? ? ? ?英语作文禁?止吸烟
散?文 | 美?文 烟,在?我们的生活?中无所不在?。据统计,?每年因为吸?烟导致肺炎?、肝硬化死?亡的人呈上?升趋势。吸?烟变成了“?杀人凶手”?~ 五月三?十一日是世?界无烟日。?
? 哈哈。?我的身份可?以让爸爸一?年里至少“?戒烟”一天?呢~我是五?月三十一日?出生
? 我决?定对爸爸实?行戒烟行动?。一,整天?在爸爸面前?啰嗦,吸烟?的坏处、有?哪些致
? 二,把?爸爸的打火?机、烟灰缸?、烟统统收?起来,让他?找不到,那?么他就吸不?到烟啦~我?看电视上说?吸烟二十年?以上的人的?肺是灰黑色?的、黑斑点?点的,非常?的恐
怖。 ?
? “只要有?恒心,铁柱?磨成针。”?爸爸想用无?谓的话略略?带过就算了?,但这一招?已经没有效?了~正当爸?爸侃侃而谈?的时候,我?正忙着把家?里的“烟具?”收起来呢?。爸爸讲
? “我?知道你是不?会轻易死心?,”我拿出?了事先准备?好的照片,?“目瞪口呆?了吧,一
旦?染上吸烟的?恶习,下场?就是这样。?你要记住我?的生日,也?要记住我生?日的背后的?含义。” ?现在,爸爸?的抽烟量已?经从每天一?包烟改为每?天半包烟,?咳嗽声的频?率也
? 也许,?在不久的以?后,烟已经?不是人们的?必需品了,?而是人们的?附属品,人?们会以曾经?拥有或拥有?而感到负累?、感到厌恶?~ Smo?ke is? ubiq?uitou?s in ?our l?ives.? The ?numbe?r of ?peopl?e who? die ?of pn?eumon?ia an?d cir?rhosi?s of ?the l?iver ?is re?porte?d to ?be on? the ?rise ?every? year?. Smo?king ?bees ?a kil?ler !? May ?31 is? worl?d no ?tobac?co da?y. Bu?t the? holi?day s?eemed? to f?ade a?way. ?The c?lutch?es of? smok?ing a?lso e?xtend? to j?unior? and ?middl?e sch?ool s?tuden?ts. M?y fat?her i?s an ?old s?moker?. Ha ?ha. M?y sta?tus w?ill g?ive m?y fat?her a?t lea?st on?e day? in a? year?. I w?as bo?rn on? May ?31, a?nd my? fath?er wo?uld b?e ver?y int?erest?ed in? smok?ing a? day ?on my? birt?hday.? But ?one d?ay is? so s?mall,? so s?mall.? I de?cided? to t?ake a?ction? agai?nst m?y fat?her. ?One, ?all d?ay lo?ng in? fron?t of ?the f?ather?, the? harm? of s?mokin?g, wh?at ca?rcino?genic? subs?tance?. A h?andfu?l of ?their? defe?cts. ?Two, ?take ?fathe?r s c?igare?tte l?ighte?r, as?htray?, smo?ke to? be p?ut to?gethe?r, le?t him? cann?ot fi?nd, t?hen h?e can? t ab?sorb ?smoke?! I w?atch ?on TV? that? peop?le wh?o smo?ke fo?r mor?e tha?n 20 ?years? have? blac?k, bl?ack, ?and v?ery s?cary ?lungs?. Thr?ee mo?nths ?ago, ?my fa?ther ?said,? smok?ing h?as be?en sm?oking? for ?tt?y yea?rs an?d you? can ?t qui?t. Wh?en I ?heard? it, ?I ret?orted?, as ?long ?as yo?u are? will?ing t?o qui?t, yo?u wil?l be ?succe?ssful?. As ?the s?aying? goes?, as ?long ?as th?ere i?s per?sever?ance,? the ?iron ?will ?grind? to a? need?le. M?y fat?her w?ant t?o use? that? even? if t?he me?aning?less ?words? brie?fly, ?but i?t has? no e?ffect?ive! ?Dad t?alk w?hen I? am b?usy m?ake y?anju ?away?? dad ?finis?hed, ?ha ha?, I a?lread?y fin?ished?, eve?n dad? s ha?nds t?he fu?lcrum? of t?he sm?oke I? also? secr?etly ?use s?cisso?rs to? cut ?it. W?hen d?ad to? reac?t whe?n it ?was t?oo la?te. I? m ro?b bef?ore d?ad
s ?openi?ngs: ?I kno?w you? are ?not e?asily? be d?ead, ?I too?k out? prep?ared ?photo?s, st?unned?, onc?e inf?ected? with? the ?bad h?abit ?of sm?oking?, fat?e is ?like ?that.? You ?have ?to re?membe?r my ?birth?day, ?and r?ememb?er th?e mea?ning ?behin?d my ?birth?day. ? Now,? dad ?s smo?king ?has b?een c?hange?d fro?m a p?ack o?f cig?arett?es a ?day t?o a h?alf-p?ack o?f cig?arett?es a ?day, ?and t?he fr?equen?cy of? the ?cough? has ?slowe?d dow?n. My? fath?er al?so gr?adual?ly re?alize?d the? bene?fits ?of qu?ittin?g, an?d the? enth?usias?m for? givi?ng up? smok?ing w?as ge?tting? high?er an?d hig?her. ?Perha?ps, i?n the? near? futu?re, t?he sm?oke i?s not? peop?le s ?neces?sitie?s, bu?t the? acce?ssori?es of? peop?le, p?eople? woul?d fee?l to ?have ?or ha?ve ne?gativ?e tir?ed, s?ick! ? ?
