浙江省平阳县鳌江镇第一小学 六(1)班 林希勒
(指导教师 邱爱素)
这篇文章写得细致入微。全文层次清晰,语句流畅,融情于景,充分运用动静结合的写法,辅以比喻、拟人等手法,并展开合理的想象。字里行间透露出浓浓的绿意,透露出小作者对生活环境的喜爱,使文章的主题自然而然升华到了较高的境界。 《关于生活环境的作文:绿意》
关于生活环境的作文:绿意 浙江省平阳县鳌江镇第一小学 六(1)班 林希勒 趁着太阳还在西边流连,我和妈妈踏出家门,信马由缰,寻找身边的绿意。 走着走着,一片绿引起我的注意,那儿有好多植物,傲然挺立,相排列成行,俨然是一道绿色的屏障。 通向这个屏障的是一座不加修饰的小桥。我们信步向前,来到屏障前。放眼望去,一排绿色中夹着一些粉色的、白色的、红色的花,好像一块绿色的屏风立在水边。 屏障的入口是几株矮小的桂花树,几朵淡黄的桂花零星地散落在枝叶丛中,散发着淡淡的清香。刚抽出来的叶子是嫩黄嫩黄的,在阳光下好像涂了一层油彩。 和桂花树相隔的是开得绚丽的玉兰花。在绿油油的叶丛中,一朵朵玉兰花优雅地绽放着,散发出幽幽的淡香。玉兰花有的含羞待放,碧绿的花苞鲜嫩可爱;有的刚开出两三片花瓣,仿佛害羞的少女羞答答地低着头。几只小蜜蜂迫不及待地钻了进去,那里面椭圆形的花蕊约有一寸长。有的已经全部怒放,迎风摇曳。花瓣柔嫩得像婴儿的笑脸,甜美、纯洁,惹人喜爱。有的花瓣虽然凋谢了,花蕊却依然挺立枝头,它已长成近两吋长的圆茎。圆茎上面缀满了细珠似的小颗粒,这就是孕育着新生命的种子。 在绿叶的映衬下,花朵是那样洁净、高雅。我无法用文字准确形容那花瓣的色彩,说它纯白吧,又似乎有一种淡淡的青绿色渗透出来;说它玉洁冰清吧,它又显得那样柔韧而有弹性??总之,只凭优美的词句是不能概括它的全部内涵的。 再往前走几步,一小丛的月季上傲然绽放着一朵粉红色的月季花。花儿不大,却经受着心雨的洗礼。旁边的杜鹃花也不甘示弱,相继开放。花儿不多,零星地散落在绿叶中,却向人们宣示着自己也是春天的宠儿。 继续往前走,迎面而来的是一株批把树。可惜此时并没有黄灿灿的枇杷供人们采摘。我看到的只是细细长长的枇杷叶,一簇堆在另一簇的上面,不留一点儿缝隙,甚是赏心悦目。 紧挨着枇杷树的是一些高大的不知名的树。那笔直的枝干上,一团绿叶扶摇直上,像一把刚撑开的绿色小伞。有些树的主干上还被翠绿的藤蔓附住,显得分外妖娆。时不时地还有几只白鹭飞来,停落在其间,倒有些“新藤绿树白鸦,小桥流水人家”
的意境了。这些树错落有致地分布在这绿色的屏障中,使得这小小的一片土地透出些许森林的味道。 不知不觉,夜幕已下。昏黄的路灯下,回首望望身后的屏障,陡然发现,这屏障是如此地熟悉,再细瞧,刚才走过的就是家门口的那条路。原来,我一直处在绿意中。 回家的路上,心情无限美好。河对岸摇曳多姿的绿柳,道路两旁整齐划一的绿化带,小区里苍翠欲滴的景观树??有时候,绿就在身边,只是你尚未发现。 (指导教师 邱爱素) 【点评】 这篇文章写得细致入微。全文层次清晰,语句流畅,融情于景,充分运用动静结合的写法,辅以比喻、拟人等手法,并展开合理的想象。字里行间透露出浓浓的绿意,透露出小作者对生活环境的喜爱,使文章的主题自然而然升华到了较高的境界。
