My grandma is kind to me, but I cannot go to visit her from time to time, for she lives in the countryside.
During the last vacation, I as well as my father t to the countryside to spend the Spring Festival with her. Along the road to her home, I found a lot of great changes had taken place during my absence from it these years. Roads are broader and buildings are higher. Besides, Girls can be well educated. What’s more, peasants have utilizing machines in their farm work.
I was surprised to see the great changes. People there have changed a lot too. They are much more open-minded. The whole countryside is full of harmony.
In a word, on seeing these changes, I do hope to go to the countryside every year.
关于变化的作文 1978·1988·2008 前言 30年,我将它画成日历中一条长长的线。有波澜,有直线,有流畅的弧度,有弯曲的波浪线,有平坦,也有螺旋上升的飞扬。于是,在雪白的纸上,留下了令人遐想的图案。 妈妈看了点头说:“不,不单调,勾起我很多回忆。” 爸爸看了也赞成道:“的确,有巨大的变化,蕴藏了很有意思的内涵。” 可我还是不明白。这其中究竟有什么变化呢? 于是,爸爸妈妈在线上取下了三个点,把它们拆开,在我面前一一呈现。 1978 那个13岁的男孩,骑着一辆28寸的重磅自行车,背着姐姐缝制的新书包,一个人去乔司镇念初中。镇上只有这一所中学,离家很远,步行起码得一小时。同龄的伙伴很多已经去小队干农活赚工分了,现在自己能考上初中,穿着整洁地去上学,他觉得既体面又惭愧。那辆与自己差不多身高的自行车在当时还不多见,是爸爸借给他的,如今他骑走了,爸爸只能靠步行了。他爸爸是村里的小队长,为了工作方便,好不容易省吃俭用才买了这一辆自行车,要知道村子里一共也只有三户人家有自行车呢。当时正是冬天,呼呼的北风吹得他东摇西晃,吹进了他的袖口、领口、鞋子,他手上长满冻疮。由于自行车与身高不相配,他骑起车来异常吃力,几乎是站在自行车的踏板上,屁股一撅一撅的。他急着赶去上学,生怕迟到。路过集市口,他并没有去早餐摊上买那眼馋很久的馒头吃,虽然他很想尝尝。在家里已经吃了开水泡饭,就着妈妈特意给他煮的咸鸭蛋,又夹了些咸白菜,已经吃得很过瘾了,没上学的妹妹可没咸鸭蛋的待遇。他衣兜里有5分钱,是爸爸给他的一个星期的零花钱,他准备给自己买那支看中了很久的圆珠笔。 这个13岁的男孩,就是30年前的我爸爸。 1988 刚刚师范毕业不久的19岁少女今天起得特别早,穿上新买的白色乔其纱裙子,套上一双最流行的白色皮凉鞋,显得特别兴奋。今天她要去读书,她要去塘栖镇参加新教师的上岗培训。从沾桥乡到塘栖镇得坐40分钟的汽车,而且从杭玻途经沾桥到塘栖的公共汽车40分钟才一个班次,错过了就得等40分钟。她一大早就起床了,为了赶车,她恳求哥哥用他的嘉陵摩托车带她到车站。摩托车迎着晨风,兄妹俩出发了。村子里的黄泥路修得很平整,两边的行道树是那么精神。路边是夏末的田野,充满丰收的兆头。几幢刚盖起的新楼房一闪而过,很抢眼。想到自己家还是几间平房,心里涌起一阵羡慕。什么时候自己家也能造像邻居家一样的两层小洋楼呢? 正想着,车站到了。一看表,还好,离32路班车还有20分钟左右,有足够的时间吃早点。女孩用自己的工资请哥哥吃了大排面,自己吃了碗馄饨。兄妹俩一边吃着,
