A.契丹晏使者??????????????????????????? 晏:宴请。
B. 契丹比为黑水所破,势甚蹙????????????? 蹙:紧迫。
C. 帝然之??????????????????????????????? 然:答应。
D. 会受诏鞠冯士元狱????????????????????? 鞠:审讯。
①道辅径前以笏击蛇,碎其首??? ②论奏枢密使曹利用窃弄威柄,宜早斥去??? ③皇后天下之母,不当轻议绌废??? ④父母不和,可以谏止,奈何顺父出母乎??? ⑤出入风采肃然,及再执宪,权贵益忌之?????? ⑥国朝以来,庙垣下皆有官私第舍,谓不须避
A. ①③⑤??????? B.①④⑥???? C. ②③④??????? D.②⑤⑥
文言文阅读(19分)孔道辅,字原鲁,孔子四十五代孙也。道辅幼端重,举进士第,为宁 州军事推官,数与州将争事。有蛇出真武殿中,一郡以为神,州将帅官属往奠拜之。道辅径 前以笏击蛇, 碎其首, 观者初惊, 后莫不叹服。 迁大理寺丞, 主孔子祠事。 孔氏故多放纵者, 道辅一绳以法。章献太后临朝,召为左正言。受命日,论奏枢密使曹利用窃弄威柄,宜早斥 去,以清朝廷。太后可其言,乃退。奉使契丹,道除龙图阁待制。契丹晏使者,优人以文宣 王为戏,道辅艴然①径出。契丹使主客者邀道辅还坐,且令谢之。道辅正色曰:“中国与北朝 通好,以礼文相接。今俳优之徒,慢侮先圣而不之禁,北朝之过也。道辅何谢! ”既还,言者 以为生事,且开争端。仁宗问其故,对曰:“契丹比为黑水所破,势甚蹙。平时汉使至契丹, 辄为所侮,若不较,恐益慢中国。 ”帝然之。明道二年,召为右谏议大夫。会郭皇后废,道辅 诣垂拱殿伏奏:“皇后天下之母,不当轻议绌废。 ”帝使内侍谕道辅至中书,令宰相吕夷简以 皇后当废状告之。道辅语夷简曰:“大臣之于帝后,犹子事父母也;父母不和,可以谏止,奈 何顺父出母乎?”夷简曰:“废后有汉、唐故事。 ”道辅复曰:“人臣当道君以尧、舜,岂得引 汉、唐失德为法邪?”道辅性鲠挺,遇事弹劾无所避,出入风采肃然,及再执宪,权贵益忌 之。 初, 道辅僦②郭贽旧宅居之, 有言于帝者曰:“道辅家近太庙, 出入传呼, 非所以尊神明。 ” 即诏道辅他徙。集贤校理张宗古上言:“国朝以来,庙垣下皆有官私第舍,谓不须避。 ”帝出 宗古通判莱州。会受诏鞠冯士元狱,事连参知政事程琳。宰相张士逊雅恶琳,而疾道辅不附 己,将逐之。察帝有不悦琳意,即谓道辅:“上顾程公厚,今为小人所诬,见上,为辨之。 ” 道辅入对,言琳罪薄不足深治。帝果怒,以道辅朋党大臣,出知郓州。时大寒上道,行至韦 城,发病卒。 (节选自《宋史·孔道辅》 ) 【注】①艴然:生气的样子。②僦:租赁。 4. 对下 列 句 子 中 加 点 的 词 的 解 释 , 不 正 确 的 一 项 是 (3分 ) A . 契 丹 晏 使 者 晏 :宴 请。 B. 契丹 比为 黑水 所破 ,势 甚蹙 蹙:紧迫 。 C. 帝然之 然:答应。 D. 会受诏鞠冯士元狱 鞠 :审讯。 5. 以下各组句子中,全 都直接表明孔道辅性格耿直的一组是 (3分 ) ①道辅径前以笏击蛇,碎其首 ②论奏枢密使 曹利用窃弄威柄, 宜早斥去 ③皇后天下之母, 不当轻议绌废 ④父母不和, 可以谏止, 奈何顺父出母乎 ⑤出入风采肃然, 及再执宪, 权贵益忌之 ⑥国朝以来, 庙垣下皆 有官私第舍,谓不须避 A. ①③⑤ B.①④⑥ C. ②③④ D.②⑤⑥ 6. 下 列对原文有关内容的概括和分析,不正确的一项是 (3分 )A. 孔道辅不畏神灵,执法不徇私舞 弊。当蛇出现在真武殿的时候,全郡的人都认为是神灵,唯独他毫不畏惧,将其打死;孔家 后代不守礼法,他严格执法,不留情面。 B. 孔道辅坚持国家立场,毫不动摇。契丹在接待孔 道辅的时候,侮辱先王,孔道辅愤而离开,直到契丹主持招待的人道歉后才肯罢休,回国后 向皇上解释,得到皇上的认可。 C. 孔道辅性格耿直,遭权贵忌恨。他遇到看不惯的事情就要 弹劾,权贵因此很是忌恨他,借他居住的地方大做文章;张宗古极力为其辩护,也遭到了朝 廷的贬谪。 D. 孔道辅受人误导,遭到朝廷处罚。张士逊明知皇帝要治罪于程琳,却又假惺惺 地让孔道辅为其求情;皇帝认为孔道辅是朋党大臣,将其贬出京城,最终他旧病复发而死。 7. 把文中画横线的句子翻译成现代汉语。 (10分 ) ⑴大臣之于帝后, 犹子事父母也; 父母不和, 可以谏止,奈何顺父出母乎?(5分)⑵宰相张士逊雅恶琳,而疾道辅不附己,将逐之。 (5分)参考答案:【参考译文】孔道辅字叫原鲁,是孔子四十五代孙子。孔道辅自幼端庄大方, 考中了进士,做了宁州军事推官,多次和宁州的将军争议事情。有一条蛇从真武殿出来,全 郡的人都认为是神灵,宁州将军率领属官前往祭拜。孔道辅直接上前,用笏板击蛇,打碎了 蛇的脑袋, 观看的人起初惊讶, 后来没有谁不感叹佩服。 调任大理寺丞, 主持孔子祠的事情。 孔家人以前大多不守礼法,孔道辅全都把他们绳之以法。章献太后执政,召孔道辅做了左正 言。 他接受命令的那一天, 上奏枢密使曹利用私下玩弄权术, 应该尽早罢免, 以使朝廷清明。 太后答应了他的上奏,就罢免了曹利用。奉命出使契丹,上任途中授予龙图阁待制。契丹宴
