他们学的速度非常快,而我像只慢鸭子一样,走在班级的最后面。我对英语充满了反感,但在班主任的强烈劝说下我开始学习,一开始不会读,但渐渐熟悉了,便读的很顺。但英语老师听写英语单词时,我得了零分。从那时我才知道,原来英语还要求记。尽管我尽了最大的努力,但初一时还是没赶上英语进度,而在历次的英语考试中,我好像没有及格过。但我还是保留着小小的希望,我一直认为别人能学好英语我也能学好英语。初二时,我学习英语的激情被激发了出来,学习英语格外用功,错题集,课堂笔记,单词本,我把学习英语的工具都用上了,课上我开始回答最简单的问题,开始和老师进行最简单的英语对话 ,我开始喜欢上英语老师,我开始喜欢上英语这门课程,或者说我对英语产生了极大的兴趣。也是从初二开始,我的英语成绩渐渐的有起色,从不及格到及格,从刚刚及格再到八十几分,我开始尝到英语进步的甜头。说实话那时我真的很用功,别人知难而退,但我知难而进,我清楚的记得,英语老师让我们背一篇很长的英语课文,所有同学都
的英语成绩而感到骄傲自豪。(来自:WWw.XieLw. 写 论 文 网:关于学习保税物流的学习心得的英语作文)当然,在这个学习过程中,一定会遇到些小小的挫折,比如说,有时候我会怀疑我自己的记性,单词记多遍都记不住,还有英语成绩也不是总是很辉煌,有时候因为粗心和马虎,成绩在班里会一落千丈,但是我始终
然后是记单词的最重要的方法。现实中,很多同学说英语单词不好记,埋怨记了很多遍都记不住。记不住的原因只有一个,没有下足够的功夫。我始终相信no pains ,no gains。我记得有人问一个英语老师说有没有好的记忆方法可以再短时间里记最多的单词,而且不会忘记,老师斩钉截铁的回答没有,我们不应该渴望天上掉馅饼,而是要自己更努力的拼搏。拿我举例,我承认英语单词不好记,但我把记单词当做一件乐事,我自己算了一下,现在我记住一个单词最少需要记六遍,很多高级词汇我十遍多不一定能记住。我总结岀一个经验,除非你是一个过目不忘的天才,最好也是最简单的记单词方法就是--反复。只有反复记才能记牢,才能不忘,才能应用
的更好。然后记住了单词,不能放在那里不用,要经常用,可以在宿舍里聊天时,也可以是在自己写作文时,当自己把单词用惯了时,单词便成了自己的一部分。还有,记单词不能只是三分钟的热度,而应该是长久的坚持,必须要有耐心,保持天天记,天天复习。以做到温故而知新。英语,听说读写四种能力一样也不可少,practice makes perfact,
我们必须在老师的指导下,及时的进行训练,把学到的知识及时的应用到现实生活中,才能熟能生巧最好每周做一套四级题,以保持手感不会太僵。高尔基说过books are the stepping tones to the
human beings.我们学习时不能脱离了课本,一定要结合着课本,把课本的基础知识学好,才能有能力向外面拓展。学英语要有主动性,这就要求我们有学习英语的动力,这已不再是初中和高中,那时我们学英语为了总成绩,为了能考上大学,老师逼迫我们学习是情有可原的,但现在我们已经考上了大学,应该靠自己的主动性而不是老师和家长的安排,我们将来要考四级,要考研,要找到好工作,这就是大学和高中的区别。
而我在以后的学习中,会坚持我的学习方法,并改进和创新,找到更适合我的学习方法为我的梦想--出国留学做好准备,where there is a will ,there is a
一、 感情第一
in my opinion,要想学好英语或者说至少在学的过程中不感到痛苦,就必须学会将英语变成一种爱好,一种兴趣,这样在学习的过程中才不至于半途而废、有始无终且学习时如座针毡、抓耳挠腮、味同嚼蜡、痛苦无比~我相信大多数的非英语专业的、有远大抱负的、酷爱本专业的莘莘学子在最初面对英语时都会或多或少的有类似感受,万事开头难嘛。因此,如何克服这种感受,逐渐培养起自己对英语的热爱是至关重要的~我们必须认识到进入21世纪,英语已经成了必不可少的重要交流工具(其其他重要性就不螯述了)而且是你进一
二、 长期积累
积累可以说是任何学习所必需的,在英语学习中它显得更为重要~for example :我将英语中的单词、语法、句子、结构、阅读、写作、听力、口语等等一切比喻成不同的层,你每学一些相关的东西就会在相应的层上加一些东西,而你学的越扎实,同样层与层之间就砸的越扎实。这样当你有着一日在使用的时候,储存在层中的知识就会像水一样被源源不断的挤压出来给你提供源源不竭的语言素材,你会感到好象有用不完的东西在不断的向外涌出,
三、 执着追求
所谓执着追求,引用英国利兹大学一位教授的话就是一定要相信the power of your dream。我的理解是:first ,
你一定要梦想,只有有了梦想你才有了追求的目标,才有力量,才有方向和动力。以我为例,考研可以说是我一直以来的梦想,只是由于种种原因,其中尤其是糟糕的英语,才暂时搁浅的,但是在我心中可以说这个梦想一直不曾消失,相反还越发强烈。我想这就是the power of the dream,它会一直在你内心的最深处呼唤着你,指引你,督促和激励你。这种力量是潜移默化的,是永恒持久的,是无比强大的。因此我认为第一步就是确定你心中的dream,然后才能为之去拼搏努力。second ,梦想可能暂时被压制,但当它再次被激活时,它会以排山倒海,不可逆转之势袭来,这时我们所能做的就是去完成和实现它,而方法之一就是执着追求~排除一切艰难险阻,用持之以恒的毅力去完成你的梦想,再大的困难在你和your dream面前都会变得不堪一击,战胜一切困难,迎来最终的胜利只是时间问题。我相信读到这里朋友们应该有了足够的信心和力量,去走属于你自己的阳关大道。下面我想具体谈一下自己对于考研英语的理解,只代表本人观点,仅供参考。
首先,根据我的经验,用一句我相信大多数人都清楚的话来说就是:要想英语考出比较理想的成绩抓住作文和阅读这两大重中之重是关键。再次 take me
as an example,根据我的估分,我的客观题答的并不是很好(阅读除外),因此我的作文成绩只有达到26-28这样一个水平,才能得到70分以上这样一个分数。因此作文的分数直接会影响到我的总分,在这里我想说的就是大家一定要重视作文的重要性及写好作文的必要性,这就涉及到大多数同学头疼的问题,就是不知道如何提高写作水平,或者说不知道怎样才能写好作文。因此什么模版呀,高分呀,,天搞定作文等方法就一口气涌现出来了,而面对它们,同学更多的是仰慕,是急躁,是彷徨,不知道哪种方法适合自己,不知如何下手。仿写,熟读,背诵等等手段也是一应俱全,可是中间缺少的更多的是适合自己的,确实可以用实质性提高的系统的方法。这里我把我的方法介绍给大家,希望有所帮助,至少证明在我身上它是相当有效果的。
二、 动笔之前,大概进行一下brain storm的程序,即将想到的有关要写的东西都写下来,同时确定自己的立场和主要观点并进行逻辑归类,以求逻辑清晰,不至于写到后来乱了阵脚。在brain storm时,所想到的可以是词、句,也可以是从前看过的别人的观点,总之一切有用的、能想到的都尽量写下来,以备不时之需。这里我想强调的是写时还是应该用英文写,这就要求你有一定的词汇基础,并能达到中英正反应用,这又
你可能觉得这样比较费时间,其实不然,开始时可能稍有一点,但后来其实不同文章中很多词汇都是重复的,这样你就可以省略它们,而专心于其他不熟悉的词汇,这就叫做 先苦后甜~记住,你的每一次努力、付出到最后都会有所收获的。其次,结合文章学习语法,通过对句子的分析体会语法在文章中的具体应用,将每一个句子的结构都试图搞清楚,尤其是长句、难句、复杂句。这样一来会对你后期对付翻译题有帮助。可以从一篇考研阅读真题文章中找出若干句子,作翻译联系,前提是最好有标准译文可以用来对照。我的建议是专门找一个本将这些翻译联系集中到一起,以便复习之用。以上两步由于比较普及,不做螯述。接下来才是本人认为较重要的一环。
的文章展现在相关的科研平台上以供大家的查看和检索。英语作为世界各国人们交流的一种流通语言,同样可以用来作为科研领域学术文章流通的工具。那么如何写好一篇英文的科技论文,如何让那些非英语为母语和以英语为母语国家的科研人员可以读懂你的文章,不会对你所达的内容产生歧义,以达到科研学术结论供大家参考的目的,这其中的方式与技巧,必然与我们平常的英语写作形式,写作以及口语表达习惯有着很大的区别。每一个科研学者都需要自己去阅读和学习,英文科技论文当中大家定性的相关规定与方法,从而了解到其他的科研学者是通过什么样的写作模式将自己的科研成果通过英文的方式让更多的人看到,了解并去传播的。 通过对研究生阶段的这门科技英语论文写作课程的学习,让我认识到虽然自己已经经历过从中学到大学的十多年的英文学习,对英文这门语言来说也算是有课一定的掌握,但面对科技论文的写作时发现其有着自己的一套详细而又独特的写作方法,面对这种新颖的写作特点,既觉得新奇有感觉到了有点难受,特别是
