作文一:《关于看电影的作文 看电影作文_1》2200字
关于看电影的作文 看电影作文
今天下午学校组织我们到电影院去看了一场电影,你知道看的是什么电影吗,是《新木偶奇遇记》,影片讲述的是一个木头人的奇异经历:有一天他的鼻子突然长长了,为什么,因为他撒了谎。这说明:我们要做一个诚实的好孩子~我还写了一首儿歌叫《撒谎》:撒了谎,害处大,害自己,害大家。我想:木头人他完全可以做一个诚实的孩子,我们大家也应该做个诚实的人~看电影作文相关内容:小黄狗 去年暑假,我在外婆家看到一只小黄狗,它的名字叫:来福。来福的耳朵是竖起来的,尖尖的。它的一对黑宝石似的眼睛,常常骨碌碌直转,透着聪明和机灵。它浑身缎子似的黄毛又长又软。身子约有两本数学书那么长。尾巴短,看上去就是一簇毛。...
续《捣蛋王的故事》 一天早上放学时,数学老师在黑板上抄了几题作业就走了。教室里静静地,同学们忙着抄题目,只听到刷刷的写字声。这时,小强环顾四周,只见同学们都埋着头抄作业,于是悄悄地跑到黑板前,拿起粉笔刷,把黑板上的题目给擦掉了几处,然后偷偷...
梦里花 有一些人的梦是那么的完美。他们总是陶醉在其中,害怕这一切的一切都是虚幻,害怕自己已经无法自拔;而有一人的梦是那么的凄凉,害怕这一切的一切是真实的,害怕自己已经被这(真实的)梦所折磨而我说的梦里花是虚幻和真实的结合。
小蚂蚁真勤劳 五一放假,我和爸爸、妈妈回老家。一路上,我心情很高兴,因为我就要见到疼我的爷爷奶奶了。第二天,我
我的自豪 我是一个女孩子,,今年10岁了。.我性格活泼开朗,,是一个经常笑的女孩子。.也非常快乐.我的意志坚强勇敢,,是个什么也不怕的女孩子。.我的兴趣广泛,,非常喜欢做有趣的事.。我最大的优点是内心自信又自强.不会因为一些小事就难倒。
小花猫和小白猫 小白猫很漂亮,可它有一个缺点,是猫界不可少的,那就是它不会抓老鼠。有一天,小白猫碰见了在猫界鼎鼎有名的抓老鼠大师小花猫。当大家都向小花猫问好时,小白猫却当作没看见,心里在想:哼,还不如我美丽,根本不配当明星,要是我好差不...
我最喜欢的蔬菜 我最喜欢的吃的蔬菜是西红柿。西红柿的颜色是通红通红的,就象小朋友红彤彤的小脸蛋。西红柿的形状是圆形的略带一点扁。它的味道酸酸的,略带一点甜。西红柿的种法和葡萄差不多。它不仅生吃有营养,煮熟了吃营养更丰富。
《狐假虎威》读后感 狐狸狡猾,老虎破不了狐狸的诡计。这个寓言故事相信大家应该能猜出来吧~猜对啦~就是《狐假虎威》。读了这个寓言故事,你有什么感想呢,大家听听我的感想吧~我认为狐狸太聪明了,它骗老虎说自己就是百兽之王!老虎也有一点笨了吧。
作文二:《关于看电影的作文 看电影作文》2600字
关于看电影的作文 看电影作文
看电影作文看电影作文(1)XX年8月20日星期六天气:晴看电影今天早上,我和弟弟、妹妹、姐姐、奶奶去叔叔家玩。上午十点,叔叔开车回来载我们了,我们高兴得一蹦三尺高。奶奶看了说:“看你们高兴的,到那放斯文点,别乱来。”我们连忙使劲点了点头。一个钟后,我们来到叔叔家和堂妹玩了一会儿,就到餐厅吃饭,然后就去看电影。我们来到电影院,买了《蓝精灵》3d电影票就进场了,电影院里座无虚席。我坐在靠椅上,眼睛紧紧地盯住屏幕:一群蓝精灵手拿着插满了针的苹果扔向格格巫。全场观众哄堂大笑。我把头伸得直直的,注视着屏幕上一个个精彩的镜头??最后,这一群可爱的蓝精灵凭着勇气和智慧战胜了可恶的格格巫。大家都为蓝精灵喝彩。散场后,我们有序地走出电影院,把空空的汽水瓶和爆米花盒扔进垃圾桶,捧着大大的肚子回家去。看电影作文(2) 暑假的生活是多姿多彩的,我也不例外,这个暑假,我看了一部美国大片——《变形金刚》。
看电影作文相关内容:读《小学生枕边书》有感 我有一个好朋友,它就是《小学生枕边书》。我看了这本书以后,深深的感动在其中,里面有100个故事,同样也有100个道理。每一篇故事都有每一个主人公组成,它描述了他们成功的过程和对成功的信念,告诉我们要向他们学习。...
