How to Make Dumplings
Dumplings are a kind of Chinese traditional food which is made of flour, water, vegetables, meat and many different kinds of spice, and they are popular with Chinese people. People like to eat dumplings as they are delicious and easy to make. In particular, people sometimes eat them for celebrating special festivals such as the Spring Festival, the Mid-Autumn Festival and many other festivals. In order to eat delicious dumplings, we may know how to make it at first. I often make dumplings with my family and I enjoy it very much. So let me introduce the method of making dumplings to you.
Firstly, prepare all the food materials sufficiently. Before making dumplings, the materials need to be prepared sufficiently. There are many necessary materials no matter what kind of dumplings we make, such as flour, water, bean oil, salt and pepper. What other materials we need depends on what kind of dumplings we want to eat. If someone wants to eat pork and chive dumplings, pork and chive also need to be prepared.
Secondly, make the dumpling wrappers. At first, put the flour into a basin and then add warm water into it. Mix them to form a large piece of dough and cover it with damp cloth. After about 20 minutes, cut the piece of dough into many pieces of small ones, and roll them into thin and round wrappers as far as possible with a rolling pin. In this way, the wrappers can be made out.
Thirdly, make the dumpling filling. I think this is the most important step. Different 马琳琳 2 people like different meat and vegetables, so you can choose your favorite and ground them into powder. Make the ginger, green onion, garlic into powder. And then mix them with meat bean oil, and some spice such as salt, pepper and so on in a bowl. You must make sure the taste fits for you.
Ultimately es the step of making the whole dumplings. Put about a spoonful filling on the centre of the wrapper and fold two sides over to make sure the filling is covered inside. Then pinch the edges with your fingers so that the filling may not leak off.
Even though the above steps are not very exact, I hope with the help of them, you can make delicious dumplings for yourself and your family members. I often enjoy my family’s eating dumplings by myself. If you master the skills about making dumplings, don’t wait and make them for your family.
作文二:《包饺子 英语作文》2300字
Professor Lin Yongjun
10 October 2011
How to Make Dumplings
Dumplings are a kind of Chinese traditional food which is made of flour, water, vegetables, meat and many different kinds of spice, and they are popular with Chinese people. People like to eat dumplings as they are delicious and easy to make. In particular, people sometimes eat them for celebrating special festivals such as the Spring Festival, the Mid-Autumn Festival and many other festivals. In order to eat delicious dumplings, we may know how to make it at first. I often make dumplings with my family and I enjoy it very much. So let me introduce the method of making dumplings to you.
Firstly, prepare all the food materials sufficiently. Before making dumplings, the materials need to be prepared sufficiently. There are many necessary materials no matter what kind of dumplings we make, such as flour, water, bean oil, salt and pepper. What other materials we need depends on what kind of dumplings we want to eat. If someone wants to eat pork and chive dumplings, pork and chive also need to be prepared.
Secondly, make the dumpling wrappers. At first, put the flour into a basin and then add warm water into it. Mix them to form a large piece of dough and cover it with damp cloth. After about 20 minutes, cut the piece of dough into many pieces of small ones, and roll them into thin and round wrappers as far as possible with a rolling pin. In this way, the wrappers can be made out.
Thirdly, make the dumpling filling. I think this is the most important step. Different
people like different meat and vegetables, so you can choose your favorite and ground them into powder. Make the ginger, green onion, garlic into powder. And then mix them with meat bean oil, and some spice such as salt, pepper and so on in a bowl. You must make sure the taste fits for you.
Ultimately es the step of making the whole dumplings. Put about a spoonful filling on the centre of the wrapper and fold two sides over to make sure the filling is covered inside. Then pinch the edges with your fingers so that the filling may not leak off.
Even though the above steps are not very exact, I hope with the help of them, you can make delicious dumplings for yourself and your family members. I often enjoy my family ’ s eating dumplings by myself. If you master the skills about making dumplings, don’ t wait and make them for your family.
关于包饺子的家庭故事英语作文 Dumpling is a traditional Chinese food. On the lunar New Year' s Day, most families make a lot of delicious dumplings. To make them, follow this easy process. The first step is to mix the flour with water. When the dough is ready, we can begin to make dumpling wrappers. We use a rolling pole to roll the dough into small, thin and round pieces so that they will be easy to cook. When the wrappers are done, it' s time to prepare the filling. Usually, we use meat such as beef or mutton, and some vegetables such as cabbage or carrots for filling. You may actually choose whatever you like to put into it. We must chop those things into small pieces. Then put some salt, oil and other condiments into it and stir it evenly. When all these preparations are done, we can start making dumplings. First put a spoonful of filling in the center of the wrapper. Then stick the two opposite sides together and then the rest. Don' t just cover the filling with the wrappers. The best shape of dumplin...
关于包饺子的家庭故事英语作文 Dumpling is a traditional
Chinese food. On the lunar New Year' s Day, most families make a lot of delicious dumplings. To make them, follow this easy process.The first step is to mix the flour with water. When the dough is ready, we can begin to make dumpling wrappers. We use a rolling pole to roll the dough into small, thin and round pieces so that they will be easy to cook. When the wrappers are done, it' s time to prepare the filling. Usually, we use meat such as beef or mutton, and some vegetables such as cabbage or carrots for filling. You may actually choose whatever you like to put into it. We must chop those things into small pieces. Then put some salt, oil and other condiments into it and stir it evenly. When all these preparations are done, we can start making dumplings. First put a spoonful of filling in the center of the wrapper. Then stick the two opposite sides together and then the rest. Don' t just cover the filling with the wrappers. The best shape of dumplin...
