作文一:《GRE作文 ISSUE的名人例子》8500字
中文名字以及轶事英文名字 轶事 利用点 的中文解释
Archimedes 阿基米德 Archimedes was immersed 家庭对一个人的影响。
in family while as a child,
the range of his knowledge
was very wide, and found
the Archimedes’ principle
while having a bath
Albert Einstein 爱因斯坦 Einstein of boyhood is more 年幼的时候应该把所少年时代的爱因斯stupid, afterward; he 有的孩子进行集中训坦比较笨,后来对showed the extreme hobby 练;任何据称是事实的物理极度爱好,提of physics and queried 信息都应该被质疑,将出了相对论因此而Newton’s classic mechanics 来很有可能会被证明质疑了牛顿的经典because of his putting 是错误的;墨守陈规不力学。几年后,揭forward Theory of 会成功。 示了光电效应,发Relativity. After the few
现了质能方程并荣years, he also gave a perfect
获1921年的诺贝interpretation of the
尔物理学奖。 photoelectric effect and won
Noble Prize for Physics of
Anderson 安徒生 Anderson shows plenty of 想象文学作品的应用
丰富的想象力 imagination (fertile
Pasteur 巴斯德 The Law of 评价历史人物 高温消毒法 high-temperature
到的不是当时人们What a scientist should
对它的表扬或者辱think of is not praise to it of
骂,而是未来若干people at that time or
世纪中人们怎么评abasement, but how people
价他。 in future centuries appraise
Beethoven 贝多芬 The great poser of 在任何领域有重大意德国伟大的作曲Germany, has begun to 义的成功都必须接受家,从小就开始学study the violin and piano 过取得成就;天才要在习小提琴和钢琴,since childhood, the works 早期培养;超人的毅一生作品丰富,贝are abundant in all one’s 力。 多芬一直在莫扎特life, Beethoven grows up in
与海顿的音乐中成the music of Mozart and
长. Hayden
Bill Gates 比尔盖茨 Bill Gates, the founder of 自学成才
Be educated though 微软创始人,从哈Microsoft, left Harvard and
independent study 佛退学创立公司。 found the pany.
Leonardo de 达芬奇 Mathematician, architect, 所有学生都应该被要
Vinci 数学家,建筑师,sculpture, artist 求学习理科,尽管有人雕塑家,艺术家 Apply the knowledge of 对理科不感兴趣;想象把其他学科的知识other disciplines to painting 力的题目;其他学科对应用到绘画上。 There has never been an 自身研究领域的影响
从来没有一个艺术artist who was more
家像莎士比亚一样fittingly, and without
能够更合适地被称qualification, described as a
为一个天才;达芬genius. Like Shakespeare,
奇出身寒微,而后Leonardo came from an 声名显赫 insignificant background
and rose to universal
Descartes 笛卡尔 Descartes is a famous 学生什么都要质疑老法国著名哲学家,philosopher, mathematician, 师,质疑权威社会才会数学家,物理学家,and physicist in France; at 进步;学术领域都需要同时对气象,生物the same time, having made 独立思想家的领导。
等学科都做出了许a lot of study in such
多研究,解析几何disciplines as meteorology,
的创立者。找了个biology and is the founder
地方安心做学问,of analytic geometry. He
提出了普遍怀疑原also proposed the principle
则,著名的公式“我of generally suspecting. “I 思,故我在” think, therefore, I am”
Faraday 法拉第 The great British scientist 新手比专家更有可能伟大的英国科学Faraday has not been to 获得重要的发现;质疑家,连小学都没上primary school and 权威。 过,全靠自学。法successed depending on
拉第根据逆向思learning by himself. 维,提出伟大的电Faraday put forward the
磁感应定律 great electromagnetic
induction law according to
reverse thinking
Copernicus 哥白尼 Copernicus originally 兴趣爱好与成功;质疑他本来是学医学studied medical science and 权威社会才能进步和的,后来对天文学had bee interested in 发展;真理一开始都是产生了兴趣,写了astronomy later. He wrote a 令人难以容忍的,或者日心说;日心说彻book dealing with 至少是令人不快的,而底改变了当时人们heliocentric theory, and the 且都是在反对当时权的信仰;另外,它heliocentric changed 威的思想。(the truth all
make people difficult to 的追随者布鲁诺被people’s faith at that time;
tolerate, or unhappy at 宗教裁判所在广场therefore his follower Bruno
least, moreover, all of 上活活地给烧死。 was burnt to death by
them are against the inquisition.
