Hello, everyone! I'm Li Ming from Class 1, Grade 9. Today the topic of my speech is love for my parents. My parents do many things for me. When I was 10 years old, I caught a cold and had a high fever at midnight. I felt so terrible. My mother took me to hospital
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immediately. She took good care of me without a rest during the whole night.
My parents give me almost everything. However, they don't want to get any reward from me. From now on, I will help my parents do more housework. My mother's birthday is ing, I will make a birthday card for her. I must thank her by studying hard. I hope my parents are in good health forever.感恩父母作文感恩父母的作
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My dearest Mother,
The mothers day is ing and I would like to say Happy mothers day in this letter. I love you and thank you so much for everything you did for me. This day, I will stay away and cant give you my appreciation at home. I know I will watch myself, so dont worry about me. I am doing very well on my study. My schoolmates and teachers are all very nice. Though I cant be at home, I hope you have a wonderful mothers day.Love,
Your son
长大后,父母的爱就是一个温暖的港湾,让我们停留,为我们安抚,给我们温暖。 母亲的爱总是那么深沉,父亲的爱总是那么含蓄。
一片枫叶,秋风过后,悄然滑落,落在地上, 这—不是落寞,是枫叶将自己献给秋天的一汪情 意,这—就是它的价值;
一灶香,点然之后,化为灰烬,散落风中,这— 不是凄凉,是香销以后,香气弥漫的一片深情, 这—就是它的价值;
一只鹰年,几次振翅,跌落谷中,反反复复, 这—不是绝望,是小鹰渴望一飞冲天的一心执著, 这—就是它的价值。
人生在世,短短数十载,自己怎不去尽力拼搏, 去实现自己的价值,让自己变得完整而有意义。
漫画中,猫儿们面前有美味的鱼,多么诱人啊! 正像其中一只猫所说,都什么年代了,有鱼吃还捉老 鼠,这正反映了社会上的现实,可这是极其错误的想 法。想一想,猫是干什么的呢?它的职责是什么龙 它的价值又体现在哪里?当然,如果猫不捉老鼠,我 们饲养猫又为了什么呢?它终将在自然选择中被淘 汰。
是的,一个人如果连自身的价值都不愿去实现, 那么他还有什么资格去做一个人呢?一个不食老以 的猫也同样不能称为猫,所以,一个人只有实现了自 己的价值,才能在人生的道路中收获鲜花与掌声。
**是为中华民族崛起而来,一生中,他奔波 劳碌,
努力工作,一心一意地为人民、为祖国服务。 终于,**在实现自身的价值同时,收获了全世界 的尊重。
鲁迅是为民族觉醒而来,他用自己刀一样的 文字刺向敌人的心脏,他那瘦弱的身躯承载着不 一样的重担,他努力地用尽自己的心血去奋斗, 去唤醒麻木的国民。终于,鲁迅在实现自身价位 的同时,得到了亿万人民的敬重。
罗素说,对爱情的渴望,对知识的向往,对人类 不可遏制的同情心,这三种力量支配着我的一生。 对,人的一生便是在价值的实现中得以辉煌和永生。 生命原极易萎靡,实现自身的价值,生命便会挺拔起 来;生命原极易沉沦,实现自身的价值,生命便会积 极起来。 记得席慕容说过:“每一条走过的路,都有不得 不这样跋涉的理由;每一条走下去的路,都有不得不 这样的方向。”而在这“走过来”和“走下去”的路上, 只有努力地实现自身的价值,我们才能凭最坚毅的 信心和活力去感受灵魂舞蹈如花之绰约,去创造人生烂漫如霞之辉煌!
快乐,我所欲也。孟子的快乐能否概括为“亲 人平安”“人生无愧”“事业有成”?回答应是肯定 约。对此,我是刻骨铭心的。
我从幼儿园毕业上小学的时候.爸爸给我规定 厂三项基
本原则:一是‘’注意安全”,二是“学习做 人”,三是“勤奋读书”。
“安全”的含义有点懂,就是不能损伤身体,更 不能残命;“读书”的意思基本明白,“读书多了,才 有本领”;但做人的意义悬浮得很,不知所措。于 是,对于安全,我是特别小心,我怕看见流血,最恐俱 死亡;我读书特勤奋,与生俱来好习惯,且与之结下 不解之缘;至于做人,也许就是父母规定的那几条 吧,有毒的东西不吃.违法的事情不做,诸如此类什 么的。
读中学后,对三条原则,我渐渐有了较深的认 识:安全是一个人最大的财富,安全是前提条件,没 有安全,一切化为乌有,除非为义舍身,丧身是人生 最彻底的惨致;做人太重要了,外婆说“可以不识 字,不可以不识事”,我知道了做人比读书重要;读 书为什么要勤奋,”密集练习,才能形成技能”,而 “三天打鱼,两天晒网”,达不到熟能生巧的地步。 安全是做人和做学问的蓬础,做人又是做学问的前 提;反过来,读书会让你的人生更富有、更美丽,读书 使你更能增强安全意识,更加体会到人生的价值。
我爸爸给我规定的三项基本原则,有点像孟子 的“三乐”。
再说孟子吧,他的“一乐”,强调的是亲人的安 危,比只关注自身的安全又进了一步,但“个人只扫 门前雪”比“以邻为奎”强,若能做到范仲淹的‘先优后乐”,那就更好了;孟子
所言的“天”,我不太懂,是 指“灵魂”的上天,还是指“大自然”呢?不过我想, 二者兼指该多好哇!“天人合一”“灵肉一统”是一 种境界。这“人”,是指有别于动物的人类呢,还是 指与己相对应的别人呢?我觉得一个人的行为,对 得住灵魂对得住别人是最高(转 载 于:wWw.zAIdian.cOM 在 点 网:初中感恩父母英语作文)境界!至于“得天下英 才而教育之”,这牵涉到传承和延续问题,“上善若 水”“厚德载物”,让中华民族的优良传统永垂不朽。
考场握笔,庄严神圣,三思“一乐”,凛然命笔: 世纪青年,应勤奋读书,努力成材,以天下事为已任, 像杜甫那样为天下“寒士”着想,像范仲淹那样“先 天下之优而优”,去实现人生最大的快乐!
1. 不高声喧哗;
2. 排队候车或就餐;
3. 不随地吐痰或乱扔垃圾;
4. 不乱涂乱画。
注意:1. 词数:80 词左右;开头已给出,不计入总词数;
2. 应覆盖所有要点;可适当增加细节,使行文连贯;
3. 参考词汇:spit v. 吐痰;behavior n. 行为。
With more and more Chinese people traveling abroad, their bad behaviors have bee a hot topic. A recent US survey showed Chinese were the second worst tourists. How can we be a goodtourist? Here are some tips for you.
