作文一:《演讲比赛 作文》2400字
演讲比赛? ?作文?
演讲?比赛? ?作文?
演讲?比赛? ?作文记?一次?演讲?比赛? ?
伴随?着习?习秋?风?,我们?迎来??了一年一?度的?演讲?比赛?。我?们陆?续走?进了??电教室?,只见??上空写着?四个?大字?:演?讲比?赛。?同学?们个?个喜?气洋?洋,?欢?笑声“?盖”?过了?音响?里放?出的?歌声?。演?讲比?赛就?这样?拉开?了帷?幕。? ?演讲?比赛?开始?了。?那迷?人的?声音?像磁?石一??样把我吸?引住?了。?第一?位演??讲的是庞?文博?她那?稚嫩?的声?音把?我们??仿佛带到?了美?妙的?童话?世界?里。??紧接着是?李文?月。??就这样一?个人?一个?人演?讲完?了,?很快?就轮?到我?了,??我慢悠悠?的走?上台?,心?里就?像揣?着一?只小?兔。?就像?自我?安慰?一样??,鼓?起勇气向?台上?走去?。? ?
我清了?清嗓?子,?大胆?的演?讲着??,我也不?知道??我演讲的?好不?好。?只是?演?讲完了?,就?只听?见有?几声?稀薄?的掌?声。?我从?心底?里知?道,?我演?讲的??的确不好?,下?台的?时候?,我?把头?弄的?低低?的,?时不?时的??看郝老师?一眼?,?只见郝?老师?用甜?甜的?微笑?向我?致意?,我??的心里终?于舒?展开?了。? ?很快?,演?讲比?赛进?行完?了,?开始?宣读?分数?了。?满分?是?10?分。就?在宣?读?分数时?,我?的心?就像?打翻?了五??味瓶,真?不是?滋味?!?最后,?我竟?然是?第?二名,?太不?可思?意了?!?我简直?都不?相信?我自??己的?耳朵了。??我还以为?只?是个参?与奖?呢?!颁完?奖后?,我?这才?相信?这是?真的?。? ?
演讲比?赛虽?然完?了,?但是?我心??里总燃着?一种??不灭之火?,这?火就?是前?进?之火,?奋斗?之火??,就是因?为这?种火?,本?来让?不自?信的?我,?有了?自信?和?奋?斗的勇气?。? ?
演讲比?赛结?束了?,但?是同?学们?还沉?浸在?刚才?情的?比赛?里???? 2.? ?
敬爱的?老师?,亲?爱的??同学们:? ?
轮,而?樱树?则见?证了?它的?成长??。我们就?好比?是小?树,?而校?园是?樱树?,?不是吗?? ?
看着?眼前?校园?的一?切,?是那?么熟?悉,?不禁?又勾?起了?我的?回忆???? ?记得二?年级?的那?个“?六一?”儿??童节,学?校的?操场?仅有?如今?的三?分之??一,地面?不是?塑胶?而是?水泥??,由于拍?卖会?过于?拥挤?,我?被同?学挤?倒了?。?只听见?“嚓?”的??一声,我?跌倒??在了水泥?地上??,当我艰?难地?从地?上爬?起?来时,??发现左膝?上的?皮已?经磨?破,?血很?快流?了出?来,?我慢?慢地?向教?室?走去,?疼痛?继续?蔓延?着。?这时?,很?多同?学见?了说?:“?逗,?怎么?了??”“??哎呀,你?膝盖?磨破?了,?逗,?怎么?搞的?,给?,纸?巾,?先把?伤口?周围?的石??子擦掉吧?!”?“哦?,快?去卫?生室?!”?同学??们七嘴八?舌地?关切?地问?着我?。?后来,?我被?一群?好心?的同?x?学架着?胳膊?去了?卫生?室,?徐老?师仔?细地?帮?我清洗?伤口?,上?药水?,我?疼得?呲呀?咧嘴?地想?哭,?同学?的安?慰使?我忍?住?了泪水?。虽?然下?午不?能去?活动?了,?只能?留在?教室?里,?但我?的心?依然?是?充实的?、快?乐的?! ?