Some businesses now say that no one can smoke cigarettes in any of their offices. Some governments have banned smoking in all public places. Do you agree or disagree, why?
Why are so many people like smoking? What are the advantages and disadvantages of smoking? And how to give up smoking?
First of all, I will tell you some reasons of smoking. On one hand, it is not surprise that many adults like smoking. I think they may feel annoyed with many things of their work, family or other things. Besides, some people may do not like smoking, but they have to smoke on some occasion. On the other hand, some teenagers had begun to smoke when they are at school. They may also feel upset about many things. But I think most of them just feel curious about it.
Then, I will say something bad or good about smoking. As you known, it is bad for our body, just like our lung and our respiratory passage. When you smoke more and more, the function of your lung and your respiratory passage will not work effectively as usual.
On the contrary, some people are to rise that some advantages also exist when they smoked. For example, smoking will adjust their mood when they are unhappy. When they are smoking, inspiration will e up in their mind suddenly. Also, when they are embarrassed in some occasion, smoking will make them feel relaxed more or less.
Last but not least, even though there are some advantages, we shall call for giving up smoking. But how can make it? Here I will give you some tips. Firstly, try to reduce the number of times gradually. Secondly, get rid of the hobbit of smoking after supper, and instead with some fruits or drinks. Thirdly, remind yourself often, do not make yourself have many “the last one”, or you will
fail to do it.
Give up smoking for your family member and others’ health.
And believe yourself, and then you will overe difficulties.
? Today smoking is a widespread habit all over the world. Not
only the old, the youth, but
also middle school students have been engaged in smoking. Many of them think that smoking is a smart symbol. However, smoking is harmful to one's health. It contributes a lot of lung cancer, from which many people have died in the past years. It can also cause many other diseases. In a word, if you smoke, you do have a much greater chance of losing your health. Furthermore, scientific research shows that smoking is not only harmful to smokers themselves, but also a threat to public health, especially to women and children. Therefore, many countries have made laws forbidding smokers to smoke in public places such as cinemas, stations, hospitals, and so on. Give up smoking! If you don't smoke, don't start. Give up smoking for the sake of your health, for the sake of your family, and for the sake of the whole world
Smokes injurious to health
Smoking in now the society is an extremely universal phenomenon, from old grandfather paternal grandmother, to several year-old young people, they are slurping this unceasingly “the chronic suicide” the toxicant, the people understand a
reason - - smoking injurious to health, but understood truly smoking harm person Liao Liao is actually very few. The research proved: If in a family, the husband smokes, the wife does not smoke, is living together frequently, that the wife will result in the lung cancer the
opportunity the wife who will not smoke pared to the husband to want high one time to three times in the future. The husband smokes the quantity to be bigger, the wife results in cancer's opportunity to be bigger. If in the family some people smoke, in family's child is easy
bronchitis and pneumonia. We while protect our health, must the environment which lives to us protect, because the cigarette releases the smog is virulent, includes the massive carbon dioxide and other noxious gases, this is one of public place air pollution substantial clauses. Thought that protects homeland which our humanity altogether has, should start from me, starts from the young people, widely thoroughly opens the extension smoke, the smokeless propaganda: For everybody's health, please do not need to smoke!!! not only the smoke is harmful moreover also the air pollution environment to the body. Cigarette's smog is also one kind of important air pollution, moreover does not smoke the person also passive smog pollution. And, inside including several dozens toxic substances and cancer material. In if the family has the smoker, not only affects our youth's growth, moreover can result in diseases and so on tracheitis. If the pregnant woman inhales the smog which the smoke spurts also to return frequently kills by poison her embryo. Why bother? For the health, other
people's fort, borrows the smoke! ~ principle they! ~ said again, what does this thing have well? Today you pulled out have been at heart fortable, but you think again, what traded was a body's pain! Do not pull out! ~ do not buy again! ~ do not sell again! ~ thanks you to protect our homeland together!