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珍惜建设节约型社会”是我们珍惜、节约资源时喊的一个口号。 我国的用水面临着严重的问题,所以我们要珍惜水资源,节约用水。比如:用完水后,要拧紧水龙头,以免造成“一江清水向东流”的浪费现象,假如发现水龙头坏了,要及时修理,避免损失大量的水,大家也别小看废弃的电池,因为一粒纽扣电池会污染600吨的水,假如你把它扔到水里,水将无法饮用。我们应该把电池收集起来,送往回收站,这样既可以避免污染水源,又使电池得到回收,一举两得。大家不能只是口头说说而已,要行动起来呀~ 森林资源向我们发出的警报~我们要节约利用森林资源,首先,不能乱扔稿纸,也不拿没写过的纸张折飞机之类的小工艺品,更不要乱砍乱伐,任意践踏花草树木,要植树造林,爱护花草树木;不使用一次性的东西,如纸杯、木块等等。在学校,我们要建立“绿色银行”,捡起以前丢弃的纸屑、小手帕等。外出就餐时,自带勺子、筷子。同学们,我们一起行动起来,节约利用我们有限的森林资源。 我们生活中到处都离不开电。电,给我们带来各种便利,但是我们要节约用电,因为电几乎是由烧标准煤产生的,而在我国储藏的煤只够开采1XX年了~大家想想,1XX年以后,我们的子孙后代该怎么办呢,所以,我们要节约用电。首先,从自我做起,我牢记“人来灯开,人走灯灭”,盛夏时节,开空调时,不要把温度调得太低,适合就可以了。平时的照明灯,尽可能用节能灯,因为普通灯泡把大量的电能转化为了热量,只有小数转为光线,而节能灯把电能几乎转化为了光明。 “珍惜资源,崇尚节约”,是我们每个公民的义务。为了我们的明天更美好,请快快行动起来吧~ 我们本是世界上缺水国家之一,可生产和生活用水还在被随意地挥霍着,珍贵的地下水被无情开采或者污染着;我们的能源已经十分短缺了,可雨后春笋般新建住房的粗放供暖,仍在浪费着油和煤炭资源…… 在土地、矿产资源供求全面紧张的今天,我们必须改变国土资源利用粗放、效率低下、浪费严重的现状。党中心和国务院高度重视国土资源节约集约利用,要求我们在战略机遇与矛盾凸显并存的要害时期,有高度的历史责任感、强烈的忧患意识和广阔的世界眼光,准确把握我国发展的阶段性特征,立足科学发展,着力自主创新,加快转变经济增长方式,把节约资源作为基本国策,发展循环经济,保护生态环境,加快建设资源节约型、环境友好型社会,促进经济发展与人口、资源、环境相协调。珍惜资源,保护资源,节约资源,人人有责。让我们从现在做起,从我做起,从点点滴滴做起,珍惜地球母亲赐予我们的一切自然资源,使我们的家园年年春光灿烂……
珍惜资源 保护环境
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现在,我听到了城市在宣传倡导低碳生活,我渐渐有些懂了。我开始了 低碳生活 。
首先,低碳的生活方式,就是在生活的细节上注重节能减耗。除了做作业必须开灯之外,其余的事情都靠窗外的照明灯来相助。因为我们的客厅大,窗外的照明灯照进来都可以醒目地看到室内的一切,吃饭时,真像一桌 烛光晚餐 ,这真是一大盏 天然的灯啊!
只要我洗好手,就都把水龙头拧的紧紧地,不让水 逃 出来,这样,我就可以安心了。但我又担忧爸爸妈妈会不会做好,每次看见爸爸妈妈进洗手间洗手并顺其自然的把水龙头关紧,我十分高兴,我希望 低碳家庭 会做的更好。
原来,电器开着,就连小小的手机电池在插座上插着时都会排放出可怕的二氧化碳,只要充完电就应该将电池立刻取下。我本来以为,二氧化碳只有汽车尾气、煤炭燃烧这些会排放,没想到生活中处处都有微弱的 碳 在侵害着我们大家的生活和地球。
每当我看见妈妈要把洗衣粉的桶扔掉时,我会上前去阻止。我会把它做成一个小垃圾桶,有的像个洋娃娃,粉嘟嘟的脸,可爱极了!有的又的像只小动物,活灵活现的,真像一道美丽的 风景 !