记得?一年?前的?拔河?比赛?,在?最终?的决?胜局??时,我们?第二?局败?给了?力量??悬殊的种?子队?选手?50?1?班。什??么?我们?失败?了,?这是?我们?三班?拔河?比?赛中遭?遇最?大的?挫折?,因?为,?我们?从未?被打?败过?,当?时的?局势?非常?的?紧张,?一比?一平?!?我们打?成了?平手?,最?后一?局定?胜负?!?我们一?开始??时毕?竟有些难?过,?导致?力量?有些?减退?,但?是一?想到?集体??的荣誉高?于一?切,??便再次信?心满?满,?精神?抖擞?地上?了“?战潮?“加?油,??加油!”?曹老?师带?领?着拉拉?队员?在一?旁为?我们?呐喊?助威?,我??们咬紧牙?关,?拼尽?了全?力,?好?!?绳子已经?在向?我们?这边?移动??了,幅度?越来?越大?了,?随着?裁判?一声?哨音?,?对方的?绳子?一松??,我们全?倒下?了。?“胜?利了?,胜?利了?!“?我们?躺在?地?上欢呼??:”“五?连冠?,五?连冠?!”?曹老?师更?是激?动得?满脸?通红?。是?的,??我们经过?一番?波折?最终?靠实?力再?次夺?魁?! ?
那套集?体舞??的服装,?我始?终把?它挂?在衣?柜最?显眼?的地?方,?因为?它见?证?了?集体舞全?校第?一的?成绩?! ?
小学?生活?的往?事历?历在?目,?每一?抹都?是我?们记?忆蓝??天中别具?一格?的云??彩。 ?
的情感,?珍藏?这永?久的?记忆?吧?! ?
谢谢?大家?! ?
4.时间限制:每位选手的演讲时间限时4—5分钟。 四、赛场具体流程:
一( 活动目的
丰富校园文化,生活。同时,举办这次聚焦2008演讲比赛,可以使大学生关注社会热点,并且增强当代大学生的爱国的自信心,自豪感。演讲是科学,是艺术,是展示个人文化素质修养的窗口。在院举办这次全院范围内的聚焦2008演讲比赛,让我们在兴趣中求知,在激烈中求识,展现当代大学生的综合素质;引导和激励大学生奋发有为,自觉成才,成为社会主义事业的合格建设者和接班人。 二( 活动主题
三( 活动内容
本次活动定于2008-10-16 18:30于教学楼2号楼130报告厅举办。 1) 前期准备
2) 演讲比赛现场
3) 后期安排
四( 活动成果
初选:在各班进行,时间是四月十九日,利用上课时间。请老师们安排好你的教学; 复选:在学校范围内进行。时间是四月二十六日。参加者为各班评选出的前二(三)名。 演讲比赛内容:
演讲?准备?40?. ? ? ?不要指??望几分钟?的演?讲能?起到?翻天?覆地?的作?用。??用最自然?的方??式表述,?听来?要让?人思?考半?天才?能明?白的?词语?别用?,让??人费解或?可能?使人?误解?的观?点别?说;?41?. ? ? ?拿到演?讲稿?一定?要按?比赛??时的速率?试两?遍,?确保?不超?时,?千万?别存?侥幸?。?42.? ?? 对演?讲稿?尤其??是对?别人写的?稿子?要反?复读?,背?下来?只是?最低?要求?,你?必须??对稿件中??的每一个?标点?的由?来都?了然?于胸?;?43.? ? ?尽可?能的?预先?到演?讲场?地,??熟悉环境?设施?。如?有可?能不?妨到?台上?喊上?几嗓?子;?44?. ? ? ?搞清楚??是哪?些评委哪?些听?众;?45?. ? ? ?预先演?练好?如何?上下??场。几步?可以?到话?筒,??在哪儿鞠?躬;?46?. ? ? ?如果话?筒高?度不?合适?,主?办方?安排?专人?调整?的比??赛,应在?上台?前就?示意?工作?人员?调整?,如?无专?门人?员调??整,自己?应知??道如何调?整,?不可?胡乱?吹吹?打打?。?47.? ? ?如果?可以?看讲?稿的?比赛?,最??好不带讲?稿。?一定?要带?,记?住讲?稿最?好是?单面?打印?;?48.? ? ??练习用正??常语调、?最大?的音?量清?楚的?完成?演讲?;?49.? ? ?别指?望到?时变?腔变?调、??装猫变狗?吸引?人。?场前?准备?50?. ? ? ?举止务?求自?然;?51?. ? ?? 愉快地?接?受领队?教练?或亲?朋的?鼓励?;?52.? ? ?比赛?前一?夜睡?个好?觉;?53?. ? ? ?向?尽可?能多的听?众问?候,?包括?老朋?友,?也包?括新?面孔?,对?你在??赛前看到??的每一个?人微?笑;?比赛?时他?们会?还给?你最?宝贵??的鼓励;?54?. ? ? ?要象准??备对全世?界演?讲一?样准?备你?的演?讲;?55?. ? ? ?当你的?名字?被叫?到时??,慢?慢的站起?来,?以正?常的?步幅?走向?演讲?台;?56?. ?? ?想像一?下你?的恋?人或??你心仪已?久的?人就??坐在台下?;想?想你?的朋?友正?向你?欢呼?、想?想你?曾有??的成功;?57?. ? ? ?揽镜自?顾,?画眉?深浅?入时?无。?但这?里的??时应是演?讲比??赛的标准?;?58.? ? ?不要?穿戴?任何?花里?胡哨?的服?饰。?花边?类的?服饰?等会??
