关于写中国的英语作文范文篇一 China is my
motherland. It lies in the eat of Asia. Beijing is the capital of China.
China’s population is more than 1.3 billion. The population in the east is much bigger than in the west. The weather in China is wetter and warmer in the south and drier and colder in the north.
China has a long history, and there are a lot of places of interest in China, such as the Great Wall, the Summer Palace, the West Lake and so on.
In the last tty years, great changes have taken place in my motherland. I am sure China’s
tomorrow will be much better. I love China!
关于写中国的英语作文范文篇二 The climate of
China varies greatly. The northern zone has summer daytime temperatures of more than 30 degrees Celsius
and winters of Arctic severity. The central zone has a temperate continental climate with very hot summers and cold winters. The southern zone has a subtropical climate with very hot summers and mild winters. Due to a prolonged drought and poor agricultural practices, dust storms have bee usual in the spring in China. Dust has blown to southern Mainland China and Taiwan, and has reached the West Coast of the United States. Water, erosion, and pollution control have bee important issues in China’s relations with other
关于写中国的英语作文范文篇三 In recent
years, there are more and more Confucius Institutes being built all around the world, which shows that our Chinese culture bee much more popular than ever. As one of the four ancient civilizations, China has long history and creates many splendid cultures. The ancient culture once had great influence on the world, such as Japan, South Korea and other Asian and European countries.
From the respect of school, Confucianism, Mohism, Taoism, and Legalism are the main schools created in
ancient China, and they also have great influence on the Modern China and the world, especially the Confucianism. They deeply root in traditional Chinese culture and people’s daily lives.
Specially, kung fu, traditional Chinese painting, poem, opera, cooking, clothing, architecture and many other kinds of cultural forms make up the splendid Chinese culture. The kinds listed above are the typical ones which connect to each other at the same time. For example, painting, clothing and architecture has many things in mon. And each kind of cultural form contains numerous intentions.
In short, Chinese culture are the accumulation of Chinese history, which makes Chinese culture colorful and prosperous. If one wants to know or study Chinese culture deeply, he or she must spend much time in it, otherwise he or she can only get the tip of an iceberg.
关于写中国的英语作文范文篇四 The People’s
Republic of China is a socialism country with its own characteristics. It is one of the developing countries.
China lies in the east of Asia. It has a number
of neighboring countries. To the north, northeast and northwest are the Mongolia, Russia and Korea. To the south are Vietnam, Laos, Thailand and the Philippine. To the west and southwest are India, Burma, Bhutan, Nepal and Pakistan. To the east is Japan, which faces China across the East China Sea.
China is a country with a vast territory?. It
has an area of over 9,600,000 square kilometers. It consists of 34 provinces, autonomous regions?, and
municipalities directly under the Central Covernment?. Beijing, which is situated in the North China, is its capital.
The People’s Republic of China is one of the largest countries in the world. Now it has a population of more than 1.2 billion, making up a quarter of the world population.
关于写中国的英语作文范文篇五 The People’s
Republic of China is a socialism country with its own characteristics. It is one of the developing countries.
China lies in the east of Asia. It has a number of neighboring countries. To the north, northeast and northwest are the Mongolia, Russia and Korea. To the
south are Vietnam, Laos, Thailand and the Philippine. To the west and southwest are India, Burma, Bhutan, Nepal and Pakistan. To the east is Japan, which faces China acrothe East China Sea.
China is a country with a vast territory?. It
has an area of over 9,600,000 square kilometers. It consists of 34 provinces, autonomous regions?, and
municipalities directly under the Central Covernment?. Beijing, which is situated in the North China, is its capital.
The People’s Republic of China is one of the largest countries in the world. Now it has a population of more than 1.2 billion, ma-ki-ng up a quarter of the world population.
People are beginning to attach much more importance to their health these days than ever before. They begin to realize that good healthis the most valuable possession a person can have. However, many people don’t know how to stay healthy although great efforts have been made in this regard. In my opinion, there are three things we can do if we want to be in good.
First, we should have the right food, because proper nutrition is the most important for good health. Avoid foods with lots of sugar and fat. Eat plenty of high protein foods, vegetables and fruits. Do not overeat. Secondly, we should get proper amount of sleep, because without enough sleep, we will often feel tired and irritable. Allow ourselves at least eight hours of sleep each day. Have a nap at noon if time permits. Finally, we should exercise regularly, because’life
depends on exercise’. Regular exercise strengthens
our hearts andlungs. In addition, it prevents us from putting on weight.