龟兔赛跑之四 听,一年一度的森林运动会又开始了.马裁判说这是今年的热门选手___乌龟和白兔,以往都是乌龟赢,这次,又是谁赢呢?答案马上揭晓,预备,开始.这次,乌龟有点骄傲了,白兔就改了他那骄傲的毛病了果然,是白兔赢了,但是白兔主动去和乌龟握手言和.从此...
有趣的呼啦圈 张怡,快来看,这是什么,放学刚进家门,就听见妈妈在客厅唤我。我进到客厅,妈妈兴奋地举着一个呼拉圈,这是一个绿白相见的呼拉圈,精巧细致。
地球法院开庭了 砰,砰~安静~原来是地球法院开庭了。主审法官说:今天我们的主题是控告万物之灵人类,请各位受害者派代表来陈述。河流第一个说:一些可恶的人为了方便,把工厂的废水,鸡、鸭、牛的粪便以及垃圾、化学物品全都排放到我的身体里,把原来...
美丽的塘山岭生态公园 廉江市塘山岭生态公园远近闻名,许
读《蚁国英雄》有感 《生命的壮歌》是由两篇小故事组成,《蚁国英雄》就是其中的一篇。《蚁国英雄》这篇主要讲了,由于游客的不慎,引起一片小草丛起了火,火顺着风势,围向一个丘陵。
学骑车作文 学骑车作文(1)在我的成长过程中,经历过许许多多的事,其中有一件事就像熠熠生辉的金子,又像一枚钉子钉在我的脑海中,永远无法将它拔出。有一天,我看见操场没人,便回家把自行车推出来练习。
读疯娘有感 我读了疯娘这篇以后,深深地打动了我的心。我那时,感动的眼泪都要流出来了。这篇的主要内容是:疯娘先给我摘了十几个野鲜桃,我说很甜,娘嘿嘿地笑了。第二天,我娘又去摘野鲜桃。
暑假的第三天中午,爸爸打来了一个电话,说:“儿子,晚上我请你和杨明到电影院看《变形金刚》好吗?”我一听,乐得一蹦三尺高,说:“好啊,谢谢爸爸!”? 晚上,我们到电影院看电影,这是我第一次到电影院看电影。电影院是什么样子的呢?是不是动画片呀?怎么看呢?我都不知道,哇!电影院好大啊!恐怕有我们50个教室那么大。人可真多啊!座位一排排,虽然没有坐满,但是至少有几百人。这是我第一次跟杨明和这么多人看电影,多新鲜!
网络看英文电影的好处英语作文 Despite what many might think,
English Movies is well known across hundreds of nations all over the world. English Movies has been around for several centuries and has a very important meaning in the lives of many. It would be safe to assume that English Movies is going to be around for a long time and have an enormous impact on the lives of many people.
Social Cultural Factors
English Movies has a large role in American Culture. Many people can often be seen taking part in activities associated with English Movies. This is partly because people of most ages can be involved and families are brought together by this. Generally a person who displays their dislike for English Movies may be considered an outcast.(joozone.)
Economic Factors
It is not mon practice to associate economics with English Movies. Generally, English Movies would be thought to have no effect on our economic situation, but there are in fact some effects. The sales industry associated with English Movies is actually a 2.3 billion dollar a year industry and growing each year. The industry employs nearly 150,000 people in the United States alone. It would be safe to say that
English Movies play an important role in American economics and shouldn’t be taken for granted.
Environmental Factors
After a three month long research project, I’ve been able to conclude that English Movies doesn’t negatively effect the environment at all. A English Movies did not seem to result in waste products and couldn’t be
found in forests, jungles, rivers, lakes, oceans, etc... In fact, English Movies produced some positive effects on our sweet little nature.
Political Factors
Oh does English Movies ever influence politics. Last year 5 candidates running for some sort of position used English Movies as the primary topic of their campaign. A person might think English Movies would be a bad topic to lead a campaign with, but in fact with the social and environmental impact is has, this topic was able to gain a great number of followers. These 5 candidates t 4 for 5 on winning their positions.
