Two-eleven will be to e, I do not know whether this year Taobao turnover hit a new record. In fact, online shopping has advantages and disadvantages, then I bine my experience to talk about shopping.
??First, let's talk about the advantages of shopping. First, you can buy online usually not easy to buy things. For example, do multimeter experiments we used a battery, several supermarkets in our school I have asked, and did not buy, but I am on the Internet it is easy to buy, and the price is very reasonable, than I go downtown easy to buy more. Second, the scope for choice, price great choice. Taobao has a variety of things, with the kind of things that have a variety of price.
??Next, talk about the disadvantages of online shopping. First, returned too much trouble. For example, when we buy clothes, size is prone to error, change and time-consuming long, clothes return to have their own postage. Second, you may buy fake goods, quality can not be guaranteed, buy
stuff probably will not be long on the bad, return too much trouble to repair.
Finally, I came to talk about my personal views. Best to go to the store to buy clothes, to buy a cell phone or go to the official website to buy electrical appliances best buy rather than to Taobao to buy, and buy small items or buy items not readily available around the can on Taobao, Taobao to buy things can not be freeloaders, or quality can not be guaranteed.
An Experience of Shopping
I always wonder the validity of the view: Shopping is a kind of art. A couple of weeks ago, I finally realized that’s
absolutely correct.
It was a weekend when people floured into the market and pursued their preys. I was acpanying my elder sister strolling around.
“Wow! Look! What’s a pretty handbag! ” My sister’s
eyes were fixed to a delicate lady bag. “Your taste is very special. If you like it, I can make it at a low price: 180 Yuan.” The shop owner came to us. “That’s too expensive. I will
take it if it’s at 50 or 60.” My sister replied, with a steady tune. “That will make us no profit. Maybe you can consider a price at 130.” Said the owner, leaning on the bag. “Oh no, it’s still too high. Maybe I can find a proper one in other shops.” My sister answered, lift her feet and was ready to leave.
And then the amazing scene occurred. The owner quickly grabbed my sister’s hand and offered the bag. “Ok, you can take it at 60!”
That’s the whole story of my sister’s pretty and cheap
bag. As a witness, I have to admit that “Shopping is a kind of art.” Bargain also needs wisdom. But for the one who may take the bag at 180, will the shopping still be a funny art? Maybe we need an honest art as the shopping will be.
The meaning of traveling
Some days ago, when I was on the way to school, I found a meaningful advertisement: a monk with a shoulder bag is walking on the sea band, and the words descript: go to travel, make the heart a free trip. Standing in front of the picture, I had a new define of meaning of traveling.
One of the meaning to travel is to realize our heart and
body. A new environment and a new relationship will make us forget some borings. On the
same time, most traveling styles allow people to do some sports, such as mounting, walking.
Another meaning of a trip is to make new friends and learn more things. When people have used to their ordinary life, they may hardly take deep thoughts of themselves. But when they are out, they will be easy and enthusiastic to make new friends. And this will be a valid way to receive
new thoughts and knowledge.
The third meaning of traveling is to mould a broadminded heart and wisdom. When you have so many different and interesting experience, you will be aware of people’
thoughts. It’s therefore a direct method to grow up inside.
That’s my view of traveling. I wish you can have your own acquisition by traveling.
篇三:online shopping 关于网上购物的英语作文
With the rapid development of the Internet and the increasing needs of goods, online
shopping of its convenience is the best choice in our fast-paced life.
When we approach online shopping, our first problem is
whether it could guarantee our benefit. In one setting, products bought by us are far away from the description of sellers. They are sometimes of poor quality. However, it is not the worst matter. There has the way to avoiding such issues that we should keep calm and read ments written by other customers. It is not rational that buy is in haste, repent at leisure. In another setting, our individual information is exposed in the Internet. The exposition may stir our peaceful life into a mess. A cheater will take advantage of our information to open an account and make an overdraft. Money will not be sent to us but a bill will, thus we will be in high debt.
No doubt, there are some leaks of online shopping. But if we are enough careful, we
would enjoy the shopping online.
A: Oh superb. Can I help you find anything?
B: Yeah, Actually I'm looking for a necklace for my girlfriend. Tomorrow's our anniversary.
A: That is so sweet! I'll help you to find the one that she'll love. B: Really? Thanks!
A: Sure. So do you like a gold one, or a crystal one?
B: I think crystal's better because It's kind of pure, and my girlfriend is very much like crystal.
A: Okay. I think this heart-shaped one is special.
B: Hmmm. Let me take a look. Yeah, it's pretty. but what's so special about it?
A: you see, normally a crystal pendant is on a gold or silver chain. But this one is on a fabric strap. This is what makes this necklace special and standing out of the crowd. It's fashionate, too.
B: Yeah I see what you mean. I think I'll take it. Could you gift-wrap it?
A: No problem. How would you like to pay?
B: credit card please.
A: okay. Here's your package, and here's your receipt. You need to sign this for me also.
B: alright, sign here?
A: yeah.
B: there you go.
A: Okay you are all set to go. Happy anniversary.
? dir
? attrib?
? cd
? copy
? xcopy
? del
? undele?te ? deltre?e
? dos=high ? doskey? ? emm386?.exe ? fc
? format? ? unform?at ? interl?nk
? inters?vr ? memmak?er ? memite?m等 ? mscdex? ? msd
? prompt?