Columbus 哥伦布 Columbus has firm belief 专家犯错误,兴趣对成
Columbus 哥伦布读过《马可that the earth is round, and 功的影响,改变人们对
Columbus 波罗行记》,坚信is extremely interested in 地球的认识。
Columbus “地圆说”,并且对oriental civilization, then
Columbus 东方文明很感兴decides to prove his faith.
Columbus 趣,然后决定自己Eventually, although he has
Columbus 去看看,并证实自not reach the real India, has
Columbus 己的信念,最后,found the American
虽然没有到达真正continent, which is great
的印度,却发现了contribution to mankind.
Goethe 歌德 The most preeminent 文学对人性的影响,60
Goethe 德国和欧洲最著名litterateur in Germany, 创作“浮士德”
Goethe 的文学家之一,代even in the whole Europe.
Goethe Goethe 表作“少年维特之His magnum opus is
烦恼”,“浮士德” “Faust”. Faust who is
浮士德是欧洲中世personage in the legend in
纪传说中的人物,Middle Age in Europe, in
为获得知识和权order to obtain the
力,向魔鬼出卖自knowledge and power,
己的灵魂 betray his own soul to the
Homer 荷马 Put the Humor’ epic in 感知和整理别人的技整理荷马史诗 order 巧和发明的人往往为
Washington 华盛顿 华盛顿好人啊,革命家美国第一位总统,不能顾及到自己的利美国人民心中的益,否则革命不彻底;NO.1 城市谦虚不图名利。
Abraham 林肯 第一f 历史研究过于关注个
Lincoln 第16任美国总统,人,个人努力可以改变
Abraham 南北战争中至关重看似固执的事实。
Lincoln 要的人物,刻苦自
Abraham 学,在黑人兄弟的
Lincoln 帮助下,彻底扭转
Magellan 麦哲伦 Magellan proved the earth 实践是证明问题的有
Magellan 第一次用实践证明is round with practice for 利证据;理想主义和现
Magellan 地球是圆的。 the first time. 实主义得比较
Michelangelo 米开朗琪罗 Michelangelo, the great 老米同志的作品都是意大利文艺复兴时painter, sculpture and 让人沉重的,所以用在期伟大的绘画家,architect in Renaissance, 科学上让人安心,在艺雕塑家和建筑师,created large mural “Last 术上让人upset;想象力用了近六年时间创Judgment” in Sistine 的题目。 作了伟大的教堂壁Chapel at the Vatican.
Mozart 莫扎特 The great poser in 天才要在早期培养;政
Mozart Mozart 伟大的奥地利作曲Austria could play piano 府应该资助艺术家
Mozart 家,三岁弹钢琴,three years old and write
Mozart 四岁写曲谱,是个score four years old. But the
Mozart 神童,但是现实社realistic society treated him
会却无情地冷落了coldly and mercilessly. 他,大主教对他十therefore his fatal position is
Napoleon 拿破仑 英雄不一定代表这个战争狂人,正面人社会的特征 物
Newton 牛顿 When Newton sat under the 我之所以看得比别人
Copernicus 坐在苹果树下,看apple tree, the apple’s 远,是因为我站在巨人
Copernicus 见苹果落地后发现falling brings his attention 的肩膀上(I see farther
Bruno than others, because I 万有引力定律;他and then put forward “the
Galileo stand on the giant’s 仔细研究了哥白Law of Gravity” after
Galileo 尼,布鲁诺,开普serious study about it. shoulder.) ;科学发明
Kepler 勒,伽利略的书,After his study and 的偶然性和必然性
Kepler 写了“自然哲学的generalization of thoughts
Newton’s 数学原理”,另外,and works of Copernicus,
Principia 他还研究了欧几里Bruno, Kepler and Galileo,
Newton’s 德和笛卡儿的书提Newton wrote a book
Principia 出里力学三定律 “Newton’s Principia” that
had a far-reaching influence
on science in the eighteenth
century. In addition, he
proposed “Three Laws of
Mechanics” depending on
the works of Euclid and
Robert O 欧文 对理想主义的批判 空想社会主义者,
Bacon A highly named philosopher 知识就是力量,鼓励质英国杰出的唯物主
who insisted on 疑权威 义哲学家,提出知
materialism. 识就是力量
Proposed that knowledge is 名句 :
the resource of power. 历史使人明智;Histories make men EXCERPT: 诗歌使人富于想wise; poems, witty; Histories make men wise; 象;数学使人精mathematics, subtle; poems, witty; mathematics, 细;自然哲学使natural philosophy, subtle; natural philosophy, 人深沉、有道德、deep, moral, grave; deep, moral, grave; logic 严肃;逻辑和修logic and rhetoric, able and rhetoric, able to 辞学命令人善于to contend contend
Shakespeare 莎士比亚 Do odds and ends in the 从小事做起;读书的作英国著名戏剧家和theatre 用是了解当时社会的诗人,小时候在剧Do odds and ends in the 情况 院打杂。 theatre
