ?ca?rv?ed? a?ll? t?he? ?gra?nd?eu?r ?e ??behl?d.? B?ut? P?et?er? M?cG?ui??re‘s? p?la?ce? i?n ?La?br? D?ay?? his?tr?y ?ha?s ?nt? g?ne? u?nc?ha?ll?en?ge?d.? M?an?y ?be?li?ev?e ?th?at? M?at?th?e ?Ma?gu?ir?e,? a? m?ac?hi?ni?st?, ?nt? P?et?er? M?cG?ui?re?, ?fu?nd?ed? t?he? h?li?da?y.? ?
Rec?en?t ?re?se?ar?ch? s?ee?ms? t? s?up?pr?t ?th?e ???tent?in? t?ha?t ?Ma?tt?he? ?Mag?ui?re?, ?la?te?r ?th?e ?se?cr?et?ar?y ?f ?Lc?al? 3??44 f? t?he? I?nt?er?na?ti?na?l ?As?sc?ia?ti?n ?f ?Ma?ch??inis?ts? i?n ?Pa?te?rs?n,? N?.J?.,? p?rp?se?d ?th?e ?hl??iday? i?n ?18?82? h?il?e ?se?rv?in?g ?as? s?ec?re?ta?ry?? f t?he? C?en?tr?al? L?ab?r ?Un?in? i?n ?Ne? ?Yrk?. ?ha?t ?is? c?le?ar? i?s ?th?at?? the? C?en?tr?al? L?ab?r ?Un?in? a?dp?te?d ?a ?La?br? ?Day? p?rp?sa?l ?an?d ?ap?pi??nted? a? m?it?te?e ?t ?pl?an? a? d?em?ns?tr?at?in? a?nd?? pic?ni?c.? T?he? F?ir?st?? Lab?r ?Da?y ?Th?e ?fi?rs?t ?La?br? D?ay? h?li?da?y ?as?? cel?eb?ra?te?d ?n ?Tu?es??day,? S?ep?te?mb?er? 5?, ?18?82?, ?in? N?e ?Yr?k ?Ci?ty??, in? ?acc?rd?an?ce? i?th?? the? p?la?ns? f? t?he? C??entr?al? L?ab?r ?Un?in?. ?Th?e ?Ce?nt?ra?l ?La?br? U?ni??n he?ld? i?ts? s?ec?nd? L?ab?r ?Da?y ?hl?id?ay? j?us?t ??a ye?ar? l?at?er?, ?n ?Se?pt?em?be?r ?5,? l?88? ?
3. ?In? l?88?4 ?th?e ?fi?rs?t ?Mn??day ?in? S?ep?te?mb?er? a?s ?se?le?ct?ed? a?s ?th?e ?hl??iday?, ?as? r?ig?in?al?ly? p?rp?se?d,? a?nd? t?he? C?en??tral? L?ab?r ?Un?in? ?urg??ed s?im?il?ar? r?ga?ni?za?ti?ns? i?n ?th?er? c?it?ie?s ??t fl?l ?th?e ?ex?am?pl?e ?f ?Ne? Y?rk? a?nd? c?el?eb?ra??te a? r?ki?ng?me?n‘?s ?hl?id?ay? n? t?ha?t ?da?te?. ?Th??e id?ea? s??prea?d ?it?h ?th?e ?gr?th? f? l?ab?r ?rg?an??izat?in?s,? a?nd? i?n ?l8?85? L?ab?r ?Da?y ?as? c?el?eb??rate?d ?in? m?an?y ?in?du?st?ri?al? c?en?te?rs? f? t?he?? cun?tr?y.? ?篇?五: ?
介绍劳?动节?英语?作文?5?月1?日,国??际劳动节?,它??是全世界?工人?阶级??斗争的历?史纪?念,?每个?国家?都很?重视?它,?尤其?是美?国、?加拿?大、?南非??。188?6?年5?月1?日,以?美国?芝加?哥为?中心?,美?国大?约有?35?万工?人不?顾反??动军警的?血腥?镇压?,实?行了?大规?模的?罢工?和示?威游?行,?要求?改善?劳动??条件,实?行八?小时??工作制。?美国?工人?的英?勇斗?争得?到了?全世?界各?国工??人阶级的?支援?,迫?使资?本家?接受?了工??人提出的? ?每天工?作八?小时? ?的要?
求。为?了纪?念这?次胜?利,?显示? ?全世界?无产?者,?联合?起来? ?的伟大?力量?,?188?9?年7?月,第?二次?国际?代表?大会?决定?把?5?月1日作?为国?际劳?动节?。?189?0?年5?月1?日,欧?美各?国的?工人?阶级?率先?走向?街头?,举?行盛?大的?示威??游行与集?会,?争取?合法?权益?从此?,每?逢这?一天?世界?各国?的劳?动人?民都??要集会、?游行?,以?示庆?祝。? I?nt?er?na?ti?na?l ?rk?er?s ?Da?y(?国际?劳动?节?) ?is ?a ?ce?le?br?at?in? f? t?he? s?ci?al? a?nd? e??mi?c ?ac?hi?ev?em?en?ts? f? t?he? ?int?er?na?ti?na?l ?la?br?? mve?me?nt?. ?In?te?rn?at?in??al r?ke?rs? D?ay? m?nl?y ?se??es ?rga?ni?ze?d ?st?re?et? d?em?ns?tr?at?in?s ?by? h?un?dr?ed?s ?f ?th?us?an?ds? f? r?ki?ng? ?pep?le? a?nd? t?he?ir?? lab?r ?un?in?s ?th?ru?gh?ut?? Eur?pe? a?nd? m?st? f? t?he?? res?t ?f ?th?e ?rl?d ?th?ug??h, a?s ?nt?ed? b?el?, ?nt? i??n ei?th?er? t?he? U?ni?te?d ??Stat?es? ?r C?an?ad?a.? M?re? r?ad?ic?al? g?ru?ps? s?uc?h ?as? m?un?is?ts? a?nd? a?na?rc?hi?st?s ?ar?e ?al?s ?gi?ve?n ?t ?id?es?pr?ea?d ?st?re?et? p?rt?es?t ?n ?th?is? d?ay? a?s ?el?l.? ?Int?er?na?ti?na?l ??rker?s ?Da??y as? r?ig?in?al??ly t?he? m?em?ra?ti?n ?f ?th??e Ch?ic?ag? ?rit?s(?暴乱?)f? 1?88?6:? i?n ?18?89?, ?th?e ?fi?rs?t ??gr?es?s ?f ?th?e ?Se??d ?In?te?rn?at?in?al?(?第?二国际?), ?me?et?in?g ?in?? Par?is? f?r ?th?e ?ce?nt?en?ia?l ?f ?th?e ?Fr?en?ch? R?ev?lu?ti?n(?法国?大革?命?) a?nd? t?he? E??xpsi?ti?n ?Un?iv?er?se?ll?e ??(188?9)?, ?fl?li?ng? a? p?rp??sal ?by? R?ay?mn?d ?La?vi?gn??e, c?al?le?d ?fr? ?int?er?na?ti?na?l ?de?mn?st?ra?ti?ns? n? t?he? 1?89?0 ?an?ni?ve?rs?ar?y ?f ?th?e ?Ch?ic?ag? ?rit??. Th?es?e ?er?e ?s ?su?cc?es??sful? t?ha?t ?In?te?rn?at?in??al r?ke?rs? D?ay? a?s ?fr?ma??lly ?re?cg?ni?ze?d ?as? a?n ??annu?al? e?ve?nt? a?t ?th?e ??Inte?rn?at?in?al? s? ?sec?nd? c?ng?re?ss? i?n ?18?9 ?
1.? T?he? M?ay? D?ay? R?it?s ?f ?18?94? a?nd? M?ay? D?ay? R?it?s ?f ?19?19? ?ccu?rr?ed? s?ub??sequ?en?tl?y.? I?n ?19?04?, ??the ?In?te?rn?at?in?al? S?ci??alis?t ?Cn?fe?re?nc?e ?me?et??ing ?in? A?ms?te?rd?am?(?阿姆斯?特丹?) ?ca?ll?ed? n? a?ll? ?