How to correctly understand AIDS
AIDS, stands for Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, is a deadly
disease. It malfunctions the human body's defence system, making the infected person extremely vulnerable to diseases, and eventually cause death.
AIDS can be spread in many ways, but the main medium is through having unprotected intercourse with an infected person. Apart from that, AIDS can spread from mother to new born baby, or sharing of needles, shaving blades, or any means of blood contact. Once infected, it may take years for the person to notice, and in these years, the infected person may not know and can infect many more, who in turn go and infect others, just like an exponential growth.
To fight against Aids,we definitely need to work together,basically,
we shall realize first of all,this kind of desease is never too far from ourselves,it is essential for every one of us to learn about neccesary ways to prevent it from happening. People who had been infected should not never be regarded as criminals,in fact, many of them are just harmless as we are.In this case,any forms of discrimination shall be regarded as illegal. Furthermore, we must solve the problem through global cooperation, only if we stick together,can we possibly give Aids a final strike
1】The importance of Logistics(物流的重要性)
As it is known to us all ,logistics means the physical movement of goods from the supplier point to the receive point. Based on practical need, integrated organically the variety of the basic functional activities including transportation, storage,loading and unloading, handling,package, distribution and information management,etc.In practice, logistics refers to the systematic management of the various activities required from the point of production to the customer .
When it es to modern logistics, most professionals in the business consider it one of the most petitive and exciting jobs, invisible as it is. Logistics is a unique global pipeline that operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week and 52 weeks a year, planning and coordinating the transport and delivery of products and service to customers the world over。So we can see logistics plays an important role in the petitive market .
In order to succeed in today ‘s global marketplace, panies must be ever cognizant of these trends and develop a logistics management strategy ,so that they can meet the demands of their customers today and be well prepared for the future. 2】Role of Warehousing
Warehousing is an integral part of every logistics system. The three basic ponents of it are warehouse, equipment, and people. And the warehouse is usually divides into private warehouse, public warehouse and contract warehousing. The private warehouse is owned by the firm using it. The public warehouse can be leased to solve short-term distribution needs. Contract warehousing is a long term beneficial arrangement.
Warehousing plays an important role in providing a desired level of customer service at the lowest possible total cost. Warehousing affects customer service level, sales and marketing success. It can link the production facility and the consumer, or supplier and production facility. Generally, the greater the time lags between production and consumption, the larger the level of warehousing required. Warehousing activity is an important link between the producer and the customer. Warehousing activities involve receiving, transfer, storage,
picking, and shipping.
As all said above ,warehousing plays a key role in integrated logistics strategy and in building and maintaining good relationship between supply chain partners. Warehousing also helps marketing to serve current customers and expand into new markets.
