jiangxi is a city with a long history. There are many places of interest in it. Now let me tell you some of them. It is very big and you can learn much about the history of China from it. The total area of 166,900 square kilometers of Jiangxi, population 44,321,600, by the composition of the 11 prefecture-level cities, the provincial capital Nanchang。
jingdezhen is beautiful and famous,it Is a remarkable porcelain city 。
tengwangge is also a wonderful place to go。
I hope you will enjoy your staying in jiangxi附:江西是一个有着悠久历史的城市。
jiangxi is a city with a long history.There are many places of interest in it.Now let me tell you some of them.It is very big and you can learn much about the history of China from it.The total area of 166,900 square kilometers of Jiangxi,population 44,321,600,by the composition of the 11 prefecture-level cities,the provincial capital Nanchang.jingdezhen is beautiful and famous,it Is a remarkable porcelain city .tengwangge is also a wonderful place to go.I hope you will enjoy your staying in jiangxi附:江西是一个有着悠久历史的城市.在它里面有很多有趣的地方.现在让我来告诉你其中的一些.这是非常大的,你可以详细了解了中国从它的大部分历史.江西的16.69万,人口4432.16万平方公里,总面积由11个地级市,省会南昌的组成.景德镇是美丽而闻名,它是一个了不起的瓷城.滕王阁也是一个奇妙的地方.我希望你会喜欢你留在江西
Tengwang pavilion in jiangxi,east of ganjiang nanchang is jiangnan three outstanding well-sold has more than 1300 years of history.Tengwang pavilion there are many cultural persons leave the immortal poems,which WangBo wrote "LaXia and solitary seek fly together,autumn sky" became a total monochromatic bards sublime.Tengwang pavilion very ambitious.High 5.75 meters,covers an area of 47000 square meters,look outside,but there are three layer within seven layers.This kind of building structure is extremely rare,equivalent to us now 19 floors of the three-storey house.Looking down on the roof,it seems everything narrow dozens of times,one eye cannot see the gan's head.Xiao xue 123 The attic not only grand and beautiful and.Each layer eaves below were carved,some exquisite patterns.Pillars is scarlet,wall rows of neat rhombus of small grid,roof sides have two become warped up little horn,much like a boat.Attic inside door engraved with a bird standing in the branches,the other bird fly,like in reviewing across.Carved up these designs like a live is same,hundreds of thousands of tourists are their obsession!Tengwang pavilion are working people,China is the crystallization of the wisdom of valuable historical heritage.
Yellow Crane Tower, located on Snake Hill in Wuchang, is one of the "Three Famous Towers South of Yangtze River (the other two: Yueyang Tower in Hunan and Tengwang Tower in Jiangxi). Legend has it that in Wuchang, there used to be a wine shop opened by a young man named Xin. One day, a Taoist priest, in gratitude for free wine, drew a magic crane on the wall of the shop and instructed it to dance whenever it heard clapping. Thousands of people came to see the spectacle and the wine shop was always