Yesterday I watched a movie named with my brother .It is so funny.
It is about a ogre.He is upset because he cannot be acceptted by other men because of his awful look.One day he gets a mission to rescue a princess so that the King gives back his mire.He,along with a talking donkey,goes through fire and water and finally reaches the tower where the princess is kept.He fights against the dragon that guards the princess.At last he rescues the princess.After that ,he gives her his first kiss.
This movie tells us,when we are not acceptted by others,at least,we should try to let them know us and don't say die.
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当你觉得高贵的公主会看不上丑陋肮脏的史莱克时,你又错了。当真爱发生的时候,一时的阶级地位会如日出之下的水雾般顷刻散去 ,公主和史莱克一起快乐地吃烤野鼠,还把蛇吹成气球,一路上孩子般打打闹闹,这些都是两个人最浪漫的时刻。当公主爱上史莱克的时候,她放下了自己的面子和身份。
围城男女谁不曾有过英雄的曾经:父母眼中如珠如宝,朋友同事间水起风生,事业学习大道坦途,心地空明,澄澈如斯------一旦走进婚姻,幸福如同眩晕,只剩下短暂的一瞬,真真切切地成了一种感觉。 (观后感   .guanhougan.net)当热切的期盼变成静静的等待,当爱情的结晶变成羁绊与负担,当耳热心跳变成左手握右手,当美丽的童话变成无奈的现实,当激情归于平淡,当“没想过”变成“在眼前”------我们都曾经历过,感受过,怀疑过,后悔过,质问过,伤心过------看着史莱克,仿佛那是自己。
://.56yk./taici_view/1906.htm 电影《生死狙击》经典对白
SHREK THE THIRD is a direct-to-video quality production being sent to the theaters instead in the hope of getting families to spend ten times as much money (or more) to see it than they would if they just rented it. A slipshod affair, it has a nearly non-existent story and nothing but a bunch of recycled humor.
In our packed audience, the kids were rarely engaged in it, spending most of their time fidgeting and talking. Laughter, when it did occur, wasn't exactly anything to write home about. The dialog this time is exceedingly lame, and the animation and cinematography are both dull and unimaginative.
I can't think why one would even want to rent SHREK THE THIRD, much less spend the fifty bucks or more that it cost families to go to the movies. The first two films in the series were absolutely wonderful movies, to which I gave both *** 1/2. I was a fan of the series until now. The studio should be ashamed of this mediocre effort.
Sure, the movie does have a couple of sequences worth a small laugh and a few more worth a smile, but I would expect that from any decent three-minute cartoon.
One of the few delights in SHREK THE THIRD is a body switch between Donkey (voiced by Eddie Murphy) and Puss In Boots (voiced by Antonio Banderas). The best moment in the entire movie occurs when Puss In Boots, as a donkey, tries to make big, sad eyes, which, of course, a donkey is incapable of producing. Other promising and briefly enjoyable moments occur in a few musical numbers, all of which are aborted before they can really take off.
In a word, SHREK THE THIRD is just simply
Let's just hope that with a series this much out of gas, the studio will not attempt a SHREK 4
The Questionnaire on《 Shrek 》
1、 Have you ever seen 《 Shrek 》 ?
AI have seen all of them B just some of them
CI heard about it but haven’ t seen it D I donnot know it
2、 When did you see it?
A as soon as it is on B before long
C after a long time DI haven’ t seen it
3、 What kind of way did you take to know this movie?
A film promotion B people around remend
C online notice D word of mouth and box office
4、 Why not go to see this film?
A I haven’ t heard about it B I have no interest
C have no innovation and don’ t deserve to see
DI saw other film in the same period
5、 What ’ s your first feeling about《 Shrek 》 ?
A funny B impressive
C boring D disappointed
6、 What do you think of the plot of 《 Shrek 》 ?
A attractive B insipid
C boring D other
7、 What ’ s your attitude towards this film?
A It is worth going to cinema to see
B I can search it on the internet
C have no interest
8、 Do you like domestic animation or foreign animation?
A domestic animation B foreign animation
C both of them D neither of them
9、 In your opinion,what is the gap between Chinese cartoons and Dreamworks Animation or Disney?