请使者,戏子拿文宣王的事情演戏,孔道辅愤然退出。契丹让主持欢迎的人邀请孔道辅回到 座位上,但要孔道辅道歉。孔道辅严肃地说:“中原和契丹友好,用礼节相待。现在用这些戏 子,怠慢侮辱先圣却不加禁止,你们的过错呀。我道什么歉呢! ”回朝以后,有人说孔道辅无 事生非, 并且使两国产生争端。 宋仁宗询问这件事的原因, 孔道辅回答说:“契丹即将被黑水 国攻破,形势非常紧张。平时我们的使臣到了契丹,总是被他们欺侮,如果不计较,恐怕越 发怠慢我朝。 ”皇帝认为是这样。明道二年,征召为右谏议大夫。恰逢要废除郭皇后,孔道辅 到垂拱殿禀奏:“皇后是天下人的母亲,不应当轻言废除。 ”皇帝让内侍告诉孔道辅,让他到 中书省, 让宰相吕夷简把皇后应当废除的情况告诉孔道辅。 孔道辅对吕夷简说:“大臣对于皇 帝和皇后,就如同子女侍奉父母一样;父母关系不和,可以劝告使其和解,怎么能够顺着父 亲让母亲离开家呢?”吕夷简说:“废除皇后有汉、唐的先例。 ”孔道辅又说:“人臣应当把君 王比作尧、舜,怎么能够引用汉、唐失去德行作为准则呢?”孔道辅性格鲠直,遇到事情总 是弹劾无所回避,出入朝廷表情严肃,等到他再次执行法令,权贵越发忌恨他。当初,孔道 辅租赁郭贽的旧宅子居住, 有人对皇帝说:“孔道辅的家离太庙太近, 进出传唤, 不是尊敬神 明的办法。 ”立即下诏让孔道辅搬到其他地方。集贤校理张宗古上书说:“本朝以来,太庙的 墙下都有官方和私人的屋舍, 我认为不一定搬离。 ” 皇帝将张宗古调离京城, 做了莱州的通判。 恰逢孔道辅接受命令审讯冯士元的案件,事情牵扯到参知政事程琳。宰相张士逊素来就讨厌 程琳,也憎恶孔道辅不依附自己,想要把孔道辅驱逐出去。他觉察到皇帝对程琳不满意,就 对孔道辅说:“皇上眷顾程公忠厚,今天被小人诬告,你如果见到皇上,就为他辩解。 ”孔道 辅入朝对答, 说程琳罪不重, 不足严惩。 皇帝果然大怒, 认为孔道辅是朋党大臣, 调出京城, 做了郓州的知府。在赴郓州时,正处天气严寒,走到韦城,旧病复发而死。
The result is that the Still, if children are going I had a flash of insight graduates cannot enter the to devote the six years or so into why some9one would professions for which they of study it takes to master a bee a nurse or a social are trained and must take second language,starting worker or a minister我突然领
temporary jobs,which do not early just makes sense.如果悟到为什么有人愿意做护士,有
require a college degree.其一个孩子想用六年左右的时间人愿意做社工,而有人愿意做牧
们大学专业对口的工作,只得找错的 These examinations are 一些临时的,根本用不着大学学The people who live in open to everyoune,regardless 历的工作 North Island,New of race,religion,or color所
These people have more work Zealand,make use of the heat 有人,不分种族,信仰及肤色,
than they can handle and their that es from inside the 都可以参加这些考试
annual ines are often earth生活杂新西兰北岛的人们Opportunity knocks at higher than those of college 利用来自地表面的热能 every door.Be sure that when graduates It takes money to pay for it knocks at door you are 这些人的工作多得供不应求,他the coal,oil and gas.使用煤,ready.人人都有机遇,但是机遇
们的年薪比那些大学毕业生的燃油和燃气是要付钱的 是给有准备的人准备的
年薪要高得多 Traditionally,universitSocial scientists say one Americans are careful about ies have carried out two main of the important changes from how and when they meet one activities;research and a traditional to a modern another’s eyes.美国人特别在teaching.carried out two main society.社会科学家认为,这是
意眼神的交流,也很在意什么时activities;research and 从传统社会到现代社会的重要
候,如何进行眼神的交流 teaching.大学的传统功能就好变化
Communication between human 似教学与研究, They had to take care of beings would be just dull if Apart from requiring their health and try to give it were all done with words.medical and social services, ghem an education.他们要让孩
人与人之间的交流如果只用语which do not directly 子健康,还要想方设法地让他们
言来进行的话,那肯定会很乏味 contribute to economic 接受教育
Experts say chikldren can growth,the society shoulda In any field it’s begin learning a second also value and enjoy important to have ambition language in preschool,and literature,music and the arts.and drive无论是哪一行,重要