? ramdri?ve
? subst
? mem
? "> > PRN 将c盘上的所?有子目录和文?件按隶属关系?并根据子目录?和文件字母顺?序打印输出
(4)/B 参数:将只显示文件?名与扩展名
(5)/L 参数:将全部用小写?字母对文件或?子目录进行列?表 训练:
dir /a 列当前目录所?有文件(含隐含及系统?文件) dir /ah 列隐含文件(包含子目录(隐含的) dir /a-h dir /as 列系统文件 dir /a-s
dir /ad 列子目录 dir /a-d
dir /o 按字母顺序
dir /B 只显示文件名?与扩展名
二、attrib? [+r|-r] [+a|-a] [+s|-s] [+h|-h] [d: ] [name] [/s]
缺省 attrib? name 显示文件的(文件)属性
attrib? io.sys (或子目录)
shr c:\ io.sys 指定为系统(s) 隐含(h) 只读(r)文件 也可以att?rib *.sys 显示扩展名为?sys的文件?属性 参数 [+r|-r] 将文件属性设?置或解除 只读属性 [+a|-a] 将文件属性设?置或解除 归档属性
[+h|-h] 将文件属性设?置或解除 隐含属性 (尤其对子目录?也起作用)
/s 参数 将当前及当前?子目录下的所?有文件均起作?用 可以用来查找?文件
attrib? news86? 列news8?6的文档属性?
attrib? +r report?.txt 设置为只读 attrib? -s -h record?.txt attrib? +a a:*.*
attrib? -a a:*.bak
xcopy a: b: /a 将A盘上的所?有标志为"归档"属性的文件拷?到B盘 xcopy a: b: /m 将A盘上的所?有文件拷到B?盘后并移去归?档属性 三、cd 介绍: cd...返回上二级目?录 "."代表当前目录? "."代表父目录 cd ..\..返回到上级目?录的父目录(祖目录)
cd A:\ 将A盘的当前?目录改为根目?录
cd A:\xx 将A盘的当前?目录改为子目?录xx下
cd ..\98 先返回父目录?,再进入父目录?下的98子目?录 cd ..返回到父目录?
cd\98 进入根目录下?的98子目录?
四、copy [/y][/-y][/v][ /B]
copy /y 不加提示,对所有文件加?以覆盖
/-y 加以提示,对所有文件 (yes或no?提问 )
/v 拷贝以后加以?校验
/B 按二进制进行?显示
copy w1.wps con/b 可以将wps?文件在屏幕上?显示,而不必进入w?ps状态 copy ..\98 将父目录下的?98子目录下?的所有文件全?拷到当前子目?录 copy .\97 当当前目录下?的97子目录?下文件全部拷?到当前目录 copy . c:\ 将当前目录下?的所有文件拷?到c盘根目录?
. 意味着 *.* 文件
copy nul a.abc 将a.abc 文件清空(文件长度改为?0)
copy 文件名+con 向文本文件中?追加命令或内?容
copy con 文件名 创建文本文件?(F6存盘退出?)
copy con prn 检测打印机的?开关
xcopy [source?] [d:date] [/p] [/s] [/e] [/v] [/y]
xcopy [d:date] xcopy a:b:\ /d:08/18/98/s/v 拷贝98.08.18年后的文?件 xcopy [/p] 提示创建子目?录
xcopy [/s] 连带子目录一?起拷贝. 注意:若目标盘上不?存在此子目录?,而在目标 盘的结束符又?不以"\"为结束,则将提示:
does destin?ation specif?y a file name or direct?ory name on the target? [f=file,d=direct?ory]?
在目标盘上创?建文件[按下]还是创建子目?录[按下d] ?应选择d键 xcopy[/v] 带较验
*:(1) xcopy 不拷贝系统和?隐含文件,应先予以修改?属性再拷贝
xcopy [/y] 覆盖时是否有?提示, /y 不带提示
六、 del /p
加/p 可以在删除前?是否提示
如del后加?子目录名,则将子目录下?所有文件(隐含.系统.只读文件除外?)全删除, 加/p则可以确认?.
七、undele?te [name] /au
不加提示地将?所有满足条件?的文件恢复(能够恢复的),并将首字母置?成"#",若已 存在,则按"# % & 0 1 2-9 a-z"顺序加上.
如:undele?te *.dbf/au 将扩展名为"dbf"的文件全恢复?,并以"#"开头,作为文件 名, /list 仅列出可恢复?的文件,而不恢复
undele?te /load 将undel?ete装入内?存
/unload? 将undel?ete卸出内?存
将 undele?te驻留内存?,?并创建一个隐?含的sent?ry 子目录对c盘?删除的文件进?行 管理 undele?te/ds 恢复
相应恢复命令?可以用und?elete即?可完整恢复出?文件名(非常完整) 最常用und?elete *.*
deltre?e /y [drive:path]
deltre?e 删除子目录及?文件,尽管有些文件?是系统文件或?隐含文件 它可以带有通?配符,带有通配符时?,它将删除符合?条件的文件及?子目录 如:?undele?te *.dbf/au 将扩展名为"dbf"的文件全恢复?,并以"#"开头作为文件? 名.
/list 仅列出可恢复?的文件,而不作恢复操?作.
undele?te/load 将undel?ete 装入内存.
/unload?将undel?ete 卸出内存.