当夜幕降临,晚饭过后,路边的霓虹灯为夜晚增添了一份光彩,老爸总是把家里所有的灯都关掉,只剩下一片伸手不见五指的黑暗中,然后,趴在窗户上,一边欣赏路边的风景,一边唱着一首歌: 月亮代表我的心 真是五音不全,一塌糊涂。
Envir?onmen?tal prote?ction? (用二册二单?元的pro?blem-solut?ion-resul?t/evalu?ation?模式来写)
Words? & phras?es for refer?ence:
1) heada?che, intol?erabl?e
2) monit?or indus?try, neces?sity, re-use, conve?rt, waste?water? and smoke?stack? emiss?ion, meet the stand?ard, more inves?tment?,
educa?tion and promo?tion, raise? aware?ness
3) progr?ess, there? is a long way to go
Pollu?tion and envir?onmen?t probl?ems are a heada?che throu?ghout? the world? and the world? we live in is be?ing more and more intol?erabl?e. (提出存在的?问题)
In order? to clean? up our envir?onmen?t, monit?oring? indus?try has be?e a neces?sity. On the one hand, facto?ries shoul?d use new metho?ds to re-use waste? and conve?rt it into raw mater?ials. On the other? hand, waste? water? and smoke?stack? emiss?ion must meet the stand?ards set by the gover?nment?. Moreo?ver, more inves?tment? shoul?d be made in the envir?onmen?t prote?ction? so as to under?take envir?onmen?t proje?cts, such as plant?ing more trees? grass?es, contr?ollin?g traff?ic noise?, and ba?ting deser?tific?ation? and soil erosi?on. Final?ly, educa?tion and promo?tion are anoth?er impor?tant key to envir?onmen?t prote?ction?. In short?, while? furth?ering? econo?mic devel?opmen?t, we must not ignor?e envir?onmen?t prote?ction?. (本段为解决?问题的措施?)
Since? the publi?city of the Envir?onmen?t Prote?ction? Laws, some progr?ess has been made. Signs? of chang?e have sprun?g up all over the world?. Howev?er, there? is a long way to go befor?e we enjoy? a clean? and fo?rtabl?e world?. (采取措施后?的结果及评?价)
1. Man and Envir?onmen?t
outli?ne: (1)The world? we live in is be?ing more and more intol?erabl?e becau?se of envir?onmen?tal destr?uctio?n.(2)A lot of measu?res have been taken?…(3)Howev?er, the probl?em of envir?onmen?tal prote?ction? remai?ns far from being? solve?d.
The world? we live in is be?ing more and more intol?erabl?e becau?se of envir?onmen?tal destr?uctio?n. For examp?le, fores?t destr?
uctio?n resul?ts in decre?ase of plant?ing land and unple?asant? weath?er. In addit?ion, man is faced? with probl?ems of water? pollu?tion and air pollu?tion.
A lot of measu?res have been taken?. Plant?ing trees? helps? impro?ve and beaut?ify the envir?onmen?t. Besid?es, laws conce?rning? envir?
onmen?tal prote?ction? have been put into effec?t and achie?ved good resul?ts.
Howev?er, the probl?em of envir?onmen?tal prote?ction? remai?ns far from being? solve?d. On the one hand, the envir?onmen?t pollu?tion and destr?uctio?n are getti?ng worse? and worse? in the moder?n world?. On the other? hand, the lack of knowl?edge about? the impor?tance? of prote?cting? envir?onmen?t hinde?rs the solvi?ng of the probl?em. In a word, there? is a long way to go befor?e we enjoy? a clean? and fo?rtabl?e world?.
2. Envir?onmen?t Prote?ction?
As in many indus?trial?ized count?ries, pollu?tion and envir?onmen?t probl?ems are a heada?che in China?. In spite? of some progr?ess since? the publi?city of the Envir?onmen?t Prote?ction? Laws, in gener?al, the situa?tion is still? serio?us.(提出存在的?问题)
Annua?lly, facto?ries and enter?prise?s are respo?nsibl?e for milli?ons of tons of waste?s disch?arged? into the air and the water?. A few river?s, lakes? and beach?es have alrea?dy turne?d into sludg?e. Soil erosi?on cause?d by misus?e of the land es? to thous?ands of squar?e
kilom?eters?. The pollu?tion creat?ed by forei?gn-funde?d busin?ess and in devel?opmen?t zones? is also consi?derab?le.(本段为环境?问题的表现?,注意时态,部分学生习?惯在此误用?一般过去时?)
In order? to clean? up our envir?onmen?t, monit?oring? indus?try has be?e a neces?sity. On the one hand, facto?ries shoul?d use new metho?ds to re-use waste? and conve?rt it into raw mater?ials. On the other? hand, waste? water? and smoke?stack? emiss?ion must meet the stand?ards set by the gover?nment?. Moreo?ver, more inves?tment? shoul?d be made in the envir?onmen?t prote?ction? so as to under?take envir?onmen?t proje?cts, such as plant?ing more trees? grass?es, contr?ollin?g traff?ic noise?, and ba?ting deser?tific?ation? and soil erosi?on. In short?, while? furth?ering? econo?mic devel?opmen?t, we must not ignor?e envir?onmen?t prote?ction?. (措施)
1. Depar?tment?s conce?rned shoul?d put envir?onmen?tal conce?rns into natio?nal and local? econo?mic devel?opmen?t plann?ing
2. …..keepi?ng a close? eye and a heavy? hand on exist?ing pollu?ters;
3. Shutt?ing down pollu?ting facto?ries is only part of the solut?ion. There? must be appro?priat?e techn?ologi?cal and finan?cial instr?ument?s to facil?itate? envir?onmen?tally? frien?dly devel?opmen?t.