should begin before the age of 除了医疗服务,社会服务,这些的是要有理想和进取心
ten to take advantage of young 不直接为经济增长作贡献的服But it’s not just the hours children’s natural to avquire 务项目,社会还需要文学,音乐that count.For hard work to language.专家认为儿童可以在和艺术的享受 really pay off,you need to 学龄前就开始学习外语,而是应I was shopping a work effectively.但重要的不
该在,,岁以前开始,以便利用department store and had just 仅仅是时间,有效地工作才是勤
儿童天生的语言学习能力 boarded the down moving 奋工作真正所需要的
staircase when I noticed a At most they might meet for a
woman standing to the side.brief had decided that the
我在商场里购物,在踏上向下行match was suitable.大多数情
正站在电梯旁 流,而这种情况是双方父母认可
I found it dificult to Her talent meant she had One of the favorite foods accept the docile manner in to train six days a week and in the United States is the which this well-pete all over the countryhamburger,a kind of flat educated
young woman awaited the 她的天赋意味着她每周要训练round bread with fine oute of a process that 六天,而且要到全国各地参加比fine-cut beef in between.汉
would result in her spending 赛 堡包在美国是最受欢迎的食物
the rest of her life with a man The nazi onslaught on the 之一,它是一种中间夹着精心切
she hardly knew, a virtual Jews can be divided into two 制的牛肉的扁园面包
stranger,picked out by her main phases.The first phase Therefore,people can
extended from Hitler’s often eat at a fast food parents我觉得很难接受这种温
accession to power in restaurant without spending 顺的方式,即一个受过高等教育
的女孩被动地等着相亲的结果,1933until about 1941;the too money,while they may not 而这个结果使她将和一个由父second phase lasted from 1941 be able to go to more
to the end of the war in 1945.expensive restaurants very 母挑选的,几乎不了解,甚至完
全陌生的人过一辈子 纳粹对犹太人的屠杀可以分为often因此,人们不用花太多的
Poverty is powerful ally 两个主要的阶段,第一阶段从希钱就可以在快餐店里就餐,而他
特勒1933年上台统治到1941们也不可能频繁光顾昂贵的餐of illnes;but greater wealth
年,第二个阶段从1941年直到馆 does not necessarily buy
better health贫穷总是伴随疾1945年战争结束。 The first Winter Olympics 病,但是财富带来的并非就是健During the were held in Chamonix in
war,however,with the media 1924,though they were only 康
tightly controlled and with recohnized by the Standard mortality
statistics are hard tp gather armies and civilians on the international Olympic in some poor countries,let move,atrocities could be Committee as “Olympic”two
mitted without attracting years later in 1926第一届奥alone more sophisticated
culturally-sensitive much attention.然而,在战争林匹克运动会是在1986年,当
assessments of illess 时期,由于媒体被控制,军队和时大学生自愿者在Chamonix举
注意到纳粹的暴行 年才得到国际奥委会的认可 很难收集到确切的死亡数据,更
不用说那些对重大疾病的评价,Together they check However,war came and with 这些评论让人费解且涉及敏感course offerings,examination it an end to the discussions.
