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China ,a global view
To look is an act of choice.(去看,是选择的一种体现)Every day,we use our eyes,our minds and hearts to see things. (每一天,我们都用我们的心智去观察事物)We may see the same things,but how we see them makes all the difference.(我们可能看到的是同一样事物 ,但是我们如何去看待它们,却是各不相同) Our views may be influenced by what we know or what we want to know,by what we believe or what we want to believe.(我们的视野取决于我们知道什么、我们想知道什么,取决于我们相信什么、我们想要相信什么。)When in love,our beloved appears perfect in a way that no words can explain;(当我们坠入爱河时,我们爱的人会在一种不可描述的完美情境出现)when feeling resentment,however,we may see the person with all their flaws.(当我们恨一个人的时候,我们就会看到那个我们恨的人身上充满瑕疵)Viewed from different standpoints, at different times and for different purposes,things will rarely look the same to us all.(从不同的角度,在不同的时期,为了不同的目的,我们看待事物的结果当然会大不相同)As human beings on this planet we have been exploring
Mother Earth,viewing and reviewing it for thousands of years,and then in 1972 the very first picture was taken from a spacecraft presenting us with a global view and we were able to see "the whole thing".(从人类开始探索地球,观览和回忆人类诞生的几千年,直到后来的1972年最早的一张太空飞行器拍摄的地球照片,我们才真正了解了那个所谓的“世界”)Even then,there might be millions of different views of the Earth.(即使如此,世界上依旧会有成千上万种不同的世界观)Similarly,throughout history ,we Chinese and the world have been exploring China,viewing and reviewing,inwards and outwards,its past ,its present and its future.(同样的,纵观整个历史,我们中国人和世界人民都曾经探索过中国,观览和回忆,从内部体验并在外部观察)What is China?It is a nation,an old one and a new one.(什么是中国?他是个古老的国度,却又是一个新兴的国家。)It is a place , a big one and a small one.(他是地球上一块区域,是一块大的版图,却也只是一小块地区)It is in Asia.It is in the East.It is here!It is there !(它在亚洲,却也在西方国度,它在这里,他也在那里!)xxx 曾经说:要从世界看国家,不要从国家看世界。
这次先把中文的稿子写好 然后在进行翻译 这样可以为自己的想法 腾出时间来推敲 感觉一个事物最终还是会形成一个球形 我们从足够多的维度 然后每一步又有许许多多的办法和联系这就给我们发挥提供了更多的空间 我们可以在这样的空间里最大化的实现自己 我想着可以作为自己以后思考问题的一个模板吧 或许会从中受益 我们思考任何问题都不能单一 因为每一个事物都涉及很多的象 二每一象都是自成一家 或者可以从中阐发 这就是我们自己在认识的时候可以参考的一个思维模板吧 我想从中提取东西然后可以为自己的后代或者学生提供一些帮助 我们在思考一个简单的问题 这里 面可能涉及很多的人 我们就要想到 涉及到一个人 就要多思考一下 我们最大的天赋是会思考在这方面我们人类远超过动物 这也是我可以统治全球的一个重要法宝 我们在这个思考的过程中自己的大脑得到开发 这样我们也可以让自己更加智慧 我们都知道我们学习知识的目的一方面是为了可以提高自己的技能 在生活上有保障 但是更重要的是 我们要学会 改善自己的思维方式 只有这样吧 我们才能在生活的立场上 立于不败之地 我们提高的是我们思考问题的能力 因为书和问题是永远解决不完的 这就需要我们掌握方法 我们在高中的时候会有题目 和这个是一个道理我们的题海战术就是这样 说着是题海战术 但是同样要求我们要勤于总结只有这样我们才能最大效率的提高自己的能力 纸上得来终觉浅 绝知此事要躬行 这是先人留给我们的宝贵经验我们要使用好这条经验我们在平常的生活中或许会遇到这样那样的问题 但是我们从来没有遇到的问题是相同
的 大家可以仔细的思考一下 我们遇到这样的问题 将来还会又热遇到 但是解决问题的主题人物也已经改变了 这既是我们所说的象 这里面就有变化的东西 我们要学会知识的迁移 其实在迁移的过程中 我们不知不觉的已经得到了能力的提高; 提高有时就是一瞬间 哈哈 我怎么感觉跟那句话说的 转变只是一瞬间那么的相似呢 不同的世界 不同的维度我们会在不同的时间点相遇 不知为何 不明所以 我们相信的只是我们的眼睛 佛说 每一个事物都有八万四千个角度 我们的认识都太过单一 有时我们会尝试突破自己 尽可能的去寻找更多的角度
Buddha said :one world one leaf one buddha. This elicits us our perceptions determine everything. Our view could be influenced by such
and as our so mood,ability,environment
on.When in love,our beloved appears perfect in a way that no words can explain.When feeling resentment,however, we may see the person with all their flaws. This proved our mood affect our emotion. As an old saying gose impulsion is devil. The bad mood could result in some bad ends. Reminiscent of the past, one of my relative have told me something about the book of changes. She said our life is like a globe, all of us start in
some place, after then we will make efforts to everything. No matter how we do, the orbit is a globe. That ’s because mistakes. Nobody could be perfect. Sometimes , only when we make enough stupid wrong, we realize it. Regarding the goal as lessening the error. Why ? ability. With the lacking of knowledge, in other words is ability, we can ’t prevent from the mistakes. Then ability is also a important reason to view. According to cai songnain ‘s pomes follow the herd is a mon environment to us. Only when we don’t follow the herd, determine to do ourselves, we can acquire achievement. We don ’t emphasize how important the personlity, we just do ourselves. It ’s enough. Try our best to benefit from the environment, broaden our horizon. That’s we need to do! So much could affect us view time, away change everything, learn to use different attitudes and methods to face the difficulties. You will find another world! You believe, i believe!
