different people may have different dreams. when we borned on this world, we should try our best to make our lives become more wonderful! so what should us do to live in a good life, the best way is that making our dreams comr ture!
sometimes we may feel confused when we think about the future. now as a senior student we should make a plan about our future besides me. i have a dream....my dream is to be a lawyer one day. i know it is very difficult .but i think i can make it come ture as long as i work hard. first i should pass the last test in the coming days, so that i can be admitted into cellege . then when i did this, it will be less tough to be a lawyer, some people may think that cellege life must be realex .but i do not agree with it. i have to work more hard in cellege life. a lawyer is a person who knows many konwleages , so the matter to me is reading more books as soon as possible. then not only the knowleage but also the leavel of our personal moral charator .only in this way can i be a good lawyer.
so i want to tell some senior students like me . don't wast your time now. you should take some actions to make a plan about your life!
生活中的美 英语作文
Nowadays, without the laws to supervise the Internet, there are a lot of negative information we can read on the Internet. As a result, people feel like being surrounded by the bad world and ignore the beauty of life. The wonderful things are happening every day and we can sense if we pay attention to them.
The world is beautiful because of diversity. Many young people are backpackers today. They travel around the world and witness the different beautiful scenery. They are also attracted by the cultures. China catches the world’s attention and more and more foreigners come here to enjoy the food and have a nice communication with local people. They see diversity of the world and enjoy its beauty.
For me, love from parents and friends makes my life wonderful. So no matter what kind of problems I meet, I won’t feel my life bad. On the contrary, I see the power I have and can create the wonderful life that I want. Every day, my world is full of happiness.
The beauty from life can be seen everywhere, we need to slow down and find it.
I am a ordinary college student, I am no great man, but I have a long-term life plan. I have long been dreaming of becoming a CEO of a multinational company. According to my life planning, I should make it happen in 4 steps. First of all, I am supposed to graduate as a degree holder of business or marketing major in a top-class University. Secondly, I should study hard in English because my dream would be like asking for the moon, if I am not an good English user. Thirdly, I would serve as an ordinary employee in a China-based company so that I could know the business culture in China. Finally, I would work at a multinational company, from a ordinary employee, to a top guy. CEO of a multinational company is my long-term dream!
跪求高人帮忙写一篇英语小作文 我的人生规划 800字左右 感激不尽
1.多彩的校园生活对于校园,我想:那是我们再也熟悉不过的一个学习天地.有人说:学习是一件非常以及极其无聊的事情,更别说校园生活的枯燥乏味了.可我却觉得学习是一件快乐的事情,校园生活是多姿多彩的. 我们的陶艺老师平易近人.一上陶艺课.我们就容光焕发.冬天由于天气冷,上陶艺课比较不方便.所以我们就在教室里上.一次,陶艺老师给我们画了一个图,看我们谁能用一条直线把这几个小房子连起来.陶艺老师一画完,我班的男生就边举高手边叫嚷着说:“我,我.”陶艺老师叫了一位同学上去.没想到他却在黑板前呆住了.原来他根本没有想出解题的方法就在瞎起哄.这下可被老师叫到了,他呆在那里几秒后,似乎想出了解题的方法.开始连起来,可到最后还剩一个没有连住.他还感到莫名其妙,摸了摸脑袋.接着他还滑嵇地说:“这里不是没有的吗?是谁添上去的.”这时,全班哄堂大笑.之后,陶艺老师又叫了几位同学上去做,开始他们都信心十足,可到最后还是剩一个.陶艺老师说,没有连出来的都要表演一个节目.于是他们个个都表演了一个节目.之后就没有人敢冒然地上去了.我们都在草稿纸上又画又连.可怎么也连不出来.女生们看着这图,总寻不着头脑;男生们久攻不下则开始交头接耳.这情况持续了几分钟后,一个颤抖的男性声音打乱了这一切.原来是我班的搞笑歌手陈飞是也.他说他想出了解题的方法,于是就上去连.可最后还是剩下一个没连住.他就只有表演节目了 .他开始唱歌,我们都强忍着使自己不要笑出声来.可当他表情,动作实在太丰富的时候.我们就再也忍不住了.个个都大笑起来.笑得前仰后合,笑得肚子痛笑得流眼泪,笑得直拍桌.这一切使陈飞感到莫名其妙,再也唱不下去了.这一情况持续了好久,好久.之后,我们又开始思考这道题.教室里一直还回荡着刚才的笑声.真是余音绕梁,三日不绝.不时还会有同学发出刚才的笑声.陶艺老师看者我们个个茫然的表情.脸上藏着一丝微笑.许久,这才在黑板上写下了这两个大字——“无解”.“啊?!”全班一片哗然.这道题让我们知道了——做事不能被表面现象所迷惑,有时候问题的答案就是那么简单. 一次,学校要举行篮球比赛.可是第一场比赛时,我们都不知道.老师让我们排队去篮球场.我们才知道是篮球比赛.一听是篮球比赛.甭提有多高兴了.尤其是男生,因为他们可以再次翱翔于球场之上,穿梭于篮球之间.第一场比赛是与一班比.我们班的男生太低估一班了.结果以一球之差输掉了.也许是我班男生太弱了,也许是对手太强了,也许是恶运常常结伴而行.导致了接下来的三场比赛都输的一败涂地.导致了我们对于再次的比赛都没有信心.导致了刘老师在最后的一场比赛前对我们进行了一次说教.对我们的比赛队员进行了一次调整.给我们鼓足了信心,给我们振奋了精神.在比赛场上,我们的队员容光焕发.拼命地抢球,投球.我们的啦啦队也不甘示弱拼命的喊着:“加油!加油!”我们的才女何梦丽还编了一句口号叫作“六班,六班,永辉煌.英雄,英雄,你最棒.”在我们的共同努力下,我们终于取得了最后的一次胜利.我们的班主任刘老师也非常地开心.在放学前又对我们进行了一次说教.刘老师突然说道,我们班的何梦丽非常细心,还为我们的运动员每次比赛都准备了一大包抽式餐巾纸让他们擦汗.我听完愕然一怔.这餐巾纸不是我准备的吗?怎么成了是何梦丽准备的.我想应该是我这个人很内向吧.每次准备好的餐巾纸却不敢拿去给他们用.总是让何梦丽带去给他们用.难怪老师会误会了. 校园的生活是紧张,忙碌.刻苦的,但也是充实,快乐,多彩的.我爱我的校园生活 2.当你迈着轻盈的脚步跨进大连实验学校时,你是否感到了一股力量,一股很强大的力量正推动着你,前进再前进呢?这就是我第一次来到这个学校的感觉。