Sci?al?-D?em?cr?at?ic? P?ar?ty? r?ga?ni?za?ti?ns? a?nd? t?ra?de? u??nins? f? a?ll? ?cun?tr?ie?s ?t ??demn?st?ra?te? e?ne?rg?et?ic?al?ly? n? M?ay? F?ir?st? f?r ?th?e ?le??gal ?es?ta?bl?is?hm?en?t ?f ?th?e ?8-?hu?r ?da?y,? f?r ?th?e ?cl?as??s de?ma?nd?s ?f ?th?e ?pr?le?ta?ri?at?, ?an?d ?fr? u?ni?ve?rs?al? p??eace?. ?As? t?he? m?st? e?ff?ec?ti?ve? a?y ?f ?de?mn?st?ra?ti?ng? a??s by? s?tr?ik?in?g,? t?he? c?ng?re?ss? m?ad?e ?it? m?an?da?tr?y ?up??n th?e ?pr?le?ta?ri?an? r?ga?ni?za?ti?ns? f? a?ll? c?un?tr?ie?s ?t ??stp ?rk? n? M?ay? 1?, ?he?re?ve??r it? i?s ?ps?si?bl?e ?it?hu?t ?in??jury? t? t?he? r?ke?rs?. ? I?nt?er?na?ti?na?l ?rk?er?s ?Da?y ?ha?s ??lng ?be?en? a? f?ca?l ?pi?nt? f?r ?de?mn?st?ra?ti?ns? b?y ?va?ri?us?? sci?al?is??t, m?un?is?t,? a?nd?? ana?rc?hi?st? g?ru?ps?. ?In? s?me? c?ir?cl?es?, ?bn?fi?re?s ?ar?e ??lit ?in? m?em?ra?ti?n ?f ?th?e ?Ha?ym?ar?ke?t ?Ri?t,? u?su?al?ly? ?rig?ht? a?s ?th?e ?fi?rs?t ?da?y ??f Ma?y ?be?gi?ns?. ?Du?e ?t ?it?s ?st?at?us? a?s ?a ?ce?le?br?at?in?? f t?he? e?ff?rt?s ?f ?rk?er?s ?an?d ?th?e ?sc?ia?li?st? m?ve?me?nt??, In?te?rn?at?in?al? r?ke?rs? D?ay? i?s ?an?? imp?rt?an?t ?ff?ic?ia??l hl?id?ay? i?n ?Cm?mu?ni?st? c?un?tr?ie?s ?su?ch? a?s ?th?e ?Pe?pl??e s ?Re?pu?bl?ic? f? C?hi?na?, ?Cu?ba?, ?an?d ?th?e ?fr?me?r ?Sv?ie??t Un?in?(?前苏联?) ?. ?In?te??rnat??inal? r?ke?rs? D?ay? ?cel?eb?ra??tins? t?yp?ic?al?ly? f?ea?tu?re? e?la?br?at?e ?pp?ul?ar? a?nd? m?il??itar?y ?pa?ra?de?s ?in? t?he?se? c?un?tr?ie?s.? I?n ?cu?nt?ri?es? t??her ??than? t?he? U?ni?te?d ?St?at?es? a?nd? C?an?ad?a,? r?es?id?en??t rk?in?g ?cl?as?se?s ?fu?gh?t ?ha?rd? t? m?ak?e ?In?te?rn?at?in?al?? rke?rs? D?ay? a?n ?ff?ic?ia?l ?hl?id?ay?[c?it?at?in? n?ee?de?d]?, ??effr?ts? h?ic?h ?la?rg?el?y ?su?cc?ee?de?d.? F?r ?th?is? r?ea?sn?, ??in m?st? f? t?he? ?rld? t?da?y,?? Int?er?na?ti?na?l ?rk?er?s ?Da?y ?is? m?ar?ke?d ?by? m?as?si?ve? s??tree?t ?ra?ll?ie?s ?le?d ?by? r?ke?rs?, ?th?ei?r ?tr?ad?e ?un?in?s,?? ana?rc?hi?st?s ?an?d ?va?ri?us? s?ci?al?is?t ?an?d ?mu?ni?st? p?ar??ties?. ?Th?e ?Fi?rs?t ?an?d ?Se??d ?Re?d ?Sc?ar??e pe?ri?ds? e?nd??ed I?nt?er?na?ti?na?l ?rk?er?s ?Da?y ?as? a? m?as?s ?hl?id?ay? i?n ?
th?e ?Un?it?ed? S?ta?te?s,? h?ic?h ?n ?ce?le?br?at?es? i?ts? L?ab?r ?Da?y ?n ?th?e ?fi?rs?t ?
Mn?da?y ?f ?Se?pt?em?be?r,? d?ue? t? i?ts? i?mp?rt?an?ce? i?n ?Cm?mu?ni?st? c?un?tr?ie?s.? ?
英语介绍劳动节作文五一劳动节的由来 1889年7月14日,由各国马克思主义者召集的社会主义者代表大会,在法国巴黎隆重开幕.这次大会上,法国代表拉文提议:
把1886年5月1日美国工人争取八小时工作制的斗争日,定为国际无产阶级的共同节日.与会代表一致同意,通过了这项具有历史意义的决议.从此,“五一”国际劳动节诞生了.The rigin f Labur
DayJuly 14,1889,vened by the natinal scialists Marxist
gress pened in Paris,France.The General Assembly,the
representative f France Lavin prpsal:t May 1st,1886 fr eight-hur day American rkers struggle n,as the mn festival f internatinal prletariat.The participants unanimusly agreed,adpted the histric reslutin.Since then,the "51" ...五一劳动节的由来 1889年7月14日,由各国马克思主义者召集的社
义的决议.从此,“五一”国际劳动节诞生了.The rigin f Labur
DayJuly 14,1889,vened by the natinal scialists Marxist gress pened in Paris,France.The General Assembly,the representative f France Lavin prpsal:t May 1st,1886 fr eight-hur day American rkers struggle n,as the mn festival f internatinal prletariat.The participants unanimusly agreed,adpted the histric reslutin.Since then,the "51" Internatinal Day brn.五一劳动节的习俗五一国际劳动节亦称“五
纪念这次伟大的工人运动,1889年7 月第二国际宣布将每年的五月
民都要集会、游行,以示庆祝.Labur Day als knn as "51" n May 1 f each year.This sectin es frm the city f Chicag rkers strike.May 1,1886,Chicag,216 000 thusand rkers fighting fr eight-hur day strike held,after a hard and bldy struggle,finally n.T memrate this great labr mvement,in July 1889 the Sed Internatinal declared May 1 f each year as Internatinal Labur Day.This decisin immediately psitive respnse frm rkers arund the rld.May
1,1890,Eurpe and the United States t lead the rking class t the streets,held a grand demnstratin and assembly,fr the legitimate rights and interests.Since then,Every day rking peple arund the rld have t assembly,f prcessin and celebratin.五一节是一个在世界各国都有着重要意义的节日.五一节有着两个意
说人们已开始越来越注重五一节的传统意义了.May Day is a
festival that carries significance in cuntries all arund the rld.There are t main themes t May Day,ne mre mdern and the ther mre ancient and primal.Unsurprisingly,it is the mdern that has dminated in the last century,thugh perhaps ne culd argue that there is a revival taking place that fcuses mre n the traditinal,ancient aspects f this May festival.
英语介绍劳动节作文【51Test.NET - 英文写作翻译英语作文】以
五一劳动节计划》的文章,供大家参考n May 1sh, I"m ging t my
grandmther"s hme.I think that must be very
significative.Because she is t ld t visit me and my parents, and she must be very have in mind ur. I ill g fr a alk ith my grandmther and buy she sme summer ears.they must fit her like best. f curse , I dn"t think that is a easy rk! S it must takes me many time. After shpping, e ill have a gd rest and have lunch in my grandmther"s hme. And then, I ill clean the hme ith my grandmther. At last, I g hme. f curse, I must finish my hmelk.
?? ?? ??篇一:??
?? 介绍劳动节??英语作文??五一的由??来?? 51 in??tern??atin??al L??abr ??Days???? call 51?? sec??tins??, Ma??y 1 ??in e??very?? yea??r.It?? is ??the ??hle ??rld ??labr?? mn ??fest??ival?? f t??he p??eple??. ??五一国际劳????动节简称五一节,??在每年的??5??月1日。它是全??世界劳动??人民的共??同节日。?? As ??fr"5??1 ca??uses?? f t??he ??secti??n"s ??are ??such??: ??关于?? 五一节的由来?? ??是这样的:??
??This?? sta??nza ??es f??rm t??he r??ker ????s big st??rike?? f A??meri??can ??Chic??ag.n?? May?? 1 i??n 18??86, ????Chicag f?? 20 ??in r??der ??t fi??ght ??fr p??ract??icin??g ??eight ??hurs?? t r??k t ??make?? but?? hld?? the?? big?? str??ike,?? man??y te??n th??usan??d ??rkerse??s pa??ss b??y ha??rd f?? bld??shed?? f????lict, ac??quir??ed t??he v??ictr??y ??finall??y.Fr?? mem??rial?? thi??s ti??me t??he s??cial??ist ??that?? the?? rke??r s ??ne ??h exe????rcise, J??uly ??14 i??n 18??89, ??frm ??all ??cunt??ries?? Mar??xist???? call ??repres??ents?? the?? f??eren??ce, ??Pari??sian?? sle??mn a??nd i??mpre??ssiv??e pe????n in ??France.??n th??e ??fere??nce,???? attend ??meet??ing ??t re??pres??ent ??the ??si??sten??t ap??prva????l:Cmmn f??esti??val ??that?? May?? 1 s??ettl??es f??r th??e ??intern??atin??al p??rlet??aria??t.Th??is r??eslu??tin ??gets?? the?? int??erna??tina??l ??munity??, th??e rk??er r??espn??ds t?? act??ivel??y.n ????May 1 in?? 189??0, t??he r??king?? ??class f?? Eur??-Ame??rica??n al??l cu??ntri??es l??eads?? ff ??t g ??int ??the ??stre??et, ??hldi??ng t??he g??rand?? dem??nstr??atin?? and?? hld??ing ??a me??etin??g, f??ight??ing ??fr ??the l??egal?? rig??hts.??Frm ??n n,?? eve??ry t??ime ????rund thi??s in??tern??atin??al ??munit??y la??brs ??the ??pepl??e t ??all ??ant ??the ??catc??all,?? par??ade,?? t s??h t ??cele??brat??e. ??此节源于??美国芝加??哥的工人??大罢工。??1886??年??5月1日,??芝加哥的??20 ??多万工人为争取??实行八小??时工作制??而举行大??罢工,经??过??艰苦的流血斗争??,终于获??得了胜利??。为纪念??这次工人????运动,1889??年7??月14日,由各??国马克思??主义者召??集的社会??主义者代??表大会,??在法国??巴黎隆重开??幕。大会??上,与会??代表一致??同意:??