First, we should keep our voice down while talking with friends in public places. Please waitin line if you want to take a bus or have dinner. Also, don’t spit or drop litter whenever
you want.Finally, it’s really bad behavior to write or draw pictures on famous buildings.
As a middle school student, I think we should pay attention to our behavior, saying no tothose bad habits. While enjoying ourselves, we should not only respect local customs, but also take care of the environment.
要点提示:1. 尊敬(respect)父母,帮助他们做家务;
2. 对人有礼貌,诚实友好,帮助他人;
3. 不在公共场所大声讲话,不乱扔垃圾;
4. 节约粮食,节约用水;
要求:1. 短文须包含要点提示中的所有信息(不要逐字翻
2. 80词左右(短文开头与结尾已给出,不计入总词数);
3. 文章中不得出现真实的人名、校名和地名。
As a middle school student, we should have good manners. First, we should respect ourparents and help them do some housework. Second, we should be polite and honest. Also, it’
salways good to be kind and friendly. We should try our
best to help the people in need. Third,we’d better not talk
loudly in public. Don’t throw rubbish everywhere. It’s our
duty to keep ourcity clean and beautiful. Fourth, we are supposed to save food and water. Lastly, it’s importantand
necessary for us to help protect the environment.
In a word, good manners can make a difference and lead to a better future.
“People Who Help Me”为题,写一篇80词左右的短文。分
3.提示词语: care for,knowledge, encourage, support,
difficulty, in the future, study harder(提示词不必全部用
People Who Help me
During these years, I have got lots of help from my parents, teachers and friends.______________
People Who Help me
During these years, I have got lots of help from my parents, teachers and friends. When I was crazy about playing puter games, my parents didn’t blame me.
They didn’t give up helping me, but they still cared for my study and life.When I had difficulty in my study, my
teachers taught me much knowledge patiently. When I couldn’t get on well with others, my good friends gave me
support and encourage.
In the future,I should never forget the help that they have given to me. At present, I should study harder in order to make our world more beautiful.
据以下提示,并结合自己的观点,以“How Can We Protect
提示:1. never swim alone;
2. be careful to make friends;
3. call the police when you are in danger;
4. eat healthy food;
5. don’t crowd(go upstairs and downstairs)
How Can We Protect Ourselves
Self-protection is one of the most important skills for
teenagers. But how can we protect ourselves? Here are some
First, we should be careful when we make friends, especially on line. Second, if we are in danger, we must call the police for help in time so that we can keep ourselves safe. Also, we should eat healthily and safely. Besides, we shouldn’t crowd each other when we go upstairs or downstairs at school. Last, summer is ing, we must remember it’s dangerous to swim alone.
In short, everyone needs to learn how to protect ourselves and stay away from danger.
他们的祝福。提示词: kind, help, encourage, thanks, hope.
1. 格式要完整、正确;词数:60~80;书写日期不限。
2. 考生可以根据情节需要适当发挥;文中不得出现真实姓
Dear father and mother,
I’m glad to write to you.
You are such kind and responsible parents that I love you very much. Owing to your help, I finished my primary study three years ago, now I will finish my junior middle school. I remember when I was I primary schoo, I hated going to school, and I even made much trouble at school. When you noticed this, you had a talk with me. You told me again and again the importance of the study and encouraged me never give up. I’ve made great progress in my study step by step and now I’m the top student in junior three.
I want to say thanks. I will work harder and be a useful person in the future. I hope you can be happy and healthy forever.
Xie En
礼貌,守纪律”的中学生?请根据下面的提示,以“How to Be
a Good Student?”为题写一篇词数80词左右的短文。
1. 学校表现:遵守校规,与同学友好相处。
2. 公共场合表现:勿大声喧哗,坐公车时应主动让位给老
How to Be a Good Student?
As a student. it`s necessary and important to behave well.
When we e back home from school, we should try our best to help our parents. When we are at school, we should get on well with our schoolmates and teachers. We should also help each other .We should follow the school rules, too. In public ,we should be ready to help others who are in trouble. We`d better not talk or laugh loudly. When we are on a bus, we should offer our seats to the old and the women with babies.
In a word, wherever we are, we should behave well to be good students. If we do, our society will be better and better.
1. 环保措施和美化城市的措施(各2条);
2. 你的希望。
1. 注意文章的整体连贯;
2. 文章的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数;
3. 80词左右。
Dear friends,
In order to make the environment more beautiful, we should do what we can to protect it. First, we should plant more trees and flowers to make our city more beautiful. Also, always remember not to throw rubbish or pour waste water everywhere. As we all know, water is being less and less. So it’s quite necessary to save water. For example, turn the tap off after washing. Last, but not the least, we’d better
ride a bike or walk when going out instead of driving a car.
In my opinion, if everyone tries his best to protect the envir onment, our city will bee nicer and cleaner!
Thank you.
Wang Dong
参考词汇:stressed adj. 有压力的
Dear editor,
There are many ways for us high school students to relax ourselves. As for me, when I feel stressed, I usually municate with my friends, parents or teachers. Sometimes I will do sports with our classmates, such as riding bikes, going swimming and so on. I go to the movies or listen to light music in my spare time, too. What’s more,
going on a trip in holiday is another way to make me relaxed. I believe, if we are more relaxed, we’ll live happier, be
healthier and learn better.
Li Hua
近日,多家饭店启动“光盘行动,从我做起”活动,鼓励顾客“减少舌尖上的浪费”。同时,餐后晒空盘在网络上也悄然流行,不少人以身为“光盘族”骄傲。作为一名中学生,请你以“How to build an economized society”为题向《2l世纪报》投稿,号召大家在日常生活中勤俭节约,共同建设“节约型社会”。要点包括:
参考词汇:光盘行动 “clear your plate” campaign
每个人都拥有梦想,而实现梦想需要行动。请你根据所给图片写一篇题为“Take action to realize our dreams”的英语短文.内容:1描述图片内容,如情景、人物(Frank)、动作等;并简要表达你的观点;2谈谈你的梦想,及如何实现。
Take action to realize our dreams
All of us have dreams, but how can we realize our dreams?
From the pictures, we know that Frank dreamed to bee a doctor when he was 15 years old. However, 45 years later he still dreams to be a doctor lying in bed. It is clear that he lives in the dream without any actions. It is clear that he lives in the dream without any actions I also have a dream. I wish to work as an engineer when I grow up. I will study hard every day and improve my abilities to get ready for my future job, so that I can make my dream e true.