转移大家?对演?讲的?注意?力?59.? ? ?把服?装里?的东?西掏?空。?尤其?是可?能发??出声响的?手机?或可?能露?出来?的讲?稿等?等?60.? ? ?别试?着预?先准??备手势;?61?. ? ? ?放松面?部肌?肉,?让脸?上的?微笑?来自?内心?;?62.? ? ?别让?头发?垂?到脸上?;你?必须?给人?清爽?利落?的形?象;?63?. ? ? ?临演说?前可?以含?薄荷?味?或咖啡?质的?口香?糖。?但上?台前?三分?钟必?须吐?掉,?清空?你的?嘴巴?。?6?4. ? ?可以?做一?些深?呼吸?;?65.? ? ?自我?伸展?并想?像你?比实?际要?高,?正在?天空??翱翔,俯?视着?大地?的芸?芸众?生;?66?. ? ? ?如果你??的演讲被?安排?在午?后,??中午睡上?一觉?,会?给你?的精??神加分不??少;67?. ? ? ?场内正?比赛?,就?不要??还在会场?外的?走廊?或卫?生间?里背?稿子?;?68.?? ?要尽?可能?的多?听先?讲的??人演讲;?69?. ?? ?试着以?端坐?不动?的姿?势放?松?10?分钟。?比赛?之中?70?. ? ?
?相信:? ?
你是在?作最?一流?的演?讲。?你就?是大?家期?待的?一等?奖的?得主?;?71.? ? ?笑得?自然?;?72.? ? ?鞠躬?致意?――?站到?话筒?前―?―深?呼吸?――?放松?――??微笑――?开始?把烂?熟于?心的?讲稿?讲出?来;?73?. ? ? ?用目光?和观?众说?话,??先从那个?你感?到最?亲近??的人开始?,用?目光?告诉?他,?你感?谢他?的关?注;??然后?,把所有?的听?众都?当成?你的?大哥?大姐?。?74.? ? ?不要?忘了?用你?的目??光和表情?让评?委们?感觉?他很?重要?;?75.? ? ?可以?用长?停顿?,但?以不??让人?误解为忘?词为?界;?76?. ? ? ?对场内?听众?的噪?音点?可用?目光?恳求?他们?停止?,如?果无?效,?抬起?你的?目光?,不?去管?他,?继续?你的?演讲?。?77.?? ?最后??的那句我?的演?讲结?束了?或谢?谢,?万不??可说得随?意,?草草?首场?。它?是你??演讲中重?要的?台词??。演讲比?赛技?巧?
作文六:《作文 演讲比赛》1800字
作文 演讲比赛
作文 演讲比赛
作文 演讲比赛三月,一个多么美妙的季节呀!也是我们的学雷锋月,在三月,人们都在行动,我们学校也不例外,这不,马上就要开始关于学习雷锋的演讲比赛。
这时,学校领导把参赛选手的名字念了一遍,我班的两位选手是万梦和李丹,她们可是老师千挑百挑的选出来的,可见她们的能力非同一般呀!在比赛前,二位同学就在全班同学面前演讲过。 接着是抽签,她们俩还算好,抽的数字不前不后,是9号和12号。第一位是一班的一个倒霉的男生,不知是他紧张还是什么其他原因,他演讲的糟糕透了。接下来的几位还演讲的不错,但给我印象最深的是一班的刘敏,她带着微笑站在台上,全场就像平静的水面一样。 “春天??”一句句话好似美妙的音符,丁冬丁冬悦耳地奏出来。同学们都睁大了眼睛,场上静悄悄的,大家都屏住了呼吸听下面的。 她从容不迫,感情真挚地朗诵着,脸上泛起激动的红晕。听到她的朗诵,她班的同学都为她高兴的笑了。
比赛开始了,我细心地听着前面同学的演讲。让我印象最深的是温清华,她的作文很感人,但如果速度再放慢些,就更好了。我当时在心里暗暗地告诉自己:上台时一定要大胆,不要着急,还要有感情。 终于排到我了,我的心怦怦直跳地上了讲台,好像这个我天天上课的课室变得陌生了。观众席上坐满了家长,正准备给我打分呢。我好害怕,怕自己说错了一个字。
那天你真挚的童言、真实的情感打动了每一个人!继续努力! 妈妈的话:钟滢的这篇作文终于拿到了她一直想拿的A++,老师在作文里划了好多波浪线还不时地在边上点评心理活动的句子。这些无形地激励着钟滢写作的热情,还有对自己的肯定。
在这文章里我最欣赏的是最后两段。倒算第二段的心理描写让我看到孩子已经能不自觉地练习放下“小我”成就“大我”,不再为了争第一而是为了真心地给天下的妈妈送上一份爱的礼物。还跟我说这“天下的妈妈”不只是说人类的妈妈还有动物和植物的妈妈。 曾经不时地告诉她在关健的时刻要学会放松、看淡,特别是在比赛的
时候,比的就是心理素质,越紧张越失误。就象伸手去抓一把沙子,如果紧紧地抓住越抓越少,如果放松了,捧起来的时候最多。 最后一段跟我说其实她知道自己总分第一时高兴得真想跳起来,但不能太张扬、太骄傲,要不没有人喜欢你的,所以只能写两句不能写得太疯了。
作文七:《globalization 演讲比赛》19900字
The Impact of Globalization on Traditional Chinese Values
Good morning, ladies and gentlemen:
Before western and Chinese civilization came into close contact, Chinese people had always longed for a life depicted in traditional Chinese paintings. Those paintings present a harmonious coexistence of people and other life forms. Regarded as the essence of ancient Chinese philosophies, harmony has been deeply-rooted in the minds of the Chinese people. On the one hand, it has contributed to the unique continuity of Chinese civilization. On the other, Chinese people became too much contented with their achievements to desire any further changes. As globalization deepens, it is bound to affect our ideal of harmony.
First, globalization urges China to speed up its modernization, which threatens our regard for the harmony between Man and Nature. For instance, many dams and hydropower stations are being built for economic benefits at the expense of the well-preserved natural habitats. However, ecological malpractice of such kind goes against the notion of harmonious coexistence in ancient Chinese philosophies. More than 2,000 years ago, long before the concept of environmental protection came into being, DuJiang Weir, a great irrigation project was built in southwestern China's Sichuan province. It succeeded both in controlling floods and in facilitating the agriculture without posing a threat to the environment.
