grand piano 三角钢琴, 大钢琴 keyboard 键盘 key 键
pedal 踏板 pianola 自动钢琴 harpsichord 击弦古钢琴 string 琴弦
hammer 琴槌
organ 管风琴 barrel organ 手摇风琴 harmonium 风琴 register, organ stop 调音器 accordion 手风琴
violin 小提琴 viola 中提琴 cello, violoncello 大提琴 contrabass, double bass 低音提琴
harp 竖琴 zither 齐特拉琴, 九弦琴 lyre 里拉琴, 七弦琴 lute 诗琴, 硫特琴
Chinese lute,
banjo 班卓琴
guitar 吉他 electric guitar 电吉他
first string 第一弦 bass string 低音弦 sound box 音箱
bridge 琴马, 弦马flute 横笛 pipe, shawm 芦笛 harmonica, mouth organ 口琴
bagpipes 风笛
English horn, tenor oboe, coranglais 英国管
clarinet 单簧管 bassoon 低音管, 巴松管 brass instruments 铜管乐器 double bassoon, contrabassoon 倍低音管 horn, trumpet 小号
cornet 军号, 短号 trombone 低音号 saxophone 萨克管
drum, kettledrum 鼓 drumstick 鼓槌 cymbals 铙, 钹
tambourine 手鼓 small tambourine 小手鼓 bass drum 低音鼓, 大鼓 drumstick 鼓槌 cymbals 铙, 钹
xylophone 木琴 vibraphone 颤声器 castanets 响板
AMPLIFIER (AMP )音箱模拟 CHORUS 合唱 ANALOG DELAY 模拟延时器 CLEAN 清彻音 ATTACK 打进声(却切的是增加失真状态下的力度)
CONTROL 控制(一般用于控制踏板插入口的指示)
AUTO 自动 CRUNCH (CHUNCH 音色有点类似轻度失真)
BANK 组合 DEPTH 深度 LAMP 指示灯 REVERB 混响(效果器)
FOOT SW 脚踏开关 PLAY 弹(放)
FOOT VOLUNE 脚踏音量控制器 POWER 电源、功率
HARD 硬(指声音) PROGRAM 程序
HIGH 高(指声音的高调) RATE 比率
INPUT 输入插孔 RECORD 录、录音
JACK 插梢(或指插孔) REPEAT 反复
LEFT 左(声道) RIGHT 右(声道)
LEVEL 电平(音量或者程度) SEND 发送
LOW 低(指音量) SELECTOR 选择钮
MASTER VOL 总音量 SHORT 短(指持续音)
MIDDLE 中音 SHARP 尖锐(指声音)
NOISE GATE 噪声闸(效果器的一种)SIGNAL 信号 NUT 琴马 SOUND 音响
OVER DRIVE 驱动器(效果器的一种)SOFT 柔和 指声音)
PITCH 音准 SUSTAIN 持续音(延音)
TONE 音调 TEMPO 拍子速度
TUBE MANIA 管爆(失真器果的一种)W AW 哇音 WRITE 存储(写入)
毕业设计(论文) 英文翻译
注意:浦江学院请写-浦江学院-电气工程及其自动化 此行删除
学生姓名: 学 号:
所在学院: 自动化与电气工程学院
专 业: 电气工程及其自动化
翻译中文内容字数3000字, 后附英文原文
2011年 12 月
摘自《传感器与激励器》B ,77,(2001):186--189
基于CPLD 芯片的实时多路天然气泄露检测器
Wan-Young Chung ,Duk-Dong Lee
一个多路天然气泄漏监测系统是用复杂可编程的逻辑设备(CPLD)设计制造的。它监测并控制地下天然气供应管道中天然气泄漏的情况。平面结构的天然气感应器在起着安全作用的钢管地保护之下与天然气供应管道相连, 若干联网的天然气感应器组成地方监测系统用来接收来自与钢管相连的感应器的信号。监测系统采用 CPLD 芯片实现是为了减少系统和系统大小之间的交换时间。分时多路系统的在单个的周期中只接受了单个的天然气感应器的输入信号,信号的处理是连续地。这个制成的系统可以使用小规模的监测系统来检测当地范围的天然气管道情况。
1. 一级标题三号宋体加粗居左
目前,天然气因为它的使用安全并且环保而变成非常重要的燃料。因为能源需求的逐渐增加同时天然气可以取代那些对环境有影响燃料,所以世界许多地方都在竞争天然气的使用权益。许多国家在关注了全球气候变暖和当地空气污染的不断严重后,鼓励增加对天然气的使用, 因为它的燃烧洁净度胜于石油和煤。在 1990 和 2010 之间,天然气在全世界范围内的消费计划要增长 47% 。
2. 监测系统的结构
制成的SnO2厚薄膜是天然气泄露检测器的基础,检测器安装在装有安全措施的钢板内部,钢板是在天然气供应管道之上安装的,在研究中发现当地的监测系统是可以接受了来自于安装在安全钢板上的检测器的信号。在这项研究中, 有着四路信号采集信道的监测系统被研制完成,它可以用来接受了四个分布式检测器对煤气泄露信号的采集。检测器完成检测所需要的电功率可以从安装检测器的地方电源或者从当地的监测系统来提供。
2.2 信号的处理和输出
信号处理部份是由解码器,比较器和环行计数器组成的。输入的3位信号被解码成6位信号,而且使用环行计数器使得信号输出为同步信道。一个主比较器是由二个 3 位比较器组成的,而且输入的3 位信号要与芯片中储存着的两个标准值相比较,这也就是说,在芯片中储存着第一低浓度水平警报和第二高浓度水平警报。被环行计数器选择的
信道用一个LED 灯显示, 天然气泄露的气体浓度用并列着的7个LED 灯显示,并且在当天然气泄露的时候系统将能够根据泄露天然气的气体浓度来给出不同的报警信号。
3. 系统结构特性
3.1 计算机模拟
以SRAM 为基础的基于CPLD 的可编程逻辑装置
图1 测试电路图(图名5号字宋体居中)
3.2 硬件结构
5. 摘要和总结
[1] 刘伟. 传感器实训教程[M].南京:东南大学出版社,2003.
[2] 陈国华. 通用红外线遥控集成电路[J].电子世界.1998(7):319-323.
《师说》 ?英文翻译
? In ?ancie?nt ti?mes t?hose ?who w?anted? to l?earn ?would? seek? out ?a tea?cher,?one w?ho co?uld p?ropag?ate t?he do?ctrin?e1,im?part ?profe?ssion?al kn?owled?ge,an?d res?olve ?doubt?s. Si?nce n?o one? is b?orn o?mnisc?ient,?who c?an cl?aim t?o hav?e no ?doubt?s,If ?one h?as do?ubts ?and i?s not? will?ing t?o lea?rn fr?om a ?teach?er,hi?s dou?bts w?ill n?ever ?be re?solve?d. An?yone ?who w?as bo?rn be?fore ?me an?d lea?rned ?the d?octri?ne be?fore ?me is? my t?eache?r. An?yone ?who w?as bo?rn af?ter m?e and? lear?ned t?he do?ctrin?e bef?ore m?e is ?also ?my te?acher?. Sin?ce wh?at I ?desir?e to ?learn? is t?he do?ctrin?e,why? shou?ld I ?care ?wheth?er he? was ?born ?befor?e or ?after? me,T?heref?ore,i?t doe?s not? matt?er wh?ether? a pe?rson ?is hi?gh or? low ?in po?sitio?n,you?ng or? old ?in ag?e. Wh?ere t?here ?is th?e doc?trine?,ther?e is ?my te?acher?.
? Ala?s~The? trad?ition? of l?earni?ng fr?om th?e tea?cher ?has l?ong b?een n?eglec?ted. ?Thus ?it is? diff?icult? to f?ind a? pers?on wi?thout? any ?doubt?s at ?all. ?Ancie?nt sa?ges,w?ho fa?r sur?passe?d
us,?even ?learn?ed fr?om th?eir t?eache?rs. P?eople? toda?y,who? are ?far i?nferi?or to? them?,rega?rd le?arnin?g fro?m the? teac?her a?s a d?isgra?ce. T?hus,w?ise m?en be?e ?more ?wise ?and u?nlear?ned m?en be?e ?more ?fooli?sh. T?his e?xplai?ns wh?at ma?kes a? wise? man ?and w?hat m?akes ?a foo?lish ?man.
?It is? absu?rd th?at a ?perso?n wou?ld ch?oose ?a tea?cher ?for h?is so?n out? of h?is lo?ve fo?r him?,and ?yet r?efuse? to l?earn ?from ?the t?eache?r him?self,?think?ing i?t a d?isgra?ce to? do s?o. Th?e tea?cher ?of hi?s son? teac?hes t?he ch?ild o?nly r?eadin?g and? punc?tuati?on,wh?ich i?s not? prop?agati?ng th?e doc?trine? or r?esolv?ing d?oubts? as t?he af?oreme?ntion?ed. I? don“?t thi?nk it? wise? to l?earn ?from ?the t?eache?r whe?n one? does?n”t k?now h?ow to? punc?tuate?,but ?not w?hen o?ne ha?s dou?bts u?nreso?lved,?for t?hat I? find? to b?e the? foll?y of ?learn?ing i?n sma?ll ma?tters?,but ?negle?cting? the ?big o?nes. ?Even ?medic?ine m?en,mu?sicia?ns an?d han?dicra?ftsme?n do ?not t?hink ?it di?sgrac?eful ?to le?arn f?rom e?ach o?ther.? When? one ?of th?e lit?erati? call?s ano?ther ?man h?is“te?acher?”and ?himse?lf hi?s“stu?dent”?peopl?e wil?l get? toge?ther ?and i?nvari?ably ?laugh? at h?im. I?f you? ask ?them ?why t?hey a?re la?ughin?g,the?y wil?l say? that? sinc?e he ?is al?most ?of th?e sam?e age? and ?as er?udite? as a?nothe?r man?,it w?ould ?be de?gradi?ng fo?r him? to c?all t?he ot?her m?an“te?acher?”if t?he ot?her m?an“s ?socia?l ran?k is ?lower? than? his;?and i?t wou?ld be? flat?terin?g if ?the o?ther ?man”s? soci?al ra?nk is? high?er. A?las~I?t is ?clear? that? the ?tradi?tion ?of le?arnin?g
rest?ored.? Medi?cine ?men,m?usici?ans a?nd fro?m the? teac?her c?an no? long?er be?
ha?ndicr?aftsm?en ar?e des?pised? by t?he ge?ntlem?en. H?ow st?range? it i?s tha?t gen?tleme?n are? less? wise? than? thes?e peo?ple~
?The a?ncien?t sag?es di?d not? limi?t the?mselv?es to? part?icula?r tea?chers?. Con?fuciu?s had? lear?ned f?rom p?eople? like? Tanz?i2,Ch?angho?ng3,S?hixia?ng4,a?nd La?odan5?,who ?were ?not a?s vir?tuous? and ?talen?ted a?s Con?fuciu?s. Co?nfuci?us sa?id“If? thre?e men? are ?walki?ng to?gethe?r,one? of t?hem i?s bou?nd to? be g?ood e?nough? to b?e my ?teach?er.”A? stud?ent i?s not? nece?ssari?ly in?ferio?r to ?his t?eache?r,nor? does? a te?acher? nece?ssari?ly be? more? virt?uous ?and t?alent?ed th?an hi?s stu?dent.? The ?real ?fact ?is th?at on?e mig?ht ha?ve le?arned? the ?doctr?ine e?arlie?r tha?n the? othe?r,or ?might? be a? mast?er in? his ?own s?pecia?l fie?ld.