A characters cannot attract the audience
B the plot is childish
C the level of puter technology can’ t catch up with them
D the propaganda
10、 Which aspects should be improved for domestic animation?
A technical content B the cast and director
C the story line D the propaganda
第一,了解视频监控发展的历程。视频监视系统经过第一代的以VCR(Video Cassette Recorders)为代表的传统CCTV模拟监控系统,到第二代的以数字DVR(Digital Video Recorder)为代表,并进一步发展为具有网络功能的NVR (Network DVR)系统,目前已经发展到第三代——网络化视频监视系统,又称为IP 监视系统。第一代和第二代视频监控系统由于布线量大,不易扩展,维护成本高、覆盖范围较小等缺点,已经逐渐过时,现已很少采用。而第三代网络化视频监视系统由于克服了以上缺点并具有与以太网兼容,易保存易分享,可以与其他系统整合联动等诸多优点,已成为目前视频监控的主流技术模式。也是移动集团客户采用较多的技术模式。
1路标清摄像头的码流大小按2M bps计算,1小时录像文件容量是0.9GB, 1天产生数据量0.9×24=21.6GB;1路高清摄像头码流按4M bps计算,1小时录像文件容量是1.8GB,1天产生数据量为43.2GB。比如:有x个标清摄像机,y个高清摄像机,保存t天,则存储容量(TB)=(21.6×x×t+43.2×x×t) ×(1+10%)/1024。
----------------------------------------------------精美文档 值得收藏-------------------------------------------------------
不过,已经在三部曲里折腾个遍的史莱克,到了这里已经想不出什么好点子来供人们娱乐了。不得已,本片的编导不得不又强行给本片加入了一段“史莱克前传”:就在菲欧娜公主被囚禁时,一开始国王和皇后被迫求助于邪恶的小精灵rumpelstltskin,以自己的皇位为代价换回菲欧娜的解救,就在小精灵的阴谋即 参考文献
1、《党的群众路线教育实践活动学习文件选编》 (中央党的群众路线教育实践
1 ---------------------------------------------------精美文档 值得收藏----------------------------------------------------
----------------------------------------------------精美文档 值得收藏------------------------------------------------------- 活动领导小组办公室)
2、《论群众路线——重要论述摘编》(中央文献出版社 党建读物出版社)
3、《厉行节约 反对浪费——重要论述摘编》(中央文献出版社)
4、《群众路线教育时间活动 党员干部读本》(国家行政学院出版社)
2 ---------------------------------------------------精美文档 值得收藏----------------------------------------------------
恶小精灵rumpelstltskin趁虚而入,利用欺骗手段让史莱克签署了一份“时光倒流”的协议,结果一切都回到了一个完全陌生的过去,史莱克的老婆和朋友全都变了样,最终经历千辛万苦,史莱克差一点搭上自己的性命为代价,才换回了一切,而这时的史莱克,才终于明白最重要的东西是什么??怎么样,是不是看着有点眼熟,这种“时光穿梭、悔不当初”的题材在好莱坞确实不算新鲜。adam sandler在《人生遥控器》里是通过一个神奇的遥控器穿越了时间限制,最终才发现自己失去的太多;而zac efron则是在《重回十七岁》里经历了自己的中年之后才知道自己年少时的选择的对错;而keanu reeves更是在《魔鬼代言人》里经历了一场恶梦般的穿梭之后才知道抵制诱惑的重要??这一次,这头绿色的怪物同样在一场恶梦般的时光倒流里重新找了人生的真谛和家庭、朋友的重要性。当史莱克在生日宴会上惊醒的那一刹的情景,几乎和《魔鬼代言人》里keanu reeves从恶梦中醒来时如出一辙。一方面让人感慨于“时光穿梭”的重要(“128815”);,另一方面也让人对于影片的新意明显缺乏感到遗憾。爱思范文14://fan.is97.-->从这个角度来说,这部影片具有极其浓重的说教色彩在里面。影片无非是借用了一个童话故事的外衣,表达了一个“家庭至上”的观念。而且和太多类似的影片相同,影片还是在明确的告诉人们一个“失去才知道珍贵”的道理,劝喻人们珍惜现在和眼前人。从这个角度来说,这部影片所宣扬的是一个极其传统的道理在内。编导的这样安排,无异是使得本片
上。史莱克的穿越世界里,菲奥娜成了反抗军的首领,完全就是一个“女匪首”的形象;而驴子成了拉车的笨驴,唯一没变的倒是他那张喋喋不休的嘴;而靴子猫则变成了加菲猫,胖的连转身都困难??本片的这些处理也只是增加喜剧效果,却与第一部开始那种对于经典角色的颠覆有着明显的高下之分。相比之下,本片的这些颠覆更是显得刻意许多,完全为搞笑而改变,与史莱克一诞生时的惊艳绝对不可同日而言了。影片整体上明显缺乏新意,就连配乐上也采取了大量观众耳熟能详的流行歌曲如carpenters、enya、lionel richie的歌曲等等,明显也带有讨好观众的意思在内,却也间接证明了本片的乏力。看来,经历了一场“穿越“的史莱克,仍旧难以走出被人榨干的无奈??