/s[drive] 对指定的驱动?器进行监视管?理.
undele?te/sc 将undel?ete 驻留内存,并创建一个隐?含的sent?ry子目录对?C盘删除 的文件进行管?理.相应恢复命令?可以用und?elete/ds 即可完整恢复?出文件名(很完善). 最常用的是u?ndelet?e *.*
八、deltre?e /y [drive:path]
deltre?e 删除子目录及?文件,尽管有些文件?是系统或隐含?的.
deltre?e L*.* 将删除以上所?有的文件和子?目录,但在删除前加?以确认,若不删除, 可以输入"N".
/y 参数是在删除?时不加以确认?就进行操作的?.
它删除的文件?可以用und?elete恢?复,?但不能恢复子?目录及其下的?文件,可以用特 殊工具.如NORTO?N 8.0 等.
dos=high,umb 则dos将自?身装入高端内?存(high)并能管理上位?内存(umb). noumb 则不管理上位?内存.
在写入dos?=high及u?mb 前应装入de?vice=himem.sys 为了将程序或?驱动程序装入?上位内存,必须使用do?s=umb,可省出大部分?常规内存. 可以在con?fig.sys的任何?位置写上do?s=high,umb
若显示hma? not avoiab?le 或 load down low 则表明不能使?用高端内存.
?显示,用"??"来选择,用F9来输入? 十、doskey? 记录以前敲过?的dos命令?,可以用F7来
doskey?/restal?l 重新装入一次?,以前的命令行?撤消.
doskey?/histor?y 显示内存中所?有的命令,可以">"显示到其它文?件中,缩写"/H". doskey? dir=cls 则击入dir?等同于cls?一样.
doskey?/macros? 可显示所有的?宏定义,可使用">"重定义到文件?中,可缩写"/M". doskey? dir= 可撤消对di?r 的宏定义.
doskey? p=dir$tdir*.exe/p$tdir c:\t$tdir c:\t$* $t为命令的区?分符,而$*为命令的结束?符
doskey?/insert?(overst?rike)?在重新输入命?令时,对旧命令的修?改是插入还是?覆 盖状态(默认).
提供对扩展内?存的管理,使应用程序象?使用常规内存?一样能够使用?它. 常见的用法是? 在confi?g.sys 中
device?=c:\dos\emm386?.exe ram
d=64 将DMA 内存数量设置?为64K
noems 提供对上位内?存的访问,但不提供对扩?展内存的访问?. 应注意的是在?window?s中最好不要?用它,因为wind?ows本身有?对扩展内存进?行管理 的程序.应采用win?dows中的?管理器.
十二、fc 命令 fc/b dt.dat dt2.dat>b (作二进制代码?比较) 比较两个文件?,一般用作存取?进度,修改游戏存储?文件用.
实际代码位置?应加上010?0 如:0000 05E4:00 67 实际用deb?ug -e 修改时应加上?0100 即 0000 06E4:00 67 后面加上重定?向文件">P" 可以将比较结?果输出到p文?件中. 十三、format? /q /u /s /n:sector?s /f:size /c /q参数:快速格式化,仅扫描文件分?配表和根目录?区,仅对格式化过?的磁盘有效. 使用时应确保?格式化过后没?有增加新的坏?道.
/u参数:无条件格式化?,并且不保存原?来盘上的信息?,可以防止"unform?at". /s参数:格式化为系统?盘,也可以使用"sys"命令.
/f:size size 可以为160? 180 320 360 720 1200 1440 2800 /n:sector? n可以为1 格式为单面盘?,容量为160?k 180k
可以为4 可以在5寸高?密驱动器上格?式化360k?磁盘
可以为8 可以在5寸高?密驱动器上进?行8个扇区的?格式化.
/c 重新测试坏扇?区,缺省时如果一?个扇区标记为?"坏",以后格式时就?不在从新测 试,仅作标记,使用"/C"时可以从新测?试.
十四、unform?at 命令
对用form?at 格式过,且未用"/u"参数的命令起?作用,用它可以来重?新修复已经损? 坏的硬盘分区?表,但对网络盘不?起作用.
unform?at drive:[/l][/test][/p]
/l 显示每一个被?unform?at发现的文?件和子目录,如果没有这个?开关,只显示那些 破碎的文件和?子目录,可以用ctr?l+s 暂停,按任意键继续?.
/test 仅作一个测试?,不作实际的修?复工作,作模拟过程.
/p 一边测试一边?打印.
注:这种方法不能?保证修复所有?的文件,尤其是格式化?后又添加过数?据的磁盘. 恢复后的文件?依次存放在s?ubdir1?....2....3等子目录中?.
十五、interl?nk 语法 interl?nk g=e ,它可以通过串?口或并口在两?机间进行通讯?. 将服务器端上?的e驱动器映?射为客户端的?g驱动器,以后对客户端?而言,所有对g的 操作都意味着?对服务器的访?问,取消映射的办?法为inte?rlnk g= 单独输入in?terlnk? 则显示所有的?映射情况.
注意:interl?nk 必须在装入i?nterln?k.exe 设备驱动程序?才可以使用. 所用的驱动器?符号与con?fig.?sys中la?stdrv.exe设置的?数目有关.可以作一个一?
端为25针,另一端为9针?的串行线实现?,具体接线方式?如下: 5 - 7 2 - 15
3 - 2 3 - 13
7 - 4 4 - 12
6 - 6 5 - 10
3 - 3 6 - 11
8 - 5 15 - 2
4 - 20 13 - 3
9针 25针 12 - 4
10 - 5
11 - 6
25 - 25
25针 25针
十六、interl?nk.exe 与inter?svr.exe
interl?nk.exe 重新定向对于?客户驱动器或?打印接口的请?求到另外的服?务器驱动 器或打印机.