4. It calls? for stron?ger mi?tment? from the world? mu?nity for inter?natio?nal worki?ng toget?her in the fight? to prote?ct our mo?n natur?al surro?undin?gs. No singl?e count?ry can save the envir?onmen?t alone?.
3. The Probl?ems of Plast?ic Bags
Plast?ic bags have found? their? way into a wide area of every?day life. They are appli?ed in big super?marke?ts, ordin?ary shops?, small? store?s and stree?t marke?ts. Peopl?e put in plast?ic bags every?thing? they buy. They no longe?r need to carry? cloth? bags, leath?er bags or baske?t bags with them when go shopp?ing. Obvio?usly it is very conve?nient? for plast?ic bags to be used in peopl?e’s every?day life. They are also very cheap?. They are usual?ly offer?ed free of charg?e.
Howev?er, plast?ic bags also bring? us side effec?ts. Some peopl?e throw? away plast?ic bags causa?lly. This cause?s the white? pollu?
tion to our envir?onmen?t, which? is very harmf?ul becau?se plast?ic bags can not disap?pear by natur?al de?posit?ion. This is certa?inly not benef?icial? to our futur?e.
Peopl?e have to be caref?ul with the use of plast?ic bags. They shoul?d make sure they put the sued plast?ic bags into the dustb?in when they want to dispo?se of them. It also might? be bette?r for peopl?e to use the tradi?tiona?l cloth? bags to hold the goods? they buy inste?ad of using? plast?ic bags.
4. Prote?ction? of Envir?onmen?t
1) 目前环保还?存在着许多?问题。2) 为了保护环?境,3) 各国政府做?了大量的工?作。4) 我的看法。
There? are still? many probl?ems of envir?onmen?tal prote?ction? in recen?t years?. One of the most serio?us probl?ems is the serio?us pollu?tion of air, water? and soil. the pollu?ted air does great? harm to peopl?e’s?healt?h. The pollu?ted water? cause?s disea?ses and death?. What is more, veget?ation? had been great?ly reduc?ed with the rapid? growt?h of moder?n citie?s.
To prote?ct the envir?onmen?t, gover?nment?s of many count?ries have done a lot. Legis?lativ?e steps? have been intro?duced? to contr?ol air pollu?tion, to prote?ct the fores?t and sea resou?rces and to stop any envir?onmen?tal pollu?tion. There?fore, gover?nment?s are playi?ng the most impor?tant role in the envir?onmen?tal prote?ction? today?.
In my opini?on, to prote?ct envir?onmen?t, the gover?nment? must take even more concr?ete measu?res. First?, it shoul?d let peopl?e fully? reali?ze the impor?tance? of envir?onmen?tal prote?ction? throu?gh educa?tion. Secon?d, much more effor?ts shoul?d be made to put the popul?ation? plann?ing polic?y into pract?ice, becau?se more peopl?e means? more peopl?e means? more pollu?tion. Final?ly, those? who destr?oy the envir?onmen?t inten?tiona?lly shoul?d be sever?ely punis?hed. We shoul?d let them know that destr?oying? envir?onmen?t means? destr?oying? manki?nd thems?elves?.
5. Econo?mic Devel?opmen?t and Envir?onmen?tal Prote?ction?(经济发展与?环境保护)
1) 有人认为经?济发展不应?以环境为代?价;2) 有人认为经?济发展不应?考虑环境问?题;3) 我的看法。
Some peopl?e belie?ve that econo?mic devel?opmen?t shoul?d never? be at the cost of the envir?onmen?t. They think? the prese?nt serio?us envir?onmen?tal probl?ems are large?ly cause?d by rapid? econo?mic devel?opmen?t. For examp?le, land resou?rces are shrin?king becau?se of the indus?trial? devel?opmen?t and the expan?sion of citie?s. Deser?ts are sprea?ding becau?se of over grazi?ng, poor fanni?ng, tree cutti?ng, and strip? minin?g. Our air and water? suppl?ies are being? pollu?ted by poiso?nous gasse?s and waste? produ?cts. It is impor?tant, there?fore, that we shoul?d take anoth?er look at the way in which? our indus?tries? and citie?s are devel?oping?.
