英语作文阅读名著的重要性The importance of reading masterpiece
Nowadays, all kinds massage wash to us from every direction, these information which is characterized by instant, plex, along with useless aspect has distract us. On the other hand, it is difficult for us to select the essence , as a result , wasting time and energy. Then what is the meaning of reading classic?
There is no doubt that reading is essential for our studying especially some precious materials written by masters. From that we can not only learn the knowledge but also the way of thinking and positive altitude towards life. Every masterpiece is a symbol of authority, they are different form the information in substance which is eject form your internet screen. The classics have recorded the masters' thinking process which can rebuilt our mindset and broaden our horizons on a high level. What is more important, classics are textbooks can direct us to solve problems and help us to build a healthy personality, help us to develop different world outlook, in this case, they are precious.
From my perspective, classics have its own reason to be a classic, they can give us advice when we can not find the answer, when you indulgence in them, you can find the true pleasure.
作文二:《英语看图作文阅读名著的重要性QUIZ MONDAY》1100字
Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay
based on the picture below. You should start your essay with a brief account of people’s indulgence in instant messages and then explain why we
should read more classics. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.
The Importance of Reading Classics
The drawing describes a classroom scene where a teacher is telling him student that reading Chaucer is very meaningful. Undoubtedly, the picture aims at highlighting reading classics is very important for young students, which can cultivate their good personality.
There is no doubt that people can obtain a large number of benefits from reading classics. On the one hand, it can broaden our horizons. For example, they can learn the social history and culture by reading classic literature. On the other hand, Classics are a kind of wealth for our country. So we must pay enough attention to it.
From my perspective, classics are the result of the long term test of the history, it coheres the intelligence of various countries, when you read them, you can get a lot of happiness.
One poem of Emily Dickenson goes that——
THERE is no frigate like a book
To take us lands away,
Nor any coursers like a page
Of prancing poetry.
This traverse may the poorest take
Without oppress of toll
How frugal is the chariot,
That hears a human soul.
As mentioned above, reading can make us be exposed to a magic and fascinating world which is quite different from the one we live in. Through reading, we can travel to every corner of the world, tasting various foods, breathing fresh air with diverse culture and sharing happiness and sorrows with each other. Even, speaking to giants of thoughts like Socrates and Tolstoy, we will have a deep understanding of the true meaning of life, the virtue and vice of human nature, and the importance of social reform.
Reading is also essential for an engineer. What is known to us is that engineers ’ work is a creative one which is mainly done by brain.Therefore, innovation quality is the basic quality necessary for a good engineer, includingfour aspects: knowledge, skills, thinking and moral character. All these qualities are inseparable from reading.
First, to the contemporary mechanical engineer, the wider and the profound knowledge and skills are mastered,the possibility of success of designis greater. And book is the best resource. Reading is a direct and happy way to obtain knowledge and skills
Second, reading can provide us with opportunities to cultivate ourselves with theright philosophical thought, the ability of dialectical thinking, logical thinking and creative thinking. Book is just like a guider, pointing us the way to get better self-growth. Without reading, we may get to nowhere.
Third, in a sense, moral quality is more significant than other qualities.. It not only has a major impact on the growth of engineers, but also plays a decisive role in the success of a design. And reading is the wisest teacher who can exert a subtle influence on us, to be an upright and virtuous man, an engineer with a strong social conscience.
Reading can cast a silent transforming influence on us and that’s why we need pour our hearts into reading to get better development.