the harm of smoking
If you take notice in some places, you’ll see the fact that most
smokers are young people and even some are middle school students. It is said that in China the number of the people smoking is about 0.3billion.
Why do so many people smoke? Some think that smoking is pleasure, some believe that they can refresh themselves by smoking. In fact, smoking is a bad habit, which has great harm to people’
health. The study of smoking shows that many kinds of illnesses have something to do with smoking. Smoking itself is a waster. It costs one so much money, Besides, many fires are caused by careless smokers. Today more and more people all over the world want to give up smoking. If you’re mot a smoker, don’t start.
? I attended Tom's birthday party tonight. After dinner, Tom gave out cigarettes to the
boy students present.
At this very point, I made for them an analysis of smoking's
bad effects: Smoking is a waste of money and it's greatly harmful to our health. And it can lead to fires easily. But it seemed helpless and they wouldn't listen to me. Somebody even said that body and health belonged to themselves and it's up to them to decide whether to smoke or not. I told him calmly, "Even if you have the right to harm your own body, but it doesn't mean that you have the same right to harm others'."
At last, they agreed w
ith me, and some students said that they would never smoke any longer.
For the next one hour, we danced and sang happily, and nobody did smoke again.. ? Smoke And Healthy
We meet smokers everywhere. Today smoking bees a habit all over the world. We have got large population of smokers in China and in the world. Many people think the smoking is a way to enjoy.
More and more young people start to smoke. Smoking is bad for smoker’s health. Smoking can cause of 25 different diseases, such as heart disease and lung cancer. There are almost 30 million people died with smoking. People who die of the lung cancer, over 90% are smokers. In these smokers, 85% are Chinese smoker. Smoking is not only hurts smokers themselves, it also hurts other people. Smoking
is also a waste of money for the smokers and their family. It wastes 200 billion dollars each year in the world.
Sometimes smoking is danger. It maybe causes a fire. Smoking also can pollution our environment. It pollutions our air. it's a large problem.
Luckily, some people have given up smoking. So, we mustn’t
smoke and we should help other smokers against smoke. It’s very
important to stop smoking. It can be good for the public health
?. Why are so many people like smoking? What are the
advantages and disadvantages of smoking? And how to give up smoking?
First of all, I will tell you some reasons of smoking. On one hand, it is not surprise that many adults like smoking. I think they may feel annoyed with many things of their work, family or other things. Besides, some people may do not like smoking, but they have to sm
oke on some occasion. On the other hand, some teenagers had begun to smoke when they are at school. They may also feel upset about many things. But I think most of them just feel curious about it.
Then, I will say something bad or good about smoking. As you known, it is bad for our body, just like our lung and our respiratory passage. When you smoke more and more, the function of your
lung and your respiratory passage will not work effectively as usual.On the contrary, some people are to raise that some advantages also exist when they smoked. For example, smoking will adjust their mood when they are unhappy. When they are smoking,
Inspiration will e up in their mind suddenly. Also, when they are embarrassed in some occasion, smoking will make them feel relaxed more or less.
Last but not least, even though there are some advantages, we shall call for giving up smoking. But how can make it? Here I will give you some tips. Firstly, try to reduce the number of times gradually. Secondly, get rid of the habit of smoking after supper, and instead with some fruits or drinks. Thirdly, remind yourself often, do not make yourself have many “the last one”, or you will fail to do
Give up smoking for your family member and others’ health. And
believe yourself, then you will overe difficulties.
篇三:初一英语作文:Smoking 抽烟
初一英语作文:Smoking 抽烟
It's quite dangerous for us to smoke. Smokers only wanted to try it at first. But they smoke more and more, and when they want to give it up, they can't. The habit is so strong that it is very hard to get rid of. Some people have got cancers. Some of them die
of it. No one likes to stay together with smokers for a long
time.Their family suffer from smoking.
Please give up smoking for your and your family's health.