杜山镇东王小学庆“国庆”英语演讲比赛 活动实施方案
为配合搞好学校的校园文化建设,进一步搭建学生学习 和交流英语的平台,提高学生学习英语的热情和英语口语水 平,在全校内营造浓厚的英语学习环境,学校决定举办一次 英语演讲比赛。现将有关事项通知如下:
参赛选手为全校 3— 6年级的学生, 每班选派 2名选手参 加。
2至 4分钟脱稿演讲,题目自拟。
2、评分标准:自我介绍占 20%,演讲占 80%。要求选手 在台上全程只能用英语表达(不能用中文),发音标准,语 音语调流畅自然,主题鲜明突出,仪表大方得体。
三年级组设一等奖 1名,二等奖 1名,三等奖 2名
四年级组设一等奖 1名,二等奖 1名,三等奖 2名 五年级组设一等奖 1名,二等奖 2名,三等奖 2名 六年级组设一等奖 1名,二等奖 2名,三等奖 3名 六、活动工作人员 :
组 长:吕育云
副组长 : 张志林 魏正国
成 员:刘海峰 陈 刚 李红号
张 丹 肖 俊
3—— 6年级各班主任
4、后勤保障 :(另行安排)
1、内容积极向上,切合主题。 3.5分
2、口齿清楚,语音标准,表达流利。声音洪亮富有表现 力。 2.0分
3、 有适当的肢体语言, 表现力强, 具有感染力、 吸引力。 2.0分
4、仪表端正,大方得体。姿态优雅自然,对于形象不良 的可酌情扣分。 1.5分
5、 时间把握准确, 演讲时长不到或超过时长的可酌情扣 分 1.0分
1、布幕:红旗迎风飘 永远跟党走
2、主持:两名教师:张 丹 肖 俊
两名学生:柯 婕 赵 聪
一名主持人用英语,另一名主持人用中文报幕。 参赛选手顺序按抽签结果进行。
2012年 9月 26日
A Good Boy
Little Robert asked his mother for two cents.
The Little Bird
There is s little bird living in a beautiful animal palace. But one day, she lose her way home. How scared she is ! She missed her palace so much. She wanted to go back. But there are four difficult points she must pass. Now let’s see whether she can go back or not.
Good morning everyone, today is my turn to the speech. First of all, I would like to say that a quick test, we hope that the good preparation, good test for all, is the only way home for a good y ear. My English is not high, I wish I could within the next two ye ars to learn English well. I hope you will be able to learn English after graduation to have a good future. Finally, I wish the students
and teachers a happy new year, further study and work. Well! I fi nished the speech. Thank you for listening 。
One day, a father and his little son were going home. At this age, the boy was interested in all kinds of things and was always asking questions. Now, he asked,
Today I am very happy,Because I can talk about with you.You see I am a lovely girl,yes!I like laughing,I like studying.That`s me-- Zhu Yingjie from Dong Wang Primary School.I am ten. I am young but I know “we are the masters of nature.” We have only one earth. But now,the environment bees worse and worse. As you know,there's no enough clean water for people. So many of them lose their lives because of water.If we take good care of our earth today,it will be more beautiful tomorrow.
My dear friend, let us start from the trivial side,To be a good kid keeper.
A Man
A man was going to the house of some rich person. As he t along the road, he saw a box of good apples at the side of the road. He said,
over the river.
The City Mouse and the Country Mouse
Once there were two mice. They were friends. One mouse lived in the country; the other mouse lived in the city. After many years the Country mouse saw the City mouse; he said,
Is This a UFO?
Alien is from space. He lost his way on the earth. He made a friend little Jack here. He wanted to find a UFO to go back home. He pointed to a motorbike and asked little Jack,” Is that a UFO? Little Jack said,” No, it isn’t. ““ What is it?”“ It’s a motorbike.” Replied little Jack. Alien pointed to a spaceship and asked little Jack,” Is that a motorbike?” “No, it isn’t.” said Jack. “Is that a UFO?” “No, it isn’t.” “What is it?” asked Alien. “It’s a spaceship.” Alien pointed to a UFO and asked little Jack,” Is that a spaceship?” “No, it isn’t.” “Is that a motorbike?” “No, it isn’t.” said little Jack, shaking his head. “What is it?” Little Jack answered,” That is a UFO.” “Oh, here es my UFO.” Alien was very happy to find a UFO t o go home. He said to little Jack,” Thank you, Jack. I am going home now. Bye-bye.”
五年级演讲稿 :
A Story
Once in the ancient Kingdom of Zheng there was a man who wanted to buy himself a pair of shoes. He took the measurement of his own feet with a piece of string. then he t to the market. He was looking at some shoes at the shoe-maker`s when he realized he had left the measurement at home. He put down the shoes and rushed home to fetch it. By the time he returned with the measurement the market had been closed. So he failed to get his shoes.
Somebody asked him,
A Forever Friend
sometimes in life
you find a special friend
someone who change you life just by being part of it
someone who makes you laugh until you can not stop
someone who makes you believe that there really is good in the word someone who convinces you that there really is an unlocked door just waiting for you
to open it
this is forever friendship
The Old Cat
An old woman had a cat. The cat was very old; she could not run quickly, and she could not bite, because she was so old. One day the old cat saw a mouse; she jumped and caught the mouse. But she could not bite it; so the mouse got out of her mouth and ran away, because the cat could not bite it. Then the old woman became very angry because the cat had not killed the mouse. She began to hit the cat. The cat said,
A Dog and A Wolf
A wolf was almost dead with hunger. A house-dog saw him, and asked,
The Ox and the Frog
I Love English
My honorable teachers , my beloved schoolmates.Good morning everyone ,
may I have your attention, please? I am glad to be able to give a lecture on this classroom. This once , I want to talk about English. My topic of conversation is that I love English.
As everyone knows,English is very important today.It has been used everywhere in the world.It has bee the most mon language on Internet and for international trade. If we can speak English well,we will have more chance to succeed.Because more and more people have taken notice of it,the number of the people who go to learn English has increased at a high speed.
But for myself,I learn English not only because of its importance and its usefulness,but also because of my love for it.When I learn English, I can feel a different way of thinking which gives me more room to touch the world.When I read English novels,I can feel the pleasure from the book which is different from reading the translation.When I speak English, I can feel the confident from my words.When I write English,I can see the beauty which is not the same as our Chinese...
I love English,it gives me a colorful dream.I hope I can travel around the world one day. With my good English, I can make friends with many
people from different countries.I can see many places of great interests.I dream that I can go to London,because it is the birth place of English. I also want to use my good English to introduce our great places to the English spoken people,I hope that they can love our country like us. I know, Rome was not built in a day. I believe that after continuous hard study, one day I can speak English very well.
If you want to be loved, you should learn to love and be lovable. So I believe as I love English everyday , it will love me too.
I am sure that I will realize my dream one day!
Thank you!
The Wolf and the Lamb
A lamb was grazing with a flock of sheep one day. She soon found some sweet grass at the edge of the field. Farther and farther she t, away from the others. She was enjoying herself so much that she did not notice a wolf ing nearer to her.
