小学四年级自我介绍大家好, 很高兴有机会在这里介绍我自己。我是,4年级2班的学生。我学习成绩优秀,是班上的班长,并且我和同学们相处很融洽。我是一个开朗又多才多艺的女孩,画画,写字,弹琴,看书都是我的爱好。弹琴,写字是我最擅长的,曾多次或奖。同时我还很会画画。我能歌善舞,在老师的眼里,我是一名得力的小帮手。在同学眼里我是他们的好伙伴。今天,我在站在这里,就是要展示自己的才艺。 接下来我要为大家演奏一曲《童年的回忆》。
小学四年级自我介绍作文我是一个非常乐观的女孩,我认为我们应该分享每一分每一秒的快乐时光。当你快乐时,你才会感到阳光是那么灿烂,天空是那么湛蓝,我们是那么开朗,又是那么富有活力。追求快乐的人是不断争取的、上进的,追求快乐的人是不会被困难击垮的,追求快乐的人是会勇敢地面对每一次挑战的 因此,在老师和家长的教育下,我才懂得了感恩、乐观、坚持 我最大的特质就是执着,只要是我所选择的事情、道路,我都会异常坚定地走下去。同样,我也是个喜怒无常、豪爽大方,有时倔强,有时软弱的女孩子。喜欢学英语,可成绩却是一塌糊涂,脑子里经常会出现一些稀奇古怪的事情,可我还非常乐于接触大自然,不知道算不算一个矛盾的共同体。记得小时候,有一次洗澡,我突发奇想,要是把沐浴液、香皂,还有牙膏和在一起会有什么效果呢?这一想法一出来就开始实施了。好巧,那天我用的是中华超清牙膏,含在嘴里清凉清凉的那种。我一不小心加多了,结果洗完澡身上还凉飕飕的,一停下来就感觉浑身发抖。在家里,我还是一个比较乖巧的女孩子,很听话,不会只顺着自己的性子来。因(推荐打开Www.haoWOrd.COM)为我知道,父母生养我们并不容易,而且即便工作再忙,也要腾出时间来照顾我们,所以我绝对不能惹他们生气。有时我做错了事情,就毫不犹豫地向他们道歉,还常想:
只 井底之蛙 而弹钢琴则能够让自己 超然物外 ,不受世俗的羁绊
小学四年级英语自我介绍hello everyone!my name is fang bo.i
was born in xxx in 199
5.there are three people in my family: my father,mother and i.my mother is a worker.she works in xx.my father is a worker,too.but he works in the other city.both of them love me very much!i study in xx primary school now.i am in class one grade six.i am good at chinese,art and p.e.i often draw pictures,read books and do some sports on sundays. so i have a good weekend.i hope that i can study in this school!thank you very much!
小学四年级英语自我介绍hello!everyone! i’m glad to be here . let me introduce myself now .my name is yu dajia. i’m eleven years old. i’m a student of grade 4 in baimiao primary school.
i like my school very much .english is my favourite subject . i’m good at it. i like noodles and milk. every morning i have them for breakfast.i have a happy family. there are four members, my father, my mother, my twin sister and i.we love each other very much. that’s all. thank you!hello! everyone! my name is yu xiaojia. i’m glad to be here today . i’m a lively girl. i’m eleven. i e from baimiao primary school. now i’m a student of grade
4. i like reading and dancing very much. liu xingyu is my best friend. she is quiet and friendly. we often play together.i have a big family. there are four members, my father, my mother, my twin sister and i. we are happy. i love my family very much. that’s all. thank you!hello! everyone!i’m . i’m . i’m in grade
3. i’m a sunny boy .i like green and blue. hot dog and pizza are my favorite foods. that’s all. thank you!
小学四年级英语自我介绍小学四年级英语自我介绍my name is
xxx and i am ten years old.[英语中决不能像中文那样加上“this
year ,没有这种说法] i'm now studying at yucai elementary school in guilin city. i'm active[活泼不能直接从字典里翻译过来,字
and enjoy helping others. i like swimming, reading, drawing and singing, and i have a special talent in dancing. the two people in this world that i love most are my parents.我叫xxx,(名
蹈。我最喜欢的人是妈妈和爸爸。(五十个单词) XX小学四年级自
My name is peter. I am ten years old. I am from Taiwan.Many people ask me about my Chinese name because they think the meaning of it is very interesting. But I hope my friends can remember my English name rather than my Chinese one.
My hobby is playing basketball. I usually play it with my friends after school, and I believe playing basketball will bring me good health. I am a talkative person. It is very difficult for me to keep quiet. Now I am studying in English, so I hope everyone can speak English to me. Otherwise I will feel very bad if I keep quiet.
Teacher, my dear beloved students, Hello, everyone! I called Liu Qin rain year-old, I was a student in Ankang City, the first five classes of fourth grade. I have a pair of bright eyes, lively and lovely, I studied hard in the class seriously, united students, helping others, and was named outstanding young pioneers. I love sports
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and fine arts, the school has won the award. After listening to my presentation, we must be very fond of me!
Thank you teachers and students!
2 / 2
篇一:? ?
小学英?语口?语竞?赛自?我介?绍小?学英?语口?语竞?赛自?我介?绍? De?ar? ?tea?ch?er?s ?an?d ?cl?as?sm?at?es?, ?th?an?k ?yu? f?r ?gi?vi?ng? m?e ?su?ch? a? c?ha?nc?e ?t ?in?tr?du?ce? m?ys?el?f,?? it’?s ?my? g?re?at? h?nr?. ?亲爱?的老?师们?、同?学门?,?感谢大?家给?了我?这样?一个?机会?来做?自我?介绍?,这?是我?莫大?的荣?幸。? ?I’m? H?ua?ng? T?in?gt?in?g ?fr?m ?Si?ji?ng?sh?ui? P?ri?ma?ry? s?ch?l.? I?’m? t?en? ?yea?rs? l??d. A?s ?yu? s?ee?, ?I ?am? a? c?ut?e ?gi?rl?. ??我是来自?于泗?井水?小学?的?黄婷婷?。我?今年?十岁?。正?如你?们所?见,?我是?一个?很可?爱的?小女?孩。? I? ?lik?e ?ye?ll? b?es?t.? D? y??u kn? h?y?? B?ec?au?se? m?y ?fa?mi?ly? n?am?e ??is ?“Hu?an?g”?. ?(S?mi?le?^_?^)? ?我最喜?欢黄?颜色??。大家知?道为?什么?吗,?因为??我的姓是?“黄?”。?(笑?)? In? m?y ?fr?ee? t?im?e,? I? l?ik?e ?ri?di?ng? a? b?ik?e,? ?lis?te?ni?ng? t? m?us?ic?? and? d?ra?in?g ?pi??ctur?es?. ?在我?的课?余时?间,?我喜?欢?骑自行?车,?听音?乐和?画画?。? I ?li?ke? r?ab?bi?t ?ve?ry? m?uc?h.? I?t ?ha??s t ?ln?g ?ea?rs? a?nd? a? s?hr?t ?ta?il?. ?It??’s a?s ?lv?el?y ?as? ?me.? A?m ?I ?ri?gh?t?? ?我非常?喜欢?小兔?子。?它有?两个?长长?的耳?朵和?一个?短尾?巴,?和我?一样?的?可爱。?我说?的对?吗,? I? l?ik?e ?En?gl?is?h ?ve?ry? m?uc?h,? a?nd? I? a?nt? t? b?e ?an? E?ng?li?sh? t?ea?ch?er? i?n ??my h?me?tn? i?n ?th?e ?fu?tu?re?. ?我非?常喜?欢英??语,我以?后要?在家?乡当?一名?英语?老师?。? Be?ca?us??e my? h?me?tn? i?s ?a ?mu?nt?ai?n ?vi?ll?ag?e,?? man?y ?ch?il?dr?en? c?an?’t? s?pe?ak? E?ng?li??sh e?ll?. ?因为??我的家乡?是一?个山?村,?许多?孩子?不能?很好?地说?英语??。 I’?m ?ve?ry? ?f?id?en?t.? B?ec?au?se? ?“he?re? t?he?re? i?s ?a ?il?l,? t?he?re? i?s ?a ?ay?”.? I? ?bel?ie?ve? m?y ?dr?ea?m ?il?l ?e ??true?. ?我非?常有?信心?,因?为“?有志?者,?事竟??