Moreover, globalization has brought with it intense petition. Traditionally, moderation is a golden principle, presiding over inter-personal relations in China. Today, however, motivated to e to the top, some people bee so self-centered that they choose to sacrifice love, friendship and even family ties.
Last but not least, diverse cultures have met in China as a consequence of globalization. Therefore, a clash of cultures bees inevitable. Unfortunately, the past decades have witnessed a huge loss of cultural heritage in China. In cities like Beijing and Xi'an, hundreds of c entury-old Chinese-style houses are being demolished to make room for skyscrapers, shopping malls and eight-lane expressways.
From these examples, we see the disharmony brought about by globalization. Y et it is not globalization that is to blame. As long as we approach globalization with harmony in mind, its benefit will outweigh its cost. Take my hometown, Hangzhou, for example, thanks to the strenuous efforts made by the municipal government in achieving eco-development, various water birds have returned to the West Lake, calling it home again after years of migration elsewhere. From the lake bank, we see skateboarders and trick cyclists showing off together with people flying kites and kicking shuttlecocks on the plaza nearby. Although they pose a picture quite distinct from traditional Chinese paintings, this picture conveys a modern sense of harmony in this era of globalization.
Ladies and gentlemen, to conclude, I would like to quote from British philosopher Bertrand Russell. In contrasting Chinese and Western civilizations, he observed: "The distinctive merit of western civilization is the scientific method; the distinctive merit of the Chinese is a just
conception of the ends of life. It is these two that one must hope to see gradually uniting." As we see the tremendous progress China has been making drawing on experience abroad, we may also expect the Chinese traditional value of harmony to enrich the world. I look forward to the time when Russell's prophecy es true.
Thank you very much.
Thank you ladies and gentlemen. My topic today is "Walls and Bridges".
I'm studying in a city famous for its city walls.
All visitors to my city are amazed by the imposing sight of the city walls, silhouetted by the setting sun with gold and shining lines. With old cracked bricks patched with lichen, the walls are weather-beaten guards, standing still for centuries in protecting the city.
Our ancestors liked to build walls. They built walls in Beijing, Xi’an, Nanjing and many othe r cities, and they built the Great wall which snakes through half of our country.
They built walls to ward off the enemies and evil spirits.
