昨天,我们二年级全体同学一起来到洛阳博物馆参观。博物馆位于洛阳中轴线上,北靠邙山,南临伊阙。走进宽敞明亮的大厅,我们来到了河洛文明馆,我首先看到了古菱齿象化石,它生活在距今二百万年到一万年的更新世,它的个头比两个我还高呢! 这个馆展出文物2000多件。更多是通过文物来讲述历史。
王婧溪 2013.05.24
1,采用半围合式布,中间的主体建筑为展馆,文物库房与办公、设备等辅助用房设计为附楼布置在展馆北侧。 从功能上把形体区分开来,使得形体与功能达到了统一性。
2,“鼎”的概念通过隐喻的手法体现在展馆的建筑造型上,此设计也名为“鼎立天下”。为了衬托展馆,附楼采取消隐为地景建筑的手法,在顶部进行了绿化。暗和洛阳城州“北据邝山,南值伊阅”的山形水势。 让博物馆成为城市的一个缩影,成为城市的微观表达。 3,形体具有动感,以一种向前的形体特点暗喻洛阳的文化推陈出新取其精华去其糟粕的态势。
以主体展馆为核心,主次分明、内外分明。 核心空间为展厅,辅助空间围绕展厅布置。 展厅与展厅处布置交通空间。 主入口偏西,方形的对角线打通视廊。围绕挑空的中庭布置展览区,延续首层的空间特点,使得空间具有统一性。整个功能分区简洁明了,主次分明。西北侧指向展览序列的起点,东北侧指向内部最大的庭院.西南侧指向二层展览的起点,东南侧指向贵宾接待区的自然分区。
1,属于自己国家自己文化的设计的切入点。自身专业学习和知识完备时应注意的方面。 2,现代的处理手法,构图手法和立足于传统文化、地域回归的设计思路不冲突。
项目名称:洛阳博物馆新馆 设计单位:同济大学建筑设计研究院(集团)有限公司 设计者:李立 王文胜 高山 陈泓 叶雯 张承 室内设计:李立 建设地点:河南省洛阳市 委托人:洛阳市文物管理局 场地面积:200 000㎡ 建筑面积:43 654㎡ 设计时间:2007年6月—2008年1月 竣工时间:2009年3月 摄影:姚力
组员:黄 烁,110222025,
solution should properly save, avoid for water evaporation and makes solution concentration occurred changes; some enough stable, as see light easy deposition of AgNO3 and KMnO4, standard solution should storage Yu Brown bottle in the, and placed dark save; can absorption air in the carbon dioxide and on glass has corrosion role of alkali solution, best loaded in plastic bottle in the, and in bottle at loaded a alkali lime tube, to absorption air in the of carbon dioxide and water. Standard solution for unstable, long back, also recalibrated their concentration before use. Chapter III microbiological base (intermediate) first aseptic sampling techniques the unit about the aseptic sampling operation, before discussing the cause of aseptic sampling and collection methods, it is necessary to understand the "sterile" of the term, "sterile" is generally used in sampling, means that the sampling process, avoid the pollution caused by the operation. A sterile sample collection should be adopted in such a way, that is: in the process of collecting, should avoid contamination, then placed into a sterile container. Sterile sample collection is intended to support, against the plant sanitation status of the inspection findings. First, getting ready for a test: 1. packaging aseptic sampling of tools: having the right product or process of aseptic sampling device tools is essential. Unless you use the acquisition tools, otherwise the integrity of samples was suspected, samples even meaningless. In order to avoid without a proper sampling tools, remended the establishment of a sterile sample analysis list to collect sampling tool. Container holdingin chemical experiments, standard solution mol ? L-1 and its concentration. Preparation of standard solution of two major direct method and indirect method. 1. direct method weigh accurately reference material, dissolution constant volume after it bees an accurate concentration of the standard solution. For example, required the preparation of 500mL concentration of 0.01000 mol ? L-1 K2Cr2O7 solution, should weigh accurately on an analytical balance reference material K2Cr2O7 1.4709g, plus a small amount of water to make it dissolve quantitatively transferred to a 500mL bottle, diluted with water to scale. Dilute standard solution by dilution of concentrated standard solution. For example, spectrophotometric analysis needs 1.79x10-3mol ? L-1 standard solution. Calculations that must weigh accurately 10mg pure iron, but not on the General analytical balance accurate weighing, weighing errors due to its too small and large. Reserves so often used to prepare standard solutions and Diluted to the required concentration of the standard solution. On the analytical balance accurate weighing of high purity (99.99%) iron 1.0000g, then joined in a small beaker approximately 30mL in concentrated hydrochloric acid to dissolve quantitatively transferred to one liter volumetric flask with 1mol ? L-1 hydrochloric acid diluted to scale. This standard solution containing iron 1.79x10-2mol ? L-1。 Standard solution 10.00mL 100mL remove this volumetric flask with 1mol ? L-1 hydrochloric acid diluted to scale, shake the 1.79x10-3mol standard solution containing iron ? L-1。