full of guests. After 10 years, the Taoist priest revisited the wine shop. He played the flute and then rode on the crane to the sky. In memory of the supernatural encounter and the priest, the Xins built a tower and named it Yellow Crane Tower. According to records, the tower was first built in 223 A.D during the Three Kingdoms period (220-280). After completion, the tower served as a gathering place for celebrities and poets to party and compose poetry. It was estimated that up to the Tongzhi Reign of the Qing dynasty, as many as 300 poems about the tower had been found in historical literature. Cui Hao, a famous poet during the Tang dynasty (618-907), made the tower well known throughout China with his poem "Yellow Crane Tower". Destroyed many times in successive dynasties, the tower was rebuilt time and again until 100 years ago when it was, for the last time, reduced to ashes. The present tower is a complete reconstruction and is the result of four years of work beginning in 1981. Where the old tower was only 15 meters wide, the ground floor of the new structure was increased to 20 meters wide. The tower, 51.4 meters high, is five-storied with yellow tiles and red pillars, overlapping ridges and interlocking eaves, more magnificent than the old one. The new Yellow Crane Tower is regarded as the symbol of Wuhan city黄鹤楼位于武昌蛇山之巅,自古与湖南岳阳楼,江西滕王阁并称为“江南三大名楼”。
A big shopping mall will be built near my home that is located in a lovely neighborhood.There are both pros and cons for the proposed construction.Building a shopping mall near my home would bring a lot of benefits to our neighborhood.Firstly,shopping would be much easier and more convenient than before.Without that big shopping mall,people in my neighborhood would have to take a 30 minutes bus ride to another shopping center.However,that shopping center is much smaller than the proposed shopping mall that have way more stores.If the big shopping mall is built,we no longer need to take public transportation or drive to other places for shopping.Secondly,because of the convenience in shopping,the market value of the houses in the neighborhood would go up.If any person in my neighborhood wants to sell their houses,they would make some profits by the transaction.Lastly,the proposed shopping mall has an indoor children's play area.The children in the neighborhood could go to the shopping mall and play in summer time.That could be a family's new weekend plan:the mother could go shopping while the father would watch their child playing in the play area.However,building such a shopping mall would also have foreseeable side effects.The most significant side effect is that the neighborhood would no longer be as quiet because the shopping mall will attract a lot of people.With more and more people coming into the area,people in my neighborhood may be concerned about the increased traffic and safety issues.Now,there isn't a lot of