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成长是人生必经历的一种过程,在每个人的成长中有美好的一面,也有痛苦的一面。那就是我们来说一说成长的美丽和痛吧! 现在我们正在处于成长,在我们成长中有许多快乐和让我们伤心的事,比如考试,学生面的困难一般都是学习上的困难,随着自己一点点长大,面对的考试题也难了,科目也多了,这是让当今学生最头痛的事情,在考试中遇到了一个大困难,这个困难就是一道数学题,,心想应该怎么做呢?时间快到了,在这方面我最有经验,但通过自己的努力终于做出了这道题,心中有一种巨大的成就感,我想这就是成长的美丽,不经历风雨怎能见彩虹。 无论是谁都是在痛苦中,在挫折的磨练中成长。每个人的成长之路不可能是一帆风顺的,总会有这样或者那样的困难,遇到困难一定要勇敢面对,德国最伟大的音乐家贝多芬在26岁时开始耳聋,以为一生坎坷,他不向命运低头,与命运搏斗,对抗才能创作《命运》交响曲等震撼音乐界的着作,可真谓宝剑锋从磨砺出。 成长很像流星,美丽而短暂,成长很像蝴蝶,美丽而盘旋不见,在成长的路上我们是快乐的,在未来的路上也会遇到挫折,只要不放弃,总会收获,以为成长是一种美丽的痛。 成长是一种痛,是一种美丽的痛,更是一种人人都经历过的痛,记住苦难是一所最好的大学,这样就是美丽与痛并存的成长。
作文四:《关于什么是美丽的作文 》3300字
没有太多的修饰,语文伴随人类走遐过风雨到了今天,为人类之间的联系沟通傍起了莫大的作用。“同一个世界,同一个欺梦想”十个字,在全世界不知有多少人在岙传诵,而千古流传的《易经》,被无数的 人学过,还会有无数的人去学它!如今的豳语文,在街头、在巷尾,在这大干世界上镑,早已冲出了学校,冲出了民族,走向世仄界!这时的语文,已不再是一门学科或是诂哪门语言,它是不同民族不同信仰不同国崇家不同时代的人对美,对那美丽的世界的矛呼唤!
最念念不忘的莫过于认识这么多团结可伸爱的同学,交到真心相待的朋友。我们同像窗近三年来,班里同学也算相处融洽,偶脞尔有个小打小闹也是增添点氛围罢了,尤碘其是我们这个小家“星烁”每个成员都兴弑奋的融入其中,有时几个小脑袋凑在一起拷探讨探讨问题呀,有时又大批“人马”聚剞在一起集体“抗议”组长的安排,有时又 安静的一点动静都没有,气氛及其凝重?韪?
每次考试前,我们总是有着十二分的彷精神准备全力以赴去应对,确又每次在出犟考场后抱怨满天“我本来会做那道题呀!狴为什么又粗心作错了呢,要是平时我能多镯看几眼书,也许就不会错了。”也许这只 是我们对考试不满的一种托词,并没有起 到什么作用,反而这种坏心情一直笼罩着以我们,久久不能散去。最终还是老师的一蓣剂良药唤醒了我们。
有些经历是光彩夺泓目的珍珠,每每挂念起它,总有分享不完 的个趣事,而有些经历也让我们耿耿于怀ù,但每次都让我们受益匪浅。
篇三:曾疚经是美丽的站在梦想边缘,曾经是那么憧 憬。轻靠在分离的背上,曾经又是那么的逊害怕。我牵着记忆的手,
有那么一段日子穹,我迷恋高山那艳压群芳的杜鹃花,和姐存妹心血来潮折了一大把,那美丽清新而淡槟雅,却因此惹上了毛毛虫,痒得我直叫苦坝,破坏杜鹃花的美丽让我自招恶果,有苦伴也只能往肚里咽。后来才知道,一朵残缺 的花儿如同一个失去手脚的人,再也焕发墀不出原来自豪的美丽,破坏是残忍的,而砺我也残忍过。为什么当时不学会奉献呢?ゃ索取只是自私的想法,到头来也得不到什 么。