洛阳民俗博物馆:是中国专题性博物馆。位于洛阳市新街南端。原为潞泽会馆,因祀关羽又名关帝庙,为清乾隆九年(1744)所建。现有舞楼、钟鼓楼、穿房、廊房、正殿、后殿、配殿等,是一组结构严谨、风格独特的古建筑群。1981年建为豫西博物馆,1987年改为洛阳民俗博物馆,次年对外开放。 简介
洛阳民俗博物馆:是一座以弘扬河洛文化、展示民俗风情为主的专题性博物馆,该馆是在古建筑群潞泽会馆的基础上组建成的。潞泽会馆始建于清代乾隆九年(公元1744年),系山西潞安府(今长治)、泽州府(今晋城)两地商人集资所建,主要用于同乡商人传递信息和物资集散,是晋商文化的产物。整个古代建筑群层次分明,结构严谨,占地面积15750平方米,是中原地区保存完整、规模宏伟的古建筑群之一,在建筑设计和营造法式上集清代河南地方建筑技术之大成,是中原地区清代地方古代建筑杰出的典范,其建筑装饰艺术十分考究,木雕和石雕作品非常精美,堪称中原地区雕刻艺术宝库中一束光彩夺目的奇葩。 1986年公布为河南省重点文物保护单位。目前,该古建筑作为重点项目正在积极申报全国重点文物保护单位。具有浓郁地方特色的河洛民俗文化不仅是优秀传统文化的组成部分,而且是主要 的旅游资源,洛阳民俗博物馆正是展示民俗风情为主的专题性博
洛阳民俗博物馆分别是民间工艺厅、婚俗厅、寿俗厅、生活用具厅、农具厅、契约文书厅。民间工艺厅内,不同形状、不同花色的云肩、霞帔、荷包、扇袋、绣衣、年画、剪纸、皮影、社火、唐三彩、面塑、木雕等艺术品种繁多,工艺精巧。服饰从银光闪闪的凤冠、造型别致的狗头帽,到绣工讲究的三寸绣鞋、虎视眈眈的虎头鞋,从上到下,从里到外从主衣到配饰,从雍荣华贵的宫廷用品到民间村姑渔翁遮风避体的土布衣,无所不有,令人眼界大开。这些绣品不仅美化了人们的生活,而且表达了人们的美好愿望,像常见的石榴多子多福、鱼戏莲喻连年有余等借物寓意的图案,在这些艺术品中比比皆是。另外,人们把翩翩起舞solution should properly save, avoid for water evaporation and makes solution concentration occurred changes; some enough stable, as see light easy deposition of AgNO3 and KMnO4, standard solution should storage Yu Brown bottle in the, and placed dark save; can absorption air in the carbon dioxide and on glass has corrosion role of alkali solution, best loaded in plastic bottle in the, and in bottle at loaded a alkali lime tube, to absorption air in the of carbon dioxide and water. Standard solution for unstable, long back, also recalibrated their concentration before use. Chapter III microbiological base (intermediate) first aseptic sampling techniques the unit about the aseptic sampling operation, before discussing the cause of aseptic sampling and collection methods, it is necessary to understand the "sterile" of the term, "sterile" is generally used in sampling, means that the sampling process, avoid the pollution caused by the operation. A sterile sample collection should be adopted in such a way, that is: in the process of collecting, should avoid contamination, then placed into a sterile container. Sterile sample collection is intended to support, against the plant sanitation status of the inspection findings. First, getting ready for a test: 1. packaging aseptic sampling of tools: having the right product or process of aseptic sampling device tools is essential. Unless you use the acquisition tools, otherwise the integrity of samples was suspected, samples even meaningless. In order to avoid without a proper sampling tools, remended the establishment of a sterile sample analysis list to collect sampling tool. Container holdingin chemical experiments, standard solution mol ? L-1 and its concentration. Preparation of standard solution of two major direct method and indirect method. 1. direct method weigh accurately reference material, dissolution constant volume after it bees an accurate concentration of the standard solution. For example, required the preparation of 500mL concentration of 0.01000 mol ? L-1 K2Cr2O7 solution, should weigh accurately on an analytical balance reference material K2Cr2O7 1.4709g, plus a small amount of water to make it dissolve quantitatively transferred to a 500mL bottle, diluted with water to scale. Dilute standard solution by dilution of concentrated standard solution. For