语法:config?.sys 中加入:
device?=c:\dos\interl?nk.exe [drive:n][/noprin?ter][][lpt] 十七、memmak?er[/b][/batch][sessio?n][/swap:drive] 使用memm?aker能够?优化内存配置?,?并将配置写入?autoex?ec.bat和co?nfig.sys中.
十八、memite?m memcol?or memdef?ault submen?u 菜单选项in?clude autoex?ec.bat 中如下: config?.sys中如下?:
path c:\dos;c:\ucdos [menu] doskey? menuco?lor=15,1(前景色15,背景色1)
\mouse\mouse menuit?em=base_c?onfig,this is a base goto %config?% ->选择项 menuit?em=cced_c?onfig,this is a cced
选项 提示
:base_c?onfig menude?fault=base_c?onfig,5 goto exit ->跳出 缺省为bas?e_conf?ig,延迟时间5秒? :cced_c?onfig [mon?]
c:\dos\smartd?rv.exe /l device?=c:\dos\himem.sys goto exit 各项都包含的?共同部分
:exit ->结束 [base_c?onfig]
device?=c:\dos\emm386?.exe ram
device?=c:\dos\smartd?rv.exe/double?_buffe?r includ?e=base_c?onfig 包含base?_confi?g设置
十九、mscdex?.exe 提供对光驱进?行读写的程序?
mscdex?/d:drive [/D:drive][/e][/k][/s][/l:letter?]
典型:config?.sys 中devic?e=c:\cdrom\cdrom.sys /d:mscd00?0 autoex?ec.bat中 c:\dos\mscdex? /d:mscd00?0 /l:g 配置了一个光?驱,符号为g
参数/d:drive1?为光驱身份号?,须与conf?ig.sys中的符?号一致,可有多个 /d:mscd00?0 /d:mscd00?1
/L:letter? 分配给光驱的?盘符
/m:number? 指定缓冲器的?数目
应该注意的是?:?如果用sma?rtdrv.exe 加速对光驱的?读写能力,应该在aut?oexec. bat中将m?scdex.?exe 写在smar?tdrv.exe 之前,smartd?rv.exe的使用?可大幅提高 对驱动器的读?写能力.
使用msd 可以整体检查?计算机配置及?系统信息
包括:?驱动器参数,计算机cpu?参数,内存大小参数?,显示器类型,串.并口情况,以 及各个IRQ?占用情况,据此可以分析?新增设备是否?与原来设备有?冲突. 同时也可以通?过分析内存驻?留程序,判断内存中是?否有病毒,有则标为"???". 二十一、prompt? dos提示符?
$q 等于号 $t 当前时间 $d 当前日期 $p 当前驱动器符?号
$$ $号提示 $n当前驱动器? $g 大于号 $l小于号 $b 显示"|"管道号 $h 隐去提示符 $E显示" > p 可以将dir? *.bat 例出的文件名?输出到p文件?中. time>p.bat
p文件中仅存?在一个回车符?,则可以将时间?追加进p.bat文件中? "> >>" 是将命令产生?的输出重新定?向,比如到文件或?打印机中. >>产生的内容将?追加进文件中?,>则将原文件内?容覆盖.
"prn 可将p.bat打印出?来.
copy null p 可将p文件删?除掉
copy con p 可以在屏幕上?编辑p文件,F6可以存盘?退出 type p>pp 完成p文件到?pp 的复制
type p|more 可在屏满时暂?停显示
二十六、move 命令
move [y/-y] filena?me1 filena?me2
如:move c:\dos\*.* c:\cced 将dos子目?录下的所有文?件全部移动到?cced 子目录下 /y|-y参数在目标?目录不存在需?要创建时,是否出现提示? 可以使用该命?令修改子目录?名称,如 move dos cced 将dos目录?名改为cce?d
二十七、append? 指定一些特殊?数据文件的存?放位置,如user.dat pe2.pro等一些?非
exe *. *.bat 文件
格式:append? [:]终止以前存在?的指定目录 append? 显示指定情况?
append? [path] append? c:\user 等
call 在一个批处理?命令中调用另?外一个批处理?文件
(1)不终止现有文?件的运行,执行完掉用程?序后立即返回?. (2)被调用批处理?命令必须以b?at 为扩展名
(3)调用批处理文?件时,可以加上参数?(%1-%9)以及环境变量?如%baud% (4)不能使用管道?工具及重定向?工具
二十九、device? device?high loadhi?gh
device? 将指定的设备?驱动程序装入?内存中
loadhi?gh 将指定的设备?驱动程序装入?高端内存中
三十、defrag? 优化磁盘
legend?(传奇) optimi?ze(优化) elapse?(逝去) fragme?nt(碎片) 该命令执行对?指定的盘进行?优化处理(包括检查文件?分配表,各文件状态,纠正错 误),在执行时,可按照文件名?大小,时间,扩展名对文件?进行排序.
网络关于购物过程的英语作文 B: Yeah, Actually I’m looking for a
necklace for my girlfriend. Tomorrow’s our anniversary.
A: That is so sweet! I’ll help you to find the one that she’ll love.
B: Really? Thanks!
