Cross the cuture will give us what?I think that will give us know about this world?You can know about the different people,cuture,customs,and know some friends and so on.And know about some different cuture also will help you a lot ,you can study French,Japanese,Kerone,Germany,Spanish and so on.You can know about many friends.You can talk with the different people's the different cuture.You also can read the different's social's newspaper,listen to the difference music,custom.Cross the cuture will give us friends
Cross the cuture will give us what?I think that will give us know about this world?You can know about the different people,cuture,customs,and know some friends and so on.And know about some different cuture also will help you a lot ,you can study French,Japanese,Kerone,Germany,Spanish and so on.You can know about many friends.You can talk with the different people's the different cuture.You also can read the different's social's newspaper,listen to the difference music,custom.Cross the cuture will give us friends
Cross the cuture will give us what?I think that will give us know about this world?You can know about the different people,cuture,customs,and know some friends and so on.And know about some different cuture also will help you a lot ,you can study French,Japanese,Kerone,Germany,Spanish and so on.You can know about many friends.You can talk with the different people's the different cuture.You also can read the different's social's newspaper,listen to the difference music,custom.Cross the cuture will give us friends,help us find a better job,tasted the different foods,listen to the difference music,reading the difference books and so on.
业精于勤而荒于嬉,汗水是滋润灵魂的甘露,勤奋是实现理想的阶梯.爱迪生就是凭着这样的信念,试验了几千种物质,做了几万次实验,终于发明了电灯.而在东方,著名的书法家王羲之也是一位持之以恒的人.他每天坚持练字,写完后就会在家门外的池塘里洗笔.久而久之,那一弯池水都被王羲之给染成了黑色了,如墨一般. 纵观古今中外的伟人,在成就一番事业之前,没有一位不是付出了常人难以想象的努力后取得的.而作为普通人的我们,不是更应该留下勤奋的汗水吗? 就拿我外公来说吧,他最近迷上了英语.每天早上起来的第一件事,就是拿着英语书和录音机,一边听着磁带,一边照着书读.一读,就是一两个小时.“功夫不负有心人”,不到两个星期,外公就认识了20个英语单词了. 要想成功,就要付出百分之百的努力.在当今世界里,科技飞速发展,青年学子肩负着振兴中华的历史使命.为此,我们一定要勤奋学习,练好本领,将来成为祖国的栋梁之才
In our daily life, we have to come into contact with people in every walk of life.Therefore, it is very important for us to know how to get along with other people. To get well along with others and win their friendships, we must observe strictly the following words. To begin with, we need to be honest with others and shouh{ always say what we mean. Lies will surely make people stay far away from us in the long run. After all,honesty is the best policy. Second, we have to be humble enough.
Since the world has various culture,the distinction between different culture is obivious,too.Such cross- cultural communication sometimes can be difficult.They are originated from misunderstanding,discrimination,or merely unfamiliar with other culture.The influences of such misunderstanding are usually negative.For instance,negotiation with foreign partners may be prevented due to lacking of relevant knowledge of their culture.Then what can we do to decrease,if can not eliminate such misunderstanding?First and foremost,it is fundermental to get in touch with different culture so as to know more.We can take advantage of network,as well as magzines and other materials to master more knowledge of other cultures.In this age,cross- cultural communication is inevitable.Thus,it is important and necessary to take part in such trend and communicate effectively.不是特别明白你作文的意思和要求,按我的理解写了文化差异和跨文化交流,如果你是需要英国的跨文化交流,你再修改下,大同小异.
Western traditional Culture The bombers in London and the insurgents in Iraq may think that they are avenging themselves on Western civilization. Some in Washington, London and Tel Aviv may think that they are blocking the ambition of radical Muslims to create some marvelous new caliphate to rule the world. Both are wrong. The civilizations at war are modernity on the one hand and the traditional world on the other. The Islamic fundamentalists' terrorist attacks on the West are merely a sideshow - a bitter but doomed reaction to a war that modern society has already largely won, with liberals and conservatives united in their battle against the values, assumptions and mode of life of the vast majority of non-modern mankind. They Westerners believe they are creating, as Roger Cohen recently wrote in The International Herald Tribune, "a century that will make a diverse world more unified, prosperous and free than ever before." The liberals and the conservatives of modern Western society firmly believe that. It is inconceivable to them that the traditional world, in which everyone except themselves lives, remains a valid choice for those who live in it. The modern world is the aggressor, determined - without even seriously thinking about it - to destroy the backward civilizations of everyone else, which it sees as discredited remnants of the past. To destroy them is progress. Progress leads - where? Here they run into the problem of utopia. Utopia in a world dominated by religion is a reward for a worthy life, and is enjoyed in an afterlife. It exists outside of time. Or after time has come to a stop, in a timeless paradise.