English Movies seem to be a much more important idea that most give credit for. Next time you see or think of English Movies, think about what you just read and realize what is really going on. It is likely you under valued English Movies before, but will now start to give the credited needed and deserved.
上一篇英语: A Playground-娱乐场所下一篇英语: living in a central
city or in county查看更多关于大学英语作文的文章网友同时还浏览了:
On Luck-论缘
On Mood-谈心情
Joy and Sorrow-欢乐与忧伤
A Library 图书馆
My Ideal Husband(我的理想丈夫
篇一:我最喜欢的电影(暮色) My Favorite Movie(Twilight)
I like watching movies very much. My favorite movie is Twilight. It is a beautiful love story between vampire and mankind. The main characters are named Edward and Bella. They can’t help loving each other. Edward is a vampire who has lived hundreds of years, while Bella just a ordinary high school student. They are classmates. When Bella recognizes that Edward is a vampire, she still chooses to love him under the pressure of every aspect. And Edward also pick the choice to protect Bella at all costs. This is their beginning of love.
I like this movie so much that I have seen it four times. I think the movie stars in it are very beautiful and handsome. Secondly, the plot is very attractive and excited. And the scenery is beautiful too. In a word, I just like it the moment I see it.
篇二:我最喜欢的电影 My Favorite Movie
Movie is my favorite that I always watch movies when I am free. Since I like English very much, so the English movie is my favorite, too. Among so many films I have watched, the one I like best is High School Musical. This film tells the stories about two high school juniors from rival cliques – Troy Bolton, captain of the basketball team, and Gabriella Montez, a beautiful and shy transfer student who is a hard working girl. Together, they try out for the lead parts in their high school musical. In this process, a series of stories happen, but in the end, the musical achieves great success and Troy and Gabriella fall in love with each other. It’s totally a happy ending. I like this movie because the high school life in that is so colorful and amazing, which I admire so much. Besides, everyone loves happy ending of love story.
我喜欢电影,平时有时间的时候我一般都是看电影。我非常喜欢英语,因此英语电影也是我喜欢看的。在我所看过的电影中,我最喜欢的是《歌舞青春》。这部电影讲述了两个高中生的故事——学校篮球队的队长Troy Bolton和性格害羞、长相甜美、成绩优异的新生Gabriella Montez。他们要一起主演学校的音乐剧。在这个过程中,发生了一系列的故事,而最终,音乐剧获得了成功,他们之间也碰撞出了爱的火花,完美落幕。我喜欢这部电影的原因是因为电影中展现的高中生活丰富多彩、奇妙无比,让我十分羡慕。再者,有谁不喜欢爱情故事的大圆满结局呢。
篇三:介绍电影 Film Introduction
The Grand Masters is a Kung Fu movie, directed by the famous director Karwai Wong, representing the legend life of Kung Fu master, Ye Wen. The movie stars from mainland and Hong Kong co-star in this film, attracting many movie fans’ attraction. Tony Leung Chiu Wai and Zhang Ziyi are the leading roles. The movie focuses on the legend stories of mutual martial arts during the Republic of China. In order to truly show the moves and spirits of the four Kung Fu branches, Wing Chun, the Eight Diagrams, Bachi and Ying Yie, the director Karwai Wong collected a large amount of precious materials in the period of Republic of China, visited more than one hundred descendants across the country in three years. Besides, the leading roles t to learn Kung Fu for many years. As a result, we can enjoy a beautifully produced and fantastic Kung Fu movie. I watched it in the cinema, feeling it’s so great that I couldn’t describe it in language. I desperately love this film.