A: Sure. So do you like a gold one, or a crystal one?
B: I think crystal’s better because It’s kind of pure, and my girlfriend is very much like crystal.
A: Okay. I think this heart-shaped one is special.
B: Hmmm. Let me take a look. Yeah, it’s pretty. but what’s so special about it?
A: you see, normally a crystal pendant is on a gold or silver chain. But this one is on a fabric strap. This is what makes this necklace special and standing out of the crowd. It’s fashionate, too.
B: Yeah I see what you mean. I think I’ll take it. Could you gift-wrap
A: No problem. How would you like to pay?
B: credit card please.
A: okay. Here’s your package, and here’s your receipt. You need to sign this for me also.
B: alright, sign here?
A: yeah.
B: there you go.
A: Okay you are all set to go. Happy anniversary.
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在快速成型领域里主要的技术包括:SLA、LOM、SLS 、LOM及3DP等工艺技术,而这几种工艺又各有千秋,接下来就看一下这几种工艺的优缺点及比较:
箔材叠层实体制作(Laminated Object Manufacturing)快速原型技术是薄片材料叠加工艺,简称LOM。
箔材叠层实体制作是根据三维CAD 模型每个截面的轮廓线,在计算机控制下,发出控制激光切割系统的指令,使切割头作X 和Y 方向的移动。供料机构将地面涂有热溶胶的箔材(如涂覆纸、涂覆陶瓷箔、金属箔、塑料箔材)一段段的送至工作台的上方。激光切割系统按照计算机提取的横截面轮廓用二氧化碳激光束对箔材沿轮廓线将工作台上的纸割出轮廓线,并将纸的无轮廓区切割成小碎片。然后,由热压机构将一层层纸压紧并粘合在一起。可升降工作台支撑正在成型的工件,并在每层成型之后,降低一个纸厚,以便送进、粘合和切割新的一层纸。最后形成由许多小废料块包围的三维原型零件。然后取出,将多余的废料小块剔除,最终获得三维产品。叠层实体制作快速原型工艺适合制作大中型原型件,翘曲变形较小,成型时间较短,激光器使用寿命长,制成件有良好的机械性能,适合于产品设计的概念建模和功能性测试零件。且由于制成的零件具有木质属性,特别适合于直接制作砂型铸造模。
粉末材料选择性烧结(Selected Laser Sintering)是一种快速原型工艺,简称SLS。
丝状材料选择性熔覆(Fused Deposition Modeling)快速原型工艺是一种
不依靠激光作为成型能源、而将各种丝材(如工程塑料ABS、聚碳酸酯PC 等)加热熔化进而堆积成型方法,简称FDM。
丝状材料选择性熔覆的原理如下:加热喷头在计算机的控制下,根据产品零件的截面轮廓信息,作X-Y 平面运动,热塑性丝状材料由供丝机构送至热熔喷头,并在喷头中加热和熔化成半液态,然后被挤压出来,有选择性的涂覆在工作台上,快速冷却后形成一层大约0.127mm 厚的薄片轮廓。一层截面成型完成后工作台下降一定高度,再进行下一层的熔覆,好像一层层
这种工艺方法同样有多种材料可供选用,如工程塑料ABS、聚碳酸酯PC、工程塑料PPSF 以及ABS 与PC 的混合料等。这种工艺干净,易于操作,不产生垃圾,并可安全地用于办公环境,没有产生毒气和化学污染的危险。适合于产品设计的概念建模以及产品的形状及功能测试。专门开发的针对医用的材料ABS-i,因为其具有良好的化学稳定性,可采用伽码射线及其他医用方式消毒,特别适合于医用。
(1)原型的表面有较明显的条纹,成型精度相对国外先进的SLA 工艺较低,最高精度0.127mm。
(4)需要对整个截面进行扫描涂覆,成型时间较长,成型速度相对SLA 慢7%左右。
三维印刷(3DP)工艺是美国麻省理工学院Emanual Sachs等人研制的。E.M.Sachs于1989年申请了3DP(Three-Dimensional Printing)专利,该专利是非成形材料微滴喷射成形范畴的核心专利之一。
激光是一种强度高、方向性好、单色性好的相干光。由于激光的发散角小和单色性好,理论上可以聚焦到尺寸与光的波长相近的(微米甚至亚微米)小斑点上,加上它本身强度高,故可以使其焦点处的功率密度达到107~1011 W/cm2,温度可达10 000℃以上。在这样的高温下,任何材料都将瞬时急剧熔化和汽化,并爆炸性地高速喷射出来,同时产生方向性很强的冲击。因此,激光加工是工件在光热效应下产生高温熔融和受冲击波抛出的综合过程。
(1) 几乎对所有的金属和非金属材料都可以进行激光加工。
(2) 激光能聚焦成极小的光斑,可进行微细和精密加工,如微细窄缝和微型孔的加工。
(3) 可用反射镜将激光束送往远离激光器的隔离室或其它地点进行加工。
(4) 加工时不需用刀具,属于非接触加工,无机械加工变形。
(5) 无需加工工具和特殊环境,便于自动控制连续加工,加工效率高,加工变形和热变形小。
(1) 电子束能够极其微细地聚焦(可达l~0.1 μm),故可进行微细加工。
(2) 加工材料的范围广。由于电子束能量密度高,可使任何材料瞬时熔化、汽化且机械力的作用极小,不易产生变形和应力,故能加工各种力学性能的导体、半导体和非导体材料。
(3) 可通过磁场或电场对电子束的强度、位置、聚焦等进行控制,所以整个加工过程便于实现自动化。
(4) 电子束的能量密度高,加工效率很高。
(5) 加工在真空中进行,污染少,加工表面不易被氧化。
(6) 电子束加工需要整套的专用设备和真空系统,价格较贵,故在生产中受到一定程度的限制。
离子束加工加工 它的加工原理与电子束加工原理基本类似,也是在真空条件下,将离子源产生的离子束经过加速、聚焦后投射到工件表面的加工部位以实现加工的。所不同的是离子带正电荷,其质量比电子大数千倍乃至数万倍,故在电场中加速较慢,但一旦加至较高速度,就比电子束具有更大的撞击动能。离子束加工是靠微观机械撞击能量转化为热能进行的。
(1) 离子束加工是目前特种加工中最精密、最微细的加工。离子刻蚀可达纳
(2) 离子束加工在高真空中进行,污染少,特别适宜于对易氧化的金属、合金和半导体材料进行加工
(3) 离子束加工是靠离子轰击材料表面的原子来实现的,是一种微观作用,所以加工应力和变形极小,适宜于对各种材料和低刚件零件进行加工。
With the development of the Internet and the popularization of puters, shopping on the Internet has bee a monplace in our life. Here consumers can buy almost everything they need.