曾经,我抱着最纯真的友情,把最濡纯真的愿望和朋友一起,将它埋在了大树 下,带着最天真的期许,挂着最天真的笑鱼容,也有着最天真的幻想,混蚀的挫折将鲇我那友情撕开,那个愿望再无实践,最后鸷明白,一个目标,一个梦想,不要只是空ボ有幻想,到头来,幻想只是一个幻想,也彗是一个自欺欺人不愿割舍的幻想,永远也九不可能成为现实。
挫折远赧远比我们想的还要多,我需要学会坚强, 学会勇敢,走自己的路,找到自己的意义ぱ。在人生这么长的一条路上,懂得流自己线真正的眼泪,抛弃无理的任性,我要知道伢的是,成长一直在身边,美到连自己都觉泣得心碎。
合上记忆的书,曾经以为那么?平凡,却不想会让自己华丽地掉眼泪,深址叹一口气,也许再过几年,这又是一个美蔸丽的曾经,可能再也找不回,但曾经美丽 过就好。
篇四:挫折是美丽的人的一生 ,难免会遇到挫折,面对它有的人会惊慌蓓失措,有的人会选择放弃,而有的人会坦流然面对,??对于挫折,我的看法是:只ッ要勇敢面对,把她当作人生路上的绊脚石亓,用脚一踢,你就可以前行,反而会收获亵别样的美丽。
挫折可以令人顽强。中国蠓著名残疾人作家张海迪5岁时因患脊髓血枚管瘤,高位截瘫,她因此没有进过学校,О童年时就开始以顽强的毅力自学知识,学 习多种外语,她热爱生活,积极向上的人酤生态度和敢于与病魔作斗争的精神,使她匣成为一个为国家、为社会作贡献的人。就 像雄鹰一次次跌入山谷最终冲出翅膀飞翔拊,河蚌一回回地历经磨难,才变成珍珠,鲦正是由于顽强的精神,而顽强的精神只需憷要挫折的磨炼。
但他以惊人的毅力和顽强的拼钇搏在病榻上开始了文艺创作。他写的第一龋本书寄给出版社虽被拒绝了,可他没有放 弃,用了四年时间完成《钢铁是怎样炼成 的》。最终他成功了,因为遇到挫折他没俦有放弃。
我们在学习或生活中也会遇到 挫折,但我们不要害怕,把它当成我们人 生的一种磨炼,即使战胜不了,也要笑着鹣去面对。因为挫折是美丽的。
冬天是美丽的,美在那些晶莹、透亮径的冰。清亮的水结成的冰,冷冷的,滑滑 的,像一块块透亮的水晶。冬天的冰,也灭是多姿多态的。刺骨的北风将冰块打磨成癔一件件精美的工艺品,有钻石样儿的,有铆石桥样儿的,有石桌样儿的。欣赏之余,昙你便会感叹大自然的奇妙。
冬天是美丽く的,美在那纯白无暇的雪。那梦幻一般的宵雪花,总在你不经意间悄然飘落。一会儿橹,大地间就变成了一个粉妆玉砌的奇幻世 界:山坡上、屋顶上,到处都铺上了一张娉厚厚的“毯子”;树上挂满了蓬松的银条酾儿、雪球儿,显得格外庄重;小草也钻在锦这毯子下沉沉睡去,等到明年再一展风采予。你的眼前,展现出的是一个洁白、宁静烩、远去了城
市喧闹的世界,人们不忍心破鸢坏这一片美好。一只小狗飞快地从雪地上ィ跑过,留下一串“小梅花”。“瑞雪兆丰买年啊!明年肯定又是一个丰收年。”农民超伯伯高兴地笑了,他们的脑海中,仿佛已 展现出秋日喜气洋洋的丰收图。
有雪的鹏地方总会有欢乐,总会有童趣。每当雪停脐的时候,我都会邀上自己的小伙伴,分成 两路人马,进行打雪仗的游戏。我们灵活扛地躲来躲去,还不时地向对方扔去包好的 雪球。看着对方被击中的狼狈样子,我们诎开心地笑了,欢笑声回荡在雪地上空??