However, when it pounced on her, she was quick to start pleading,
The wolf took the bell and rang it as hard as he could. The shepherd heard the bell ringing and quickly sent his dogs to find the missing lamb. The barking dogs frightened the wolf away and saved the lamb's life. MORAL: The gentle and weak can sometimes be cleverer than fierce and strong.
Our School
Good morning, my dear teachers and friends! My name is Li . Today, I am very happy to be here. My topic is “Our School”.
My dear friends, wele to our school! My school is very beautiful! It has a big playground. We can play and do some sports there. Near the playground, there is a garden. Many trees and flowers are there. So the air is very clean and we can hear birds singing in the trees. It is so wonderful. Our teaching buildings are around the garden and look like our teachers’ arms to wele us. We can draw pictures in the art room on the first floor and read story-books in the library on the second floor. My classroom is on the third floor. It is clean and bright. We like to study in it. The puter room is on the fifth floor. We can sing and dance in the music room on the sixth floor. What a lot of fun! We can have lunch in the canteen near Defang Teaching Building.
In our school, our teachers work hard and help us with our lessons. We study hard and listen to teachers carefully. After class, our teachers play with us and we feel very happy.
Our school is so nice and our teachers are so kind. We all love them. Dear friends, do you like them?
That's all. Thanks!
My Dream Home
My dream home is very big and clean. It has at least five floors and fifteen rooms. On the ground floor, there is a kitchen, a dining room and a bathroom. There are no other rooms on the ground floor. My bedroom, study, bathroom are on the first floor. They are all very fortable. My parents’ room is on the second floor. It’s also very big and clean. My grandparents live with us in this big house, too. Their rooms are on the third floor. On the fourth floor, there is a big balcony. I can play games, read books and chat with friends there. I also have a big and nice garden. It is beside the big house. There are many flowers and vegetables in it. It has a big tree. In summer, I can sit under the tree with my family. Behind the garden, there is a swimming pool. I can swim with my friends in summer. I think it is very fortable to live in my dream home.
Today and Tomorrow
Yesterday's Tomorrow is Today,Tomorrow's Yesterday is Today,Today ,as a bridge,is more important,so Do Cherish Today! Today is the first day of new week.Not a good begin I think ,I lose something and feel so sad, I know I am growing up.Never look back ,cherish what I have now and make my future brighter!! I should learn how to live how to deal with thing and learn to do everything as a infant. The world changes so quickly!! People change so quickly, just find I am so puerility that didn't know how to deal well with the relationship between people and made myself so hard. I think I am a simple boy but frankly I find I think too much and most of the thing I thought will never happen.
Anyway! Don't worry Be happy!! You have so many great friends!! Life is so beautiful!! The world is waiting for you ! Get it !!
My Favourite Super Star
My favourite super star is JJ , he has a lovely dimple and his eyes are also very lovely . Now let me tell you the story about JJ .
He entered the music industry at the year 2004 , before that year ,he was only a boy who wrote songs for many super stars ,his songs were liked by many people but no one care who was the writer . He was only
hard to write songs because he like music ,he thought music has it soul , if you sing it by heart , it well be lived .
I like a song of him , it's name is CRIES IN A DISTANCE , the song tells us ,nothing is sad if we belive the hope . He has many difficulty , but his song says , cries in a distance , can't stop the tremble , I'm just waiting my turn , hiding will never , save me forever , the guns gonna get me for sure . Dear god I pray why won't you be my friend , e to me and take my hand ,like mama would say everything will be OK.
Now he is not rather a shy singer and performer , the lyrical songs make him mature ,and now he is a man or not a boy .
He is a real super star with many fans ,the improve mark a big step forward confident .
本次比赛,我们很荣幸地邀请到了( )名评委,下面我向大家一一介绍。他们是:
现在,让我们有请1号选手:()(她将告诉我们一个道理:每个人的命运都掌握在自己手里,如果想要改变自己的命运,则必须学会改变自己)她的演讲题目是《 》
下面有请2号选手()来跟我们讲讲《 》
同学们,经过我们评委老师的讨论之后,激动人心的时刻到了。 我宣布进入决赛的有……
活动背景 . .................................................................................................................... 3
活动内容 . .................................................................................................................... 4
活动流程 . .................................................................................................................... 5
人员安排 . .................................................................................................................... 6
活动规则及评分细则 ............................................................................................. 7
活动的宣传方案 . ...................................................................................................... 8