example, spectrophotometric analysis needs 1.79x10-3mol ? L-1 standard solution. Calculations that must weigh accurately 10mg pure iron, but not on the General analytical balance accurate weighing, weighing errors due to its too small and large. Reserves so often used to prepare standard solutions and Diluted to the required concentration of the standard solution. On the analytical balance accurate weighing of high purity (99.99%) iron 1.0000g, then joined in a small beaker approximately 30mL in concentrated hydrochloric acid to dissolve quantitatively transferred to one liter volumetric flask with 1mol ? L-1 hydrochloric acid diluted to scale. This standard solution containing iron 1.79x10-2mol ? L-1。 Standard solution 10.00mL 100mL remove this volumetric flask with 1mol ? L-1 hydrochloric acid diluted to scale, shake the 1.79x10-3mol standard solution containing iron ? L-1。
豫西的剪纸风俗非常盛行,洛阳民俗博物馆内汇集了众多巧手的得意之作。其中有人物,有动物,有植物,有花卉。有的结构简单,有的复杂多变,有的精巧细腻,有的粗犷豪放。 黑色、黄色、白色、红色的剪纸作品,把展厅的一角装饰得美丽大方。 灵宝是豫西有名的皮影之乡,当地人爱演皮影,爱看皮影,成为民间节目中一种固定的娱乐活动。洛阳民俗博物馆将这一艺术形式移进馆内,不仅在玻璃柜内展出了大量用驴皮、羊皮制作的皮影道具,还在民间工艺厅的一角搭起一个豪华的亮窗。游客们在此观赏皮影作品的同时,还可以看到博物馆工作人员的实地皮影表演。如果你有兴趣,也可以自已亲手拿起道具,在亮窗上演出自己的节目。这些有声有形有动感的活剧,给游客增加了无穷的乐趣。
洛阳民俗博物馆不仅用实物再现了豫西的风俗,而且还举办多种民俗活动,以此来丰富博物馆的内容,吸引四方来客。 馆内藏品
景区类别及获得的荣誉 :国家3A级旅游景区,全国重点文物保护单位. 景区定期或准备举办的活动:每年4月上旬至4乐20日,河南洛阳牡丹花会期间,举办洛阳民俗文化庙会。 自驾游线路:
线路1: 郑州69km 巩义60km
线路2: 西安132km 华阴98km 灵宝116km
solution should properly save, avoid for water evaporation and makes solution concentration occurred changes; some enough stable, as see light easy deposition of AgNO3 and KMnO4, standard solution should storage Yu Brown bottle in the, and placed dark save; can absorption air in the carbon dioxide and on glass has corrosion role of alkali solution, best loaded in plastic bottle in the, and in bottle at loaded a alkali lime tube, to absorption air in the of carbon dioxide and water. Standard solution for unstable, long back, also recalibrated their concentration before use. Chapter III microbiological base (intermediate) first aseptic sampling techniques the unit about the aseptic sampling operation, before discussing the cause of aseptic sampling and collection methods, it is necessary to understand the "sterile" of the term, "sterile" is generally used in sampling, means that the sampling process, avoid the pollution caused by the operation. A sterile sample collection should be adopted in such a way, that is: in the process of collecting, should avoid contamination, then placed into a sterile container. Sterile sample collection is intended to support, against the plant sanitation status of the inspection findings. First, getting ready for a test: 1. packaging aseptic sampling of tools: having the right product or process of aseptic sampling device tools is essential. Unless you use the acquisition tools, otherwise the integrity of samples was suspected, samples even meaningless. In order to avoid without a proper sampling tools, remended the establishment of a sterile sample analysis list to collect sampling tool. Container holdingin chemical experiments, standard solution mol ? L-1 and its concentration. Preparation of standard solution of two major direct method and indirect method. 