3】Transportation (运输) Every firm requires the movement of goods from the point to another point. This is the function of the transportation. Transportation refers to the physical movement of goods from one point to another point. It can involve raw materials being brought into the production process or finished goods being shipped to the customr。
Transportation includes specific activities such as selecting the transport mode, choosing the particular route, selecting the right carrier, plying with various local transportation regulations . Railway, road, waterway, air, and pipeline transportation make up the major modes of transport in modern society. Each mode has its own advantages and disadvantages in terms of costs, speed, capacity, flexibility and safety. Loss due to damage to goods during transit can be avoided. Proper vehicle routing and scheduling can reduce the in-transit inventory.
Transportation is usually the most costly logistics activity. It may account for 40%-60% of a pany’s total logistics cost. Appropriate selection reduces the opportunity costs. Reducing transportation cost can effectively improve the logistics efficiency. We can see that transportation is one of the most significant areas of logistics management.
4】Customer service In a broad sense, customer service is the output of the entire logistics system. It involves making sure that the right person receive the right product with the right quantity at the right place at the right time in the right condition at the right cost. At present, many logistics pany may have a customer service department that handle plaints, special orders, damage claims, returns, billing problems, etc. 5】Demand forecasting
Demand forecasting estimate the need for precise amount of
product and service that customers will require in the future. The logistics system can ensure the right products or services are available to meet those requirements. It involves in forecasting how much should be ordered from its suppliers, and how much of finished products should be transported in each market.
6】Inventory management(库存管理)
Inventory management deals with balancing the cost of maintaining additional products on hand against the risk of not having those items when the customer wants them. This task has bee more plex as firms have gradually lowered inventory levels.
7】Packaging (包装)
Industrial packaging focuses on protecting the product while it is being transported and stored. It conveys important information to inform the customer and provide protection during storage and transport. In a marketing sense, the package acts as a form of promotion or advertising. Its size, weight, color, and printed information attract customers and convey knowledge about the product.
8】Procurement (采购)
Procurement is the purchase of materials and services from outsi de to support the firm’s operations from production to marketing, sales and logistics. It includes the selection of supply source location, timing of purchases, price determination, quality control and many other facets. 9】Material handling(物资搬运)
Material handling is a broad sense concerning all short-distance movements of raw materials, work in process, or finished goods within a factory or warehouse. As materials handling tends to add costs rather than value to logistics systems, managers tends to minimize the number of handling whenever possible.
10】Information management(信息管理)
Information links all areas of the logistics system together. Information processing is being increasingly automated, plex, and rapid. It is critical to the efficient functioning of system .
2】Role of Warehousing仓储角色
Warehousing is a part of every logistics system. The three basic ponents(基本组件) of it are warehouse, equipment, and people. And the warehouse is usually divides into(分为)
private warehouse, public warehouse and contract warehousing. The private warehouse is owned by the firm(稳固) using it.
The public warehouse can be rent to (租用)solve short-term
distribution(短期分布) needs. Contract warehousing is a long term beneficial arrangement.(长期有益的安排)
Warehousing plays an important role in providing a desired level of customer service at the lowest possible total cost. Warehousing affects customer service level, sales and marketing营销 success. It can link the production facility(联系生产设施) and the consumer, or supplier and production facility. Generally, the greater the time lags(滞后) between
production and consumption(消耗), the larger the level of
warehousing required. Warehousing activity is an important link between the producer and the customer. Warehousing activities need receiving, transfer, storage储藏, picking,
and shipping.运输
As all said above ,warehousing plays a key role in integrated logistics strategy集成物流策略 and in building and
maintaining good relationship between supply chain partners. Warehousing also helps marketing to serve current customers and expand into new markets.
Every firm requires the movement of goods 运输from the
point to another point. This is the function of the transportation. Transportation refers to指的是 the physical
movement of goods from one point to another point. It can involve raw materials涉及的原材料 being brought into the
production process or finished goods being shipped运输 to the
Transportation includes specific activities such as selecting the transport mode, choosing the particular route, selecting the right carrier, plying with various local transportation regulations .(选择运输方式,路线,合适载体。
遵守法规) Railway, road, waterway, air, and pipeline渠道/
路线 transportation make up the major modes of模式 transport
in modern society. Each mode has its own advantages and disadvantages in terms of costs, speed, capacity, flexibility灵活 and safety. Loss due to damage to goods during transit can be avoided. Proper vehicle routing适当的运输路径 and
scheduling调度 can reduce the in-transit inventory.存货
Transportation is usually the most costly logistics activity. It may account for 40%-60% of a pany’s total
logistics cost. Suitable selection reduces the opportunity costs. Reducing transportation cost can effectively improve the logistics efficiency效率. We can see that transportation
is one of the most significant part of logistics management. 3.2 The prospect of logistics配送
Nowadays China's GDP, logistics costs account for about 20%, 10% of the U.S., throwing factors in addition to the industrial structure工业结构, China's share of the proportion比率 should
be higher than the U.S. about 5%. In other words, as more and more logistics panies to master先进 the art of logistics
technology and management level管理水平, after China's
logistics costs to GDP will continue to decline. That the mastery优势 of advanced先进的 logistics technology and
management level of pany will be the winner of China's logistics industry. From this point, promising prospects for the logistics industry物流的前景很广阔。I do logistics
information technology, I can deeply appreciate the use of advanced information technology can improve management quality and service levels.
1】The importance of Logistics(物流的重要性)
As it is known to us all ,logistics means the physical movement of goods from the supplier point to the receive point. Based on practical need, integrated organically the variety of the basic functional activities including transportation, storage,loading and unloading, handling,package, distribution and information management,etc.In practice, logistics refers to the systematic management of the various activities required from the point of production to the customer .
When it es to modern logistics, most professionals in the business consider it one of the most petitive and
exciting jobs, invisible as it is. Logistics is a unique global pipeline that operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week and 52 weeks a year, planning and coordinating the transport and delivery of products and service to customers the world over。
So we can see logistics plays an important role in the petitive market .
In order to succeed in today‘s global marketplace, panies
must be ever cognizant of these trends and develop a logistics management strategy ,so that they can meet the demands of their customers today and be well prepared for the future. 4】Customer service In a broad sense, customer service is the output of the entire logistics system. It involves making sure that the right person receive the right product with the right quantity at the right place at the right time in the right condition at the right cost. At present, many logistics pany may have a customer service department that handle plaints, special orders, damage claims, returns, billing problems, etc. 5】Demand forecasting需求预测
Demand forecasting estimate the need for precise amount of product and service that customers will require in the future. The logistics system can ensure the right products or services are available to meet those requirements. It involves in forecasting how much should be ordered from its suppliers, and how much of finished products should be transported in each market.