? ? ? ?英语作文吸?烟
散文 ?| 美文 ?当前我国课?程设置实行?的是三级课?程管理制度?,即国家、?地方、学校?三级课程管?理。作为学?校课程,是?具体实施国?家和地方课?程的前提下?,充分利用?学校的课程?资源,根据?学校的办学?思想而开发?的多样性的?、可供学生?选择的课程?。
? 我们学校?相应上级领?导的号召,?积极发动每?一位教师开?发自己的学?校课程,即?综合实践课?。作为初四?的教师,工?作相比之下?比较忙,起?初没有这种?想法。但是?仔细想想,?我们每一个?教师都应具?有自我开发?课程的能力?,我尽量抽?出时间来,?研究一个我?们大家都认?为值得研究?的内容。到?底研究什么?呢,我也在?冥思苦想,?希望能有所?收获。起初?脑海里一片?空白。但是?在今天我值?班时,却碰?到一件大事?,有七八名?
男生在厕所?里抽烟,满?厕所里烟雾?缭绕,还抽?得不亦乐乎?。还不时地?在炫耀自己?的吸烟姿势?,我也不只?一次的告诫?学生不要成?为烟民,劝?他们停止吸?烟,但是还?是有一部分?学生把老师?的话当耳旁?风,照抽不?误。以致于?学生吸烟的?现象屡禁不?止。现在,?吸烟已不再?是成年人的?专利了,它?也成为了未?成年人的“?专利”。所?以为不让这?种恶习继续?蔓延,我们?必须戒烟~? 所以我打?算搞戒烟这?一个课题,?作为综合实?践
? 4、中学?生禁烟、戒?烟的方法。?通过问卷调?查法、走访?、上网查阅?的方法来完?成这
? 中小学生?是祖国未来?的希望,作?为教育工作?者,当你看?到他们成为?新烟民,当?你看到他们?生长在烟雾?中时,难道?你无动于衷?吗,难道你?不认为在中?小学开展禁?烟教育是我?们每个教育?者的责任吗?, 希望我?这次研究能?使我们的中?学生充分认?识到吸
? 最后让?我们一起来?做一个不抽?烟的好学生?兼好子女吧?~ At ?prese?nt, t?he cu?rricu?lum s?etup ?in Ch?ina i?s a t?hree-?level? cour?se ma?nagem?ent s?ystem?, whi?ch is? the ?natio?nal, ?local? and ?terti?ary c?urric?ulum ?manag?ement?. As ?the s?chool? curr?iculu?m, is? conc?rete ?under? the ?premi?se of? the ?imple?menta?tion ?of th?e nat?ional? and ?local? curr?iculu?m, ma?ke fu?ll us?e of ?the s?chool? curr?iculu?m res?ource?s, ac?cordi?ng to? the ?schoo?l the? dive?rsity? of i?deas ?and d?evelo?pment?, for? stud?ents ?to ch?oose ?cours?es. O?ur sc?hool ?has a? call? from? the ?super?ior l?eader?s to ?activ?ely e?ncour?age e?ach t?eache?r to ?devel?op hi?s own? scho?ol cu?rricu?lum, ?which? is a? preh?ensiv?e pra?ctice? cour?se. A?s a t?eache?r of ?prima?ry fo?ur, t?he wo?rk is? busi?er pa?red t?o the? work?, at ?first? no s?uch i?dea. ?But t?hink ?caref?ully,? we e?ach t?eache?rs sh?ould ?posse?ss th?e abi?lity ?of se?lf de?velop?ment ?cours?e, I ?try t?o tak?e tim?e out? to s?tudy ?the c?onten?t of ?the o?ne we? all ?think? that? is w?orth ?study?ing. ?What ?is th?e stu?dy? I? was ?think?ing h?ard, ?hopin?g som?ethin?g cou?ld be? done?. At ?first? the ?mind ?was b?lank.? But ?when ?I was? on d?uty t?oday,? ther?e was? a bi?g eve?nt. T?here ?were ?seven? or e?ight ?boys ?smoki?ng in? the ?toile?t and? smok?ing i?n the? toil?et. A?lso s?mokin?g in ?their? posi?tions? from? time? to t?ime, ?I
am ?more ?than ?once ?warne?d the? stud?ents ?not t?o be ?smoke?rs, a?dvise? them? to s?top s?mokin?g, bu?t the?re ar?e sti?ll so?me st?udent?s to ?the t?eache?r s w?ords ?when ?falle?n on ?deaf ?ears,? acco?rding? to s?moke.? The ?pheno?menon? of s?tuden?t smo?king ?is fo?rbidd?en. N?ow th?at sm?oking? is n?o lon?ger a? pate?nt fo?r adu?lts, ?it ha?s bee? a pa?tent ?for m?inors?. So ?to ke?ep th?is ba?d hab?it fr?om sp?readi?ng, w?e mus?t sto?p smo?king!? So I? m go?ing t?o try? to g?et ri?d of ?this ?topic?, as ?a pre?hensi?ve pr?actic?e. I ?will ?study? the ?follo?wing ?four ?aspec?ts: 1?, the?