活动的经费预算 . ...................................................................................................... 9
活动报道 . .................................................................................................................. 10
活动总结 . .................................................................................................................. 11
附件一:宣传稿 ......................................................................................................... 13
附件二:评分表 ......................................................................................................... 15
英语(English )属于印欧语系中日耳曼语族下的西日耳曼语支,由古代从欧洲大陆移民大不列颠岛的盎格鲁、撒克逊和朱特部落的日耳曼人所说的语言演变而来,并通过英国的殖民活动传播到世界各地。英语是世界上最广泛的第二语言。世界上60%以上的信件是用英语书写的,50%以上的报纸杂志是英语的。上两个世纪英国和美国在文化、经济、军事、政治和科学上的领先地位使得英语成为一种准国际语言。总之,在国际政治、军事、经济、科技、文化、贸易、交通运输等领域,英语是一个重要的交际工具。
随着我国对外开放的不断扩大化, 科学技术的不断进步, 国际地位的不断提高, 迫切需要造就一大批精通外语的专门人才, 以加速我国“四化”进程,使我国在国际事务中发挥更大更积极的作用。因此,学好英语对实现上述目标具有重要的现实意义和深远的历史义。 中国在近几十年的确发生了翻天覆地的变化,各方面都发展得很快。但是,不容置疑的是,我们在很多技术方面仍然落后于西方先进国家。要发展,要进步,要在较短的时间内掌握各种技术,我们不可能单靠自己搞研究,必须学习别人先进的技术。而学习的必要前提便是要掌握世界通用技术交流语言,我们的工具-英语。
主 题: 比赛流程:
初赛 时间:2011年10月31日
决赛 时间:2011年11月3日
地点:实训1# A-313
beauty in my eyes
第一环节:Introduce Myself,参赛选手在两分钟之内进行自我介绍。 第二环节:Read 参赛选手朗读自己准备的一篇文章 第三环节:Topic Speach,参赛选手根据活动主题进行演讲内容要积
第一环节:Introduce Myself,参赛选手在两分钟之内进行自我介绍。 第二环节:Challenge Ourselves,参赛选手挑战所选择的题目。 第三环节:Talent Show.参赛选手进行自我才艺展示,种类不限。(不
(1)讨论活动的各个环节以及活动中可能出现的问题; (2)和宣传部合作做好活动的宣传工作; (3)统计好需要物品的各项清单; (4)提前准备好活动的教室; (5)对每个人进行分配工作;
(1)提前布置好活动场地; (2)确认各项器材正常工作; (3)主持人按照比赛流程主持; (4)活动结束后负责现场整理工作;
(1)召开部门例会,总结活动中的优缺点; (2)每位干事写一份活动总结; (3)完成活动报道;
(2)主持人宣布比赛开始致开幕词并且介绍到场嘉宾 (3)比赛进入第一阶段:参赛选手按照次序进行自我介绍 (4)第二阶段:参赛选手进行演讲 (5)第三阶段:选手根据所抽到的题目答题 (6)第四阶段:参赛选手的才艺展示 (7)邀请评委嘉宾点评
Personnel Arranges
场地布置:负责活动场地的布置和整理 后勤工作:负责整个活动所需的各项物品 礼 仪:负责颁奖和引导观众 主 持 人:主持整个比赛流程 分数统计:负责选手的分数统计
摄 影:拍摄比赛的精彩瞬间,为后续报道做准备 联 系:负责通知选手并且联系需要协作的部门
场地布置:xxxx 后勤工作:xxx 礼 仪:xxx 主 持 人:xxxx 分数统计:xxxx 纪律维持:xxx 摄 影:xxx 联 系:xxx
ONE : Introduce Myself,参赛选手在两分钟之内进行自我介绍。 TWO : Topic Speach,参赛选手根据活动主题进行演讲内容要积
THREE :Challenge Ourselves,参赛选手选择索要挑战的题目。 FOUR : Talent Show.参赛选手进行自我才艺展示,种类不限。(不
Publicity scheme
1. 海报宣传
a. 公布英语演讲举办的主题、时间、地点等
b. 提前一周将海报张贴在校宣传栏、食堂、超市等学生出入频繁的公共场所进行宣传 2. 进班宣传
a. 与宣传部合作进班宣传活动 b .张贴海报宣传
Activity reports
本次英语演讲比赛从11月1日正式拉开帷幕,从初赛到决赛,经过激烈的角逐,共有10名优胜者从60多名参赛选手中脱颖而出。比赛以“beauty in my eyes ”为主题,分为限时自我介绍、随机话题演讲和才艺表演三个部分。参赛选手精心准备,在比赛的每一个环节,用自信生动的语言、真诚饱满的热情,表达了自己对于美的看法,更展现了自己的才艺和风采。最后,系学生会副主席刘华对整场活动进行了点评。
Summary of activities
在比赛宣传期间,我部与宣传部合作,安排各干事到各班进行宣传,鼓励各班的同学积极报名,预赛报名率达到预定的90%参赛率,预赛于10月31日在教学楼C-212进行,经过裁判的评判,共有10名选手脱颖而出进入决赛。决赛于11月3日19:00在实训楼1#A-313正式拉开帷幕吗,决赛很荣幸的邀请到了电子系学生会副主席刘华、纪检部部长陆繁、秘书部部长赵统亮和外联部副部长瞿灵玉作为此次比赛的评委,也邀请了学生会的各个部门前来观看。经过2个小时3个环节的角逐,最终各奖项尘埃落定,分别是: 一等奖:xxx 二等奖:xxx 三等奖:xxx 优秀奖:xxx
综上所述,本次英语演讲赛之所以能取的这么大的成功,主要得益于系团总支的关心和支持、系学生会各部之间的齐心协力和周密的安排以及同学们的积极参与,这是一次成功的比赛,是一次圆满的比赛!不仅让同学们从中学到了确实有用的东西, 而且也为我校营造学习英语的良好氛围出了一份力, 使我校呈现出更高的学习英语的浪潮,同时也为我们今后的工作打下了坚实的基础!
〈1〉提高同学学习英语的积极性,特别是提高对英语口语训练的积极性。 〈2〉丰富学生的课余生活,为大学生提供一个学习和交流英语学习的平台,
活动主题:beauty in my eyes
环节:自我介绍、自我演讲、主题演讲 决赛:时间:xxx
第一环节:Introduce Myself,参赛选手在两分钟之内进行自我介绍。 第二环节:Challenge Ourselves,参赛选手挑战所选择的题目。 第三环节:Talent Show.参赛选手进行自我才艺展示,种类不限。(不
一等奖(1名) 证书+奖品 二等奖(2名) 证书+奖品 三等奖(3名) 证书+奖品 优秀奖(4名) 证书+奖品
联系方式:xxxx 报名表:
附件二:评分表 1.Introduce Myself
2.Challenge Ourselves
3. Talent Show.
what is the real beauty
It is human nature that all of us should be fond of beauty. Everybody was born with a heart for beauty.
Today in China,with the rising of our living standard, people's requirement of beauty has been heightened accordingly. Some people spare no money or energy on beautiful clothes, fashionable hair styles,the decoration of their houses and even the improvement of their looks. But it seems to me,all these are more or less confined to the beauty in appearance,or rather,the outward beauty.
In my opinion,we shouldn't only pay attention to beautiful appearance and neglect the beautification of the mind and what we are after should be the perfect unity of the outward beauty and the inner beauty. As we all know,so far as objects and animals are concerned,there is only beautiful appearance to be mentioned, but to us humanbeings, although the outward beauty really matters, the inner beauty is much more important. This was confirmed by a famous Russian writer in words much like this:
Here, I'd like to quote two typical instances and I'm sure, my dear friends,from them you'll find out what real beauty
Recently I learned from the radio an unpleasant incident about a well known singer. She is very charming with a sweet beautiful voice and very famous for singing the song.
How disappointed her keen listeners were when they learned this! It is the singer herself who spoiled her beautiful image in the eyes of others.
Now, I'm ing to another true story. It's about a poor, ordinary looking old woman. She was a widow without any children, living barely from hand to mouth by picking odds and ends from rubbish heaps. However,she took in more than ten homeless
orphans successively and managed to bring them up. Every day she labored from morning till night. In order to earn as much money as possible to raise the children and to keep them in school,she even t to a hospital regularly to sell her blood. She got so weak for the loss of blood that she sometimes fell in a faint on her way home.