鱼儿们在水中尽情畅游,是否也为这校园喝彩? 从两幢挺立的教学楼里传来阵阵朗朗书声,那是贝多芬钢琴上和谐的乐曲,那是一天的开始。
当同学们迎着朝霞,大步走在校园美丽的小径上的时候,那是何种的生机!当同学们踏着夕阳互相挽着谈笑风生的时候,那又是何种的惬意! 还有我们可爱可敬的老师,当你遇到困难无法解决时,老师就成了你的引路人;当你心里有话却无处诉说时,老师就成了你的倾听者;当你拥有喜悦与快乐时,老师就成了你的分享者。
这样的老师,难道不能让你由衷地喜爱吗? 谁说校园生活百般枯燥,谁说校园的一切充满无奈。
My Future Plan-a Middle School TeacherI decided to be a middle school teacher after college. There are many reasons contributing to this decision. Firstly, when I was a little/boy, I have been dreaming of being a teacher. It seemed so fascinate to me and I hope I can make my dream come true. And I like so much to be with middle school students. Most of the students at that age are full of youthful spirity and I am sure their passion would pass to me. I will retain all the zest of adolescence. The most important reason is that our country needs plenty of teachers. So far, teaching is considered a tough and low-income job in China. However, if we have not enough teachers, our future will lack of excellent scientist, managers, businessmen, soldiers and even goood workers and farmers. How can our country to be strong and wealthy? I wish my country to be a better one. I am ready to be a teacher and hope all the persons with lofty ideals may dedicate themselves to this meaningful career.下附:大致中文意思。
我的未来计划-一名中学教师我决定大学毕业后当一 名中学教师,这是我孩提时代的梦想 ,我很喜欢教师在个职业,与中学生在一 起可以使自己永保青春.我国师资力量缺乏,主要原因是教师工作辛苦,收入低。
after three's years busy learning life in senior high school,finally i have been a new one of college students and now i najor in mechanical design and manufacturing that i would like to study ,the three years in college school is the most important time in all life,it 's the key to future,so i think it's necessary to plan aheadfirstly,making good use of three years in school ,i would like to make my all kinds of ability and hobbies develope to full,i like reading ,writing ,basketball,especially studing investing in stocks,these interests will help me into a colourful life .second,i will study hard in my every major and widen my horizon and expand my knowledge to shoulder the responsibilit of building my country,last but not least ,i will improve my communicative ability and interpersonal relationship,because after graduation,i'm ready to start my new business ,so i have to develop this ability ,in short,i will try my best to spend a wonderful time in college 大晚上给你写,好辛苦,约对原创,有什么不满意的地方自己改改吧
比如说My neighbourhood, 或者Recreation and Sports , 或者Christmas等一 些节日。
Chinese New Year For all of us, Chinese New year is the most important festival. All family members get together on New Year's Eve to have a big meal. At the same time, everyone celebrates to each other. After dinner, we often watch the performances on CCTV-1. At about twelve,children like to go out and watch the fireworks. Some parents light crakers. On the first early morning of one year, many old people get up early and they stick the reversed Fu or hang couplets on the front door.Some houses' windows are sticked on red paper cutlings. The Chinese New Year lasts fifteen days. So during the fifteen days, we always visit our relatives from door to door. At that time, children are the happiest. Because they can get a few red packets from their grandparents, uncles, aunts and so on. The last day of the Chinese New Year is another festival, it is called Lantern Festival. So the Chinese New Year comes to the end.
看清自己的人生目标 准确把握的 英语作文