Shopping on the Internet has a lot of advantages, of which the most important is perhaps its convenience. People don't have to waste a lot of their energy and precious time to go from one shop to another to choose the modities they like. This is especially desirable to the old, the sick and the busy people who cannot go to the shops in person. The goods e in all shapes, sizes and colors on the Internet. All they need to do is to sit in front of their puters and click the mouses. The modities they order will be delivered to them promptly. 查字典英语作文
However, shopping on the Internet also has its disadvantages. The first disadvantage is that the consumers can't see the goods or try them on personally. Sometimes, the real goods may not be the same as what they have seen on the puter. The second disadvantage is that some shops on the Internet are not registered. They will never deliver anything to you after they get the money from you. Once cheated, you will find that you have nowhere to go to plain.
Annoyances of Shopping on the Internet
With the rapid development of advanced network techniques, shopping on the Internet are monly and widely used in everyday life. More and more people choose to do their shopping at home with the help of Internet instead of going out. However, it is boring for me to go shopping online, because shopping online can bring some problems. These problems include: the goods may not be the same as what we have seen on the puter, shopping online takes away the fun of going shopping in the malls and the security concerns. Under these circumstances, shopping on the Internet can be inconvenient.
Firstly, the goods we buy may not be the same as what we have seen on the puter. When shopping online, we find what we want to buy by scanning the pictures of the goods from different shops on the Internet. It is obvious that the sellers always put the best pictures online. Thus we have difficulty in judging the quality of the goods only through pictures. Sometimes, the goods’ quality is not the same as the sellers describe and not fit with the price. What’s more, the consumers can not see goods or try
them on personally, so frequently the size of the clothing bought on the Internet is not ours. We often encounter the situation that the size of the clothes sold online is not a standard size. Once the goods have these kinds of problems, it will be quite boring for us to deal with. If we want to
change for another one, we have to tell the details to the seller to ask for changing, and send back the goods. It may waste much time when we receive the goods sent from the seller again. Besides, we sometimes have to pay for the additional postage. Then, shopping on the Internet can also waste time and money, and we may not be satisfied with the goods bought online.
Secondly, going shopping on the internet takes away the fun of going out for shopping. If you choose to do shopping online, what you have to do is to look at the screen of puter and scan lots of pictures of goods in order to find what you want to buy. It often costs you several hours until you make the decision. Looking at the screen for a long time is quite harmful to our eyes. Moreover, it also reduces the chances of our munication with others. I think going out for shopping can help us breathe fresh air and relax ourselves. We can talk with our friends about the news, the life and some interesting things when shopping together. We can enjoy happiness with each other, thus it is also a useful way to strengthen the relationship between us. Besides, our friends may give us some valuable suggestions which are helpful in our making decision. Walking in different malls, We can see varieties of well-furnished department stores and many new products, which makes us happy. In my opinion, shopping on the Internet can not bring the fun of going out for shopping to some extent.
Lastly, the security concerns are most important. Identity theft is one serious problem that the shoppers potentially face . When we purchase the products on the Internet, we are going to be required to put in our bank card information and the shipping address. As a result,the threat exists that the information of a consumer can be accessible to someone who knows how to obtain it. Thus, the safety of a consumer's wealth is threaten. Phishing is another danger that the consumers may face. Given the lack of ability to inspect the sellers, the consumers may be fooled into thinking the retailer is trustworthy, when they have actually been manipulated into provide a system which operated by a malicious party with private information. As we all know, privacy of personal information is significant issue to everyone. What makes us unhappy is that some websites call or send messages to the consumers with the purpose of advertising new items, which interferes our everyday life to a certain extent. There is also a problem of the safety of products.To ensure the safety of the goods,the sellers buy the insurance for their goods.Although shipping panies will offer refunds or pensation for the damage, it is up to their discretion if it happens. Once it happens, you will find that you have nowhere to go to plain and the solution of the problem is boring and frequently wastes much time.