【摘 要】:英语为一名语言教学,应重视学生的实际语言能力和综合能力的培养。英语阅读作为语言技能的重要组成部分,也属于语言输入的主要环节之一,在英语教学中有着很重要的地位。
【关键词】:语言教学 阅读策略 阅读障碍 提高阅读能力
展的常识,同时对天文,科普,地理等日常生活的各方面都要有所了解。不仅如此,掌握正确的英语阅读技巧也是很重要的。 通读全文,掌握文章大意。
教师在平常的阅读课中就应指导学生掌握好的阅读方法,养成良好的阅读习惯。教导学生不要一遇到生词就查字典,要学会猜词。如果一遇到生词就查字典,这样会影响阅读速度。另外,一个单词往往会有多张意思,如果不联系文章特有的情境,很难确定生词的明确含义。学生可以根据文章的上下文和构词法等规则大胆地去猜测生词在此短文中的意思。如能猜中词意,学生就会很有成就感,慢慢地,熟练地掌握这种技巧,逐步提高英语阅读水平。 细审题意,获取信息。
总之,在英语学习中,阅读起着主导作用,它往往决定着听,说,,写三种技能的发展和提高。而英语阅读能力的提高又可以推动和促进学生英语分析能力和推理逻辑能力,是中学教学中不可忽视的一环。然后,阅读能力的培养和提高非一日之功。英语教师要正确上帝运用阅读策略,循序渐进地科学地使学生养成良好的阅读习惯,努力培养学生的阅读兴趣,从而提高学生的阅读理解能力。 参考文献
英语阅读的关键还是在于我们英语学习者本身,有两个方向,“兴趣”“快乐”。 提高英语阅读的能力的方法有很多种,但是很多人往往会忘记一点:多读,很多人就会说了不敢读,不会读,苏州沃尔得英语的专家指出,“在苏州英语培训中心出现这种情况,英语培训老师会先辅导学员的心理,“不敢读”比“不会读”更加糟糕,因为你不敢读,是不相信自己;不会读,你可以去学,一种是不相信,一种是不知道,宁愿选择不知道,因为不知道你还有救,不相信就真的没有办法救了。“ 但要注意,一定要选择好练习阅读的材料,做到快乐和兴趣相结合。很多人在练习阅读英语时,不是选择有兴趣的英语文章来阅读,而是专门挑选那些又难又复杂的文章来阅读,这种不符合自身状态,所以很多人以为天天读一些英语文章就可以提高英语阅读水平,这个就大错特错了,苏州沃尔得英语的专家认为”这种为傻瓜式阅读的方法实在要不得,必须放弃,应该结合自身的情况选择一些阅读方法,在苏州英语培训界,方法是学习英语中最重要的角色!“
对于一个英语爱好者来说,阅读英语的文章,短句,谚语是一件很快乐的事情。为读懂了才是真正的快乐,才能进一步的深入阅读,这样阅读的水平才会提升,举个例子,很多人现在喜欢读一些英语培训机构分发的一些小读本,为什么喜欢读呢?他们在上面找到了自己感兴趣的事情或者文章,因为读完了他们觉得很开心!其实学英语和我们小时候学汉语一样,为什么课本上都有一些图文并茂,因为这种学习环境,这种学习模式,这种图文并茂给我带的的快乐。因此,在英语阅读的过程中我们要选择一些有诠释的文章,有艺术美感的文章,有针对性的文章,从而达到让文章的内容感染我们 。
【摘要】 《高中英语课程标准》引导高中英语课程更加注重培养学生学英语和用英语的能力,学用结合,促进积极思维和有效表达。特别是在今天的信息社会,学会获取信息和处理信息、分析问题和解决问题是每个公民必须具备的能力,高中阶段应该特别重视对这一能力的培养,使学生能够终身受益,为他们今后更好地学习和工作打下良好的基础。在本文中,笔者就高中英语课文阅读的重要性浅谈一些看法。
【关键词】 新课标 高中英语 阅读 课文
【中图分类号】 G633.41 【文献标识码】 A 【文章编号】 1674-4772(2013)11-001-01
我说英语课文阅读非常重要,是因为高中阶段的课文阅读包含了所有的语法和词汇知识点,当然,高考过程中肯定会有一部分陌生的词汇出现,这也属于考察范畴之内的。在每个单元的“Listen,read and say”部分,都有一篇文质兼优的美文,也就是相当于我们语文学习的范文,我所说的课文阅读重要,主要就是要在这一部分下功夫,熟读甚至是背诵下来每一单元的“Listen,read and say”部分,就是学生积累的绝好方法。
首先,要多读书,会读书。要让学生端正心态,让学生先明白一个事实:吃得苦中苦,方位人上人。吃苦的第一步就是要多读、多背。要知道在中国有句古话叫做“熟读唐诗三百首,不会作诗也会吟。”背什么?每一单元的“Listen,read and say”部分都是经过教学大纲严格的审核之后选出来的好文章,这其中包含许多优美的句子和基础的词汇。对于单词,有如下几种方法,第一个,是加强记忆的频度,也就是说要常翻书,勤见面,多看几遍,隔几个小时又看一次,记忆的间隔不要太长,否则你辛苦积累的记忆会随着时间的延长而淡化,第二个,是可以结合自己的汉语记忆习惯和自己的理解编顺口溜,比如husband 记忆成吓死笨蛋……第三个,最重要的是,记单词的时候,不要忘了阅读,最好是把每一个单元的新单词都圈出来,一边读书,读到新单词的时候要注意记忆,一边读整个句子,有新单词的句子就重复多读几遍,这样可以把孤立的单词串联起来,记忆的效果会加倍。对于文中的语法知识点,主要是学生把文章读熟了的时候,就很容易的就形成了英语语感能力,语感不能代替语法,但能在一定的程度上帮助学生学习语法,分析句子成分。无论是词汇还是语法,如果教师在学生熟读课文的基础上进行讲解的话,都会起到事半功倍的效果。
最后,教会学生活学活用。无论下多大的功夫,学习单词和语法都不是最终的目的,而是基础。学英语不仅要会学,还要会用。课文和句子也不是白背的,在你写作时,这些都是是十分有好处的素材,你可以模仿课文中的句子结构来写作,比如学习英语语言单元时记住句型“English is a language spoken all around the world”英语里面经常用动词的过去分词形式作为定语放在后面修饰前面的词。因为英语是被人说,而不会自己说。是 be spoken by people。所以是用被动形式的spoken来修饰,而不能用speaking来修饰。类似的用法还有“the lion killed by the hunter”,“a name used by many people”,“a song known by many people”等,还有在写作时不要尽写一些低级词汇,你要写高级词汇,比如重要性写magnitude,许多写a multitude of 或者handsome。
读书重要性英语作文(一) As the development of
the world, there is more and more entertainment for people to kill time. Reading used to be an important amusement. But now there are less and less people fond of reading. But there are still a large number of people stand on the side of reading. For me, I think reading is very important. The reasons are as following.