P?an,th?e son? of L?i“s f?amily?,who ?is on?ly se?vente?en ye?ars o?ld,lo?ves t?o stu?dy Ch?inese? clas?sics ?of th?e Qin? and ?Han d?ynast?ies,a?nd ma?sters? the ?six j?ing6 ?and t?heir ?annot?ation?s. He? does? not ?follo?w con?venti?ons a?nd is? will?ing t?o lea?rn fr?om me?. I a?pprec?iate ?his a?bilit?y to ?act i?n acc?ordan?ce wi?th th?e old? trad?ition? of l?earni?ng. T?heref?ore I? dedi?cate ?this ?piece? to h?im.
Our pany is devoted to building up a ceramic culture industry and doing further research bining with features of regional culture. Our pany aims to provide a platform for amateurs of ceramic culture , exchanging ceramic culture and sharing resources.
Since our pany was founded, there have been many artists acknowledging and joining our pany. With many years’ efforts, our pany has a multi -level and multiaspect art-making team, which has offered many custom-made artworks for all circles of the society. Up to now, our pany has set up Art Collections Department, Ceramic Development Department, Local Culture Department, Culture Exchanges Department. There are more than 60 artists in those departments.
Our pany has invested lots of manpower and material resources in the area of ceramic culture.With the great efforts of all the stuff, we have collected ceramic artworks of recent 100 years in the Art Collections Department of our pany, which includes nearly 300 nonesuch, boutiques created by Eight friends of Zhushan , recent ceramic artists, professors, provincial masters of arts and crafts, Chinese masters of arts and crafts and so on.
Blue and white porcelain which is always abbreviated as blue and white is one of the main kinds of Chinese ceramics, belonging to the underglaze colour porcelain. The raw material of blue and white is cobalt ore. Blue and white is made by follow steps: firstly, we paint ornamentation on the ceramic body; secondly, cover it with the transparent glaze; finally fire it with reducing flame.
The colour of cobalt bees blue after being fired, which has the traits of good coloration, bright chromatic colour, high burning rate and stable colour presentation. Original blue and white started to take shape in Tang and Song dynasty, while the mature blue and white was produced in Hutian kiln of Jingdezhen in Yuan dynasty. The blue and white in Ming dynasty has bee the main strain of ceramics and reached the peak in the reign of Kangxi in Qing dynasty.
In Ming and Qing dynasty, people had created new varieties of the blue and white , such as the blue and white of five colors, the blue and white of peacock green glaze , the blue and white of pea green glaze , the blue and white of red glaze, the blue and white of yellow glaze, the blue and white of crackle glaze and so on.
Chemical name: N-Methyl-2-pyrrolidinone; 1-Methyl-2-pyrrolidone; N-Methyl-2-Pyrrolidone;
CAS NO.:872-50-4
Molecular formula: C5H9NO Molecular weight: 99.134
Structural formula: Density(D420)g/ml: 1.028~1.033
Melting point: -23.6? Boiling point: 202?C
Flash point:
PH-value(100g/l)at 95? 245?C Ignition temperature 20? 7.5-10 1.796 mPas Dynamic at 20? Refractive 1.465-1.475
Colourless transparent liquid,it has strong water absorption. Properties: It can almost dissolve in all the solvents
N-methyl pyrrolidone Specifications (Operative Standard: Q/1400MCX002-2009) :
Item Electronic grade Industrial Grade Test Method
Colorless Colorless Appearance Eye-measurement transparent liquid transparent liquid
Purity % ?99.90 ?99.50 Gas chromatography
Moisture % ?0.020 ?0.050 Karl Fischer method
Tone APHA ?10 ?15 Colorimetry
Density (D420) g/ml 1.027-1.035 1.027-1.035 Proportion
Refractive rate (nD20) 1.465-1.475 1.465-1.475 Spectrophotometry
PH Value (20?,100g/L) 7.5-10 7.5-10 Potential method
As a high-selective polar solvent and nitrogen heterocycle pound, NMP has such advantages
as non-toxicity, high boiling point, low corrosion, high solubility, low viscosity, low volatility and
good stability and high selectivity.
N-Methyl-pyrrolidone(electronic grade) is mainly used in such fields as: (1) As solvent of poly(1,1-difluoro-Ethene); or electrode's accessory material of lithium ion
(2)As remover liquid of photoresist; in the production of LCD materials;
(3)As solvent in pharmacy;
(4)Cleaning of precision instruments and circuit board.
1-Methyl-2-pyrrolidinone(industrial grade) is mainly used in such fields as:
(1)Extraction and recycling of organic raw materials in petrochemical industry
(2)Refining of lubricating oils
(3)As solvent of polymers and in polymerization.
(4) As solvent of resin processing in the manufacture of coatings, lacquer for floor, varnish,
pound coating filming, enameled wire of IC, fiber fabrics and adhesives, etc.
(5) As industrial-use detergents in the cleaning of chemical equipments, stem, adhesive material
and coatings etc.
(6) As solvent and dispersant in the production of pesticides and pigments.
Storage and transportation:
Store in cool and airy place; keep away from fire and heat; handle with care; avoid leakage
标 题: 工科英文翻译
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农业水土工程 Agricultural Water-Soil Engineering
农业生物环境与能源工程 Agricultural Biological Environmental and Energy
农业电气化与自动化 Agricultural Electrification and Automation 林业工程 Forestry Engineering
森林工程 Forest Engineering
木材科学与技术 Wood Science and Technology
林产化学加工工程 Chemical Processing Engineering of Forest Products 环境科学与工程 Environmental Science and Engineering
环境科学 Environmental Science
环境工程 Environmental Engineering
生物医学工程 Biomedical Engineering
食品科学与工程 Food Science and Engineering
食品科学 Food Science
粮食、油脂及植物蛋白工程 Cereals, Oils and Vegetable Protein Engineering 农产品加工及贮藏工程 Processing and Storage of Agriculture Products 水产品加工及贮藏工程 Processing and Storage of Aquatic Products
管理科学与工程 Management Science and Engineering
工商管理学 Science of Business Administration
会计学 Accounting
企业管理学(含财务管理、市场营销学、人力资源管理学) Corporate Management
(including Financial Management, Marketing, and Human Resources Management)
旅游管理学 Tourist Management
技术经济及管理学 Technology Economy and Management
农林经济管理学 Agricultural and Forestry Economics & Management 农业经济管理学 Agricultural Economics & Management
林业经济管理学 Forestry Economics & Management
公共管理学 Science of Public Management
行政管理学 Administration Management
社会医学与卫生事业管理学 Social Medicine and Health Management 教育经济与管理学 Educational Economy and Management
社会保障学 Social Security
土地资源管理学 Land Resource Management
图书馆、情报与档案学 Science of Library, Information and Archival 图书馆学 Library Science
情报学 Information Science
档案学 Archival Science
academy of automation 自动化学院
puter 计算机
maths and physics 数理
media technology 传媒技术
photoelectric engineering 光电工程
telemunication and information engineering 通信与信息工程
tong da 通达
foreign language 外语
social science 社会科学
academy of Economy and Management
作文七:《《大学》英文翻译《THE GREAT LEARNING》》9200字
What the Great Learning teaches, is to illustrate illustrious virtue; to renovate the people; and to rest in the highest excellence.
The point where to rest being known, the object of pursuit is then determined; and, that being determined, a calm unperturbedness may be attained to. To that calmness there will succeed a tranquil repose. In that repose there may be careful deliberation, and that deliberation will be followed by the attainment of the desired end.
Things have their root and their branches. Affairs have their end and their beginning. To know what is first and what is last will lead near to what is taught in the Great Learning. The ancients who wished to illustrate illustrious virtue throughout the kingdom, first ordered well their own states. Wishing to order well their states, they first regulated their families. Wishing to regulate their families, they first cultivated their persons. Wishing to cultivate their persons, they first rectified their hearts. Wishing to rectify their hearts, they first sought to be sincere in their thoughts. Wishing to be sincere in their thoughts, they first extended to the utmost their knowledge. Such extension of knowledge lay in the investigation of things.
Things being investigated, knowledge became plete. Their knowledge being plete, their thoughts were sincere. Their thoughts being sincere, their hearts were then rectified. Their hearts being rectified, their persons were cultivated. Their persons being cultivated, their families were regulated. Their families being regulated, their states were rightly governed. Their states being rightly governed, the whole kingdom was made tranquil and happy.
From the Son of Heaven down to the mass of the people, all must consider the cultivation of the person the root of everything besides.
It cannot be, when the root is neglected, that what should spring from it will be well ordered. It never has been the case that what was of great importance has been slightly cared for, and, at the same time, that what was of slight importance has been greatly cared for.
In the Announcement to Kang, it is said,
These passages all show how those sovereigns made themselves illustrious.
On the bathing tub of Tang, the following words were engraved:
In the Announcement to Kang, it is said,
In the Book of Poetry, it is said,
Therefore, the superior man in everything uses his utmost endeavors.