About Cross
Cross-cultural communication (also frequently referred to as intercultural communication, which is also used in a different sense, though) is a field of study that looks at how people from differing cultural backgrounds communicate, in similar and different ways among themselves, and how they endeavour to communicate across cultures.Cross-cultural communication endeavours to bring together such relatively unrelated areas as cultural anthropology and established areas of communication. Its core is to establish and understand how people from different cultures communicate with each other. Its charge is to also produce some guidelines with which people from different cultures can better communicate with each other.Cross-cultural communication, as in many scholarly fields, is a combination of many other fields. These fields include anthropology, cultural studies, psychology and communication. The field has also moved both toward the treatment of interethnic relations, and toward the study of communication strategies used by co-cultural populations, i.e., communication strategies used to deal with majority or mainstream populations.As the application of cross-cultural communication theory to foreign language education is increasingly appreciated around the world, cross-cultural communication classes can be found within foreign language departments of some universities, while other schools are placing cross-cultural communication programs in their departments of education.Above all, universities need to make sure that they are open and responsive to changes in the outside environment. In order for internationalization to be fully effective, the university (including all staff, students, curriculum, and activities) needs to be current with cultural changes, and willing to adapt to these changes.[8] As stated by Ellingboe, internationalization “is an ongoing, future-oriented, multidimensional, interdisciplinary, leadership-driven vision that involves many stakeholders working to change the internal dynamics of an institution to respond and adapt appropriately to an increasingly diverse, globally focused, ever-changing external environment".[9] New distance learning technologies, such as interactive teleconferencing, enable students located thousands of miles apart to communicate and interact in a virtual classroom
以下的选题你可以看下参考参考颜色词所反映的英汉文化差异 Cultural Differences Reflected by Color Words in English and Chinese??广告语言所反映的文化 Culture Reflected in Advertising Language??从饮食看中西文化的走向 The Trend of Chinese and Western Cultures in the Perspective of Diet??中西方宗教文化的比较 A Comparison between Chinese and Western Religious Cultures??中美婚姻观比较 The Contrast between Sino-American Marriage Concepts??中美电影中的文化透视 A Cultural Perspective of Chinese and American Movies1 从《远离尘嚣》看偶然与巧合2 从亨伯特看纳博科夫的流亡观3 透过餐具看中西方饮食文化4 从女性主义角度解读《太阳照常升起》中的女主角——勃莱特5 从文化视角探讨隐喻的翻译6 从生态批评角度看威廉·福克纳的《熊》中人与自然的关系7 从功能对等角度分析常用英语修辞格汉译8 任务型语言教学法的优势9 自我身份的探寻—评拉尔夫·埃里森《看不见的人》10 浅析英文报纸中体育新闻用语的模糊修辞11 从电影《肖申克的救赎》和《当幸福来敲门》中探究美国人的个人主义12 中美恭维言语行为跨文化比较研究13 表现主义技巧在《推销员之死》中的运用14 中国非英语专业学生在英语学习中使用元认知策略的情况调研15 浅析英语中六种基本颜色词的英美文化内涵16 浅析广告翻译中的文化顺应处理17 从文化角度分析中美房地产广告的差异18 浅析动画《加菲猫》和《加菲猫之双猫记》中的享乐主义和利己主义19 圣经原型解读《弗洛斯河上的磨坊》20 论《卡斯特桥市长》中哈代的进化向善论思想21 顺从的女人——分析《荒凉山庄》中埃斯特的形象22 从中美传统节日对比看节日的文化内涵23 成人的童话——《爱丽丝漫游奇境记》中象征主义的体现24 简析网络时代英语全球化25 查泰莱夫人的情人》的生态女性主义解读26 从社会文化价值方面比较中美情景喜剧差异27 论《喧哗与骚动》中昆丁的宿命28 《蝇王》的启示:理性的呼唤29 中文旅游文本英译中的歧义现象分析30 从中美婚宴差异看集体主义和个人主义
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