If everyone is to do so, there will be much leplaining about poor health and there will be much more happinein our life.
作文二:《描写人物的英语作文 描写人物的英语作文》2600字
描写人物的英语作文 描写人物的英语
话题:描写人物的英语作文 高考作文题 话题作文 生活常识 人生
伴。书是我最好的老师。比如科普书让我知道了关于科学的知识:地震、海啸是怎样形成的。太阳黑子是什么东西。涨潮落潮是怎么回事; 生活常识书让我学会:蚂蚁搬家,蛇过道、明日必有大雨到。清明前后,种瓜点豆的知识,火灾逃生的技能;思想道德书让我学会尊老爱幼的好品德和待人接物的礼仪;琴棋书画让我学会关于五线谱、高低音等的乐理知识,我还学会了国画、水彩画、蜡笔画、剪贴画的基本要求的知识。书是我最亲密的朋友。旅游时我会带动物小说;上学时我会带上沉甸甸的书包,里面有语文书、数学书、英语书、科学书等;睡觉前我会看故事书;闲暇时我会看漫画书,让自己放松一下……四大名著让我爱不释手,尤其是《三国演义》中描写忠实的刘备,讲义气的关羽,急性的张飞,阴险的曹操,心胸狭隘的周瑜,神机妙算的诸葛亮的人物性格特征,惟妙惟肖、栩栩如生。书是我的朋友,永远都是我最亲密的朋友~我要做东西方交流的小使者今年暑假,历来要求我多读书的爸爸没有像以往一样扔给我一大摞书,而是神秘兮兮地捧出一本蓝色封面的书交给了我。我一看,是一个我不熟悉的美国作家房龙写的《人类的故事》。“这书好看吗,”我一边翻着书,一边问爸爸。爸爸说:“你先看看吧,我担心你读不下来~” “我都快四年级了,还有读不下来的书,”我有些不服气,决定第二天就开始读这本书。第二天,我起了个大早,做完作业之后,我就把《人类的故事》捧在
手上。这的确是一本与众不同的书,它不是我所想象的童话或者故事书,它是一本描写人类发展历史的书。它用一个个的故事讲诉了人类从愚昧到文明的发展史。一开始,由于不习惯房龙的写作手法,我读得很慢,渐渐地我就被他生动细[wWWbB.NET)腻的描写所吸引住了。房龙就像一位善于讲故事的高手,将世界历史中的重大事件通过文字向我娓娓道来,我开对这本书爱不释手了。 在这本书里,我印象最深的一则故事是《佛陀与孔子》。因为在这则故事里我读到了我比较熟悉的两个历史人物:佛教的创始人乔达摩·悉达多和我国儒家学说的创始人孔丘。以前,我去灵隐寺游玩,爸爸总会和我说说释迦摩尼,讲讲他的佛教,而自从我们学校开始学习国学之后,孔子也是我听到比较多的一位思想家。我感到十分惊奇的是:房龙在描写这两位东方的思想家时,并不是按照我原先知道的情况叙述的,而是站在西方人比较熟悉的基督教向东方传播的角度上写的。我特别欣赏房龙写的这段话:“在16世纪,西方世界的狂热但不够文明的基督徒们,第一次与东方的古老教义面面相对了。早期的西班牙人和葡萄牙人看到宁静和平的佛陀塑像及年高德劭的孔子画像,根本不懂得向这些伟大的先知表示最起码的尊重,只是报以轻描淡写的一笑。他们轻易得出结论,这些奇怪的神祗是恶魔化身,代表着偶像崇拜和异教的旁门左道,不值得基督的真正信徒们的尊敬。而一旦佛陀或孔子的精神
阻挠了他们的香料与丝绸贸易,欧洲人便以坚船利炮攻击这些“邪恶的势力”。这样一种思维方式已经生出了恶果。它为我们留下了一份充满敌意的遗产,对我们将来并无任何好处。”在这里,我看到了作者的善良与正义。他不像传统的欧洲殖民者,仅仅是把东方当成了自己的原料产地和商品的销售地。 读完《人类的故事》,我细细地看了一下这本书的目录,很惊奇地发现,这部书中只有《佛陀与孔子》一篇是描写东方文明的。这与东方人类为文明所做出的贡献是不成比例的。我们不能责怪房龙,因为他毕竟是生活在上个世纪的作家。但是对于现代的我们,是不是应该为东西方文化的交流多做一些贡献呢,我知道现在在世界各地都有咱们的“孔子学院”,这就是一种很好的交流方式。我有一个小小的梦想:我要努力学好国学与英语,等我长大了,我要当孔子学院的老师,我要做东西方文化交流的使者。这应该是我读《人类的故事》所得到的最大的收获吧~|||我最喜欢的经典作品我最喜欢的经典作品我爱读书,特别喜爱阅读经典作品,因为它是知识的海洋。那梦幻的世界,动人的描述,感人的精神常常会给我留下难忘的印象,使我深受教育,给我以鼓励、鞭策和对人生的启发和感悟。其中有一篇作品使我深受启发,这篇作品是《鲁滨逊漂流记》。故事发生在1659年,27岁的鲁滨逊一行14人乘船出发驶往非洲,他们乘坐的船在路上遇到了大风暴,结果全船的人都落海遇难,只有鲁滨逊
一个人被风浪冲上陆地,幸存下来。当鲁滨逊从昏迷中醒来时,他发现自己流落到了一个没有人迹的荒岛上。于是鲁滨逊开始了在这个荒岛上独自一人生活的日子。他首先给自己盖了房子,以抵御野兽的袭击,然后猎取岛上的山羊、鸟类、海龟以及采集野果当做粮食。他无意中抖落的麦粒、稻粒长出了麦子、稻子。于是他开始种粮食以解决口粮问题。他还给自己制作了桌椅和各种用具。随着岁月的流逝,他还记日记,每天读《圣经》,使自己从孤独和绝望中解救出来。在他上岛25年时,他无意中救了一个野人的命。这个野人很感激他,自愿做了他的仆人。鲁滨逊给这个野人取名叫“星期五”。从此,鲁滨逊荒岛上的生活不再孤独。鲁滨逊教给“星期五”英语,还教给他各种知识。1687年,也就是鲁滨逊上岛的第28年荒岛附近来了一条很大的货船,鲁滨逊和“星期五”帮助船长恢复了指挥权。于是,船长答应了鲁滨逊请他把自己和“星期五”带回英国的要求。于是,鲁滨逊在岛上生活28年后终于回到了他离别35年的祖国。虽然这本经典作品,我已读了很多遍,但作品中的人物描写和生动感人的故事情节时时回荡在我的脑海,是我久久不能忘却。城关五小五(4)班1/13 456下一页