This tradition has been maintained to this day as we still have many schools and parks walled off from the public.
I grew up at the foot of the city walls, and I have been loving them since my childhood.
For a long time, walls were one of the most natural things in the world. My perception, however, changed after a hiking trip to the Eastern Suburbs, a scenic area of my city.
My classmates and I were walking with some international students.
As we walked out of the city, we found ourselves flanked by taller and taller trees which formed a huge canopy above our heads.
Suddenly an international student asked me, “where is the entrance to the Eastern Suburbs?” “We’re already in the Eastern Suburbs,” I replied. He seemed taken aback.
“I thought you Chinese have walls for everything.” His remark set off a heated debate.
At one point, he likened our walled cities to “jails”, while I insisted that the Eastern Suburbs was one of the many places in China that had no walls.
That debate had no winners, but I did learn a lot from this international student.
For instance, he told me universities like oxford and Cambridge were not surrounded by walls, the campuses were just a part of the cities.
I have to admit that we do have many walls in china, and as we are developing our country, we must carefully examine them, whether they are physical or intangible.
We will tear down some walls, and we will keep some of them. Let me give you an example. A year ago, when I was working on a term paper, I needed a book on business law and found a copy in the law school library.
However, the library turned down my request with a cold shoulder, saying “you can’t borrow this book.
Y ou are not a student here.” In the end, I had to spend 200 yuan buying a copy, meanwhile, the copy in law school was gathering dust on the shelf. At the beginning of this semester, I heard that my university had started not only to unify all its libraries but also to link them up with libraries of other universities, so my experience will not be repeated. Barriers will be replaced by bridges.
Through an inter-library loan system, we will have access to books from any library. With globalization, with china integrates into the world, I believe many of these intangible walls will be knocked down.
I know globalization is a controversial issue, and it’s hard for us to say whether it is good or bad. But one thing for sure, it draws our attention to china’s physical and intangible walls and force us to examine their in the modern world.
Then what about the walls in my city and other cities? Should we tear them down? Just the opposite. My city, like Beijing and other cities, is actually making a great effort to preserve the walls.
These walls now attract not only historians and archeologists, but also schoolchildren trying to study our history and cultural heritage. The walls have turned into bridges to our past and to the rest of the world.
If the ancient builders of these walls were still alive today, they would be proud to see such a great change in the roles of their walls.
They are now cultural bridges that link East and West, South and North and all the countries of the world.
Our cultural heritage will survive globalization. Thank you very much ladies and gentlemen.
主题: 第十届“21世纪杯”全国英语演讲比赛冠军演讲稿
Thirty college students across the country attended the Tenth 21st Century Cup National English Speaking Contest in Beijing on April 10. Eventually, Xia Peng, from Nanjing University was named the champion. The second and third places t to Zhang Jing, a sophomore from China Foreign Affairs University, and Zhang A Xu, from Hong Kong Polytechnic University, respectively. More than 1000 college students in Beijing are lucky birds to listen to the speeches on the spot in Friendship Hotel.
Just make to it the finals, they had to get past 60 others speaking on “The impact of globalization on traditional Chinese values”. That was at the semi-final on April 8-9. What will Chinese college students think about the impact? Each contestant had his own take on the subject. Xia summed up globalization by saying: “It ’s just controversial and hard to say whether it is good or bad.” Xia took the old wall of his city, Nanjing, as a metaphor. He spoke about the conflict over whether to protect the old walls or tear them down to represent the conflict of ideas. He suggested that people protect the wall as a valuable relic while tearing down the “intangible walls” of their minds that prevent munication. While some other students are more focusing on the impact of globalization on family relations, attitudes towards love, and job-hunting.
Over the past 10 years, the national English speaking petition has given contestants a chance to speak on a variety of topics closely related to their lives. Chinese students bee more open-minded and receive various ideas and thinking over the decade. Diversity bees more obvious on campus, students have more opportunities to express and show themselves. It’s not an easy task for the contestants to win through the fierce petition. Owning to their passion, hard work and persistence, they finally succeeded in the contest.
Liu Xin, the first champion of the national contest, is now an anchorperson of CCTV-9. Recalling the passion of study on campus, she said: “When you want to express your idea by a foreign language without finding a right way, you’re really upset. Then you have to encourage yourself, and after a long term of bitterness, suddenly you find you get the right way with joy.” With the champion
title in 21st Century Cup, Liu attended the International Public Speaking petition in London in May 1996 afterward and got the first prize historically.