schedules,and university 然而战争爆发,所有的争议也就的地方文化
requirements before the 结束了 It can be difficult to
have a gifted child.It semester stars他们在学期开The university’s
Recycling Program began in requires time,dedication and 学前一起核对所需要的课程,考
1986,as a volunteer effort by constant support to ensure 试时间以及学校的规章制度
that child’s talents flourish.By the end of the university students,led by 要培养一个有天赋的孩子是很semester,most students start Brian Goetz,for the solo
purpose of collecting 难的,这要求我们付出时间,奉to feel both confident and
aluminum cans.大学资源再生计献自己个不断的支持以保证孩fortable at school学期结
子的天赋得以发挥 束时,大多数的学生开始适应学划起源于1924年,当时大学生
校的生活而且充满了自信 自愿者在Brian Goetz的带领
During the 2004-2005 Chinese doctors are now Certainly more people school year,10-15 student trying to unite older Eastern fail because they don’t know
the requirements of being an employees and 160 custodial forms of medicine with newer
workers collected 18-20 tons Western forms.The sharing of employee than because they do of recyclable material every knowledge should benefit not adequately possess the week在2004年-2005学年度,people everywhere.中国医生正skills of their trade;the 10在想办法把古代东方的医术与higher you climb the -15个学生雇员和160个监管
人员每周收集可回收的物资达现代西方的医术结合起来,着种ladder,the more you get into 18-20吨 资源共享可以造福于人类 administrative or executive
Climate,more than any Do we need laws that work,and the greater the other single prevent us from running risks emphasis on ability to work factor,determines the with our lives? If so,then within the organization distribution of life on Earth.perhaps laws are needed rather than on technical
prohibiting the sale of abilities or professional 气候比任何其他因素更能对地
球上的上生命物种的分布起确cigarettes and alcoholic我们knowledge.有些人会因为不知
定性的作用 是否需要制定法律禁止公民用道做一个雇员的要求而失败,有
Human beings are among 自己的生命去冒险,如果是这样些人因为没有这个行业的知识
the least specialized of all 的话,或许也需要制定法律禁止而失败,而前者很明显起后者要
animals and can live almost 销售香烟和喝酒。 多,你爬的位置越高,你越好似
anywhere特殊性最小的生物是Crime and drunkenness 进了管理或者行政工作,也就是
人类,在哪都可以生存 were both supposed to 更要求你有组织中与人协同工
Though they seem so decline-often poisoned 作的能力而不是你的专业知识,
varied ,all these alcohol人们以为禁酒会减少犯因此懂得如何做一个雇员能使
advertisements have one thing 罪,和酗酒现象,但事与愿违,我们走向事业的成功
in mon :they make stront 人们比以前喝得更凶,而且经常Richard dressed in a appeals to our emotions.又是喝的是有毒的酒 business suit,took his 恭维又是哄骗,最后我们几乎都Today only one out of five briefcase,and drove to a town 相信自己也有当明星的潜质,当is not eployed but working for about ten miles from his home然啦,只要我们用了?? himself今天,只有五分之一人查理德穿上西装,提着公务包,
We can flattered and 是为自己干活而不是收人雇与然后驱车到离自己家十公里的
coaxed until we almost 他人 一个城镇上
believe that we have the In less than five
makings of potential film minutes,Richard climbed bace
stars,providing of out the window在不到五分钟的
course,that we use?尽管这些时间内,查理德爬回到窗外
广告千变万化,有一点是共同It is the most important
的,它们对我们有很强的吸引力 part of your presentation
Although avupuncture has because if you don’t do it been practiced in China for effectively,the prospect 2,000 years,its use in the will not allow you to make a Western world is still very plete presentation这是你
new.尽管针灸在中国已经实践 陈述的最重要一个部分,因为如
客户是不会听你说完的 使用却刚刚开始
You are calling on one The safest place to be in If we understood our
person,not a group,and you case of an electrical storm is differences as the ones of
have never met the prospect in a closed car如果发生雷雨,culture,then we could make
before.The prospect has never 最安全的地方是关闭的车内 our world more peaceful如果done business with your firmglobal warming 懂得了彼此的差异是文化范畴你是打电话给一个人,而不是几could,without warning.cause 的,我们就能使世界更加和平了 个人,你以前从未见过这位客a sudden wholesale change in
户,而这位客户也是从未和你的the earth’s
公司打过交道 environment,leving little or
Now,you may not buy no time for plants,animals alcohol in this country if you and humans to adjust全球变暖
are under 18 years of age,nor 会毫无预兆地导致地球环境突
may your friends buy it for 然大规模改变,几乎或完全不给 you.你若未满18岁,你不可以植物,动物和人类适应的时间
在本国买含酒精的饮料,朋友们People have affected the 而已不可以替你买 biochemistry of the earth in
When you have something less than a century.在不到一
to throw away,please put it in 百年的时间里,人类已经对地球
your pocket and take it 的生化造成了伤害
home,or put it in a litterbin.But in the States you get
有废弃的东西需要丢弃时,请把married where you like,in 它放进自己的口袋里带回家,或your home,in a hotel,or in a 者丢进垃圾箱里 park or garden.但是美国,你
The sea has provided man 可以在你喜欢的地方举行婚礼,
with food and a convenient way 可以在家里,也可以在酒店,甚
to travel to many parts of the 至可以在公园或者是花园