My home is on Center Street . On Center Street, there is a restaurant, a KFC and a library. The KFC is between the library and the restaurant. Across from the KFC is a pay phone. A bank is next to the pay phone. The supermarket is on Fifth Avenue. A hotel is in front of the supermarket.
I have a classmate and he is also my good friend.He is very tall and handsome. He has short and black hair. They make him more active. He has a round face, a small nose, two big eyes. Though other studebts don't think he is handsome,he is so lovely in my heart. Because he always helps me with my English and Chinese. He is so kind-hearted.I hope we are good friends for ever.
The new term begins. We are students of Grade six. My classmates e back to school. Besides, we have a new class mates, Jiang Ting. She is a lovely girl. But she is shy to introduce herself in front of us. Before, she lived and studied in a small village. Now, she moved to our city with her parents, because her father works here now. She says that our campus is large and beautiful. She is so excited to study here. I hope can have good days with us and make friends with us early.
篇三:My Classmate
Liu Kai is my classmate. He is a good student and always ready to help others.
One day on his way to school, he saw a little girl crossing the road. A car was ing towards her quickly and the girl was too frightened to move. The car nearly hit her. Just then LiuKai rushed up to her and caught her by the arm. The little girl was saved. She told him where she lived, and he took her home. When LiuKai hurried into the classroom, the teacher had already begun his lesson. He told the teacher why he was late. He was then praised for what he had done.
Liu Kai is my classmate. He is a good student and always ready to help others.
One day on his way to school,he saw a little girl crossing the road. A car was ing towards her quickly and the girl was too frightened to move. The car nearly hit her. Just then LiuKai rushed up to her and caught her by the arm. The little girl was saved. She told him where she lived,and he took her home. When LiuKai hurried into the classroom,the teacher had already begun his lesson. He told the teacher why he was late. He was then praised for what he had done.
zzzz is my classmate. He is a good student and always ready to help others.