In the Book of Poetry, it is said,
In the Book of Poetry, it is said,
In the Book of Poetry, it is said,
a feeling of reverence did he regard his resting places!
benevolence. As a minister, he rested in reverence. As a son, he rested in filial piety. As a father, he rested in kindness. In munication with his subjects, he rested in good faith. In the Book of Poetry, it is said,
In the Book of Poetry, it is said,
This is called knowing the root. This is called the perfecting of knowledge.
What is meant by
self-enjoyment. Therefore, the superior man must be watchful over himself when he is alone. There is no evil to which the mean man, dwelling retired, will not proceed, but when he sees a superior man, he instantly tries to disguise himself, concealing his evil, and displaying what is good. The other beholds him, as if he saw his heart and reins. Of what use is his disguise? This is an instance of the saying:
The disciple Zeng said,
Riches adorn a house, and virtue adorns the person. The mind is expanded, and the body is at ease. Therefore, the superior man must make his thoughts sincere.
What is meant by,
When the mind is not present, we look and do not see; we hear and do not understand; we
eat and do not know the taste of what we eat.
This is what is meant by saying that the cultivation of the person depends on the rectifying of the mind.
What is meant by
Hence it is said, in the mon adage:
This is what is meant by saying that if the person be not cultivated, a man cannot regulate his family.
What is meant by
In the Announcement to Kang, it is said,
From the loving example of one family a whole state bees loving, and from its courtesies the whole state bees courteous while, from the ambition and perverseness of the One man, the whole state may be led to rebellious disorder. Such is the nature of the influence. This verifies the saying,
Yao and Shun led on the kingdom with benevolence and the people followed them. Jie and Zhou led on the kingdom with violence, and people followed them. The orders which these issued were contrary to the practices which they loved, and so the people did not follow them. On this account, the ruler must himself be possessed of the good qualities, and then he may require them in the people. He must not have the bad qualities in himself, and then he may require that they shall not be in the people. Never has there been a man, who, not having reference to his own character and wishes in dealing with others, was able effectually to instruct them.
Thus we see how the government of the state depends on the regulation of the family. In the Book of Poetry, it is said,
the people of the state.
This is what is meant by saying,
What is meant by
What a man dislikes in his superiors, let him not display in the treatment of his inferiors; what he dislikes in inferiors, let him not display in the service of his superiors; what he hates in those who are before him, let him not therewith precede those who are behind him; what he hates in those who are behind him, let him not bestow on the left; what he hates to receive on the left, let him not bestow on the right. This is what is called
In the Book of Poetry, it is said,
In the Book of Poetry, it is said,
In the Book of Poetry, it is said,
On this account, the ruler will first take pains about his own virtue. Possessing virtue will give him the people. Possessing the people will give the territory. Possessing the territory will give him its wealth. Possessing the wealth, he will have resources for expenditure. Virtue is the root; wealth is the result.
If he make the root his secondary object, and the result his primary, he will only wrangle with his people, and teach them rapine.
Hence, the accumulation of wealth is the way to scatter the people; and the letting it be scattered among them is the way to collect the people.
And hence, the ruler's words going forth contrary to right, will e back to him in the same way, and wealth, gotten by improper ways, will take its departure by the same. In the Announcement to Kang, it is said,
In the Book of Chu, it is said,
Duke Wen's uncle, Fan, said,
In the Declaration of the Duke of Qin, it is said,
a minister will be able to preserve my sons and grandsons and black-haired people, and
benefits likewise to the kingdom may well be looked for from him. But if it be his character, when he finds men of ability, to be jealous and hate them; and, when he finds acplished and perspicacious men, to oppose them and not allow their advancement, showing himself really not able to bear them: such a minister will not be able to protect my sons and grandsons and people; and may he not also be pronounced dangerous to the state?
It is only the truly virtuous man who can send away such a man and banish him, driving him out among the barbarous tribes around, determined not to dwell along with him in the Middle Kingdom. This is in accordance with the saying,
To see men of worth and not be able to raise them to office; to raise them to office, but not to do so quickly: this is disrespectful. To see bad men and not be able to remove them; to remove them, but not to do so to a distance: this is weakness.
To love those whom men hate, and to hate those whom men love;-this is to outrage the natural feeling of men. Calamities cannot fail to e down on him who does so. Thus we see that the sovereign has a great course to pursue. He must show entire self-devotion and sincerity to attain it, and by pride and extravagance he will fail of it. There is a great course also for the production of wealth. Let the producers be many and the consumers few. Let there be activity in the production, and economy in the expenditure. Then the wealth will always be sufficient.
The virtuous ruler, by means of his wealth, makes himself more distinguished. The vicious ruler accumulates wealth, at the expense of his life.
Never has there been a case of the sovereign loving benevolence, and the people not loving righteousness. Never has there been a case where the people have loved righteousness, and the affairs of the sovereign have not been carried to pletion. And never has there been a case where the wealth in such a state, collected in the treasuries and arsenals, did not continue in the sovereign's possession.
The officer Meng Xian said,
When he who presides over a state or a family makes his revenues his chief business, he must be under the influence of some small, mean man. He may consider this man to be good; but when such a person is employed in the administration of a state or family, calamities from Heaven, and injuries from men, will befall it together, and, though a good
man may take his place, he will not be able to remedy the evil. This illustrates again the saying,
洛神赋图卷(摹本)(晋)顾恺之 绢本,纵27厘米,横572厘米
A Copy of The Nymph of the Luo River. Painted on silk. Gu Kaizi. Jin Dynasty(265-420). 27 cm x 572 cm
Anonymous, Song Dynasty(960-1279): “The Nymph of the Luo River”, after Gu Kaizi, Jin Dynasty(265-420) Painted on silk, long scroll, 27 cm x 572 cm 游春图卷 (隋)展子虔(传)绢本,纵43厘米,横80.5厘米
A River View in Spring. Painted on silk, attributed to Zhan Ziqian. Sui Dynasty(581-618). 43 cm x 80.5 cm
Attributed to Zhan Ziqian, Sui Dynasty (581-618):
A River View in Spring
Painted on silk, scroll, 43 x 80.5 cm
《洛神赋图》:The Nymph of the Luo River、The Goddess of the Luo River、The Goddess of Luo
《潇湘图》:The Xiangjiang River、Scenery Along the Xiao and Xiang Rivers、Xiaoxiang 《游春图》:A River View in Spring、Spring Outing
《文姬归汉图》:Wenji Returning to Han、The Return of Wenji from Captivity
《韩熙载夜宴图》:Han Xizai Giving a Night Banquet、Han Xizai Attending an Evening Banquet
2 绘画标题说明的文本功能及汉译英原则
3 英文绘画标题说明的文体特点
3.1 完整的英文绘画标题说明的构成部分一般包括:姓名、标题、作画时间、材质、尺寸、收藏或捐赠情况等。例如:
Pablo Picasso: Les Demoiselles d?Avignon, 1907
Oil on canvas, 243.9 x 233.7 cm
The Museum of Modern Art, New York
3.2 英文画册绘画标题说明的各部分通常排列成三行,依次为:“姓名:标题,作画时间”、“材质,尺寸”和“收藏或捐赠”。也有分为四行的:“姓名:”、“标题,作画时间”、“材质,尺寸”和“收藏或捐赠”。若是个人绘画专集,则姓名缺省。每行齐头,因排版限制而需转行时也齐头。例如:
Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres: The Golden Age, 1862
Oil on paper mounted on a wood panel, 47.9 x 62.9 cm
The Fogg Art Museum, Harvard University Art Museum, Cambridge (MA)
3.3 标题的文体特点:
3.3.2语法:标题一般为名词或名词性短语,并常有介词短语、分词、分词短语等做其修饰成分,但少有形容词和副词等做其修饰成分。例如:“Studies”、“Self-portrait”、“Flowers and Sculpture”、“Portrait of Victor Chocquet”、“View of Chateau Noir”、“Still Life with Apples and Peaches”、“Self-portrait in Shirtsleeves”、“Nude with White Towel”、“Nude on a Blue Cushion by a Fireplace”、“Standing Model”、“Study of Female Nude, Standing, Back”、“Seated Nude on a Red Background”、“Semi-nude Woman Standing”、“Nude Sitting in an Armchair”、“Nude Recliningon Flowered Ground”、“Nude Woman Doing a Headstand”、“Nude Standing in front of an Open Door”、“Dancer Sitting on the Table”。也有标题为分词短语,如:“Thinking of History from My Space”、“Waiting for the Rising Moon in the Western Chamber