13. 学校准备组织一次到敬老院为老人们献爱心,尽义务
的活动。请以“Come and join us!”为标题写一个广告,号召
(志愿者中心Volunteer Center 敬老院Old People’s
Come and join us!
We are going to the Old People’s Home to care for the old
people. We plan to set up a service center for volunteers to help the lonely old people. You can give away some clothes and money to the old people. If you have free time ,you can e to the Old People’s Home to clean up their rooms. If
you can fix up the broken desks ,you can join us .If you can sing or dance ,you can join us too. We can plan a party to cheer the old people up .If you run out of money ,you can e up with some ideas .For example ,we can hand out some ads.
So don’t put off ,join us today! Please call us at 4448375.
尊敬,voluntary志愿的,haze雾霾)1 学生应遵守校规,
尊敬师长,团结友爱;2 学生应积极参加校园内外各种志愿
者活动;3 最近,海安出现雾霾天气,给人们的日常生活带
很大伤害,学生应该注意保护环境;比如(请例举两例)4 学
As we all know a beautiful peaceful and harmonious school is very important for all of us to grow up healthily
In my opinion as middle school students We should first follow the school rules respect our teachers and get along well with classmates Secondly we should often take part in all kinds of voluntary activities so that we can enjoy the sweet feeling of helping others Recently there’s haze
weather in Haian it does a lot of harm to peoples daily life We students should pay attention to protecting the environment For example we can plant more trees and ask our parents to walk more and drive less if possibleAlso we should organize our time well and achieve the balance between studies and hobbies Finally we should learn to be grateful to others including our parents teachers friends and even strangers and devote ourselves to our society in the future
母之间难忘的事情; 2.你对“感恩父母”的认识;3.具体的感恩
Hello, everyone! I’m Li Ming from Class 1, Grade 9.
Today the topic of my speech is love for my parents. My parents do many things for me. When I was 10 years old, I
caught a cold and had a high fever at midnight. I felt so terrible. My mother took me to hospital immediately. She took good care of me without a rest during the whole night.
My parents give me almost everything. However, they don’t want to get any reward from me. From now on, I will help my parents do more housework. My mother’s birthday
is ing, I will make a birthday card for her. I must thank her by studying hard. I hope my parents are in good health forever.
How to study English?
There are four key points to study English:listening,
speaking,reading and writing.
Firstly,we should be brave to talk with others in English. By doing this,we can improve ore talking and listening skill. Secondly,we should try to listen to all kinds of English programs as much as possible. In this way,we can gradually
improve our pronunciation.
Thirdly,we should often read English books. When we e across a new word. We should guess its meaning
through the contest first. Then look it up in the dictionary to have a check. I thin,it is a good way of reading. Fourthly,
we should practice our writing skills. Whenever we have any idea,we should get the pen and write it down at once. It is very important to avoid writing in Chinese way and using the Chinese grammar.
As long as we listen,speak,read and write more,we are
sure to make remarkable progress~
Dear mum,
I can’t find words to express my thanks to you. You’ve
taken good care of me since I was born. When I’m in
trouble, you always encourage me and cheer me up. Once I argued with my best friend and was upset, you talked with me the whole night and at last helped me solve the problem. With your help, I’ve bee a good student. My life is full of sunshine because of your love. I’m so thankful for your
love that I’ll work harder and try to do better in the future.
I’ll take you to my heart wherever I go. Love you forever!
Best wishes.
Many people think the greatest love in the world is mother’s love,
so do I. Everyday my mother gets up early to cook breakfast for me. She never forgets to put an apple in my schoolbag so that I can keep the doctor away. In the evening she often asks me about what I have done at school and gives me her advice which is really helpful to me. She often tells me to study hard and try to read more books, but she never allows me to do my homework late at night. She is strict with my study and takes good care of me with my life.
Where I am, there is mother’s love! How happy I feel
because of my mother’s love!
2. 感恩老师
写一位老师: The person I will never forget
The person I will never forget is my English teacher. She is a beautiful woman with thick glasses. She likes sports and often plays volleyball with us after school. She is humorous and always makes her classes lively and interesting. She is kind to us, she is strict with us as well. She never allows us to pretend that we know that we don’t know. She often tells us
it’s no use memorizing new word without understanding.
She not only teaches us knowledge, but also teaches how to be a popular person. As a teacher, she is successful. She teaches so well that she won the first place in the teaching petition last year. My English has greatly improved with her help.
My English teacher is both our teacher and our friend. I’
ll remember her forever! (135字)
语写出几句对老师表达感谢和祝福的话语吗? 要求:1(不
Dear Miss/Mr. Li,
How times flies! It has been three great years since we studied in this beautiful school. Our teachers always try to make their lessons lively and
interesting. We have learned a lot over these years. It’s sad
for me to say goodbye to you now. Thank you, my dear teachers. You`re one of the best teachers in our school. You teach us so well. You often help me with my studies. When I`m in trouble, you always give me good advice. With your help, I`ve made much progress in my studies. I`m lucky to be your student.
I`ll never forget you. No matter where I’m, I’ll love you
forever. Best wishes
Wang Li
件事谈谈你的感想并表达感激之情。 Dear Ms. Wang,
How time flies! It’s time for us to say goodbye. At the moment what I want to say most is “Thank you.”
With your help, I have changed a lot in the past three years. I still remember one morning while I was coping my classmate’s homework, you came into the classroom. I was so afraid that I didn’t know what to do at that time. To my surprise, you weren’t angry with me. Instead, you told me copying homework wasn’t good for my schoolwork and then
you said you could help me if I needed help. I was so moved that I decided not to copy homework again. You really gave me much help with my study. As for me, you are not only my teacher but also my friend. Soon I’ll leave you for further
study. I hope you will be happier and healthier. No matter
where I’m, I’ll love you forever.
Your student
3. 感恩同学
My desk mate
During these three years,I can’t go through my study
without her
help. She is my desk mate-Mary. She is a really kind girl who always makes others happy. We are pleased with her because she often helps us with our lessons. At first, I was not very glad to sit beside her because she was so excellent. However, one thing changed my opinion and we became close friends.
That was a cold winter morning, I got a bad cold. Nobody noticed that I felt very sick. As soon as Mary knew that, she t back home to bring some medicine to me at once. Besides, she gave me some water. Thanks to her help, I felt much better later that day.
That is my desk mate. I feel lucky that I have such a good desk mate. No matter where I’m, I’ll thank her forever.