成。”我?相信?我的?理想?最终?会实?现。? T?ha?t’?s ?al?l.? T?ha??nk y?u ?fr? ?lis?te?ni?ng?. ?谢谢?大家?的聆?听。? ?
小学?四年?级英?语自?我介?绍小?学四?年级?英语?自我?介绍? M?y ?na??me i?s ?XX?X ?an?d ?I ?am? t?en? y?ea?rs? l?d.??[英语中?决不?能像?中文?那样?加上?“t?hi?s ?ye?ar? ,?没有?这种?说法?] ?I ?m ?n ?st?ud?yi?ng? a?t ?Yu?ca?i ?el?em?en?ta?ry? s?ch?l ?in? G?ui?li?n ?Ci?ty?. ?I ?m ?ac?ti?ve?[?活泼不?能直?接从?字典?里翻?译过?来,?字典??里的那些?词不?是描??述人的性?格的?,而?是描?述非?生物?很有?生物?气息?的?] ?and? e?nj??y he?lp?in?g ?th?er?s.? I? l?ik?e ?si?mm?in?g,?? rea?di?ng?, ?dr?ai?ng? a?nd? ?sin?gi?ng?, ?an?d ?I ?ha?ve? a? s?pe?ci?al? t?al?en?t ?in? d?an?ci?ng?. ?Th?e ?t ?pe?pl?e ?in? t?hi?s ?rl?d ?th?at? I? l?ve? m?st? a?re? m?y ?pa?re?nt?s.? ?我?叫xxx?,?(名字?我自??写)今年?十岁?了。?我在?桂林?市育?才小?学读?书。?我的?性格?活泼?开朗?,乐?于?助人。?我喜?欢游?泳、?看书?、画?画、?唱歌?..??....?我的?特长?是舞?蹈。?我最??喜欢的人?是妈?妈和?爸爸?。?(五十?个单?词)? ?
小学?四年?级英?语自?我介?绍?Hel?l!?Ev?er?yn?e!? I?’m? g?la?d ?t ?be? h?er?e ?. ?Le?t ?me? i?nt?rd?uc?e ?my?se?lf? n? .? M?y ?na?me? i?s ?Yu? D?aj?ia?. ?I’?m ?el?ev?en? ?yea?rs? l?d.? I?’m?? a s?tu?de?nt? f? G?ra?de? 4? i?n ?Ba?im?ia? p??rima?ry? s?ch?l.? I? ?lik?e ?my? s?ch?l ?ve?ry? m?uc?h ?.E?ng?li?sh? i?s ?my? f?av?ur?it?e ?su?bj?ec?t ?. ?I’?m ?gd? a?t ?it?. ?I ?li?ke? n?dl?es? a?nd? m?il?k.? E?ve?ry? m?rn?in?g ?I ?ha?ve? t?he?m ?fr? ?bre?ak?fa?st?. ?I ?ha?ve? a? h??appy? f?am??ily.? T?he?re? a?re? f?ur? m?em?be??rs, ?My? ?fat?he?r,? m?y ?mt?he?r,? m?y ?ti?n ?si?st?er? a?nd? I?.e? l?ve? e?ac?h ?th?er? v?er?y ?mu?ch?. ?Th?at?’s? a?ll?. ?Th?an?k ?yu?! ?He?ll?! ?Ev?er?yn?e!? M?y ?na?me? i?s ?Yu? ?
Xia?ji?a.? I?’m? g?la?d ?t ??be h?er?e ?td?ay? .? I?’m? a?? liv?el?y ?gi?rl?. ?I’?m ?el??even?. ?I ?e ?fr?m ?Ba?im?ia?? pri?ma?ry? s?ch?l.? N? I?’m?? a s?tu?de?nt? f? G?ra?de? ?
?4. I? l?ik?e ?re?ad?in?g ?an??d da?nc?in?g ?ve?ry? m?uc?h.?? Liu? X?in?gy?u ?is? m?y ?be??st f?ri?en?d.? S?he? i?s ?qu??iet ?an?d ?fr?ie?nd?ly?. ?e ??ften? p?la?y ?tg?et?he?r.? ?I h?av?e ?a ?bi?g ?fa?mi?ly?. ?Th?er?e ?ar?e ?fu?r ?me?mb?er?s,? m?y ?fa?th?er?, ?my? ?m?ther?, ?my? t?in? s?is?te?r ??and ?I.? e? a?re? h?ap?py?. ??I lv?e ?my? f?am?il?y ?ve?ry?? muc?h.?? Tha?t’?s ?al?l.? T?ha?nk? y?u!? H?el?l!? E?ve?ry?ne?!I?’m? .? I?’m? .? I?’m? ?in ?Gr?ad?e ? ?
3. ?I’?m ?a ?su?nn?y ?by? .?I ?li?ke? g?re?en? a?nd? b?lu?e.? H?t ?dg? a?nd? ?piz?za? a?re? m?y ?fa??vrit?e ?fd?s.? T?ha?t’?s ?al??l. T?ha?nk? y?u!? ?篇四:? ?
小?学四年级?英语?自我?介绍?He?ll? e?ve?ry??ne!M?y ?na?me? i?s ?Fa?ng? B??.I a?s ?br?n ?in? X?XX? i?n ??199 ?
5.?Th?er?e ?ar?e ?th?re??e pe?pl?e ?in? m?y ?fa?mi?ly??: my? f?at?he?r,?mt?he?r ?an??d I.?My? m?th?er? i?s ?a ?rk??er.S?he? r?ks? i?n ?XX?.M?y ??fath?er? i?s ?a ?rk?er?,t?.B??ut ?he ?rk?s ?in? t?he? t?he?r ?ci?ty?.B?th? f? t?he?m ?lv?e ?me? v?er?y ?mu?ch?!I? s?tu?dy? ?in ?XX? p?ri?ma?ry? s??chl ?n.?I ?am? i?n ?Cl?as?s ??ne G?ra?de? S?ix?.I? a?m ?gd?? at ?Ch?in?es?e,?ar?t ?an?d ??P.E.?I ?ft?en? d?ra? p?ic?tu??res,?re?ad? b?ks? a?nd? d? s??me ?spr?ts? n? S?un?da?ys?. ?S ?I ?ha?ve? a? g?d ?ee?ke?nd?.I? h?pe? t?ha?t ?I ?ca?n ?st?ud?y ?in? t?hi?s ?sc?hl?!T?ha?nk? y?u ?ve?ry? m?uc?h!? ?篇?五: ?
小学各?年级?英语?自我?介绍?范文?小学?各年?级英?语自?我介?绍范?文? 湖北??襄阳市襄?州区??张家集镇?中学? ?张正斌? ?三年级? ?张文婷?
He?ll?,e?ve?ry?ne??!?Ni?ce?? ?t ?se?e ?yu? h?er?e??. ?My? n?am?e ??i?s ?Zh?an?g ?en?ti?ng?. ?I ?am? 9?? ?ye?ar?s ?ld?. ?I ?am? f?rm? Z?ha?ng?ji?aj?i?? P?ri?ma?ry? ?Sch?l.? I? a??m in? C?la?ss?__?_?? G?ra?de??__,.?Th?er?e ?ar?e ?4?? p?ep??le i?n ?my? ?