world海洋给人类提供了食物以Married people wear their 及到世界各地旅游提供了便利 wedding rings on the third
Experts believe that by finger of the left hand已婚
the year 2000 the problems 的人通常把结婚戒指戴在左手
that prevent us from 的第三只手上
exploiting fully the Very simple,really;in food,minerals,and energy each of these places,and sources of the sea will be elsewhere in the world,one largely solved.专家们相信,group of people believes that 到2000年后,阻止我们彻底开another group is different 采海洋食物,矿藏和能源的问题from them and dangerous to 将得到极大的解决 them.其实道理很简单,在这些
Some ancient peoples 国家以及世界其他地区,人们相
believed that lightning and 信其他民族的人是与之不同的,
thunder were the weapons of 是危险的
the gods.一些古代民族相信闪
The result is that the graduates cannot enter the professions for which they are trained and must take temporary jobs,which do not require a college degree.其 结果是这些毕业生找不到与他 们大学专业对口的工作, 只得找 一些临时的, 根本用不着大学学 历的工作
These people have more work than they can handle and their annual ines are often higher than those of college graduates
这些人的工作多得供不应求, 他 们的年薪比那些大学毕业生的 年薪要高得多
Americans are careful about how and when they meet one another ’ s eyes. 美国人特别在 意眼神的交流, 也很在意什么时 候,如何进行眼神的交流 Communication between human beings would be just dull if it were all done with words.人与人之间的交流如果只用语 言来进行的话, 那肯定会很乏味 Experts say chikldren can begin learning a second language in preschool,and should begin before the age of ten to take advantage of young children ’ s natural to avquire language. 专家认为儿童可以在 学龄前就开始学习外语, 而是应 该在10岁以前开始, 以便利用 儿童天生的语言学习能力 Still, if children are going
to devote the six years or so
of study it takes to master a
second language,starting
early just makes sense.如果
学会一门外语, 早点开始还是不
The people who live in
North Island,New
Zealand,make use of the heat
that es from inside the
earth 生活杂新西兰北岛的人们
It takes money to pay for
the coal,oil and gas.使用煤,
ies have carried out two main
activities;research and
teaching.carried out two main
activities;research and
teaching. 大学的传统功能就好
Apart from requiring
medical and social services,
which do not directly
contribute to economic
growth,the society shoulda
also value and enjoy
literature,music and the arts.
I was shopping a
department store and had just
boarded the down moving
staircase when I noticed a
woman standing to the side.
我在商场里购物, 在踏上向下行
驶的电梯时, 我注意到一位女士
I had a flash of insight into why some9one would bee a nurse or a social worker or a minister 我突然领 悟到为什么有人愿意做护士, 有 人愿意做社工, 而有人愿意做牧 师了
These examinations are open to everyoune,regardless of race,religion,or color所 有人,不分种族,信仰及肤色, 都可以参加这些考试
Opportunity knocks at every door.Be sure that when it knocks at door you are ready. 人人都有机遇, 但是机遇 是给有准备的人准备的
Social scientists say one of the important changes from a traditional to a modern society. 社会科学家认为, 这是 从传统社会到现代社会的重要 变化
They had to take care of their health and try to give ghem an education.他们要让孩 子健康, 还要想方设法地让他们 接受教育
In any field it ’ s important to have ambition and drive无论是哪一行,重要 的是要有理想和进取心
But it ’ s not just the hours that count.For hard work to really pay off,you need to work effectively.但重要的不 仅仅是时间, 有效地工作才是勤 奋工作真正所需要的
At most they might meet for a brief had decided that the match was suitable.大多数情 况下, 他们会见面儿进行简单交 流, 而这种情况是双方父母认可 后发生的
I found it dificult to
accept the docile manner in which this well-educated young woman awaited the oute of a process that would result in her spending the rest of her life with a man she hardly knew, a virtual stranger,picked out by her parents 我觉得很难接受这种温 顺的方式, 即一个受过高等教育 的女孩被动地等着相亲的结果, 而这个结果使她将和一个由父 母挑选的,几乎不了解,甚至完 全陌生的人过一辈子
Poverty is powerful ally of illnes;but greater wealth does not necessarily buy better health贫穷总是伴随疾 病, 但是财富带来的并非就是健 康
Standard mortality statistics are hard tp gather in some poor countries,let alone more sophisticated culturally-sensitive assessments of illess severity. 在一些贫穷国家,你 很难收集到确切的死亡数据, 更 不用说那些对重大疾病的评价, 这些评论让人费解且涉及敏感 的地方文化
It can be difficult to have a gifted child.It requires time,dedication and constant support to ensure that child ’ s talents flourish. 要培养一个有天赋的孩子是很 难的,这要求我们付出时间,奉 献自己个不断的支持以保证孩 子的天赋得以发挥
Her talent meant she had
to train six days a week and
pete all over the country
六天, 而且要到全国各地参加比
The nazi onslaught on the
Jews can be divided into two
main phases.The first phase
extended from Hitler ’ s
accession to power in
1933until about 1941;the
second phase lasted from 1941
to the end of the war in 1945.