My Favorite teacher
The person I will never forget is my English teacher. He is a tall man with thick glasses. He likes sports and often plays football and basketball with us. He’s humorous and always
makes his classes lively and interesting. He’s kind but strict
with us. He never allows us to pretend to know what we don’t know. He often tells us that it’s no use memorizing
new words without understanding them. Although he is busy, he always finds time talking with us and helping us with our lessons. My English has been improved with his help. I am proud of being his student.
My mother
There is no doubt that my mother gives all her love to me. I do believe she is a great person who makes my life beautiful and meaningful. She is an easygoing and kind woman with bright eyes and a lovely smile. Although she is often busy. I still feel that I’m taken good care of by her. It’
s a great pleasure to chat with her when I get troubles. She always encourages me not to give up and tries to cheer me up by ing up with good solutions. In addition, I am fascinated by her cooking and writing. With her love, I feel
like a fish swimming happily in a beautiful sea. I will cherish her love forever.
My summer vacation
Summer vacation is ing Im so excited because Ill have time to do sth. Fun. I like traveling and Ill go to a beautiful place this summer vacation. I think Paris would be good choice. Paris, the capital of France, is famous for long history and romantic culture. There’re many fantastic sights
there, including the Eiffel tower and Notre Dame Cathedral, one of the most famous churches in the world. Theyre so charming that people all over the world want to see them. Another I want to do in Paris is try the wine. I hear the wine in France is the best in the world. The person in Paris is not only friendly but also helpful although they dont like speaking English. Maybe I can make some friends there. I believe I will have a great time this summer vacation. I cant wait.
八、一件难忘的事A/An interesting/
unforgettable …experience
May 1st Saturday Sunny
This morning I got up very early because I was going to Hangzhou with my parents. After a quick breakfast, we
started our journey. On the way to Hangzhou, I was so excited that I couldn’t help singing while my father was
driving the car carefully. After an hour, we arrived at the zoo. There were different kinds of animals, such as monkeys, elephants, tigers and so on. Then we t to the West Lake. We saw many people near the lake. Some were flying kites in different colors and shapes, some were taking photos, others were walking and talking with each other. We t boating in the lake which is quite clean. So everyone is having a great time there. We didn’t return home until 5 o’clock...
What an interesting day we had today! I felt a little tired but really happy!
以“A person I will never forget”为题,写一篇英语短文。
1. 短文内容应包括人物的外貌、性格、爱好和使你难忘之
2. 短文中不得出现真实的校名和人名;
3. 词数80左右。
A person I will never forget
作文三:《感恩父母英语作文 最新》2300字
感恩父母英语作文 最新
Dear dad and mum,you're so selflethat you always keep all good things for 're so diligent that you keep on working all day long in order to make a you for giving my you for your believe will try my best,I want to see the smile in your love you forever .
Mama, thank you for so many years of my education and training, ignorance of the past, I always Jalan you angry, but now I grow up, self-reliance, and I feel that I should not be so na-iv-e, and her mother, I will work hard Learning, you will not live up to my expectations! Really very grateful to my mother to take care of. When I was sick, my mother is always in every possible way to take care of me. When I failed the examination, the mother also encouraged me to refuel, not to bee disheartened. Really grateful to my mother has done, I know it was my mother I love the performance, really would like to thank my mother. I think in this world, I love you people, my mother
My Mother isa kind and gentle woman. She is always led safe return to camp. The next evening, the SDF ... Period, a large number of "loyalty save" influx of Wujiang. "Loyalty save" or "jiuguojun", formerly known as "Action
very gentle. She takes good care of her children and keeps them all at school. I have one brother and two sistets. So she gets four children in all. She gives us every fort. We all love her and she loves us also.
My mother has too much to do in bringing us up. As our family is too poor to keep a servant, my mother has always to do very much work. She gets up very early and sleeps very late every day. She works hard, yet without plaining.
She is also a thrifty, and industrious woman. She saves every cent that she can and keeps everything in order. As she has been busy eversince she was young, she looks older than she really is. Her face is wrinkled, her hair bees silver white, but she works as hard as ever.
Often she says to us, "work while you work, play while you play. If you do not work, you will bee lazy and of no use to society." What piece of good advice this is! We must worth it well and always keep it in our mind.
led safe return to camp. The next evening, the SDF ... Period, a large number of "loyalty save" influx of Wujiang. "Loyalty save" or "jiuguojun", formerly known as "Action
Thanksgiving parents English position
Everyone should have a life down on feelings - Thanksgiving, we have Thanksgiving life, family Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving life, the munity Thanksgiving ... ...
If, like me to choose my first Thanksgiving to the parents. They let me e to this colorful world, and they spared no effort to support me grow up in their harvest success, I am pleased to join with me, and sow the tears of joy; they are in my frustration, I am encouraged by, I am inspired; loud voice exhort, and look forward to a report, the parents of the heart and blood flowing from time to time in my whole body.
If you only Thanksgiving parents may be too narrow. We would also like to live Thanksgiving. As long as grateful, then your life will be happier! Life is fair, she will not deceive you, as long as you pay, there will be a return. Despite the sometimes smooth, sometimes despite the numerous reefs; singing, even though at times laughing, even though at times sad depression. This is the life, gave us hot Suanku salt, gave us flowers and sunshine. No matter the kind of situation is that Thanksgiving should live, or where colorful? !
But also everyone around Thanksgiving. Grateful to those who encourage you, because he brought you to power; grateful for your help, because he told us what to give; spur thank you, because he removes your karma; grateful to those who have hurt you, because His temper your mind; to thank those who have deceived you, because he has enhanced your knowledge; to thank those who have abandoned you, because you have to teach him self-reliance; grateful for your trip, because he strengthens your ability to ... ... Thanksgiving did not know how a person, not like a fish breathe, can not survive a moment;
Thanksgiving know a person, just like the flowers bees encounter, as encountered in the desert oasis, just like horses came face in the world so beautiful!