One day on his way to school, he saw a little girl crossing the road. A car was ing towards her quickly and the girl was too frightened to move. The car nearly hit her. Just then LiuKai rushed up to her and caught her by the arm. The little girl was saved. She told him where she lived, and he took her home. When LiuKai hurried into the classroom, the teacher had already begun his lesson. He told the teacher why he was late. He was then praised for what he had done.
Dogs, along ith cats, are thought to be as the most favored as pets in America today.?This onderful animal is valued for their panionship, protection and friendship they besto to their oners. So it is hardly suprising to find dogs or cats on television shos and movies and ho could not forget Lassie, one of the most famous canine of all time.?For the onderful panionship this pet gives, it is vital the oner does his or her share of responsibilities that es on oning a dog.?The oner has the obligation to make certain that their pet receives adequate attention and affection, adheres to a nutritious diet, have regular visits to the vet for a check up or for shots and a plenty amount of exercise to keep them healthy and mentally alert.Although it takes time and effort to care for your dog, the reards ultimately pay off.? In return for their oner caring efforts, the dog ill grant them unavering loyalty, their affection and most important of all, the desire to please you.?This is probably the reason hy people sometimes prefer this exquisite creature than their on and for years to e canines ill remain people favorite pet.The snake is a long and thin animal that lives in grass or other dark places. 蛇是一种又
长又瘦的动物,生活在草丛里和阴暗的地方、A snake has no legs or
feet, but it can move very fast on its stomach.蛇没有腿和脚,
靠胃部飞快的移动前进。 Snakes usually have green, yello or
black skins, hich make them difficult for their enemies to find them. 蛇常常有绿色,黄色和黑色的皮肤,使得敌人很难找到他们。
Some kinds of snakes live in ater. They can sim as freely as fish.有些蛇生活在水里,他们能像鱼一样飞速的游移。 Snakes are
cold-blooded animals. In inter they hibernatein holes hich are
narro enough only to hold the snakes' bodies. The snakes can sleep through a hole inter ithout eating and moving. They can not feel any pain. The hibernation period lasts about five months. When spring es, the snakes e out and begin their normal life. Snakes can take many things as food, such as mice, sparros, frogs,birds' eggs, pests and so on. People sometimes can see a snake eat a sparro. First it moves close to the sparro, then it puts out its tongue and brings the sparro into its mouth and sallos it, hich makes a lump in the snake's body. After some time the lump disappears. As snakes are dreadful-looking, people are afraid of them. Many people drive them aay henever they see snakes. But in Chinese fairy tales, snakes are by no means bad. They seem to have human feelings. They can change into pretty girls. People like and respect them. The most ell-knon is the story about the White Snake and the Blue Snake. In fact, snakes are not as dreadful as they look. They can help us to kill mice and pests. They can provide us ith delicious meat. Their blood is a good drink. Poisonous snakes are especially useful. We can make valuable drugs ith them.
My grandfather is nearly eighty - year - old, is not tall, a little hunchback. His white hair, long, thick eyebrows, hands and feet is very rough, the tooth drop a lot of, with a mouthful of false teeth.
Grandpa is rural people, three years, and he had no parents, teens to someone’s home to play long, 15 years old) had been sent to the owner, laoshan, dig tunnels to the Japanese, suffered hardships.
Grandpa is very hard-working, work is also very crisp. Every time he eagerly to wash the dishes after the meal, but we were afraid of tired him, which can let him give us to wash dishes? !
Grandpa body is very healthy, he every morning, morning, afternoon to exercise, exercise on the treadmill even from sigh than sixty people, since we take him to he did not even have a cold.
My grandfather likes to chat, talk, no matter know don’t know him. I think that grandpa only chat with old man, but I was wrong, I once saw
grandpa is talking to a group of children. Grandfather is very concerned about my study, as long as I a distracted, grandpa will be at a side remind me to study hard, get good grades in the future, don’t like him, don’t
know a word.
Because of previously home poor, no money to go to school, grandpa can’t read. After know grandpa can’t read, I decided to teach grandpa write. I taught grandpa write his name first, grandpa write out a row, though written, but for grandpa already very good. See grandpa will write happy appearance, after his own name in my heart than eating the honey still sweet.
Here I sincerely wish grandpa longevity and health, happiness, happiness.
《我的暑假My Summer Holiday》
My summer holiday begun on July 7th.I love summer holiday because I don't have to go to school and I can enjoy myself with my friends.I often spend the mornings doing my homework.And I always watch TV in the afternoon at home because it's very hot outside.And in the evening,I go swimming with my family and then hang out with my friends.I love swimming very much.