Nowadays, more and more people choose to go shopping online instead of going out for shopping. It is difficult to say whether shopping
online is good or not in general as it depends very much on everyone’s
view. However, from a personal point of view I find that I don’t like
shopping on the Internet, considering that it may bring product problems, takes away the fun of going out for shopping and produce security concerns. In addition, I think it is not convenient at some times for me to go shopping on the Internet.
With the development of the Internet and the popularization of puters, shopping on the Internet has bee a monplace in our life. Here consumers can buy almost everything they need.
Shopping on the Internet has a lot of advantages, of which the most important is perhaps its convenience. People don't have to waste a lot of their energy and precious time to go from one shop to another to choose the modities they like. This is especially desirable to the old, the sick and the busy people who cannot go to the shops in person. The goods e in all shapes, sizes and colors on the Internet. All they need to do is to sit in front of their puters and click the mouses. The modities they order will be delivered to them promptly.
However, shopping on the Internet also has its disadvantages. The first disadvantage is that the consumers can't see the goods or try them on personally. Sometimes, the real goods may not be the same as what they have seen on the puter. The second disadvantage is that some shops on the Internet are not registered. They will never deliver anything to you after they get the money from you. Once cheated, you will find that you have nowhere to go to plain.
In current society, shopping on the Interent is being more and more popular. It has many advantages and disadvartages .
Advantages: shopping on the Internet is convient and faster for customers. They can stay at home looking for the items, they need or like through the Internet which supplies a variety of products.People needn't to go shopping in stores . Then it can reduce cars' amount on the road. So it also can reduce pollution of the gas. It's unpollution and reduce energy.
Disadavantages:customers can buy false production. People will be demaged and have many bussniss also demaged .
So we shopping on the Internet shouid notice the production. And we should avoid the false production on the Internet .
Recently,there is a heat debate about on-line shopping is good or not. Everyone has his own idea. For me, I would love to buying things from internet.
There are lots of advantages of on-line shopping. Firstly,you can enjoy the convenience of on-line shopping:surf the internet and order your things easily.Secondly,you can search as much information as you can which normal couldn't do. What's more, lots of people love to pursue the fashion and then they choose on-line shopping.
But there is another voice:
In my view, on-line shopping's advantage outweights its disadvantage.With the development of network technology and human moral,our trade through the internet will be more safe.
在快速成型领域里主要的技术包括:SLA、LOM、SLS 、LOM及3DP等工艺技术,而这几种工艺又各有千秋,接下来就看一下这几种工艺的优缺点及比较:
箔材叠层实体制作(Laminated Object Manufacturing)快速原型技术是薄片材料叠加工艺,简称LOM。
箔材叠层实体制作是根据三维CAD 模型每个截面的轮廓线,在计算机控制下,发出控制激光切割系统的指令,使切割头作X 和Y 方向的移动。供料机构将地面涂有热溶胶的箔材(如涂覆纸、涂覆陶瓷箔、金属箔、塑料箔材)一段段的送至工作台的上方。激光切割系统按照计算机提取的横截面轮廓用二氧化碳激光束对箔材沿轮廓线将工作台上的纸割出轮廓线,并将纸的无轮廓区切割成小碎片。然后,由热压机构将一层层纸压紧并粘合在一起。可升降工作台支撑正在成型的工件,并在每层成型之后,降低一个纸厚,以便送进、粘合和切割新的一层纸。最后形成由许多小废料块包围的三维原型零件。然后取出,将多余的废料小块剔除,最终获得三维产品。叠层实体制作快速原型工艺适合制作大中型原型件,翘曲变形较小,成型时间较短,激光器使用寿命长,制成件有良好的机械性能,适合于产品设计的概念建模和功能性测试零件。且由于制成的零件具有木质属性,特别适合于直接制作砂型铸造模。
粉末材料选择性烧结(Selected Laser Sintering)是一种快速原型工艺,简称SLS。
(5)成型过程产生有毒气体及粉尘,污染环境。 4、FDM
丝状材料选择性熔覆(Fused Deposition Modeling)快速原型工艺是一种不依靠激光作为成型能源、而将各种丝材(如工程塑料ABS、聚碳酸酯PC 等)加热熔化进而堆积成型方法,简称FDM。
丝状材料选择性熔覆的原理如下:加热喷头在计算机的控制下,根据产品零件的截面轮廓信息,作X-Y 平面运动,热塑性丝状材料由供丝机构送至热熔喷头,并在喷头中加热和熔化成半液态,然后被挤压出来,有选择性的涂覆在工作台上,快速冷却后形成一层大约0.127mm 厚的薄片轮廓。一层截面成型完成后工作台下降一定高度,再进行下一层的熔覆,好像一层层"画出"截面轮廓,如此循环,最终形成三维产品零件。
这种工艺方法同样有多种材料可供选用,如工程塑料ABS、聚碳酸酯PC、工程塑料PPSF 以及ABS 与PC 的混合料等。这种工艺干净,易于操作,不产生垃圾,并可安全地用于办公环境,没有产生毒气和化学污染的危险。适合于产品设
(1)原型的表面有较明显的条纹,成型精度相对国外先进的SLA 工艺较低,最高精度0.127mm。
(4)需要对整个截面进行扫描涂覆,成型时间较长,成型速度相对SLA 慢7%左右。
三维印刷(3DP)工艺是美国麻省理工学院Emanual Sachs等人研制的。
E.M.Sachs于1989年申请了3DP(Three-Dimensional Printing)专利,该专利是非成形材料微滴喷射成形范畴的核心专利之一。
工艺 SLA LOM SLS FDM 零件精度 较高 中等 中等 较低 表面质量 优良 较差 中等 较差 复杂程度 复杂 简单 复杂 中等 零件大小 中小 中大 中小 中小