The winner in 2003 surprised the audience, since she came from accounting major instead of English major. Gu Qiubei, then 22 years old, was a senior in Shanghai Foreign Studies University. While being asked whether she had some good methods to learn English, she said: “Learn English with passion and enthusiasm.” Attracted by the greatness of English language, Gu even changed her major from accounting to English in her postgraduate study. The most important issue in English learning process she pointed out is personal interests. Only people interested in English benefit a lot from the learning methods and those with passion will finally achieve their dreams.
When chief of global media giant Via Sumner Redstone gave a speech in Tsinghua University on his autobiography A Passion to Win, he was asked what made him to restart his career at the age of 60, the 81-year-old media tycoon said: “Firstly, there’s a self-driving force in my deep heart, which keeps my passion to succeed and surpass others; secondly, I don ’t think I ’m too old to leave work, actually I love my work very much.”
Some of the contestants have achieved their dreams as Redstone; still others are on the way to their dream. With a passion to win, you will overe obstacles and succeed at the end.
By the first prize winner, Xia Peng, Nanjing University:
Building Bridges for the Future
I ’m studying in a city that’s famous for its walls. People who visit my city are amazed at the imposing sight of its walls, especially when silhouetted against the setting sun with gold, shining streaks. The old, cracked bricks are covered with lichens and the walls are weather-beaten guards standing still for centuries.
Our ancestors liked to build walls. They built walls in Beijing, Xi’
an, Nanjing and many other cities, and they built the Great Wall, which snakes across half our country. They built walls to protect against enemies and evil spirits. This tradition has survived to this day: we still have many parks and schools walled off from the public.
For a long time, walls were one of the most natural things in the world to me.
My perceptions, however, changed after I made a hiking trip to the eastern suburbs of my city. My classmates and I were walking with some foreign students. As we walked out of the city, we found ourselves flanked by tall trees, which formed a wide canopy above our heads. Suddenly one foreign student asked me, “Where is the entrance to the eastern suburbs?”
“We ’re already in the eastern suburbs,” I replied. He seemed taken aback, “I thought you Chinese had walls for everything.” His remark set off a heated debate. At one point, he likened our walled cities to “jails ”, while I insisted that the eastern suburbs were one of the many places in China that had no walls.
That debate had no winners, but I did learn a lot from this student. For instance, he told me that some major universities like Oxford and Cambridge were not surrounded by walls. I have to admit that we do have many walls in China, and as we develop our country, we must look carefully at them and decide whether they are physical or intangible. We will keep some walls but tear down those that impede our development.
Let me give another example.
A year ago, when I was working on a term paper, I needed a book on business law and found a copy in the law school library. However, the librarian coldly rejected my request to borrow it, saying, “You can ’t borrow this book, you’re not a student here.” In the end, I had to spend 200 yuan to buy a copy. Meanwhile, the copy in the law school gathered dust on the shelf.
At the beginning of this semester, I heard that my university had
started to think of unifying its libraries and linking them to libraries at other universities, so my experience wouldn’t be repeated. Barriers would be replaced by bridges. An inter-library loan system would give us access to books from any library. With globalization and China integrated into the world, I believe many of these intangible walls will be knocked down.
I know that globalization is a controversial issue, and it is hard to say whether it is good or bad. But one thing is for sure: it draws our attention to China’s tangible and intangible walls and forces us to examine their role in the modern world.
And how about the ancient walls of mine and other cities? Should we tear them down? Definitely not. My city, like Beijing and other cities, is actually making a great effort to preserve the walls. These walls attract historians, archaeologists, and many schoolchildren who are trying to study our history and cultural heritage. Walls have bee bridges to our past and to the rest of the world. If the ancient builders of these walls were still alive today, they would be proud to see such great changes in the role of their walls. They are now bridges that link East and West, South and North, and all countries of the world. Our cultural heritage will survive globalization.
Restoration of Traditional Values in the Tide of Globalization
Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen:
Today , an invisible yet powerful hand seems to be breaking the boundaries of every conceivable kind to integrate the world, from the flow of capital to the spread of information and to the exchange of ideas. Double-mint chewing gum can be found in remote areas in China; the Iraq war bees hot TV viewing on millions of screens; the relief effort of the recent tsunami has been participated in by nations worldwide...What else in our lives is being globalized? Finance, entertainment and health, to mention just a few.
As globalization bees so pervasive, I begin to wonder what will happen to our traditional values. Will it be strengthened in the process or the other way around?