作文五:《什么是美丽的作文 什么是美丽的痛作文》2200字
什么是美丽的作文 什么是美丽的痛作
什么是美丽的痛作文 成长是人生必经历的一种过程,在每个人的成长中有美好的一面,也有痛苦的一面。那就是我们来说一说成长的美丽和痛吧~现在我们正在处于成长,在我们成长中有许多快乐和让我们伤心的事,比如考试,学生面的困难一般都是学习上的困难,随着自己一点点长大,面对的考试题也难了,科目也多了,这是让当今学生最头痛的事情,在考试中遇到了一个大困难,这个困难就是一道数学题,,心想应该怎么做呢,时间快到了,在这方面我最有经验,但通过自己的努力终于做出了这道题,心中有一种巨大的成就感,我想这就是成长的美丽,不经历风雨怎能见彩虹。无论是谁都是在痛苦中,在挫折的磨练中成长。每个人的成长之路不可能是一帆风顺的,总会有这样或者那样的困难,遇到困难一定要勇敢面对,德国最伟大的音乐家贝多芬在26岁时开始耳聋,以为一生坎坷,他不向命运低头,与命运搏斗,对抗才能创作《命运》交响曲等震撼音乐界的着作,可真谓宝剑锋从磨砺出。成长很像流星,美丽而短暂,成长很像蝴蝶,美丽而盘旋不见,在成长的路上我们是快乐的,在未来的路上也会遇到挫折,只要不放弃,总会收获,以为成长是一种美丽的痛。成长是一种痛,是一种美丽的痛,更是一种人人都经历过的痛,记住苦难是一所最好的大学,这样就是美丽与痛并存的
就这样,我一天天地沉沦,一天天地逃避,一直到有一天惊闻我的好友前几天失往了亲人。在我眼前,即可泪珠挂在她几天来委曲的笑脸上。她平静地告诉我,她亲人的离开完全是意外。我这才发现,她比我更不幸,却更坚强。什么是美丽的痛作文相关内容:美的一瞬间作文 美,无处不在。美,是一个晨曦初霞的黎明,是一个夕阳西下的黄昏,是一株娇艳欲滴的花朵,善良纯洁的微笑,是人们充满美好的心灵,我带着对美的追求,拍下了一个个美得瞬间。...
作文有一种美丽叫 有一种美丽叫自助,依靠自己的力量,自己学习帮助自己。成功就要靠自己,当你凭借自己的力量看到花开时,你的人生之路也在转变,成功之门也将为你开启。易经云:天行健,君子以自强不息。
等待是一种美丽作文 滴答,滴答.....时间不停的流逝,万物变化莫测。诗人朱自清在时间中读出了匆匆,留下了来也匆匆,去也匆匆。为什么要走这一遭啊,......的千古名篇,发人深思。
美陪伴着我的作文 只要我们在乌云密布的时候,选择了阳光,选择了向世界展现你的自信的笑,那么,在通往成功与幸福
美丽的小兴安岭作文 小兴安岭一年生季的景色可美丽了,今天,就让我来介绍吧~春天,小兴安岭的小溪边,有正长嫩叶柳姑娘,有在打蝴蝶结的柏松先生,还有在溪边散步的小鹿一家呢~
美丽的公园作文 在暑假的一个早上,我和爸爸妈妈一起去良凤江森林公园游玩,一路上,我就象一只渴望翱翔的小鸟,盼望着赶快来到那美好的地方。汽车在森林公园门口停了下来,我们随着那习习凉风,走进了公园,我们马上就置身于一片郁郁苍苍的林海了~
美丽的中山公园作文 今天,阳光明媚,妈妈带我去中山公园.一走进公园,展现在眼前的是一座美丽的小花坛,有蝴蝶花、月季花、玫瑰花红的似火,白的似雪,粉的如霞,黄的如争奇斗艳,芬芳迷人.走过小花坛,我们来到了一座假山,假山周围铺满鹅卵石,假山旁边...
美丽的人民公园作文 今天是周末,爸爸带我来美丽的人民公园玩。这一天早上,我们一家很早就起床了,我们一家可高兴了。在去人民公园的路上,我们一家人在车上说说笑笑,不知不觉就到了人民公园。一进门就看到一个比较大的湖。
作文六:《英语作文 幸福是什么》1900字
What is happiness
What ’s happiness? At childhood, mother ’s embrace is the most beautiful paradise. If the whole world has abandoned you, at least you mother will not. Some people think this is happiness. When you gradually grow up, falling in love is a happiness. Some say love is a cup of tea, a long time to light out. When you’re old, I say love is more like a pot, the longer the taste.
How do you define happiness? Views on it is vary from person to person. Happiness is defined in dictionary as ‘lucky ’ or ‘fortunate ’, but a better definition of happiness is ‘the capacity of enjoyment ’, the more we can enjoy what we have, the happier we are.