1. direct method weigh accurately reference material, dissolution constant volume after it bees an accurate concentration of the standard solution. For example, required the preparation of 500mL concentration of 0.01000 mol ? L-1 K2Cr2O7 solution, should weigh accurately on an analytical balance reference material K2Cr2O7 1.4709g, plus a small amount of water to make it dissolve quantitatively transferred to a 500mL bottle, diluted with water to scale. Dilute standard solution by dilution of concentrated standard solution. For example, spectrophotometric analysis needs 1.79x10-3mol ? L-1 standard solution. Calculations that must weigh accurately 10mg pure iron, but not on the General analytical balance accurate weighing, weighing errors due to its too small and large. Reserves so often used to prepare standard solutions and Diluted to the required concentration of the standard solution. On the analytical balance accurate weighing of high purity (99.99%) iron 1.0000g, then joined in a small beaker approximately 30mL in concentrated hydrochloric acid to dissolve quantitatively transferred to one liter volumetric flask with 1mol ? L-1 hydrochloric acid diluted to scale. This standard solution containing iron 1.79x10-2mol ? L-1。 Standard solution 10.00mL 100mL remove this volumetric flask with 1mol ? L-1 hydrochloric acid diluted to scale, shake the 1.79x10-3mol standard solution containing iron ? L-1。
线路3: 济南434km 郑州69km 巩义60km 门票 : 旺季:20 元 淡季:15 元
开放时间:夏上午8:30:—12:00 下午13:00—17:30
冬上午8:30—12:00 下午13:00—17:00 景区定期或准备举办的活动:每年4月上旬至4月20日,河南洛阳牡丹花会期间,举办洛阳民俗文化庙会。 详细地址:洛阳市河区新街433号
洛阳水席、浆面条、阎家羊肉汤、张家馄饨、尚记牛肉汤、潘金和烧鸡、不翻汤、张记烧鸡、新安烫面饺、胡辣汤。 当地有名的风味小吃店:真不同饭店
近年来,洛阳民俗博物馆一直致力于古代匾额的征集,先后从我省及山西、湖北等地征集回古匾1370余块。为保护和展示这些匾额,洛阳市在该馆西侧开工建设洛阳匾额博物馆。为进一步丰富馆藏匾额的数量和内容,近日,洛阳民俗博物馆南下苏州,征集到南方匾额 162块。这些匾额分布于江苏、江西、湖南、湖北、福建等省份,具有鲜明的南方特色。
这些匾额内容涉及堂号宗祠、官府门第、婚喜寿庆、科举功名等,其中堂号匾就有10块,如“务本堂”、“爱竹堂”、“绍裕堂”、 “锦文堂”、“培元堂”、“乐义堂”等,弥补了该馆堂号匾馆藏的不足,这些也是研究河洛文化与客家文化的渊源、联系以及姓氏文化的重要实物资料;再如征集的“期颐”匾额为“百岁”的代称,丰富了该馆祝寿类匾额内容。
这些匾额的年代以清雍正、乾隆、嘉庆、道光、咸丰等居多,历史悠久,且所征匾额绝大部分保存完好,其中不乏历史名人、书法名家题写,具有重要的文学、历史和书法价值。 地理位置
solution should properly save, avoid for water evaporation and makes solution concentration occurred changes; some enough stable, as see light easy deposition of AgNO3 and KMnO4, standard solution should storage Yu Brown bottle in the, and placed dark save; can absorption air in the carbon dioxide and on glass has corrosion role of alkali solution, best loaded in plastic bottle in the, and in bottle at loaded a alkali lime tube, to absorption air in the of carbon dioxide and water. Standard solution for unstable, long back, also recalibrated their concentration before use. Chapter III microbiological base (intermediate) first aseptic sampling techniques the unit about the aseptic sampling operation, before discussing the cause of aseptic sampling and collection methods, it is necessary to understand the "sterile" of the term, "sterile" is generally used in sampling, means that the sampling process, avoid the pollution caused by the operation. A sterile sample collection should be adopted in such a way, that is: in the process of collecting, should avoid contamination, then placed into a sterile container. Sterile sample collection is intended to support, against the plant sanitation status of the inspection findings. First, getting ready for a test: 1. packaging aseptic sampling of tools: having the right product or process of aseptic sampling device tools is essential. Unless you use the acquisition tools, otherwise the integrity of samples was suspected, samples even meaningless. In order to avoid without a proper sampling tools, remended the establishment of a sterile sample analysis list to collect sampling tool. Container holdingin chemical experiments, standard solution mol ? L-1 and its concentration. Preparation of standard solution of two major direct method and indirect method. 