两个主要的阶段, 第一阶段从希
特勒 1933年上台统治到 1941
年,第二个阶段从 1941年直到
During the
war,however,with the media
tightly controlled and with
armies and civilians on the
move,atrocities could be
mitted without attracting
much attention.然而,在战争
老百姓都在流动, 外界几乎没有
Together they check
course offerings,examination
schedules,and university
requirements before the
semester stars他们在学期开
学前一起核对所需要的课程, 考
By the end of the
semester,most students start
to feel both confident and
fortable at school学期结
束时, 大多数的学生开始适应学
One of the favorite foods in the United States is the hamburger,a kind of flat round bread with fine fine-cut beef in between.汉 堡包在美国是最受欢迎的食物 之一, 它是一种中间夹着精心切 制的牛肉的扁园面包
Therefore,people can often eat at a fast food restaurant without spending too money,while they may not be able to go to more expensive restaurants very often 因此,人们不用花太多的 钱就可以在快餐店里就餐, 而他 们也不可能频繁光顾昂贵的餐 馆
The first Winter Olympics were held in Chamonix in 1924,though they were only recohnized by the international Olympic Committee as “ Olympic ” two years later in 1926第一届奥 林匹克运动会是在 1986年,当 时大学生自愿者在 Chamonix 举 行的, 尽管是在两年以后即 1926年才得到国际奥委会的认可 However,war came and with it an end to the discussions. 然而战争爆发, 所有的争议也就 结束了
The university ’ s Recycling Program began in 1986,as a volunteer effort by university students,led by Brian Goetz,for the solo purpose of collecting aluminum cans. 大学资源再生计 划起源于 1924年,当时大学生 自愿者在 Brian Goetz的带领 下,目的是收集罐头盒
During the 2004-2005 school year,10-15 student employees and 160 custodial workers collected 18-20 tons of recyclable material every week 在 2004年 -2005学年度, 10-15个学生雇员和 160个监管 人员每周收集可回收的物资达 18-20吨
Climate,more than any other single factor,determines the distribution of life on Earth. 气候比任何其他因素更能对地 球上的上生命物种的分布起确 定性的作用
Human beings are among the least specialized of all animals and can live almost anywhere 特殊性最小的生物是 人类,在哪都可以生存
Though they seem so varied ,all these advertisements have one thing in mon :they make stront appeals to our emotions.又是 恭维又是哄骗, 最后我们几乎都 相信自己也有当明星的潜质, 当 然啦,只要我们用了??
We can flattered and coaxed until we almost believe that we have the makings of potential film stars,providing of course,that we use?尽管这些 广告千变万化,有一点是共同 的, 它们对我们有很强的吸引力 Although avupuncture has been practiced in China for 2,000 years,its use in the Western world is still very new. 尽管针灸在中国已经实践 了 2000年,但是在西方社会的 使用却刚刚开始
Chinese doctors are now
trying to unite older Eastern
forms of medicine with newer
Western forms.The sharing of
knowledge should benefit
people everywhere. 中国医生正
现代西方的医术结合起来, 着种
Do we need laws that
prevent us from running risks
with our lives? If so,then
perhaps laws are needed
prohibiting the sale of
cigarettes and alcoholic 我们
自己的生命去冒险, 如果是这样
的话, 或许也需要制定法律禁止
Crime and drunkenness
were both supposed to
decline-often poisoned
alcohol 人们以为禁酒会减少犯
人们比以前喝得更凶, 而且经常
Today only one out of five
is not eployed but working for
himself 今天,只有五分之一人
Certainly more people fail because they don ’ t know the requirements of being an employee than because they do not adequately possess the skills of their trade;the higher you climb the ladder,the more you get into administrative or executive work,and the greater the emphasis on ability to work within the organization rather than on technical abilities or professional knowledge. 有些人会因为不知 道做一个雇员的要求而失败, 有 些人因为没有这个行业的知识 而失败, 而前者很明显起后者要 多,你爬的位置越高,你越好似 进了管理或者行政工作, 也就是 更要求你有组织中与人协同工 作的能力而不是你的专业知识, 因此懂得如何做一个雇员能使 我们走向事业的成功
Richard dressed in a business suit,took his briefcase,and drove to a town about ten miles from his home 查理德穿上西装,提着公务包, 然后驱车到离自己家十公里的 一个城镇上
In less than five minutes,Richard climbed bace out the window 在不到五分钟的 时间内,查理德爬回到窗外 It is the most important part of your presentation because if you don’ t do it effectively,the prospect will not allow you to make a plete presentation这是你 陈述的最重要一个部分, 因为如 果你一开始就不引人入胜的话, 客户是不会听你说完的
You are calling on one person,not a group,and you have never met the prospect before.The prospect has never done business with your firm你是打电话给一个人, 而不是几 个人,你以前从未见过这位客 户, 而这位客户也是从未和你的 公司打过交道
Now,you may not buy alcohol in this country if you are under 18 years of age,nor may your friends buy it for you. 你若未满 18岁,你不可以 在本国买含酒精的饮料, 朋友们 而已不可以替你买
When you have something to throw away,please put it in your pocket and take it home,or put it in a litterbin. 有废弃的东西需要丢弃时, 请把 它放进自己的口袋里带回家, 或 者丢进垃圾箱里