When we are very busy or earn money crazily, we gradually forget what the happiness is. We don ’t understand what the true feeling of happiness is. Maybe you say that I have money so that I am a happy man. Maybe you say that I have friends so that I am a happy man. Maybe you say that I get a good mark today so that I am a happy man. Maybe you say that I get a high salary so that I am a happy man. Many thing can make you happy, but the happiness last very short. If you get happiness, you can share it to others. Even if you are not happy now, you can also recall the happy feeling.
It ’s easy to overlook the pleasure we get from loving and being loved, the pany of friends, the freedom to live where we please,
even good health. While happiness may be more plex for us, the solution is the same as ever. Happiness isn’t about what happens to us, it’s about how we perceive what happens to us. It’s the knock of finding a positive for every negative, and viewing a set-back as a challenge. It ’s not wishing for what we don ’t have, but enjoying what we do possess.
If a problem can be solved, no need to worry about it.
If a problem can not be solved, what is the use of worrying. If you miss an opportunity, don’t fill the eyes with tears. It will hide another better opportunity in front of you.
Hope everyone can be happy in our life.
What is success? I think different people will have different answers. Some people think that success is earning a great deal of money or working in the government. Or success is nothing but we look for all the time. In my opinion, success is quite simple. It means you can live the life you want and you can feel happiness very often. Sometime, money cannot bring you happiness or satisfaction, and you can’t have the feeling of success. Because money is just the tool to achieve your goal but never the goal.?Therefore, looking for what you really want and then work hard for it. Then you are close to success.什么是成功?我想这是一个仁者见仁智者见智的问题。有的人认为,赚很多的钱或者在政府部门任职就是成功,又或者成功并不是什么东西,但我们却对它孜孜以求。我认为,成功很简单,那就是你能过上你想要的生活,并能常常感觉到幸福。有的时候,金钱并不能带给你幸福感或满足感,那也就不能感觉到幸福了,因为金钱只是你实现目标的工具而不是终极目标。因此,知道自己想要的,然后为之努力,那你也就离成功不远了。
幸福是什么?(What Is Happiness?)
Happiness means different things to different people. For example, some people believe that if they have lots of money, they will be happy. They believe that if they are wealthy, they will be able to do anything they want, which means happiness. On the other hand, some people believe that holding a high position in the government is happiness. In this way, you have not onlymoney, but also many other things which cant be bought by money.
However, other people believe that having lots of money is not happiness nor is holding a high position in the government. These people value their beliefs, or their intelligence, or their health. They think these can make them happy.
For me, happiness is closely tied to my studies, my work and my family. When I made great progress in my studies, when I made contributions to the society through my work, when all the members in my family live in harmony, sharing good and sad times, I was happy. Although the definition of happiness depends on each individual my wealth of happiness is in my studies, my work, and my family.
幸福是什么?(What Is Happiness?)
Someone asks me what on earth happiness means? I cant give you the exact definition of it, but Im sure if you love and help others, youll get it.
Ill never forget an old lady. She lives in a small house alone. Its said that her husband and her son died in a traffic accident. How bitter her life is!But the old lady often helps others with a smile. Whenever it snows, she is always the first to clean the paths. She looks after several children living nearby. I am one of them. I often remember the stories she told us and her kind smile. Perhaps she is unlucky, but I think she is a happy person. Her life is full of laughter and love.
But Im sad to see some people getting their happiness in bad ways.They speak loudly in cinemas and meeting rooms; they destroy trees to enjoy themselves and they laugh at others shortings. Perhaps they feel happy at that time, but they will never get true happiness because they have lost their personality.
Now I know what happiness is. It means kindness, love and
unselfishness. Above all, only bringing happiness to others can make you yourself get it.
幸福是什么?(What Is Happiness?)
As is vividly depicted in the cartoon, a boy is contemplating the true meaning of true meaning of happiness. It is indeed a tough question for him: what on earth is happiness? He is puzzled as to in which circumstance he will feel happywhen he makes money, or wins true love, or is in good health, or what?It is obvious that happiness is difficult to define. We all know people who have a relatively easy and fortable life, and yet are essentially unhappy. And we may also have friends who have suffered a great deal but generally remain happy. Therefore, happiness is actually of ones own making. If you have a positive attitude and are determined to find the little happiness of life, you are destined to be jolly, no matter what kind of situation you are in.