一边商量着怎样攒钱准备明年盖楼房的事。想着一年后矗立在自己家的新楼房,女孩笑了。 这个19岁的少女,就是20年前的我妈妈。 2008 “零??”卡通闹钟尖锐地叫了起来,她翻了个身,赖在舒服的床上,有些不愿起来。昨天听MP3上瘾了,所以11点才睡,真想再睡会儿,但今天要上学啊。 她揉了揉眼睛,起床。尽管睡意蒙咙,但她还是闻到香味了。走到餐桌一看,今天的早餐真是丰盛:鸡蛋、牛奶、面包、香肠、苹果??样样都是她喜爱的。毋庸置疑,这是妈妈为她准备的营养早餐,于是狼吞虎咽地吃了起来。 走下楼,下雨了,不过她不担心,在爸爸的汽车里淋不着雨。爸爸开车将她送到学校,“爸爸再见!” 校门口,她跟与她一样公主般待遇的同学打招呼。 这个女孩就是现在的我。结语 现在你看出了什么名堂了吗? 明白了,小日子越过越有滋味了。30年里,衣、食、住、行各个方面都发生了变化。变得越来越好,越来越叫人惬意。 那就形容一下你的感受吧! 蒸蒸日上。 天翻地覆的改变。 伟大! 嗯??还有??辉煌。 那10年后,20年后,30年后又怎样呢? 改革开放无疑是个很大的命题,30年的时光浓缩于短短几百字的文章,很容易流于空洞和泛泛。而可喜的是,小作者动笔之前肯定经过深思熟虑,不然布局谋篇怎会如此精彩?文章从30年中找出三个时间点,将爸爸、妈妈和“我”作为代表人物安置其中,通过人物的变化反映时代的变迁,构思不落窠臼,与众不同。更可贵的是,文章以问句作结,对未来提出美好的希望和设想,小作者的匠心由此可见一斑。
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现在的我终于清醒了,我向全世界大喊:“无论是谁动了我的奶酪,我不恨他,我会随变化而变化的,我会精彩的活下去,比变化之前的我活得更精彩!你要加油++,我会加油++!!”GO GO加油!!前方就是奶酪!!
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刚刚师范毕业不久的19岁少女今天起得特别早,穿上新买的白色乔其纱裙子,套上一双最流行的白色皮凉鞋,显得特别兴奋。今天她要去读书,她要去塘栖镇参加新教师的上岗培训。从沾桥乡到塘栖镇得坐40分钟的汽车,而且从PPT模板下载://ppt.downhot./ 最好的PPT模板及素材下载网站
管理资料下载网 ://.downhot. 最好的资料下载网站 杭玻途经沾桥到塘栖的公共汽车40分钟才一个班次,错过了就得等40分钟。她一大早就起床了,为了赶车,她恳求哥哥用他的嘉陵摩托车带她到车站。摩托车迎着晨风,兄妹俩出发了。村子里的黄泥路修得很平整,两边的行道树是那么精神。路边是夏末的田野,充满丰收的兆头。几幢刚盖起的新楼房一闪而过,很抢眼。想到自己家还是几间平房,心里涌起一阵羡慕。什么时候自己家也能造像邻居家一样的两层小洋楼呢,
走下楼,下雨了,不过她不担心,在爸爸的汽车里淋不着雨。爸爸开车将她送到学校,“爸爸再见~” 校门口,她跟与她一样公主般待遇的同学打招呼。 这个女孩就是现在的我。结语
明白了,小日子越过越有滋味了。30年里,衣、食、住、行各个方面都发生了变化。变得越来越好,越来越叫人惬意。 那就形容一下你的感受吧~ 蒸蒸日上。 天翻地覆的改变。 伟大~ 嗯??还有??辉煌。 那10年后,20年后,30年后又怎样呢, 改革开放无疑是个很大的命题,30年的时光浓缩于短短几百字的文章,很容易流于空洞和泛泛。而可喜的是,小作者动笔之前肯定经过深思熟虑,不然布局谋篇怎会如此精彩,文章从30年中找出三个时间点,将爸爸、妈妈和“我”作为代表人物安置其中,通过人物的变化反映时代的变迁,构思不落窠臼,与众不同。更可贵的是,文章以问句作结,对未来提出美好的希望和设想,小作者的匠心由此可见一斑。 《关于变化的作文》PPT模板下载://ppt.downhot./ 最好的PPT模板及素材下载网站
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More than tty years ago, my hometown was just a small , old and poor town. Most of people were farmers. There were few factories. The people didnt have enough food to eat and wore old clothes. They had a hard life . Great changes have taken place in th
More than tty years ago, my hometown was just a small , old and poor town. Most of people were farmers. There were few factories. The people didn’t have enough
food to eat and wore old clothes. They had a hard life .