Let's hearts with gratitude, singing aloud in front of the world,
You taught me everything 你教会我所有的东西,And everything you've given me 你给我的一切 I'll always keep it inside 我都会珍藏在内心深处。
You're the driving force in my life 你是我生命的动力。There isn't anything 如果没有你, Or anyone that I can be 就没有今天我的一切。
And it just wouldn't feel right 如果你不在我的身边。If I didn't have you by my side 一切都不对劲。 You were there for me to love and care for me 你爱我,关心我,
When skies were grey 当天空乌云密布时候。
Whenever I was down 当我失意的时候,
You were always there 你总是在那里
To fort me 给我安慰。
And no one else can be 在我生命中,
What you have been to me 没人能取代你的地位。
You'll always be 你永远是
You will always be the girl 我生命中
In my life for all times 最重要的女人。
Mama 妈妈 这是一首歌的歌词。你觉得可以吗?我挺喜欢的
作文五:《感恩父母英语作文 最新》1700字
感恩父母英语作文 最新
感恩父母英语作文 最新
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感恩父母英语作文 最新
感谢 3lia11 的投递 时间:2015-11-27 :三联阅读
Dear dad ad u,yu're s selflethat yu alays keep all gd thigs fr e.Yu're s diliget that yu keep rkig all day lg i rder t ake a livig.Thak yu fr givig y life.Thak yu fr yur lve.Please believe e.I ill try y best,I at t see the sile i yur eyes.I lve yu frever .
aa, thak yu fr s ay years f y eduati ad traiig, igrae f the past, I alays Jala yu agry, but I gr up, self-reliae, ad I feel that I shuld t be s a-iv-e, ad her ther, I ill rk hard Learig, yu ill t live up t y expetatis! Really very grateful t y ther t take are f. he I as sik, y ther is alays i every pssible ay t take are f e. he I failed the exaiati, the ther als euraged e t refuel, t t bee dishearteed. Really grateful t y ther has de, I k it as y ther I lve the perfrae, really uld like t thak y ther. I thik i this rld, I lve yu peple, y ther
y ther isa kid ad getle a. She is alays very getle. She takes gd are f her hildre ad keeps the all at shl. I have e brther ad t sistets. S she gets fur hildre i all. She gives us every frt. e all lve her ad she lves us als.
y ther has t uh t d i brigig us up. As ur faily is t pr t keep a servat, y ther has alays t d very uh rk. She gets up very early ad sleeps very late every day. She rks hard, yet ithut plaiig.
She is als a thrifty, ad idustrius a. She saves every et that she a ad keeps everythig i rder. As she has bee busy eversie she as yug, she lks lder tha she really is. Her fae is rikled,
her hair bees silver hite, but she rks as hard as ever.
fte she says t us, rk hile yu rk, play hile yu play. If yu d t rk, yu ill bee lazy ad f use t siety. hat piee f gd advie this is! e ust rth it ell ad alays keep it i ur id.
作文六:《感恩父母英语作文 最新》2400字
Dear dad and mum,you're so selflethat you always keep all good things for me.You're so diligent that you keep on working all day long in order to make a living.Thank you for giving my life.Thank you for your love.Please believe me.I will try my best,I want to see the smile in your eyes.I love you forever .
Mama, thank you for so many years of my education and training, ignorance of the past, I always Jalan you angry, but now I grow up, self-reliance, and I feel that I should not be so na-iv-e, and her mother, I will work hard Learning, you will not live up to my expectations! Really very grateful to my mother to take care of. When I was sick, my mother is always in every possible way to take care of me. When I failed the examination, the mother also encouraged me to refuel, not to bee disheartened. Really grateful to my mother has done, I know it was my mother I love the performance, really would like to thank my mother. I think in this world, I love you people, my
My Mother isa kind and gentle woman. She is always very gentle. She takes good care of her children and keeps them all at school. I have one brother and two sistets. So she gets four children in all. She gives us every fort. We all love her and she loves us also.
My mother has too much to do in bringing us up. As our family is too poor to keep a servant, my mother has always to do very much work. She gets up very early and sleeps very late every day. She works hard, yet without plaining.
She is also a thrifty, and industrious woman. She saves every cent that she can and keeps everything in order. As she has been busy eversince she was young, she looks older than she really is. Her face is wrinkled, her hair bees silver white, but she works as hard as ever.
Often she says to us, "work while you work, play while you play. If you do not work, you will bee lazy and of no use to society." What piece of good advice this is! We must worth it well and always keep it in our mind.
作文七:《感恩父母英语作文 最新 》2100字
感恩父母英语作文 最新
Dear dad and murmm,you're so selflethat ysou always okeep all good ethings for t're so dilig'ent that youe keep on working all dayk long in ord er to make ae you for g iving imy you for your ubelieve wibll try my belst,I want tos see the smile in your llove you forlever . e
Mama, thank you f or so many yoears of my eeducation dand training, i gnorance ofg the past, I always Jala n you nangry, but now I g row up, selfr-reliance, a-nd I feel tnhat I hshould not be so n a-iv-e, and aher mother, hI will work Ihard hLearning, you willg not live up to my expec tations! Reatlly lvery grateful to my tmother to tmake care of.a When I was sick, my motsher is alwayhs in every psossible way oto ttake care of me. Wheen I failed tnhe examinatihon, the omother also encoeuraged me tou refuel, nott to bee disheartenedd. Really gra.teful to my tmmother has
done, I knowo it was my m other I loveo the perform ance, areally would like to thank my t mother. I t hink in thish world, I love you peoplve, my mother e
My Mother isa kind and gaentle woman.e She is alwa ys y
1 / 2
very gentle. She takels good cares of her children and dkeeps them all pat school. Ia have one br other and towwo sistets. SSo she gets four childrefn in all. Shne gives us eevery vfort. We all lo.ve her and svhe loves us halso. a
My mother has too hmmuch to do in bringing uns up. As sour family is t oo poor to okeep a servaknt, my mothenr has ralways to do very mmuch work. She gets up vhery early eand sleeps venry late everry day. She wyorks hard, yoet ewithout plaining. c
She is also a thrifty, aand industrionus woman. Shue esaves every cent that yshe can ands keeps every thing in torder. As she heas been busya eversince s he was youngh, ,she looks older than she really iss. Her face sis wrinkled,i her hair bees silvecr white, butr she works a s hard as sever. e
Often she says to use, "work whil,e you work, eplay while pyou play. If oyou do not ywwork, you will bee lalzy and of zno use to soci ety." What peiece of goodi advice thi s is! We smust worth it wtell and alwaeys keep it iyn our mind. n
2 / 2
When you are very young,they spent a lot of time to teach you to eat with a spoon and chopsticks.Teach you to wear clothes,trying shoelaces,the Department of buttons,b you hair,wash you face .The most important is that they give you the truth in life about how to live, and what to do,and how to be.Do you remember that you often asked them where are you from.At that time my mom told me that I was picked up in the heap of garbage.Therefore,when they get older, they forget trying shoelaces, Department of buttons and stain clothes before eating.Please do not blame them.Because as you grow up,age catches up with your partents and they need your help and support.If they hardly stand and walk firm on one day.Please hold on tightly to their hands,leaning on them to go slowly.It is like they do when you are very young. In such a hasty world, we just always busy with our life.We always calculate housing price,interest,cost of living and so on.However ,how many people stop their hurry steps to calculated how long can acpany their parents.How
many people pay attention to parents life after we leave.