走进电影院时,我看见了很长很长队伍,我心想:照这样下去的话,到猴年马月才能看到电影。我正在心急,突然我问妈妈说:“我们上去买票吧,我们先看了看,只有三部电影。妈妈问我:“你想看哪一部电影,”我说: “就看《五月天追梦》吧。”妈妈说好的。
后来终于轮到我们买票了。我对阿姨说:“我要《五月天追梦》。”阿姨马上拿了票给我。我很高兴 ,也很期待。
后来我坐了一会,我轻轻的对妈妈说:“我想参观一下电影院,可以吗,”妈妈说:“当然可以。”我边走边看,看见了《五月天追梦》的图片,我看了看,原来是偶像 剧,我马上跑到妈妈那边去说:“《五月天追梦》不好看的。”妈妈说:“为什么啊,”“因为那是偶像剧。”妈妈却说:“偶像剧就偶像剧,买了只能看了。”我对妈妈说:“你要是不去换票的话,我就不看了。”妈妈只能去换了。
电影开始了,我和影院里的其它小朋友一样,看得津津有味,还不时发出“咯咯咯”的笑声。电影讲的是喜羊羊与灰太狼联手打败坏恐龙的故事,故事很有趣。给我印象最深的是:电影里有一只英勇的恐龙,它有一个绝招叫“大火腿”,打败了不少动物,令灰太狼特别羡慕。(范文先生网 )没想到,灰太狼在影片结尾处也模仿恐龙使出了这一绝招,只不过,它却改名为“小火腿”。灰太狼那古怪的语气、狼狈的动作令我捧腹大笑。电影太有趣了,给我带来了许多快乐。
企鹅觉的航行路线有点差错,那四只企鹅就来到了驾驶舱,一只 企鹅管驾驶员,一只企鹅输入密码??风浪把装长颈鹿,河马,斑马,狮子的箱子掀到了海里,漂到了一个小岛上了。最好玩的是松鼠把飞机当开会的地方,让变色龙当记录员,不要的句子变色龙就用舌头一舔。
电影是一个神奇的存在。它在留住时光的同时,造就了一大批明星,他们传神的演绎在我们的脑海中留下了深刻的印象。永远忘不了奥黛丽?赫本甜美的微笑,矜持、高贵、优雅,宛如误落凡间的天使。当“泰坦尼克号”裂成两半,即将沉水时,Jack对Rose说:“YoujumpIjump。”这种承诺,不离不弃,同生共死。(Motivational model yuedu.mipang.)还有一句让无数女孩子都心碎的话:“Rose,答应我,一定要好好活下去,赢得那张船票是我一生中最幸运的事情。”此刻,观看电影的每个女孩都是女主角。
关于通过看电影学英语的方法,新东方的俞敏洪,杜伟老师建议,根据你的实际能力,先看2-3遍没有字幕的,然后再看一遍有字幕的,如果还搞不定,下载该电影的剧本,把剧本过一遍,先把剧本搞定(这已经是阅读问题了),然后再看一遍有英文字幕的,保证看着字幕理解是没有问题的。然后再看没有字幕的,这样下来如果完全能听懂的话,听力是没有问题了。下面边看边跟读,模仿各种人物的每一句话,就像你是个配音演员,要做到惟妙惟肖。1。择片的原则。正确的选择适合英语学习的电影。 2。简单的原则。不要以上来就选择内容高深莫测的电影。 3。背诵的原则。对于电影对白重的精彩片段最好背诵下来。 4。重复的原则。一部电影要反复的观看多遍,知道不用字幕也可以完全看懂听懂的地步。 5。精范结合的原则。拿出几个电影仔细的分析学习。同时也可以泛看一些你喜欢的电影。 6。模仿的原则。对于经典的电影,要模仿其中的各种角色的对白。 7。突击的原则。尽量在短时间内突破,不讨拖延太长的时间。 8。根据发音标准的演员选择电影。以便于你模仿出漂亮的语音。
标准女音电影 Sabrina 情归巴黎
标准男音电影 Dove 真假总统
When harry meet salay 当哈里遇见莎莉
Pretty woman 漂亮女人
My best friend wedding 我最好朋友的婚礼
Erin Brockovich 永不妥协 There"s Something About Mary 我为玛丽狂 Vanilla sky 香草的天空
Sleepless in Seattle 缘份的天空西雅图不眠夜
You‘ve got mail 电子情书
Philadelphia 费城故事(1993版) The Graduate 毕业生 Rain Man 雨人 Kramer Vs Kramer 克莱默夫妇
The Shawshank Redemption 肖申克的救赎刺激1995 Legends Of The Fall 燃情岁月,希望楼主喜欢,如果你下载下来的是有字幕的,可以联系我,给你个软件遮挡字幕,很不错的,亲测可用
我最喜欢的一部电影英语作文篇一 My favourite
movie is Transformers 3. This film was made in America. It used a lot of high-techs and puter special effects.
I like it very much. This film has huge scenes and famous movie stars. Besides, it has good story, and it told me to respect anybody protects us.
This film asked us to be brave to fight the enemies and have the courage to live in the danger.
It also have a lot of robot troys I like. This is my favourite movie.
我最喜欢的一部电影英语作文篇二 My favorite
movie is mr. & mrs. smith, which is played by julie and pitt. i appreciate the beauty, the dance with music, and the humorous and so on.