6】Inventory management(库存管理)
Inventory management deals with balancing the cost of maintaining additional products on hand against the risk of not having those items when the customer wants them. This task has bee more plex as firms have gradually lowered inventory levels.
Industrial packaging focuses on protecting the product while it is being transported and stored. It conveys important information to inform the customer and provide protection during storage and transport. In a marketing sense, the package acts as a form of promotion or advertising. Its size, weight, color, and printed information attract customers and convey
knowledge about the product.
Procurement is the purchase of materials and services from outside to support the firm’s operations from production to marketing, sales and logistics. It includes the selection of supply source location, timing of purchases, price determination, quality control and many other facets. 9】Material handling(物资搬运)
Material handling is a broad sense concerning all short-distance movements of raw materials, work in process, or finished goods within a factory or warehouse. As materials handling tends to add costs rather than value to logistics systems, managers tends to minimize the number of handling whenever possible.
10】Information management(信息管理)
Information links all areas of the logistics system together. Information processing is being increasingly automated, plex, and rapid. It is critical to the efficient functioning of system .
作文五:《关于钓鱼的英语作文 英语作文》3500字
渔具fishing gear
fish fork 鱼叉
fish bait 鱼饵
fishhook 鱼钩
fish hook 钓鱼钩
fish knife 鱼刀
fish twine 钓鱼线
fishing boom 吊鱼吊杆
fishing harpoon 鱼叉
fishing hook 鱼钩
fishing jacket 钓鱼衣
fishing lamp 捕鱼灯
fishing line 钓鱼线
fishing bait box 鱼饵盒
fishing net & thread 鱼网渔线
fishing net yarn 鱼网纱
fishing net 鱼网
fishing netting 鱼网
fishing rod 钓鱼竿
fishing rod 鱼竿
fishing tackles 钓鱼用具
fishing thread 鱼线
fishing bedchair钓鱼用床
fishing chair钓鱼椅
fishing tripod搁杆架
troll 拖钓 [troul]
angle 钓鱼 [angl]
fishing 钓鱼,捕鱼,渔场,捕鱼权 gentle craft 钓鱼
fisherman 渔夫,渔民,渔船
angler 垂钓者
rodster 钓鱼者
harpoon 鱼叉,用鱼叉叉 [ha:pu:n] leister 鱼叉,叉鱼
bait 诱饵 [beit]
fishhook 鱼钩,钩钓
barb 倒钩 [ba:b]
He jerked the fishing-rod out of the water. 他
Fish bamboo pole popular name: Sends the bamboo pole, the gun bamboo pole, jumps the bamboo pole, throws the bamboo pole, flings the elopichthysbambusa bamboo pole part: Gaining, sends the piece, rubs the hands the child, tick-tock turn, throws the coil to fish the terminology: Hits the nest, under the bamboo pole, receives the bamboo pole, the dawdle fish, runs the fish。
Tick-tock wheel, dawdle fish
:bait, set hook, casting
string bean 四季豆pea 豌豆green
soy bean 毛豆soybean sprout 黄豆芽
mung bean sprout 绿豆芽bean sprout 豆芽kale 甘蓝菜
cabbage 包心菜; 大白菜broccoli 花椰菜mater convolvulus
空心菜dried lily flower 金针菜mustard leaf 芥菜celery 芹
tarragon 蒿菜
beetroot 甜菜根
lettuce 生菜
spinach 菠菜
leek 韭菜
caraway 香菜
preserved szechuan pickle 榨菜 salted vegetable 雪里
红 lettuce 莴苣 asparagus 芦荟
bamboo shoot 竹笋
dried bamboo shoot 笋干
carrot 胡萝卜
water chestnut 荸荠
long crooked squash 菜瓜
pumpkin 南瓜
bitter gourd 苦瓜
cucumber 黄瓜
white gourd 冬瓜
gherkin 小黄瓜
yam 山芋
taro 芋头
champignon 香菇
needle mushroom 金针菇
dried mushroom 冬菇
tomato 番茄
eggplant 茄子
potato, spud 马铃薯
lotus root 莲藕
agaric 木耳 white fungus 百木耳 ginger 生姜 garlic
garlic bulb 蒜头green onion 葱onion 洋葱
scallion, leek 青葱wheat gluten 面筋miso 味噌
pineapple 凤梨watermelon 西瓜papaya 木瓜
chestnut 栗子coconut 椰子
tangerine 橘子 mandarin orange 橘sugar-cane 甘蔗muskmelon 香瓜 shaddock 柚子,文旦 juice peach 水蜜桃 pear 梨子
peach 桃子
carambola杨桃cherry 樱桃
persimmon 柿子apple 苹果
mango 芒果
fig 无花果
water caltrop 菱角almond 杏仁
plum 李子
honey-dew melon 哈密瓜loquat 枇杷
olive 橄榄
rambutan红毛丹durian 榴
strawberry 草莓grape 葡萄
grapefruit 葡萄柚
longan龙眼 wax-apple 莲雾 guava 番石榴 banana 香
It is mainly said in the passage that a boy and his father t fishing in a river.The boy caught a big fish along the forbidden time .Therefore,his father forced him to put it back. If his father promised with the boy on keeping the fish,the boy would develop a bad habit of ignoring social rules. As is known to all, to protect our safety,school states that no child shall be permitted leaving the school without acpanying by their parents during the daily
study.However,still some students would rather look down
upon the school rules,which leads to the school gate in a mess. As far as i am concerned,it is of great significance to observe the regulations rather than to break it for personal benefits.In a word,we should attach importance to obeying the rules.Only by following the social roles can we possess virtue,which has good impacts on society.
作文六:《关于名声的英语作文 英语作文》18100字
The Value of a Good Reputation
A good reputation is a man’s best wealth. Everyone
judges you as a gentleman;When people talk about you,
they always show thumbs-up; You can always get the trust
of others;Almost no one say you are ill;I think all above can
show you have a good reputation.