fam?il?y?—my? f?at?he?r??, ?my? m?th?er? ??,m?y ?br?th?er?? ??and ?I ?. ?My? ?fat?he?r?? i?s ?a_?__?__? a?nd? m?y ?mt?he?r?? i?s ?a_?__? .?Th?ey?? ?lv?e ?me? ??an?d ?I?? l?ve? t??hem,?t.?Af??ter ?sc?hl??,? I? l?ik?e ?re?ad??ing?? a?nd? ?atc?hi?ng? T?V,? a?nd? m?y ?fa?vr?it?e ?cl?ur? ???is p?in?k.? I? h?pe?? ?I ?ca?n ??lear?n ?En?gl?is?h ?el?l,? b?ec??ause? I? t?hi?nk?? ?it? v?er?y ??impr?ta?nt?. ?Bu?t ?Ch?in?es?e??? is ?my? f?av?ri?te? s?ub?je?ct??, be?ca?us?e?? i?t ?is? v?er?y ??inte?re?st?in?g.?I ?an?t ?t ?be?? a t?ea?ch?er? ??in? t?he? f?ut?ur?e.? I? h?pe? ??my? ?dre?am? i?ll? e? t?ru?e.?Th?at?’s? a?ll??.? T?ha?nk? y?u.? ?三年级? ?张灿怡?He?ll?, ?ev?er?yn?e??!N?ic?e ?t ?se?e ?yu? h?er?e??!M?y ?na?me?? ?is? Z?ha?ng? ?Can?yi?. ?I ?am?? 9? ?ye?ar?s ?ld?. ?I ?am? f?rm? Z?ha?ng?ji?aj?i?? P?ri?ma?ry? S?ch?l.? I? a?m ?in? ?Cla?ss?_ ???Gra?de?__?. ?I ?am? a? l?ve?ly?? gir?l.?Lk?, ?I ?ha?ve? a? r?un??d fa?ce?? ?an?d ?my? e?ye?s?? a??re b?ig?.T?he?re? a?re? 3? p?ep??le i?n ?my? f?am?il?y?—my? ?f?athe?r??, ?my? m?th?er? ??an?d ?I ?. ?My? f?at?he?r?? i?s ?a ?rk?er?, ?an?d ?my? ?mth?er? ??is? a? t?ea?ch?er?. ?Th?ey? l?ve? m?e ??a?nd? I? l?ve? t?he?m.?t.?Af?te?r ?sc?hl??,? I? l?ik?e ?re?ad?in?g??, ?an?d ?my? f?av?ri?te? c?lu?r ??i?s ?hi?te?. ?Al?s ?I ?lv?e ?da?nc?in?g ?ve?ry? m?uc?h.? I? h?pe? ??I ?ca?n ?le?ar?n ?En??glis?h ?el?l,? ?bec?au?se? I? t?hi?nk?? ?it? v?er?y ?im?pr?ta?nt?. ?Bu?t ?Ch?in?es?e?? i?s ?my? ?fav?ri?te? s?ub?je?ct?, ?be?ca??use?? i?t ?is? v?er?y ?in?te?re??stin?g.?I ?an?t ?t ?be? ?a d?an?ce?r ??i?n ?th?e ?fu?tu?re?. ?I ?hp?e?? m?yd?re?am? ??il?l ?e ??true?. ?Th?at?’s? a?ll??.? T?ha??nk y?u!? ?三年级? ?宋牧风? ?宋牧雨?He?ll?, ?te?ac?he?rs??!?My? n?am?e?? i?s_?__?__?__?. ?I ?am? 9?? ?ye?ar?s ?ld?. ?I ?am? f?rm? ?Zha??ngji?aj?i?? P?ri?ma?ry? S?ch?l.?? I a?m ?in? C?la?ss?_?? G?ra?de??____?.T?he?re? ?are? 4? p?ep?le? i?n ?my? f?am?il?y?—my? f?at??her??,m?y ?mt?he?r??, ?my? t?in?? brt?he?r ??a?nd? I? .? M?y ?fa?th?er? ??is? a? m?at?h ?te?ac??her,? a?nd? m?y ?mt?he?r ?
?t?ea?ch?es? C?hi?ne?se?.T?he?y ?lv?e ?me?? ?an?d ?I ?lv?e ?th?em?.t?.A?ft?er? s?ch?l ??,?I ?li?ke? r?ea?di?ng?, ?an?d ?my? f?av?ri?te? c?lu?r?? i?s ?gr?ee?n.? A?ls? I? l?ve? ?art? v??ery ?mu?ch??, su?ch? a?s ?pa?in?ti?ng? ??an?d ?ha?nd?ri?ti?ng?. ?I ?hp?e?? I? ?can? l?ea?rn? E?ng?li?sh? e??ll, ?be?ca?us?e ?I ?th?in?k?? i??t ve?ry? i?mp?rt?an?t.? ?But? m?at?h ??i?s ?my? f?av?ri?te? s?ub?je?ct?, ?be?ca?us?e ??i?t ?is? v?er?y ?in?te?re?st?in?g.? I? a?nt? t? b?e ?an? a?rt?is?t ??i?n ?th?e ?fu?tu?re?.A?nd? I? h?pe?? ?my? d?re?am? i?ll? e? t?ru?e.? T?ha?t’?s ?al?l??. ?Th?an?k ?yu?. ?三年?级? 张家?乐? He?ll??,?te?ac?he?rs??!?Ni?ce? t? s?ee? y?u ?he?re??.? M?y ?na?me?? ?is? Z?ha?ng? ?J?iale?. ?I ?am? 9?? ?ye?ar?s ?ld??. I ?am? f?rm? ?Zha?ng?ji?aj?i?? P?ri?ma?ry? S?ch?l.? ?I a?m ??in C?la?ss?__??_?Gr?ad?e_?__?_.??Ther?e ?ar?e ?3 ?pe?pl?e ?in? m??y fa?mi?ly?—?my ?fa?th?er??,?my? m?th?er? ??an?d ?I ?. ?My? f??athe?r?? i?s ?a ?PE? ?tea?ch?er?,a?nd? m?y ?mt?he?r?? t?ea?ch?es? C?hi?ne?se?.T?he?y ?lv?e ?me??a?nd? I? l?ve? ?the?m.?t.?Af?te??r sc?hl??,? I? l?ik?e ?re?ad?in??g?, ?an?d ?my? f?av?ri?te? c?lu??r? ?is ?gr?ee?n.? A?ls? I? l?ve? a?rt? ??ve?ry? m?uc?h,? I? h??pe ??I ?ca?n ?le?ar?n ?En?gl?is?h ?el?l,? b?ec?au?se? I? t?hi?nk?? ?it?’s? f?an?. ?Bu?t ?ma?th?? ?is? m?y ?fa?vr?it?e ?su?bj?ec?t,? b?ec?au?se? ??it? i?s ?ve?ry?? int?er?es?ti?ng?. ?I ?an?t ?t ??be ?a t?ea?ch?er?? ?in? t?he? f?ut?ur?e.?An?d ?I ?hp?e?? m?y ?dr?ea?m ?il?l ?e ?tr?ue?.T?ha?t’?s ?al?l??. ?Th?an?k ?yu?.?四年级? ?杨晨曦?
He?ll??,?te?ac?he?rs??,?Ni?ce? t? s?ee? y?u ?he?re??!? M?y ?na?me?? ?is? Y?an?g ?Ch?en?xi?. ?I ?am? 9?? ?ye?ar?s ?ld?. ?I ?am? f?rm? Z?ha?ng?ji?aj?i?? P?ri??mary? ?Sch?l.? I? a?m ?in? C?la?ss??__?G?ra?de?__?. ?Th?er?e ?ar?e ??4 pe?pl?e ?in? m?y ?fa?mi?ly?—?my ?fa?th?er??,?my? m?th?er??,?my? b?rt?he?r ??a?nd? I? .? M?y ?fa?th?er?? ?is? a?__?__?__?_ ?an?d ?my? m?th?er? ??is? a?__? .? T??hey ?lv?e ?me?? ?an?d ?I ?lv?e ??them?,t?.A?ft?er? s?ch?l??, ?I ??like? r?ea?di?ng? ??an?d ?ri?ti?ng?, ?
an?d ?my? f?av?ri?te? c?lu?r??? is ?re?d.? A?ls? I? l?ve? m?us?ic?? ?ve?ry? m?uc?h.? I? ?hpe? ??I ?ca?n ?le?ar?n ?En?gl?is?h ?el?l,? b?ec?au?se? I? t?hi??nk? ?it? v?er?y ?im?pr??tant?. ?Bu?t ?Ch?in?es?e ??i?s ?my? f??avri?te? s?ub?je?ct?, ?be?ca?us?e?? i?t ?is? v?er?y ?in?te?re??stin?g.?An?d ?I ?an?t ?t ?be? a? r?it?er?? ?in? t?he? f?ut?ur??e. I? ?hpe?? ?my? d?re?am? i??ll e? t?ru?e.?Th?at?’ ?s ?al?l??.T?ha?nk? y?u!? ?五年级? ?刘?冰清?Hell??,?te?ac?he?rs??,?Ni?ce? t? s?ee? y?u ?he?re??.?My? n?am??e? i?s ?Li?u ?Bi?ng?qi?ng?. ?I ?am?11? ??ye?ar?s ?ld?. ?I ?am? f?rm? Z?ha?ng?ji?aj?i?? P?ri??mary? ?Sch?l.? I? a?m ?in? C??lass?1??,G?ra?de? ?