What would you do if you failed? Many people may choose to give up. However, the surest way to success is to keep your direction and stick to your goal. On your way to success, you must keep your direction. It is just like a lamp, guiding you in darkness and helping you overcome obstacles on your way. Otherwise, you will easily get lost or hesitate to go ahead. Direction means objectives. You can get nowhere without an objective in life. You can try to write your objective on paper and make some plans to achieve it. In this way, you will know how to arrange your time and to spend your time properly. And you should also have a belief that you are sure to succeed as long as you keep your direction all the time. 如果失败了你会怎么做?很多人可能会选择放弃。
During my high school years, I have found chemistry, physics, and mathematics interesting. Actually, I am interested in many subjects such as biology, history, geography, Chinese, and English. But somehow I cannot remember the historical events or the facts about geography in detail. I cannot remember biological terms well, either. On the other hand, chemistry, physics, and mathematics are easy for me because they seem logical to me. After considering my interests and talents I feel that science or engineering might be the best choice for my career. I would like to study science or engineering in college. After graduation from college I hope to go for higher education overseas. Eventually I would like to return to school to teach. This is my career plan.
When does life really begin? Is it when the first fluttering beats of the primitive heart of a fetus start, or when the child is pushed from the womb into the world? Does it all actually start at the moment of conception when the egg and sperm meet and mix their genetic code together to create a new being. Who can say really. No one knows because no one is sure of when life truely begins.There are many out there who say an unborn child isn't really a person, or even alive because it can not sustain it's own life. If this were true, then no one is a real person until they are living on their own away from their parents. When you stop and really think about this, without listening to the arguments about when life starts or if something is considered alive until a certain time, you would suprised at what you may find.When the primitive heart of a tiny fetus starts to beat for the first time, it is then that it starts to actually survive on its own, apart from its mother. Though at this time, most mothers-to-be don't know they are mothers yet, they begin to change their attitude to a more gentle caring way and doing what they can to protect the tiny life inside them in many different ways. Its that life growing inside them that started those mothering instincts. Its those instincts that protect it from harm until it is able to survive outside the womb and until it can live apart from its mother later in life. Even beyond that point, any mother will protect her young from everything she can.I'm not a scientist, a theologist, or even a doctor. I am just an average woman with a child of her own. From the moment I felt those first flutterings of life within me and heard my child's beating heart for the first time, all thanks to modern technology, I have thought about when life truely began. No matter what, from the very beginning when the egg and sperm meet, it is a living breathing human being. Sometimes, the life can not go beyond a few weeks inside the mother, but its still alive, until it can not go any longer. There are times, when that life has to be ended, in such cases, it is still sad, but if the mother is to live, then it has to be done. There are other times, when frankly, it is best because there are other problems such as a tumor which is eating away at the child little by little. It doesn't change the fact the child had to die, but at least, it had a small chance and brought just a little happiness into the mother's life.So, when does life really begin? I don't know, but when ever it does, its all well worth keeping it going, for the rewards are more than what anyone truely deserves.