If you wantto have a good reputation, the road will be long and not so easy to go on. You need a lot of efforts. Firstly, you should do good things as much as possible and try not to do bad things. Secondly, ready to do your best to help those who need help. Thirdly, strictly request your words and deeds to make yourself a gentleman. If you can do all these, You will get a good reputation.
If you have a good reputation, you will get the trust of others and everyone will respect you. In a word, you will get lots of benefits andconvenience because of your good
要求:Some people hold the view that the classics are classics because they have stood the test of time. Therefore, they are to be treasured by people of all generations, ours being no exception. Others believe that the classics represent the wisdom of the past. As we are advancing towards the future, it is our responsibility to venture into the unknown and generate new understanding of man and nature. What is your view on this issue?
Write an essay in 100-500 words in response to this question and give reasons to support your position.
答题时间:截至 2014年5月10日 23:59
There is no denying that people can get a lot benefits from reading classics. On the one hand, it is a good way for readers to broaden their horizon and increase their knowledge in many aspects. For instance, they can learn the society characters by reading classic literature novels about history or culture. On the other hand, it also provides a chance for them to enhance their
aesthetic taste in that most of classics has a very beautiful or unique language style and arts, which gives readers more enjoyment and interest.
However, nowadays a large number of people, especially the young, are unwilling to or cannot spend their times in reading classics. There are some reasons accounting for the phenomenon and I would like to state two of them. For one thing, people are distracted by other things increasingly, which can give their more joy and fun and have no requirement in thinking(来自:.zaidian.cOm 书 业网:
关于名声的英语作文), such as all kinds of entertainment
activities. For another, some people think that it is no use of reading classics because these classics are outdated and useless to our society and lives.
In my opinion, it is wrong to consider classics as an outdated matter
because it still has many important functions and influence on our society and our lives. Classics are a kind of treasure in a nation. Therefore, we should give enough attention to them. And I advocate that all of us should try our best to read some of them.
As everyone knows,reading makes a full man.But what kind of book should we should we read?Some people hold the view that the classics are classics because they have stood the test of time. Therefore, they are to be treasured by people of all generations, ours being no exception. Others believe that the classics represent the wisdom of the past.
Nowadays,people always chase of material,such as wealth,fame and so on.but material can't replace some things.They think read classics are out of style and boring. However, when they really clam down and think about it, now the people are too impetuous, can't calm down to understand classics.
In my opinion,we should read a lot of classics,the more classics you read,the more knowledge you get.We read classics to get what we
want.Classics have always been our good friends indeed because they are constantly in need.Read classics,this is a way to know more about the world.Through read classics,we will acquire more knowledge,more
information,and more wisdom,we will better develop our
personality and our word integrity.
Why we should read classics?First and foremost,through read
classics,little by little, our knowledge will be well eiched, and our horizons will be greatly broadened.Besides,We have got to read classics, to enlarge our scope, to realize our potentials and to pay for our life.Last but not least,the classics represent the past wisdom.
So, as a student,we must read a lot of classics,we should love it,we should treat it correctly.In a word,let the classics be classics.
殊不知,读书使人充实, man.But什么样的书,我们应
地发展我们的个性和我们的诚信二字。 我们为什么要读经
的充实,我们的视野会大大broadened.Besides ,我们一定
Some people hold the view that classics are classics because they have stood the test of time. Therefore, they are to be treasured by people of all generations, ours being no exception. Others believe that classics represent the wisdom of the past. As we are advancing towards the future, it is our responsibility to venture into the unknown and generate new understanding of man and nature. Classic for a new ear of young people, more and more strange. Everyone to the pursuit of fashionable tide, fresh, for some classic plays, are not interested in the book and so on. Classics in their view are out of style, boring and on fun.Even some young people don't recognize the classics, they think the only thing that they are interested in is classics.
However, when you really clam down and think about it, now the people are too impetuous, can't calm down to experience carefully understand one thing. In classic idea has not read, they are immersed in the flashy things, satisfied with just a temporary pleasure and ignore the themselves in the cultivation of spirit.
In my opinion, as a new year of young people, we live with increasingly weather's around us, all the time does not exist the temptation of one kind or another, they entice us step by step in the abyss of unable to since the dial, kill our will and spirit. So, let us practice iron will, do our best to resist the temptation of around you. I think, some of the classic masterpieces and film and television as a choice of our discipline. We would like to think our predecessors left by the spiritual feast for us,
let us can not only enjoy in material, also let us the spirit of the world got the sublimation. Let us work together, let us have the classic eternity immortal, blossom more shine!
Interest Is the Best Teacher
兴趣是最好的老师 Everyone has many teachers during
the school time.But there is one which is best among them
always staying with you.That is interest.
Interest can be a very good teacher.It guides you to discover things you are interested in and explore the mysteries of some amazing thing.When your teacher asks you to learn something, you are forced to, not active.But if you are interested in something, you will be glad to study it.You will search the Internet to find information or ask someone who knows something about it.You will try your best analyse it and understand it.Doing so always has a good effect on yourself. 兴趣可以是一个非常好的老师。它会引导
The famous basketball player, Michael Jordan once said: "I love this game." When asked why he could get great achievements in basketball.Interest became the teacher of Jordan.The love of basketball took him into the glory of success.
Rooted in everyone?s heart, interest is not far away from us.What?s the most important is how you take it.Our hearts are many wireless stations, the more you receive messages sent by interest, and the more successful you will be.
Views on Middle School Students' Using Cellphone
Cellphones are being more and more popular among the middle school students at present.About that,people have different opinions.
Some think it is good for students to bring a cellphone because it's more convenient to contact to each other.But othersdo not think so.They think it is bad for students to bring acellphone.Because the students will use
mobile phones to play games,sent text messages,watch movies and so on,which will do harm to their study.Andthe teacher and students would be disturbed if cellphone ring during the class time.In my opinion,bringing cellphones to school is not a bad thing if we make the best use of it.
As we all know,a cellphone is one of the quickest tools for us to exchange information in 21st century.Ifthere?san accident,it's more convenient to dial for help immediately.What's more,we can use cellphones for relaxing ourselves a little bit when we're tired of studies.In my mind,it's not wrong to follow the cellphone fashion,but the most important thing is to know how to use them in a right way.