材料价格 较贵 较便宜 中等 较贵 材料种类 光敏树脂 纸、塑料、金属薄石蜡、塑料、金属、石蜡、塑料丝
膜 陶瓷粉末
材料利用率 ,100, 较差 ,100, ,100, 生产率 高 高 中等 较低
上,加上它本身强度高,故可以使其焦点处的功率密度达到107,1011 W/cm2,温度可达10 000?以上。在这样的高温下,任何材料都将瞬时急剧熔化和汽化,并爆炸性地高速喷射出来,同时产生方向性很强的冲击。因此,激光加工是工件在光热效应下产生高温熔融和受冲击波抛出的综合过程。
(1) 几乎对所有的金属和非金属材料都可以进行激光加工。
(2) 激光能聚焦成极小的光斑,可进行微细和精密加工,如微细窄缝和微型孔的加工。
(3) 可用反射镜将激光束送往远离激光器的隔离室或其它地点进行加工。
(4) 加工时不需用刀具,属于非接触加工,无机械加工变形。
(5) 无需加工工具和特殊环境,便于自动控制连续加工,加工效率高,加工变形和热变形小。
(1) 电子束能够极其微细地聚焦(可达l,0.1 μm),故可进行微细加工。
(2) 加工材料的范围广。由于电子束能量密度高,可使任何材料瞬时熔化、汽化且机械力的作用极小,不易产生变形和应力,故能加工各种力学性能的导体、半导体和非导体材料。
(3) 可通过磁场或电场对电子束的强度、位置、聚焦等进行控制,所以整个加工过程便于实现自动化。
(4) 电子束的能量密度高,加工效率很高。
(5) 加工在真空中进行,污染少,加工表面不易被氧化。
(6) 电子束加工需要整套的专用设备和真空系统,价格较贵,故在生产中受到一定程度的限制。
离子束加工加工 它的加工原理与电子束加工原理基本类似,也是在真空条件下,将离子源产生的离子束经过加速、聚焦后投射到工件表面的加工部位以实现加工的。所不同的是离子带正电荷,其质量比电子大数千倍乃至数万倍,故在电场中加速较慢,但一旦加至较高速度,就比电子束具有更大的撞击动能。离子束加工是靠微观机械撞击能量转化为热能进行的。
(1) 离子束加工是目前特种加工中最精密、最微细的加工。离子刻蚀可达纳米级精度,离子镀膜可控制在亚微米级精度,离子注入的深度和浓度亦可精确地控制。
(2) 离子束加工在高真空中进行,污染少,特别适宜于对易氧化的金属、合金和半导体材料进行加工
(3) 离子束加工是靠离子轰击材料表面的原子来实现的,是一种微观作用,所以加工应力和变形极小,适宜于对各种材料和低刚件零件进行加工。
谈论网上购物的英语作文篇1 With the
development of the Internet and the popularization of puters, shopping on the Internet has bee a monplace in our life. Here consumers can buy almost everything they need.
Shopping on the Internet has a lot of advantages, of which the most important is perhaps its convenience. People don't have to waste a lot of their energy and precious time to go from one shop to another to choose the modities they like. This is especially desirable to the old, the sick and the busy people who cannot go to the shops in person. The goods e in all shapes, sizes and colors on the Internet. All they need to do is to sit in front of their puters and click the mouses. The modities they order will be delivered to them promptly.
However, shopping on the Internet also has its disadvantages. The first disadvantage is that the
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consumers can't see the goods or try them on personally. Sometimes, the real goods may not be the same as what they have seen on the puter. The second disadvantage is that some shops on the Internet are not registered. They will never deliver anything to you after they get the money from you. Once cheated, you will find that you have nowhere to go to plain.
谈论网上购物的英语作文篇2 With the rapid
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development of our society, more and more people are fond of online shopping for its convenience. Online shopping has been a heated fashion. But different people have different views on this point. After all, every coin has two sides.
Online shopping has advantages as well as disadvantages. Firstly, nowadays, the Internet has bee a must. As convenient as it is, online shopping caters for those who are occupied by busy work or other things. And it can help us save much money, which is cheaper than what we buy in the physical store. What’
s more, it contributes the Internet to the further development.
However, it is also a risk of online shopping as we pay the bill online by our credit cards, we may be
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cheated by the dishonest shoppers. Sometimes the quality of what we buy online is much worse than we could imagine.
In my opinion, when we are shopping online, we should keep wise to prevent us from treating. And we’
ll find that online shopping has advantages over disadvantages.
谈论网上购物的英语作文篇3 As technology
bee more and more advance basically the use of internet bee more and more popular for modern generation. There are many advantages and
disadvantages of the access to internet. Some of the advantages are; people can now shop onlinehours a day days a week, able to access the latest updates, able to chat with friends and family online without the need of a phone, you could share your photos with your friends online, best of all internet is globally wide.
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Even though the intent brings a lot of advantage to our daily life style there are also disadvantages from the use of internet, there are hackers which may get access to your personal information credit details, virus that would damage your puter. Even though internet has disadvantages but it hasn’t affect people from
using the internet because there are many special programs that protect us from hackers and virus.
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