Great changes have taken place in the past tty years . The people have found a lot of ways of making money . Now there are many tall buildings . They are very beautiful . Roads are wide and clean . People can take buses or drive their own cars to go to work . Many people have cell phones and personal puters. People’
s living conditions have improved a lot . Thanks to the government’s efforts . my hometown is being more and more beautiful .
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With the rapid development of science and technology, munication methods of people have changed a lot. In the long history of the past, people municated with people who were far from them only by letters, which took a very long time to get the message. In the late 19th century, telephone was invented, but it was not widely used. Letter is still the main method. Later, telegraph came into being and was popular, which was much faster than letter, bringing great convenience to people. As time goes by, telephones bee increasingly widely used. Now, the phones has been developed as mobile phone, fixed telephone, Internet telephone and other categories, being an essential munication tools in modern information society. In addition, network munication is popular as well. A great number of people municate with others on the Internet, such as the chat room, bbs, MSN and so on. People can make video calls that not only can hear the sound, but also can see the people you talk to. In short, there are various munication methods in modern world, which bring great convenience to people.
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文 章来源 莲
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5Y k J. c oM 关于变化的作文:祖国的变化
今天当雄伟的天安门迎来了东升的曙光,当鲜红的国旗在天安门广场冉冉升起,当祝福祖国的声音在苍穹中回荡时,我们会记住,今天是你的生日,我的祖国,我们也会记住,是您给了我们幸福的生活,祖国的变化日新月异,我相信您的明天会更美好~文 章来源 莲
山 课 件 w w w.
5Y k J. c oM
About Language Change
Is the English language changing?
Yes, and so is every other human language. Language is always changing, evolving, and adapting to the needs of its users. This isn't a bad thing; if English hadn't changed since, say, 1950, we wouldn't have words to refer to modems, fax machines, or cable TV. As long as the needs of language users continue to change, so will the language. The change is so slow that from year to year we hardly notice it (except to grumble every so often about the 'poor English' being used by the younger generation!). But reading Shakespeare's writings from the sixteenth century can be difficult. If you go back a couple more centuries, Chaucer's Canterbury Tales are very tough sledding, and if you t back another 500 years to try to read Beowulf
, it would be like reading a different language.
Why does language change?
Language changes for several reasons. First, it changes because the needs of its speakers change. New technologies, new products, and new
experiences require new words to refer to them clearly and efficiently. Consider the fax machine: Originally it was called a facsimile machine, because it allowed one person to send another a copy, or facsimile, of a document. As the machines became more mon, people began using the shorter form fax to refer to both the machine and the document; from there, it was just a short step to using the word fax as a verb (as in I'll fax this over to Sylvia).
Another reason for change is that no two people have had exactly the same language experience. We all know a slightly different set of words and constructions, depending on our age, job, education level, region of the country, and so on. We pick up new words and phrases from all the different people we talk with, and these bine to make something new and unlike
any other person's particular way of speaking. At the same time, various groups in society use language as a way of marking their group identity - showing who is and isn't a member of the group. Many of the changes that occur in language begin with teens and young adults: As young people interact with others their own age, their language grows to include words, phrases, and constructions that are different from those of the older generation. Some have a short life span (heard groovy lately?), but others stick around to affect the language as a whole.
We get new words from many different places. We borrow them from other languages (sushi, chutzpah), we create them by shortening longer words (gym from gymnasium) or by bining words (brunch from breakfast and lunch), and we make them out of proper names (Levis, fahrenheit).
Sometimes we even create a new word by being wrong about the analysis of an existing word. That's how the word pea was created: Four hundred years ago, the word pease was used to refer to either a single pea or a bunch of them. But over time, people assumed that pease was a plural form, for which pea must be the singular, and a new word - pea - was born. (The same thing would happen if people began to think of the word cheese as referring to more than one chee.)