What Is Happiness?
Many people believe that having a lot of money is the greatest happiness in life.But I don't agree with them, because money is not everything.Money can't make us a true man.
The way I see it, good health is much better than a lot of wealth.No matter how much money we have, we?ll not feel happy at all if we are in poor health.In order to be healthy, we must keep a positive attitude and have a good living habit.
Apart from good health, we must be diligent at work.As long as we work hard, we cannot just make a good living, but eich our minds.
Additionally, we ought to give our helpful hands to others when they are in need.While helping others, we can own a good fame as well as get more social
experience.It's really a good way to kill two birds with one stone.Only by doing so can we enjoy the happiest life.
Smoking And Health?
Today smoking is a widespread habit ali over the world. Not only the old, the youth, but also middle school students have been engaged in smoking. Many of them think that smoking is a smart symbol.
However, smoking is harmful to one's ,health. It contributes a lot of lung cancer, from which many people have died in the past years. It can also cause many other
diseases.In a word, if you smoke, you do have a much greater chance of losing your health. Furthermore, scientific research shows that smoking is not only harmful to smokers themselves, but also a threat to public health,
especially to women and children.Therefore, many countries have made laws forbidding smokers to smoke m public places such as cinemas, stations, hospitals, and so on.
Give up smoking! If you don't smoke, don't start. Give upsmoking for the sake of your health, for the sake of your family, and for the sake of the whole world.
Smoking And Health?
We meet smokers everywhere.There are 6.5 billion
people in the world, and about 1.2 billion of them are smokers, which make up to 20 percent of the world's total population.
Smoking is very harmful.First, smoking costs a great deal of money.It wastes 200 billion dollars each year in the world.Second,smoking does harm to the health of smokers and even the people near them. About 3 million people die of diseases caused by smoking every year.
要浪费掉2 000亿美元。其次,吸烟对吸烟者和他周围的人
Luckily, more and more people have e to realize the great harm of smoking.To our delight the total amount of world tobacco production has dropped from over 14 billion pounds in 2000 to 7 billion pounds in 2003.It is certain that the number of smokers will further decrease gradually.
Online Shopping
With the development of Internet, more and more people tend to shop on the Internet.Online shopping has provided some benefits for us, but it also has some disadvantages at the same time.
For one thing, online shopping has brought some convenience for consumers.Instead of going one shop to another, people can choose and buy all kinds of modities they like as long as they click the mouse gently.This is not only a better choice for the old who do not have enough energy to go outside but also a great convenience for those who have no time to go shopping in person.In addition, consumers have more choices and can do some parison when they are shopping on the Internet.They can glance over various
modities in all shapes, sizes and colors and decided to buy or not.Furthermore, online shopping has made a great contribution to the development of express delivery industry.
However, for another, shopping on the Internet also has some shortings.Firstly, those who shop on the Internet can?t try the goods before they buy.Sometimes, the real goods are not the same as the goods they see on the Internet.Secondly, some shops on the Internet are dishonest and they would not deliver the goods after paying.And if this situation happens, the consumers would find nowhere to plain and never pull out the money any longer.
Therefore, we should pay more attention when shopping on the Internet.
The Meaning of Life
Compared to the universe, our lives are really short, just like a meter.But the meaning of life doesn?t depend on its length but contributions.For example, Marie Curie, in order to find the radium, she devoted her whole life to the research.Though the radioactive element had shorter her life, she never gave up her mind to serve the world.According to her story, I conclude that the first meaning of life is contribution.The standard of judging a life isn?t how much he asks for but how much he gives away.
The second meaning of life is struggling for our goals.Each of us has goals, such as longing for position, hoping for wealth and looking forward to be loved.However, the path leading to them isn?t filled with roses.But no matter
how tough to acplish our dream we should never say die.If you really want to achieve them, please keep diligent and patient just like an English motto goes;“No pains ,no
gains. ”
The third meaning of life is happiness.Not only should we keep happy, but also bring enjoyment to others .For example, we can have an optimistic attitude which can affect the people in our surroundings.Besides, we are supposed to be ready to help others, because in this way we can make both us and them happy .I consider it an unchangeable truth that ?Helping others creates happiness.
应该给别人带来快乐。 比如,我们可以抱着乐观的态度去
I just want to say, the lives for us are limited, but we are
able to make efforts to make it shine out .Believe it, though our lives are rather short, we can also make a hit .If we try our best, our lives will be meaningful as well.
作文七:《关于童工的英语作文 英语作文》3700字
Time flies,but the memories of my childhood still like a sweet dream.When I remind of those funny things,I always wear a big smile on my face.Althought they are
infantile,innocent and silly,I cherish them a lot.I know the fact that I can not experience them any more.
The first time I played roller-skating,I was excited.It was my classmate’s birthday,he invited many friends to the skati
ng rink.I wasn’t good at roller-skating.He suggested me skate by the side.then he would ask his brother who was proficient to teach me.According to his brother,I could skate freely .Finally,he organized all his friends.We put our hands on others’ shoulder.We skated like a train.All the people in the skating rink stopped to watch us.I thought they might feel our passion. and be deeply affected.
I always dream about returning to the past. That
carefree time give me countless happiness and make me grow healthily and enjoyably. Childhood is the most colorful time in my life for it is a memory ,a mystery and a gift.
I live in a small town and spend my pleasant time there. Although I can’t remember numerous things clearly. I
remember that long road which filled with polar trees and metasequoia trees. Along the road ,there is a river through the town. The road and river storage the most precious memory in my childhood . When I am 5 years old, my father bought me a red bike for my birthday present . I was so excited and show off to others. I still remember that afternoon, I followed my father came to the road, which his hands hold my hands tightly and I still cherish his powerful and warm hands. Then, he started to teach me how to ride bike and what to pay attention to. In the beginning, he clutched the bike tightly behind me and cheered for me . I believed him and ride my bike without worries .suddenly, he let go of his hands and I didn’t know at all. I fell off from
my bike and I burst into tears due to fear and pain. later , with the encouragement from my father, I pushed my bike and practiced it again and again. Finally, I learned how to ride bike. Now, I moved off from the town ,the small red
bike has been broken , whenever I see a bike ,I am extremely touched.