My plan for August is travelling.I travel with my family every summer holiday.I like travelling because I can go to different places and meet different people.Sometimes I make good friends during the journey.And it's very sad to say goodbye to them when the journey ends.
《我的暑假 My Summer Holiday》
Summer holiday is ing.I am going to do many things that I want to do. For exampie,first I will jion a soccer club,because I like playing soccer.During the summer holiday, I want to practice more to improve my skills.Second I will go to my grandma's house,because I miss her very much.I want to stay with her for several days.Last I will help my mother do some housework. She was really tired when I was go to school. Except for taking care of me, she also has to work. Therefore, I want to help her in the holidays.What will you do on Summer Holiday?
《暑假来了!Summer Holiday Is Coming》
The summer holiday is ing. I’m going to have a good rest and learn to relax myself. I will read more useful books because reading more books is not only interesting but also helps me
learn more knowledge. I will try to spend more time in chatting with my parents and help them to do some housework. I am going to take part in the social activities so that I can know more about the society. If possible, I’d like to make a trip to Xiamen. I’m sure I’ll have an interesting and meaningful summer holiday. I am looking forward to it.
《快乐的暑假生活-Happy Summer Holidays》
My summer vacation of this year was very enjoyable. I t to the countryside to spend my summer holidays. It is very beautiful there. There are green plants, clear rivers, lovely animals and kind people. I spent two weeks helping my grandfather do some farm work there. I wrote down what happened in my diary every day.
Besides that, I helped the children in the neighbourhood with their lessons. I helped them read English and improve their spoken English. Their parents thanked me for this.
《我的暑假生活 My Summer Holiday Life》
This July, I graduated from primary school. I was enrolled to a good middle school. Therefore, I had a happy and leisure summer holiday. In the middle of July, I attended to a summer camp. It’s about English. There were tty five students in the camp. We all like English very much. Together, we studied and played. There were many activities, team work or single performance. We tried our best to put ourselves into this big family. Most of the time, we talked to each other in English. If we really don’t know how to express in English, we could ask for help. Our teachers were so great that they could help us a lot. They were so active that make us acted as they did. I am happy to attend this activity.
《我的暑假 My Summer Holiday》
Times flys. My summer holiday is ing to the end. My holiday is just so so. It is not too much difference as before. At the biginning of the vacation, I was doing my homework. After all, study es first. After I finished my homework, it was almost the end of July. It is the time for me to help my family for harvest. It is so tired to to the farm work. Howevr, being a member of our family, I have to give a hand. Watching the achievement, I felt proud though I just help a little. After finished the farm work, I found myself bee much more tan. Who cares! It was my happy time, when I finished all the things. I t out with my friends almost everyday. Sometimes we played games or sport or t hiking. Sometimes we t shopping in the evening for the sun is too heavy in the daytime. We felt unfortable. But now there are two days left before the school opening time. So I have to stay at home for a good rest to store energy for my study. Everything is so perfect. It is 11 o’clock. I think I have to say good ninght now.
《我的暑假My Summer Holiday》
My summer holiday begun on July 7th.I love summer holiday because I don't have to go to school and I can enjoy myself with my friends.I often spend the mornings doing my homework.And I always watch TV in the afternoon at home because it's very hot outside.And in the evening,I go swimming with my family and then hang out with my friends.I love swimming very much.
My plan for August is travelling.I travel with my family every summer holiday.I like travelling because I can go to different places and meet different people.Sometimes I make good friends during the journey.And it's very sad to say goodbye to them when the journey ends.
《我的暑假 My Summer Holiday》
Summer holiday is ing.I am going to do many things that I want to do. For exampie,first I will jion a soccer club,because I like playing soccer.During the summer holiday, I want to practice more to improve my skills.Second I will go to my grandma's house,because I miss her very much.I want to stay with her for several days.Last I will help my mother do some housework. She was really tired when I was go to school. Except for taking care of me, she also has to work. Therefore, I want to help her in the holidays.What will you do on Summer Holiday?
《暑假来了!Summer Holiday Is Coming》
The summer holiday is ing. I’m going to have a good rest and learn to relax myself. I will read more useful books because reading more books is not only interesting but also helps me learn more knowledge. I will try to spend more time in chatting with my parents and help them to do some housework. I am going to take part in the social activities so that I can know more about the society. If possible, I’d like to make a trip to Xiamen. I’m sure I’ll have an interesting
and meaningful summer holiday. I am looking forward to it.