Word order also changes, though this process is much slower. Old English word order was much more 'free' than that of Modern English, and even paring the Early Modern English of the King James Bible with today's English shows differences in word order. For example, the King James Bible translates Matthew 6:28 as "Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not." In a more recent translation, the last phrase is translated as "they do not toil". English no longer places not after the verb in a sentence.
Finally, the sounds of a language change over time, too. About 500 years ago English began to undergo a major change in the way its vowels were pronounced. Before that, geese would have rhymed with today's
pronunciation of face, while mice would have rhymed with today's peace. But then a 'Great Vowel Shift' began to occur, during which the ay sound (as in pay) changed to ee (as in fee) in all the words containing it, while the ee sound changed to i (as in pie). In all, seven different vowel sounds were affected. If you've ever wondered why most other European languages spell the sound ay with an e (as in fiancé) and the sound ee with an i (as in aria), it's because those languages didn't undergo the Great Vowel Shift. Only English did.
Wasn't English more elegant in Shakespeare's day?
People tend to think that older forms of language are more elegant, logical, or correct than modern Forms, but it's just not true. The Fact that language is always changing doesn't mean it's getting worse; it's just being different.
In Old English, a small winged creature with Feathers was known as a brid. Over time, the pronunciation changed to bird. Although it's not hard to imagine children in the 1400's being scolded For 'slurring' brid into bird, it's clear that bird won out. Nobody today would suggest that bird is an incorrect word or a sloppy pronunciation.
The speech patterns of young people tend to grate on the ears of adults because they're unfamiliar. Also, new words and phrases are used in spoken or informal language sooner than in Formal, written language, so it's true that the phrases you hear teenagers using may not yet be appropriate For business letters. But that doesn't mean they're worse - just newer. For years English teachers and newspaper editors argued that the word hopefully shouldn't be used to mean 'I hope', as in Hopefully it won't rain today, even though people frequently used it that way in informal speech. (And, of course nobody plained about other 'sentence adverbs' such as frankly and actually.) Now the battle against hopefully is all but lost, and it appears at the beginnings of sentences even in formal documents.
If you listen carefully, you can hear language change in progress. For example, anymore used to occur only in negative sentences: I don't eat pizza anymore. But now, in many areas of the country, it's being used in positive sentences: I've been eating a lot of pizza anymore. In this use, anymore means something like 'lately'. If that sounds odd to you now, keep listening; you may be hearing it in your neighborhood before long. Why can't people just use correct English?
By 'correct English', people usually mean Standard English. Most
languages have a standard Form; it's the Form of the language used in government, education, and other Formal contexts. But Standard English is just one dialect of English.
What's important to realize is that there's no such thing as a 'sloppy' or 'lazy' dialect. Every dialect of every language has rules - not 'schoolroom' rules like 'don't split your infinitives', but rather the sorts of rules that tell us that the cat slept is a sentence of English,
but slept cat the isn't. These rules tell us what language is like rather than what it should be like.
Different dialects have different rules. For example:
(l) I didn't eat any dinner.
(2) I didn't eat no dinner.
Sentence (l) follows the rules of Standard English; sentence (2) follows a set of rules present in several other dialects. But neither is sloppier than the other; they just differ in the rule For making a negative sentence. In (l), dinner is marked as negative with any; in (2), it's marked as negative with no. The rules are different, but neither is more logical or elegant than the other. In Fact, Old English regularly used 'double negatives', parallel to what we see in (2), and many modern languages, including Italian and Spanish, either allow or require more than one negative word in a sentence. Sentences like (2) only sound 'bad' if you didn't happen to grow up speaking a dialect that uses them.
You may have been taught to avoid 'split infinitives', as in (3):
(3) 1 was asked to thoroughly water the garden.
This is said to be 'ungrammatical' because thoroughly splits' the infinitive to water. Why are split infinitives so bad? Here's why: Seventeenth-century grammarians believed Latin was the ideal language, so they thought English should be as much like Latin as possible. In Latin, an infinitive like to water is a single word; it's impossible to split it up. So today, 300 years later, we're still being taught that sentences like (3) are wrong, all because someone in the 1600's thought English should be more like Latin.