For first reason, julia and pit are both beauty guys, a good vision could get from the movie. it also is reported they two get married for this movie, which is may a real love feeling in it, including the sweet dancing time, having shopping together, and even fierce tussle between them. so, i watched it several times.
Secondly, i like the novel story which is told to me. from the romance loving to mon marriage life, suddenly it is being an exciting killing life with the closet panion, finally find the best way to love and live together. it a good lesson to the couple tired of their marriage.
Thirdly, i am fond of the ic plot from the movie. just from the seeing doctor at the beginning and the ending, it would bring some fun. and i also like they are chatting at the car when they are pursued just behind them and have to deal with the problem survive and death the moment of truth. that moment, the dialogue between them is very cool and interesting, filling with fun.
Finally, i would like to say it is a worthwhile movie if you have time with your lover.
我最喜欢的一部电影英语作文篇三 My favorite
cartoon film is “Kung Fu Panda”.Because it’s very
funny and interesting.The story was great and the background was beautiful, it really felt like an ancient Chinese city.
So many people like it.In this cartoon movie the character who I most like is the panda Arab League valuable.
Because it not only unusual lovable and annoys the human to like, moreover is this cartoon movie’s
lead .
But I did not deny that other roles also very much annoy the affection, for example tigress (Angelina Jolie), viper (Lucy Liu), praying mantis (Seth Rogen), hoist crane (David cross) and monkey (Jackie Chan).
I from this cartoon movie middle school: Each people have the merit and the shorting, perhaps you only know your shorting, so long as but you look diligently, also will discover that oneself will have the merit.
我最喜欢的一部电影英语作文篇四 A Nice
FilmThe day before yesterday,I saw a film named Ring
King It is said the film has won the Oscar award.
Before filming,the director spent seven years planning.There are about one thousand actors and actresses taking part.
The film is about a powerful ring which affects the fate of the beings.In their fight for peace,many people lost their lives.But in the end,justice defeated the evil.
The film tells us that persistence and courage are the source of success.With persistence and courage,you are sure to win no matter how weak you are.
I enjoyed the film very much.It’sworth seeing
although it’s very long.
我最喜欢的一部电影英语作文篇五 Everyone has
seen a movie. What’s your favorite movie? My favorite movie is a edy called “hands up”.
During the Anti-Japanese War movie is about a few rural farmers with Japan, wit and will ultimately drive their story, the plot of the story is very lively, interesting, make people laugh from time to time. Remember there is a plot, there are many small Japan make a donkey camel across a bridge with a big box, box
containing a Chinese farmers, small Japan put a bomb in the center of the bridge, when the donkey into the center of the bridge, stopped suddenly, and a bubble urine, will bomb out, Japan on the bridge side blank stare.
At another time, a Japanese guy accidentally drop down the river, a man pulls his pants, don’t let him
fall, results show the red underwear, when he had to climb much red underwear but drew a cow, as a result, the hapless Japan was cattle chase to chase, appearance can be funny.
”Hands up” although there is no other
Anti-Japanese War film that bloody scenes, but it’s
funny and peaceful atmosphere, let a person look again can remember, no matter go where, as long as a mention it let people have a fresh feeling. Readers, have you seen it? Look at it without looking at it!
我最喜欢的一部电影英语作文篇六 Everyone has
their favorite person, favorite thing, favorite book, favorite music. I’d like to introduce one of my
favorite movies to you today. Want to know what movie is? Let me speak slowly to you!
What a great thing that a little spider can save a friend’s life! In fact, spider web is a miracle. Everyone can write. Everyone can read. Do you believe that spiders can write and read? The little pig, webber, had to be turned into a ham for help, and other animals were helpless. A spider named charlotte bravely stepped up to help. In order to help it out, the ordinary cobweb became a life-saving net in charlotte’s hands. Every
word charlotte has woven on the spider’s web contains
a sincere affection for her friend, which she has painstakingly woven. Finally, the pig webb escaped the disaster of being turned into bacon and ham. The animals applauded the pig, who won the contest.
The little spider, who works day and night, walks to the end of his life and quietly leaves us under the eaves. After seeing it, I couldn’t help but cry. That
deep friendship, that precious emotion, that memorable scene, and the extraordinary feat of a spider sacrificing life to save a friend. Although the spider looks ordinary, but the heart is great! In reality, spiders catch pests and are beneficial. From the movie, it helps friends and has a mind.
Spiders look small, but they are not small in their hearts. Pig looks stupid, doesn’t know anything,
but it also has a mind. Under the director’s
choreographer, the spider became great and the pig became smart.