Watt 瓦特 When Watt was in boyhood, 兴趣爱好和成功;发明小时候,看到一壶the ordinary phenomenon 蒸汽机是因为整理和水开了,蒸汽把壶that stream washed up the 总结了别人的成果;科
盖冲开,这种常人cover of the kettle brings his 学发现的偶然性与必司空见惯的现象却attention. 然性 引起了小瓦特的注
Cervantes 塞万提斯 Cervantes is a preeminent 艺术家需要资助;伟大
Cervantes 西班牙小说家,戏novelist, playwright, and 的作品是由艺术家来
Cervantes 剧家,诗人,在生poet in Spanish. When he 决定价值而不是批评
Cervantes 活窘迫的时候,卖was poverty-stricken, the 家
Cervantes 文是他养活妻儿的only way to support his wife
Cervantes 唯一途径。《堂吉柯and children is sell his
Cervantes 德》虽未能让塞万works. Although “Don
Cervantes 提斯摆脱贫困,却Quixote” has not made
Cervantes 为他赢得了不朽的Cervantes get rid of
Poverty-stroken 声誉。 poverty, has earned
immortal reputation for
Adam Smith 亚当斯密 “Wealth of Nations” has 自由竞争的好处;个人
《国富论》对西方important influence on 与群体的关系
经济学有重要的影western economics: He
响:他主张劳动生maintains that the
产率的提高是improvement of the labor
。认为productivity is a result of
自由竞争是永恒不the division of labor in
变的法则,人的本society, that the free
性是利己的,而追petition is an eternal
求个人利益则是人rule not changed, that
Egoistic 们从事经济活动的human nature is egoistic, 巨大动力,通过自that it is to pursue the 由竞争可以达到个individual interests that is 人福利和社会幸福the enormous motive force
的和谐 for the people are engaged
in the economic activity,
and that one can find the
personal welfare and the
society can be harmonious
through free petition.
Lu Xun, the great revolutionary soldier of proletariat in China and litterateur, wanted to
bee a doctor in early years. When studied in Japan, he found what Chinese need is not
medical skill, but thought, then changed his ambition and determined to wake up the
patriot’s awaking up with the .
Proletariat proletariat Lu Xun, the great revolutionary soldier of proletariat in China and litterateur, wanted to be
doctor in early years. When studied in Japan He found what Chinese need is not medical
skills but new thought, then changed his ambition to determine to wake up the patriots
with the s.
作文二:《GRE 作文准备 名人例子》26200字
Diana was beautiful, in a fresh-faced, English, outdoors-girl kind of way. She used her big blue eyes to their fullest advantage, melting the hearts of men and women through an expression of plete vulnerability. Diana's eyes, like those of Marilyn Monroe, contained an appeal directed not to any individual but to the world at large.
Television and newspaper
Most of the people who worshipped her, who read every tidbit about her in the gossip press and hung up pictures of her in their rooms, were not social snobs. Like Princess Grace of Monaco, Diana was a celebrity royal. She was a movie star who never actually appeared in a movie; in a sense her whole life was a movie, a serial melodrama acted out in public, with every twist and turn of the plot reported to a world audience. Diana was astute enough to understand the power of television and the voracious British tabloid newspapers. And she consistently tried to use the mass media as a stage for projecting her image — as
the wronged spouse, as the radiant society beauty, as the passionate princess hugging AIDS patients and land-mine victims, and as the mourning princess crying at celebrity funerals.