First of all, reading can broaden our vision. The main way we learn the things happen long time ago is according to the book. People will try their best to write the things in their stage in their way. When we read books, we have the opportunity to learn everything. The content in the books contains the knowledge all over the world and every aspect. We can read the knowledge about biography, science, technology, culture, economic and so on from the book. It is hard not to broaden vision from reading.
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Secondly, reading can cultivate our taste. I am sure that reading some elegant sentence or the beautiful things described in the book will make us feel relax and fortable. And we all know that the more knowledge a person has, the better-behaved he will be. I think this is the charming of reading. If there are more people like reading, the world will bee more civilized.
The importance mentioned above just a part of reading. It has so many advantages that I can’t list
all in a short time. It is irreplaceable in human beings’ life.
读书重要性英语作文(二) Some people say that
money is the best thing in the I consider reading books as the best and the most precious thing one can ever have.
Reading books is very of all,it is knowledge that makes society develop and by reading books you can get all kinds of ,reading books makes you a qualified person and makes your life enjoyable.
One is never too old to matter what time you rcalize the importance of reading books,you can enjoy
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it during the rest of your life books,for they are your best friends.
读书重要性英语作文(三) people often say that
gold and silver are the most valuable things in the world. but i don't think so. in my opinion, to read books is more valuable than anything old saying“to open a
book is always helpful”clearly shows us how good it
is to read a book.
books are our friends. they introduce us different kinds of lead us down the road to are our teachers. they teach us truth, science, literature, and philosophy of life, besides they increase our knowledge, enlarge our experience, strengthen our character and do many other things which we can not do without have to learn as long as we live. but our life is limited, and the knowledge is boundless. there are many things which are very necessary to learn and there are also many which should be avoided. books tell us what is good and what is evil. and only books can tell the good from the bad.
therefore to read more books is the best policy for our young students。
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读书重要性英语作文(四) There is no denying
that people can get a lot benefits from reading classics. On the one hand, it is a good way for readers to broaden their horizon and increase their knowledge in many aspects. For instance, they can learn the society characters by reading classic literature novels about history or culture. On the other hand, it also provides a chance for them to enhance their aesthetic taste in that most of classics has a very beautiful or unique language style and arts, which gives readers more enjoyment and interest.
However, nowadays a large number of people, especially the young, are unwilling to or cannot spend their times in reading classics. There are some reasons accounting for the phenomenon and I would like to state two of them. For one thing, people are distracted by other things increasingly, which can give their more joy and fun and have no requirement in thinking, such as all kinds of entertainment activities. For another, some people think that it is no use of reading classics because these classics are outdated and useless to our society and lives.
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In my opinion, it is wrong to consider classics as an outdated matter because it still has many important functions and influence on our society and our lives. Classics are a kind of treasure in a nation. Therefore, we should give enough attention to them. And I advocate that all of us should try our best to read some of them.
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1. 德/ 智/ 体/ 美/ 劳
德(moral): 提高人们的道德水平,避免不法行为(偷窃/抢劫)等行为的发生,以保障每个人的自身安全。
智(mental): 丰富人们的知识储备,使人们对新鲜事物有较高的接受能力,帮助人们解决困难。
体(Health): 使人们身心健康,远离疾病。
美(arts): 丰富人们的业余生活,使人们生活更加丰富多彩。
2. 物质上和精神上:
物质上: 丰富事物的种类,使得人们有更多的选择来满足自身的要求。
精神上: 对人们的身心健康有益,帮助人们维持一个健康的体魄和心理。 提升许多人们的智力和技能,使得他们获得显著的进步/成功。 培养独立思考和判断的能力 / 发展与人沟通和合作的能力。
1. 德/ 智/ 体/ 美/ 劳 德(moral): improve people's moral standards, to avoid wrong acting, such as theft / robbery and so on. protect each person's own safety. 智(mental): rich people's knowledge contents, so that people have a high acceptance of new things, have the ability to solve their problems. 体(Health): to make people healthy, stay away from diseases. 美(arts): rich people's leisure life, make people's lives more colorful. 劳(skill / ability): improve workers skills, abilities. Make them successful in the intense social petition.