Happiness is an attitude, not a condition. It lies in the struggle to be happy. People sometimes go to extremes and frantically pursue money, power, high social status, etc., which are all symbols of successbut never of happiness. Perhaps if they shifted their goal from ultimate success to unswerving efforts and to confidence that they will be successful one day, theyd be a great deal happier.
What is Logistics
In fact, if logistics is also very simple and popular, from the literal meaning we can understand, "logistics" in which "objects" is the "object", "flow" is the "flow", so the simplest and most generalized " Logistics "is the movement of all objects. So in fact, logistics is a very broad scope, most people's misunderstanding is that a reference to logistics, we can only think of "Express" or "freight." From a macro point of view, the universe is in motion, so in fact, the logistics are in our life bit by bit. For example, you go to the store to buy a packet of salt, then you will choose to direct reference to home, or home with a bag filled with mention, in fact, this is a logistics process. Logistics is also seen that great big, small is also small. Although there has been the logistics of our lives, but it is only in recent years begun to attract everyone's attention, just as the Earth's gravity, even though there has been, but when the apple hit Newton's head when the was discovered. Because the importance of logistics was only in recent years, so in fact the world is not a uniform definition to determine where I'll give you a more authoritative definition of logistics, in April 17, 2001 approved and promulgated the "China National Standard Logistics term "logistics is defined as:" goods from the supply to the entity to accept the flow of the process, according to the actual needs of the transport, storage, handling, packaging, distribution processing, distribution, information processing and other basic functions to achieve organic with. " This is the standard concept of logistics in China. But I still do it the simple explanation: In fact, from this definition we can see, not just the logistics we usually think absolutely so simple, not just cargo, which includes transportation, storage, handling, packaging, distribution processing, distribution, information processing, etc. work, and in accordance with the actual needs of these working together, and thus more also for customer service.
What is a modern logistics
In our daily lives, we often hear the "modern logistics" is the word, many people will have this misunderstanding "Modern logistics is the logistics at this age it?" This is not so understanding of modern logistics, modern logistics in fact, the "modern" refers to "puter information technology", so it is a modern logistics is reflected in the use of "puter information technology" to assist the work. This is what we often say "network." If you try to turn the "modern" translation "Now in this era," then think, then now is an information age, is not easy to understand. In daily life, we are familiar with modern logistics facilities are "GPS" is the global positioning system, we buy things on Taobao, they can track information on the logistics, it is this use of global positioning system. There is a more mon is the "bar code" and so, in fact, that is, some modern technical means, through high technology to coordinate the logistics.
Classification of logistics
In working life, is not long heard that "third-party logistics," the term, then what is the third-party logistics it? Since there are third-party logistics, it is not there the first, second, or even fourth party logistics it, they were to refer to what?
Should first determine that the logistics can be divided into "first-party logistics", "second party logistics", "third-party logistics", "fourth-party logistics." Pay attention to understand these definitions, we need to simulate a supply chain relationships, that is, a production pany A
pany, a sales pany B pany, provides goods in the A to B in the process, if it is A charge of logistics activities, this is called first-party logistics, that is, manufacturers provide their own logistics, and transportation of goods to the sales pany; the other hand, if the transaction process, the pany responsible for the logistics activities of B, this is called the second party logistics, that is, sales of panies to provide their own logistics ; That means that third-party logistics pany providing logistics services to help production, not from the sale of enterprises to provide logistics services, but by the addition of a third party between the two, that is, we often say that the logistics outsourcing, many logistics panies belong to a third party logistics. Fourth Party Logistics is to provide these programs, planning, and business training such as work, but not the actual organization of logistics activities.
The implementation of logistics management purpose
The implementation of logistics management purpose is to as much as possible in the lowest total cost to do under the condition of the customer service level, that is, seeking service advantage and cost advantages of a kind of dynamic balance, and thus create enterprise strategic advantage in the petition. According to this goal, logistics management to solve the basic problems of the, simply, is to the right products at the right number and the right price in the right time and the right place to offer to the customer.