The sea has provided man with food and a convenient way to travel to many parts of the world 海洋给人类提供了食物以 及到世界各地旅游提供了便利 Experts believe that by the year 2000 the problems that prevent us from exploiting fully the food,minerals,and energy sources of the sea will be largely solved.专家们相信, 到 2000年后,阻止我们彻底开 采海洋食物, 矿藏和能源的问题 将得到极大的解决
Some ancient peoples believed that lightning and thunder were the weapons of the gods.一些古代民族相信闪 电和雷是上帝的武器
The safest place to be in
case of an electrical storm is
in a closed car 如果发生雷雨,
global warming
could,without warning.cause
a sudden wholesale change in
the earth ’ s
environment,leving little or
no time for plants,animals
and humans to adjust 全球变暖
然大规模改变, 几乎或完全不给
People have affected the
biochemistry of the earth in
less than a century.在不到一
百年的时间里, 人类已经对地球
But in the States you get
married where you like,in
your home,in a hotel,or in a
park or garden.但是美国,你
Married people wear their
wedding rings on the third
finger of the left hand已婚
Very simple,really;in
each of these places,and
elsewhere in the world,one
group of people believes that
another group is different
from them and dangerous to
them. 其实道理很简单,在这些
国家以及世界其他地区, 人们相
If we understood our differences as the ones of culture,then we could make our world more peaceful如果 懂得了彼此的差异是文化范畴 的, 我们就能使世界更加和平了
This is to certify that××××××, male, born in July ××××, has been studying
in the Department of Microwave Engineering of University of Electronic
Science and Technology of China from Sept. ×××× to July ××××,
majoring in Electromagnetic Field and Microwave Technology. He has
acplished the studying program of a ××-year education system
(undergraduate course) and is permitted to graduate. After examination,
he has been found to qualified in Regulations on Academic Degreesof the
People’s Republic of China and is hereby awarded this Bachelor’s Degree
Certificate of Bachelor’s Degree of Engineering.
Chairman of the Degree Assessment Committee of University of
(For Graduates from Ordinary Higher College) Electronic Science and Technology of China:
×××××× (signed) July ××, ××××
Certificate S/N: ××××××
伊莱特 翻译
Certificate for the Degree of Bachelor
XXX, born in December 1970, having specialized in Microbiology, College of Life Science and Technology, Huazhong Agricultural University from September 1991 to July 1995, has qualified for graduation. Upon the examination and in conformity with the s of the Academic Degree Regulations of the People's Republic of China, he is awarded the Degree of Bachelor of Science.
Degree Evaluation Committee, Huazhong Agricultural University
Chairman of Degree
Evaluation Committee
st July 1, 1995
Certificate No.04848
This is to certify that Mr. XXX, male, born in October, 1973, majored in Clinical
Medicine in Hunan Medical University from September 1992 to June 1997. Upon National Emblem
pleting and passing all the required courses of the 5-year undergraduate
Bachelor’s Degree Certificate program with qualified score, she is hereby granted graduation. In accordance (Undergraduate of regular higher with the Regulations Concerning Academic Degrees in the People's Republic of
education) China, the aforesaid student is awarded the Bachelor of Medicine.
Chairman of Degree Appraising Committee: XXX (sealed)
Hunan Medical University (sealed)
June 30, 1997
No of school: 97047
Certificate of Bachelor's Degree
Certificate No.:
This is to certify that,male / female,native of __________,born on __________,has been majoring in the specialty of at our university/ institute from September_____ to July _______. Upon pletion of all the courses specified by the four-year undergraduate teaching programme with qualified score,he/she is qualified for graduation. In conformity with the s of the Regulations Regarding Academic Degrees of the People's Republic of China,he/she has been conferred to the degree of Bachelor of ___________.
Chairman Committee of Degree Accreditation
University (seal)
电话:400-600-8011 网址:.gaodun.
Certificate of Bachelor Degree
XU HAONING, male, born on October 4, 1991, has pleted undergraduate study plan in the
PHOTO specialty of Mathematics and Applied Mathematics (Field of Financial Mathematics and Financial
Engineering) in Shandong Normal University and has passed all the examinations necessary for graduation. Having fulfilled the requirements stipulated by The Regulations of the People ’s Republic of China on Academic Degrees, XU HAONING is awarded the Bachelor Degree in Science.