posi?tion ?of sm?oke. ?The d?anger?s of ?smoki?ng. W?hat c?auses? high? scho?ol st?udent?s to ?smoke?? The? meth?od of? smok?ing c?essat?ion b?y mid?dle s?chool? stud?ents.? Thro?ugh t?he me?thod ?of qu?estio?nnair?e sur?vey, ?visit?, and? Inte?rnet ?. acc?ess, ?the r?esear?ch is? not ?the a?im, t?he fo?rm of? the ?way. ?The r?eal g?oal i?s to ?keep ?stude?nts a?way f?rom t?obacc?o, fu?lly a?ware ?of th?e dan?gers ?of sm?oking?, whi?ch is? chro?nic s?uicid?e, ma?king ?them ?not n?ew sm?okers?. Tha?t is ?to sa?y, to? carr?y out? the ?smoke?-free? educ?ation?, to ?creat?e a s?moke-?free ?world? must? begi?n sch?ool g?rabbe?d, an?d the? soon?er th?e bet?ter, ?make ?stude?nts f?orm t?he fi?xed t?hinki?ng as? earl?y as ?possi?ble -? smok?ing i?s har?mful.? Prim?ary a?nd mi?ddle ?schoo?l stu?dents? is t?he ho?pe of? the ?mothe?rland? in t?he fu?ture,? as e?ducat?ion w?orker?s, wh?en yo?u see? them? bee ?new s?moker?s, wh?en yo?u see? them? grow? in t?he sm?oke, ?don t? you ?indif?feren?t? Do?n t y?ou th?ink i?t s t?he re?spons?ibili?ty of? ever?y edu?cator? to s?tart ?smoki?ng in? prim?ary a?nd mi?ddle ?schoo?ls? I? hope? this? stud?y can? make? us m?iddle? scho?ol st?udent?s ful?ly re?alize? the ?dange?rs of? smok?ing, ?real ?smoki?ng, q?uit s?mokin?g, li?berat?ed fr?om sm?okers?, to ?bee a? qual?ified?, hea?lth o?f mid?dle s?chool? stud?ents.? Let ?s liv?e in ?a smo?keles?s, gr?een, ?clean? envi?ronme?nt. F?inall?y, le?t s m?ake a? good? stud?ent a?nd a ?good ?child? who ?doesn? t sm?oke. ?
it is almost known to all that smoking is bad for people’s health. scientific researchs show that smoking can lead to heart disease,cancer and other problem.the world health organization says diseases linked to smoking kill at least two mi it is almost
known to all that smoking is bad for people’s health. scientific researchs show that smoking can lead to heart disease,cancer and other problem.the world health organization says diseases linked to smoking kill at least two million
five-hundred-thousand persons each year.
still,many people find it difficult to stop smoking.one reason is that smoking usually bees a habitual behaviour,and habits,whether good or bad are not easy to be given up.another reason is the effect of nicotine,the substance found in cigarettes works on people somewhat as drugs do.
measures have been taken to help people keep away from the harm of smoking. in many cities,smoking is forbidden in public places.the danger of smoking is warned of
everywhere.and newspapers are asked not to publish
advertisements for cigarettes.world “no tobacco day” is
observed every year as the biggest paign against smoking.
费。 3.但是没有任何国家禁止香烟销售。
It is known to everyone that srnoking is harmful to our health. Research conducted in many countries has indicated that smoking causes lung cancer, heart disease and various respiratory illnesses. Responding to overwhelming medical evidence of the harmful effects of smoking, many governments have taken actions to reduce tabacco consumption. Some have imposed heavy taxes on tabacco products, others have conducted anti-smoking campaigns.In theatres,cinemas and some public places nonsmoking is often demanded by authorities.
However, none of the governments have even considered prohibiting the sale of tobacco. This is due partly to the political power of the big tobacco panies and partly to the fact that so many people, particularly in influential position in society, are habitual smokers. Tobacco farmers and workers are also strongly opposed to legislation. In fact, smoking is not only a matter of habit but also a matter of profits.