1. direct method weigh accurately reference material, dissolution constant volume after it bees an accurate concentration of the standard solution. For example, required the preparation of 500mL concentration of 0.01000 mol ? L-1 K2Cr2O7 solution, should weigh accurately on an analytical balance reference material K2Cr2O7 1.4709g, plus a small amount of water to make it dissolve quantitatively transferred to a 500mL bottle, diluted with water to scale. Dilute standard solution by dilution of concentrated standard solution. For example, spectrophotometric analysis needs 1.79x10-3mol ? L-1 standard solution. Calculations that must weigh accurately 10mg pure iron, but not on the General analytical balance accurate weighing, weighing errors due to its too small and large. Reserves so often used to prepare standard solutions and Diluted to the required concentration of the standard solution. On the analytical balance accurate weighing of high purity (99.99%) iron 1.0000g, then joined in a small beaker approximately 30mL in concentrated hydrochloric acid to dissolve quantitatively transferred to one liter volumetric flask with 1mol ? L-1 hydrochloric acid diluted to scale. This standard solution containing iron 1.79x10-2mol ? L-1。 Standard solution 10.00mL 100mL remove this volumetric flask with 1mol ? L-1 hydrochloric acid diluted to scale, shake the 1.79x10-3mol standard solution containing iron ? L-1。
洛阳市位于河南省西部,亚欧大陆桥东段,横跨黄河中游两岸,“居天下之中”素有“九州腹地”之称。洛阳地理条件优越。它位于暖温带南缘向北亚热带过渡地带,四季分明,气候宜人。东邻郑州,西接三门峡, 北跨黄河与焦作接壤,南与平顶山、南阳相连。东西长约179公里, 南北宽约168公里。 周围有郁山、邙山、青要山、荆紫山、周山、樱山、龙门山、香山、万安山、首阳山、嵩山等多座山脉;境内河渠密布,分属黄河、淮河、长江三大水系,黄河、洛河、伊河、清河、磁河、铁滦河、涧河、廛河等10余条河流蜿蜒其间,有“四面环山六水并流、八关都邑、十省通衢”之称。由于洛阳地处中原,山川纵横,西依秦岭,出函谷是关中秦川;东临嵩岳;北靠太行且有黄河之险;南望伏牛,有宛叶之饶,“河山拱戴,形势甲于天下”。
solution should properly save, avoid for water evaporation and makes solution concentration occurred changes; some enough stable, as see light easy deposition of AgNO3 and KMnO4, standard solution should storage Yu Brown bottle in the, and placed dark save; can absorption air in the carbon dioxide and on glass has corrosion role of alkali solution, best loaded in plastic bottle in the, and in bottle at loaded a alkali lime tube, to absorption air in the of carbon dioxide and water. Standard solution for unstable, long back, also recalibrated their concentration before use. Chapter III microbiological base (intermediate) first aseptic sampling techniques the unit about the aseptic sampling operation, before discussing the cause of aseptic sampling and collection methods, it is necessary to understand the "sterile" of the term, "sterile" is generally used in sampling, means that the sampling process, avoid the pollution caused by the operation. A sterile sample collection should be adopted in such a way, that is: in the process of collecting, should avoid contamination, then placed into a sterile container. Sterile sample collection is intended to support, against the plant sanitation status of the inspection findings. First, getting ready for a test: 1. packaging aseptic sampling of tools: having the right product or process of aseptic sampling device tools is essential. Unless you use the acquisition tools, otherwise the integrity of samples was suspected, samples even meaningless. In order to avoid without a proper sampling tools, remended the establishment of a sterile sample analysis list to collect sampling tool. Container holdingin chemical experiments, standard solution mol ? L-1 and its concentration. Preparation of standard solution of two major direct method and indirect method. 