绘画标题有的以句子构成:“Where Do We Come From? What Are We? Where Are We Going To?”、“Everything is Grand for the Kings. Letter to André Rouveyre”。但是用完整的句子作绘画作品的标题很少见。偶尔也有从句作标题的,如:“Where I Played as a Child (Suzhou)”。
有一个常见而特别的名词复数形式需注意:“still life”的复数形式是“still lifes”。
标题之首的不定冠词常省略,例如:“Violin Player at the Window”、“Woman with an Amber Necklace”、“Head of Lorette with Two Curls”、“Hat with Feathers”、“Odalisque in Turkisl Trousers”、“Sleeping Figure”、“Seated Woman”、“Ballet Dancer”、“Head”、“Hair”、“”、“Woman in Yellow and Blue with Guitar”、“Young Woman in Pink
标题之首的定冠词则通常不省略,例如:“The Mill”、“The Piano Lesson”、“The Italian Woman”、“The Black Table”、“The Artist with his Model”、“The White Plumes”、“The Feathered Hat”、“The Dream”、“The Afternoon”、“The Sadness of the King”。
Matisse: Still Life with Oranges (II), 1899
Oil on canvas, 46.7 x 55.2 cm
Washington University Gallery of Art, St. Louis (MO)
标题之中所含的绘画作品标题,用双引号表示。例如:Study for “Young Girl in a Green Dress”、Study for “Portrait of Sarah Stein”、Unfinished Version of “The Dance”(right-hand panel) 、Mask, Study for “Large Decoration with Masks”。
Matisse: Untitled, 1930-1931
Graphite pencil, 28 x 21.6 cm
Musée National d?Art Moderne, Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris
4 中文绘画标题说明的文体特点和各构成部分的翻译
比较而言,中、英文绘画标题说明这一文本在信息的内容和传达形式上都有一定的差异。 与英文绘画标题说明不一样的是:中文绘画标题说明信息或详或简,通常包括标题、作者及其所处朝代,现代中国画则通常包括标题、作者和绘制年代;中文标题说明中通常有作者所处朝代的说明,而英文中则通常对作品的绘制年代加以说明;中文中一般无收藏、捐赠等情况的说明;其构成部分习惯上排列为一行,排列顺序无一定之规。
布袋和尚图轴 (宋)梁楷 绢本,纵31.3厘米,横24.5厘米
Monk with a Bag. Painted on silk, Liang Kai, Song Dynasty. 31.3 cm x 24.5 cm
Liang Kai, Song Dynasty(960-1279):
Monk with a Bag
Painted on silk, vertical scroll, 31.3 x 24.5 cm
4.1姓名的翻译 若是画家个人的画集、画册,绘画标题说明中的姓名这一部分在中文中一般均未标出,英译时同样也无须补译姓名。
“(传)”如何译?一般译为“Attributed to …”。
多字号如何译?用括号夹注,注明其常用名。如以下两例中,画册中《兰竹册页》四幅作者题款为“板桥”或“板桥居士”,《兰竹图轴》则为“板桥郑燮”。图下所附说明均标为“郑燮”。翻译时,译者以括号加夹注。不过,按该画册实际情况,译文似有可改进之处。 兰竹册页 (清)郑燮 纸本
Album of Orchids and Bamboo. Ink on paper , Zheng Xie (Zheng Banqiao), Qing Dynasty
兰竹图轴 (清)郑燮 纸本
Orchids and Bamboo. Colour on paper, Zheng Xie (Zheng Banqiao), Qing Dynasty 以上两例分别改译为:
Zheng Xie (Zheng Banqiao), Qing Dynasty (1644-1911):
Orchids and Bamboo Ink on paper, four leaves from an album Zheng Xie (Zheng Banqiao), Qing Dynasty (1644-1911): Orchids and Bamboo Color on paper, scroll 4.2 中文绘画标题的文体特点及其翻译 4.2.1标题文体特点 词汇:常用词汇有“图、图轴、卷、长卷”等。
语法:一部分标题为短句,如:《文姬归汉图》(Wenji Returning to Han),《明妃出塞图》(Wang Zhaojun Going out of the Pass)。一部分标题为名词性短语,其结构或并列或偏正或主谓。名词无单复数形式,但英译时必须借助画面分清:人有几个?是山还是群山或山脉?等等。若是单数,标题之首的不定冠词常可省略,但定冠词不然;若是复数,须加复数后缀。
汉语标题常以“图”、“图卷”、“图轴”等字眼结尾。“图”字通常省略不译。而“卷”、“轴”译成英文后,可置于材质和尺寸一行中。“无题”二字译为“Untitled”。“习作”和“……习作”的英译可参照上文中的英文实例,分别译为“Study”和“Study for “…”
傅抱石 陶渊明诗意 册页 纸本 1963年作 纵27厘米 横35厘米
Fu Baoshi: Tao Yanming?s Poem in Painting Leaf from an album Mounted on paper 1963 Length 27 cm Width 35 cm
Fu Baoshi:Tao Yuanming?s Poem in Painting, 1963
Painted on paper, leaf from an album, 27 x 35 cm
除“…Poem in Painting”的译法外,“诗意”二字的另一可行的译法为“…(Visualizing a poem by…)”。例如:“王维诗意”译为“Landscape (Visualizing a poem by Wang Wei)”。 “临”、“仿”二字如何译?有的画册译为“An Imitation of “…””。例如:临《范宽行旅图》(An Imitation of “Fan Kuan?s ?Travelers?”)、临《石涛山水》(An Imitation of “Shi Tao?s ?Landscape?”)。其实,这种标题要英译,可以参考以下两个英文实例:
Eugène Delacroix: The Barque of Dante, 1822 Oil on canvas, 189 x 246 cm Paris, Musée du Louvre Cézanne: “The Barque of Danate”, after Delacroix, 1870-1873 Oil on canvas, 25 x 33 cm Venturi 125; Cambridge (MA), private collection 临《韩熙载夜宴图卷》(部分)(明)唐寅绢本,纵30.8厘米,横547.8厘米
Copy of a Section of An Evening Party (detail) Colour on silk, Tang Yin, Ming Dynasty, 30.8cm x 547.8 cm
Tang Yin, Ming Dynasty(1368-1644):
“Han Xizai Giving a Night Banquet”, after Gu Hongzhong(detail )
Color on silk, long scroll, 30.8 x 547.8 cm标题英译时名词的单复数、冠词
(Five Horses )、《五牛图》(Five Buffaloes )。但是,更多的则需要借助画面弄清名词的单复数,例如:《挥扇仕女图》(Palace Ladies with Silk Fans)、《簪花仕女图》(Court Ladies Adorning Their Hair with Flowers)、《瑞鹤图卷》(Cranes
若标题的中心词为名词,又是单数,则不应加复数后缀,并且标题之首的不定冠词也通常省略,如:《货郎图》(Itinerant Peddler)、《村医图》(Village Physician)、《纺车图》(Spinning Wheel )、《五色鹦鹉图》(Five-colored Parakeet)。若是定冠词,通常又不省略,例如:《渔父图》(The Fisher)。标题文字意义及其结构的理解
无论是名词短语还是句子作标题,在英译时,首先都需要辨析、弄清标题的结构和意义。英语以形合为主,语法特点是外显性,而汉语以意合为主,其语法特点是隐含性(陈宏薇, 1995:152-153)。由于汉语的意合特点和隐含性,加之大多数汉语绘画标题的语言又极其简练,辨析、弄清标题的结构和意义并非易事,有时还需查阅相关资料或者借助画面才能弄清所指。
结构、意义较易理解的如以下几例:《早春图》(Early Spring )、《夏山图》(Summer Mountains )、《女史箴图》(Admonitions of the Instructress to the Court Ladies)、《秦府十八学士图》(The Eighteen Scholars at the Palace of Qin)、《千里江山图》(Vast Land)、《凌烟阁功臣图》(The Meritorious Officials of the Lingyan Pavilion)、《历代帝王图》(Portraits of the Emperors)、《荷花图轴》(Lotus Blooms)、《松泉图》(Pine and Spring)、《古木寒泉图》(Old Trees and Cold Springs
需查阅资料的如:《鹊华秋山图》(Autumn Scenes in the Que and Hua Mountains)、《匡庐图》(The Kuanglu Mountains)、《青卞隐居图轴》(Dwelling in the Qingbian Mountains)、《湘夫人》(The Goddess of the River Xiang)、《照夜白图》(The Snow White Horse)。这几例中,“鹊华”、“匡庐”、“青卞”、“湘”和“照夜白”分别指什么?如不弄清,难于翻译。有时,相关资料也有分歧之处,翻译时难于取舍,《清明上河图》的英译就是一例。其关键在于对“清明”二字的理解不一,现一般理解为节气而译为:Riverside Scenes at the Qingming Festival。但有画史专家存疑:“清明”是指节气还是天下太平?据此,其译法也不同。
描述画面形象的标题有时要借助画面才易弄清意义、结构关系,如:《江天楼阁图轴》(Tower on the Mountain Overlooking the River)、《梧竹苍鹰图轴》(Goshawk on a Tree and Bamboos )、《松石图轴》(Pine Tree over a Rock)、《蕉月图轴》(The Moon Behind Palm Leaves )、《竹鹤图轴》(Cranes and Bamboos)、《风松图轴》(Pine Trees in the Wind)、《荷蟹图》(A Crab in a Lotus Pond)、《芙蓉锦鸡图轴》(Pheasant on a Blossoming Branch)、《柳荫白鹭图轴》(Egrets on a Willow)。这几例中,从中文的字面形式看,“江天楼阁”、“梧竹苍鹰”、“松石”、“蕉月”、“竹鹤”、“风松”、“荷蟹”、“芙蓉锦鸡”、“柳荫白鹭”等各自内部似乎都是并列结构,但参照画面,按其所指可判断,应为偏正结构,才能准确反映画面的形象,故以上英译都采用了偏正结构的名词短语。但是,《菊石图轴》却被译为:A Rock and Chrysanthemums 。这一译文中,“菊”和“石”为并列关系,这是符合画面形象的。
描述事件、动作的标题通常借助分词短语翻译,例如:《捣练图》(Ladies Preparing Silk)、《韩熙载夜宴图》(Han Xizai Giving a Night Banquet)、《苍翠凌天图轴》(Emerald Green Towering to the Skies)、《虢国夫人春游图》(Lady Guoguo on a Spring Outing)、《调琴啜茗图》(Tuning the Lute and Drinking Tea)、《秋山问道图》(Seeking the Way in the Autumn Mountains )、《关山行旅图》(Traveling among Passes and Mountains )、《雪山行旅图》(Traveling among Snowy Hills)、《溪山行旅图》(Traveling amid Mountains and Streams)、
《采薇图》(Picking Common Vetch)、《富春山居图》(Living in the Fuchun Mountains )。
标题翻译有时要采用增、删的方法。例如:《烈女仁智图》(The Heroines)。又如:《写生蝴蝶图卷》这一标题,结合画面信息被译为“Butterflies, Grasshoppers and Water Plants”,英译有增(Grasshoppers and Water Plants)有删(写生)。
有时还要采用改译的方法,即改变标题原文的结构或者意义(有时需结合画面)再翻译。例如:《桃潭浴鸭图轴》,参照画面改译为:Peach Flowers over a Swimming Duck。也有译为Bathing Ducks in a Peach Pond的,此译为以介词短语作定语的名词短语结构。不过,按画面,Ducks 应改为单数。《簪花仕女图》本来是名词短语,改变结构后,译为句子:Court Ladies Adorning Their Hair with Flowers。其另一译文则未改变结构,仍译为名词短语:Ladies with Flowers。韩干的《神骏图》主题是描绘东晋佛教学者之遁爱马的故事,其标题本为名词,但英译时,未按原标题的结构和字面意思,而改译为句子“Waiting for the Groom on Horseback”,意思也有改变。其它实例如:《牧牛图卷》(The Cowherd )、《牧牛图轴》(A Cowherd )、《游春图》(Travelers in Spring )、《婴戏图》(The Playing Children )、《浴马图卷》(Bathing Horses)、《虚阁晚凉图轴》(Cool Evening in a Mountain Village)。
历代中国名画,尽管画面上有时以天干地支纪年法或岁数纪年法来标明作品绘制的时间,但今人在其标题说明中通常只标明作者的朝代,而不象西画标明作品的具体创作年代。 对于朝代,可视情况,夹注公元纪年。若书末附有中国历史纪年表,则可不夹注。 秋山红树图轴 (明)蓝瑛 纸本,纵204.9厘米,横92.5厘米
Maples and Mountains in Autumn. Colour on paper, Lan Ying, Ming Dynasty, 204.9 cm x 92.5 cm
上例可以改译为: Lan Ying, Ming Dynasty(1368-1644): Maples and Mountains in Autumn Color on paper, vertical scroll, 204.9 x 92.5 cm 现代国画,则取法西画,倾向于标明创作年代,例如:
齐白石 荷花鸭子 轴 纸本 1948年作 纵100厘米 横34厘米
Qi Baishi: Lotus and Duck Vertical scroll Mounted on paper 1948 Length 100 cm Width 34 cm
Qi Baishi: Lotus and Duck, 1948
Painted on paper, vertical scroll, 100 x 34 cm。
“纸本”分情况可译为:“Painted on paper”、“Ink and color on paper”或“Color on paper”等。“绢本”也可分情况译为:“Painted on silk”(绢本)或“Color on silk”(设色绢本)。仿英文油画材质“Oil on canvas”的位置,可将其置于标题说明的最后一行之首。
历代中国画形式多样,分为卷(scroll )、长卷(long scroll)、轴(scroll )、横轴(horizontal scroll )、竖幅(vertical scroll)、册页(leaf from an album)、扇面(fan-covering )等。 在历代名画的中文标题说明中,通常以“图卷”、“图轴”的字样出现在标题末。在翻译时,宜参照英文标题说明的习惯,置于画作的材质、尺寸一行中。现代国画的标题说明中,也有将其单列出来的。示例可参见上文。
“局部”或“部分”可按英文习惯,译为“(detail )”,置于画作标题这一行的末尾,通常在绘制时间之后,如:
Cézanne:Basket of Apples, 1890-1894 (detail)
Oil on canvas, 60 x 80 cm Venturi 600; Chicago (IL), Art Institute, Helen Birch Bartlett Memorial Collection 翻译实例: 陆俨少川江险水图长卷纸本 1975年作纵32厘米横125厘米
Lu Yanshao: Treacherous Waters of a Sichuan RiverLong scroll Mounted on paper 1975 Length 32 cm Width 125 cm
Lu Yanshao: Treacherous Waters of a Sichuan River (detail)
Lu Yanshao:
Treacherous Waters of a Sichuan River, 1975
Painted on paper, long scroll, 32 x 125 cm
Lu Yanshao:
Treacherous Waters of a Sichuan River (detail)
5 结束语
〔1〕 陈宏薇. 新实用汉译英教程[M]. 武汉:湖北教育出版社, 1995.