街头,举行??盛大的示??威游行与??集会,争??取合法权??益。从此??,每逢这????一天世界各国的劳??动人民都??要集会、??游行,以????示庆祝。The ??Chin??ese ??pepl??e ce??lebr??ate ??the ??acti??vity?? f t??he L????abr Day ??and ??can ??trac??e ba??ck ??t t 1??91 ??
8.I??s a ??year????, etc. f?? sme?? knl??edge?? mem??bers?? f r??evlu??tin ??at S??hang??hai,???? Suzhu g??rund?? sen??ds f??rth ??t in??trdu??ce t??ard ??crd"??51" ??f ha??ndbi??ll.n?? May?? ??1 in 19??20, ??rker?? s c??rd f?? etc??. f ??Peki????ng, Shan??ghai??, Gu??angz??hu c??ity ??ges ??int ??the ??stre??et t?? hld???? the hug??e pa??rade?? f t??hrea??teni??ng f??rce ??and ??hld ??a me??etin????g.After ??ne C??hina?? est??abli??sh, ??ur c??untr??y in?? Dec??embe??r ??f 1949?? ill??"51"?? set??tle ??fr t??he l??egal?? Lab??r Da??y. ??中国人民??庆祝劳??动节的活动??可追溯至??1918?? ??年。是年,一些??革命的知??识分子在??上海、??苏州等地向??群众散发??介绍?? 五一?? 的传单。??1920??年5月??1日,北京、上??海、广州??等城市的??工人群众??走上街头??举行了声??势浩大的??游行、集??会。??新中国成立后??,我国于??1949?? ??年12月将?? 五一?? 定为法定的劳??动节。?? "51"?? nig??ht b??efre?? las??ts f?? 192??1, t??he l??ng a??nd h??t st??re l??abr ??exte??nsin?? ??schl th??at s??umme??r ai??ts f????r smene ??t es??tabl??ish ??in t??he m??unis??m gr??up ??f Pek??ing ??memb??er ??邓 in,?? the?? rke??rs l??earn?? t s??ing ??《?? 51 mem??rial?? sng??s ??》 .Its?? lyr??ics ??is: ??"The?? bea??utif??ul f??reed??m, t??he s??tar ??f rl??d, p??uts ??tget??her ??me r??ed-b??lded??, sa??crif??ice ??fr h??im, ??ant ??t se??ep a??ay t??he f??rce ??syst??em e??very??thin??g cl??ean,?? rem??embe??r th??e be??auti??ful ??day ??f Ma??y ??first.??The ??red ????flag dan??ce i??n th??e in??d, a??lk b??righ??t ra??d, e??ach ??exha??uste????d abilit??y, e??ach ??take?? nee??d, d??n t ??divi??de t??he r??ich ??and ????pr high ??r l,?? res??pnsi??bili??ty n??ly m??utua??l ai??d, i??sh h??ard ??ever??yne ??is ??tgeth??er e??nter??pris??ing.??" Th??is s??tala??rt a????nd emlli??ent ??sng,?? frm?? gr ??the ??teac??her ??f th??e ht?? str??e la????br pract??ice ??schl?? and?? Uni??vers??ity ??f ??Peking?? t p??rgre??ss t??he s??tude??nt t?? cre??ate ??the ??plai??t bu??t be??e tg??ethe??r. ??1921??年?? 五一 ??前夕,在北京的??共产主义??小组成员??邓中夏等??人创办的????长辛店劳动补习学??校里,工??人们学唱????《五一纪念歌》。??其歌词是??:??
有力的歌,是??由长辛店??劳动实习??学校的教??员和北京??大学的进??步学生共??同创编而??成的。?? 针对临考??冲刺设计??,快速提????高效率、提高成绩??。用??心打造科学备??考冲刺方??案,内容??少而精,??直指高考??高频考点??和解题方??法??,是考前冲刺提????分的好帮手。??......?? ??
?? ?? ??篇二: ??
??介绍劳动节英语??作文五一??劳动节的??英文介绍??五一劳动??节的英文??介??绍Labr D??ay??, the ??firs??t Mn??day ????in Septe??mber??,?? is a c??reat??in f?? the?? ??labr mv??emen??t an??d is?? ded??icat??ed t?? the?? sci??al a??nd e??mi??c ??achiev??emen??ts f?? Ame??rica??n rk??ers.?? It ??st??itut??es a?? yea??rly ??nati??nal ??trib??ute ????t the ??trib??utin??s rk??ers ??have?? mad??e t ??the ??stre??ngth??五一??劳动??节的由来,?? prsper??ity??, and?? ell??-bei??ng f?? ur ??cunt??ry.F??unde??r f ??Labr?? Day??Mre ??than???? 100 yea??rs a??fter?? the?? fir??st L??abr ??Day ????bservanc??e??, there?? is ??stil??l sm??e du??bt a??s t ??h fi??rst ????prpsed t??he h??lida??y fr?? rke??rs. ??Sme ??recr??ds s??h th??at P??eter?? J. ??McGu??ire??, gen??eral?? sec??reta??ry f?? the?? ??Brtherh??d f ??Carp????enters a??nd J??iner??s an??d a ??cfun??der ??f th??e Am??eric??an ??Feder????atin f L??abr??, as ??firs??t in?? sug??gest??ing ??a da??y t ??hnr ??thse???? "h frm ??rude?? nat??ure ??have?? del??ved ??and ??carv??ed a??ll t??he g??rand??eur ??e ??behld.??"But?? Pet??er M??cGui??re"s?? pla??ce i??n La??br D??ay h??istr??y ha??s nt?? gne?? ??unchall??enge??d. M??any ??beli??eve ??that?? Mat??the ??Magu??ire??, a m??achi??nist??,?? nt Pet??er M??cGui??re??, fund??ed t??he h??lida??y. R??ecen??t re??sear??ch s??eems?? t ??suppr??t th??e ??tent??in t??hat ??Matt??he M??agui??re??, late??r th??e se??cret????ary f Lc??al 3??44 f?? the?? Int??erna??tina??l As??scia??tin ??f Ma??chin??ists?? in ??Pate??rsn??,
N.J??.??, prpse??d th??e hl??iday?? in ??1882?? hil??e se??rvin??g as?? sec??reta??ry f?? ??the Cen??tral?? Lab??r Un??in i??n Ne?? Yrk??. ha??t is?? cle??ar i??s th??at t??he C??entr??al ??Labr ??Unin?? adp??ted ??a La??br D??ay p??rpsa??l an??d ap??pint??ed a?? mit??tee ??t pl??an ??a dem??nstr??atin?? and?? pic??nic.??The ??firs??t La??br D??ay h??lida??y as???? celebra??ted ??n Tu??esda??y??, Septe??mber?? 5??, 1882??,?? in Ne ??Yrk ??City??,?? in acc??rdan??ce i??th t??he p??lans?? f t??he C????entral L??abr ??Unin??. Th??e Ce??ntra??l ??Labr U??nin ??held?? its?? sec????nd Labr ??Day ??hlid??ay j??ust ??a ye??ar l??ater??,?? n Sept??embe??r 52??01X??年劳动节放??假,?? 188 ??
3.I??n 18??84 t??he f??irst?? Mnd??ay i??n Se??ptem??ber ????as selec??ted ??as t??he ??hlida??y??, as ri??gina??lly ??prps??ed??, and ??the ??Cent??ral ??Labr?? Uni??n ur??ged ??simi??lar ??rgan??izat??ins ??in t??her ??citi??es t?? fll?? the?? exa??mple?? f N??e Yr??k ??and ce??lebr??ate ??a "r??king????men"s hl??iday??" n ??that?? dat??e. T??he i??dea ??spre??ad ??ith t??he g??rth ??f la??br r??gani??zati??ns??, and ??in 1??885 ??Labr?? Day?? as ??cele??brat??ed i??n ma??ny i??ndus??tria??l ce??nter??s f ??the ??cunt??ry.L??abr??’s Da??y ??is n M??ay 1??st. ??Labr??’??s Day i??s an?? int??erna??tina??l da????y fr rke??rs. ??rkin??g ??is glr??ius??, and?? e s??huld???? respect?? rke??rs. ??The ??Labr??’??s Day i??s rk??ers??’?? hliday ??and ??rker??s ca??n en??jy t??hems??elve??s t ??thei????r heart??’s ??tent??. ??Many p??eple?? chs??e t ??trav????el. And ??sme ??ther??s il??l g ??t th??e ci??nema??. Sm??e ??ill g ??t pa??rks.?? And?? the??rs i??ll s??tay ??at h??me.??五??一的由来五一国际????劳动节简称五一节??,在每年??的??5月1日。它是??全世界劳??动人民的??共同??节日。关于“??五一节的??由来”是??这样的:?? ??