My favorite movie, the mundane, has worked wonders, is the American director Gary? Winnick spent two years filming charlotte’s web.
This original story is one of the best since Shrek. And the meaning behind the story may be even better! The story is about Po, an overweight panda who is the son of a noodle maker, who dreams of Po following in his footsteps. But Po longs to be a ninja fighter. Po is as you know is a panda bear and the film's unlikely hero: as the bigger than life and pletely lovable bear voiced by the ic genius Jack Black. Po is a Sweet but clumsy, bear who hears the news the ancient and long awaited dragon warrior will be named, so he runs (as much as he can) to hear who will be named at the celebration. Without giving too much away, when an
"accidentseems to name Po as the dragon warrior (much to the horror of Master Shifu (voiced perfectly by Dustin Hoffman) and the disappointment of Furious Five: Tigress (Angelina Jolie), Viper (Lucy Liu), Mantis (Seth Rogen), Crane (David Cross) and Monkey (Jackie Chan). Shifu must find a way to train him. One hilarious moment after another
continues until Shifu recognizes Po's true driving force. This
is just in time as the villain Tai Lung (Ian McShane), a snow leopard has returned as he believe is the true Dragon Warrior.
Kung Fu Panda is a 2008 American animated edy blockbuster. It was directed by John Stevenson and Mark Osborne and produced by Melissa Cobb and stars Jack Black as Po. The film was produced by DreamWorks Animation's studio in Glendale, California and
distributed by Paramount Pictures. The film stars the voice of Jack Black as the panda, Po, along with the voices of Dustin Hoffman, Angelina Jolie, Ian McShane, Lucy Liu, Seth Rogen, David Cross, Randall Duk Kim, James Hong and Jackie Chan. Set in ancient China, the plot revolves around a bumbling panda who aspires to be a kung fu master. After a much-feared warrior is prophesied to escape from prison, Po is foretold to be the Dragon Warrior, much to his shock and surprise, as well as the chagrin of the resident kung fu warriors.Transformers is a 2007 live-action film adaptation of the Transformers franchise, directed by Michael Bay and written by Roberto Orci and Alex Kurtzman. It stars
Shia LaBeouf as Sam Witwicky, a teenager involved in a war between the heroic Autobots and the evil Decepticons, two factions of alien robots who can disguise themselves by transforming into everyday
machinery. The Decepticons desire control of the All Spark, the
object that created their robotic race, with the intention of using it to build an army by giving life to the machines of Earth. Megan Fox, Josh Duhamel, Tyrese Gibson, Jon Voight and John Turturro also star, while Peter Cullen and Hugo Weaving provide the voices of Optimus Prime and Megatron respectively.
My favorite movie is "kung fu panda,". This movie is about the beautiful scenery in the pinggu and, there lived a group of wulin. But the difference is, and the wulin, pinggu are all animals. The panda the treasure is probably one of the valley will not the fighting skill of residents. And fat and slow the treasure in the father of work in business noodle, father hope the treasure can inherit, however the
treasure is a noodle who is learning in the valley, and bee the first fighting skill of kung fu masters. But it has always been lazy to bo, it was just a distant dream
only. The tortoise master recently had the foreboding: the great dragon snow leopard, is about to break through the trap it DuoNian of imprisonment, dragon after prison will surely e and pinggu revenge. So, and will immediately pinggu meeting
Aladdin is a street-urchin who lives in a large and busy town long ago with his faithful monkey friend Abu. When Princess Jasmine
gets tired of being forced to remain in the palace that overlooks the city, she sneaks out to the marketplace, where she accidentally meets Aladdin. Under the orders of the evil Jafar (the
sultan's advisor), Aladdin is thrown in jail and bees caught up in Jafar's plot to rule the land with the aid of a mysterious lamp. Legend has it that only a person who is a "diamond in the roughcan retrieve the lamp from the Cave of Wonders. Aladdin might fight that description, but that's not enough to marry the princess, who must (by law) marry a prince.
泰坦尼克号 Titanic Titanic is a love story about Jack and Rose.They were happy to be with each other on the ship celled Titanic.On the night of April 15 1912,the Titanic had a serious accident on the way to America.Jack and Rose fell into thr sea with many other people.They were very nervous and frightened because they were afraid of losing each other.In the end,Rose was saved,
but Jack died.Rose felt very sad.She was so lonely.