As the market-driven economy gains its popularity worldwide, we have plunged ourselves into the pursuit of economic development and material gains. Just 20 years ago in China, in people's wildest dreams, who would even think of having a private car? However, as we celebrate these economic miracles, we can never ignore the negative impact. We have seen a dangerous trend that pushes us to a consumerist culture and a loss of identity . Y oung people celebrate Christmas and V alentines Day enthusiastically, while our traditional Dragon Boat Festival was nearly taken away by South Korea. English education is being such a huge industry , while our mother tongue seems to be put in a second place. We lock ourselves in this newly affordable high-rise apartment, when neighbors just mean strangers. And life can bee a game, as the so-called Fun Morality grabs us: we do not believe in the future; we believe in immediate gratification. We do not trust others; we keep to ourselves. We see ourselves as the center; we see everything else as tool to achieve our goals. We are doomed ifwe go down this route, because if we let the fear of poverty , the fear of losing the new found wealth govern our lives, then we will be able to eat, but we will not be able to live.
Ladies and gentlemen, I'm not a pessimist of globalization in pointing out these threats. In fact I believe all the negative impact will have a reverse power to restore our traditional values. Because values are not dead, they are dynamic. And since our minds are being more open, tolerant and diverse in the age of globalization, we can get a better idea of what are the good values that really deserve to last.
I'm glad to notice that the signs of the restoration of our traditional values are already emerging. Recently CCTV gave awards to 10 people, whose dedication to society have moved the Chinese people. There is a college graduate who devotes himself to kids in poverty-stricken areas in Guizhou; there is a doctor who brought warmth and hope to Henan AIDS patients. These very 10 people represent the many mon people around us, who may not have ambitious goals, but who are people who have faith in society, who cherish their families, who care about monwealth, and who love the country passionately. They are adopting the traditional values to the new global context.
The plexity of globalization can be described by Charles Dickens's words, "It was the best of times; it was the worst of times. It was the age of wisdom; it was the age of foolishness." Not only China, but also the world is facing a critical turning point. Globalization is enabling us to build the modem-day 4 )Tower Of Babel. Peace and development has bee the theme of the century . However, the restoration of our traditional values is the backbone of that theme. If we are to add our own contribution to the global values, then we'd better first look into ourselves and have a firm grip of what we shouldn't lose.
Thank you very much.
一句句真实的体会,一声声发自肺腑的呐喊,一阵阵激-情热烈的掌声不断地从威海校区G楼202传出,12月11晚,由于“立足新起点 创造新业绩”十七大主题演讲比赛决赛的举办而人潮涌动热闹非凡,犹如我们工大学子学习十七大精神的“热焰”浓浓燃烧?? 演讲会场的外面,一排排贴满精心选出的党团报的宣传板让前来观看比赛的人们还未进入会场就感受到了同学们学习十七大精神的高昂劲头。一张张党团报色彩绚丽,设计新颖,内容充实,摆在大厅里煞是引人注目,吸引人们驻足浏览。
“同晖而起 龙舞九天”、“金秋盛会 巨龙腾飞”、“长风破浪 直挂云帆”、“十七大为中国擎起新希望”、“关注民生 共建和-谐社会”、“科学发展 我们再创新辉煌”??
第一、针对性。演讲是一种社会活动,是用于公众场合的宣传形式。它为了以思想、感情、事例和理论来晓喻听众,打动听众,“征服”群众,必须要有现实的针对性。所谓针对性,首先是作者提出的问题是听众所关心的问题,评论和论辨要有雄辩的逻辑力量,要能为听众所接受并心悦诚服,这样,才能起到应有的社会效果;其次是要懂得听众有不同的对象 和不同的层次,而“公众场合”也有不同的类型,如党团集会、专业性会议、服务性俱乐部、 学校、社会团体、宗教团体、各类竞赛场合,写作时要根据不同场合和不同对象,为听众设计不同的演讲内容。
第四、整体性演讲稿并不能独立地完成演讲任务,它只是演讲的一个文字依据,是整个演讲活动的一个组成部分。演讲主体、听众对象、特定的时空条件,共同构成了演讲活动的整体。撰写演讲稿时,不能将它从整体中剥离出来。为此,演讲稿的撰写要注意以下几个方面: 首先,要根据听众的文化层次、工作性质、生存环境、品位修养、爱好愿望来确立选题,选择表达方式,以便更好地沟通。
演讲活动是演讲者与听众面对面的一种交流和沟通。听众会对演讲内容及时作出反应:或表示赞同,或表示反对,或饶有兴趣,或无动于衷。演讲者对听众的各种反映不能置之不顾,因此,写演讲稿时,要充分考虑它的临场性,在保证内容完整的前提下,要注意留有伸缩的余地。要充分考虑到演讲时可能出现的种种问题,以及应付各种情况的对策。总之,演讲稿要具有弹性,要体现出必要的控场技巧。 主要功能
作文》,讲了作文前的准备、文章体裁、构思、选材等,使听众明白了作文的基本知识。它的特点是知识性强,语言准确。 第二、“使人信”演讲。这种演讲的主要目的是使人信赖、相信。它从“使人知”演讲发展而来。如恽代英的演讲《怎样才是好人》,不仅告知人们哪些人不是好人,也提出了三条衡量好人的标准,通过一系列的道理论述,改变了人们以往的旧观念。它的特点是观点独到、正确,论据翔实、确凿,论证合理、严密。
第三、“使人激”演讲。这种演讲意在使听众激动起来,在思想感情上与你产生共鸣,从而欢呼、雀跃。如美国黑人运动领袖马丁.路德.金的《在林肯纪念堂前的演说》,用他的几个“梦想”激发广大的黑人听众的自尊感、自强感,激励他们为“生而平等”而奋斗。 第四、“使人动”演讲。这比“使人激”演讲进了一步,它可使听众产生一种欲与演讲者一起行动的想法。法国前总统戴高乐在二战期间的英国伦敦作的演讲《告法国人民书》,号召法国人民行动起来,投身反法西斯的行列。它的特点是鼓动性强,多以号召、呼吁式的语言结尾。