When asked why she chose to burden herself with so many children,she smiled and simply answered,
Though the old woman was poor materially, she was full of affection and rich in spirit. She was loved dearly by her children. She was also highly appreciated by the local government, and truly respected by people in her munity. Maybe you can't help wondering,
So,to answer the question
编号15 姓名 孙阳
self-confidence is the mother of success as is known to us all, a famous proverb says “failure is the mother of
success ”. yes , it’s true. history informs us that stories of success are also
stories of great failure. as a matter of fact. there are many factors that can
contribute to a preson’s success in life. today i will give you a new idea―
self-confidence is the mother of success. success is getting up one more time than
you fall down. but when failures knocks you down. will you have the confidence to
get up?so self-confidence is essential to success . self-confidence means the firm belief that you can do things well. it is believed
to be the first secret of success. if you want to succeed in doing anything, you must
have confidence in your abilities. and i deeply aware that nothing can defeat a person who full of confidence. self-confidence gives you light when you are in dark, and gives you encouragement
when you are disappointed. it is self-confidence that inspires you to cope with any
hard task. with self-confidence, you believe that you can and will succeed, and this
gives you the courage to try new things. some people find most of the things impossible, saying, “it is beyond my ability
to do the task.” or “i am not fit for it.” these are only lame excuses. when our
heart is void of self-confidence, every hope is gone, we will always living in the
moments of fear and thoughtless. so ladies and gentlemen do you have it in you? if you think you don’t, boost
up youself as your mind is your greatest mentor. if you have a goal to pass cet 4 and cet 6 college english exam easily with high
marks, just believe in yourself. yes you can if you want to be a great man in the future and never let your parent down. just
believe in yourself. yes you can if you have a dream that conqur english to make china stronger. just believe in
youself. yes you can.
thank you so much for your listening.篇二:cctv 杯英语演讲比赛 (活动策划模板)举例 各位部长:
办公室两位主任的邮箱。发完邮件,附上短信,让她们二位注意接收。 发稿截止时间:本周日中午12点。 注:活动围绕外国文化艺术节 cctv杯英语演讲比赛
【活动主题】外国语学院cctv 杯英语演讲
【活动宗旨】“外语学院英语演讲大赛”(原 “?cctv 杯? 全国英语演讲大赛”)是由由外 语学院陈雷院长主办,杨川老师负责的一项活动。大赛旨在以丰富的内容与严谨的形式,
【活动口号】******* ******** 【主办单位】外语学院 学生会***部 活动负责人:********
【活动时间】2011年****月***日 【活动地点】经法楼****** 【活动流程】
参赛资格: 每个初赛赛点应有不少于20人参赛。参赛学校应保证本校符合参赛资格的
学生有公平的报名参赛机会。 比赛时间: 根据本省(市、自治区)大学外语教学研究会公布的时间安排举办,确保在
本省(市、自治区)复赛之前完成初赛。 比赛环节: 可包括定题演讲、即兴演讲、回答问题等部分。可参考大赛决赛形式。 演
讲题目: 定题演讲可参考大赛决赛题目,也可自定。即兴演讲题目自定。 评委组成: 邀请的专业指导教师名单 赛场布置: 组委会秘书处将提供统一宣传海报模板和赛场背板设计模板(电子版) 二、
参赛资格: 由各省复赛组织机构决定各初赛赛点进入复赛的名额。 比赛环节: 可包括定题演讲、即兴演讲、回答问题等部分。可参考大赛决赛形式。在进
入决赛选手(前3名)中有并列名次时,须进行加赛。 演讲题目: 定题演讲可参考大赛决赛题目,也可自定。即兴演讲题目由复赛组织机构决
定,在比赛前应严格保密。 赛场布置: 组委会秘书处将提供统一宣传海报模板和赛场背板设计模板(电子版),承
办单位也可自行设计,但必须包含大赛名称和主办单位名称。 三、决赛 参赛资格:比赛时间: 2010年12月8日—12日 抽签规则: 决赛选手的选手号和各阶段出场次序均由抽签决定,所抽到的号码或次序为
最终结果,不得与任何人交换。 评委组成: 评委人数不少于9 人,其中外籍评委不少于4 人。中国籍评委具有教授职
称。比赛前应召开评委会,讨论并贯彻评分标准,以保证比赛的规范性、公平性与公正性。 比
赛环节: 分四个阶段进行。 第一阶段 比赛时间:2011年***月**日 比赛程序:
1. 定题演讲:每位选手演讲时间为3分钟,题目为 “ is my top concern ”。 2. 回
答问题:由提问评委就选手定题演讲内容提两个问题,选手回答时间为每个问题1 分钟;
3. 第一阶段比赛结束后,排名前60名的选手进入第二阶段比赛。 评委评分:
1. 去掉一个最高分,去掉一个最低分,其余评委的平均分为选手得分;
2. 前5位选手的成绩在第5位选手结束演讲后,经评委商议后统一公布;其余选手演讲
结束后当场亮分。 评分标准(总分100分):
第一阶段晋级的60位选手抽签决定出场顺序。第一阶段分数不带入第二阶段。 比赛时
间:2010年12月9日下午-10日 比赛程序:
1. 即兴演讲:赛题保密,选手上场前20分钟抽题,即兴演讲时间为3分钟; 2. 回
钟; 3. 综合知识速答:赛题保密,选手比赛时当场回答4个问题,每题必须在题目显示后
4. 第二阶段比赛结束后,排名前18名的选手进入第三阶段比赛。 评委评分:
1. 去掉一个最高分,去掉一个最低分,其余评委的平均分为选手得分;
2. 前5位选手的成绩在第5位选手结束演讲后,经评委商议后统一公布;其余选手演讲
结束后当场亮分。 评分标准(总分101分):
段分数不带入第三阶段。 比赛时间:2010年12月12日上午 比赛程序:
1. 即兴演讲:赛题保密,每组3位选手上场前15分钟同时抽题,分开准备;同时上场
2. 回答问题:3位选手全部完成演讲后,按演讲顺序依次接受其他两位选手的提问(两
3. 总结发言:3位选手根据前两个环节,依次进行1分钟的总结发言; 4. 每组得
分最高的选手进入下一轮比赛。 评委评分: 去掉一个最高分,去掉一个最低分,其余评委的平均分为选手得分。 评分标准(总分
形式待定,以组委会最终公布为准。 比赛时间:2010年12月12日下午 决赛特别提示:
1. 以上赛制如有变化,以组委会最终公布为准。
2. 关于抽签:选手在决赛前的抽签仪式上抽取各自选手号,如因特殊原因,选手未能及
3. 关于加赛:决赛各阶段晋级最后一名出现并列时,进行加赛。加赛出场顺序由选手现
场抽签决定。加赛包括两个环节:1) 即兴演讲:每位选手抽取一道即兴演讲题目,准备10
分钟。即兴演讲时间为2分钟;2) 回答问题:每位选手回答两个与演讲内容有关的问题,每
个问题回答时间为1分钟。所有选手演讲完毕后当场亮分,分数高者进入下一阶段比赛。 4.