My family lived in a courtyard and we have friendly neighborhood.
During my most childhood time, I play with them together. We have played different kinds of games, such as hopscotch, kicking shuttlecock, play house etc. I like playing house most. One children
Looking through the clear blue sky, my heart says: My dear parents, thank you for giving me the best years of my life!
While walking through the green fields
For the sunshine in our eyes
Our memories can never decay
That’s called the childhood days
Open your heart and keep it as innocent as you ever did in your childhood, you will find happiness is always around you.
How time flies! Now I am a young man. Every time I open my photo album, those childish pictures of mine always remind me of the cheerful side of my childhood.
My family is not a rich one, but as I am the only child in my family, my parents love me very much. When I was a little kid, they were ready to do anything for me.
I still remember the evenings when, before going to bed, I asked my mother to tell me stories. She used to tell me fairy tales, most of which had a brave and honest boy as a hero. Having finished the story, my mother often patted me on the head gently, saying, ”My child, I hope you will be as good a boy as the hero in the story.” Now I am a student in senior two, I hope that I can live up to my mother’s expectations.
The memory of my childhood is like a sweet dream. Instead of trying going back to the happy childhood, I will try harder to make a promising future. (183 words)
作文八:《关于电的英语作文 关于水的英语作文》1600字
关于电的英语作文 关于水的英语作文
关于水的英语作文 近几年来,全球空气、水等生活因素受到人为的极大破坏。水的缺乏已成为摆在人们面前的一个严峻问题。现请你根据下面内容要点,写一篇短文,谈谈“保护水质,节约用水“的问题。
关于水的英语作文相关内容:关于友情的英语 友谊表示对其
Theimportanceofindividualinfootballteam theimportanceofindividuali;historywitnessedtheunprecedented,...
Thebirdandcat ,sothecatjumpedandhitthebirdcage....
关于寒假的英语作文 wonderfullifeinwinterholiday寒假的乐
元宵节过年祝福短信各种风格大集合 1:辛苦的人:春节好
关于校园的英语 关于校园的英语1、
小学英语作文:寒假一天 寒假英语作文:寒假一天
Today is May 1,is the International Labor my father dig up some bamboo shoots cousin,cousin,readily my cousin had never been dug bamboo,which is first,of course,is an innovative idea.
cousin came to our days go halfway,it began to rain,followed by this did not detract from our interest in digging bamboo shoots,but the firm will of the ,as the saying goes: “springing”them!We fought so hard to mountain climbing,sweat,rain confusing.
Father is an iron-general a moment,it apart.”Wow,bamboo shoots,have head many really
ah!”And my cousin looked up at the head are “pathfinder”cries the we arrived,his hands had been tied with a big bamboo shoots, both of us to no am anxious,hard tohair and think: why we could not shoot it dug?I think maybe too,and accidentally,a bad fall,but alsothe blood,stomp my beat their chests shouting: “God,why do you torment me like this,I am also a person,but also Lord of all things,what do not give me wild,but also throw my!”At this time of my great then told us that: “not as good as you,there
1 / 3
may be a harvest.”
“Cousin,fast shoots look.”Did not walk a few steps,a prey entered my eyes,my very pleasant surprise.
“I also have their prey,and cousin.”
Not too long,we can shoot the petition and the number of the are delighted.
I finally understand that with the father at the back are less than dig bamboo shoots,and only go up in front of only has Harvest.”Open up our own road,Do not talk behind others.”Yes I am 51 working in a small
token of enlightenment.
2 / 3
一看,是在前头“探路”的爸爸的叫喊声。当我们赶到时,他手里已抱着一大捆笋、叽叽头。可我俩却一无所获。我焦急万分,使劲地挠着头发,想:我们为什么挖不着笋呢,也许我想得太入神了,一不小心,摔了一跤,还摔出了血,范文 我捶胸顿足喊道:“老天,你何故此般折腾我,我也是人,也是万物之主,凭什么不赐我野菜,还摔我一跤~”此时的我懊恼极了。爸爸便对我们说:“不如你们走在前头,或许会有收获。”
3 / 3
篇一 : 关于代沟的英语作文
Firstly, in most of the families in China both of the parents have to go out for work in order to earn more money to provide better environment for their lovely children. Unfortunately, this causes the rare munication between them and theft children, since these parents always take rest during leisure time. These parents and children cannot know deeply about each other and friction will appear. Secondly, parents who ask their children to be absolutely obedient are also one of the grave causes of the generation gap between them! They do not try to municate with their children as their equals.
Thus, misinterpretation of them may easily occur.
At present, never is the issue concerning generation gap failing to attract our eyes. Many educators and parents present their opinions from
different angles. As I see it, there are three following factors contributing to this risk and also, three solutions can be outlined respectively.
As for its causes, I think that three reasons are worth mentioning. To begin with, people receive different education and form different outlooks of the world. The education children receive today is different from that of their parents, thus causing that parents want their children to follow the traditional values as a rebellion, so, conflict between parents and children seems unavoidable.
Nowadays, many young people are plaining that their parents can not understand them very well. They say that their parents take care of every aspect of their lives, leaving them unable to have their private space. Yet, parents are worried that their children don’t show any respect to them and never give them any trust.
In my opinion, I think we should first admit that there are indeed some differences between parents and children. Then, we should try to take some time to municate with each other frequently. Not only the parents, but also the kids should be equal when exchanging their views.
Only by their joint efforts can the parents and children bridge the generation gap between them.
篇二 : 关于代沟的英语作文60字
Generation Gap
Nowadays, there is often a lack of understanding between parents and children. Children always plain that their parents are out of date, while parents can’t approve of what their children say and do. Thus, a big generation gap is formed.
The gap remains wide for many reasons. Children want to be free to choose their own friends, select their own classes in school, plan their own future, earn and spend their own money, and generally run their own life in a more independent way than many parents allow. Also, young children wish to be understood by their parents, but most parents don’t
quite understand their children. They regard it as their responsibility to teach their offspring traditional beliefs. They want them to be obedient and do well in school. Therefore, misunderstanding often arise from parents’ tendency to interfere in children’s daily activities.