However, like many celebrities before her, she found out that she couldn't turn the media on and off at will, as though they were a tap. They needed her to feed the public appetite for celebrity gossip, and she needed them for her public performance, but what she hadn't bargained for was that her melodrama ran on without breaks. Everything she said or did was fair copy. After deliberately making her private life public, she soon discovered there was nothing private left.
Diana was a sacrificial symbol in several ways. First she became the patron saint of victims, the sick, the discriminated against, the homeless. Then, partly through her real suffering at the hands of a rigidly formal family trained to play rigidly formal public roles, and partly through her shrewd manipulation of the press, Diana herself projected a pelling image of victimhood. Women in unhappy marriages identified with her; so did outsiders of one kind or another, ethnic, sexual or social. Like many religious idols, she was openly abused and ridiculed, in her case by the same press that stoked the public worship of her. And finally she became the ultimate victim of her own fame: pursued by paparazzi, she became a twisted and battered body in a limousine. It was a fittingly tawdry end to what had bee an increasingly tawdry melodrama. But it is in the nature of religion that forms change to fit the times. Diana — celebrity, tabloid
princess, mater dolorosa of the pop and fashion scene — was, if nothing else, the perfect idol for our
Helen Keller
Blind and deaf
Helen Keller was less than two years old when she came down with a fever. It struck dramatically and left her unconscious. The fever t just as suddenly. But she was blinded and, very soon after, deaf. Literature
I can say the word see. I can speak the language of the sighted. That's part of the first great achievement of Helen Keller. She proved how language could liberate the blind and the deaf. She wrote, "Literature is my utopia. Here I am not disenfranchised." But how she struggled to master language. With language,
Keller, who could not hear and could not see, proved she could municate in the world of sight and sound — and was able to speak to it and live in it.
As miraculous as learning language may seem, that achievement of Keller's belongs to the 19th century. It was also a co-production with her patient and persevering teacher, Anne Sullivan. Helen Keller's greater achievement came after Sullivan, her panion and protector, died in 1936. Keller would live 32 more years and in that time would prove that the disabled can be independent.
Those people whose only experience of her is "The Miracle Worker" will be surprised to discover her many dimensions. "My work for the blind," she wrote, "has never occupied a center in my personality. My sympathies are with all who struggle for justice." She was a tireless activist for racial and sexual equality.
Bruce Lee
Martial Arts
He is the patron saint of the cult of the body: the almost mystical belief that we have the power to overe adversity if only we submit to the right binations of exercise, diet, meditation and weight training; that by force of will, we can sculpt ourselves into demigods. The century began with a crazy burst of that philosophy.
Adolf Hitler
The Satan and exterminating angel feared and hated by all others, Hitler led his people to a shameful defeat without precedent. That his political and strategic ambitions have created a dividing line in the history of this turbulent and tormented century is undeniable: there is a before and an after. By the breadth of his crimes, which have attained a quasi-ontological dimension, he surpasses all his predecessors: as a result of Hitler, man is defined by what makes him inhuman. With Hitler at the head of a gigantic laboratory, life itself seems to have changed.
Was there no resistance to his disastrous projects? There was. But it was too feeble, too weak and too late to succeed. German society had rallied behind him: the judicial, the educational, the industrial and the economic establishments gave him their support. Few politicians of this century have aroused, in their lifetime, such love and so much hate; few have inspired so much historical and psychological research after their death. Even today, works on his enigmatic personality and his cursed career are best sellers everywhere. Some are good, others are less good, but all seem to respond to an authentic curiosity on the part of a public haunted by memory and the desire to understand.
The apple of Paris
We think we know everything about the nefarious forces that shaped his destiny: his unhappy childhood, his frustrated adolescence; his artistic disappointments; his wound received on the front during World War I; his taste for spectacle, his constant disdain for social and military aristocracies; his relationship with Eva Braun, who adored him; the cult of the very death he feared; his lack of scruples with regard to his former rades of the SA, whom he had assassinated in 1934; his endless hatred of Jews, whose survival enraged him — each and every phase of his official and private life has found its chroniclers, its biographers.
Marilyn Monroe
Movies have lent the most perishable qualities, such as youth, beauty and edy, a millennial shelf life. Until the cameras rolled, stars of the past could only be remembered, not experienced. Had she been born earlier, Marilyn might have existed as only a legendary rumor, a Helen of Troy or Tinker Bell. But thanks to Blockbuster, every generation now has immediate access to the evanescent perfection of Marilyn bumping and cooing her way through that chorine's anthem, Diamonds Are a Girl's Best Friend, in Gentlemen Prefer Blondes. Only movie stars have the chance to live possibly forever, and maybe that's why they're all so crazy.