5. 关于大赛证书:大赛决赛获奖证书将在颁奖仪式上颁发,未领取证书者视为放弃奖励,
【奖项设置 】
特等奖:6名,进入决赛第四阶段的选手,设冠军1名、亚军2名、季军3名 一等
奖:12名,进入决赛第三阶段但未进入第四阶段的选手 二等奖:42名,进入决赛第二阶
段但未进入第三阶段的选手 三等奖:进入决赛第一阶段但未进入第二阶段的选手 单
【经费预算】嘉宾评委牌:10个* 1元=10元 奖状证书: 水: 场地布置花销:气球,拉花。。。。。。。篇三:cctv 初中英语演讲比赛稿
1. say ‘no ’ to junk food junk food is not good for peoples health. last week ,i ask forty students in our
school how do you think of the junk food? . many people think the junk food is not
good for their health , but they eat them every day! junk food is great harm, not
only can damage to our health, and will make us sick, but also a lot of people do
not notice that junk food is now doing harm to us, so i want to write something to
talk about junk food.
with the development of our life, many people are busy with their work and enjoy
eating fast food. this problem, however, has greatly increased in recent yearsregard
it as junk food.
each coin has two sidesit brings us benefits to people. it is convenient for us
to have some fast food. it brings us danger.the more junk food you eat, the unheathier
you will be. and the junk food may increase the risk of disease and other kinds of
health problems. we should pay closer attention to our health. instead of having junk
food, eat more fruits and vegetables which contain more vitamins. on the wholedoes harm to our health. so, get rid of the bad eating habits to stay
2. to introduce my favourite sport i am an active girl, and i like playing sports very much. my favourite sport is
swimming. today my topic is to introduce my favourite sport. when i am swimming in
the pool, i am very happy. i look like a lovely fish in the pond. i enjoy swimming,
because swimming can make me strong and healthy. it can also bring me a lot of
thank you! 3 .my favorite sport i am an active girl, and i like playing sports very much. my favourite sport is
swimming. today my topic is my favorite sport. when i am swimming in the pool, i am
very happy. i look like a lovely fish in the pond. i enjoy swimming, because swimming
can make me strong and healthy. it can also bring me a lot of happiness. thank you!
4. an interesting thing it is impossible to recall all the past, but i can assure you that my childhood
is a pleasant one to me. when i was in kinder garden, i was very popular with my playmates because of my
naughtiness. once i made an arrow, with which i hurt one of my playmates and received
scolding from my mother afterwards. when i grew up, my father and mother dare not allow me to play outside. but
sometimes when we had time they would bring me to the parks, movies and t swimming. i like swimming very much. thank them for teaching me swimming. i like to play
with my friends because i was only a girl. my mother often scolded me when i didnt
get home after school but never too severely. i love my parents. i do think it is one of the best years in my whole life.
5. my best friend
lily is my close friend who i came to know in no.2 middle school. lily is tall and slender with white skin, long-black hair and a blue-frame glasses.
she looks beautiful and graceful. she has good characters of considerate and gentle.
so she is easy to get along with. lily is good at singing and dancing. she also has many other favorites, such as
swimming outdoors, reading, surfing and so on. so she is a modern and intellectual
young girl with diverse abilities and knowledge. lily is not only a good friend but also a teacher. i often told her the story
when i was in trouble. and she always does her best to help me and encourage me to
face up to the difficulties of life, till i am successful. (比赛前,主持人在幕后提醒:比赛即将开始,为了保证比赛的顺利进行,请您将您的
手机处于关闭状态,谢谢合作!) y:尊敬的各位领导,各位来宾,亲爱的老师们,同学们,大家(合)早上好!欢迎来到
第八届全省高校大学生英语演讲比赛暨2007年cctv 杯全国大学生英语演讲比赛复赛海南赛
x:cosponsored by the china central television and foreign language teaching and
education department of hainan province. y:本次大赛由中央电视台和外语教育与研究出版社联合主办,由海南省教育厅和海南师
自17所各大高校的40名选手参加比赛。 x:firstlylets introuduce todays honorable leader and guests. mr.li xiangguo from the education department of hainan province. y:光临今天大赛现场的领导和嘉宾是: x:让我们再次以热烈的掌声欢迎各位领导的到来! x:今天来到比赛现场的还有来自各兄弟院校的领导、老师、参赛选手和观看比赛的同学
烈的掌声欢迎他们的到来。 chen zonghua to give us a speech. y:下面有请省教育厅副厅长xx 讲话。 y:接下来有请本次大赛的承办单位代表海南师范大学陈封椿致欢迎辞。 x:thank youprofessor zhang.and nowlets introuduce todays honorable judges. y:
x:our question master are billie rae smith dr.greg mavrides y:提问评委有 外籍教师 smith y:非常感谢各位评委的到来! contestant has 3 minutes to deliver their speech. y:下面向大家介绍比赛程序,本次比赛有定题演讲,即兴演讲和回答问题三个部分,满
兴演讲及回答问题的比赛;下午进行其他选手的第二轮次比赛。 评委将从语言能力及应用,内容,技巧,时间掌握和整体形象几个方面给选手打分。 首
按超时扣分。第一轮次比赛演讲题目为 “融合与多元 化”。 x:最后一位选手的演讲结束。下面让我们休息15分钟,选手将在这段时间进行重新抽签。
请在座的观众在... 准时回到会场。 x:在短暂的休息过后,让我们继续进行比赛,下面公布 号选手的得分情况 下面进行第二轮次的比赛:即兴演讲并回答问题。满分20分,时间为3分钟。演讲题目
抽签决定,演讲时间三分钟,(超时扣分)并回答评委提出的问题。 有请一号选手 ,请二号选手做好准备。 x:上午的比赛到此结束。我们第二时段的比赛将在中午1点30分进行。欢迎大家到场观
手机处于关闭状态,谢谢合作!) (中午比赛开始)
speaking contest.