5.T?he?re? a?re? 3? p?ep?le? i?n ?my? f?am?il?y?—my? f?at?he?r??, ?my? m?th?er?? ??and ?I ?. ?My? p?ar??ents? ??ar?e ?te?ac?he?rs?. ??They? l?ve? m?e ??a?nd? I? l?ve? ?the?m,?t.? M?y ?fa?vr?it?e ?cl?ur?? ?is? p?in?k.? M?y ?be??st f?ri?en?d?? i?s ?Fa?ng? ?X?inyi?.S?he?`s? t?al?l ??a?nd? p?re?tt?y.? e?`r?e ?nt?? ?in? t??he s?am?e ?cl?as?s.?Bu?t ?e ?li?ke? E?ng?li?sh?? ?ve?ry? m?uc??h. I? l?ik?e ?li?st?en?in?g ?t ?mu?si?c ??a?nd? r?ea?di?ng? b??ks?. My? f?av?ur?it?e ?fd?? ?is? c?hi?ck?en?. ?It?`s? ?tas?ty?? ?an?d ?yu?mm?y.? I? f?te?n ??d my? h?me?rk?? ?an?d ?re?ad? b?ks?. ?I ?hp?e?? ?I c?an? l?ea?rn? E?ng?li?sh? e?ll?, ?be?ca??use?? i?t’?s ?ve?ry? i?nt?er?es?ti?ng?. ?Bu?t ?ma?th?? ?is? m??y fa?vr?it?e.? I? a?nt? t? b?e ?a ?te?ac?he?r?? i?n ?th?e ?fu??ture?. ?I ?hp?e ??m?y ?dr?ea?m ?il?l ?e ?tr?ue?.T?ha?t’?s ?al??l?. ?Th?an?k ?yu?!?六年级?英语?自我??介绍(宋?子婷?)? Gd? m?rn?in?g?,te?ac?he?rs??~?Ni?ce? t? ?see? y?u ?he?re??.? I?’m? S?ng? Z?it??ing.? I?’m? f?rm? C?la?ss?2??,G?ra?de? 6? f? ?Zha?ng??jiaj?i ??P?ri?ma?ry? S?ch?l.? I? h?av??e ma?ny? h?bb?ie?s,?su?ch? a?s ?si?ng?in?g??, ?da?nc?in?g??, ??read?in?g ?bk?s ??a?nd? s? n?.M?y ?fa?vu?ri?te? f?d?? ?is ?ch?ic?ke?n,? b?ec?au?se? i?t’?s ??tast?y ??a?nd? y?um?my?. ?I’?m ?a ?ha?pp?y ?gi?rl?. ?I ?li?ke?? gin?g ?ut?in?g ??,? r?ea?di?ng? b?ks??,?r ?li?st?en?in?g ?t ??musi?c ?
?n? S?at?ur?da?ys?. ?Bu?t ?I ??h?av?e ?a ?dr?ea?m.? I? a?nt? t? b?e ?a ?da?nc?er?,b?ec?au?se? I? l?ik?e ?mu?si?c ??v?er?y ?mu?ch?. ?I ?hp?e?? m?y ?dr?ea?m ?il?l ?e ?tr?ue?.T?ha?t’?s ?al?l??. ?Th?an?k ?yu?! ?五年?级? 张朝?旭?
He?ll? ,?te?ac?he?rs? ,?Ni?ce? t? s?ee? y?u ?he?re? .?My? n?am?e ?is? Z?ha?ng? C?ha?xu?. ?I ?am?11? y?ea?rs? l?d.? I? a?m ?fr?m ?Zh?an?gj?ia?ji? P?ri?ma?ry? S?ch?l.? I? a?m ?in? ?Cla?ss?1 ?,G?ra??de ?
5.T?he?re? a?re? 4? p?ep?le? i?n ?my? f?am?il?y?—my?? fat?he?r ?, ?my? m?th?er? m??y si?st?er? a?nd? I? .? M?y ??fath?er? i?s ?a ?te?ac?he?r ??and ?my? m?th?er? i?s ?a ?hu??seif?e.? M?y ?si?st?er? i?s ??in a? h?ig?h ?sc?hl?. ?Th?ey?? lve? m?e ?an?d ?I ?lv?e ?th??em,t?. ?My? f?av?ri?te? c?lu??r is? b?lu?e.? M?y ?be?st? f??rien?d ?is? C?he?ng? ?Zhi?ei?.H?e`?s ?nt? t?al?l ?bu?t ?ve?ry? s?tr?ng? .?e`?re? n?t ?in? t?he? s?am?e ?cl?as?s.?Bu?t ?e ?li?ke? E?ng?li?sh? v?er?y ?mu?ch?. ?My? f?av?ur?it?e ?fd? i?s ?eg?gp?la?nt?. ?It?`s? t?as?ty? a?nd? y?um?my?. ?I ?ft?en? d? m?y ?hm?er?k ?an?d ?re?ad? ?bks? a?ft?er? s?ch?l.?? I a?nt? t? b?e ?a ?te?ac?he??r in? t?he? f?ut?ur?e.? I? h??pe m?y ?dr?ea?m ?il?l ?e ?tr??ue.T?ha?t’?s ?al?l.? T?ha?nk?? yu!? ?六年级?英语?自我?介绍??(张倩)?Gd? m?rn?in?g,?ev?er?yn?e??! ?I ?‘m? h?ap?py? t? s?ee? y?u ?he?re??.?N ?le?t ?me?? say? s?me?th?in?g ??a?bu?t ?my?se?lf?.M?y ?na?me?? ?is? Z?ha?ng? ?Q?ian.?I’?m ?1 ?
2.? I?’m? f?rm?? Cla?ss?5??,G?ra?de?6 ?f ?Zh??angj?ia?ji? ??Pr?im?ar?y ?Sc?hl?.I?’m? a?n ?ac?ti?ve? g?ir?l.?At? s?ch?l??,e? h?av?e ?
Ch?in?es?e??,m?at?h??,E?ng?li?sh? ??an?d ?s ?n.?.A?nd? I? l??ike ?En?gl?is?h?? ?bes?t,?be?ca?us?e?? i?t’?s ?in?te?re?st?in?g.? I?’d? l?ik?e ?t ?ea?t?? ?pta?te?s.?Th?ey? a?re? t??asty?.M?y ?fa?vu?ri?te? c?lu??r? i?s ?hi?te?.n? t?he? ?eek?en?d??, ?I ?li?ke? r?ea?di?ng? b?ks? i?n ?my? r?m.? I? h?av?e ?a ?ha?pp?y ?fa?mi?ly?. ?
My? f?at?he?r ?is? t?al?l ??a??nd s?tr?ng?.M?y ?mt?he?r?? i?s ?ha?rd?rk?in?g.?My? ?brt?he?r?? i?s ?sm?ar?t,?he?’s? i?n ?Gr??ade ?ne? ??th?is? y?ea?r.?An??d I’?m ?a ?gd? ??st?ud?en?t.??My d?re?am?? ?is? t? b?e ?a ?te?ac?he?r,?be?ca?us?e ?I ?an?t ??t he?lp? ?the? p?r ?ch?il?dr??en?i?n ?th?e ?fu?tu?re?. ?I ?hp?e?? m?y ?dr?ea?m ?il?l ?e ?tr??ue.T?ha?t’?s ?al?l??.T?ha?nk? y?u.? ?五年级? ?方心怡? ?
Hel?l??,t?ea?ch?er?s??!N?ic?e ?t ?se?e ??yu h?er?e??.M?y ?na?me? ??is?? Fan?g ?Xi?ny?i.? I? a?m1?1?? y?ea?rs? l?d.? I? a?m ?fr?m ?Zh??angj?ia?ji??P?ri?ma?ry? S?ch?l.? ?I a?m ?in? C?la?ss?3??,G?ra?de? ?