The Beatles
Looking back, though, it seems likely that the Beatles — with their buoyant spirits, their bottomless charm,
their unaccustomed and irrepressible wit — could probably have boosted the mirth quotient at a clown
convention. Their overflowing gifts for songcraft, harmony and instrumental excitement, their spiffy suits and nifty haircuts, their bright quips and ready smiles, made them appear almost otherworldly, as if they had just beamed down from some distant and far happier planet.
Actually, of course, they hailed from Liverpool, a semi-grim seaport on the northwestern coast of England. John Lennon, born there in 1940, never knew the seagoing father who had deserted his mother; mainly a doting aunt raised the boy. He grew up arty and angry — and musical, it turned out, after his mother
bought him the traditional cheap kid guitar (the label inside said guaranteed not to split), and he quickly worked out the chords to the Buddy Holly hit That'll Be the Day. Paul McCartney, born in 1942 and destined to bee Lennon's songwriting soul mate, seemed a sunnier type: well mannered, level-headed, all that. But he had weathered trauma of his own, losing his mother to breast cancer in his early teens.
Muhammad Ali
Every profession is great that is greatly pursued
Oliver Wendell Holmes once observed that every profession is great that is greatly pursued. Boxing in the early '60s, largely controlled by the Mob, was in a moribund state until Muhammad Ali — Cassius Clay, in
those days — appeared on the scene. "Just when the sweet science appears to lie like a painted ship upon a painted ocean," wrote A.J. Liebling, "a new Hero...es along like a Moran tug to pull it out of the ocean."
Nor did they approve of his personal behavior: the self-promotions ("I am the greatest!"), his affiliation with the Muslims and giving up his "slave name" for Muhammad Ali ("I don't have to be what you want me to be; I'm free to be what I want"), the poetry (his ability to pose rhymes on the run could very well qualify him as the first rapper) or the quips ("If Ali says a mosquito can pull a plow, don't ask how. Hitch him up!"). At the press conferences, the reporters were sullen. Ali would turn on them. "Why ain't you taking notice?" or "Why ain't you laughing?"
Bear no ill will
Then, of course, three years after Ali defended the championship, there came the public vilification for his refusal to join the Army during the Vietnam War — "I ain't got no quarrel with them Viet Cong" — one of
the more telling remarks of the era. The government prosecuted him for draft dodging, and the boxing missions took away his license. He was idle for 3 1/2 years at the peak of his career. In 1971 the Supreme Court ruled that the government had acted improperly. But Ali bore the missions no ill will. There were no lawsuits to get his title back through the courts. No need, he said, to punish them for doing what they thought was right. Quite properly, in his mind, he won back the title in the ring, knocking out George Foreman in the eighth round of their fight in Zaire — the "Rumble in the Jungle."
Ali was asked on a television show what he would have done with his life, given a choice. After an awkward pause — a rare thing, indeed — he admitted he couldn't think of anything other than boxing.
That is all he had ever wanted or wished for. He couldn't imagine anything else. He defended boxing as a sport: "You don't have to be hit in boxing. People don't understand that."
Muhammad Ali's was not exactly a leave-taking, but it may have seemed so to the estimated 3 billion or so television viewers who saw him open the Atlanta Olympics in 1996. Outfitted in a white gym suit that eerily made him seem to glisten against a dark night sky, he approached the unlit saucer with his flaming torch, his free arm trembling visibly from the effects of Parkinson's.
It was a kind of epiphany that those who watched realized how much they missed him and how much he had contributed to the world of sport. Students of boxing will pore over the trio of Ali-Frazier fights, which
rank among the greatest in fistic history, as one might read three acts of a great drama. They would remember the shenanigans, the Ali Shuffle, the Rope-a-Dope, the fact that Ali had brought beauty and grace to the most unpromising of sports. And they would marvel that through the wonderful excesses of skill and character, he had bee the most famous athlete, indeed, the best-known personage in the world.
The American G.I.
The American G.I.