怪物史莱克 3
I can't! Onward, Ohauncey! I am the rightful King of Far Far Away. To the highest room of the tallest tower... And I promise you this, Mother... ...where my princess awaits rescue from her handsome Prince Oharming! This is worse than spawning. Uh, no. What I'm thinking of is a little bigger than a swamp rat. Donkey? No, Shrek. What if, theoretically... ...they were little ogre feet? Honey, let's be rational about this. Have you seen a baby lately? They just eat and poop, and they cry... ...then they cry when they poop and poop when they cry. Now, imagine an ogre baby. They extra-cry and they extra-poop. Shrek, don't you ever think about having a family? Right now, you're my family. Somebody better be dying. I'm dying. Harold? Don't forget to pay the gardener, Lillian. Of course, darling. Fiona. Yes, Daddy? I know I made many mistakes with you. It's okay.
But your love for Shrek has... ...taught me much. My dear boy... ...I am proud to call you my son. And I'm proud to call you my frog... ...King dad-in-law. Now there is a matter of business to attend to. The Frog King... is dead. Put your hat back on, fool. Shrek... ...please e hither. Yeah, Dad? This kingdom needs a new king. You and Fiona are next in line for the throne. Next in line. You see, Dad, that's why people love you. Even on your deathbed, you're still making jokes. Oome on, Dad. An ogre as king? That's not such a good idea. There must be somebody else. Anybody! Aside from you, there is only one remaining heir. Really? Who is he, Dad? His name is... ...is...
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怪物史莱克 3
What's his name? And a Fuzzy Navel. ...is... And Fuzzy Navels for all my friends! Daddy! We're not your friends. His name is Arthur. You don't belong here. Arthur? You're absolutely right, but, I mean, do any of us? I know you'll do... ...what's right. Harold? Dad? Dad! Dad? Oh, what's it to you? Do your thing, man. When you were young and your heart Was an open book You used to say live and let live You know you did, you know you did You know you did But if this ever changing world In which we live in Makes you give in and cry Say live and let die Live and let die Hey, lady You, lady Cursing at your life You're a discontented mother And a regimented wife What does a prince have to do to get a drink here? And Hook. Ah, Mabel! Need I say more? Why they call you an ugly stepsister, I'll never know. - And you, Frumpypigskin! - Rumpelstiltskin. Where's Doris? Taking the night off? Where's that firstborn you were promised? She's not wele here, and neither are you. Mabel. Remember how you couldn't get your little fat foot... What do you want, Oharming? ...into that tiny glass slipper? Not much. Just a chance at redemption.
原声英语 .ispeaken. 4
Do a number on his face. Wait, wait, wait! We are more alike than you think. Wicked Witch! The Seven Dwarfs saved Snow White, and what happened?
They left you the unfairest of them all. Now here you are, hustling pool to get your next meal. How does that feel? Pretty unfair. And you! Your star puppet abandons the show to go and find his father. I hate that little wooden puppet.