大学生英语演讲比赛暨2006年cctv 杯全国英语演讲大赛复赛海南赛区的比赛现场! x:
下面有请 号选手请号选手做好准备。 x:最后一名选手的比赛已
经结束,下面有请 进行点评。 y:感谢 的点评。在最后的结果出来前,让我们共同欣赏一段精彩的表演。首先有请海南
术系的刘洋同学表演男声独唱《疼爱妈妈》 x:下面请欣赏由海南师范大学艺术系学生 表演的舞蹈《邵多丽》 (宣布最后一名选手的得分) x:请海南师范大学英语指导委员会代表陈宗华教授宣布比赛结果。 进行颁奖
请在座的领导,嘉宾,评委和选手合影留念。 本次比赛到此结束,再次感谢各位的光临,谢谢,再见!(比赛前,主持人在幕后提醒:
比赛即将开始,为了保证比赛的顺利进行,请您将您的手机处于关闭状态,谢谢合作!) y:尊敬的各位领导,各位来宾,亲爱的老师们,同学们,大家(合)早上好!欢迎来到
大学生英语演讲比赛暨2006年cctv 杯全国英语演讲大赛复赛海南赛区的比赛现场! x:cosponsored by the china central television and foreign language teaching and
education department of hainan province. y:本次大赛由中央电视台和外语教育与研究出版社联合主办,由海南省教育厅和海南师
自17所各大高校的40名选手参加比赛。 x:firstlylets introuduce todays honorable leader and guests. mr.li xiangguo from the education department of hainan province. y:光临今天大赛现场的领导和嘉宾是:海南省教育厅高教处处长李向国 x:mr.han
zhongze from the education department of hainan province. y:海南省教育厅高教处副
处长 韩忠泽
x:miss.li shujing from foreign language teaching and research press. y:外语
教学与研究出版社 李淑静 女士 x:professor zhang chengyifrom hainan formal university. y:海南师范大学副校长 张诚一 教授 x:
y:海南省大学英语教学指导委员会副会长 陈宗华 教授 x:让我们再次以热烈的掌声欢迎各位领导的到来! x:今天来到比赛现场的还有来自各兄弟院校的领导、老师、参赛选手和观看比赛的同学
烈的掌声欢迎他们的到来。 chen zonghua to give us a speech. y:下面有请省教育厅高教处处长李向国同志讲话。 y:接下来有请本次大赛的承办单位代表海南师范大学副校长张诚一教授致欢迎辞。
x:thank youprofessor zhang.and nowlets introuduce todays honorable judges. y:担任
x:professor vice director of faculty of foreign languageshainan university. y:
海南大学外语学院副院长 杨云升 副教授 x:
y:海南师范大学外语系 唐卫平 副教授 x:
y:海南医学院基础教学部副主任 齐红 副教授 x:
y:琼州学院外语系主任 尚志强 教授 x:
y:华南热带农业大学基础教学部副主任 陈谦 副教授 x:
y:海南职业技术学院大学英语教学部主任 党登奎 副教授 x:
y:海口经济技术学院 姚中 副教授 x:our question master are billie rae smith dr.greg mavrides y:提问评委有 外籍教师 billie rae smith dr.greg mavrides(沈睿杰) y:非常感谢各位评委的到来! y:下面向大家介绍比赛程序,本次比赛有定题演讲,即兴演讲和回答问题三个部分,满
兴演讲及回答问题的比赛;下午进行其他选手的第二轮次比赛。 评委将从语言能力及应用,内容,技巧,时间掌握和整体形象几个方面给选手打分。 首
先进行的是第一轮次的比赛:定题演讲,满分十分,时间:三分钟,演讲题目为 “融合与多
下面有请一号选手,请二号选手做好准备。 x:最后一位选手的演讲结束。下面让我们休息15分钟,选手将在这段时间进行重新抽签。
请在座的观众在... 准时回到会场。
x:在短暂的休息过后,让我们继续进行比赛,下面公布 号选手的得分情况 下面进行第
二轮次的比赛:即兴演讲并回答问题。满分20分,时间为3分钟。 演讲题目由参赛选手当场
抽签决定,演讲时间三分钟,(超时扣分)并回答评委提出的问题。 有请一号选手 ,请二号选手做好准备。 x:上午的比赛到此结束。我们第二时段的比赛将在中午1点30分进行。欢迎大家到场观
手机处于关闭状态,谢谢合作!) (中午比赛开始)
speaking contest.
大学生英语演讲比赛暨2006年cctv 杯全国英语演讲大赛复赛海南赛区的比赛现场! x:
下面有请 号选手请号选手做好准备。 x:最后一名选手的比赛已经结束,下面有请 进行点评。 y:感谢 的点评。在最后的结果出来前,让我们共同欣赏一段精彩的表演。首先有请海南
术系的刘洋同学表演男声独唱《疼爱妈妈》 x:下面请欣赏由海南师范大学艺术系学生 表演的舞蹈《邵多丽》 (宣布最后一名选手的得分) x:请海南师范大学英语指导委员会代表陈宗华教授宣布比赛结果。 进行颁奖
四 、参赛对象:10、11级学生
五、活动时间: 待定
? 个人自我介绍的不同能让同学们尽力地展示自己的独特的演讲技巧和全方位表现自己的英语水平;
? 有比较才有优劣,选手定题演讲是体现才能的进一步考验;在个人演讲中, 选手上台姿势 、站姿 、英语标准否 、音调、音色 、 演讲开始和结束后的礼仪,都是考验选手的演讲技巧;
九、 赛程安排
1.活动介绍:介绍活动主题、评委老师和嘉宾 10分钟
十、 工作人员安排
1. 选手名单的落实
2. 评分表的制作
3. 邀请函的制作及派发
4. 优胜选手奖品制作(在笔记本上写奖项)
5. 分数统计(详见附三)
6. 比赛当天现场布置
分团委学生会 学习部
活动背景和目的??????????????????3 活动时间和地点??????????????????3
? 由学院负责于活动一星期前制作各学院各项负责人联系方式表并发送到群共享
? 由学院负责于活动一星期前完成场地及海报申请,并收集整理完成活动各环节媒体文件;
? 物品准备
? 礼品
1). 由学院负责于活动一星期前在青广上搁置展板及喷绘海报,并负责在各围合张贴围合小海报并于活动结束前回收各围合海报;
2).各学院负责人积极转发各平台状态。 3.活动报名:
1) 全体工作人员于提前两小时到场,由学院工作人员布置场地并确保在一个半小时内完成教室布置:
2) 活动半小时前完成场地布置后播放暖场音乐,工作人员继续现场宣传;
2. 活动流程:
1) 开场视频;(5min)
2) 主持人开幕,介绍嘉宾,宣布活动开始;(5min) 3) 选手登场,比赛开始; 比赛流程: ◆初赛:
(4)每5位选手演讲完毕后请评委点评,并公布前5位选手的分数 评分规则:去掉一个最高分,去掉一个最低分,其余评委的平均分为选手得分; 评分标准:(总分 101 分)
◆调剂环节:每5位选手演讲完毕后计分统计期间进入调剂环节 ·视:观影识剧
观看一段英文视频,回答视频剧名 ·听:听歌识曲
收听一段英文歌曲,回答英文歌名 ·说:小视频配音
播放一段美剧/影剧视频,给出字幕,入场景配音 ·学:我学奥巴马讲话
播放一段奥巴马演讲录音,给出语段模拟奥巴马现场演讲 ·百科竞答:
1.名词汇总 2.民俗文化 3西方礼仪 4.宗教传说 5.英美文化知识 6.