Thank-you Letter
Dear Mom and Dad,
Although we can keep in virtual touch every day by means of MSN or e-mails, I
still feel it not enough to let you know how much I love you and how much I’ve
appreciated the things you’ve done for me. I find that it
will never be too much to say
Thank You to you, my beloved parents.
First, I want to thank you for making all your efforts to bring me up. I was told that
you were short of money when I was born and it became even more difficult for a
young couple to raise a child without any help from elder generation. So I appreciate
your careful nursing very much for giving me a good health and the feeling of being
Second, I want to thank you for your good education on me. There is an old saying
goes like this “Parents are the first teacher to their children”. Yes, you are the typical
ones. You were so strict with me that I told my kindergarten teacher of my wonder
about whether I was the child of yours, not the one picked up from street. Touching on
this soft spot deeply in my heart, vivid memories came flooding back. I won’t forget
the scene of my first and also the last lie found out by you. I couldn’t stop trembling
all over. I was ashamed to cry when you beat me. I thought I deserved this punishment
and told myself to keep away from telling lies from then on.
I won’t forget how much you’ve impressed on me to love
books and reading. Even in
the most difficult time, you still spared me some money for the books I was fond of.
My love of books never diminished and later led me toward writing s myself.
So many times, I have felt a sense of content when I saw your smiling faces on
reading my s, good or bad. In fact, this graduated into one of my habits of
sharing everything I achieved with you and feeling content with your smiles I’m so
foolish to try to write all the things you’ve done in my
favor. If it is possible, this
letter must be endless.
So, the most important thing that I want to say “Thank
you” for is your great
admiration on my own freedom. You never forced me to do anything I was not
interested in, even you had already known that I would regret not doing it. You never
forbade me to do anything I was truly interested in and supported me financially and
mentally. You told me to look over the horizons and to pursuit my own dreams
without hesitation. You also told me to consider everything carefully before getting
start. Oh, wherever I go, I can see your eager eyes ; whenever I am, I can touch your
genuine hearts. You’ve been loving me heart and soul,
how can I repay your
marvelous love to me?
I really feel that my pen fails me when I am writing this thank you letter. Luckily,
May holiday is ing. It will give me the most excellent opportunity to express my
heartfelt gratitude to you----ing home and share more time together with you.
Wang Minyuan
Dear Mum,
Thank you for bringing me to this world! During the 20 years, you have
done a lot for me, but suddenly I find that I have never stopped and said
to you how much I feel the need to thank you! Now, Thanksgiving Day is
on the way, I wish to express my thanks to you.
First of all, thank you for giving my life! You have not had me! You
let me know how precious life is! You let me see the beautiful world! You
give the chance to me know the people who love me and loved by me! Thank
you, Mum! You are the greatest person in the world! I want to say, I love
Secondly, thank you for bringing me up! With your great care, I grow
healthily and strong! When I was ill, you always took time off work to
look after me! How worried you were! I know, that’s your
love for me!
But when you were ill, I find that I never looked after you! When I think
about this, I feel very ashamed! Sorry, mum, I should take care of you
as your son, but! Besides, mum, do you know, you are such a terrific cook!
I thank you for the years of eating your good cooking, the equal of which
I hadn’t found since! Mum, I want to say, I love you!
Lastly, thank you for teaching me how to be a human! I learned to tell
the truth, to share, and to be forgiving and considerate of others. So
I have a lot of friends and have a happy life! Thank you, mum! I love you!
Love from,
Dear Mom,
Thank you for bringing me to this world! During the 20 years,you have done
a lot for me,but suddenly I find that I have never stopped and said to
you how much I feel the need to thank you!Now, Mothers Day is on the way,I
wish to express my thanks to you.
First of all ,thank you for giving me my life!If You have not had me, I wont be able to see the beautiful world! You let me know how precious life is!You give the chance for me to know the people who love me and loved by me! Thank you, Mom!You are the best person in the world!I want to say,I love you!
Secondly,thank you for bringing me up!With your great
care,I grow healthly and strong!When I was ill,you always took time off from work to look after me!How worried you were!I know,thats your love for me!But when you were ill,I find that I never looked after you!When I think about this,I feel very ashamed!Sorry,mom,I should take care of you like a son shoule be doing!Besides,mum,do you know that you are such a terrific cook!I enjoy the years of eating your good cooking,the equal of which I had not found ever. Mom,I want to say,I love you!
Lastly,thank you for teaching me how to be a human!I learned to tell the truth,to share,and to be forgiving and considerate of others.So I have a lot of friends and have a happy life!Thank you,mom!I love you!
Love from,
How to keep healthy
What is the most important thing in the world? I think it is health.You can take away our money, house, car, or even our clothes and we can survive. But if our health was taken away, we would surely die. That is why we always try to eat in a healthy way and exercise regularly. In order to eat
healthily, I usually avoid eating food high in fat, like French fries or cookies. I also eat little meat. I eat a lot of vegetables and fresh fruit which are full of vitamins. Taking exercise every day helps us build a strong body. Regular exercise is an important part of keeping me healthy.
What,s more, I think friends are an important part of one,s health. Many studies show that people with a wide range of social contacts get sick less than those who don,t. I
always feel better when I am with friends than when I am alone. When I am with my friends, I always laugh. Laughing is also an important part of health. I like to laugh with my friends. By eating properly and exercising regularly, I can keep my body at a proper weight and keep healthy. By spending time with my friends, I can keep my mind as well as my body happy. these things sound easy to do, but not many people can manage them. I think a strong will is necessary if we want to keep healthy.
In order to see the sunset , I got everything ready before 5in the afternoon . Then I t to the East Hill . At that
time , the sun was already in the west but it was still
shining . Its light was so bright that I couldnt even open my
eyes . When I arrived at the East Hill , the light became a bit yellow . After a short while , it was pletely golden ,
then red . The sun nearly set . It was like a big red ball . The cloud around it was also painted red . Little by little the cloud covered
more and mo(转 载于:.zaIdian.cOM 在 点 网:感恩
父母英语作文,附翻译。)re of the sun . At last it disappeared behind the cloud . It was dark and I hurried back .