吸 烟
作文六:《吸烟的危害英语作文 英语四级作文——吸烟》1300字
It is known to everyone that srnoking is harmful to our health. Research conducted in many countries has indicated that smoking causes lung cancer, heart disease and various respiratory illnesses. Responding to overwhelming medical evidence of the harmful effects of smoking, many governments have taken actions to reduce tabacco consumption. Some have imposed heavy taxes on tabacco products, others have conducted anti-smoking campaigns.In theatres,cinemas and some public places nonsmoking is often demanded by authorities.
However, none of the governments have even considered
prohibiting the sale of tobacco. This is due partly to the political power of the big tobacco panies and partly to the fact that so many people, particularly in influential position in society, are habitual smokers. Tobacco farmers and workers are also strongly opposed to legislation. In fact, smoking is not only a matter of habit but also a matter of profits.
吸 烟
Saturday, March 30Fine
This morning,
You are discussing the following picture with your English friend
Jim(Now you are telling him how
you understand the picture and what makes you think so.
内容要点:1(打车出行 2. 发现相机丢失 3. 打电话联系4.
One possible version:
Saturday, April 2 Fine
’s Park to enjoy ourselves. We took a taxi and it wasn’t long
before we arrived at the gate of the park. On seeing the green trees and blooming flowers, Tim couldn’t wait to take pictures. It was at
that moment that we found his camera was gone. He searched all over his backpack but just couldn’t find it. Suddenly it occurred to
me that he might have left it in the taxi. With anxiety and hope, we found out the invoice of the taxi, on which a phone number was printed, so I immediately got in touch with the taxi pany. About half an hour later, the driver returned with the camera and you could imagine the wide smile spreading across Tim’s face. Both of
us were grateful to the driver, and Tim, in particular, insisted on taking a photo with him.
Tim and I enjoyed ourselves during the rest of the day, but it was that taxi driver who made our day.开放作文
One possible version:
Jim, look at this interesting picture. I think it tries to convey that we need to look at things from different angles.
As we can see, the two kids are looking at the same number in the
opposite direction and having an argument about whether the number is 6 or 9. They feel confused why the obvious truth seems invisible to the other. Similar arguments happen in our daily life when we observe things from our own points of view, just like the two kids in the picture. However, if we can exchange their angles, we may find the others’ “ridiculous” opinions also make sense.
Therefore, let’s learn to handle problems from different
perspectives and appreciate others’ points. Do you agree, Jim?
1. 要从不同角度看问题,尊重他人; 2. 相信自己,不要人云亦
3. 做事之前要确定标准; ??
People Moving Our School
第二节 开放作文(15分)
You are discussing the following picture with your English friend
Jim( Now you are telling him how you understand the picture and what makes you think so(
提示词:saw v(锯,n(锯子
第一节 情景作文(20分)
第二节 开放作文(15分)
You are discussing the following picture with your English friend Jim. Now you are telling him how you understand the picture and what makes you think so.
情景作文:内容要点:1. 收到邮件2. 书店买书3. 邮局寄书 4.
表弟收书 One possible version
I received an email from my cousin Jack in Canada. He said he was enthusiastic about Chinese, and asked me to find him some books
intended for Chinese beginners. I was very pleased to do such a favor. So I t from one bookstore to another, hoping to find something suitable for him. Finally I selected a set of Chinese textbooks among a variety of similar ones. Then I t to a post office to have them delivered by air without delay. Several days later, I received Jack’s email, saying that he really appreciated the books I had sent. I’m very glad that Jack is beginning to learn Chinese just like many other forei(转自:wWw.bdFqy. 千 叶帆 文摘:吸烟
英语作文,浪费钱)gners abroad, although I know it may be an
enjoyable challenge for him. 125
One Possible version
Jim, look at this funny picture! One boy has just caught a fish from a shallow basin in the boat, looking quite content with himself. But it is the only fish in the basin. Obviously, he can’t get more.
Compared with him, the other boy, who is fishing from the river, seems not to have tasted the fruits of victory, but he keeps calm and still works hard. We know there are a wide variety of fishes in the lake; if he holds on, he will sure catch more fish than the boy fixing his eyes on the only fish in the basin.
In reality, we should be a person with a grand vision. Put our mind to a better harvest and I think extra effort will pay us off in the end.
第一节 情景作文(20分)
篇二:2013高三英语作文 有关如何厉行节约、反对浪费的看法
Recently, “clear your plate” campaign is more and more popular in society, which advocates saving against wasting.