Work is an indispensable part of our life.Everyone in a certain stage of their life is faced with the difficult choice of what job to take.Some people consider the salary as the top priority when they look for a job,while some give their first concern to the enjoyment of the job.Obviously I want to find a job which both pays me well and interests me,although it seems quite impossible.I will try my best anyway and embrace a future of promise.Now I'm a senior student,there's not so much time left in college.Ever since my high school days,my heart has been set on becoming an English translator.I will continue studying with all my might wherever I go.
如何面对人生挫折 英语作文
Because of do not trip and fall does not dare to run, do not curse the life because of the wind and rain, do not because of become lost has neglected the natural scenery. Only then one overcomes the setback, the challenge setback, to enjoy the setback step by step, could find the life the flashing temperature, enjoyed in the growth each splendor at the same time. the setback accompanies me to grow, I by will work as optimistically the navigation aid, will like this only then not lose the direction. Without the optimistic manner, will lose the struggle the direction, to lose all faith, no matter what the ideal sailing ship will drift with the current in the turbulent setback mighty waves, jolts up and down and even is defeated. But the setback was not to the region which collapsed completely, but the solemn caution should not be sluggish, must insist the faith, momentarily by optimistic, calm braved all hardships. So my Lu of Naneng growth leaves setback this good strict teacher? the setback accompanies me to grow, I by will work as strongly the backing, easily will like this only then not be eliminated. Any life is not strong, must not be able to exist safely. If the tree is not strong, does not tall and straight, how can harvest a piece of sunlight rain and dew; If the bamboo is not strong, how can state decisively the green hill not to relax the human is respected; If the plum is not strong, how can have insults coldly alone opens clank the lofty character; If the human is not strong, how can have strives for success, tracks down defeats the setback, defeats own strength? So my Lu of Naneng growth leaves the setback this encouragement good friend. the setback accompanies me to grow, I by will make the agent humbly, will like this only then not discard the personality. The human not only should when the success understands modestly, should when frustration insists the humble easy to learn style. Take humble as the criterion, even though has a body ability really also because of arrogant, stubborn, but will drain in vain. So my Lu of Naneng growth left setback this just mother of the belt supple success? the setback, lets me understand that optimistic, the academic society strong, maintains humble, lets my life be more splendid, I want the setback to accompany me to grow! 不要因为摔过跤而不敢奔跑,不要因为风雨而诅咒生活,不要因为迷了路而忽视了自然风光。
如此我的成长之路哪能离开挫折这个善良严师? 挫折伴我成长,我会以坚强当后盾,这样才不会被轻易淘汰。
如此我的成长之路哪能离开挫折这个刚中带柔的成功之母? 挫折,让我懂得乐观、学会坚强、保持谦逊,让我的生活更精彩,我要挫折伴我成长! Because the sea has the mighty waves, only then obviously grand; Because the trees accept the rain the baptism, only then obviously green; But lives, because has setback's existence, only then many several moves, several strong ......Therefore, must demonstrate in front of the setback the strongest smile, brave said to it “not”! when you walk when has filled on the fetters and the rough life road, has met “the heavy rain”, under foot's Lu Bian more and more difficult, you look at the remote front, also looks that after death the dim return avenue, you will have made what kind of choice? Is sits in ground loses one's voice cries? Is brave and rigid steps forward each step? - a - choice was deciding whether you do succeed. in front of setback, what if you choose is the former, then you will see the setback to laugh wildly, will smile your feeling inferior, will smile your timid. But, what if you rejoiced is your choice is the latter, then the setback is advantageous for the work to be able to hide in the dark corner, trembles. Therefore, in front of the setback, defeats him with you strongest smiling face, lets him ...
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