2. 物质上和精神上: 物质上:Rich the kinds of things. make people have more choices to meet their requirements.
Make people's daily life more convenient, improve work efficiency.
Improve people's living standards. make people be able to afford the cost of things and activities they want;
精神上:Be benefit to(for) people's physical and mental health. help people maintain a healthy body and psychology.
Enhance many people's intelligence and skills, so that they can achieve significant progress / success.
The ability to develop independent thinking and judgment / develop people's ability to municate and cooperate.
There is a famous saying that the worst enemy is the lack of strong faith ,which draws our attention to the importance of insisting in doingeverything.There is no doubt that without the quality of resistance,we can hardly achieve anything great in our life.
It is widely that more and more high qualitative requirement of the people with the increase of petition is a fault that persist in habit of forming a long time
The most important factor to be considered is that anything that needs to be done.There is no doubt that p resistance plays an indispensable role in leading to the phenomenon .In the second place ,it is also of great importance to consider the fact of you don’
t adhere to the habit .It is easy to encounter difficulties will choose to give up .In the last place,importance should be attached to the matter of anything that is possible only to hole on to success .The factor mentioned above are the main reasons accounting for the problem.
Based on what is mentioned above,we can e to a
conclusion :we must attach great importance to the role played by
persist doing everything only by doing this can we make remarkable progress in our personal development.
The importance of health
Health is far more important than wealth.
Good health enables us to do what we want to do in our career. But bad health gives nothing. Even though you have little money, you can still live a happy life with a healthy body.
So, how to keep healthy? First of all, Taking exercise every day helps us build a strong body. Regular exercise is an important part of keeping me healthy. Besides, keeping a happy and optimistic mood everyday is also a good way to stay healthy.
In order to eat healthily, I usually avoid eating food high in fat, like french fries or cookies. I eat a lot of vegetables and fresh fruit which are full of vitamins.
篇三:英语范文-英语的重要性_The Importance of English
The Importance of English
There call be no doubt that English is one of the world,s most
widely used languages. People use a language in one of three ways: as a native language, as a second language, or as a foreign languge. English is
spoken as a native language by over three handred million people
in the United States, Britain, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, some caribbean countries and South Africa. As a second language, English is often
necessary for official business, education, information and other activities in many countries, it is one of the few
"workinglanguages of the United Nations.
It is said that English has bee the language of international trade and transport. Most pilots in planes travelling from one country to another use it to talk with airports. All ships sailing on the oceans call for help by radio in it. It has been said that 60 percent of the world,s radio broad casts and 70 percent of the
world,s mail uses English. At international sports meets, and international of scientists English is the language most monly used and the most widely used.
English has in fact bee the language of international cooperation is science and technology. The most advanced resuits in space, nuclear and puter research are published in it. A scientist who speaks and writes English is in closer touch with the scientists in other countries than one who doesn,t
English language is the international language meaning 60% of the worlds population are speaking in english. This means that we can
municate well if we do know how to speak the language. It
will help you gain friends not just locally but internationally. Also it will open some doors for you to venture on other countries like UK., USA, and the likes to spend either vacation or for studying purposes. Moreover the instructions given in some appliances, gadgets, equipments, food labels and etc were mostly written in English. So you will get better
understanding of what is going on.
Because we all chinese want to see the development of our country, so I think we should study english well to get the highr technics of forein countries. This is the reson why we learn english.
First, I believe, any language broadens your horizon.
Secondly, I have learnt and experienced, living in foreign countries more than half my life, that it is easier to understand other cultures, the more you understand about other languages and how language may influence thoughts and thinking.
English is spoken most around the world, so it allows for most flexibility. it's important for me because I can municate with people around the world who speak this language, besides, I can use it in many activities
such as translation of books and movies, when you speak another language acquire culture.
the knowledge of english is important for many reasons but for
me in particular:
1- i can read many things that are not written in my own
language( books but also on internet)
2- for work you can have better opportunities in your own country
and you have the possibility to work abroad
3- at the end you have a better control on your life and you are
free to do what you want
日新月异,等别人帮你翻译好了,早就过时了。 很重要,学习英
意义。 我们需要学习别人的先进技术
【摘 要】:英语为一名语言教学,应重视学生的实际语言能力和综合能力的培养。英语阅读作为语言技能的重要组成部分,也属于语言输入的主要环节之一,在英语教学中有着很重要的地位。
【关键词】:语言教学 阅读策略 阅读障碍 提高阅读能力
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