Howev?er, other? peopl?e think? it unnec?essar?y to consi?der envir?onmen?tal probl?ems now and our first? prior?ity shoul?d alway?s be given? to econo?mic devel?opmen?t. They belie?ve that envir?onmen?tal probl?ems are inevi?table? and unavo?idabl?e in the proce?ss of econo?mic devel?opmen?t. They are only the by-produ?cts of econo?mic devel?opmen?t, which? can be dealt? with later? when we have the time and money?.
I think? the secon?d idea is pl?etely? wrong?. Our ultim?ate aim in econo?mic devel?opmen?t is to provi?de a fo?rtabl?e and happy? life for our peopl?e. What is the point? of econo?mic devel?opmen?t if we achie?ve it at the cost of our envir?onmen?t? There? has been much evide?nce to prove? that a balan?ce betwe?en the two helps? more rapid? and conti?nuous? devel?opmen?t.
6.. The Surro?undin?gs in Citie?s-城市的环境?
We have to admit? that, pa?rativ?ely speak?ing, our citie?s are not so clean? and green? as those? in the devel?oped count?ries. There? are not adequ?ate trees?, lawns? and flowe?r-beds in such big citie?s as Beiji?ng,Tianj?in and Shang?hai.
We shoul?d make our citie?s green?er by plant?ing more trees?, grass? and flowe?rs. A green? envir?onmen?t can bring? us pleas?ure, beaut?y and fresh? air. Trees?, lawns? and flowe?rs will make our citie?s more pleas?ing to both the eye and the mind, impro?ve the weath?er condi?tions? and provi?de fresh? air, all of which? will no doubt? do us a lot of good.
I sugge?st that the whole? city go all out every? sprin?g to plant? new trees?, build? new lawns? in and aroun?d the city, and every?one shoul?d take care of and prote?ct the trees?, lawns? and flowe?rs, and educa?te the child?ren to love them. Then year after? year, our citie?s will be?e green?er, more beaut?iful and livab?le.
7.. Savin?g Our City
It is impor?tant to deal with the rubbi?sh in citie?s. Rubbi?sh must be treat?ed prope?rly. Other?wise it may cause? a lot of probl?ems. It may pollu?te the air and water?. When peopl?e breat?he the pollu?ted air or drink? the pollu?ted water?, they may get ill.
Our city has begun? to pay atten?tion to the probl?em. As far as I know, some rubbi?sh is sorte?d and sent to diffe?rent facto?ries. Rubbi?sh, such as old newsp?apers? and glass?, is recyc?led.
Some harmf?ul rubbi?sh is sent to a certa?in place? and burie?d. Waste? air is clean?ed befor?e it goes into the air. Waste? water? is treat?ed befor?e it is poure?d into river?s。
To prote?ct the envir?onmen?t, the gover?nment? has passe?d laws to preve?nt peopl?e from throw?ing rubbi?sh every?where?. We shoul?d do our best to take good care of the envir?onmen?t and fight? again?st pollu?tion.
为了保护我?们的环境,政府已经通?过了法律来?阻止人们乱?扔垃圾。我们应当尽?力好好地保?护我们的环?境,与污染作斗?争。 8. Make Our Citie?s Green?er
1) 城市绿化的?现状;2) 绿化的好处?(如:清新空气,美化城市,改善气候……等);3) 怎样才能实?现绿化。
Many thing?s have been done and great? progr?ess has been made in the green?izati?on of our citie?s in recen?t years?. Many trees? have been plant?ed and much care has been taken? of the plant?ed trees?. But, in spite? of all this, green?izati?on in the citie?s in China? is far from satis?facto?ry pa?red with citie?s in other? count?ries in the world?. For examp?le, the green? space? for every? peopl?e in Shang?hai is only 2 squar?e meter?s while? that of the peopl?e in Londo?n excee?ds 20 squar?e meter?s.
We can benef?it much from the green?izati?on of our citie?s. First?, trees? absor?b carbo?n dioxi?de which? is harmf?ul, but produ?ce oxyge?n which? is essen?tial to human? being?s. Secon?dly, with trees? all aroun?d, our citie?s will look more beaut?iful. Third?ly, trees? can impro?ve the clima?te of the citie?s, makin?g it neith?er too hot in summe?r nor too cold in winte?r.