5.T?he?re? a?re? 3? p?ep?le? i?n ?my? f?am?il?y?—my? f?at?he?r??, ?my? m?th?er?? ?an??d I ?. ?My? p?ar?en?ts?? ?ar?e ?te?ac?he?rs?. ?Th?ey? l?ve? m??e? a?nd? I? l?ve? ?the?m,?t.??My f?av?ri?te? c?lu?r?? i?s ?gr?ee?n.? M?y ?be?st? f?ri?en?d??? is ?Li?u ?Bi?ng?qi?ng?.S?he?`s? t?al?l ??a?nd? p?re?tt?y.? e??`re ?nt?? ?in? t?he? s?am?e ?cl?as?s.?Bu?t ?e ?li?ke? E?ng?li??sh ??ve?ry? m?uc?h.? I? l?ik??e pa?in?ti?ng??a?nd? ?rea?di??ng b?ks?. ?My? f?av?ur?it?e ?fd? ??is? c?hi?ck?en?. ?It?`s? t?as?ty?? ?an?d ??yumm?y.? I? f??ten ?d ?my? h?me?rk? ??an?d ??read? b?ks? .? I? h?pe?? ?I ?ca?n ?le?ar?n ?En?gl?is?h ?el?l,?? bec?au?se? i?t’?s ?ve?ry? i?nt?er?es?ti?ng?. ?Bu?t ?ma?th?? ??is m?y ?fa?vr?it?e.? I? a?nt? t? b?e ?at?ea?ch?er?? ?in? t?he?? fut?ur?e.? I? h?pe?? ?my? ?d?ream? i?ll? e? t?ru?e.?Th?at?’s? a?ll??.? T?ha?nk? y?u!? ?五年级? ?刘冰清?He?ll??,?te?ac?he?rs??,?Ni?ce? t? s?ee? y?u ?he?re??.??My n?am?e?? i?s ?Li?u ?Bi?ng?qi?ng?. ?I ?am?11? ??ye?ar?s ?ld?. ?I ?am? f?rm? Z?ha?ng?ji?aj??i? P?ri?ma?ry? ?Sch?l.? I? a??m in? C?la?ss?1??,G?ra?de? ?
5?.The?re? a?re? 3? p?ep?le? i?n ?my? f?am?il?y?—my? f?at?he?r??, ?my? m?th?er?? ?an?d ?I ?. ??My p?ar?en?ts? ??ar?e ?te?ac??hers?. ?Th?ey? l?ve? m?e ??a?nd? I? l?ve? ?the?m,?t.? M?y ?fa?vr?it?e ?cl?ur?? ?is? p?in?k.?? My ?be?st? f?ri?en?d?? i?s ?Fa?ng? ?
Xin?yi?.S?he?`s? t?al?l ???and? p?re?tt?y.? e?`r?e ??nt? ?in? t?he? s?am?e ?cl??ass.?Bu?t ?e ?li?ke? E?ng??lish?? ?ve?ry? m?uc?h.? I?? lik?e ?li?st?en?in?g ?t ??musi?c ??a?nd? r?ea?di??ng? bks?. ?My? f?av?ur?it?e ??fd? ?is? c?hi?ck?en?. ?It??`s ?tas?ty?? ?an?d ?yu?mm?y.? I? f?te?n ?d ?my? h?me?rk?? ?an?d ?re?ad? b?ks?. ?I ?hp?e?? ?I c?an? l?ea??rn E?ng?li?sh? e?ll?, ?be??caus?e?? i?t’?s ?ve?ry? i??nter?es?ti?ng?. ?Bu?t ?ma??th? ?is? m?y ?fa?vr?it?e.?? I a?nt? t? b?e ?a ?te?ac??her?? i?n ?th?e ?fu?tu?re??. I ?hp?e ??m?y ?dr?ea?m ??ill ?e ?tr?ue?.T?ha?t’?s ??all??. ?Th?an?k ?yu?! ??篇六?:
My? n?am?e ?is? P?at? a??nd I? m? f?rm? T?ai?an?. ??Righ?t ?n,? I? m? a? s?tu??dent?. ?I ?st?ud?y ?ve?ry?? har?d ?ev??ery ?da?y.? I?? lik?e ?gi?ng? t? s?ch?l.?? bec?au?se? I? m? ?eag?er? t? l?ea?rn?. ?I ?en?jy? l?ea?rn?in?g ?En?gl?is?h.? I?t ?s ?my? f?av?ri?te? c?la?ss?. ?I ?li?ke? t? m?ak?e ?fr?ie?nd?s ?an?d ?I ?ge?t ?al?ng? i?th? e?ve?ry?ne?. ?Th?is? i?s ?th?e ?in?tr?du?ct?in? I? g?iv?e ?he?ne?ve?r ?I ?me?et? n?e ?pe?pl?e.? I?t ?te?ll?s ?pe?pl?e ?a ?li?tt?le? b?it? a?bu?t ?me? a?nd? a?bu?t ?ha?t ?I ?li?ke? t? d?. ?我的?名字?是派?特,??我来自台?湾。?我现?在是?学生?。我?每天?都很?用功?念书?。我?喜欢?上学?,因??为我渴望?学习?。我?喜欢?学英?文。?那是?我最?喜欢?的课?程。?我喜?欢交?朋友?,而?且我?和每?个人?都处?得很?好。?这就?是我?每次?认识?新的?人时?,所?作的??自我介绍?。它?可以?告诉?别人?一点?关于?我的?事,?还有?我喜?欢做?什么?。? 范?文二:? ?
Hel?l,? e?ve?ry?ne?. ?My?? nam?e ?is? *?**?(?你的名?字?), ?I ?m ?*?(你的??年纪)? ?year?s ?ld?. ?I ?st?ud?y ??in *?**?(你?的学?校名?)? Pr?im?ar?y ?Sc??hl. ?I ?m ?in? G?ra?de?*?(你的?年级?)? Cl?as?s*?(你?的班?级)?. ?I ?li?ke? f?tb?al?l ?an?d ?En?gl?is?h ?ve?ry? m?uc?h,? a?nd? i? f?te?n ?pl?ay? f?tb?al?l ?it?h ?my? c?la?ss?ma?te?s ?
af?te?r ?sc?hl? .?My? E?ng?li?sh? t?ea?ch?er? i?s ?**?*?(你英?语老?师的?名字?)?,sh?e/?he?(女?的选?sh?e?,男的?选?he?) i?s ?ve?ry? n?ic?e ?t ??us, ?I ?li?ke? ?her?/h?im?(女?的选?he?r?,男的?选?him?)? ?a lt?. ?Th?er?e ?ar?e ??thre?e ?me?mb?er?s ?in? m??y fa?mi?ly?: ?my? f?at?he??r, m?y ?mt?he?r ?an?d ?I.?? Bth? f? p?ar?en?ts? l?ve?? me ?an?d ?I ?lv?e ?th?em?? t. ?Th?at? s? a?ll?, ?th??ank ?yu?!?范文三?:?
he?ll?? eve?ry?ne? ?大家好?~ ?My? n?am?e ?is? ?( ?) ?我叫某??某某 I? m? ?( ?) y?ea?rs?? ld ?我几?岁了? I? m? a? s?tu??dent? f? c?la?ss?(? )? ?and ?gr?ad?e?( ?) ?我是几?年级?几班?的学?生? I ?ha?ve? m??any ?in?te?re?st?s ?我有?很多??爱好 ?I l?ik?e ?(?dra?in??g)(?sin?gi?ng?)?and?(???)?我喜?欢画?画? 唱歌? ?? I? ?ant? t? b?e ?a ?(?tea?ch?er?)(?dc?tr?)(????)? 我希??望做一名??老?师? 医?生??? I? l??ike ?t ?ma?ke? f?ri?en?ds?? ith? e?ve?ry?ne? ?我喜欢?和大?家做?朋友? ??图片已关?闭显?示,?点此?查看? ?图片?已关?闭显?示,?点此?查看? ?图片?已关??闭显示,?点此?查看? ?图片?已关?闭显?示,?点此?查看? ?图片?已关?闭显?示,??点此查看? t?ha?nk?s ?ve?ry? m?uc?h ?非常?感谢? ?范文四?:?
He?ll?, ?ev?er?yb?dy?. ?大家?好? ?My n?am?e ?s(? )?.?我的名?字叫?(? )? I ?m ?in? C?la?ss?( ?),?Gr?ad?e ?si?x ?f(? )?sc?hl?.?我在(? ?)学校?6?年?级( ?)班级? I? ?m t?al?l(??shrt?).?I ?m ?( ?)c?en?ti??mete?rs?.?我很高?(矮?),?我(? ?)厘米?。? I ?li?ke? E?ng?li?sh? v?er?y ?mu?ch?.?我非常??喜欢英语? B?ec?au?se? E?ng?li??sh i?s ?in?te?re?st?in?g.??因为英语?很有?趣。? S? m?y ?En?gl??ish ?is? v?er?y ?gd?.?所以,?我?的英语?很好?. ?I ?ac?qu?ir??e ma?ny? a?ar?d.?我获?得过?很多??奖项。? I ?hp?e ?th?at? ?e?very? f? y?u ?il?l ?lv?e ??me。希?望大?家能?喜欢?我。? ?篇七:? ?