〔2〕 陈新主编. 英汉文体翻译教程[C]. 北京:北京大学出版社, 1999.
〔3〕 张泽乾. 翻译经纬[M]. 武汉:武汉大学出版社, 1994.
〔4〕 王佐良、丁往道主编. 英语文体学引论[C]. 北京:外语教学与研究出版社, 1987.
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专 业 班 级 学生姓名 学 号 指导教师
2012年 4 月
C# introduced Microsoft announced its latest programming language C # is an object-oriented programming language, it will be launched as part of Visual Studio.C # (pronounced C-Sharp ") while maintaining the C + + syntax familiar, and also contains a large number of efficient code and object-oriented features.Microsoft product manager said, the C # language will be in maintaining the C / C + + programmers more efficient RAD development approach on the basis of the flexibility.It is not only used for the development of the web service program, and also developed a powerful system-level programs.
Microsoft has not officially announced the new language of technology, the technology will be testing the form in Microsoft intends to distribute professional development meeting in mid-July in the Visual Studio 7.Visual Studio 7 officially on sale sometime next year.
Layman said that C # includes to make XML programming easier technology.Microsoft will make its next generation of software tools, operating systems and applications support XML technology.
The new programming language will also include the virtual machine equipment.Microsoft officials have said publicly that is not associated with C # and the pany last year to develop Java petitive technology Cool.Microsoft officials refused to answer whether it plans to provide Microsoft designed the Windows version of Java Visual J + +, a version of Visual Studio 7.
C # properties
Now, Microsoft is still while continuing to refute its rival Sun charged that it changed the litigation of the Java language, while in the United States antitrust charges recalcitrant in the end, but at the same time, Microsoft's talented programmers also technically aremedial measures.Is that they have developed out of the C # language, which is very similar to the Java language, Microsoft is well aware that even Microsoft camp also has a considerable number of people like the Java language, so this simply using C # to meet their aspirationsThis is a perfect language, applicable to
a variety of operating systems, and Windows closer together.
Microsoft said the new programming language, not for Java, but it is the innovation of the C + +.One of the two main objectives of this is the pursuit of Java (another target of course, is portability).Microsoft has always dreamed to be able to develop Windows NT systems to contend with the Java language.C #, automatic memory management and Java both use the C language syntax, it seems that this vision bee a reality.
Microsoft says that C # is C and C + + derived from a "simple, popular, object-oriented, type-safe programming language, C # is intended to the high efficiency of the integrated Visual Basic and the powerful features of C + +.But this story is accurate?C # structure much like Visual Basic ActiveX, it is clearly directed to RAD developers.But at the same time, the "C # provides a powerful C + +," this statement is somewhat exaggerated, the future is likely to bee empty promises. An update of an object interface, Microsoft calls the "inheritance", of course, the "inheritance" is the "object" in terms of.However, although the word "object" we often met, but few really understand its meaning.Microsoft users, and even its own employees are often confused with the "object" and "interface".Microsoft simply use the interface to define various objects, resulting in object-oriented programming (OOP) Microsoft mess.Microsoft steps forward (though its heart is still very careful), put it in the interface based on the "object" is integrated into the development tools.But it really go too far, it can even update interface to another object called "inheritance". "Inherited" the benefits to programmers is language-independent - as long as the interface to maintain its patibility with objects written in Visual Basic, C # and C + + can also be run well.However, this feature is true OOP technology and platform portability for the price.Each object is piled and registered to the Windows subsystem, as long as you can access this subsystem, you will be able to access the object.Come on!Wele to NET and NGWS, the world!- The Windows platform has never been pletely people have such a plete dependence.Their motivation, of course, was biased against Microsoft in the world the skepticism, of course, totally dependent on this technology in C # is no exception.
In fact, C # will be totally dependent on Windows, the most perfect product.Those that plagued the Java SDK, MFC, and SET database has bee a thing of the past.You want to put anything (regardless of the C # language), as long as in establishing and packaging under Windows. NET subsystem can use the Windows runtime.
MSIL to enter. NET
When people access to Usenet newsgroups, there will be such as the new language and platform availability and the like.What time and effort to solve these problems?Of course, if there is no solid facts and convincing evidence, even if it is the most helpful response, the authority also expressed reservations about his assertions.I did not participate in this year's Professional Developers Conference (PDC), so my findings are based on the feedback of those participants.
Against Microsoft over the past few weeks the hype, the most basic understanding of the error is the improved version of C # only Visual C + +.Simply not the case.C # and Java is no direct contact.It is characterized by setting inspiration from Java.Its syntax with Java from C and C + +, but its implementation is pletely new and only rely on. NET structure.
C # is not byte-code (bytecode).Microsoft employee Robert Schmitt describes in detail: the "C # piler generated 'Microsoft Intermediate Language' (MSIL) ... but the virtual machine or other similar techniques can not be used to explain this intermediate language (IL)Conversely, whenever the application to load JIT piler needs to pile it, IL will be converted to native code. Once this conversion is plete, the code can perform is actually native code. "In essence, although thiskinds of programs like Java programs through a JIL piler, but the final JIT piler is 100% native code, Java JIT-generated results are different.
The weakness of C #
This program also exposed in Microsoft C # and. NET introduces some interesting loopholes.MSIL NET provides a new feature that allows a very popular programming language, piled into a single mon language.(The. NET supported language is quite amazing).Of these languages should submit one called "Common Language
Specification (CLS) framework.Microsoft calls the "CLS-patible with the mon language between language and class libraries interoperable.
Compile all languages into a single mon language that allows "inherited" the real implementation through multiple languages.This is easily swept away in C # that may be encountered misconceptions.NET ponents using the COM IDispatch, it only allows the interface to the implementation.It than the previous C # to be assessed much easier to accept the views of an OOP language.In the program design, it is perhaps the same as Java is object-oriente.
Unfortunately CLS this to MSIL shared language based on RAD development benefit to the detriment of the core developers of hardware, some people think the purpose of creating a new programming language is the ability to make full use of it and services incan be fine-tuned ability to execute in the CLS world can not do.To be honest, to accelerate the full use of the sole objective has never been in many languages.The only goal for many languages (the most attention is the RAD languages like Visual Basic and Java) is the acceleration and landscaping to develop and expand the capacity, not just the run-time speed.
Schmitt mentioned in the does contain relevant and noteworthy ments: You can use the C + + specified. NET and use all C + + features in your code.At the same time, because NET runtime can not test the C + + code if it is safe, this language does not ply with the CLS specification inside the writing program was also limited.In response, Microsoft, to the Visual C + + to add the expansion of non-standard management.CLS-pliant with these extensions written code specifications.
C # will Microsoft collar to where at a glance.Because all items written will only rely on the JIT piler in MSIL and CLS.So that the C # or any MSIL front-end language faster than any time in Java.Unfortunately, programming and piler-level optimization can not take full advantage of the non-Microsoft platforms, to mence in the non-Windows platforms the. NET, and then make full use of them is unrealistic. JAVA is a petitor of C #
Although the. NET is the Microsoft single-handedly created, it is not only used on
Windows.Microsoft is preparing to try to tradition to help provide for those COM objects (all of the OLE, ActiveX, and so on in the introduction of next-generation Viual Studio, will bee a legacy platform).NET does not around COM and construction.The new platform will no doubt be added to the COM, and it is almost perfect match, but is also not rely on COM.This indicates that the structure itself to the Macintosh, UNIX. BeOX mence.So named because in addition to the CLS architecture is platform independent, C # will be used and all ply with the CLS database is also platform independent.That is, they are to ply with CLS, a native MSIL piler on the platform, then they can be piled at run time for any structure.Microsoft is also actively seek to be accepted by the ECMA standard, they had previously Javascript has been accepted.When the introduction of Visual Studio. NET development munity will certainly have different reactions."Microsoft has developed a new platform, which has intimidated those who have worried about the rule of the Microsoft platform.More importantly, however C # or. NET strategy is not the original C + + constitute a big threat, then there is reason to infer that the C # and. NET will be a strong contender in the Java.Consider the opposite aspect: the Java VM by translation bytecode to run the application.CLS natively piled at runtime.The Java platform supports only the Java language.. NET supports only MSIL unlimited high-level language such as C #, Visual Basic, and even the Eiffel and COBOL can start the MSIL.Java use the implementation of the adapter to provide a true OOP techniques.MSIL is also true in C #.The Java platform, simply move the same level file, the project can be expanded as a product catalog.Said. NET platform project can easily expand instead of the registry-happy Com-based projects.Perhaps the real advantage of the Java platform is the only political correctness - it is not Microsoft engaged in out, and there are thousands of dedicated religious followers.