Since? we can get so much benef?it from makin?g our citie?s green?er, we shoul?d spare? no effor?t to do so. We shoul?d plant? even more trees? and take even bette?r care of them while? they are growi?ng. Besid?es, we shoul?d not cut down trees? any more. In a word, we shoul?d do every?thing? to add to the green?izati?on of our citie?s.
9. 投诉信:学校受污染?-Schoo?l Pollu?ted
【作文示范】 Schoo?l Pollu?ted
No. 1 Middl?e Schoo?l
March? 5, 1997
Dear Edito?r,
Our schoo?l lies at the foot of a mount?ain with a small? river? passi?ng by. It used to look like a beaut?iful garde?n. There? used to be green? trees? and all kinds? of flowe?rs in our schoo?l yard all year round?.
But great? chang?es have taken? place? since? a chemi?cal works? was built? near our schoo?l two years? ago. It produ?ces poiso?nous gases? and pours? a large? amoun?t of waste? water? into the river?. The terri?ble pollu?tion has done great? harm to us stude?nts and teach?ers as well as to the surro?undin?gs.
It's time for us to take steps? to prote?ct our surro?undin?gs and preve?nt them from being? pollu?ted.
Yours? ever,
Wang Hong
【写法指要】投诉信(lette?rs of pl?aint)通常是写给?厂家、商店、消费者协会?、报界或厂家?、商店的上级?主管部门,揭发产品质?量的低劣、服务态度的?糟糕,抱怨不应出?现的情况或?问题等,以求得解决?的信件。写投诉信要?实事求是地?把问题讲清?楚,态度要冷静?,做到有礼貌?,不能恶言伤?人。
A Lette?r of Compl?aint-一封投诉信?
Nov. 10,2003
Dear Manag?er,
Much to my regre?t, I write? this to place? a pl?aint again?st your had deliv?ery servi?ce in your pa?ny.
The Samsu?ng tape recor?der model? numbe?r JB/4073 which? I order?ed from your pa?ny on Nov. 1, arriv?ed yeste?rday. The seria?l numbe?r of the machi?ne is 4703——0461. I am sorry? to repor?t that the recor?der has been hardl?y damag?ed. There? was no unusu?al damag?e to the packi?ng case, but when I opene?d it, I found? that the lid of the recor?der had been crack?ed and that the front? surfa?ce of the machi?ne had been scrat?ched.
Since? there? was such damag?e to the goods?, I decid?ed to file a pl?aint again?st the deliv?ery servi?ce. Would? you pleas?e let me know wheth?er I shoul?d retur?n the recor?der to you for a repla?cemen?t or if you have an autho?rized? servi?ce repre?senta?tive here to which? I shoul?d take it? I will hold onto this recor?der until? I hear from you.
Since?rely yours?,
Jonat?han Edwar?ds
A Lette?r To Unive?rsity? Presi?dent
假设你是李?明,请你就本校?食堂的状况?给校长写一?封信,内容应涉及?食堂的饭菜?质量、价格、环境、服务等,可以是表扬?,可以是批评?建议,也,可以兼而有?之。(2001年?下半年四级) ?作文
Janua?ry 12,2002
Dear Mr. Presi?dent,
My name is Li Ming. I am a fresh?man of the manag?ement? schoo?l. I ventu?re to write? to you to expre?ss my disap?point?ment about? the cante?en servi?ce on our campu?s.
First?, it is too crowd?ed in the cante?ens. The stude?nts get out of class?es at the same time, espec?ially? at noon. You just can't imagi?ne what it is like in the cante?en then. Stude?nts hustl?e to buy their? dishe?s and wait for ages to get seats?. Somet?imes you have to stand? all the time while? eatin?g. Secon?d, the quali?ty of the food is not good if you take its price? into consi?derat?ion. Some say that hunge?r is the best spice?. It is true. We are young? and we are easy to get hungr?y. I eat all my food to the last rice grain? every? time. But that doesn?'t justi?fy its poor taste? and high price?. The third? and the most unbea?rable? thing? is the attit?ude of the cante?en staff?. They are reall?y impol?ite. They never? smile?, weari?ng a face hard like stone?. They seldo?m speak?. If they do open their? mouth?, what will enter? your ears is nothi?ng but cold utter?ance.
Surel?y this is a very famou?s unive?rsity?. But I still? wish while? we get high quali?ty spiri?tual food for our head, we could? get the same quali?ty food for our stoma?ch. Our cante?ens reall?y
Looki?ng forwa?rd to the impro?vemen?t of the cante?en.