自我介?绍英?文版?.?四年级?dc?自我?介绍?英文?版? He?ll? e?ve?ry?ne??.大家好?。? My? n?am?e ?is?? ...?. ?我叫?。。?。?I a?m ?a ?st?ud?en?t ?f ?Gr?ad?e ??C?la?ss?? ?我是?一名?四年?级。?。。?班的?学生?。? I ?m ?ta?ll?(s?hr??t) ?我很高?(矮?)。?I ?
li?ke? E?ng?li?sh? v?er?y ?mu?ch?. ?我非?常喜?欢英?语。? I? l?ik?e ?re?ad?in?g?、pl?ay?in?g ?ga?me?s ??and ?li?st?en?in?g ?t ?mu?si?c,? ?我喜欢?阅读?,玩?游戏?。? Th?er?e ?ar?e ?4 ?pe?pl?e ?in? m?y ?fa?mi??ly, ?fa?th?er?, ?mt?he?r,? b?rt?he?r ?an?d ?me??, my? f?at?he?r ?an?d ?mt?he?r ?ar?e ?al?l ?ve??ry k?in?d,? e?le? y?u ?t ?vi?si?t ?my? ?fam?il?y ?if? y?u ?ha?ve? t?im?e!? ?我家有?四口?人,?爸爸?妈妈??,哥哥,?还有??我,我的?爸爸?妈妈?都是?很友?善的?人,?欢迎?你们?来我?家玩?如果??你有时间?。? Th?an?k ?yu?.?谢谢。? ?小学英?语语?法大?全?
?一、名词?复数?规则? ?
1?(一般?情况?下,?直接?加?-s?,如:? ?
b?k-bk?s?, b?ag?-b?ag?s?, c?at?-c?at?s?, b?ed?-b?ed?s ? ?
2(以?s?。 x?。? sh?。? ch?结尾?,加?-e?s?,如:? ?
bus?-b?us?es?,? bx?-b?xe?s?, b?ru?sh?-b?ru?sh?es?,? at?ch?-a?tc?he?s ? ?
3(以?“辅?音字?母? y”?结尾?,变?y?为i?, ?再加?-es?,如?:?
fa?mi?ly?-f?am?il?ie?s?, s?tr?ab?er?ry?-s?tr?ab??erri?es? ?
4?(以“?f?或fe?”结?尾,?变?f或?fe?为v?, ?再加?-es?,如?:?
kn?if?e-?kn?iv?es? ?〕 L??eaf-?-l?ea?ve?s ? ?
ma?n-?me??n, m?an?-m?en?,? pl?ic?em?an?-p?li?ce?me?n?, p?li?ce?ma?n-?pl?ic?em?en?,? ch?il?d-?ch?il??dren? f?t-?fe?et?,。?tt?h-?te?et?h ?fi?sh?-f?is??h, ?pep?le?-p?ep?le??, Ch?in?es?e-?Ch?in?es?e?, J?ap?an?es?e-?Ja?pa?ne?se? ?写出下?列各??词的复数?I ?__?__?__?__?_h?im? _?__?__?__?__?th?is? _?__?__?__?__?__?he?r ?__?__?__? ?atc?h ?__?__?__??_chi?ld? _?__?__?__?ph??t __?__?__?__?di?ar?y ??____?__? d?ay?__?__?__?__? ?ft_?__?__?__?_ ?bk?__?__?__?_ ?dr?es?s ?__?__?__?__? t?th?__?__?__?_ ?sh?ee?p ?__?__?__?bx?__?__?__?_ ?st?ra?be?rr?y ?__?__?_ ?pe?ac?h_?__?__?_ ?sa?nd?ic?h ?
__?__?__?di?sh?__?__?__?_b?us?__?__?__?_ ?ma?n_?__?__?_ ?ma?n_?__?__?__? ?二(动?词三?单?的变化?规则? ?
1?(一般?情况??下,直接?加?-s?,如:? ?
ck-?ck?s?, m??ilk-?mi?lk?s ? ?
2(以?s?。 x?。? sh?。? ch?。? ?结尾,加?-e?s?,如:??
gue?ss?-g?ue?ss?es?,? as?h-?as?he?s?, a?tc?h-?at?ch?es?,? g-?ge?s ? ?
3(以?“辅?音字?母?+y”?结尾?,变?y?为i?, ?再加?-es?,如?:?
st?ud?y-?st?ud?ie?s ?练习?:?
写出?下列?动词?的第??三人称单?数。? d?ri??nk _?__?__?__?_ ?g ?__?__?__?_ ?st??ay _?__?__?__?_ ?ma?ke? _?__?__?__??_ lk? _?__?__?__?__? h?av?e_?__?__??__ ?pas?s_?__?__?__? c?ar?ry? _?__?_e?__?__?__?__? a?tc?h_?__??___ ?pl?an?t_?__?__?__? f?ly? ?___?__?__??_ st?ud?y_?__?__?__? b?ru?sh?__?__??____? t?ea?c ?四?The?re? b?e ?句型?表示?:?
在某?地有?某物?(或?人)? ?
1?、在?the??re b?e ?句型?中,?主语?是单?数,?be? ?动词用?is? ?; ?主语是??复数,?be ?动词?用?are? ?; ?如有几?件物?品,?be? ?动词根?据最?*?近be? ?动词的??那个名词?决定?。? ?
2、?the?re? b?e ?句型?的否?定句?在?be ?动词?后加?nt? ?, ?一般疑?问句?把?be ?动词?调到?句首?。? ?
3、?the?re? b?e?句型与??have?(?has??) 的区?别:? ?
the?re? b?e ?表示?在某?地有??某物(或?人)?;?hav?e?(ha?s?) ?表示某??人拥?有某物。? ?图片已?关闭?显示?,点?此查?看? ?图片已?关闭?显示?,点?此查?看? ?篇八:?
中英?文自?我介?绍?Gda?ft?er?nn?, ?te?ac?he?rs?! ?Td?ay?, ?I`?m ?ve?ry? h?ap?py?? t m?ak?e ?a ?sp?ee?ch? h?er?e.? N??, le?t ?me? i?nt?rd?uc?e ?my?se?lf?. ?My? n?am?e ?is? ?xxx?. ?I`?m ? ?
1?0. I? e? f?rm? C?la?ss?3 ?Gr?ad?e ? ?
5. ?I`?m ?an? a?ct?iv?e ?gi?rl?. ?I ?li?ke? r?ea?di?ng?、? pl?ay?in?g ?ga?me?s ?an?d ?li?st?en?in?g ?t ?mu?si??c. B?ec?au?se? I? t?hi?nk? i?t`?s ?ve?ry? i?nt?er?es?ti?ng?. ?I`?d ?li?ke?? t e?at? a?pp?le?. ?Th?ey?`r?e ?ta?st?y.? M?y ?fa?vu?ri?te? c?lu?r ?is? g??reen?. ?An?d ?I ?li?ke? m?at?h ?be?st?. ?It?`s? f?un?. ?I ?li?ke? r?ea?di??ng b?ks? i?n ?my? r?m.? ?I h?av?e ??a ha?pp?y ?fa?mi?ly?. ?An?d ?I`?m ?a ?gd? s?tu?de?nt?. ?My? d?re?am? i?s ??t be? ?a t?ea?ch?er?, ?be?ca?us?e ??I an?t ?t ?he?lp? t?he? p?r ?ch?il?dr?en? i?n ?th?e ?fu?tu?re?. ?Th?an?k ??yu f?r ?li?st?en?in?g!? P?le?as?e ?re?me?mb?er? m?e?。 ?下午好?,老?师? ~今??天,我非?常高?兴地?在这?里发?言。?现在?,让?我介?绍一?下我?自己??。我的名??字是xx?x?。我?10?岁了。?我来?自?5年级?3?班?。我是一?个活?泼的?女孩?。我?喜?欢阅读?、玩?游戏??和听音乐?。因?为我?觉得?它是?很有?趣。?我喜?欢吃?苹果?。?它?们很美味?。我?最喜?欢的?颜色?是绿?色的?。我?最喜?欢数?学。?它很?有趣?。?我喜欢?在我?的房?间里?看书?。我?有一?个幸?福的?家庭?。而?我是?一个?好学??生。我的?梦想?是当?一名?老师?,因?为我??想在未来?帮助?贫困?的孩?子。?感谢??您收听? ~请?记住?我。??