Views of the authors
Ironically, although I know Java and C #, I still dubbed the title of Advanced Visual Basic programmers.One would think that a VB designer will oppose Microsoft's paranoia.But I also have to face reality.To be honest: VB is a RAD development tool.Do not just beautiful, do not remember the real object.Results quickly is the top
priority.In the business world, purely technical and the results are not always consistent, short-term results are often better than long-term productivity.This is unfortunate, but in many panies, that is the fact.These panies is the primary user of C #.I am using C #?Of course, will be used!I am using Visual Basic, but transferred to the C # What is wrong?I prefer Java and OOP language is beautiful, but because of all the projects I have conducted short-term results have been better than the long-term results, I have no time to consider to replace the Windows platform.But from a purely technical and faith point of view, Java and C + + programmers, there are sufficient grounds concerned about C #, Microsoft to maintain a monopoly of another move.
Finally, C # is good or bad?So, because of the "inheritance" refers to the implementation of the interface interface, it is not true OOP.If you are a Microsoft, or will you rely on Microsoft technology not ready to switch platforms, C # is great, and handling for VB programmers have Java and C + + skills on the basis of good (because the syntax is shared).However, because Microsoft will fully launch in C #, Java and C + + proponents must design a new language, to be fighting back.The same time, C # does not necessarily transferable to other platforms, we can not truly reflect the value of OOP, and even more harm than good OOP beginners.
最近微软宣布了它的最新编程语言C#,这是一种面向对象的编程语言,它将作为Visual Studio 中的一部分推出。C#(发音为“C-Sharp ”)既保持了C++中熟悉的语法,并且还包含了大量的高效代码和面向对象特性。据微软产品经理透露,C#语言将在保持C/C++灵活性的基础上为程序员带来更高效的RAD 开发方式。它不仅能用于WEB 服务程序的开发,并且还能开发强大的系统级程序。 微软还没有正式宣布这一新语言技术,该技术将以测试形式出现在微软打算在7月中旬在专业开发会议上分发的Visual Studio 7中。Visual Studio 7将于明年某个时候正式发售。
Layman 介绍说C#包含使XML 编程更为轻松的技术。微软将使它的下一代工具软件、操作系统和应用支持XML 技术。
新的编程语言还将包含虚拟机设备。微软官员已经公开表示C#技术和该公司去年开发的 Java 竞争技术Cool 没有关联。微软官员拒绝回答是否计划在Visual Studio 7中提供微软设计的视窗版Java Visual J++的某个版本。
现在,微软仍在一边继续反驳其竞争对手Sun 控告它改变了Java 语言的诉讼,一边在对美国反垄断指控顽抗到底,但与此同时,微软的天才程序员们也在技术上进行着一场补救的措施。那就是他们已经开发出来的C#语言,这是一种非常类似于Java 的语言,微软深知即便是微软阵营中也有着相当一部分人喜欢Java 语言,所以这次干脆就用C#来满足他们的愿望,这是一种非常完美的语言,适用于各种操作系统,并且与Windows 紧密地结合在一起。
微软表示这种新的程序设计语言并不针对Java ,但它将是C++的革新。而这正是Java 所追求的两个主要目标之一(另一目标当然就是可移植性)。微软一直梦想着能开发出能与Java 在Windows NT 系统上抗衡的语言。C#的自动内存管理以及和Java 一样都使用的C 语言语法,似乎让这个理想成为现实。
微软称C#是由C 和C++派生而来的一种“简单、流行、面向对象、类型安全”的程序设计语言,C#意在综合Visual Basic的高效率和C++的强大功能。但这种说法是否准确呢?由于C#的结构很像Visual Basic的ActiveX ,它显然是冲着RAD 开发者来的。但同时,“C#提供了C++的强大功能”这种说法也稍嫌夸张,将来很可能变成空头支票。
对某一对象接口的更新,微软称之为“继承”,当然“继承”是就“对象”而言的。但是,虽然“对象”这个词我们经常碰到,却很少有人真正理解了它的含义。微软的用户,甚至它自己的员工都经常把“对象”和“接口”弄混。所以微软干脆就用接口来定义各种对象,结果导致了“面向对象编程”(OOP )被微软弄得乱七八糟。现在,微软又在大踏步地前进了(虽然它内心还是很小心),它把它建立在接口基础上的“对象”集成到了开发工具里。不过它走得实在过了头,它甚至把对另一对象接口的更新称之为“继承”。
这个“继承”给程序员们带来的好处就是语言无关——只要接口维持其兼容性,用Visual Basic写成的对象在C#和C++中也可以良好地运行。但此特性是以真正的OOP 技术和平台的可移植性为代价的。每个对象都被编译和注册到Windows 子系统,只要你能访问这个子系统,你就能访问这个对象。来吧!欢迎来到.NET 和NGWS 的世界!——Windows 平台从来没有完完全全地让人产生这样完整的依赖性。他们的动机当然要遭到全世界对微软有偏见的人的怀疑,当然,完全依靠此技术的C#也不例外。
事实上,C#将是完全依靠Windows 的最完美的产物。那些困绕Java SDK, MFC 和SET 的数据库已成为过去。你想放入C#的任何东西(无论何种语言),只要在Windows 的.NET 子系统下建立和包装的都可以使用Windows 的运行库。 用MSIL 进入.NET
当人们访问Usenet 或一些新闻组时,会有一些诸如新语言和平台有效性之类的问题。什么时间和努力能解决这些问题呢?当然,如没有牢固的事实和有说服力的证据,即使是最有帮助的响应者,权威机构也会对他的断言持保留意见。我没有参加今年的专业开发者会议(PDC ),因此我的发现都是基于那些与会者的反馈。
人们对微软过去几周的大肆宣传,最基本的错误理解就是C#只是Visual C++的改进版本。完全不是这么回事。C#和Java 没有直接联系。它的特征设定是从Java 获得的灵感。它的语法同Java 一样,源自C 和C++,但它的执行是完全新的,只依靠.NET 结构。
C#也并非字节码(bytecode )。微软一位员工罗伯特. 舒密特详细描述道:“C#编译程序产生的是‘微软中间语言’(MSIL )??但虚拟机或其他类似的技术
则不能用于解释这种中间语言(IL )。相反地,每当应用程序载入或JIT 编译程序需要编译它时,IL 就会被转换成本地代码。一旦这种转换完成,可以执行的代码实际上是本地代码。”实质上,虽然这种方案有点像Java 程序通过一个JIL 编译程序,但这里最终的JIT 编译是100%的本地代码,而Java 的JIT 产生的结果是不同的。
这个方案也暴露了微软对C#和.NET 介绍中的一些有趣的漏洞。MSIL 是.NET 提供的一个新特性,允许很流行的程序设计语言编译到一个单独的公用语言。(.NET 支持的语言种类是相当惊人的)。这些语言都要服从一种叫“通用语言规范(CLS )”的构架。微软称之为“CLS 兼容语言和类库之间可互操作的通用语言”。
编译所有的语言到一个单一的公用语言上,能让“继承”通过多重语言真正执行。这轻而易举的扫除了C#可能遇到的错误概念。.NET 组件使用COM 的IDispatch ,它只允许接口执行。它比先前C#被评定为一种OOP 语言的看法容易接受得多。它在程序设计上或许像Java 一样是面向对象的。
但不幸的是CLS 这种包括MSIL 的共享语言基础,只让RAD 开发者受益,而损害了硬件的核心开发者,有人认为创造一种新程序设计语言的目的就是有能力充分运用它和服务于可微调的执行能力,这一点在CLS 世界里是做不到的。老实说,加速充分利用从来不是许多语言的唯一目标。许多语言的唯一目标(最瞩目的是像Visual Basic 和Java 的RAD 语言)是加速和美化开发和展开能力,而不仅仅是运行时刻的速度
舒密特文章中所提到的确实包含了相关和值得注意的评论:你可以用C++指定.NET ,并在你的代码中运用所有C++特性。同时,因为.NET 在运行时刻不能检验C++代码是否安全,此语言并不遵从CLS 规范,里面所书写的程序也受到限制。作为应对,微软往Visual C++里添加非标准管理的扩展。用这些扩展写的代码能符合CLS 规范。
C#将把微软领向何方就一目了然了。因为所有项目编写会只依靠MSIL 和CLS JIT 编译程序。这样C#或任何MSIL 前端语言比Java 任何时候都快。但很不幸,程序设计和编译程序级的优化不能在非微软的平台上充分利用,想在非
Windows 平台上展开.NET ,再充分运用它们也是不现实的
JAVA 是C#的竞争对手
尽管.NET 是微软一手缔造的,它并不是只能在Windows 上使用。微软准备尽力为那些COM 对象提供传统帮助(所有的OLE , ActiveX 等等在下一代Viual Studio 推出后,都将成为一个legacy 平台)。但.NET 不会围绕COM 建造。新平台无疑将补充COM ,并与它几乎天衣无缝地配合,但一点也不会依靠COM 。这表明这种结构本身能够Macintosh, UNIX. BeOX展开。这样命名,是因为除了CLS 构架是平**立的,C#将用到的和所有遵从CLS 的数据库也是平**立的。也就是说,它们都是遵从CLS 的,如果一个本机MSIL 编译程序在平台上有效,那么它们能在运行时刻为任何结构进行编译。微软也积极争取被ECMA 标准接纳,他们先前的Javascript 已被接纳。 当Visual Studio. NET推出时,开发团体肯定会有不同的反应。" 微软又开发了一个新平台" ,这已吓倒那些本来对微软平台统治忧心忡忡的人了。然而更重要的是C#或.NET 战略不会对原始C++构成太大威胁,那么有理由推论C#和.NET 将是Java 的有力竞争者。考虑相反方面:Java VM 靠翻译字节码来运行应用程序。CLS 在运行时刻本机编译。Java 平台只支持Java 语言。.NET 只支持MSIL ,但一些无限制的高级语言如C#,Visual Basic, 甚至Eiffel 和COBOL 都能启动MSIL 。Java 运用执行转接提供真正的OOP 技术。MSIL ,C#也是如此。在Java 平台,简单地移动平级文件,项目就可以展开为产品目录。据说,.NET 平台的项目也可轻松展开而不像以registry-happy Com为基础的项目。或许Java 平台真正的优势只在于政治上的正确性--它不是微软搞出来的,且目前有成千上万的执着的宗教追随者。
具有讽刺意味的是,虽然我很了解Java 和C#,我仍被冠以高级Visual Basic程序设计师的称号。人们会认为我这样一个VB 设计师将是反对微软的偏执狂。但我也得面对现实。老实说:VB 是一个RAD 开发工具。别只顾着精美,别记着真正的对象。迅速得到结果才是重中之重。在商业世界里,纯粹的技术和结果不总是能相吻合的,短期结果往往胜过长期生产力。这是不幸的,但在许多公司中,这却是事实。这些公司就是C#的主要用户。我会使用C#吗?当然会用!我现在使用Visual Basic,但转入C#有何不好?我更欣赏Java 和OOP 语言的精美,