Since?rely yours?,
Li Ming
关于环境的作文" 篇一:环境很重要 张琦煊
篇二:保护校园环境卫生 李奕铄
篇三:校园是我家,环境靠大家 吴睿豪
篇四:校园是我家,环境保护靠大家 樊珂莱
篇五:校园是我家,环境保护靠大家 樊珂莱
关于?环境?的作?文白??色的不是?雪峰?,是?塑料?;?绿色的?不是?森林?,是?疯长?的?水?藻;蓝色?的不?是海?洋,?而是?黑色?的坟?场,?陆地?淹没?了,?气候?异常?了,??森林消失?了,?季节?颠倒?了???我?们的??地球怎么?了??这样?的城?市化?现代??化意义何?在?? ?
当你走?在路?边时??,欣?赏着路边??的绿树红?花,?突然?一股?臭味?向你?迎面?扑?来,你?不会?觉得?恶心?吗??当你?走在?金色?的沙?滩上?时,?海风?吹拂??着你,?在心情?无比?舒畅?时一?个塑?料袋?迎面?扑来?,你?不会?觉得?扫兴?吗??当你?在?教室里?聚精?会神?地听?老师?讲课?时,?听到?了附?近工?地传?出来?的嘈?杂声?音?时,你?不会?觉得?心情?烦躁??不能认真?听课?吗?? ?
大自然?无私?、慷?慨地?向人?类提??供各?种资源,?而人?类却?不能?满足?,为?了?满足自?己的?欲望?疯狂?砍树?、不?加节?制地?开采?矿产?。可?那些?人们?怎么?可?能明白?他们??在破坏地?球美?丽的?同时?,也?在伤?害自?己的?地球?母亲?。最?后?人类会?把自?己的?栖息?地也?全部?破坏?光的?,这?样害?的还?不是?我们?自己??吗? ?
是呀,?自从?科技?发展?、工?业发??达了,人?们就?开始?不断?地破?坏森?林,?破?坏生态?平衡?。成?片树?林,?变成??了一幢幢?高楼?大厦?。为?了造?纸看?到了?数?不清的?树木?,土?地裸?露了?,变?成了?每天?沙尘?暴的?沙漠?。可?见人?类破?坏?力是多??么惊人啊?!?连南极?和北?极这?样的?无人??地区,人?类都??想去改造?它,??让它变成?汽车?尾气?熏天?的,?烟雾?缭绕??的地方,?连最?后几?片净?土都?想去??破坏。这?该不?是我?们的?智慧?所做?出的?事吧?? ?
2. ?
我为?周围?环境?的恶?化而?感到?心痛?,我?想:?作为?未来?接?-班人?的青??少年,?如果不?了解?环境?问题?的严?重性?,无?视有?关环??境保护的?法律?法规?,不?去?增强环?境保?护意?识,?我们?的生?命将?毁在?自己?的手?中,?老天??将对我们?作?出严厉?的惩?罚。?为此?我下?定决?心要?从我?做起?爱护?环境?,保?护我?们这?个?赖以生?存的?家园??,做一个?保护??环境的卫?士。? ?
在刚过?去的?一年?中,?我积?极参?加学?校开?展的?植树?活动?,带?领我?们的?班?干?部创立了?“绿?色天?使”?植绿??护绿小组?,鼓?励队?员们?在校?园里?认养?了?一棵小?树苗?,利?用课?余时?间给?它梳?妆打?扮,?为它?长成?参天?大树?打下?了?基矗在?学校?组织?的“?让地?球充?满生?机”?的签?字活?动中?,我?郑重?地在??上面签下?自己?的名?字,?并写?下了?自己?对环?保的?决心?和期?望,?对美?好未?来?的憧憬?。我?积极?参加?学校?在世?界环?境日?举行?的有?奖征?稿,?认真??查阅、?收集各?类资?料,?进行?社会?调查?,撰?写有?关环?境治?理设?想方?面的?文章?,?我经常?去参?加学?校组?织的?环保?讲座?,观?看环?保方?面的?录相??带,积极?参?预环保?知识?问答?调查?活动?,认?真填?写每?一项??提问。我?参与?了“?红领?巾?植绿护?绿队?”的?网站?建设?,在?上面?发布?大量?的环?保图??片和环保?知识?,?以及关?于环?保的?各方?面的?法律?知识?,我?国在?环保?方面?发展?动向?、世?界?各国的?环境?保护?情况?;?每个月?我都?利用?网络?、报?纸,?查找?一些?最新?的?不同的?专题?和板?块“?环保?资讯?”来?告诉?大家??;还定期?制作?一些?宣传?板?来宣传?环保?知识?和生?活中?的环?保常?识。??提高了大?家的?环保?意识?;?号召?同学们?从不?同的?方面?来关?爱自?己的??家园,从?身边?的小?事做?起,?为周?围?的环境?奉献?自己?的一?份力?量?!?我积极动?员身?边的?人一?起来?依法?保护?和?建设人?类共?有的?同样?也是?仅有?的家?园,?为促??进经济和?社会?的可?持续?发?展,为?人类?的文?明做?出贡??献。我还?和同?学们?共同?发起?“养?一盆?花,?认?养一棵?树、?爱惜?每一?片绿?地,?让我?们周?围充?满绿?色”?和“?小用?塑料?袋?不使用?泡沫?饭盒?和一??次性筷子?,让?我们?远离?白色?污染?”的?倡议?。让?我?们放下?方便?袋,?拿起?菜篮?子,?让我?们共?同走?向美?好的?绿色?的明?天,?走?向辉煌?、灿?烂的??未来! ?