怪物史莱克 3
Oinderella is in Far Far Away right now... ...eating bonb
ons, cavorting with every last fairy tale creature... ...that has ever done you wrong! Once upon a time, someone decided that we were the losers.
Oome here, all of you! Give your daddy a big hug! Shrek? Maybe you should just stay and be King. Oome on. There's no way I could run a kingdom.
But there are two sides to every story... That's why your cousin Arthur is a perfect choice. ...and our side has not been told! It's not that. You see... So who will join me? Who wants to e out on top for once? Who wants their... ...ed. Uh, with yourjourney. t. They did. Please don't eat me. Eat him! Eat him! Eat him! I'm not here to eat him! Time to pack up your toothbrush and jammies. You're the new King of Far Far Away. What? Artie a king? More like the Mayor of Loserville! Burn.
怪物史莱克 3
run. So, wait... l'm really the only heir? The one and only. Give me a second. My good people... ...there's a lesson here for all of us. Next time you're about to dunk a kid's head in a chamber pot, stop and think, Shut it, Wendy. You can't lie. Enough pillaging! To the castle! So tell me, puppet... where is Shrek? You go! Take care of the baby! Well... I don't know where he's not.
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怪物史莱克 3
You don't know where Shrek is? It wouldn't be inaccurate to assume... ...that I couldn't exactly not say that is or isn't almost partially incorrect. So you do know where he is!
Oh, no. In fact the King asked for you personally. Really? Wow. But I know it's not all fun and games. It really is all fun and games, actually. Sure, you have to knight a few heroes, launch a ship or two.
On the contrary, I'm possibly more or less not definitely rejecting the idea that in no way, with any amount of uncertainty... Stop it! Well, I've heard it's harder than it looks. ...I do not know where he shouldn't be. This is going to be huge. If that indeed wasn't where he isn't. Parties, princesses, castles. Princesses. Even if he wasn't not where I knew he was, it could mean... You'll be living in the lap of luxury. On the good ship Lollipop The finest chefs will wait for your order. Enough! Shrek t off to bring back the next heir! And fortunately, you'll have the royal food tasters. He's bringing back the next heir? What do they do? No! Hook! Get rid of this new for the best. He's not exactly king material. When did you plan to tell him you were supposed to be king? Oome on. Why would I do that? Besides, he'll be ten times better at it than me. Then change your tactics if you want to get anywhere with him. You're right, Donkey. What about this? - Shrek! - Oome on. It's just a joke. Still... Listen, Artie. If you think this whole mad scene ain't dope, I feel you, dude. I'm not trying to get up in your grill or raise your roof. But what I am screamin' is, yo... ...check out this kazing thazing, bazaby!
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怪物史莱克 3
It's organic. If it doesn't groove, or what I'm saying Thanks. I ate a boulder on the way in. ain't straight trippin', say, e tried to eat me. Okay. I guess I should have realized it. There's a baby bird and a father bird sitting in a nest. Yes! Stay with it! The dad just flew away. Why did he leave the little bird all alone? It's trying to fly, but it doesn't know how to. what, with my obvious charm and good looks, It's going to fall! but people used to think I was a monster. Proper head case you are. Really messed up. And for a long time, I believed them. Okay, I get it. The bird's me. My dad left. So what? But after a while, Look, Artie, um... you learn to ignore the names people call you Just thought I'd help set the mood... and just trust who you are. ...for your big heart-to-heart chat. You know... you're okay, Shrek. I know what it's like to not feel ready for something. Even ogres get scared. You know... once in a while. You just need to do a little less yelling and use a little more soap. Thanks, Artie.