traffic in the area; however,after the shopping mall would be built,with the increased traffic,people in my neighborhood might get stuck in the traffic on their way home after work or school.Besides,the shopping mall may even attract criminals,such as thieves and robbers.They may decide to go to the shopping mall to steal money from the customers,which may increase the possibility of the comission of the crimes in my neighborhood.As a result,the fair market value of the houses in my neighborhood might go down inevitably.Although there are both pros and cons of having a shopping mall near my home,I think the benefit outweighs the disadvantages because the traffic and crime issues could be solved by having traffic lights and more security guards and the overall convenience to our entire neighborhood cannot be ignored.= =你自己修改一下吧···
As an outstanding representative of parallel prose,Wang Bo's "Preface to the Teng Wang Pavilion" uses lots of allusions,and they greatly enhanc its expressive effects by comparing ancient times with his time or expressing his own feelings .这是前两句
说起吕洞宾各位首先想到的是“苟杳吕洞宾不识好人心”,这要源于一个有趣的故事,吕洞宾有个同乡好友姓苟名杳,她父母双亡,吕洞宾家境很好,便把他叫到自己家里,并让他专心读书,日后好图个一官半职,有位客人了解到苟杳的家世,又见他谈吐文雅有道,举止端庄有礼,有心将自己的妹妹家给他,而苟杳早就慕这家姑娘 的芳蓉了,于是就让吕洞宾作媒,当吕洞宾将此事告给苟杳时,他非常乐意,这是吕洞宾给苟杳提出一个条件“贤弟成亲,必得先让我与与新娘同住三日”苟杳顿时噎的说不出话来,若不答应有怕娶不上娇妻,只好硬者头皮应承了。
” 待吕洞宾找到苟杳,苟杳十分吃惊,见吕洞宾消瘦潦倒的样子,几乎不敢相认,苟杳天天招待吕洞宾,一个月过去了,不提相助之事,吕洞宾见他是忘恩负义的小人,就不辞而别,自个儿往家里去了。
在中国帝王中,山西出现的帝王数不胜数,如:唐叔虞是山西太原人,春秋五霸之一的晋文公是山西曲沃人,汉代时期的刘渊是忻州人,后赵时石勒是榆社人,以及北魏时孝文帝,文成帝,北齐高洋高欢,后晋的石敬塘,后汉刘知远,北汉主刘崇后唐李存勖,大唐盛世异彩纷呈,一代女皇武则天出生在山西文水县,今天的文水南徐村,十四岁入宫,远离母亲,没有任何可以凭借的实力来到了一个陌生的世界,入宫后立为才人,赐号“媚娘”, 有一次,唐太宗问:“有一匹烈马,谁能驯服?”武则天走出来,认真地说:“只给我三样东西便可,鞭之不行锤击之,锤之不行给我以刀,”这番话从小小年纪的武则天口中说出,铿锵有力,掷地有声,她做太宗的才人11年,没有得以升迁,唐太宗临终前将她安排到感业寺当尼姑,早在作太宗后宫的时候,武则天和李治就暗地里来往,她早就把自己托付给这位比自己小四岁的太子身上,太宗逝世两周年之日,李治去感业寺进香,与思念的媚娘在禅房相会,高宗劝她耐心等待,一定安排她重进宫,对于武则天来说,这次机遇非常重要,因为加上11年,的才人生活,她有13年未能得志了,她必须也不得不改变自己的境况。
将令其婿作记,以夸盛事 翻译 ;准备让他的女婿写篇记,来夸耀这一盛事. 《唐才子传?? 王勃》勃字子安,太原人,王通之诸孙也.六岁善辞章.鳞德初,刘祥道表其材,对策高帝.未及冠,授朝散郎.沛王召署府修撰.时诸王斗鸡,勃戏为文檄英王鸡,高宗闻之怒,斥出府.勃既废,客剑南,登山旷望,慨然思诸葛之功,赋诗见情.又尝匿死罪官奴,恐事泄,辄杀之,事觉当诛,会赦除名.父福畤坐是左迁交趾令.勃往省觐,途过南昌.时都督阎公新修滕王阁成,九月九日,大会宾客,将令其婿作记,以夸盛事.勃至入谒,帅知其才,因请为之.勃欣然对客操觚,顷刻而就,文不加点,满座大惊.酒酣辞别,帅赠百缣,即举帆去.至炎方,舟入洋海溺死,时年二十九.勃属文绮丽,请者甚多,金帛盈积,心织而衣,笔耕而食.然不甚几精思.先磨墨数升,则酣饮,引被覆面卧,及寤,援笔成篇,不易一字,人谓之“腹稿”.尝言人子不可不知医,时长安曹元有秘方,勃尽得其术.又以虢州多药草,求补参军.倚才陵籍,僚吏疾之.有集三十卷及《舟中纂序》五卷,今行于世. 译文;王勃,字子安,太原人,王通的孙儿.王勃六岁时就擅长辞章.麟德初年,刘祥道上表称赞他的才干,以高名次对策及第.还没到二十岁,就授为朝散郎.沛王又把他招人府中作修撰.当时诸王斗鸡,王勃开玩笑写了篇给英王的鸡的檄文.高宗知道了很生气,将他赶出沛王府.王勃罢官以后,客居剑南,登山望远,很感慨地想起诸葛亮的功业,写诗表达情思.又曾经隐藏了一个犯了死罪的官奴,怕事情败露,就把这个官奴杀了.事被发觉该处死,正赶上大赦就只除名.父亲王福被牵连贬为交趾县令.王勃前往探望,路过南昌,当时都督阎公新修成腾王阁,大宴宾客,准备让他的女婿写篇记,来夸耀这一盛事.王勃到此拜见阎公,阎公知道他的才华,就请他来作记.王勃欣然对客提笔,一会儿就写成了,还不加修改,满座宾客大为惊奇.酒酣辞别.阎公赠送他一百匹缣,他就扬帆离去.到了炎方,船入大海,王勃被淹死,当时是二十九岁.王勃诗文华丽,请他作文的人很多,家里堆满了帛.靠写作来弄衣穿,靠笔耕来饮食.但也不用苦心思索.而先磨好几升墨,然后痛快饮酒,躺下拉过被子蒙面大睡;醒来后,提笔就写成,一个字也不须改动,人们称之为“腹稿”.他曾说做儿子的不能不懂点医,当时长安有个叫曹元的有秘方,王勃把他的本领统统学到手.又因为虢州多产药草,王勃请求去虢州做参军.他倚仗有才欺凌人家,同事们都很讨厌他.他留下集子三十卷、《舟中纂序》五卷,如今在世上流传.