此节源于??美国芝加??哥的工人??大罢工。??1886??年??5月1日,芝加??哥的??20 ??多万工人为争取??实行八小??时工作制??而举行大????罢工,经过艰苦的??流??血斗争,终于获??得了胜利??。为纪念??这次工人??运动,??1889??年7??月14日??五一节,由各国??马克思主??义者召集??的社会主??义者代表??大会,在??法国巴??黎隆重开幕??。大会上??,与会代??表一致同??意:??
??把5月??1日定为国际无??产阶级的??共同节日??。这一决??议得到世??界各??国工人的积极??响应。??1890??年5??月1日,欧美各??国的工人??阶级率先????走上街头,举行盛??大的示威??游行与集??会,争取??合法权益??。从此,????每逢这一天世界各??国的劳动??人民都要??集会、游??行,以示??庆祝。中??国人民庆??祝劳??动节的活动可??追溯至??1918 ??年。是年??,一些革??命的知识??分子在上??海、??苏州等地向群??众散发介??绍“五一??”的传单??。??1920??年5月1??日,北京、??上海、广州等??城市的工??人群众走??上街头举??行了声势??浩大的游??行、集会??。新中国??成立后,??我国于??1949 ??年??12月将“五一????”定为法定的劳动????节。1921??年“五一”前??夕,在北??京的共产??主义小组??成员邓中??夏等人??创办的长辛??店劳动补??习学校里??,工人们????学唱《五一纪念歌??》。其歌??词??是:
尽所能劳动节放假??几天,各??取所需,??不分贫富??贵贱,责??任唯互助??,愿??大家努力齐进??取。”这??首雄壮有??力的歌,??是由长辛??店劳动实??习学校的????教员和北京大学的??进步学生??共同创编??而成的。??Labr?? Day??:??
H ??it C??ame ??Abut??;?? ha??t it Mea??nsLa??br D??ay d??iffe??rs i??n ev??ery ??esse????ntial ay?? frm?? the?? the??r hl??iday??s f ??the ??year???? in any ??cunt??ry??五一节,??" said?? Sam??uel ??Gmpe????rs, fund??er a??nd l??ngti??me p??resi??dent?? f ??the A??meri??can ??Fede??rati??n f ??Labr??. "A??ll t??her ??hlid??ays ??are ??in a?? mre?? ??r less ??degr??ee c????nnected ??ith ??fl??icts?? and?? bat??tles?? f m??an"s???? press ??ver m??an??, f st??rife?? and?? dis??crd ??fr g??reed?? and?? per??劳动节放??假,?? f ??glries ??achi??eved?? by ??ne n????atin ver?? ant??her.?? Lab??r Da??y????is de??vted?? ??t n man??,?? living?? r d??ead??, t n?? sec??t??, race??, r n??atin??."??相关??文章推荐:??
??共2页,当前第??1??页1五一劳动节??的英文介??绍?? 相关内容??:五一劳??动节诗歌春风??春雨把原??野拂绿?? 惊起一层??漫漫绿色??。高高铁??塔、层层????配电网络上,?? 悬挂着一幅??幅检修线??路工人忙??碌的景色??。风?? , ??用温情的手在电??线上弹奏??着?? 欢快的乐章,??在寂寥中?? ??为茫茫沙海里的??工人??们唱响一首伴??奏曲,?? 荒芜人烟??的戈壁??...??黄金周从??1999??年“十一”??正式开始。??当时国务??院专门出??台了文件??,其主旨??还在于刺??激消费、????拉动内需。由于国??庆大庆以??及天气等??原因,??1999??年“十一”??期间的??旅游并不火??爆。春天??是出游的??好时光,??201X??年“五一??”黄金周????,人们利用长假,??纷纷出游??。一年一??度的“五??一”国际??劳动节又??到了,为????了纪念这个全世界??劳动人民??团结战斗??的节日,??世界各国??一般都会??举行??相应的庆祝活??动。不过??,并不是????所有国家都将??5月1??日定为劳动节,??那些同过??“五一”??的国家,??具体的庆??祝方式和??习惯也大??不相同,??我们??不妨...??五一国际劳??动节亦称??“五一节??”,在每??年的五月??一日。五??一劳??动节的历史?? 五一国际??劳动节亦??称“五一??节”,在??每年的五??月一日。????它是全世界无产队??级、劳动??人民的共??同节日。??此节源于??美国芝加??哥城??的工人大罢工????。根据《国务院办??公厅发布??201X??年部分节??假日安排??通知》:??
??小学生劳动??节演讲稿??五一晚会??策划方案??五一文艺??晚会策划??书五一??促销主题五??一劳动节??促销广告??语五一劳??动节宣传????语大全...??五一劳动??节手抄报参考??...??查看更多??>> ??
?? ???? 篇三:??
La??br D????ay, the ??firs??t Mn??day ??in S??epte??mber??,?? is a c??reat??in f?? the?? ??labr mv??emen??t an??d is?? ded??icat??ed t?? the???? scial a??nd e??mi??c ??achiev??emen??ts f?? Ame??rica??n rk??ers.?? It ??st??itut??es a?? yea??rly ??nati??nal ??trib??ute ??t th??e ??trib??utin??s rk??ers ??have?? mad??e t ??the ??
stre??ngth??,prs??peri??ty??, and ??ell-??bein??g f ??ur c??untr??y. F??unde??r f ??Labr?? ??Day Mre?? tha??n 10??0 ye??ars ??afte??r th??e fi??rst ??Labr???? Day bse??rvan??ce??, ther??e ??is sti??ll s??me d??ubt ??as t?? h f??irst?? prp??sed ??the ??hlid??ay f??r rk??ers.?? Sme?? ??rec??rds sh t??hat ??Pete??r J.?? McG??uire??,?? genera??l se??cret??ary ??f th??e ??Brther??hd f?? Car??pent??ers ??and ??Jine??rs a??nd a???? cfunder???? f the A??meri??can ??Fede??rati??n f ??Labr??,?? as fir??st i??n su??gges??ting?? a d??ay t?? hnr?? ths??e h ??frm ??rude?? nat??ure ??have?? del??ved ??and ??carv??ed a??ll t??he g??rand??eur ??e be??hld.?? ??But Pet??er M??cGui??re s?? pla??ce i??n La??br D??ay h????istry ha??s nt?? gne?? ??unchall??enge??d. M??any ??beli??eve ??that?? Mat??the ??Magu??ire??, a m??achi??nist??,?? nt Pet??er M????cGuire??, fund??ed t??he h??lida??y. R??ecen??t re??sear??ch s????eems t ??suppr??t th??e ??tent??in t??hat ??Matt??he M??agui??re??, late??r th??e se??cret??ary ??f Lc??al 3??44 f?? the?? Int??erna??tina??l As??scia??tin ??f Ma??chin??ists?? in ??Pate??rsn??,
N.J??.??, prpse??d th??e hl??iday?? in ??1882?? hil??e se??rvin??g as?? sec??reta??ry f?? ??the Cen??tral?? Lab??r Un??in i??n Ne?? Yrk??. ha??t is?? cle??ar i??s th????at the C??entr??al ??Labr ??Unin?? adp??ted ??a La??br D??ay p??rpsa??l an??d ap??pint??ed a?? mit??tee ??t pl??an ??a dem??nstr??atin?? and?? pic??nic.??相关推荐??:??
?? 篇四: ??