A trip to the zoo Today is Sunday. Its sunny today . I go to the zoo with my mother. I can see many animals . There are tigers ,lions ,pandas ,snakes and many more. Look ! The pandas are over there . Theyre from China . Look at the baby panda ! Its climbing trees. How cute it is ! I love pandas. Next, we go to see the lions .The lions are so strong . Their mouths are too big. The tigers ae next to them. They
are from Asia. They are yellow. At last,we go to see the monkeys . Some are climbing moutains , some are eating bananas . THey re so much fun !I see many animals at the zoo and I m so happy today!
love my family love my family,because I have a happy family. My father is an English teacher.His name is Jacky.He is thirty-eight.He likes playing basketball.What’s
my mother jop?Is she a teacher?Yes,you’re right!My
mother is very kind and nice,she is thirty-seven.My mother is always laborious work.I love my parents! On Staurday and Sunday,I often go to the library and play the piano,My father go to play basketball.Sometimes,we watch TV and listen to music at home. I love my family.Because I’m very
happy to live with my parents together!
Computre games Computer games is a hot topic
nowadays. Some people hold that it is bad. And others hold that it is good. In my view, whether good or bad is determined by the players.If one plays puter game properly in his spare time, puter games can be an excellent source of joy. For example, something impossible in your real life can be realized in the puter games. You can pilot a space craft and travel in the universe. Every coin has two sides. If one plays puter game excessivly, it may affects his eyesight and study. the puter games itself is only a tool like knife. If we use it properly, it can pare apples. But if we use it to attack others. It immediatly bees an
lethal weapon.
My friendI have many friends. One of them is my classmate Ma Hua.He is a League member and one of the best students in my class.He is fond of English and good at it.
He often practises reading aloud. So he has a good pronunciation. He is always ready to help others. With his help I have made GREat proGREss. I have made up my mind to catch up with him and to join the League in the near future.
My holiday-我的假期
Summer holiday has already e. How happy am I!
The favorite thing I wanna do is traveling. I joined an outdoor club and t to the seaside in Zhejiang province with other members. On July 20, we started our journey at 21:00 in the evening. I was so sleepy that I fell asleep in the bus. Suddenly someone was pushing me. I opened my eyes and a beautiful sea was right there. What a beautiful place! We swam in the sea and played beach volleyball. The wind, the sunshine, the blue sky and the happy boys and girls formed a wonderful picture! At noon, we cooked seafood like crabs, shrimps, seashells and so on. They are all so delicious. My mouth is now watering again. I will never forget such interesting expirence.
我的嘴是现在又流泪了。我 永远不会忘记这有趣的经验。
How did you spend your summer vacation I had a busy and interesting summer vacation. I did my homework every day so I finished doing my homework ten days before the new term. I also played table tennis and basketball with my friends every day. I sometimes t movies and t to the parks with my friends. I surfed the internet, read books and watched TV every evening. I visited my grandparents and helped them with the housework, too. I helped my parents clean the room and cook meals. The most important was that my parents and I t to Hannan Island and spent a week there.
Hello, everyone. My name is Kelly. I am friendly and
honest.I am good at English and maths. I like surfing the internet,playing puter games, watching TV and traveling. I also like playing table tennis and I am good at it ,too. I often play table tennis with my friends on weekends. And I want to be a famous table tennis player when I grow up. What I like most is to see the seagulls flying freely in the sky so I often go to the sea in summer. My favourite colour is white because I think white is symbolize purity.
大家好 我的名字叫KELLY .我很友好、诚实。我擅长
英语和数学。 我爱上网、玩电脑网络游戏、看电视 和旅游。
My mother is a good mother.
She is 158 cm tall.She help me on life .I very grateful to her.Last weekend,she had stomachache. After take some medcizine,she feel better.I very happy.The day is first holiday.Our mothers sad,we dont happy.They happy,we happy too.We must grateful to them.They are very hard. Money is indeed important, but money cannot buy
everything. A miser may think that “money talks,” but if you
only give your attention to making money, you may lose many things, such as health, friendship and love. I don,t
think we should regard money as everything. Money is just a tool that can help us solve problems or enable us to live a fortable life. What we should do is to use it appropriately and not bee misers. This way, all of us can lead a happier lives
感恩节有关的词语成语,以及感恩节的习俗活动等 。有了
do you know thanksgiving day? do you know why human thank god?
thanksgiving falls on the fourth thursday of november, a different date every year. the president must proclaim that date as the official celebration.
thanksgiving is a time for tradition and sharing. even if they live far away, family members gather for a reunion at the house of an older relative. all give thanks together for the good things that they have.
what should we thank?
the thankful great universe provides the environment of existence for us and give us sunlight,air, water and everything in keeping with we existence of space, bring storm to let us accept to toughen for us, bring to us mysterious let us look for. the thankful teacher works with diligence and without fatigue everyday of teach, give us knowledge ability, put on the wing which flies toward the
ideal for us. 英语口语培训 /篇二:英语作文感恩节
1 on thanksgiving
thanksgiving day in the united states, the fourth thursday in november is called thanksgiving day. on that day, americans give thanks for the blessings they have enjoyed during the year.thanksgiving day is usually a family day. people always celebrate with big dinners and happy reunions. pumpkin pie and indian pudding are traditional thanksgiving desserts. relatives from other cities, students who have been away at school, and many other americans travel a long distance to spend the holiday at home.
thanksgiving is a time for tradition and sharing. even if they live far away, family members gather for a reunion at the house of an older relative.it like spring festival in china. all give thanks together for the good things that they have.
what should we thank on that day?
the thankful parents give us the life, feel happiness of the human life, also feel hardships and pain and sufferings of the human life.the thankful teacher works with diligence and without fatigue everyday of teach, give us knowledge ability, put on the wing which flies toward the ideal for us.
the thankful great universe provides the environment of
existence for us and give us sunlight, air, water and everything in keeping with we existence of space, bring storm to let us accept to toughen for us, bring to us mysterious let us look for.篇三:感恩节的英文介绍
thanksgiving day is a harvest festival. traditionally, it is a time to give thanks for the harvest and expressgratitude in general. it is a holidaycelebrated primarily in canada and the united states. while perhaps religious in origin, thanksgiving is now primarily identified as a secular holiday.
the date and location of the first thanksgiving celebration is a topic of modest contention. though the earliest attested thanksgiving celebration was on
september 8, 1565 in what is now saint augustine, florida[1][2], the traditional first thanksgiving is venerated as having occurred at the site of plymouth plantation, in 1621.
today, thanksgiving is celebrated on the second monday of october in canada and on the fourth thursday of november in the united states. thanksgiving dinner is held on this day, usually as a gathering of family members and friends.