(One possible version)
Recently,“clear your plate” campaign is more and more popular in society, which advocates saving against wasting. The campaign draws our attention to wasting on campus. Some students are noticed to throw away a lot of food in the canteen. As is often the case, some lights are still on with nobody in classrooms. What’s
more, many a student spends much money buying unnecessary
As far as I am concerned, it’s high time that we fought against wasting. Here are my suggestions. Firstly, I think our school should
carry out various activities to arouse students’ awareness of saving. Secondly, relevant rules and regulations are supposed to be made to
punish those who waste things. Most importantly, we should form
the habit of saving from now, from ourselves. It is everyone’s duty
to save resources.
篇三:2013年高考英语作文冲刺训练二十九 抵制浪费饭菜的倡
2013年高考英语作文冲刺训练二十九 抵制浪费饭菜的倡议
郑州市高中英语名师工作室 昝亚娟
约, 抵制浪费。你的倡议书应包括:
注意:1、词数120左右; 开头和结束语已为你写好, 不计入总
参考词汇:学校食堂 school canteen
Dear friends
As we can see, a lot of food is being wasted in the school canteen. ____________________________________
Li Hua
Dear friends
As we can see, a lot of food is being wasted in the school canteen. Many students fail to eat up the food they have ordered. They throw away the leftover in the dustbin every day. Some students waste food because they think the food is not delicious. Others throw away some food just to remain slim. This is really a bad habit.
In my opinion, it is not only a waste of food and money, but also a waste of resources. So I’d like to call on every student to save food
from now on. First of all, please finish eating the food you buy. Besides, the school Students Union will organize the members to
supervise students’ behavior in the school canteen at dinner time. Let’s make it a rule to save food. Let’s start right now!
Li Hua
It has been estimated that smokers have made up half of the population in China. And the smokers are being younger and younger, even ineluding some middle school students.
Nowadays more and more people have realized smoking can do harm It has been estimated that smokers have made up half of the population in China. And the smokers are being younger and younger, even ineluding some middle school students.
Nowadays more and more people have realized smoking can do harm to people’shealth. However, some people still enjoy
smoking. Why? Because some of them think it is a kind of fashion, some think it is of great fun and others, think that smoking can refresh themselves.
In fact, smoking is a bad habit. It can cause a lot of diseases. Meanwhile smoking is a waste of money. Besides, careless smokers may cause dangerous fires.
Smoking is harmful and it is not only bad for smokers themselves, but also bad for non-smokers.
Therefore, I hope all the smokers can give up smoking for themselves and also for the people around them.
Some businesses now say that no one can smoke cigarettes in any of their offices. Some governments have banned smoking in all public places. Do you agree or disagree, why?
Why are so many people like smoking? What are the advantages and disadvantages of smoking? And how to give up smoking?
First of all, I will tell you some reasons of smoking. On one hand, it is not surprise that many adults like smoking. I think they may feel annoyed with many things of their work, family or other things. Besides, some people may do not like smoking, but they have to smoke on some occasion. On the other hand, some teenagers had begun to smoke when they are at school. They may also feel upset about many things. But I think most of them just feel curious about it.
Then, I will say something bad or good about smoking. As you known, it is bad for our body, just like our lung and our respiratory passage. When you smoke more and more, the function of your lung and your respiratory passage will not work effectively as usual.
On the contrary, some people are to rise that some advantages also exist when they smoked. For example, smoking will adjust their mood when they are unhappy. When they are smoking, inspiration will e up in their mind suddenly. Also, when they are embarrassed in some occasion, smoking will make them feel relaxed more or less.
Last but not least, even though there are some advantages, we shall call for giving up smoking. But how can make it? Here I will give you some tips. Firstly, try to reduce the number of times gradually. Secondly, get rid of the hobbit of smoking after supper, and instead with some fruits or drinks. Thirdly, remind yourself often, do not make yourself have many “the last one”, or you will
fail to do it.
Give up smoking for your family member and others’ health.
And believe yourself, and then you will overe difficulties.
As is known to all, smoking is time that people should quit
smoking to save their lives.
serious illness, smoking wastes a great deal of money and time, .
Recently we hadwhether smoking is harmful or not.化,不同)
from person to person.
Some people are in favor of(支持) smoking. They themselves.
They also think will e at once when they are smoking. (而且),
they even consider it as a symbol(标志) of intelligence(智慧) and
others argue that smoking brings nothing but(只有,只不过)
harm. They think that smoking is harmful to the health of smokersare forced to be second-hand smokers.is smoking bad for our body, smoking.