Here's one last example. Over the past few decades, three new ways of reporting speech have appeared:
(4) So Karen goes, "Wow - I wish I'd been there!"
(5) So Karen is like, "Wow - I wish I'd been there!"
(6) So Karen is all, "Wow - I wish I'd been there!"
In (4), goes means pretty much the same thing as said; it's used for reporting Karen's actual words. In (5), is like means the speaker is telling us more or less what Karen said. If Karen had used different words for the same basic idea, (5) would be appropriate, but (4) would not.
Finally, is all in (6) is a fairly new construction. In most of the areas where it's used, it means something similar to is like, but with extra emotion. If Karen had simply been reporting the time, it would be okay to say She's like, "It's five o'clock", but odd to say She's all, "It's five o'clock" - unless there was something exciting about it being five o'clock.
A lazy way of talking? Not at all; the younger generation has made a useful three-way distinction where we previously only had the word said. Language will never stop changing; it will continue to respond to the needs of the people who use it. So the next time you hear a new phrase that grates on your ears, remember that, like everything else in nature, the English language is a work in progress.
附件四 三四单元作业
Unit 3
I. Choose the best one to fill in the blank.
1. National language is used within national boundaries. English in this century has a bee a ___________ .
A. national language B. international language
C. regional language D. global language
2. Several reasons can explain the why English has bee an international language or global language--- Britain Empire was once very large, it is the dominant language of USA and it is the language of _________ .
A. literature and history B. government and authority
C. law and military D. science and technology
3. Languages are bound with feelings of loyalty and patriotism to their speakers’ country. It is called ___________ .
A. language barrier B. language attitude
C. language use D. language skills
4. The English used by these Black slaves is what we termed as Black English, or ________ . (Ebonic)
A. American slang B. argot
C. pidgin D. Ebonic
5. The English language had a special role in making a large_______, from different parts of the world, into a single nation.( population)
A. country B. munity
C. population D. racial group
6. Speakers of British English and American English understand each other without difficulty. A more formal way of saying this is to say that British English & American English are mutually _________ . (intelligible)
A. intelligible B. independent
C. inpatible D. invisible
7. By the discovery of the New World is meant discovery and settlement in ___________.
A. Australia B. India
C. North America D. South Africa
8. Since the decline of British imperial power, the English language has __________ .
A. bee less important
B. bee more important
C. remained important, but in a different way
D. declined sharply in importance
9.The total number of users of varieties of English is ___________ the total number of users of varieties of Chinese.
A. still much smaller than B. much larger than
C. the same as D. almost as much as
10. The label ________ is often given to the end of 20th century since much more information is available than ever before and it can be stored and transferred in ways never possible before.
A. Information Age B. Computer mania
C. Globlizaion D. Internet Popularity
II. Translate the following into Chinese
Braj Kachru who is from Indian sub-continent, uses 3 circles to show his audience how English is used. There are 3 circles that overlap (p.147). They are the Inner Circle (which represents native speakers-users who use English as their mother tongue); the Outer Circle (which represents places where English is used for purposes of international business and sometimes for official business within the country. Most of these places were once part of the British Empire); and the Expanding Circle (where English is not an official language but the number of English users are still increasing who don’t think English belongs to Britain or North America. Instead, they think the language is one of theirs.)
III. Read the following and then answer the questions.
One thing we have to point out is that the number of English users has always been increasing. The world is changing, so is the number of English learners. Because of technical reasons, the change is more rapid
We are living in so-called Information Age. Information spreads very rapidly and is taken advantage of by more people and in more fields. The invention and the use of puter is a good case in point. And as an international language, the function of English has helped the spread and transfer of information. The side use of English has strengthened its position worldwide in return. Though there are some other languages which can be called international languages, English is obviously more important and should be termed as global language. It has gone beyond any boundaries.
English learning, therefore, has a lot to do with the advancement of science and the application of technology as well. Students are learning it at school and working adults are learning it for various purposes. At present, there is no sign of declining in the learning and using of English. The role English plays in the modern world is evident. But, people might ask if it has disadvantages too? Or can it be replaced by some other languages?