(1)自我介绍:才艺展示、PPT+解说 时长3分钟 (2)定题演讲:限时三分钟,演讲主题待定
(4)即兴演讲:选手抽题,准备30秒,演讲时间不超过1.5分钟。 (5)综合素质:选择一道由5个单词构成的题目,变成一个故事 时长不超过3分钟
2.奖项设置及奖励方式 一等奖 1名, 二等奖 2名, 三等奖 2名
单项奖 比赛过程中某一方面表现突出的选手
? 策划,场地布置、准备各自学院院旗
? 电脑及舞会音乐,申请场地及展板,物资采购;
? 音响话筒及当时的管理和归还,新闻稿,青广喷绘海报及展出,围合海报及展出;
? 主持人,游戏; ? 电源; ? 开场;
? 在遇到突然停电时,主持人用事先准备的扩音喇叭组织大家进行小游戏,直到电源恢复;
? 在音响(或电脑)遇到工作故障(如死机,电源短路等),及时更换为备
? 安排专人负责操作区,不允许无关人员进入; ? 现场安排机动人员,在冷场时配合主持人活跃气氛;
? 将参与同学的物品统一放置,并派专人看管,防止失窃事件的发生; ? 各学院组成临时决策小组(由各学院文艺部长组成,保证联系方式畅通),决策会场遇到的突发情况,并安排工作人员处理
? 若现场人数不够,则让主持人进行更多的鼓动,干事等造势
? 如现场人数过多,则内部人员退出舞池,并做好维持秩序工作,严防安全隐患,做好突发状况紧急人员疏散的准备
? 若遭遇雨水天气则将活动适当延期
《百科知识竞答》 视频文件 声音文件
?1.Experts say that
misconceptions of wealth might be to blame for the increasing number of campus crimes. Do you agree with this opinion? Why or why not?
?1.Experts say that misconceptions of wealth might be to blame for the increasing number of campus crimes. Do you agree with this opinion? Why or why not?
?2.With thousands of years of history and plex rules, mahjong now is gaining popularity in many countries as a game of leisure and of the mind. Should mahjong be recognized as a national heritage? What’s your opinion?
?3. The internet buzzwords, including diaosi, gaofushuai and baifumei, are terms that people use to describe different groups of Chinese youth. Why are these terms gaining popularity?
?4.Watching the annual CCTV Spring Festival Gala has been a Lunar New Year ritual for many Chinese over the past decades. What do you think about the Spring Festival Gala? Would you make any chances to make it even more popular?
?5.Three first-tier cities, Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, have announced to allow children of migrant workers to sit college entrance exams locally. Are you for or against the reform? Why?
?6.Nowadays, college students’life style goes from outdoor enthusiasm to indoor couch potatoes and Internet addicts. Why do you think such a change has taken place and what, if any, should be done about it?
?7.What’s your understanding of “Made in China”and “Created in China”respectively? Which would you value?
?8.China is home to over 20 percent of world’s population but has only 7 percent of global water, and its per capita fresh water is just one-fourth of the world average. What can we do in our daily life to tackle this problem?
?9.It is argued that modern life makes it harder for people to fall in love. Do you agree?
?10.A survey said that the elderly attended to by their daughters are more content than those taken care of by their sons. What factors do you think have lead to this phenomenon?
?11.In China, rising wages and shrinking export demand are forcing manufacturers to relocate in neighboring countries and many that remain are considering moving. What consequences will this bring?
?12.If you were a foreign investor thinking of investing in China, what would you like to invest in?
?13.New York edian Ronnie Shakes said: “A lot of people
wonder how you can tell if you are really in love. Just ask yourself this question: Would I share my cash-machine number with this person?”What about you—how can you tell if you are in love or not?
?13.New York edian Ronnie Shakes said: “A lot of people
wonder how you can tell if you are really in love. Just ask yourself this question: Would I share my cash-machine number with this person?”What about you—how can you tell if you are in love or not?
?14.It is a trend for Chinese young people to buy an apartment before they are married, but it is quite a tough take for a young couple to plete a purchase on their own? Is an apartment necessary for a marriage? Why or why not?
?15.Imagine that your generation could be represented by three cartoon characters. Please tell us which three cartoon characters you would choose. And which one would you be most similar to?
?16.Men and women are supposed to be equal, but there is almost no country in the world where women hold the same number of leadership positions as men in the government, business or other industries. What would the world be like if women were predominantly in power?
?17.If you were taken by aliens to another planet, and the aliens wanted you to tell them something about human civilization, what would you tell them and why?
?18.In many cultures it is considered a virtue to save money. But to spur economic growth many countries carry out policies to encourage consumption. What do you think of these policies and how to reach a balance?
?19.Time travel is currently impossible, but one day it may e true. If you could travel backwards or forwards in time, would you go back to the past or forward to the future? And how far would you travel and why?
?20Can video conferencing replace face-to-face business meetings when devices have been designed to recognize and replicate voices, body language and other features in order to facilitate munication?