篇一:我的房间 My Room
My room is very simple but warm. My room’s color is white. At first, I think it is too drap, but now think it is fortable for not too much color. There is a small bed, a desk, a bookshelf and a wardrobe in the room. It is very simple, right? But on the bed there are a lot of lovely dolls on my bed. There are teddy bear, Mickey Mouse, dolls and so on. I love the most is the bookshelf. On the shelf, there are different kinds of books. All of them are my favorite. Seeing the lovely dolls and wonderful books, I can have good dreams every night. I love my room.
篇二:My room(我的房间)
Open the door,oh,the room is very beautiful!Whose room is this?It’s my room.
The bed is near the window.a quilt and a doll is on the bed.What color is my bed?It’s my favourite color—purple.It’s very dreamily color.the dresser is next to the bed.There are some books and a pen on the dresser. I like watching TV.The TV is before the bed.I an lie to watch TV on the bed.I have a piano.The piano is near the TV set.Sometimes,I play the piano.And the puter is near the window.I often play the piano.
This is my room.Do you like my room?What about your room?
篇三:我的房间my room
My face looks like a castle room, but the inside is always very chaotic,but Istill like my own room.
My favorite room in my reading, writing, listening to music,doing things they like, but also be free fantasy. Whenever the after school came home, I burst into the room, forcing the less than special greeting to the dolls are their fortable in her arms sitting desk, and singing songs. replaced by large casual wear, the pressure of schoolwork all disappear without a trace.
In addition, the room is my sister's secret base in chatting, my mother often in the window watching us happy along the? probe, and the sum of us laughing in unison, sometimes playing with playing with toys on the chaotic, but I am still feel that this is a warm paradise.
I really liked our room, even? if not always greasy with Xian Fan, it is always quiet and free of waiting for me, I wish I? could always be together, and it is.
Sarah Liang Liang1 Mrs Fu
College Writing
November 5, 2014
My family portrait
Are you seeing that picture of my family? The sun was shining brightly! My parents sat together in sofa. My mother hugged my brother, and I stood beside on my father. We were smile sweetly to the camera. All we us look like very happy although we were a poor family at that time.
My mother is not tall, not short but slim. She has a round face, two big eyes, a small nose and small mouth. She ’ s beautiful. She is forty-three years old, but she looks so young! She is my dear friends .
You must feel very strange to my father because he having full-white hairs, just look like a old man. My parent’ s relationship is old husband and young wife. He is older than my mother 20 years. He can as my grandfather at his age.
You can see that my father wear a long sleeve shirt and look like a gracious man to camera. In my daily life, he is a bad-tempered man. He looks up to boy and down on girl. So he is very strict to me because I am a girl. He takes particular care for my brother. Well , his finger is long and thin. He often uses finger to tooth my ears as I was a child , wow!
Liang 2 My father has a bad habit that he likes smoking very much. I hate it. See, the house is full of smoke. I know it bad for his health as well as my mother, brother and mine. We advise him to give up smoking. I’ m sure he will follow my advice some day.
My father like to reading newspapers after meals. He also likes reading in his spare time. He told me reading little by little. I like books, because they help me in many ways.
I ever upset that my father having white hairs before I enter to college as I would
always pared him to my friend’ s young father. You know, I rebelled when I was in high school. Well, I am very respecting him now. I am having the feelings of important to my family. I love my parents and brother. They are plays an important roles in my whole life.
Such is my family, I am proud of having such a good family!
"Well, used to stay in the city, good thought to experience rural life yo!" I muttered.
In the city, while living in high-rise buildings where, despite all the much more convenient than in rural areas, but there are many shortings.
Oh, well outside the noisy city! Particularly when engaging in promotional activities, all day holding the microphone promote their products; good to think of rural Oh! Where there is no noise, just silence.
City of Dust is pretty strong! Car over, the scatter on the ground of dust, dust will be those who danced in the air, waiting for our call into the body; good to think of rural Oh! Where extremely fresh air, very few cars, there are many trees release oxygen.
Men of the town a good few hobbies Oh! You see children in rural areas, and some swimming in that stream fishing in troubled waters, and I feel extremely excited; some on horseback or cattle back, pick a few leaves on the lips, blowing birds singing, listening to the voice moving to detect and really not any different bird. Some people in the ground do not know the game in town. The entertainment city people, nobody will.
Rural nice ah ......
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