People have plaints about English. For instance, one needs a large vocabulary to read well; some sounds are hard to pronounce, and it’s not easy to handle the use of countable nouns and uncountable nouns, etc. To solve the problem, some people put forward a solution, namely, using a language that has nothing to do with anybody’s mother tongue to take the place of English as an international language. Hence, people don’t have to be bothered by the change of time, place and audience.
It is not practical to use Latin or Greek for the purpose. So, in 19th to early 20th century, people created a few languages to fulfill the task. The most famous and successful man-made language is Esperanto. Yet, it has never been successful in peting with English even though there are some people using the language all the time.
Some people suggested that a natural language be simplified, for example English. In fact, Noah Webster already did the job long before by simplifying the English spelling in order that American children can learn it more easily. And in 1930, a person named Ogden already published his simplified English version. During the 2nd World War, the basic English words people made were only 850 and they could not meet people’s writing needs.
As we all know, there are many languages in the world. In the eyes of the linguists all languages are equal and there is no good one or bad (in other words: developed or primitive) one, just like we say all humans are equal and should be respected.
Can we say that English is widely used because t it better fits in the international circumstances than other languages? It seems irrational to conclude so. The spread of it, as we covered before, was absolutely
caused by political, economic and cultural factors instead of linguistic reasons.
The idea of equality or parity among languages is important, and it needs to be carefully understood. No languages that we know about are underdeveloped or primitive. Languages change with time, as the needs of their users change, but change does not mean evolutionary progress. Languages and dialects are valued differently and used differently for historical, political, economic and cultural reasons.
1. Has the number of English users always been increasing or decreasing?
2. The number of English learners change more rapidly, why?
3. As an international language, has English helped the spread and transfer of information?
4. What is the result of the side use of English?
5. Give examples to show what do people plaint about English language.
6. People have practiced two things to solve the problem. What are they?
7. What do linguists regard languages in the way of equality?
8. What are the factors leading to the spread of English language?
9. Is it true that English is widely used because t it better fits in the international circumstances than other languages?
10. Is it true that if a language munity is primitive, then its language must be undeveloped?
Unit 4
I. Choose the best one to fill in the blank
1.The idea of equality or ________ among languages is important and needs to be carefully understood.
A. parity B. quality C. unity D. antiquity
2. No languages that we know about are undeveloped or ________.
A. primitive B. native C. authentic D. artificial
3. Languages and dialects are valued_________ and used differently for historical, political, economic and cultural reasons.
A. independently B. differently
C. rarely D. indifferently
4. It is _____ to learn to read the English of a past time. The further back in the past the more difficult it is and the longer it takes.
A. impossible B. possible
C. easy D. linguists’ job
5. A ________is the sort of English use which is associated with a part of society, that is with rich or poor, well or poorly educated.
A. regional variety B. historical variety
C. social variety D. RP variety
6. There are 2 distinct stages in the study of a language. The 1st stage is the study of sound system and grammar system of a language; while the 2nd is ____________.
A. using English in a variety of ways
B. through revision, going over the same groundwork again
C. practicing English conversation
D. focusing on grammar rules
7. English differs with the user, and also with the different________ that speakers have for English.
A. uses B. lexicons C. grammar D. formality
8. English is used in different circumstances with different degrees of ___________.
A. formality B. stability C. reality D. equality
9. The written account is for readers who __________the experience, so it has to be more plete than the spoken version.
A. did share B. did not share
C. heard of D. lived through
10. Style has to be consistent---not uneven. Competent writers and speakers avoid mixing some words suitable for serious contexts with those that are not.
A. try B. enjoy C. avoid D. like
II. list the differences between spoken & written English: Spoken
1. The work between 2 or more people who are both speakers & listeners.
2. There is reminding, interrupting, hesitation, asking and answering questions in the process.
3. Not keep to a single point and things known to the speakers may be left out.
4. Slang or words known to people involved in the talk may be used
1. The work of one person for many readers.
2. May be read a long time after it is written.
3. No interruption between the writer & the readers.
4. About what the writer thinks the readers need to know and say all about it.
5. Arranged in best order for readers to prehend.
6. Is put clearly to avoid confusion or puzzlement on the readers side.
7. Is changing as in other respects, and generally nearer speech than it was before
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