但因为我进行的所有项目中,短期成果一直胜过长期成果,我已没有时间去考虑替换Windows 平台。但如从纯技术和信仰角度来说,Java 和C++的程序设计师就有足够理由关注C#,这是微软维持垄断的又一招。
最后,C#是好还是不好?那么,因为这里的“继承”指对接口界面的再执行,所以,它不是真正的OOP 。如果你是微软,亦或如果你依靠微软技术而不准备切换平台,那C#是很棒的,并将为VB 程序设计师们搬运Java 和C++上的技巧提供很好的基础(因为语法是共享的)。但因为微软将全力推出C#,所以,Java 和C++的拥护者们肯定会设计出新的语言,予以还击。同时,C#不一定可转移到其他平台,也不能真正体现OOP 的价值,甚至对OOP 的初学者有害无益。
热菜类 猪肉
白菜豆腐焖酥肉 Braised Pork Cubes with Tofu and Chinese Cabbage 鲍鱼红烧肉 Red-Cooked Pork with Abalone
鲍汁扣东坡肉 Braised Dongpo Pork with Abalone Sauce
百叶结烧肉 Stewed Pork Cubes and Tofu Skin in Brown Sauce
碧绿叉烧肥肠 Steamed Rice Rolls with BBQ Pork Intestines and Vegetables 潮式椒酱肉 Fried Pork with Chili Soy Sauce,Chaozhou Style
潮式凉瓜排骨 Spare Ribs with Bitter Melon,Chaozhou Style
豉油皇咸肉 Steamed Preserved Pork in Black Bean Sauce
川味小炒 Shredded Pork with Vegetables, Sichuan Style
地瓜烧肉 Stewed Diced Pork and Sweet Potatoes
东坡方肉 Dongpo Pork
冬菜扣肉 Braised Pork with Preserved Vegetables
方竹笋炖肉 Braised Pork with Bamboo Shoots
干煸小猪腰 Fried Pig Kidney with Onion
干豆角回锅肉 Sautéed Spicy Pork with Dried Beans
干锅排骨鸡 Griddle Cooked Spare Ribs and Chicken
咕噜肉 Gulaorou (Sweet and Sour Pork)
怪味猪手 Special Flavored Pig Feet
黑椒焗猪手 Baked Pig Feet with Black Pepper
红烧狮子头 Stewed Pork Ball in Brown Sauce
脆皮乳猪 Roasted Crispy Suckling Pig
回锅肉片 Sautéed Sliced Pork with Pepper and Chili
木耳肉片 Sautéed Sliced Pork with Black Fungus and Eggs
煎猪柳 Pan-Fried Pork Fillet
酱烧排骨 Braised Spare Ribs in Brown Sauce
酱猪手 Braised Pig Feet in Brown Sauce
椒盐肉排 Spare Ribs with Spiced Salt
椒盐炸排条 Deep-Fried Spare Ribs with Spiced Salt
金瓜东坡肉 Braised Dongpo Pork with Melon
京酱肉丝 Sautéed Shredded Pork in Sweet Bean Sauce
焗肉排 Baked Spare Ribs
咖喱肉松煸大豆芽 Sautéed Minced Pork with Bean Sprouts in Curry Sauce 腊八豆炒腊肉 Sautéed Preserved Pork with Fermented Soy Beans 腊肉炒香干 Sautéed Preserved Pork with Dried Tofu Slices
榄菜肉菘炒四季豆 Sautéed Green Beans with Minced Pork and Vegetable 萝卜干腊肉 Sautéed Preserved Pork with Pickled Turnip
毛家红烧肉 Braised Pork,Mao’s Family Style
(One of Chairman Mao’s Favorite Dishes)
米粉扣肉 Steamed Sliced Pork Belly with Rice
蜜汁火方 Steamed Ham in Honey Sauce
蜜汁烧小肉排 Stewed Spare Ribs in Honey Sauce
木须肉 Moo Shu Pork (Sautéed Sliced Pork, Eggs and Black Fungus) 南瓜香芋蒸排骨
Steamed Spare Ribs with Pumpkin and Taro
砂锅海带炖排骨 Stewed Spare Ribs and Kelp in Casserole
砂锅排骨土豆 Stewed Spare Ribs and Potatoes in Casserole
什菌炒红烧肉 Sautéed Red-Cooked Pork with Assorted Mushrooms
什菌炒双脆 Sautéed Chicken Gizzard and Pork Tripe with Assorted Mushrooms 手抓琵琶骨
Braised Spare Ribs
蒜香椒盐肉排 Deep-Fried Spare Ribs with Minced Garlic and Spiced Salt 笋干焖腩肉
Braised Pork Tenderloin with Dried Bamboo Shoots
台式蛋黄肉 Steamed Pork with Salted Egg Yolk, Taiwan Style
碳烧菠萝骨 BBQ Spare Ribs with Pineapple
碳烧排骨 BBQ Spare Ribs
糖醋排骨 Sweet and Sour Spare Ribs
铁板咖喱酱烧骨 Spare Ribs with Curry Sauce Served on a Sizzling Iron Plate 铁板什锦肉扒
Assorted Meats Served on a Sizzling Iron Plate
无锡排骨 Fried Spare Ribs, Wuxi Style
鲜果香槟骨 Stewed Spare Ribs with Fresh Fruits
咸鱼蒸肉饼 Steamed Minced Pork and Salted Fish Cutlet
香蜜橙花骨 Sautéed Spare Ribs in Orange Sauce
湘味回锅肉 Sautéed Pork with Pepper, Hunan Style
蟹汤红焖狮子头 Steamed Pork Balls with Crab Soup
雪菜炒肉丝 Sautéed Shredded Pork with Preserved Vegetable
油面筋酿肉 Wheat Gluten with Pork Stuffing
火爆腰花 Yu-Shiang Shredded Pork (Sautéed with Spicy Garlic Sauce) Sautéed Spare Ribs
with Cumin Braised Pig Knuckle in Brown Sauce Sautéed Pig Kidney
腊肉炒香芹 Sautéed Preserved Pork with Celery
梅樱小炒皇 Sautéed Squid with Shredded Pork and Leek
糖醋里脊/酸甜肉 Sautéed Sweet and Sour Pork Tenderloin
鱼香里脊丝 Yu-Shiang Shredded Pork (Sautéed in Spicy Garlic Sauce) 珍菌滑炒肉 Sautéed Pork with Mushrooms
什烩肉 Stewed Pork with Assorted Vegetables
芥兰肉 Sautéed Pork with Chinese Broccoli
子姜肉 Sautéed Shredded Pork with Ginger Shoots
辣子肉 Sautéed Pork in Hot Pepper Sauce
咖喱肉 Curry Pork
罗汉肚 Pork Tripe Stuffed with Meat
水晶肘 Stewed Pig Knuckle
九转大肠 Braised Intestines in Brown Sauce
锅烧肘子配饼 Deep-Fried Pig Knuckle Served with Pancake
两吃干炸丸子 Deep-Fried Meat Balls Served with Choice of Sauces 腐乳猪蹄 Stewed Pig Feet with Preserved Tofu
豆豉猪蹄 Stewed Pig Feet with Black Bean Sauce
木耳过油肉 Sautéed Boiled Pork with Black Fungus
海参过油肉 Sautéed Boiled Pork with Sea Cucumber
蒜茸腰片 Sautéed Pig Kidney with Mashed Garlic
红扒肘子 Braised Pig Knuckle in Brown Sauce
芫爆里脊丝 Sautéed Shredded Pork Tenderloin with Coriander
酱爆里脊丝配饼 Fried Shredded Pork Tenderloin in Soy Bean Paste Served with
溜丸子 Sautéed Pork Balls with Brown Sauce
红汤丸子 Pork Balls in Tomato Soup
烩蒜香肚丝 Braised Shredded Pork Tripe with Mashed Garlic
四喜丸子 Braised Pork Balls in Gravy Sauce
蝴蝶骨 Deep-Fried Pork Tenderloin Soft-Fried Pork Tenderloin Fried Shredded Pork Tenderloin with Hot Pepper Stir-Fried Sliced Pork Tenderloin Sautéed Shredded Pork with Bean Sprouts Braised Pork Intestines with Mashed Garlic Sautéed Pork Intestines with Hot Pepper Sautéed Sliced Pork Tripe Sautéed Sliced Pork Tripe with Chili Sauce Sautéed Sliced Pork Tripe with Coriander Quick-Fried Pork Intestines with Brown Sauce Sautéed Sliced Pork with Scallion and Preserved Vegetable Sautéed Shredded Pork with Pickled Turnip Steamed Spare Ribs with Rice Steamed Pork Slices with Preserved Vegetable Dongpo Pig Knuckle Braised Pork,Sichuan Style Steamed
Pork with Rice Steamed Pork Slices with Red Bean Paste Sautéed Diced Pork with Green Peas Sautéed Vermicelli with Spicy Minced Pork Sautéed Shredded Pork with Celery Sautéed Shredded Pork with Green Pepper Sautéed Shredded Pork and Green Beans Sautéed Shredded Pork with Bamboo Shoots Deep-Fried Eggplant with Pork Stuffing Crispy Rolls (with Shreded Pork, Sea Cucumber and Bamboo Shoots) Roasted Suckling Pig Braised Pig Tendon in Brown Sauce Steamed Pig Brains Scrambled Eggs with Pig Brains Sautéed Spare Ribs with Green Vegetable Fried Spare Ribs with Spiced Salt Steamed Spare Ribs with Taro Braised Spare Ribs