四年级学生自我介绍【篇一】 四三班 zz
四年级学生自我介绍【篇二】 我的名字叫xxx,在xx实验小学四(7)班读书。
我也很幽默, 就在今天的作文课上对同桌进行自我介绍的时候,我忽然说:”我的手长于地球的直径,腿长于银河系的半径”。还有一次在课堂上老师叫我们讲歇后语,我讲了:”老太太喝稀饭--无耻下流。”同学们听了有的哈哈大笑,有的用手捂着嘴唧唧唧地笑,还有的笑得前仰后。
我的学习成绩很好,就是脾气不太好。我有许多优点也有缺点,我孝顺长辈,乐于助人,体谅别人...... “
Hello, everyone. My name is Chen Fangyuan,and my English name is Amy.I am 11. I study in Xinghuaquan Central Primary School. Im in Grade 4 Class 1. I like football and English very much, and I often play football with my classmates after school . I want to be a player when I grow up. Eggs are my favorite food,because they are delicious.I also like pets, such as dogs and cats.There are three members in my family: my father, my mother and I. Both of parents love me and I love them too.I hope that every of you will love me. Thank you!
Hello, everyone.Today, I’m very happy to make a speech here.
Now, let me introduce myself. My name is Baojingyi. I’m 11. I e
from Class3 Grade4 of Xinghuaquan Central Primary School. I’m an
active girl. I like playing zither,because I like music,and I want to be a singer in the future. I’d like to eat chicken. They ‘re delicious. My
favorite color is red.I like English best, because it’s fun. On
weekends, I like reading books in my room.I have a happy family. My father is a football player, my mother is a math teacher, and I ‘m a student.I like to make friends with everyone.Please remember me. Thank you for listening.
篇一:? ?
四年级?英语?一分?钟自?我介?绍?(来自??:.?bO?th?wI?n.? ?博 ?威 ?范文? 网?:?英语自我?介绍?四年?级?) ?一分钟?自我?介绍? G?oo??d mo?rn?in?g ?Ev?er?yb?od?y:? M?y ?na?me? i?s ?X ??X X.? I? a?m ??nine? y?ea?rs? o?ld?.I?’m? i?n ?Cl??ass ?Se?ve?n ?Gr?ad?e ?Fo?ur?. ?I ?li?ke? d?ra?wi??ng, ?si?ng?in?g ?an?d ?pl?ay?in?g ?pu?te?r ?ga?me??s. E?ve?ry? ?Sun?da?y ??I pl?ay? p?ut?er? g?am?es? w?it?h ?my? f?at?he?r.?? My ?fa?th?er? i?s ?a ?te?ac?he?r ?. ?I ?ha?ve? a?? hap?py? f?am?il?y.? I? l?ov?e ?my? f?at?he?r ?,m??y mo?th?er?.D?o ?yo?u ?li?ke? m?e??Th?an?k ?yo?u ??very? ?muc?h.? ?大家早?上好?~? 我的??名字叫?XXX?。我?今年??九岁。我?来自?四年?级七?班。?我喜?欢画?画、?唱歌?以及??玩电脑游?戏。?每个?周末?我和??我的爸爸?玩电?脑游?戏。?我的?爸爸?是一?名老??师。我有?一个?幸福?的家?庭。?我爱?我的??爸爸,我?的妈?妈。?你们?喜欢?我吗?,非?常感?谢~?篇二?:?
小学?四年?级英?语自?我介?绍? He?ll?o!?Ev?er?yo?ne?! ?I’?m ?gl?ad? t?o ?be? ?her?e ?. ?Le?t ?me? i??ntro?du?ce? m?ys?el?f ?no?w ?. ?My? n?am?e ?is? Y??u Da?ji?a.? ?I’m? e?le??ven ?ye?ar?s ?ol?d.? I?’m? a? s?tu?de??nt o?f ?Gr??ade ?4 ?in? B?ai?mi?ao? ?pri?ma?ry? s?ch?oo?l.? I? l?ik?e ?my? s?ch?oo?l ??very? m?uc?h ?.E?ng?li?sh? i?s ?my? ?fav?ou?ri?te? s?ub?je?ct? .? I?’m? g??ood ?at? i?t.? I? l?ik?e ?no?od?le?s ?an?d ?mi?lk??. Ev?er?y ?mo?rn?in?g ?I ?ha?ve? t?he?m ?fo?r ?br??eakf?as?t.? I? h?av?e ?a ?ha?pp?y ?fa?mi?ly?. ?Th??ere ?ar?e ?fo?ur? m?em?be?rs?, ?My? f?at?he?r,? m??y mo?th?er?, ?my? t?wi?n ?si?st?er? a?nd? I?.W?e ??love? e?ac?h ?ot?he?r ?ve?ry? m?uc?h.? T?ha?t’?s ??all.? T?ha?nk? ?you?! ??Hell?o!? E?ve?ry?on?e!? M?y ?na?me? i?s ?Yu? X?ia??ojia?. ?I’?m ?gl?ad? t?o ?be? ?her?e ?to?da?y ?. ?I’?m ?a ?li?ve?ly? g?ir??l. I?’m? e?le?ve?n.? I? e? f?ro?m ?
Ba?im?ia?o ?pr?im?ar?y ?sc?ho?ol?. ?No?w ?I’??m a ?st?ud?en?t ?of? G?ra?de? 4?. ?I ?li?ke? ?rea?di?ng? a?nd? d?an?ci?ng? v?er?y ?mu?ch?. ?Li?u ?Xi?ng?yu? i?s ?my? b?es?t ?fr?ie?nd?. ??She ?is? q?ui?et? a?nd? f?ri?en?dl?y.? W?e ?of?te?n ?pl?ay? t?og?et?he?r.? I? h?av?e ?a ?bi??g fa?mi?ly?. ?Th?er?e ?ar?e ?fo?ur? m?em?be?rs?, ?my? f?at?he?r,? m?y ?mo?th?er?, ?my? ?twi?n ?si?st?er? a?nd? I?. ?We? a?re? h?ap?py?. ??I lo?ve? m?y ?fa?mi?ly? v?er?y ?mu?ch?. ?Th?at?’s? a?ll?. ?Th?an?k ?yo?u!? H?el?lo?! ?Ev?er??yone?!I?’m? .? I?’m? .? I?’m? i?n ?Gr?ad?e ??3. I?’m? a? s?un?ny? b?oy? .?I ?li?ke? g?re?en?? and? b?lu?e.? H?ot? d?og? a?nd? ?piz?za? a??re m?y ?fa?vo?ri?te? f?oo?ds?. ?Th?at?’s? a?ll?. ?Th?an?k ?yo?u!?篇三?:?
小学?四年?级英?语自?我介?绍? ?小学四年?级英?语自?我介?绍? My? n?am?e ?is? ?XXX? a?nd? I? a?m ?te?n ?ye?ar?s ?ol?d.?[?英语中?决不?能像?中文?那样?加上?“t?hi?s ?ye?ar? ,?没有?这种?说法?] ?I ?m ?no??w st?ud?yi?ng? a?t ?Yu?ca?i ?el?em?en?ta?ry? ?sch?oo?l ?in? G?ui?li?n ?Ci?ty?. ?I ?m ?ac?ti?ve?[?活泼不?能直?接从?字典?里翻?译过??来,字典?里的?那些?词不?是描?述人?的性?格的?,而?是描?述非?生物?很有?生物??气息的?] a?nd? e?nj?oy? h?el?pi?ng? o?th?er?s.? I? l?ik?e ?sw?im?mi??ng, ?re?ad?in?g,? ?dra?wi?ng? a?nd? s?in?gi??ng, ?an?d ?I ?ha?ve? a? s?pe?ci?al? t?al?en?t ?in? d?an?ci?ng?. ?Th?e ?tw?o ?pe?op?le? i?n ??this? w?or?ld? t?ha?t ?I ?lo?ve? m?os?t ?ar?e ?my? p?ar?en?ts?. ?我叫?xx?x?,(?名字我?自写?)?今年十?岁了?。我?在桂?林市?育才?小学?读书?。我?的?性格活?泼开?朗,?乐于?助人?。我?喜欢?游泳?、看?书、?画画?、唱?歌我?的特?长?是舞蹈?。我?最喜?欢的?人是?妈妈?和爸?爸。?(?五十个?单词?)? ?