Emphasize the use of logistics management systems approach to the problem. Modern logistics is generally considered by the transportation, storage, packaging, handling, distribution processing, distribution and information on various aspects of position. Various aspects of the original features have their own, interests and ideas. Systems approach is the use of modern management methods and modern technology, so that all aspects of information sharing in general, all aspects as an integrated system for the organization and management, to enable the system at the lowest possible total cost conditions, provide a petitive advantage of customer service. Systems approach that the effectiveness of the system is not part of their individual partial sum benefits. System approach means that, for the emergence of a certain aspect, the impact of all factors to be analyzed and evaluated. From this idea, the logistics system is not simply the pursuit of their own in all aspects of the lowest cost, because the logistics of the aspects of the interaction between the benefits, the tendency of mutual restraint, there are alternately fragile relationship. Too much emphasis on packaging materials such as savings, it could cause damage because of its easy-to-rising cost of shipping and handling. Therefore, the systems approach emphasized the need for total cost analysis, and to avoid sub-optimal trade-off effect and the application of cost analysis in order to achieve the lowest total cost, while meeting the established level of customer service purposes.
What specific include logistics work
In fact, I have already mentioned the definition, logistics is not just the delivery of goods, it also includes storage, handling, packaging, distribution processing, distribution, information processing, etc. work, which for the logistics, the most important is the "transport and storage ", in life, we often work only part of the logistics activities, such as some panies only warehousing, transportation and some production, some only package, so we should look at flexible logistics.
Employment prospects
With the social, economic, rapid development of technology, continuous improvement of infrastructure, global economic integration and increasing market petition, the logistics requirements of a higher, given a new meaning. Logistics refers to information, transportation, warehousing, inventory, handling and packaging logistics activities of a new type of integrated management, which in traditional logistics, based on the introduction of high-tech means, the use of puter information network , and logistics information for scientific management, so that the logistics speed, improve accuracy, reduce inventory, lower costs, improve quality, to provide customers the best service. Now the world to do more well-known professional logistics panies: United Parcel Service (UPS) Dutch Post (TNT) Deutsche Post (DHL) U.S. Federal Express (FEDEX) why the modern logistics industry, promising it?
According to the China Federation of Logistics and Purchasing statistics, more than 30 provinces and cities to plan the logistics industry and the introduction of the necessary industrial policy, the National Development and Reform Commission is preparing the outline of China's logistics industry, and proposed the development of the logistics industry preliminary views on industrial policy. Because of policy support, logistics panies and logistics panies started to enter the fast lane. Until now, China has formed a public-owned logistics panies, logistics panies and private foreign investment (including joint ventures) the situation of the three pillars of logistics enterprises, the trend started from 2003, and significantly accelerated.In five to 10 years, will form the 10 or so the Chinese logistics is recognized as one of the leading enterprise, and to go into the international. 80% of enterprise logistics has started to outsourcing, the proportion of outsourcing of the outsourcing of field will gradually expand, including haier logistics emerge, treasure for logistics, China merchants logistics, excellent logistics enterprises.
The first China logistics entrepreneurs BBS and 2003 China logistics (enterprise) annual meeting of the report also showed that in 2003, 1 to September, the national social logistics total value is RMB 21.7 trillion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 26.9%.The logistics of GDP growth, the show that China's economic growth to the requirement of logistics is more and more big, the economic development of logistics depends on more and more is also high. The world's largest shipping pany, one of the United States vioxx, universal vice President karzai red card forecast, "China's logistics industry expected future ten years related services revenue will maintain the 20% increase speed." Beijing science and technology university professor, logistics, director of WuQing a thought, Chinese modern logistics development is still in the initial stage, the distribution system is not perfect, but with the popularity of e-merce, logistics market potential and development prospect.