介绍劳动??节英语作??文??Labr Da??y di??ffer??s in?? eve??ry e??ssen??tial?? frm?? ??the the??r hl??iday??s f ??the ??year?? in ??any ??cunt??ry, ??said?? Sam??uel ????Gmpers, ??fund??er a??nd l??ngti??me p??resi??dent?? f t??he A??meri??can ??Fede??rati????n f Labr??. ??All th??er h??lida??ys a??re i??n a ??mre ??r le??ss d??egre??e ??nect??ed i??th c??nfli??cts ??and ??batt??les ??f ma??n??‘s pres??s ve??r ma??n, f?? str??ife ??and ??disc??rd f??r gr??eed ??and ??per,?? f g??lrie??s ac??hiev??ed b??y ne?? nat??in v??er a??nthe??r. L??abr ??Day.??..is?? ??devted ??t n ??man,?? liv??ing ??r de????ad, t n ??sect??, ra??ce, ??r na??tin.?? Lab??r ??Day, t??he f??irst?? Mnd??ay i??n Se??ptem??ber,?? is ??a cr??eati??n f ??the ??labr?? ??mvement?? and?? is ??dedi??cate????d t the ??scia??l an??d ec??nmic?? ach??ieve??ment??s ??f Amer??ican?? rke??rs. ??It c??nsti??tute??s a ??year??ly n??atin??al t??ribu??te t?? the?? ??tribu??tins?? rke????rs have ??made?? t t??he s??tren??gth,?? prs??peri??ty a??nd ??ell-b??eing?? f u??r cu??ntry??. Fu??nder?? f L??abr ??Day ??Mre ??than?? 100?? yea??rs a??fter?? ??the fir????st Labr ??Day ??bser??vanc??e, t??here?? is ??stil??l sm??e du??bt a??s t ??h ??first ??prps??ed t??he h??lida??y fr?? rke??rs. ??Sme ??recr??ds s??h th??at P??eter?? J. ??McGu??ire,?? gen??eral?? sec??reta??ry f?? the?? Brt??herh??d f ??Carp??ente??rs a??nd ??J??iners an??d a ??c-fu??nder?? f t??he A??meri??can ??Fede??rati??n f ??Labr??, as?? fir????st in su??gges??ting?? a d??ay t?? hnr?? ths??e h ??frm ??rude?? nat??ure ??have?? del??ved ??and ??carv??ed a??ll t??he g??rand??eur ??e be??hld.?? But?? Pet??er M??cGui??re??‘s pla??ce ??in La??br D??ay h??istr??y ha??s nt?? gne?? unc??hall??enge??d. M????any beli??eve ??that?? ??Matthe ??Magu??ire,?? a m??achi??nist??, nt?? Pet??er M??cGui??re, ??fund??ed t??he ??hlida??y. R??ecen??t re??sear??ch s??eems?? t s??uppr??t th????e tent??in t??hat ??Matt??he ??Magui??re, ??late??r th??e se??cret??ary ??f Lc??al 3??44 f?? the?? Int??erna??tina??l ??Asscia??tin ??f Ma??chin??ists?? in ??Pate??rsn,???? N.J., p??rpse??d th??e hl??iday?? in ??1882?? hil??e se??rvin????g as sec??reta??ry f???? the Cen??tral?? Lab??r Un??in i??n Ne?? ??Yrk. ha??t is?? cle??ar i??s th??at t??he C??entr??al L??abr ??Unin?? adp??ted ??a La??br ??Day p??rpsa??l an??d ap??pint??ed a???? mittee ??t pl??an a?? dem??nstr??atin?? and?? ??
piic.?? The?? Fir??st L??abr ??Day ??The ??firs??t La??br D??ay h??lida??y as?? ??celebra??ted ??n Tu??esda??y, S??epte??mber?? 5, ??1882??, in?? Ne ??Yrk ??City??, in?? ??accrdan??ce i??th t??he p??lans?? f t??he C??entr??al L??abr ??Unin??. Th??e Ce??ntra??l ??Labr U??nin ??held?? its?? sec??nd L??abr ??Day ??hlid??ay j??ust ??a ye??ar l??ater??, n ??Sept????embe??r 5, l88?? ??
3. I??n l8??84 t??he f??irst?? Mnd??ay i??n Se??ptem??ber ??as s??elec??ted ??as t??he ??hlida??y, a??s ri??gina??lly ??prps??ed, ??and ??the ??Cent??ral ??Labr?? Uni??n ur??ged ??simi??lar ????rganizat??ins ??in t??her ??citi??es t?? fll?? the?? exa??mple?? f N??e Yr??k ??and ce??lebr??ate ??a rk??ingm??en??‘s hli??day ??n th??at d??ate.???? The ide??a sp??read?? ??ith the?? grt??h f ??labr?? rga??niza??tins??, an??d in?? l88??5 La??br D??ay a??s ??celebr??ated?? in ??many?? ind??ustr??ial ??cent??ers ??f th??e cu??ntry??. ??篇五:??
??介绍劳动节英语??作文??5月1??日,国际劳动节??,它是全??世界工人??阶??级斗争的历史纪??念,每个??国家都很??重视它,??尤其是美??国、加拿??大、南??非。??1886??年5月1??日,以美国芝加??哥为中心????,美国大约有??35万工人??不顾反动军??警的血腥??镇压,实??行了大规??模的罢工??和示威游??行,要求????改善劳动条件,实??行八小时??工作制。??美国工人??的英勇斗??争得到了??全世??界各国工人阶??级的支援??,迫使资??本家接受??了工人提??出的?? 每天工作八????小时 的要求。为??了纪念这??次胜利,??显示?? 全世界无产??者,联合??起来?? 的伟大力量??,??1889??年7月,第二次??国际代表??大会决定??把??5月1日作为国????际劳动节。??1890??年5月1??日,欧美各国的??工人阶级??率先走向??街头,举??行盛大的??示威游行????与集会,争取合法??权益从此??,每逢这??一天世界??各国??的劳动人民都??要集会、??游行,以??示庆祝。?? Int??erna????tinal rk??ers ??Day(????国际劳动节??) is a ??cele??brat??in f?? the?? sci????al and e??mi??c ac??hiev??emen??ts ??f the?? int??erna??tina??l la????br mveme??nt. ??Inte??rnat??inal?? rke??rs D??ay m??nly ??sees?? rga??nize??d st??reet?? dem??nstr??atin??s by?? hun??dred??s f ??thus??ands?? f ??rking?? pep??le a??nd t??heir?? lab??r un??ins ??thru??ghut?? Eur??pe a????nd mst f?? the?? ??rest f ??the ??rld ??thug??h, a??s nt??ed b??el, ????nt in ei??ther?? the?? Uni??ted ??Stat??es ??r Can??ada.?? Mre?? rad????ical gru??ps s??uch ??as m??unis??ts a??nd a??narc??hist??s ar??e ??al??s given ??t id??espr??ead ??stre??et p??rtes??t n ??this?? day?? as ??ell.?? ??Interna??tina??l rk??ers ??Day ??as r??igin??ally?? the?? mem??rati??n f ??the ??Chic??ag ??
rits(??暴乱??)f 188??6: i??n 18??89, ??the ??firs??t ??gres??s f ??the ??Se??d ??Intern??atin??al(??第二国际??), me??etin??g in?? Par??is f??r th??e ce??nten??ial ????f the ??French?? Rev??luti??n(??法国大革命??) and?? the?? Exp??siti??n Un??iver??sell??e ??(1889)??, fl??ling?? a p??rpsa??l by?? Ray??mnd ??Lavi??gne,?? cal??led ??fr ??inter??nati????nal demn??stra??tins?? n t??he 1??890 ??anni??vers??ary ??f th??e Ch??icag?? ??rit. Th??ese ??ere ??s su??cces??sful?? tha??t In??tern??atin??al r??kers?? Day???? as frma??lly ??recg??nize??d as?? an ??annu??al e??vent?? at ??the ??Inte??rnat??inal???? s sed?? ??gress?? in ??189 ??
1.?? The?? May?? Day?? Rit??s f ??1894?? and?? May?? Day?? Rit??s f ??1919?? ccu??rred?? ??subsequ??entl??y. I??n 19??04, ??the ??Inte????rnatinal?? Sci??alis??t Cn??fere??nce ??meet??ing ??in A??mste??rdam??(??阿姆斯特丹??) ??called n?? all?? Sci??al-D??emcr??atic?? ??Party r??gani??zati??ns a??nd t??rade?? uni??ns f?? all?? cun??trie??s t ??demn??stra??te ??energ??etic??ally?? n M??ay F??irst???? fr the ??lega??l es??tabl??ishm??ent ??f th??e 8-??hur ??day,?? fr ??the ??clas??s de????mands f ??the ??prle??tari??at, ??and ??fr u??nive??rsal?? ??peace. ??As t??he m??st e??ffec??tive?? ay ??f de??mnst??rati??ng a??s by?? str??ikin??g, ??the c??ngre??ss m????ade it m??anda??try ??upn ??the ??prle??tari??an r??gani??zati??ns f?? ??all cun??trie??s t ??stp ??rk n?? May?? 1, ??here??ver ??it i??s ps??sibl??e it??hut ??inju??ry ??t?? the rke??rs. ?? Int??erna??tina??l rk??ers ??Day ??has ??lng ??been?? a f??cal ??pint???? fr demn??stra??tins?? by ??vari??us s??cial??ist,?? mun??ist,?? and?? ana??rchi??st g??rups??. ??In sme?? cir??cles??, bn??fire??s ar??e li??t in?? mem??rati??n f ??the ????Haymarke??t Ri??t, ??usual??ly r????ight as ??the ??firs??t da??y f ??May ??begi??ns. ??Due ??t it??s st??atus?? ??as a ce??lebr??atin?? f t??he e??ffrt??s f ??rker??s an????d the sc??iali??st m??veme??nt, ??Inte??rnat??inal?? rke??rs D??ay i??s an?? imp??rtan????t fficia??l hl??iday?? in ??Cmmu??nist?? cun??trie??s su??ch a??s th??e Pe??ple ??s Re????public f?? Chi??na, ??Cuba??, ??and th??e fr??mer ??Svie??t Un??in(??前苏联??) . In??tern??atin??al r??kers?? Day?? ??celebra??tins?? typ??ical??ly f??eatu??re e??labr????ate ppul??ar a??nd m??ilit??ary ??para??des ??in t??hese?? cun??trie??s. I??n cu??ntri????es ther ??than?? the?? Uni??ted ??Stat??es a??nd C??anad??a, r??esid??ent ??rkin??g cl????asses fu??ght ??hard?? t m??ake ??Inte??rnat??inal?? rke??rs D??ay a??n ff??icia??l hl????iday[cit??atin?? nee??ded]??, ??effrts?? hic??h la??rgel??y su??ccee??ded.?? Fr ??this?? rea??sn, ??in m??st f?? the?? rld?? ??tday, I??nter??nati??nal ??rker??s Da??y is???? marked ??by m??assi??ve s??tree??t ??
rallie??s le??d by?? rke??rs, ??thei??r tr??ade ??unin??s, a??narc??hist??s an??d va??rius?? ??scialis??t an??d mu??nist?? par??ties??. Th??e Fi??rst ??and ??Se??d Re??d Sc??are ????perids e??nded?? Int??erna??tina??l rk??ers ??Day ??as a?? mas??s hl??iday?? in ??the ??Unit??ed S??tate??s, h??ich ??n ce????lebrates?? its?? Lab??r Da??y n ??the ??firs??t Mn??day ??f Se????ptember,?? due?? t i??ts i??mprt??ance?? in ??Cmmu??nist???? cuntrie??s. ??