请你根据提示,以“Have a healthy lifestyle”为话题写一篇100
字左右的短文,号召青少年坚持健康积 极的生活方式。
As we all know, health is very important.study well and enjoy life. However, many of us don’t their health. And we spend too much
time watching TV, playing games and chatting all night. First, this may make us. Besides, our bodies bee much weaker. Thirdly, we will lose the chance to municate with otherswe never go out,our
In my opinion, we should spend less time in front of the TV or the puter. we’d better go out to take some exercise, play some sports and visit some friends!
Fortunately, teenager smoking has been on the decline for the past fifteen years. Yet, ever since the fifties, with icons like James Dean, smoking seemed almost to be a natural part of growing up. Even though today we are aware of the health risks associated with smoking, cigarettes are still popular with a significant percentage of teenagers. In fact, 1 out of ever 5 teenagers smokes cigarettes, and across the world, over 90,000 teens start smoking every single day.
Most adult smokers began their habit as teenagers. Tobacco panies have always known this and have marketed their products accordingly. Knowing the health risks - cancer, heart disease, emphysema, etc etc etc - is not enough to break the habit once the nicotine addiction has its stranglehold on a smoker.
The best way to ensure your teenager doesn't get hooked on cigarettes is to ensure they never start. However, there is a catch in trying to do this. Teenagers are by nature rebellious towards authority, including parents, school systems and governments urging them not to pick up the habit and warning them of the consequences starting.
Telling a teen not to do something, particularly as they feel what happens to others is not necessarily going to happen to them, make programs and lectures about the evils of cigarettes almost a lure for them to start. However, parents can still positively influence their children not to start smoking, and to influence their smoking teenager in butting out. The best way is to be a good role model yourself, by not smoking. If you do smoke, then stop. Now. Explain to your children why you are quitting and the reasons why you hope they do not get hooked on the habit. Amanda Gordon t from an honor roll student to a drug-using teenager herself. Today, she is pursuing a PhD in Psychology to help teens and their parents deal with troubling issues including the relationship between drug use and teenager smoking
(1)In the past 20 years China has experienced an alarming increase in teenage smoking: The number of boys who smoked rose from 6 percent in 1980 to 23 percent in 2000, and during the same years, the number of girls who smoked increased as much as 15 times. (2)The statistics look quite disturbing and cause people to ask why.
(3)The factors for a great rise in teenage smoking are plex. (4)Some attribute it to the increased standard of living which enables kids to have more pocket money, and others place the
blame on cigarette advertising and the import of cigarettes, which give them easy access
to Marlboros. (5) Whatever the causes, only particular external circumstances have been examined. (6)The factors, actually, are psychological as well as social. (7)Most young people begin to smoke just out of curiosity: they have a strong desire to experience the pleasure of smoking which is forbidden to them. (8)They also have a subconscious feeling that smoking will make them mature and tough and sophisticated. (9)When they light up a cigarette, and produce puffs of smoke carelessly, they are under the illusion that they are grown-ups instead of kids and that they are admired rather than rejected by society.
(10)To help them get rid of such foolish ideas is the first step towards the effort to prevent
children from starting to smoke, and then we may conduct a more extensive campaign to make them aware of the dreadful
consequences of taking up the habit. (1)在过去的20年中,中国有了
this is how clear caution, how well-meaning advice! Cigarette resembles " invisible killer " , it is in casual a health that damages you, gobble up your life. There also is such person beside us, know perfectly well smoking ill health, but he still smokes. Do you know ? In the aerosol of the generation when smoking, have a variety of 3000 harmful material. Endanger among them the biggest is nicotine. Tar and carbon monoxide. The nicotine in a smoke is OK kill with poison a small white rat. Absorb 40-60 milligram nicotine the person dies possibly. The person that smokes for a long time suffers from chronic tracheitis easily. Coronary heart disease, suffer from even on lung cancer. Tar is nicotian flaming child, among them a variety of cancer make thing. The harmful material in cigarette body can enter their body insensibly, the neurological, respiratory system that destroys them. If be mixed for a long time cigarette " intimate contact " the immune force that can reduce human body, make memory drops likely still. The nicotine in cigarette has direct destruction to vitamin C action, because of smoking may prevent human body to be absorbed to it. If human body is long-term devoid vitamin C, get likely scorbutic. did not smoke again please! A small smoke, endanger ten thousand myriad. Smoking is equal to prodigal oneself health, shorten oneself life. Let us have a smokeless beautiful season!