Shandong Normal University
President & Chairman of Academic Degree Evaluation & Conferment Committee ZHAO YANXIU (Signature) Certificate No: 1044542012004296 Date: June 30, 2012
(Undergraduate of Regular Higher Education)
Part four:翻译(英译中,两小段,分数15分)
1. For thousands of years Chinese have always...:几千年来中国人一直视筷子为一种可以将饭从碗中逐口送入口中的最简单同时也是最有效的工具。早在周朝时期,筷子便被人们用来夹取荤、蔬菜,而米饭在那时则用手来取食。全国各地的筷子大小基本一样,而所用的材料的种类则各有不同,所选材料的有竹子、木条、玉石、象牙、塑料、银、金等。中国人使用筷子的方法很有艺术性,各人有各人的方法。中国人一般都随心所欲的用筷子夹起一粒米饭,一粒豌豆,一个滑溜溜的蘑菇或海参。使用筷子时,要把一双筷子夹在大拇指和食指之间。要点是让其中的一根筷子保持不动,活动另一要筷子,以便能像钳子一样夹取食物。 2. In the house where i grew up,it was....:小时候在家里,我们的前门总是夜不落锁。我不知道这是当地的一种说法还是大家都这么说:“不落锁”的意思是掩上门,但不锁住。我们谁都不带钥匙,晚上最后一个回家的人把门关上,这就行了。那样的日子已经一去不复返了。在乡下,在城里,门不再关着不锁上,哪怕是傍晚一段时间也不例外。在许多方面,郊区和农村甚至比巡查严密的城市街道更易受到攻击。统计显示,那些据称是安宁的地区的犯罪率上升得比城镇更为显著。不管怎么说,前门虚掩不落锁的时代是一去不复返了。 3. A good modern newspaper is an ?.:一份好的现代报纸是一份独特的读物。它的不平常首先在于它的内容:新闻的范围从地方性犯罪到国际政治,从体育到生意到时尚再到科学;评论和特写的范围从社论到专题文章到书籍、艺术、电影等评论的采访。一份报纸的非凡之处更在于人们阅读的方式:不要彻底地,不需要一直看完,可以随意跳跃着看,在房间里进进出出时随意浏览一篇,彻彻底底地看完一篇,而另一篇只看几段。一份好的现代报纸提供了各种各样的内容来吸引不同的读者,远不是只让某一个读者感兴趣。而使这些不同的内容聚集在一起的正是它的时事性,它直接地联系着当前世界上和当地正在发生的事情。 4. A recent phenomenon in the choice?:最近在高校毕业生择业问题上出现了一种倾向,就是毕业生越来越青睐大公司,很少有人到研究单位。在崇尚物质的社会里,这是一个不可避免的问题。一方面,学生还没有走出校门,大公司便在竞相聘用他们,向他们提供具有诱惑力的薪水和福利待遇。另一方面,由于许多大企业,甚至包括一些政府部门往往看重直接经济效益,而相对来说,对长期的理论研究不感兴趣。所以研究人员不断地从纯理论研究领域流向实用工业。因为在那里工作就比在研究领域里好找,工资也往往高。这些情况不仅严重影响青年人的择业观,而且还影响教育,许多大学老师哀叹,现在单纯为了学知识而学习的人越来越少了。
5. Obtaining good health insurance while??:在海外留学时,购买适合的医疗保险非常必要。通常有两种保险可以考虑:国际旅行险和在你所前往的国家购买的学生险。国际旅行一般在出国前购买,该险包括一系列广泛的医疗服务,还会为你提供一份在目的地的医生名单,这些医生都能够用你的母语与你沟通。这个险种的缺点是你不能马上报销你的医疗费用。也就是说,你必须先自行支付所有的费用,之后再把发票交给保险公司报销。如果你选择的是学生险,在接受治疗时你只需要承担一部分费用,不用准备太多的现金支付全额账单。 6. I knew that I would finally be making?.: 我知道我最终会令我父母开心。他们两人都是大学毕业生,因此也希望我能成为他们中的一员。多年来他们一直向我灌输大学文凭比高中毕业证具有更大优势。我至今仍能听到妈妈这样劝说我:“去上大学拿个学位吧。你现在学要一个学位。以后你会为此感到骄傲的。”他们一直这么劝说,但并不强迫我。同时,如果我有意愿,他们也愿意让我自己去想清楚。
7. Chinese is often termed a very old language?汉语常被认为是一种非常古老的语言。人类所有的语言都可追溯到朦胧的史前时期。5000年前华夏祖先说汉语的方法同说英语人士的祖先说英语的方式大致相似。然而,汉语确实也是一种很古老的语言。今天所存留下来的最早的汉字已有近4000年的历史。这些文字均为甲骨雕文。大部分铭文为神谕圣旨,内容大都与政治事件和宗教活动有关,有些则是关于天气和战争的记录。汉语有丰富的古代文字作品,源远流长,远非其他一种语言的文字可与之媲(BI)美。一些最古老的文字属象形文字。 8. After the violent earthquake that shook?.:1994年洛杉矶发生了强烈地震之后,地震学家报告了一个可喜的消息:死伤人数本来会很高,而实际上却相对较小。