Al Gore presents an extremely persuasive, entertaining and convincing
lecture on the science of global warming, it's impact and our role and
responsibility towards it. Like most people watching, I do not have a
scientific background and don't know enough about the science to verify
for myself the claims that Gore presents. Thankfully though, we live in
the information age where the research I have done has only supported
this movie.
To tackle some common complaints: first of all, Gore hardly mentions
the 2000 election at all, and where he does it is only presented within
the context of his motivation to hit the road and continue presenting
this lecture. To suggest he spends anything other then a couple of
minutes on this is a gross misrepresentation of the movie. Secondly,
Gore does not 'claim' anything himself here; he merely presents
inarguable fact to reach an inescapable conclusion. It is astonishing
that there are so many would-be intelligent people who try to muddy the
whole issue of global warming to satisfy a base desire to score some
cheap political point. It's inappropriate, irresponsible and dangerous.
Ultimately, this movie leaves you with both a desire to make a change
(and points you in the direction of how you can start) and leaves you
feeling an appropriate level of guilt for your part in the collective
eroding of our beautiful world that has taken place over the last fifty
years. Compelling and unexpectedly entertaining also, this is one of
the few must-see movies of 2006.
你听说过北极熊因为气候变暖,导致冰层融化而必须游泳96公里觅食,结果体力不支溺死吗? 北极的冰如果全部融化,海平面上升,上海肯定就不存在了. 我们就像一群寄生虫,生活在一个魔法师从礼貌里变出来的兔子的毛皮深处,大部分人满足于温暖舒适的生活.有几个人,顺着毛皮向顶端爬,看到很多人看不见的东西.并象大众呼吁.而我有幸更加接近它. 看过这部影片,有很多话不吐不快. 全球变暖到底离我们多远?当我想去西藏,发现雪山雪崩,想去云南,发现梅里雪山上的雪越来越少. 卡特里那飓风的形成和温室效应有关.全球自然灾害的发生量大大增加.还有印度洋上的海啸. 圣经上的最终审判日到来了吗? 了不起的人类到底有多了不起? 科学的进步很快,但是人性的进步很慢.几百年前,人们是怎么对待那个说宇宙是无限大的布鲁诺呢,他在1600年被绑在罗马花市的一根柱子上活活烧死.苏格拉底这位雅典最正直的人最后还是被判了死刑. 现在还是有人唱着来世间一场游戏.的确,人生如梦,如果现实变成一场梦,而梦变成了现实,那到底是恶梦还是美梦? 我们是时代大转轮上的小白鼠,永不停歇的挥洒年轻旺盛的精力,我们只需要有事做吗? 南丁.格尔说过,无所事事是最危险的一种状态.上帝保佑这个善良,为护理事业做出伟大贡献的女人. 有人说我们也是一艘艘载满基因片段的船,当我们驶离港口,驶入下一个港湾,把货物传递下去,便完成了我们的历史史命.并且还有文化的传承,人类和动物的区别就在于人类会思考.所以,无法继承3000年文化的人,是没有未来的. 所以我们将给后代子孙留下些什么呢. 这唯一的地球,这只是太空中的一点星光,却承载了所有的悲欢离和,是非成败.这是我们的生存所依,保护着我们,也需要我们保护的唯一.
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