At New York's Central Park Zoo, a lion (Stiller), a zebra (Rock), a giraffe
(Schwimmer), and a hippo (Smith) are best friends and stars of the show. But when one of the animals goes missing from their cage,
the other three break free to look for him, only to find themselves reunited ... on a ship en route to Africa. When their vessel is hijacked, however, the friends, who have all been raised in captivity, learn first-hand what life can be like in the wild.
Shortly after the end of world war ii, content was born in southern Alabama a block town, he congenital weak-minded, IQ is only 75, but his mother is a strong-minded woman, her to let the son and other normal person life, she often encourage forrestgump "stupid is as stupid does,he strives constantly for self-improvement. And god did not abandon forrestgump, he not only give forrestgump
a pair of pledge of such as fly "leg", also gave him a simple and straight, don't store a mind of evil thoughts. In school, forrest and blond girl Jenny meet, and since then, on mother and Jenny's love, forrestgump began his life on the run. Forrest gump bee a football star, the Vietnam war hero, table tennis diplomacy angel, a billionaire, but he still couldn't forget Jenny, a few times together and leave in a hurry, but also deepen the forrestgump thoughts.One day, forrestgump received Jenny letter, they finally and to meet, he again saw Jenny, and a small boy, that is his son. At this time of Jenny has got a fatal
disease. Kennedy and Jenny with three people returned to his hometown, together had a happy time.
经典台词: 1.Life was like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re gonna get. 生命就像一盒巧克力,结果往往出人意
料. 2.Stupid is as stupid does. 蠢人做蠢事,也可理解为傻人有傻
福 5.Death is just a part of life, something we’re all destined to do.
In fact, it is only a gump, a fictional character, the movie just want to through the characters experience, teach people to a different kind of attitude of life is like forrestgump, that no matter what the next step will face, he can always dull to accept, and do your best, not plain, also not then, forrestgump, is actually the most simple, do your best, don't stop your footsteps.
3. The Shawshank Redemption(肖申克的救赎)
In 1947, a banker named Andyis convicted of murdering his wife and her lover, based on strong evidence. He is sentenced to two consecutive life sentences at Shawshank State Penitentiary. There he spent 20 years digging a way with a rock hammerto escape from the prison.Finally,he is free and lives in a coastal town.He gets what he wants.And his prison-mate,Redfinally achieves parole after serving 40 years of his sentence.Eventually Red es across Andy on the coast, and they happily reunite.主题:hope friendship
freedom 经典台词: 1、“Remember, Hope is a good thing, maybe
the best of things and no good thing ever dies!”
1.Roman Holiday.(罗马假日)
A Princess makes a goodwill tour of Rome .She is tired of the responsibility and demands of the role she has played, then she escapes and meets up with a newspaper journalist on a street then she was taken his home and stay overnight. The next day , the journalist found that the girl is quite the princess. they have played together for a whole day and after spending time together in fun ,the reality of their love strongly shows, but she is reminded of her duties and returns to her previous life in the palace.
2. Forrest Gump(阿甘正传)
Forrest Gump grows up in Green bow, Alabama. Although his IQ is just 75, his mother strives to make him feel no different from others。During his life, Forrest achieves a lot more than any normal people may dream of. He bees a college student because he can run very fast and is recruited in the college football team. After playing football for five years, Forrest join the army with his college degree. In the army, he meet a black young man called Bubba who does not look down upon him and they bee good friends. On the battlefield in Vietnam, Forrest saves the lives of many fellow soldiers, but he loses his friend Bubba. It happens that Forrest has
an talent for ping-pong, so he is placed in the All-American Ping-Pong Team to visit China together with officia
delegation headed by President Nixon. With the money from doing advertisement for a Ping-Pong paddle pany, Forrest begins his life as a shrimp boat captain in honor of Bubba ,then Forrest bee a millionaire.
1.Life was like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re
gonna get.
2.Stupid is as stupid does.
5.Death is just a part of life, something we’re all destined to do.
To face destiny, this film has three kinds figure represent three attitudes. Forrest’s mother represent believer, Captain Dan
represent suspicious men, Jenny represent rebel. Maybe destiny is like that feather, which has no concrete direction ,and the ordinary experience tired us. However, any turning is controlled by themselves freely, there’s one thing you must do ? do you best.
“I’m not a smart man, but I know what love is。”
Love is film’s eternal theme .We give our tears and laughter generously. The love in this film is a process which a man with low IQ speaks out “love”.I think that Forrest doesn’t only say to Jenny,
but also say to his mother and Buba. Because the love realized by Forrest includes many things, not only heart.