G.I. is a World War II term that two generations later continues to conjure up the warmest and proudest memories of a noble war that pitted pure good against pure evil — and good triumphed. The victors in
that war were the American G.I.s, the Willies and Joes, the farmer from Iowa and the steelworker from Pittsburgh who stepped off a landing craft into the hell of Omaha Beach. The G.I. was the wisecracking kid Marine from Brooklyn who clawed his way up a deadly hill on a Pacific island. He was a black fighter pilot escorting white bomber pilots over Italy and Germany, proving that skin color had nothing to do with skill or courage. He was a native Japanese-American infantryman released from his own country's concentration camp to join the fight. She was a nurse relieving the agony of a dying teenager. He was a petty officer standing on the edge of a heaving aircraft carrier with two signal paddles in his hands, helping guide a dive-bomber pilot back onto the deck.
They were America. They reflected our diverse origins. They were the embodiment of the American spirit of courage and dedication. They were truly a "people's army," going forth on a crusade to save democracy and freedom, to defeat tyrants, to save oppressed peoples and to make their families proud of them. They were the Private Ryans, and they stood firm in the thin red line.
For most of those G.I.s, World War II was the adventure of their lifetime. Nothing they would ever do in the future would match their experiences as the warriors of democracy, saving the world from its own insanity. You can still see them in every Fourth of July color guard, their gait faltering but ever proud.
America’s mitment
Their forebears t by other names: doughboys, Yanks, buffalo soldiers, Johnny Reb, Rough Riders. But "G.I." will be forever lodged in the consciousness of our nation to apply to them all. The G.I. carried the value system of the American people. The G.I.s were the surest guarantee of America's mitment. For more than 200 years, they answered the call to fight the nation's battles. They never t forth as mercenaries on the road to conquest. They t forth as reluctant warriors, as citizen soldiers.
In this century hundreds of thousands of G.I.s died to bring to the beginning of the 21st century the victory of democracy as the ascendant political system on the face of the earth. The G.I.s were willing to travel far away and give their lives, if necessary, to secure the rights and freedoms of others. Only a nation such as ours, based on a firm moral foundation, could make such a request of its citizens. And the
G.I.s wanted nothing more than to get the job done and then return home safely. All they asked for in repayment from those they freed was the opportunity to help them bee part of the world of democracy--and just enough land to bury their fallen rades, beneath simple white crosses and Stars of David.
Albert Einstein
Einstein's galvanizing effect on the popular imagination continued throughout his life, and after it. Fearful his grave would bee a magnet for curiosity seekers, Einstein's executors secretly scattered his ashes. But they were defeated at least in part by a pathologist who carried off his brain in hopes of learning the secrets of his genius. Only recently Canadian researchers, probing those pickled remains, found that he had an unusually large inferior parietal lobe — a center of mathematical thought and spatial imagery —
and shorter connections between the frontal and temporal lobes. More definitive insights, though, are emerging from old Einstein letters and papers. These are finally ing to light after years of resistance by executors eager to shield the great relativist's image.
Unlike the avuncular caricature of his later years who left his hair unshorn, helped little girls with their math homework and was a soft touch for almost any worthy cause, Einstein is emerging from these documents as a man whose unsettled private life contrasts sharply with his serene contemplation of the universe. He could be alternately warmhearted and cold; a doting father, yet aloof; an understanding, if difficult, mate, but also an egregious flirt. "Deeply and passionately [concerned] with the fate of every stranger," wrote his friend and biographer Philipp Frank, he "immediately withdrew into his shell" when relations became intimate.
The pudgy first child of a bourgeois Jewish couple from southern Germany, he was strongly influenced by his domineering, musically inclined mother, who encouraged his passion for the violin and such classical posers as Bach, Mozart and Schubert. In his preteens he had a brief, intense religious experience, going so far as to chide his assimilated family for eating pork. But this fervor burned itself out, replaced, after he began exploring introductory science texts and his "holy" little geometry book, by a lifelong suspicion of all authority.
His easygoing engineer father, an unsuccessful entrepreneur in the emerging electrochemical industry, had less influence, though it was he who gave Einstein the celebrated toy pass that inspired his first "thought experiment": what, the five-year-old wondered, made the needle always point north?