thanksgiving dayin america is a time to offer thanks, of family gatherings and holidaymeals. a time of turkeys,
stuffing, and pumpkin pie. a time for indian corn, holiday parades and giantballoons.
thanksgiving is celebrated on the 4th thursday of november, which this year (2005) is november 24th.
the pilgrims set ground at plymouth rock on december 11, 1620. their first winter was devastating. at the beginning of the following fall, they had lost 46 of the original 102 who sailed on the mayflower. but the harvest of 1621 was a bountiful one. and the remaining colonists decided to
celebrate with a feast -- including 91 indians who had helped the pilgrims survive their first year. it is believed that the pilgrims would not have made it through the year without the help of the natives. the feast was more of a traditional english harvest festival than a true thanksgiving observance. it lasted three days.
governor william bradford sent four men fowling after wild ducks and geese. it is not certain that wild turkey was part of their feast. however, it is certain that they had venison. the term turkey was used by the pilgrims to mean any sort of wild fowl.
肯定有鹿肉。当时,朝圣者用 火鸡一词来代表各种野禽。
another modern staple at almost every thanksgiving table
is pumpkin pie. but it is unlikely that the first feast included that treat. the supply of flour had been long
diminished, so there was no bread or pastries of any kind. however, they did eat boiled pumpkin, and they produced a type of fried bread from their corncrop. there was also no milk, cider, potatoes, or butter. there was no
domestic cattle for dairy products, and the
newly-discovered potatowas still considered by many europeans to be poisonous. but the feast did include fish, berries, watercress, lobster, dried fruit, clams, venison, and plums.
this thanksgiving feast was not repeated the following year. but in 1623, during a severe drought, the pilgrims gathered in a prayer service, praying for rain. when a long, steady
rain followed the very next day, governor bradford
proclaimed another dayof thanksgiving, again inviting their
indian friends. it wasnt until june of 1676 that another day
of thanksgiving was proclaimed.
紧接着的第二年(1622)却没有举行感恩庆典。到了1623年,发生了一场严重的旱灾,朝圣者们聚集到一起,举行了虔诚的祁雨仪式,刚好在第二天,一场充沛的大雨从天而降。威廉布雷德福总督宣布再次庆祝感恩节,并再次邀请了他们的印第安朋友。之后数年无感恩节,直到1676年6月,感恩节才再次被提出。 每年11月的第四个星期四是感恩节 (thanksgiving day) 。感恩节是美国人民独创的一个古老节日,也是美国人合家欢聚的节日,因此美国人提起感恩节总是倍感亲切。
fourth of november every year is thanksgiving day on thursday
(thanksgiving day). thanksgiving day is a creative usa the people antiquited festival, festival being also an american whole family happy get-together, american mentions thanksgiving day therefore always feeling very kind.
this a day , indian and immigrant on the first thanksgiving day get together joyously , they are in airing of views in the dawn the salvo, forms order walking into the room one being used as church , express a gratitude piously to god , light up and then a bonfire holding the grand banquet. the day has held a second day with third tripping and falling , race, has sung , has danced to wait to use personal influence. the first
thanksgiving day are very successful. among them a lot of the more than 300 years having celebrated way go around, reserves till today.
when original thanksgiving day does not fix date , the prefecture decides for a short time by every. until usa is independent, in 1863 in the day afer tomorrow, president lincoln announces thanksgiving day is countrywide festival.
却留下了 流芳百世的功业,因为他们虽然未能复制一种肉
所罗 门曾告诫人们:“智慧之子使父亲快乐,愚昧之子使母
作为成年人,绝不应在一家的兄弟之间挑动竞争,以至积隙成仇,使兄弟间直到成年,依然不和。意大利风俗对子女和侄 一视同仁,亲密无间。这是很可取的。因为这种风俗很合于自然的血统关系。许多侄子不是更像他的一位叔、伯,而不象父亲吗,
作文九:《高考英语作文 学会感恩》1100字
Learn to Be Grateful (现象篇)
1. 现今,越来越多的大学生缺乏感恩之心。 2. 出现这一现象的原因… 3. 为了改变这种状况,我认为…. things as parents supporting them, teachers helping them, and waiters serving them. 起广泛关注) from the whole society.
(不健全)family education plays an important role. Many parents turn to pay too much attention to (学习成绩), value orientation(价值导向). Moreover, schools don't input
enough time and money in moral(道德上的) education. Besides, nowadays, college students get so much love that they are insensitive to (缺乏反应的,对……不敏感)others' care and help. Considering the seriousness of the problem, it is high time to take effective measures to
students’ consciousness of being grateful. First, parents should improve (投入) just beginning from the simple "Thank you".
(重要篇)1. 感恩为什么很重要(有时需要举例证明) 2我们该如何去感恩
grateful to other
will be appreciated make us popular among our friends, it will
to and relationship.
例子:某大学生成绩很优秀,但因为从来不感谢他人,而不受大家的喜欢。Take xxx for example, he does well in his study, whereas so proud is he that his classmates are not willing to be his friends.
of others rather
their when don’t forget to say :thank you!” with a big smile, to
Everyone should have a life down on feelings -
Thanksgiving, we have Thanksgiving life, family Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving life, the munity Thanksgiving ... ...
If, like me to choose my first Thanksgiving to the parents. They let me e to this colorful world, and they spared no effort to support me grow up in their harvest success, I am pleased to join with me, and sow the tears of joy; they are in my frustration, I am encouraged by, I am inspired; loud voice exhort, and look forward to a report, the parents of the heart and blood flowing from time to time in my whole body.
If you only Thanksgiving parents may be too narrow. We would also like to live Thanksgiving. As long as grateful, then your life will be happier! Life is fair, she will not deceive you, as long as you pay, there will be a return. Despite the sometimes smooth, sometimes despite the numerous reefs; singing, even though at times laughing, even though at times sad depression. This is the life, gave us hot Suanku salt, gave us flowers and sunshine. No matter the kind of situation is that Thanksgiving should live, or where colorful? !
But also everyone around Thanksgiving. Grateful to those who encourage you, because he brought you to power; grateful for your
help, because he told us what to give; spur thank you, because he removes your karma; grateful to those who have hurt you, because His temper your mind; to thank those who have deceived you, because he has enhanced your knowledge; to thank those who have abandoned you, because you have to teach him self-reliance; grateful for your trip, because he strengthens your ability to ... ...
Thanksgiving did not know how a person, not like a fish breathe, can not survive a moment;