1. direct method weigh accurately reference material, dissolution constant volume after it bees an accurate concentration of the standard solution. For example, required the preparation of 500mL concentration of 0.01000 mol ? L-1 K2Cr2O7 solution, should weigh accurately on an analytical balance reference material K2Cr2O7 1.4709g, plus a small amount of water to make it dissolve quantitatively transferred to a 500mL bottle, diluted with water to scale. Dilute standard solution by dilution of concentrated standard solution. For example, spectrophotometric analysis needs 1.79x10-3mol ? L-1 standard solution. Calculations that must weigh accurately 10mg pure iron, but not on the General analytical balance accurate weighing, weighing errors due to its too small and large. Reserves so often used to prepare standard solutions and Diluted to the required concentration of the standard solution. On the analytical balance accurate weighing of high purity (99.99%) iron 1.0000g, then joined in a small beaker approximately 30mL in concentrated hydrochloric acid to dissolve quantitatively transferred to one liter volumetric flask with 1mol ? L-1 hydrochloric acid diluted to scale. This standard solution containing iron 1.79x10-2mol ? L-1。 Standard solution 10.00mL 100mL remove this volumetric flask with 1mol ? L-1 hydrochloric acid diluted to scale, shake the 1.79x10-3mol standard solution containing iron ? L-1。
solution should properly save, avoid for water evaporation and makes solution concentration occurred changes; some enough stable, as see light easy deposition of AgNO3 and KMnO4, standard solution should storage Yu Brown bottle in the, and placed dark save; can absorption air in the carbon dioxide and on glass has corrosion role of alkali solution, best loaded in plastic bottle in the, and in bottle at loaded a alkali lime tube, to absorption air in the of carbon dioxide and water. Standard solution for unstable, long back, also recalibrated their concentration before use. Chapter III microbiological base (intermediate) first aseptic sampling techniques the unit about the aseptic sampling operation, before discussing the cause of aseptic sampling and collection methods, it is necessary to understand the "sterile" of the term, "sterile" is generally used in sampling, means that the sampling process, avoid the pollution caused by the operation. A sterile sample collection should be adopted in such a way, that is: in the process of collecting, should avoid contamination, then placed into a sterile container. Sterile sample collection is intended to support, against the plant sanitation status of the inspection findings. First, getting ready for a test: 1. packaging aseptic sampling of tools: having the right product or process of aseptic sampling device tools is essential. Unless you use the acquisition tools, otherwise the integrity of samples was suspected, samples even meaningless. In order to avoid without a proper sampling tools, remended the establishment of a sterile sample analysis list to collect sampling tool. Container holdingin chemical experiments, standard solution mol ? L-1 and its concentration. Preparation of standard solution of two major direct method and indirect method. 1. direct method weigh accurately reference material, dissolution constant volume after it bees an accurate concentration of the standard solution. For example, required the preparation of 500mL concentration of 0.01000 mol ? L-1 K2Cr2O7 solution, should weigh accurately on an analytical balance reference material K2Cr2O7 1.4709g, plus a small amount of water to make it dissolve quantitatively transferred to a 500mL bottle, diluted with water to scale. Dilute standard solution by dilution of concentrated standard solution. For example, spectrophotometric analysis needs 