在我们的日常生活中,我们也常常听到“现代物流”这个词,很多人也会有这个误区“现代物流是不是在现在这个年代的物流呢”,实际上不是这样理解现代物流的,其实现代物流中的“现代”指的是“计算机信息技术”,所以现代物流体现在它是运用“计算机信息技术”来辅助工作的。也就是我们通常说的“网络化”。如果非要把“现代”翻译成“现在这个年代”那就这样想,现在是一个信息话的时代,是不是就方便理解了。在日常生活中,我们熟悉的现代物流设备主要有“GPS“就是全球定位系统,我们在淘宝网上买东西的时候,可以对物流信息跟踪,它采用的就是这个全球定位系统。还有一个更常见的就是“条形码”等等,其实也就是一些现代技术手段,通过高科技技术来协调物流工作。 物流的分类
实施物流管理的目的就是要在尽可能最低的总成本条件下实现既定的客户服务水平,即寻求服务优势和成本优势的一种动态平衡,并由此创造企业在竞争中的战略优势。根据这个目标,物流管理要解决的基本问题,简单地说,就是把合适的产品以合适的数量和合适的价格在合适的时间和合适的地点提供给客户。 物流管理强调运用系统方法解决问题。现代物流通常被认为是由运输、存储、包装、装卸、流通加工、配送和信息诸环节构成。各环节原本都有各自的功能、利益和观念。系统方法就是利用现代管理方法和现代技术,使各个环节共享总体信息,把所有环节作为一个一体化的系统来进行组织和管理,以使系统能够在尽可能低的总成本条件下,提供有竞争优势的客户服务。系统方法认为,系统的效益并不是它们各个局部环节效益的简单相加。系统方法意味着,对于出现的某一个方面的问题,要对
随着社会、经济、技术的高速发展,各种基础设施的不断完善,全球经济一体化趋势和市场竞争程度日益增加, 对物流提出了更高的要求,赋予了新的内涵。现代物流指的是将信息、运输、仓储、库存、装卸搬运以及包装等物流活动综合起来的一种新型的集成式管理,即在传统物流的基础上,引入高科技手段,运用计算机进行信息联网,并对物流信息进行科学管理,从而使物流速度加快,准确率提高,库存减少,成本降低,提高质量,为顾客提供最好的服务。现在世界做专业物流比较著名的公司有:美国联合包裹(UPS)荷兰邮政(TNT)德国邮政(DHL)美国联邦快递(FEDEX)为什么现代物流业的前景看好呢,据中国物流与采购联合会统计,全国已有30多个省与城市作出了物流业发展规划并出台了必要的产业政策,国家发改委正在编写中国物流业发展大纲,并提出了物流业发展的产业政策初步意见。由于有政策的扶持,物流企业与企业物流开始步入快车道。到现在为止,中国已经形成公有制物流企业、民营物流企业与外资(含中外合资)物流企业三足鼎立的局面,这种趋势从03年开始,并在明显加速。在5至10年内,将形成10个左右全国公认的中国物流领军企业,并走向国际。80%企业物流已开始部分外包,外包的比例与外包的领域将逐步扩大,涌现出包括海尔物流、宝供物流、招商局物流在内的优秀物流企业。首届中国物流企业家论坛暨2003中国物流(企业)年会的报告也显示,2003年1至9月,全国社会物流总值21.7万亿元,同比增长26.9%。物流总值的高速增长,表明中国经济增长对物流的需求越来越大,经济发展对物流的依赖程度也越来越高。全球最大的货运公司之一——美国万络环球公司副总裁卡扎瑞预测,“中国物流业预计未来10年内相关服务收入将保持20%的年增长速度。”北京科技大学教授、物流研究所所长吴清一认为,中国现代物流发展尚处于起步阶段,配送体系不健全,但随着电子商务的普及,物流市场潜力和发展前景十分广阔。
物流0913班 王兴 0900006353
1. 认真学习是幸福,父母总是关心他们的生活与健康,是幸福。
2. 有时当他们做错了事,周围的人会帮助他们改正,他们感到幸福。
3. 你同意同学们的看法,你认为当你做……你也会感到幸福。
Happiness is for everyone. Some students think happiness es from studying hard at their lessons. Their parents are always taking good care of their life and their health. They feel happy.
Some students say when they do something wrong, people around them will help them to correct it. They believe this is happiness.
I agree with them. I love my friends congratulating me when I enjoy success. When I do something kind to others, I feel happy, too.
When we think of these things, we realize that happiness is all around us.
1. 认真学习是幸福,父母总是关心他们的生活与健康,是幸福。
2. 有时当他们做错了事,周围的人会帮助他们改正,他们感到幸福。
3. 你同意同学们的看法,你认为当你做……你也会感到幸福。
Happiness is for everyone. Some students think happiness es from studying hard at their lessons. Their parents are always taking good care of their life and their health. They feel happy.
Some students say when they do something wrong, people around them will help them to correct it. They believe this is happiness.
I agree with them. I love my friends congratulating me when I enjoy success. When I do something kind to others, I feel happy, too.
When we think of these things, we realize that happiness is all around us.