The death of his mother and many times Jenny’s disappearance
let Forrest know what love is .In fact, no matter whether Jenny love Forrest, Forrest gets love and we get love from this film.
3. The Shawshank Redemption(肖申克的救赎)
In 1947, a banker named Andy is convicted of murdering his wife and her lover, based on strong evidence. He is sentenced to two consecutive life sentences at Shawshank State Penitentiary. There he spent 20 years digging a way with a rock hammer to escape from the prison.Finally,he is free and lives in a coastal town.He gets what he wants.And his prison-mate,Red finally achieves parole after serving 40 years of his sentence. Eventually Red es across Andy on the coast, and they happily reunite.
主题:hope friendship freedom
1、“Remember, Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things and
no good thing ever dies!” That’s why I like this film: it encourages
people to fight to preserve the dignity of human beings, to appreciate the beauty of life, and the most important is to keep hope forever. He once that is born, that is die. Everyone is the same. The only difference is whether busy living or busy dying. The film tells me even a man can live once, but if he keeps faith, keeps hope and works his life right, then once is enough.
2、Fear can hold you prisoner, hope can set you free. A strong man can save himself, a great man can save another.
3、I guess it es down to a simple choice: get busy living or get busy dying.
4.brave heart (勇敢的心)
The movie begins in a small town of Scotland. Wallace lives with his father and his older brother. then they go to a battle between the British and their clan(宗族), but both die tragically(悲剧地).
Then his uncle takes him away to live with him .when he grow up, he falls in love with a girl ,but at that time ,Lords have the right to sleep with brides on their wedding night, so William marries Murron in secret. Then she is killed by the lord(贵族). This eages
Wallace building a fine army to kill all Englishman .In the end , Wallace is dead for freedom。
Freedom is the main thing that Wallace pursue in his life. No matter what difficulties he meet ,he still hold on his belief and use his whole life to prove what freedom is.
His spirits is marvelous and is worth learning.
In this film ,we see the handkerchief with thistle(蓝蓟花) many
times .What it is stand for ?
The handkerchief with thistle is the love token between Wallace and Aaron .
It is understood that this handkerchief as an important clue throughout the film congeals Wallace’s deep and firm love
towards his wife.
It symbolizes the great spirits of Wallace’s uemitting struggle for
the freedom and national independence.
When Wallace was young ,his father said: “Your heart is
free .Have the courage to follow it.”
6.The legend of 1900(海上钢琴师)
1900, an abandoned baby which is taken care by one of the crews in the ship, Virginia. 1900 was the year which the crew discovered
the baby, thus, the boy was named 1900. The crew dies several years later and at that time, 1900 is entirely isolated. He is a genius and he knows how to play the piano without being taught. He gets his own style and wins the applause of passengers. 1900 spent his whole life on the ship. Max, 1900’s best friend, attempts to
persuade 1900 to leave the ship and if so, 1900 would achieve whatever he want. But he was too daunted by the size of the world. And feeling that his fate is tied to the ship, 1900 cannot bring himself to leave the only home he has known. In the end, the ship blew up and sinks, with 1900 still aboard. Max couldn't save his friend。
1900:That wasn't the problem. It wasn't what I saw that stopped me, Max. It was what I didn't see. You understand that? What I didn't see...In all that sprawling city, there was everything except an end. There was no end. What I did not see was where the whole thing came to an end, the end of the world.
I like movies very much. My favorite movie is Love Me Once More,
Mom .This is a moving story about a mother and her son. The son was lost one day and the mother was so worriedthat she looked for him everywhere,but she couldn t find him She was very sad and almost t mad. I think it is a wonderful movie. It is so moving and sad that I ever cried over and over again. How I wish to watch it again.
My favorite movie
My favorite movie is 《The Pursuit of Happiness》, which is played
by Will Smith and his son Jaden Smith. This movie has no pretty actors, no touching music, but good enough story, plain but not mediocre! It touched my mind deeply.
A single father (Will Smith plays) , lost his job and his wife chose to leave him. His life was very bad and difficult, but he never gave up and worked hard and took care of his son very well. Through his effort, at last he succeeded. His life changed better and better.
I like the movie, which is made me thinking a lot. What is happiness? How can we get happiness? In my eyes, the most important is the family. As long as the family together, no matter where, no matter what time, we are happy. Secondly, if we work hard enough today, happiness will e tomorrow. In addition, happiness depends on oneself. No matter other people think of you,
as long as you do happy.
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