1.79x10-3mol ? L-1 standard solution. Calculations that must weigh accurately 10mg pure iron, but not on the General analytical balance accurate weighing, weighing errors due to its too small and large. Reserves so often used to prepare standard solutions and Diluted to the required concentration of the standard solution. On the analytical balance accurate weighing of high purity (99.99%) iron 1.0000g, then joined in a small beaker approximately 30mL in concentrated hydrochloric acid to dissolve quantitatively transferred to one liter volumetric flask with 1mol ? L-1 hydrochloric acid diluted to scale. This standard solution containing iron 1.79x10-2mol ? L-1。 Standard solution 10.00mL 100mL remove this volumetric flask with 1mol ? L-1 hydrochloric acid diluted to scale, shake the 1.79x10-3mol standard solution containing iron ? L-1。
1、 民俗博物馆可以结合新技术,科技。打造一个现代化
2、 民俗博物馆应和丽景门小吃、真不同水席合作。在民
3、 景区可以在不同时期表演不同节目、印发不同的宣传
4、 应该举办一些婚庆表演或活动,使游客在 参与活动后
5、 在周末可邀请豫剧团来舞楼表演,一方面提升豫剧团
solution should properly save, avoid for water evaporation and makes solution concentration occurred changes; some enough stable, as see light easy deposition of AgNO3 and KMnO4, standard solution should storage Yu Brown bottle in the, and placed dark save; can absorption air in the carbon dioxide and on glass has corrosion role of alkali solution, best loaded in plastic bottle in the, and in bottle at loaded a alkali lime tube, to absorption air in the of carbon dioxide and water. Standard solution for unstable, long back, also recalibrated their concentration before use. Chapter III microbiological base (intermediate) first aseptic sampling techniques the unit about the aseptic sampling operation, before discussing the cause of aseptic sampling and collection methods, it is necessary to understand the "sterile" of the term, "sterile" is generally used in sampling, means that the sampling process, avoid the pollution caused by the operation. A sterile sample collection should be adopted in such a way, that is: in the process of collecting, should avoid contamination, then placed into a sterile container. Sterile sample collection is intended to support, against the plant sanitation status of the inspection findings. First, getting ready for a test: 1. packaging aseptic sampling of tools: having the right product or process of aseptic sampling device tools is essential. Unless you use the acquisition tools, otherwise the integrity of samples was suspected, samples even meaningless. In order to avoid without a proper sampling tools, remended the establishment of a sterile sample analysis list to collect sampling tool. Container holdingin chemical experiments, standard solution mol ? L-1 and its concentration. Preparation of standard solution of two major direct method and indirect method. 1. direct method weigh accurately reference material, dissolution constant volume after it bees an accurate concentration of the standard solution. For example, required the preparation of 500mL concentration of 0.01000 mol ? L-1 K2Cr2O7 solution, should weigh accurately on an analytical balance reference material K2Cr2O7 1.4709g, plus a small amount of water to make it dissolve quantitatively transferred to a 500mL bottle, diluted with water to scale. Dilute standard solution by dilution of concentrated standard solution. For example, spectrophotometric analysis needs 1.79x10-3mol ? L-1 standard solution. Calculations that must weigh accurately 10mg pure iron, but not on the General analytical balance accurate weighing, weighing errors due to its too small and large. Reserves so often used to prepare standard solutions and Diluted to the required concentration of the standard solution. On the analytical balance accurate weighing of high purity (99.99%) iron 1.0000g, then joined in a small beaker approximately 30mL in concentrated hydrochloric acid to dissolve quantitatively transferred to one liter volumetric flask with 1mol ? L-1 hydrochloric acid diluted to scale. This standard solution containing iron 1.79x10-2mol ? L-1。 