原声英语 .ispeaken. 14
He bathed me in barbecue sauce and put me to bed with an apple in my mouth. I guess that's pretty bad. It may be hard to believe,
怪物史莱克 3
Say hello, ladies, to the new Queen of Far Far Away. The soap's because you stink... really bad. Rapunzel, how could you? Yeah... I got that. Jealous much? This place is filthy! Soon you'll be back where you started, I feel like a hobo. scrubbing floors or locked away in towers. I'm sorry, but this isn't working for me. That is, if I let you last the week. Everything's always about you. It's not like your attitude is helping. Maybe itjust bothers you I was voted fairest in the land. You mean in that rigged election? Give me a break. am a buzzing bee. - Side effects? - Don't worry. Mr. Merlin? They need a spell to get them... Whatever it is, no matter how excruciatingly painful, ...I mean us, back to Far Far Away. it will wear off eventually. I think. Forget it. I don't have that kind of magic in me anymore. - Oops. - You sure about this? How about a hug? That's the best kind of magic. If Artie trusts him, that's good enough for me. Please. I know you can do it. Even if his robe doesn't cover... I said forget it! Alacritious expeditious... But... ...a- zoomy-zoom-zoom! What's with you? Let's help our friends get back... It's just so hard, you know? ...soon! They need to get back, 'cause their kingdom's in trouble. It worked! 'Oause there's a really bad man. I haven't been on a trip like that since college! It's just so hard! Donkey? Take it easy. What? Is something in my teeth? No! I don't think you understand! There's a mean person doing mean things to good people. Have a heart, old man. They really need your help to get back. Why won't you help them?! Oh, no! I've been abracadabra-ed into a Fancy Feastin', second-rate sidekick! At least you don't look like some kind of bloated pinata! You should think about going on a diet!
原声英语 .ispeaken.
怪物史莱克 3
You should get yourself a pair of pants. I feel all exposed and nasty! So you two think this is funny? I'm really sorry, guys. Don't be. You got us back, kid. How in the Hans Ohristian Andersen am I supposed to parade around in these goofy boots? Hey, hey, hey! Be very careful with those. They were made in Madrid by the finest... You'll learn to control that. Seriously. Ow! You need some fort inserts or arch supports or something. Watch it. I'm walking here and I'm gonna keep going until...
Oharming has her locked away someplace. You have to find him! He's probably getting ready for the show! Wait, Pinocchio! What show? mise!
原声英语 .ispeaken. 17
怪物史莱克 3
rescued. You've got to be kidding me. What else can we do? We're just four... ...I mean three, super-hot princesses... ...two circus freaks, a pregnant ogre and an old lady! Excuse me. Old lady ing through. Mom! You didn't think you got your fighting skills from your father, did you? Excuse me. There's still one more.
But you're... Why don't you just lie down? Everything's fruity in the loops, but what happened is Okay, girls, from here on out... we t to high school, the boat crashed ...we take care of business ourselves.
原声英语 .ispeaken. 19
怪物史莱克 3
The Far Far Away Theatre at the Charming Pavilion is proud to present... ...ay. Now you'll know how I felt. Sausage roll! Pray for mercy from Puss! And Donkey! D Hi, honey.
From this monstrosity! Sorry we're late. You okay? Fear thee not, honey lamb! I will slice this thing up like a ham! Much better, now that you're here. Oh, boy. You are about to enter a world of pain With which you are not familiar! It can't be any more painful than your lousy performance. very day with the rising sun Looking up, it's looking like My losing streak is done My losing streak is done Well... what shall we do now?
I got it. Puss and Donkey, baby! Once again, e on! I want to thank you for letting me be myself Again! Look at my hips! I want to thank you for letting me be myself Again! - Break it down! - Let's go! Stiff all in the collar Fluffy in the face Chit chat chatter trying Stuffy in the place Thank you for the par-tay But I could never stay I'm sorry. I got many things on my mind But the word's in the way And I want to thank you for letting me be myself Again Different strokes for different folks Thank you for letting me be myself Again Break it down! Puss and Donkey, baby! Puss and Donkey, baby! Puss and Donkey, baby! Dance to the music All night long Everyday people Sing a simple song Mama's so happy Mama start to cry Papa's still singing You can make it if you try So try! Thank you for letting me be myself Again Thank you for letting me be myself Again Oome on, Donkey. Do something right! Put the hoofs together! Put the hoofs together! Stomp your boots, baby! Stomp your boots, baby! Stomp your boots, baby! Thank you for letting me be myself Again I want to thank you for letting me be myself Again Thank you, thank you, thank you.
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怪物史莱克 3
Want to thank you Just to be my Because I just want to be my... See? Can I, can I thank you! Can I Yes! Yes!
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