威胁着?生态?平衡?,危?害着?人体?健康?,制?约着?经济?和社?会的?可持?续发?展,??它让人类?陷入??了困境。?为此?我作?出宣?告:?“只?要我?们—?—人?类有?时刻??不忘保护?环境?的意?识,?有依?法治??理环境的?意识?,地?球村?将成?为美?好的??乐园”。?未来?的天?空一?定是?碧蓝?的,?水是?清澈?的,??绿树成荫?鲜花?遍地?,?人类可?以尽?情享?受大??自然赋予??我们的幸?福。? ?
注:1stpara. Experts应为expectations
Protection of Environment
1. 目前环保还存在着许多问题。
2. 为了保护环境,各国政府做了大量的工作。
3. 我的看法。
There are still many problems of environmental protection in recent years. One of the most
serious problems is the serious pollution of air, water and soil. the polluted air does great harm to
people’s health. The polluted water causes diseases and death. What is more, vegetation had been
greatly reduced with the rapid growth of modern cities.
To protect the environment, governments of many countries have done a lot. Legislative steps
have been introduced to control air pollution, to protect the forest and sea resources and to stop
any environmental pollution. Therefore, governments are playing the most important role in the
environmental protection today.
In my opinion, to protect environment, the government must take even more concrete
measures. First, it should let people fully realize the importance of environmental protection
through education. Second, much more efforts should be made to put the population planning
policy into practice, because more people mean more pollution. Finally, those who destroy the
environment intentionally should be severely punished. We should let them know that destroying
environment means destroying mankind themselves.
The Problems of Plastic Bags (塑料袋问题)
Plastic bags have found their way into a wide area of everyday life. They are applied in big
supermarkets, ordinary shops, small stores and street markets. People put in plastic bags
everything they buy. They no longer need to carry cloth bags, leather bags or basket bags with
them when go shopping. Obviously it is very convenient for plastic bags to be used in people’s
everyday life. They are also very cheap. They are usually offered free of charge.
However, plastic bags also bring us side effects. Some people throw away plastic bags
causally. This causes the white pollution to our environment, which is very harmful because
plastic bags can not disappear by natural deposition. This is certainly not beneficial to our
future. .cooyu.net
People have to be careful with the use of plastic bags. They should make sure they put the
sued plastic bags into the dustbin when they want to dispose of them. It also might be better for
people to use the traditional cloth bags to hold the goods they buy instead of using plastic bags.
How to Solve the Energy Shortage
Energy shortage is a very serious problem in the world. Many people worry that energy resources on the earth will be exhausted if we use them in an unchecked way.
This, most people agree, will cause serious problems and even crisis and jeopardize
the survival of mankind .
On the one hand, most people agree that the problem can be solved in one way or another. One is to conserve and save our energy. Energy refers not only to coal,
oil, or natural gases but also to goods, land and water, etc. Most countries have
realized the wastefulness in their using of energy.
They are trying to conserve energy. For example, some countries have a daylight saving system to use less electricity for lighting. Some cities have enforced water
savers at public such as restrooms and bars. Some have enforced serious penalties惩
罚 on overuse of electricity, water, and farming land. By these means, people hope the drain on energy resources could be slowed down.
However, conservation alone cannot solve the problem. Another way, perhaps the best I think,, is to develop new energy resources. Obviously, no matter how hard
we try to save energy resources and how abundant they are, we will use them up
sooner or later. I think there are many energy resources that we can develop and
We don’t have to depend only on the current conventional energy resources.
There are many other energy resources that we can develop such as nuclear power,
waterpower and solar power. These resources, if developed, can pletely replace
the conventional energy and thus solve the problem of energy shortage.