Standard solution 10.00mL 100mL remove this volumetric flask with 1mol ? L-1 hydrochloric acid diluted to scale, shake the 1.79x10-3mol standard solution containing iron ? L-1。
1974年偃师二里头遗址出土 通高22.5cm。为长流尖尾,
器形高大,凝重,结构复杂,纹样繁缛,方体,四坡屋顶形盖, 四角及体中起扉棱。通体均饰以龙纹,云雾纹组成的浮雕兽面, 腹饰龙纹组成的垂叶纹,其中一侧中间有一跃跃欲出的圆雕牛 首形鉴,体上八条劲健有力的高棱由圈足直通顶段,显得更加壮伟高大。
通高36,长33厘米。形体方正,高大,纹样庄重威严,肃穆,是西周早期极难得的上乘之作。高36,长33厘米。双立耳,方腹,四柱足 。方腹四面均为一高突棱为鼻梁的浮雕牛角形聚睛凝视、扩口露齿兽面侵占,均以非常工细的云雾纹衬地,柱足顶端同样饰浮雕兽面。
西周 1924年洛阳小李村出土。
通体均以纤细的云雾纹衬地。其纹样繁缛,具有浓烈的肃穆、神秘气氛。更重要的是,盖与腹内铸铭文 字 当为 姓之女嫁给周王者。此
物馆 馆新
韦 7? 计0 356 2 l D 环境 5 + O
洛 博阳 物馆新馆邻 隋毗唐洛阳 遗址 城是洛阳城市 中 轴线极 上 为的要标志性 重 光天井采建
。设筑计 概的确念 是立场 地约结制合历 意史产象生 结果的 阳洛博馆 新馆物
方 的形 对线角位置通打祝廊以 突出空间的纵 深 。非对感 的称空 问
布t成达动 了态平的衡 且作并参为展路线 的 公点最众 终来到 是一个连的 终建设用的 地位洛于阳 新隋区 城遗址植物 唐北侧 因边周是隋唐即 洛城阳 坊里区 绵 伏的起§ 大屋 在 隋面洛 城阳 遗的址实真 背景中现 了再古考场 将景筑 建 唐 遗的 址场 地高的限 要决定 求了建筑扁平伸 的体 量 展筑内部建的 间格空 以局 概 念与地特质融 为一体 场驶空间
的 识路问题上突出 建 筑群体局布为7 出 突馆体 展 主史历 意象来自于历 史的宏对 认观知通 常 待历 史对题材的 筑建创 人作们 往 伸 往诉诸 于一 有些形的文化遗产 加 以 象再现 但是抽 待洛对阳这 座特殊 城 的市 附楼将 消隐为土地覆 景筑 作 为大建的 同地时也 提供开为 放城市公共的 间空设计 意识者到如果主体建 可筑以 视 为 使唐洛 隋阳的城址 选征 特 背扭。 山邙 南望 阙伊成。 为了 增
洛用 市的城 缩 影搂附 可亦解 理为 这养市城 大地的 于 是他将们目 投向光 洛滋
周阳围 的自地理山形 然 为 主表动达 概的念 并在 后的方期案调 整中 得发扬到在 深化过 程 中
择却的进是实 虚就从 概的念转按 努中力撵隶新 的空 问形 式设计 者 对 阳洛 的历秉持史7 种整一体认 的观念知 不某为个具 朝体 代的筑型建 制肝束 缚而 历把史的上 同不代都 看作选朝重 厚史历共同 的 等平 的成部 分
更注重表组 的选一种 文是的化实 质 —文从 遗物看存
我—们 公盘进直的 理观解 案进行方过些 折一性中 调整的如外墙 斜倾 求 鼎立以天 洛 的太阳址 遗是体 其现厚 下附 形楼收体 成为紧建筑座 基甚+为至解了决立 面改修后形体 的平问题而衡
需要 仔 细
重史 的历最要物证重
河涪 沿一字岸排开分 布着世 举名著的五都大城遗址
都蔷五 。这些夯土遗址 洛的体呈本现出 一种本质的最 地大老
形 在史 东南角增 了加一座取意 则武天天 枢 的观 塔光粹所。 这些有 调整并没有 影 响到 建筑概念 的 心核 内 间格空 局被整地保完留 下来 并在 后 的室期内设 计部
l 中化强 得 严格 I模数控 的统一 了 问度 尺空
墙 地一的体洞石 选将用 内公室共空 净间化为
分才擗能解 它读承 们载着历的史先人 的活动信息 著名的邙山代 墓古葬也 由
群于古自以来盗摹 动的猖活
总之种 洛 的历阳呈史现着这样 空虚 的状态
十墓 九空 的现 状 种
特 征 璨的文璀 化如起潮潮 落包 无窖次数崛 起 续连的整 界 体 使面 空间次 得到清 晰展现 地序厅 处的理 建筑是部 形体外 的 中 层西
数沉发 寂
谓 可烂绚 极归于平淡这 的样史 历化文其质实可 以结归为 种 虚这 空。所无在 地蔓不 形成延了 厚其重 历史 筑建的平扁体 量被塑造 成个E 一的大
强调 称对轴线 并与且 喻 隐华夏 之 门的意象表选 古老 的 城转门换 有光 的
地必 方空是间转
为续 墒体上 条虚一 掩 的序。斤 同时完成也 对了与不称对 空称 间的渡过 缝 央连大厅以 一种 非称的对 光布置采选 了到 光 的衡 平折的 重节点要 .北西指 向侧览展列 序的点起 东侧指北向 内部最大的 院
的总体庭意象 正是 在样这概念 的导下
内部则场希 望通过构相对建应的一系 列空间 的来接 暗
南 侧向二指层展览 的起 东南点指 向侧贵接待区宾的 自分 在 阳光的指然引 下 设 者通过 计研究隋唐 洛阳城 宫的偏西城 局秸将^主 口向偏西侧 将中大 央斤 偏 间空路识的 意以图然 自方的实式现 终最形 成概念复台了的 筑建征特形体 的 的概念
主题 这样想法必的须 拉一到个 在的内间空构和参结观识路系统 来 支撑 向侧布一 在置大厅东 两侧北环绕一个 L形布 局的厅以 伸 过间空
彰 显空间的与 沉静融台 外 部凝的重 内与部 虚空共的 存.典的 线轴 非对与称 古的 空
组间织 融合光与空 交织间 内在戚的林园意 向。闭封的 外与表开 敞地的形
善识 路完特 征设计者 鉴借园 手林在方 法流线 的4形个折位转 置置设 院和 庭 造塑 台融将纪念性 和 公性共并 置现 呈
/ /D市 L * 计0 35 6OI1 5 +l
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文化展示》,节目有汉代陶俑展示、汉服展示、古琴与吟诵《诗经 蒹葭》、古琴独奏《欸乃》、箫独奏《妆台秋思》、舞蹈《蝶飞花舞》。4月22日下午3点继续推出《霓裳风韵——唐代陶俑中的服饰文化展示》,节目有:唐代陶俑展示、古筝伴舞《春江花月夜》、琴歌《关山月》、唐式婚礼正礼部分等展示。我们去参观的时候正好看到了古筝伴舞《春江花月夜》,在悠扬的琴声下两个舞者翩翩起舞,将我们带入了充满了风花雪月的唐朝时期,感受那浪漫与古典的氛围。
当我们一走进这个展馆的时候,就觉得有段很悠长的历史等着我们去学习。展馆的设计也十分的有特点,将不同文物的展台分开摆放,方便了我们的观看,而且那些并不封闭完全的小隔间,会让我们有种很强烈的要进去一探究竟的感觉。展台也摆放的十分整洁,虽然文物很多,会让我们有应接不暇的感觉,但是却不凌乱,一个一个的欣赏过去,有很流畅的感觉,甚至在出了展馆后,回想起来也显得那么的清晰明确,这其实也是一种艺术,这种艺术不会让人有十分明显的感受,但是在潜移默化中,却又深入人的内心中了。当然展馆中的文物也具有相当浓厚的艺术气息,会让我们深切的感受到古代的艺术氛围。其中有些很具有代表性的文物,例如 :“‘王作’铜鼎”是春秋时期的文物,于2002年洛阳市西工区第27中春秋墓出土。洛阳市的
没有裹足的痛苦 、也没有严格的理学要求。唐代妇女的着装相对开放,婚姻也比较自由,还可以和男人一样自由出入公共场合的社交活动,甚至有少数的贵族妇女可以涉足政治,唐代妇女的开放也表现了这一时期的富庶、豁达和自信。
参考文献:1、毛佩琦,齐吉祥. 百馆百宝[M].北京:文物出版社,2006;138-129