1. Are you satisfied with your campus life or not?
2. What is your point of view on studying abroad?
3. Some students claim to be poor and are exempted part or all tuition, but they can afford to live in the best apartment.
4. Increase of tourism in china
5. Environmental issues. How to make our place beautiful?
6. What kind of things is most important to say when you first interviewed?
7. What have you learned from participating in the speech contest?
8. A girl sued his father because he refused to support her through college; in your opinion should parents pay for the higher education of their children?
9. It is said that college students should be give more freedom, including where to live, whether to marry, whether to change a major or to go to another university. Do you agree?
10. What advice would you give to those who follow fashion blindly?
11. What is the significance for china to carry out the out space exploration?
12. Some people say that money cannot buy happiness what's your opinion about this issue?
13.if you won a lottery(彩票) of 5 million Yuan, what would you do with it
14. What do you dislike most in college? Give you reason.
15. Do you think women in china receive equal treatment as men do? Give your reason
16. Are you satisfied with your campus life or not? Give reasons for your answer.
17. What is your opinion about college marriage?
18. What’s your understanding of the relation between classroom study and autonomic learning
19.what do you think are the effective ways to fight against corruptions in china?
20. What do you think is the role of cyber police?
21. Many students have part-time jobs such as personal tutors. What are the benefits and what
problems may this bring
22. Should young people be encouraged to study abroad? Why or why not?
23. How to protect our environment while keeping our economy on rapid development?
24. Some people say that all advertisements should be banned do you agree? Why or why not?
25. What are the advantages and disadvantages of enlarging college enrollment in the last few years?
26. Is there any difference between your expectation of college life and reality? If yes, what is it?
27. What kind of person do you admire most? Why?
28. In your eyes, what qualifications should a good teacher possess?
29. Should china greatly develop automobile industry?
30. What do you think is a meaningful life?
31. How do you deal with the relationship between your study and social activity?
32. People are being more and more concern about the environmental issues today what should we do to make where we live a cleaner and more beautiful?
33. The number of private cars is increasing quickly in china what will be the public consequences of this increase?
34. 7-days national day &mayday?
35. Comment on internet chatting?
36. Education being industry advantage.
37. Studying on line may lead to loneliness.
38. What impacts will 2008 Olympic Games have on china?
39. Does lucky number really bring good luck to us?
吕倩同学在 2011年“外研社”杯全国英语演讲大赛中荣获优秀奖
2011年“外研社”杯全国英语演讲大赛辽宁赛区复赛,于10月29日在沈阳工业大学科学会堂隆重举行,我校外国语学院英语专业09-1班吕倩同学代表学校参加比赛,荣获优秀奖。指导教师为外国语学院刘艳红老师。 2011年“外研社”杯全国英语演讲大赛由外语教学与研究出版社主办,沈阳工业大学承办,来自辽宁省20多所高校的31名优秀选手展开了激烈角逐。比赛分为定题演讲,即兴演讲,回答评委问题三个环节,其中即兴演讲的内容则涉及到弘扬中国传统文化、科技给生活带来的改变,大学生就业等热点问题,是对选手知识积累,语言能力,心理素质的综合考验。吕倩同学在刘老师的耐心指导下进行了充分的准备,沉着冷静,表现优异,展现了建大学子扎实的英语语言能力和良好的综合素质,为学校争得了荣誉。