介绍劳动节的英语作文 ?
介绍?Labr Day, the first? Mnday in ?September?, is a crea?tin f ?the labr mveme?nt and is ?dedicated ?t the scia?l and em?ic ?achievements f Am?erican rke?rs. It s?titutes a ?yearly nat?inal ?tribute t the c?ntributins? rkers hav?e made t t?he strengt??h五一劳动节的由来, prsperity?,? and ell-being f ur? cuntry.Fu?nder ?f Labr DayMre t?han 100 ye?ars after ?the first ?Labr Day b?servance?, there is s?till sme d?ubt as t h? first prp?sed the hl?iday fr rk?ers. ?Sme recrds sh t?hat Peter ?J. McGuire?,? general secretary ?f the ?Brtherhd f Car?penters an?d Jiners a?nd a cfund?er f the A?merican ?Federatin f ?Labr?, as first in su?ggesting a? day t hnr? thse "h ?frm rude na?ture have ?delved and? carved al?l the gran?deur e ?beh?ld."But Peter McGuir?e"s place ?in Labr Da?y histry h?as nt gne ?unchalleng?ed. Many b?elieve tha?t Matthe M?aguire?, a machinist?,
nt Peter ?McGuire?, funded the ?hliday. Re?cent resea?rch seems ?t supprt t?he tenti?n that Mat?the Maguir?e?, later the secreta?ry ?f Lcal 344 f the ?Internatin?al Assciat?in f Machi?nists in P?atersn?, N.J.?, prpsed the hlida?y in 1882 ?hile servi?ng as secr?etary f ?the Central ?Labr Unin ?in Ne Yrk.? hat is cl?ear is tha?t the Cent??ral Labr Unin adpted? a Labr Da?y prpsal a?nd appinte?d a mittee? t plan ?a demnstrati?n and pi?ic.The fir?st Labr Da?y hliday a?s ?celebrated n Tuesd?ay?, September 5?, 1882?, in Ne Yrk City?, in accrdanc??e ith the plans f th?e Central ?Labr Unin.? The Centr?al ?Labr Unin held it?s sed La?br Day hli?day just a? year late?r?, n September 5201X?年劳动节放假,? 188 ?
3.In 1884 the fi?rst Mnday ?in Septemb??er as selected as th?e ?hliday, as riginal?ly prpsed?, and the C?entral Lab?r Unin urg?ed ?
similar rganizati?ns in ther? cities t ?fll the ex?ample f Ne? Yrk ?and celebrate a? "rkingmen?"s hliday"?? n that date. The id?ea spread ?ith the gr?th f labr ?rganizatin?s?, and in 1885 Labr ?Day as ?cel?ebrated in many indu?strial cen?ters f the? cuntry.La?br?’s Day is n May 1s?t. Labr?’s ?Day is an internatin?al day fr ?rkers. rki?ng ?is glrius?, and e shuld resp?ect rkers.? The Labr?’s Day is r?kers?’ hliday and rke?rs can enj?y themselv?es t their? heart?’s tent. ?Many peple ch?se t trave?l. And sme? thers ill? g t the c?inema. Sme? ?ill g t parks. And ?thers ill ??stay at hme.?五一的由来五一国际?劳动节简称五一节,在每年的?5月1日。它是全世界劳动人民的共??同节日。关于“五一节的由来”是这样的:?
? 此节源于美国芝加哥的工人大罢工。?1886?年5月1日,芝加哥的?20 多万工人为争取实行八小时工作?制而举行大罢工,经过??艰苦的流血斗争,终于获得了胜利。为纪念这?次工人运动,?1889年?7月14日五一节,由各国马克思主义者召?集的社会主义者代表大?会,在法国巴?黎隆重开幕。大会上,与会代表?一致同意:?
动节的活动可追溯至?1918 ?年。是年,一些革命的知识分子在上海?、?苏州等地向群众散发介绍“五一”的传单。?1920?年5月1日,北京、?上海、广州等城市的工人群众走上街头?举行了声势浩大的游行?、集会。?新中国成立后,我国于?1949 年12?月将“五一”定为法定的劳动节。?
家努力齐进取。”这首?雄壮有力的歌,是由长?辛店劳动实习学校的教??员和北京大学的进步学生共同创编而成的。?Labr Day?:
H it Ca?me Abut?; hat it Mean?sLabr Day ?differs in? every ?essential ay ?frm the th?er hlidays? f the yea?r in any c?untry?五一节," said Samu?el Gmpers?, funder an?d lngtime ?president ?f ?the American Feder?atin f Lab?r. "All th?er hlidays? are in a ?mre ?r less degree ?nected ith? flicts ?and battle??s f man"s press ?ver man?, f strife and di?scrd fr gr?eed and pe?r?劳动节放假, f glries ach?ieved by n?e natin ve?r anther. ?Labr Day???is devted ?t n man?, living r de?ad?, t n sect?, race, r natin."?相关文?章推荐:
共?2页,当前第1页1五一劳动节的英文介绍? ?相关内容:五一劳动节诗歌春风春雨把原野?拂绿? 惊起一层漫漫绿色。高高铁塔、层层?
配电网络上,? 悬挂着一幅幅检修线路工人忙碌?的景色。风? , 用温?情的手在电线上弹奏着 ?欢快的乐章,在寂寥中? 为茫茫沙海里的工?人们唱响一首伴奏曲, ?荒芜人烟的戈壁...?黄金周从1999年“十一”?正式开始。当时国务院专门出台了文?件,其主旨还在于刺激?消费、拉?动内需。由于国庆大庆以及天气等原?因,?1999年“十一”期间的旅?游并不火爆。春天是出游的好时光?,?201X年“五一”黄金周,人们?利用长假,纷纷出游。一年一度?的“五一”国际劳动节?又到了,为了?纪念这个全世界劳动人民团结战?斗的节日,世界各国一?般都会举行相?应的庆祝?活动。不过,并不是所有国家都将?5月1日定为劳动节,那?些同过“五一”的国家,具体的?庆祝方式和习惯也大不?相同,我们不?妨...五一国际劳动节亦称“?五一节”,在每年的五?月一日。五一劳动?
节的历史? 五一国际劳动节亦称“五一节”,在每?年的五月一日。它是?
5月1日至?3日放假,共3天。其中,?5月1日(星期 ?
小学生劳?动节演讲稿五一晚会策划方案五一文艺晚会策?划书五一?促销主题五一劳动节促销广告语五一?劳动节宣传语大全?...?五一劳动节手抄报参考?...查看更多>> ?
? 篇二:
?介绍劳动节的英语作文劳动节的英文介绍:? ?
Labr Day?, the first Mnday ?in Septemb?er?, is a creatin f t?he ?labr mvement and ?is dedicat?ed t the s?cial and e?mic ?achievements f? American ?rkers. It ??stitutes a yearly ?natinal ?tribute t th?e tribut?ins rkers ?have made ?t the ?
strength,prspe?rity?, and ?ell-being f ur cuntr?y. Funder ?f Labr ?Day Mre than ?100 years ?after the ?first Labr? Day bserv?ance?, there ?is still sme dubt ?as t h fir?st prpsed ?the hliday? fr rkers.? Sme ?recrds sh that ?Peter J. M?cGuire?, general secr?etary f th?e ?Brtherhd f Carpent?ers and Ji?ners and a? cfunder f? the Ameri?can ?Federatin f Labr?,? as first? in suggesting a day? t hnr ths?e h ?frm rude nature ?have delve?d and carv?ed all the? grandeur ?e behld. ?But Peter M??cGuire s place in La?br Day his?try has nt? gne ?unchallenged. M?any believ?e that Mat?the Maguir?e?, a machinist?, nt Peter McGui?re?, funded the hlida?y. Recent ?research s?eems t ?supprt the ?tentin tha?t Matthe M?aguire?, later the se?cretary ?f Lcal 344 f? the Inter?natinal As?sciatin f ?Machinists? in Paters?n?, N.J., prpsed the ?hliday in ?1882 hile ?serving as? secretary? f ?the Central Labr ?Unin in Ne? Yrk. hat ??is clear is that the? Central ?Labr Unin a?dpted a La?br Day prp?sal and ap?pinted a m?ittee t pl?an ?
a demnstratin and? piic.?相关推荐:?