How to Make Dumplings
Dumplings are a kind of Chinese traditional food which is made of flour, water, vegetables, meat and many different kinds of spice, and they are popular with Chinese people. People like to eat dumplings as they are delicious and easy to make. In particular, people sometimes eat them for celebrating special festivals such as the Spring Festival, the Mid-Autumn Festival and many other festivals. In order to eat delicious dumplings, we may know how to make it at first. I often make dumplings with my family and I enjoy it very much. So let me introduce the method of making dumplings to you.
Firstly, prepare all the food materials sufficiently. Before making dumplings, the materials need to be prepared sufficiently. There are many necessary materials no matter what kind of dumplings we make, such as flour, water, bean oil, salt and pepper. What other materials we need depends on what kind of dumplings we want to eat. If someone wants to eat pork and chive dumplings, pork and chive also need to be prepared.
Secondly, make the dumpling wrappers. At first, put the flour into a basin and then add warm water into it. Mix them to form a large piece of dough and cover it with damp cloth. After about 20 minutes, cut the piece of dough into many pieces of small ones, and roll them into thin and round wrappers as far as possible with a rolling pin. In this way, the wrappers can be made out.
Thirdly, make the dumpling filling. I think this is the most important step. Different 马琳琳 2 people like different meat and
vegetables, so you can choose your favorite and ground them into powder. Make the ginger, green onion, garlic into powder. And then mix them with meat bean oil, and some spice such as salt, pepper and so on in a bowl. You must make sure the taste fits for you.
Ultimately es the step of making the whole dumplings. Put about a spoonful filling on the centre of the wrapper and fold two sides over to make sure the filling is covered inside. Then pinch the edges with your fingers so that the filling may not leak off.
Even though the above steps are not very exact, I hope with the help of them, you can make delicious dumplings for yourself and your family members. I often enjoy my family’s eating dumplings
by myself. If you master the skills about making dumplings, don’t
wait and make them for your family.
篇三:初中英语作文:包饺子 Make Dumplings
初中英语作文:包饺子 Make Dumplings
dumpling is a traditional chinese food. On the lunar new year' s day, most families make a lot of delicious dumplings. To make them, follow this easy process.
The first step is to mix the flour with water. when the dough is ready, we can begin to make dumpling wrappers. we use a rolling pole to roll the dough into small, thin and round pieces so that they will be easy to cook. when the wrappers are done, it' s time to prepare the filling. Usually, we use meat such as beef or mutton, and some vegetables such as cabbage or carrots for filling.You may actually choose whatever you like to put into it. we must chop those things into small pieces.Then put some salt, oil and other condiments into it and stir it evenly. When all these pr(本文来自:
.bdFqY.cOM 千 叶帆文 摘:包饺子的步骤英语作
文)eparations are done, we can start making dumplings. First put a spoonful of filling in the center of the wrapper. Then stick the two opposite sides together and then the rest. Don' t just cover the filling with the wrappers. The best shape of dumplings is that of a ship, because when they are boiling in the pan, they look like ships sailing in the sea. The smell can make your mouth water.
作文六:《包饺子的作文 包饺子》1100字
包饺子的作文 包饺子
包饺子包饺子今天上午,爸爸去“冷鲜肉店”买了一些猪肉,我把菜板刷了一下,把猪肉打成肉末,放在盆子里,把烫好的粉条和切好的葱花放在一起,搅拌几下,就成了一盆香喷喷的肉馅了。妈妈把面揉好,切成段,用掌心按压,然后用擀面杖把皮子擀好,把肉馅放在皮子里,用手包好。先捏中间,固定好形状,再捏两边,一个饺子就包好了。接着,剥了几颗大蒜,把大蒜捣成蒜泥,浇上酱油和醋,再倒上适量的香油,就把蒜汁给做好了。等饺子煮了三滚,再配上蒜汁,就可以吃了。好美味的饺子啊~包饺子相关内容:烦人的老师 今天有手抄报比赛,老师因不熟悉我们每一人,所以按照成绩来选。我很生气,因为去年我没有考试,所以我是倒数的,但是我很喜欢参加手抄报比赛,因为上小学是只有一次手抄报比赛,当时我并不知道那是啥,但老师给我了机会,我很...
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作文七:《包饺子的作文 包饺子_3》1500字
包饺子的作文 包饺子
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* 包饺子作文
* 关于包饺子作文
* 春节包饺子作文
精品范文 权威资料
精品范文 权威资料 包包就好了。”于是我重新鼓起信心包饺子,慢慢地我包的也越来越好了。
包饺子 方恺原 我的爸爸妈妈想让我身体更健康,所以今天晚上的晚饭换了花样--吃饺子。 一开始,爸爸在擀饺子皮。爸爸先把一团面在茶几上揉啊揉,揉得富有弹性之后,他就开始擀饺子皮了。 与此同时,妈妈在桌上切韭菜,切得很碎之后,妈妈就把韭菜放进一个干净的纱布袋里扎紧口,再放进洗衣机里脱干水,然后将韭菜、切碎的肉、色拉油、盐、鸡精、佐料等放在一起搅了又搅。馅就做好了。 开始包饺子了,爸爸妈妈先包了十几个,我看了情不自禁地也包了一个,我包好之后和别的一比较,
我包的饺子简直是个半圆形。我也不管三七二十一就把它和爸爸妈妈包的混在了一起。 包完之后,妈妈就开始煮饺子了,煮好之后,妈妈就喊我去吃。不知是妈妈眼力好还是我包的饺子有自个儿的特征,妈妈一下子就把我包的饺子挑出来,给了我。我先尝了尝我自己包的,又尝了尝爸爸妈妈包的,没想到我包的好吃多了。 自己亲手做的食品就是好吃。