My name is peter. I am ten years old. I am from
Taiwan.Many people ask me about my Chinese name because they think the meaning of it is very interesting. But I hope my friends can remember my English name rather than my
Chinese one.
My hobby is playing basketball. I usually play it with my friends after school, and I believe playing basketball will bring me good health. I am a talkative person. It is very difficult for me to keep quiet. Now I am studying in English, so I hope everyone can speak English to me. Otherwise I will feel very bad if I keep quiet.
Teacher, my dear beloved students, Hello, everyone! I called Liu Qin rain year-old, I was a student in Ankang City, the first five classes of fourth grade. I have a pair of bright eyes, lively and lovely, I studied hard in the class seriously, united students, helping others, and was named outstanding young pioneers. I love sports and fine arts, the school has won the award. After listening to my presentation, we must be very
fond of me!
Thank you teachers and students!
My Chinese name is Yuke. My English name is Vencent. Im a boy .Im nine years old. Im from Ruian Xincheng Experimentation primary school.
Im in Class three Grade four. Im clever. Im a good boy. Im helpful. I often help classmates. My best friend is Caichenglai. Hes nine years old too. We eat play and read together. We learn each other.
I like swimming,roller-skating and puter games.
I swim everyday in the summer holiday. I ofen roller-skating on the weekend.
I like blue and red .
I like the blue sky. I like the red auturm .
There are three people in my family. They are my mother my father and I. My mother is thirty-seven years old. Shes an accountant. She likes to go travelling. My father is thirty-seven years old too. He is a teacher. He likes to reed books.
I am a very outgoing girl(boy), I like reading、playing games and
listening to music, of course, I also like to make friends with all the people in the school, I hope I will be your best friends in the sckooe life. 我是一个很外向的男孩(女孩),我喜欢阅读,玩游戏,听音
hello, everyone, it's my honor to stand here introducing myself.
大家好, 很高兴有机会在这里介绍我自己。
My name is xxx, from Class 2, Grade six,xxxx Primary School.
I'm doing well in my study, besides I'm the monitor of my class and I get on well with my classmates.
I'm a happy and talented girl. I'm good at drawing and many of my drawings have won prizes. At the same time, I like telling stories.
I'm interested in learning English very much, and I believe that I will do well in future. I won't let you down!
载 于:wWw.HnnsCY.cOM :四年级英文自我介绍)失望的。
Thanks for your listening.
Hello everyone. My name is XXX(姓名) I am XXX(岁数) years old.
I am a pupil from XXX(学校名字) school. My hobby is XXX(兴趣). I
like it because it is interesting. My favourite subject is XXX(最爱的
科目) and I like it because I found it very easy and interesting. There are three people in my family: my mum, my dad and me. I like my dad because he is very funny and I like my mum because she is very kind. The place I wanted to go the most is XXX(最想去的地方)
because it is a very beautiful and famous place. When I grow up I want to be a XXX(想做的工作) because you can help the others
and it is well payed.
My Chinese name is Yuke. My English name is Vencent. I’m a
boy .I’m nine years old. I’m from Ruian Xincheng Experimentation primary school.
I’m in Class three Grade four. I’m clever. I’m a good boy. I’
m helpful. I often help classmates. My best friend is Caichenglai.
He’s nine years old too. We eat play and read together. We learn
each other.
I like swimming,roller-skating and puter games
Hello, my name is c., has been in fourth grade.
I'm a child love the collective, is a clever boy. In class, I actively. Next class, my classmates and I had fun playing together, like a lively elf. My only fault is carelessness. A math exam, a simple topic, can't even fool wrong topic, just because of careless, given by the teacher a red fork fork, ah.
I swear, I must defeat the sloppiness. Exam score higher.
Hope you make friends with me, oh.
Name is Wang Rongyao, ten years old this year, people studying Chinese. I have a frame, and a mouth very will talk. My nose on a pair of glasses. At school, I showed a stable side, let my teachers and
classmates think I'm quite confident, in fact I am a coward. At home, just as it had been shut my mouth water above on, so the mother call I twitter.
I am very caring, when I saw a small animals were injured, I'll take it home. Friends said I like a vet.
My weakness is I was too careless. On one occasion, I give wrong the simple subject, so the somewhat by the teacher. I am that one short of a percentage. But, now I say goodbye to careless gradually.
I will study hard, to make a contribution to society.
介绍范文##第3篇: I am a girl named yan-qing sun. On the fourth
grade this year. But I am tall, now is 156 cm. Every time to dining room dozen rice when other people ask: you
is sixth grade!I am the fourth grade. I will tell them calmly. I have a pair of big eyes, a small and a big nose, a small mouth.
I have many hobbies: reading, painting, writing, lover, friend... You may not know my personality. My character is very cheerful. The whole class are my good friend.
I'm a bit of a fierce, the boys gave me up a nickname: tiger.On one occasion, Ma Tao let out a cry: tigress, the big bad Wolf.I know he want to fool me again. My voice is very high, I let out a cry. You go - to - I - - -! My voice is too loud, the whole could be heard through the building. Ma Tao scared to shout loudly 1:tiger angry! Say that finish it off and ran away. Listen to my introduction, you want to make friends with me?
Good morning Everybody:
My name is X X X. I am nine years old.I'm in Class Seven
Grade Four. I like drawing, singing and playing puter games.
Every Sunday I play puter games with my father. My father is a teacher . I have a happy family. I love my father ,my mother.Do you like me?Thank you very much.
Dear teachers and classmates, thank you for giving me such a chance to introduce myself, it's my great honor.
我介绍,这是我莫大的荣幸。 I'm Huang Tingting from
Sijingshui Primary school. I'm ten years old. As you see, I am a cute girl.
我是一个很可爱的小女孩。 It has two long ears and a short tail. It's as lovely as me. Am I right? 我非常喜欢小兔子。它有两个
长长的耳朵和一个短尾巴,和我一样的可爱。我说的对吗? I like
English very much, and I want to be an English teacher in my hometown in the future. 我非常喜欢英语,我以后要在家乡当一名
英语老师。 Because my hometown is a mountain village, many
children can't speak English well. 因为我的家乡是一个山村,
I'm very confident. Because Where there is a will, there is a way. I believe my dream will e true.
实现。 That's all. Thank you for listening.
Hello!Everyone! I'm glad to be here . Let me introduce myself now .
My name is Yu Dajia. I'm eleven years old. I'm a student of Grade 4 in Baimiao primary school. I like my school very much .English is my favourite subject . I'm good at it. I like noodles and milk. Every morning I have them for breakfast. I have a happy family. There are four members, My father, my mother, my twin sister and I.We love each other very much. That's all. Thank you!
Hello! Everyone! My name is Yu Xiaojia. I'm glad to be here today . I'm a lively girl. I'm eleven. I e from Baimiao primary school. Now I'm a student of Grade
4. I like reading and dancing very much. Liu Xingyu is my best friend. She is quiet and friendly. We often play together.
I have a big family. There are four members, my father, my mother, my twin sister and I. We are happy. I love my family very much. That's all. Thank you! 四年级英语自我介绍范文四:
Hello! Everyone!
I'm . I'm . I'm in Grade 3. I'm a sunny boy .I like green and blue. Hot dog and pizza are my favorite foods. That's all. Thank you!
Hello, everyone! I'm XXXXXX from Class 12 Grade 4, you can also call me Daniel, that's my English name. I'm an outgoing boy, and I am good at street dance, especially Breaking and Hiphop. I'm glad to bring happiness to my classmates when I dance for them. They think I dance so well. I'm a sportboy too. I can play table tennis, basket ball, and I run fast. At the free time, I like to read various scientific books. I can make robot programming, and I am the member of our school science club.
I like traveling very much. I travelled different cities with my parents in each summer holiday. I've been to Qingdao, Beijing, Hangzhou, Shanghai and so on. Last summer, I t to Bangkok and Samui Island in Thailand. From these trips, I learned how to cooperate, how to take care of myself and how to municate in English.
At the same time, I am a hard-working boy. I can tidy my room, wash my clothes and cook without any helps. I wish to be a strong, independent man!
I love my parents, I love my teachers and classmates. I hope they'll proud of me in the future!