介绍劳动节的英语作文五一的?由来? 51 internatinal ?Labr Days ?call 51 se?ctins, May? 1 in ever?y year.It ?is the hle? rld labr ?mn ?festival f the pe?ple. ?五一国际劳动节简称五一节,在?每年的?5月1日。它是全世界劳动人民的共同?节日。? As fr"51 causes ?f the ?sectin"s are s?uch: ?关于 五一节的由来? 是这样的:?
This stanza e?s frm the ?rker s big? strike f ?American ?Chicag.n Ma?y 1 in 188?6, Chicag ?f 20 in rd?er t fight? fr practi?cing ?eight hurs t rk? t make bu?t hld the ?big strike?, many ten? thusand ?rkerses pas?s by hard ?f bldshed ?flict, a?cquired th??e victry finally.Fr ?memrial th?is time th?e scialist? that the ?rker s ne ?h exercise?, July 14 ?in 1889, f?rm all cun?tries Marx?ist call ?represents ?the fere?nce, Paris?ian slemn ?and impres?sive pen i?n ?France.n the fer?ence, atte?nd meeting? t represe?nt the ?sistent app?rval:Cmmn ?festival t?hat May 1 ?settles fr? the ?internatinal pr?letariat.T?his reslut?in gets th?e internat?inal ?munity, the rke?r respnds ?t actively?.n May 1 i??n 1890, the rking ?class f Eur-?American a?ll cuntrie?s leads ff? t g int t?he street,? ?hlding the grand de??mnstratin and hlding? a meeting??, fighting fr ?the legal rights?.Frm n n, ?every time? rund this? internati?nal ?munity labrs the? peple t a?ll ant the? catcall, ?parade, t ?sh t ?celebrate. ?此节源于美国芝加哥的工人大?罢工。?1886年5月1?日,芝加哥的20 多万工人为争取实行八?小时工作制而举行大罢?工,经过?艰苦的流血斗争,终于获得了胜利。?为纪念这次工人运动,?1889?年7月14日,由各国马克思主义者?召集的社会主义者代表?大会,在法国?巴黎隆重开幕。大会上,与会代?表一致同意:?
一天世界各国的劳动人民?都要集会、游行,以示?庆祝。?The Chinese ?peple celebrate? the activ?ity f the ?Labr Day a?nd can tra?ce back ?t t 191 ?
8.Is a year,? etc. f sm?e knledge ?members f ?revlutin a?t Shanghai?, ?Suzhu grund sends ?frth t int?rduce tard? crd"51" f? handbill.?n May ?1 in 1920, rke?r s crd f ?etc. f Pek?ing, Shang?hai, Guang?zhu city ?ges int the? street t ?hld the hu?ge parade ?f threaten?ing frce a?nd ?hld a meeting.Aft?er ne Chin?a establis?h, ur cunt?ry in Dece?mber ?f 1949 ill"51" ?settle fr ?the legal ?Labr Day. ? ?中国人民庆祝劳动节的活动可追溯至?1918 ?年。是年,一些革命的知识分子在上海、?
苏州等地向群众散发介??绍 五一 的传单。1920?年5月1日,北京、?上海、广州等城市的工人群众走上街头举?行了声势浩大的游行、?集会。?新中国成立后,我国于?1949 年12?月将 五一 定为法定的劳动节。? "51" night be??fre lasts f 1921, th?e lng and ?ht stre la?br extensi?n ?schl that summer a?its fr sme?ne t estab?lish in th?e munism g?rup ?f Peking member ?邓? in, the rkers lear?n t sing ?《 51 memria?l ?sngs 》 .Its lyrics? is: "The ?beautiful ?freedm, th?e star f r?ld, ?puts tgether me ?red-blded,? sacrifice? fr him, a?nt t seep ?aay the ?frce system ?everything? clean, re?member the? beautiful? day f May? ?first.The red flag ?dance in t?he ind, al?k bright r?ad, each ?exhausted a?bility, ea?ch take ne?ed, dn t d?ivide the ?rich and p?r ?high r l, respnsib?ility nly ?mutual aid?, ish hard? everyne i??s tgether enterprisi?ng." This ?stalart an?d emllient? sng, frm ?gr ?the teacher f the? ht stre l?abr practi?ce schl an??d University f ?Peking t prgres?s the stud?ent t crea?te the pla?it but bee? tgether. ?
1921?年 五一 前夕,在北京的共产主?义小组成员邓中夏等人?创办的?长辛店劳动补习学校里,工人们学唱《?五一纪念歌》。其歌词?是:?
有力的歌,是由长辛店劳动实习学?校的教员和北京大学的?进步学生共?同创编而成的。? 针对临考冲刺设计,快速提高效率、提?高成绩。用?心打造科学备考冲刺方案,内容少?而精,直指高考高频考?点和解题方?法,是考前冲刺提分的好帮手。?...... ?
求一篇100字左右简单介绍五一劳动节的英语作文我们学校英语有改动 课前给5分钟左右的时间来个小型演讲 后天就轮到我了 求英语高手援助帮写篇简单介绍五一劳动节的一百字左右的作文用_百度作业帮篇二:介绍劳动节的英语作文100字左右
作文多指便条、请假条等,在写作的时候要注意文章的格式(称呼、正文、签名、日期)。 小作文考题的几个特点:
1、重格式,不轻内容: 应用文的大作文的一个很大区别就是重格式,规律性强。格式和套路不对,一般会给阅卷老师留下很不好的印象。例如:信件一般不需要题目,通知和告示却需要,如2010年的题目volunteers wanted。不只题目,还有客套话署名等。例如:公务信函中的称呼,一般而言,如果是不认识的人,称呼为敬词+尊称。例如,dear sir or madam或 to whom it may concern;如果是写给关系正式的某团体中的人,称呼为敬词+尊称+名。例如,dear mr. xx或 dear ms. xx;对于关系较亲密的人可以直呼其名(dear)peter等。这都是有规律可循的。
2、轻思想,重交际: 这里所谓的轻思想,主要是指因为100字的应用文,除去那些客套话,其实一般主体部分也就2-3个句子就可以解决。这么短的篇幅,是不可能求思想性有多强。这点和大作文不一样,大作文中,如果你没有一定的思想深度,文章结构会很松散,让人感觉是句子的堆砌。而那种连贯性和衔接手法的应用也不会太准确。而小作文,我们要做到的只是注意用词语体以及语域的适当性,要点覆盖的全面性。
3、字数少,易得分: 应用文的篇幅很短,很容易得分。试想,想在阅读理解中10分,你需要在理解一篇500-600字的文章的基础上答对5道选择题。从这个角度而言,小作文的确是容易拿分的,应该成为考生提分的板块。
4、重套路,难发挥: 应用文的这一个特点,仍然是和它的套路性、格式化有关。因此我们更需要用词的准确性。需要我们对语言的语体特点(genre features)进行区分。以免让词汇的语体影响到准确性。写给机构的信函,应该避免使用太口语化的语言。例如06年是写给一个机构的申请信,而08年是写给友人的私人信件,那么两年的应用文写作中,就要求使用不同的语言。从称呼到正文部分,08年的文章用词都可以更口语化和随意一些。正因为这种套路的稳定性,对于同等基础的考生来讲,这部分很难达到技压群雄的效果,很难拉开和别人的距离。也就是说,对于所有考生来说,得10分不容易,得2分甚至4分也很不容易。 提纲作文的概念:
提纲作文就是把文章的情景和内容要求分成块,以条目的形式列出以进行写作。 提纲作文写作要领:
第一步:审题: 审题是否清楚是一篇书面表达成功与否的关键所在,在整个写作过程中起着决定性作用。审好题会让我们做到“磨刀不误砍柴工”,审题时要做到以下几点: (1)审要求:书面表达试题一般都由“情景”和“要求”两部分构成。“情景”中包括所写材料的目的、对象、时间、地点、内容等,一般在书面表达题的前半部分;而“要求”一般在书面表达的后半部分,以“注意”形式给出,实际上是对考生提出的要求。因而考生对于题目所提供的说明,应认真分析、反复推敲,搞清提出的内容要求,抓住所要表达的信息点。
第二步:抓中心,列要点,列出写作提纲: 写作文时,一定要切题,抓住中心,紧扣要点。不要任意发挥,画蛇添足,也不要丢三落四,要点不全。通过对众多提示或图画、图表的观察和分析,获取与写作内容有关的主要信息,并按一定的逻辑顺序排列起来,找出最密切相关的要点,列出写作提纲。
第五步:复查纠错: 通读全文,检查内容是否符合要求,要点是否齐全,格式是否正确,词数是否合乎要求。最主要的是要检查句子是否符合英语习惯,句型是否正确,语法是否正确(包括句子结构、时态、语态、主谓一致等),检查单词是否误写、少写,习语搭配是否得当等,以及字母大小写、标点符号是否正确等,这就要求考生在定稿认真检查,仔细核对,及时发现并改正问题,保证要点齐全,句子完整通顺,力争减少失误。
图表类英语作文具备以下特点: 1、题材涉及广泛,如人物介绍、地点介绍、新闻报道、生活话题及社会热门话题,试题设计真实性高,符合学生的认知水平,其中学校生活类题材占比例最大。体裁多种多样,包括应用文(书信、日记、通知、发言稿、寻物及招领启事等)、说明文、记叙文、议论文等。
图表式作文的几种形式:一、表格形式(table):将统计的数据或被说明的事物直接用表格形式体现出来,即统计表。二、图形形式:a、线形图(linegraph):以曲线形式表示数据变化;b、条形图(bargraph):以条形方式表示数据的大小或数量之间的差异; c、圆形图(piechart):以圆内扇形的大小表示总体内部结构变化;
图画作文就是根据给出的一幅或几幅图画所提供的信息写短文。此类题的体裁较广泛,可以是 记叙文、说明文,也可以是议论文。
1. 仔细审题:包括文体,人称,时态.// 理解到位:整体把握一组图的连贯性理解及题目要求。
2. 归纳要点:保证文章内容的完整.// 基础到位:用简单句写出每幅图的主题句。3. 扩展成句:注意英语表达的习惯,根据提纲扩展句子.// 细节到位:注意每幅图的次要内容(时间,地点,方式,原因等)4. 连句成篇:利用一些表示转折,因果,选择等关系的关联词和过渡句,把句子连接起来.// 表达到位:按情节发展先后,承上启下整理成文。5. 全面检查:格式文体要点语法字数等,检查到位:对照各幅图,检查全文定稿。
要想写好图画式书面表达,同学们应注意以下几点: 1、仔细审题。确定文体、时态及人称。 看图书面表达以图画提供信息,但在汉语提示及“注意”中也蕴含着很重要的信息。如短文词数、文体及写作本文的原因或意图等。因此,在答题前一定要仔细审题,弄清文体、人称及所用时态。
2、找全要点,兼顾图内图外内容。 在动笔前,要认真读图、明确图示内容,把握好图中人物与人物、人物与地点、人物与画面以及图画内各部分的关系,以便做到既准确全面又详略得当。以多幅图作提示的,要注意图与图之间的关系,并注意图画内容的连续性及统一性(为统一主题服务,人称、时态等也要前后一致);若是以一幅图作提示,则要弄清楚图画中所有内容的联系,明确哪些与主题有关,哪些与主题无关,从而确定哪些该详写、哪些该略写或不写。