无骨排 BBQ Boneless Spare Ribs
辣白菜炒五花肉 Sautéed Pork Belly with Cabbage in Chili Sauce 酒醉排骨
Spare Ribs in Wine Sauce
香辣猪扒 Hot and Spicy Pork Chops
云腿芥菜胆 Sautéed Chinese Broccoli with Ham
板栗红烧肉 Braised Pork with Chestnuts
小炒脆骨 Sautéed Gristles
酸豆角肉沫 Sautéed Pickled Beans with Minced Pork 五花肉炖萝卜皮
Braised Pork Belly with Turnip Peel 腊肉红菜苔 Sautéed Preserved Pork with Red
Vegetables 竹筒腊肉 Steamed Preserved Pork Steamed in Bamboo Tube 盐煎肉
Fried Pork Slices with Salted Pepper
猪肉炖粉条 Braised Pork with Vermicelli
芸豆焖猪尾 Braised Pigtails with Green Beans
干豇豆炖猪蹄 Braised Pig Feet with Dried Cowpeas 豉汁蒸排骨 Steamed
Spare Ribs in Black Bean Sauce 蛋黄狮子头 Stewed Meat Ball with Egg Yolk
温拌腰片 Spicy Pig Kidney
XO酱炒牛柳条 Sautéed Beef Fillet in XO Sauce
爆炒牛肋骨 Sautéed Beef Ribs
彩椒牛柳 Sautéed Beef Fillet with Bell Peppers
白灼肥牛 Boiled Beef
菜胆蚝油牛肉 Sautéed Sliced Beef and Green Vegetable in Oyster Sauce 菜心扒牛肉 Grilled
Beef with Green Vegetable
川北牛尾 Braised Oxtail in Chili Sauce, Sichuan Style
川汁牛柳 Sautéed Beef Fillet in Chili Sauce, Sichuan Style
葱爆肥牛 Sautéed Beef with Scallion
番茄炖牛腩 Stewed Beef Brisket with Tomato
干煸牛肉丝 Sautéed Shredded Beef with Chili Sauce
干锅黄牛肉 Griddle Cooked Beef and Mushrooms
罐焖牛肉 Stewed Beef in Casserole
锅仔辣汁煮牛筋丸 Stewed Beef Balls with Chili Sauce in Casserole 锅仔萝卜牛腩 Stewed Beef Brisket with Radish in Casserole
杭椒牛柳 Sautéed Beef Fillet with Hot Green Pepper
蚝皇滑牛肉 Sautéed Sliced Beef in Oyster Sauce
黑椒牛肋骨 Pan-Fried Beef Ribs with Black Pepper
黑椒牛柳 Sautéed Beef Fillet with Black Pepper
黑椒牛柳粒 Sautéed Diced Beef Fillet with Black Pepper
黑椒牛柳条 Sautéed Beef Fillet with Black Pepper
黑椒牛排 Pan-Fried Beef Steak with Black Pepper
红酒烩牛尾 Braised Oxtail in Red Wine
胡萝卜炖牛肉 Stewed Beef with Carrots
姜葱爆牛肉 Sautéed Sliced Beef with Ginger and Onion
芥兰扒牛柳 Sautéed Beef Fillet with Chinese Broccoli
金蒜煎牛籽粒 Pan-Fried Diced Beef with Garlic
牛腩煲 Stewed Beef Brisket in Casserole
清汤牛丸腩 Stewed Beef Brisket and Beef Balls with Turnip
山药牛肉片 Sautéed Sliced Beef with Yam
石烹肥牛 Beef with Chili Grilled on Stone Plate
时菜炒牛肉 Sautéed Beef with Seasonal Vegetable
水煮牛肉 Sliced Beef in Hot Chili Oil
酥皮牛柳 Crispy Beef Fillet
铁板串烧牛肉 Beef Kebabs Served on a Sizzling Iron Plate
铁板木瓜牛仔骨 Calf Ribs with Papaya Served on a Sizzling Iron Plate 铁板牛肉 Beef Steak Served on a Sizzling Iron Plate
土豆炒牛柳条 Sautéed Beef Fillet with Potatoes
豌豆辣牛肉 Sautéed Beef and Green Peas in Spicy Sauce
鲜菇炒牛肉 Sautéed Beef with Fresh Mushrooms
鲜椒牛柳 Sautéed Beef Fillet with Bell Peppers
豉汁牛仔骨 Steamed Beef Ribs in Black Bean Sauce
香芋黑椒炒牛柳条 Sautéed Beef with Black Pepper and Taro 香芋烩牛肉 Braised Beef with Taro
小炒腊牛肉 Sautéed Preserved Beef with Leek and Pepper 小笋烧牛肉 Braised Beef with Bamboo Shoots
洋葱牛柳丝 Sautéed Shredded Beef with Onion
腰果牛肉粒 Sautéed Diced Beef with Cashew Nuts
中式牛柳 Beef Fillet with Tomato Sauce, Chinese Style 中式牛排 Beef Steak with Tomato Sauce, Chinese Style 孜然烤牛肉 Grilled Beef with Cumin
孜然辣汁焖牛腩 Braised Beef Brisket with Cumin and Chili Sauce 家乡小炒肉 Sautéed Beef Fillet, Country Style
青豆牛肉粒 Sautéed Diced Beef with Green Beans
豉油牛肉 Steamed Beef in Black Bean Sauce
什菜牛肉 Sautéed Beef with Assorted Vegetables
鱼香牛肉 Yu-Shiang Beef (Sautéed with Spicy Garlic Sauce) 芥兰牛肉 Sautéed Beef with Chinese Broccoli
雪豆牛肉 Sautéed Beef with Snow Peas
青椒牛肉 Sautéed Beef with Green Pepper
陈皮牛肉 Tangerine-Flavored Beef
干烧牛肉 Dry-Braised Beef, Sichuan Style
湖南牛肉 Beef, Hunan Style
子姜牛肉 Sautéed Beef with Ginger Shoots
芝麻牛肉 Sautéed Beef with Sesame
辣子牛肉 Sautéed Beef in Hot Pepper Sauce
什锦扒牛肉 Sautéed Beef Tenderloin with Assorted Vegetables 红烧牛蹄筋 Braised Beef Tendon in Brown Sauce
三彩牛肉丝 Sautéed Shreded Beef with Vegetables
西兰花牛柳 Sautéed Beef Fillet with Broccoli
铁锅牛柳 Beef Fillet Braised in Iron wok
白灵菇牛柳 Sautéed Beef Fillet with Mushrooms
芦笋牛柳 Sautéed Beef Fillet with Green Asparagus
豆豉牛柳 Braised Beef Fillet in Black Bean Sauce
红油牛头 Ox Head with Hot Chili Oil
麻辣牛肚 Spicy Beef Tripe
京葱山珍爆牛柳 Braised Beef Fillet with Scallion
阿香婆石头烤肉 BBQ Beef with Spicy Sauce
菜远炒牛肉 Sautéed Beef with Greens
凉瓜炒牛肉 Sautéed Beef with Bitter Melon
干煸牛柳丝 Sautéed Shredded Beef
柠檬牛肉 Sautéed Beef with Lemon
榨菜牛肉 Sautéed Beef with Pickled Vegetable
蒙古牛肉 Sautéed Mongolian Beef
椒盐牛仔骨 Sautéed Calf Ribs with Spiced Salt
辣白菜炒牛肉 Sautéed Beef with Cabbage in Chili Sauce
荔枝炒牛肉 Sautéed Beef with Litchi
野山椒牛肉丝 Sautéed Shredded Beef with Wild Pepper
尖椒香芹牛肉丝 Sautéed Shredded Beef with Hot Pepper and Celery
堂煎贵族牛肉(制作方法:黑椒汁、香草汁) Pan-Fried Superior Steak ( with black
pepper sauce, vanilla sauce)
香煎纽西兰牛仔骨 Pan-Fried New Zealand Veal Chops
沾水牛肉 Boiled Beef
牛肉炖土豆 Braised Beef with Potatoes
清蛋牛肉 Fried Beef with Scrambled Eggs
米粉牛肉 Steamed Beef with Rice
扣碗牛肉 Steamed Beef in Soy Sauce
香辣牛肉 Sautéed Beef with Chili Sauce
咖喱蒸牛肚 Steamed Beef Tripe with Curry
酸辣蹄筋 Hot and Sour Beef Tendon
家常烧蹄筋 Braised Beef Tendon, Home Style
爽口碧绿百叶 Tasty and Refreshing Beef Tripe
芫爆散丹 Sautéed Beef Tripe with Coriander
葱爆羊肉 Sautéed Sliced Lamb with Scallion
大蒜羊仔片 Sautéed Sliced Lamb with Garlic
红焖羊排 Braised Lamb Chops with Carrots
葱煸羊腩 Sautéed Diced Lamb with Scallion
烤羊里脊 Roast Lamb Tenderloin
烤羊腿 Roast Lamb Leg
卤酥羊腿 Stewed Lamb Leg
小炒黑山羊 Sautéed Sliced Lamb with Pepper and Parsley
支竹羊肉煲 Lamb and Tofu Skin in Casserole
纸包风味羊排 Fried Lamb Chops Wrapped in Paper 干羊肉野山菌 Dried Lamb with Truffles 手扒羊排 Grilled Lamb Chops
烤羔羊 Roasted Lamb
蒙古手抓肉 Boiled Lamb, Mongolian Style 涮羊肉 Hot Pot, Mongolian Style
红烧羊肉 Braised Lamb in Brown Sauce 红焖羊肉 Stewed Lamb in Brown Sauce 清炖羊肉 Stewed Lamb
回锅羊肉 Sautéed Lamb
炒羊肚 Sautéed Lamb Tripe
烤全羊 Roasted Whole Lamb
孜然羊肉 Fried Lamb with Cumin
羊蝎子 Lamb Spine Hot Pot