In my opinion, most problems between parents and children could be solved by joint efforts of both sides to enhance mutual understanding.
The generation gap refers to the difference in attitude toward thing or the lack of understanding between young people and older folks.
In families as well as in society, the young and the older may not agree with each other on this and that from time to time. Young people would llke to make as much money as they could and spend as much money as they could earn while older folks are easily satisfied with what they earn and save as much as possible. Young people llke the exciting and deafening pop music while older folks prefer melodious folk-songs or classic music. A boy and a glrl today may fall in love with each other as quick as lightning, while their parents or grand parents might trudge over a long distance before they kissed each other and became lovers when they were young.
However, we should not be amazed at the generation gap,for it is quite natural in the development of society. The world is a changing world, in which everything keeps changing, generations of human beings included. And changes lead to progress.
1 Nowadays, the problems of generation gap bee more and more serious. The poor relationship between parents and their children is very mon. Are these problems caused by the busy parents? Or, do the harsh family rules affect the relationship of parents and children?
Firstly, in most of the families in China both of the parents have to go out for work in order to earn more money to provide better
environment for their lovely children. Unfortunately, this causes the rare munication between them and theft children, since these parents always take rest during leisure time. These parents and children cannot know deeply about each other and friction will appear. Secondly, parents who ask their children to be absolutely obedient is also one of the grave causes of the generation gap between them! They do not try to municate with their children as their equals. Thus, misinterpretation of them may easily occur.
To solve these problems, the busy parents should sacrifice their spare time to municate with their children actively and friendly to improve their relation. At the same time, they can also observe their children’s behavior at the same time in order to understand heir children’s personality as it can reduce the quarrel between them. Besides that, the parents should try to give up their absolute power in family so as lo make their children feel free to chat with them.
2 Generation gap Generation gap refers to the distance and contradiction between the old and the youth. It’s a mon phenomenon
that exits everywhere in the world and influences both the old and the youth. Generally speaking, generation gap results in different understanding and appreciation of the great and constant changes of the ,,world, different reaction to new things, and different attitudes to tradition principles and beliefs. Therefore, we may say where there are
the old and the youth; there is the generation gap. Generation gap is natural, but very influential. If we cannot deal withit appropriately, the gap will be greater and greater and consequently affect the work and the relation between the old and the young.
Nowadays, the problems of generation gap bee more and more serious. The poor relationship between parents and their children is very mon. Are these problems caused by the busy parents? Or, do the harsh family rules affect the relationship of parents and children?
Firstly, in most of the families in China both of the parents have to go out for work in order to earn more money to provide better environment for their lovely children. Unfortunately, this causes the rare munication between them and theft children, since these parents always take rest during leisure time. These parents and children cannot know deeply about each other and friction will appear. Secondly, parents who ask their children to be absolutely obedient is also one of the grave causes of the generation gap between them! They do not try to municate with their children as their equals. Thus, misinterpretation of them may easily occur.
To solve these problems, the busy parents should sacrifice their spare time to municate with their children actively and friendly to improve their relation. At the same time, they can also observe their children’s behavior at the same time in order to understand heir children’s
personality as it can reduce the quarrel between them. Besides that, the parents should try to give up their absolute power in family so as lo make their children feel free to chat with them.
篇四 : 关于代沟的英语作文
Generation Gap At present, never is the issue concerning generation gap failing to attract our eyes. Many educators and parents present their opinions from different angles. As I see it, there are three following factors contributing to this risk and also,three solutions can be outlined respectively. As for its causes, I think that three reasons are worth mentioning. To begin with, people receive different education and form different outlooks of the world. The education children receive today is different from that of their parents, thus causing that parents want their children to follow the traditional values as a rebellion, So, conflict between parents and children seems unavoidable. In addition, lack of munication also accounts for the fact. Many parents fail to realize the importance of munication and in their minds, children should obey them and it id natural. However, in children’s minds, their parents do not value the modern development ,advanced technology, their real thoughts, to mane just a few, Both parents and children do believe that they themselves are right. In this way , they do not wangt to municate with
each other. Finally, it is due to the big influence of media which wsually exaggerates the importance of individuality that many children regard rebellion against their parents as cool and fantastic. Hence, misunderstanding and prejudice will be produced. To sovel this problem,I do believe the following measures should be taken. First, parents ought to municate positively with their children and give them more person-to-person services. What is more, a looser educational enviorment should be created in every family and free speech should be advocated. Last ,a range of knowledge should be given to children and they should be encouraged to understand their parents and think in their parents’ positions. In conclusion, only when these practical measures are taken will this problem be dealt with step by step and be gone with the wind.
关于代沟的英语作文The Generation Gap
今日作文题: The Generation Gap 代沟 提示句: 许多年轻人抱怨
父母不了解他们; 代沟一词成了彼此间误解的借口; 我认为父母和
代沟的英语作文》(://。 范文: Nowadays, many young people are
plaining that their parents can not understand t
The Generation Gap 代沟
Nowadays, many young people are plaining that their parents can not understand them very well. They say that their parents take care of every aspect of their lives, leaving them unable to have their private space. Yet, parents are worried that their children don’t show any respect to them and never give them any trust.
Consequently, the household phrases spreading. It is the “Generation Gap”. By using this phrase, both the young and the old have found a good explanation for their misunderstanding of each other, yet they don’t bother to take any measures to cover the distance between them.
In my opinion, I think we should first admit that there are indeed some differences between parents and children. Then, we should try to take some time to municate with each other frequently. Not only the parents, but also the kids should be equal when exchanging their views. Only by their joint efforts can the parents and children bridge the generation gap between them.
1. every aspect of各方面
to attend to each and every aspect of a matter 面面俱到
2. household
a. 家庭的,家用的
This is a good household soap. 这是一种品质优良的家用肥皂。
b. 家喻户晓的,为人所熟知的
He is a household legendary figure. 他是个家喻户晓的传奇性人物。
3. exchange views with sb. 同某人交换意见
exchange gifts 互相赠送礼品;exchange toasts 互相敬酒
exchange 也可以做名词用,如:an exchange of views with sb.
4. joint efforts 共同努力
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