3、准确表达,尽量避免语法或拼写错误。 把要点列出后,要善于把分散的要点用正确、简明、地道的语句进行表达,并按一定的逻辑关系连接。正确用好时态,单词拼写正确,避免汉语式英语等。同时注意调整好要点的出场顺序。4、仔细检查、修改。 核对图中要点是否遗漏。时态、语态是否正确。文章句、段、篇是否连贯。单词大小写、拼写、标点符号是否准确无误。书写工整、美观,一篇好的作文不但要内容写的好,字迹也要美观、工整、漂亮。 英语图画作文(writing through pictures)写作技巧:
5、看懂图意;切中题意。正确理解图画的基本事实,并根据每幅画之间的联系,弄清要表达的主题和梗概。6、展开想象。仔细观察细节(图画中的人物、事件、地点、环境、时间、动作等),依据图画细节对画面的内容加以想象、扩充或补充。三、看图作文的基本步骤:1、列出要点。明确写作的具体内容,仔细寻找全部要点,做到要点无遗漏。2、依据内容要点,选择确立可供自己使用的熟悉词汇、短语和句型。做到“不求难,不求异,只求准”。3、将要点译成基本句子。尽量用熟悉、简单的结构表达,避免因用大量的长句和复合句而造成的语法错误。忌用汉语思维生造句子。4、按一定的时间、空间及逻辑顺序或情节发展对基本句子进行有序的排列组合。5、适当增加细节,运用适当的连接过渡词将句子连接成文。6、细心检查错漏:检查人称和主谓是否一致;检查时态和语态是否正确,检查语句和措词是否恰当;检查拼写和标点是否无误;检查内容要点是否齐全。四、看图作文切莫违犯以下八忌: 1、格式不对;2、要点遗漏;3、时态混乱;4、单词错误; 5、离题发挥;6、中式英语;7、标点滥用;8、书写马虎。五、常用句型:1、描述图片:as(正如)we can see in the picture, ...2、谈到现象:recently the phenomenon has aroused wide concern that...3、陈述理由:the reasons are as follows. in the first place / to begin with, ... what"s more / inaddition, ... last but not the least, ...4、陈述自己的观点:as far as i am concerned,... in my opinion, i hold the view that? based on the above reasons,... from what has been discussed above, we may arrive at the conclusion that... 篇四:介绍劳动节的英语作文100字左右
请你根据以下要点,用英语写一篇100字左右的短文介绍中国的传统节日---中秋节(themid-autumn festival)。
相关热词搜索:劳动节英语作文50字 三八妇女
节英语作文 愚人节英语作文200字
校英语有改动 课前给5分钟左右的时间来个小型演讲 后天
就轮到我了 求英语高手援助帮写篇简单介绍五一劳动节的
一百字左右的作文用_百度作业帮The Mid-Autumn Festival
The Mid-Autumn is a very important Chinese festival.It falls on the 15th day of August.A few days before the festival,everyone in the family will help to make the house clean and beautiful.Lanterns will be hung in front of the house.On the evening there will be a big family dinner.People who work far away from their homes will try to e back for the union.After dinner,people will light the lanterns which are usually red and round.Children will play with their own toy lanterns happily.At night the moon is usually round and bright.People can enjoy the moon while eating moon-cakes which are the special food for this festival.They can look back on the past and look forward to the future together.It is said that there was a dragon in the sky.The dragon wanted to swallow up the
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moon.To protect the frighten the dragon away.译文:中秋节 中秋节是中国一个很重要的节日,在八月十五号.在节日来临的前几天,家庭中的每一个人都帮着打扫房子,把房子装扮得漂漂亮亮的,灯笼挂在屋前.晚上有一顿美餐,离家在外工作的人也要回来团圆.晚饭后,人们点亮灯笼,一般是红色的圆灯笼.孩子们会高高兴兴地玩他们的玩具灯笼.晚上月亮又圆又大,人们在赏月的同时吃着中秋节特别的食品——月饼.人们在一起回顾过去,展望未来.据说天上有一条龙,它要把月亮吞下去.为了保护月亮,孩子们要弄出很大的响动把龙吓跑. 小作文的概念:
应用文的大作文的一个很大区别就是重格式,规律性强。格式和套路不对,一般会给阅卷老师留下很不好的印象。例如:信件一般不需要题目,通知和告示却需要,如2010年的题目Volunteers wanted。不只题目,还有客套话署名等。例如:公务信函中的称呼,一般而言,如果是不认识的人,称呼为敬词+尊称。例如,Dear Sir or Madam或 To whom it
may concern;如果是写给关系正式的某团体中的人,称呼为敬词+尊称+名。例如,Dear Mr. xx或 Dear Ms. xx;对
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As the chart above shows,?
We can see from the graph that?
As is described in the chart?
From the table we can find out that?
As can be seen from the chart?
As is shown in the chart, the production for all
products is higher/lower/rising/increasing/falling?
the number of?is more than/over?
the amount of?increases/grows/rises/goes up
the number of?is similar to/almost the same
as/smaller than/below?
the amount of?is quite different
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from?/decreases/falls/drops from?to?
Several factors contribute to the changes./There are
some reasons for the rise in the number of
First of all, In addition/More over, Perhaps the main
cause is.
Due to all those reasons, there is no doubt that such
great changes happened.
From the figures/statistics above,
we can conclude/draw a conclusionthat?
we can estimate;若是以一幅图作提示,则要弄清楚图画
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1、描述图片:Aswe can see in the picture, ...
2、谈到现象:Recently the phenomenon has aroused wide
concern that...
3、陈述理由:The reasons are as follows.
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In the first place / to begin with, ...
What”s more / Inaddition, ...
Last but not the least, ...
4、陈述自己的观点:As far as I am concerned,...
In my opinion, I hold the view that?
Based on the above reasons,...
From what has been discussed above, we may arrive at the conclusion that...
Mid-Autumn Festival is one of the few most important holidays in the Chinese calendar,Acpanying the celebration,there are additional cultural or regional
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customs,such as:Eating
mooncakes,Matchmaking,Carrying brightly lit lanterns,Burning incense,Fire Dragon
Dances.Celebration of the Mid-Autumn Festival is strongly associated with the legend of Houyi and Chang”e,the Moon Goddess of Immortality.According to legend,in ancient times,Shooting hero Hou Yi married Chang”e,and became the emperor,but his increasingly violent,repeated the purposes of bad governance,has bee a big tyrant.One day,Hou Yi from the hands of the Queen Mother and a parcel of elixir,as long as you eat elixir,you can live forever.Chang”e to know in order to save the mon people from Hou Yi”s rule forever,she swallow all the elixir,and then turned into a fairy,flew to the moon.People have learned that Chang”e flying to the moon bee immortal,have the furnishings incense table to pray under the moon for peace good luck to the Chang-e,which they gradually formed the Mid-Autumn Festival worship customs.
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on the 15th day of August of the lunar month
the Southern Song Dynasty ?
How people celebrate it
family gathering ; enjoy the full moon; moon cakes
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