The recognition of the practical power of his ideas coincided with a time when such power was most needed. Einstein came to America in 1933 as the most celebrated of a distinguished group of European intellectuals, refugees from Hitler and Mussolini, who, as soon as they arrived, changed the position
of university faculties (largely from patrician to Jewish), and who also changed the position of government. Until F.D.R.'s New Deal, the country had never associated the contemplative life with governmental action. Now there was a Brain Trust; being an "egghead" was useful, admirable, even sexy. One saw that it was possible to outthink the enemy. Einstein wrote a letter to Roosevelt urging the making of a uranium bomb, and soon a coterie of can-do intellectuals convened at Los Alamos to bee the new cowboys of war machinery. Presidents have relied on eggheads ever since: Einstein begat Kissinger begat Rubin, Reich and Greenspan.
Einstein became the emblem not only of the desire to know the truth but also of the capacity to know the truth. In his 1993 novel, Einstein's Dreams, Alan Lightman writes, "In this world time is a visible dimension. Just as one may look off in the distance and see houses, trees, mountain peaks that are landmarks in space, so one may look out in another direction and see births, marriages, deaths that are signposts in time, stretching off dimly into the far future." It does not take much of another stretch to attach godhead to such a vision, though that was hardly Einstein's own feeling.
Why, finally, is he so important to the age? Not because he personified brainpower — not because he was
"an Einstein" — but rather because he demonstrated that the imagination is capable of ing to terms with experience. Simply by gazing into existence, he concluded that time and space could be warped, that mass and energy were interchangeable. He understood that the world was a puzzle created for deciphering and, more, that a person's place in the order of things was to solve as much of the puzzle as possible. This is what makes a human human; this, and the governing elements of morals and humor.
Billy Graham
Indeed, for at least 40 years, Graham has been the Pope of Protestant America (if Protestant is still the right word). Graham's finest moment may have been when he appeared at President Bush's side, Bible in hand, as we menced our war against Iraq in 1991. The great revivalist's presence symbolized that the Gulf crusade was, if not Christian, at least biblical. Bush was not unique among our Presidents in displaying Graham. Eisenhower and Kennedy began the tradition of consulting the evangelist, but Johnson, Nixon and Ford intensified the fashion that concluded with Bush's naming him "America's pastor." President Clinton has increasingly preferred the Rev. Jesse Jackson, but the aura of apostle still hovers around Billy Graham.
He is an icon essential to a country in which, for two centuries now, religion has been not the opiate but the poetry of the people. In the U.S., 96 percent of us believe in God, 90 percent pray, and 90 percent believe God loves them, according to Gallup polls. Graham is totally representative of American religious universalism.
That is now a period piece, but I think it is important to keep it on the record. Graham, a slow but sure
learner, moved with the spirit of the age, and in the 1980s he became a preacher of world peace, urging reconciliation with Russia and China, where his wife Ruth, the daughter of missionaries, was born. Angry Fundamentalists turned against him, a move that became an anti-Graham passion when he rejected the program of the Christian right: "I don't think Jesus or the Apostles took sides in the political arenas of their day." The break between Graham and the Christian right became absolute when he denounced the violence of the antiabortion group Operation Rescue. "The tactics," Graham declared, "ought to be prayer and discussion."
Though Graham has never, to my knowledge, spoken out on behalf of the poor, it seems legitimate to conclude that his almost exclusive emphasis upon soul saving is his passionate center, even his authentic obsession. And there, whatever his inadequacies of intellect or of spiritual discernment, Graham has ministered to a particular American need: the public testimony of faith. He is the recognized leader of what continues to call itself American evangelical Protestantism, and his life and activities have sustained the self-respect of that vast entity. If there is an indigenous American religion — and I think there is, quite
distinct from European Protestantism — then Graham remains its prime emblem.
Che Guevara
Gone is the generous Che who tended wounded enemy soldiers, gone is the vulnerable warrior who wanted to curtail his love of life lest it make him less effective in bat and gone also is the darker, more turbulent Che who signed orders to execute prisoners in Cuban jails without a fair trial.
Thousands of luminous young men, particularly in Latin America, followed his example into the hills and were slaughtered there or tortured to death in sad city cellars, never knowing that their dreams of total liberation, like those of Che, would not e true.
To those who will never follow in his footsteps, submerged as they are in a world of cynicism, self-interest and frantic consumption, nothing could be more vicariously gratifying than Che's disdain for material fort and everyday desires. One might suggest that it is Che's distance, the apparent impossibility of duplicating his life anymore, that makes him so attractive.
More than 3 billion human beings on this planet right now live on less than $2 a day. And every day that breaks, 40,000 children — more than one every second! — succumb to diseases linked to chronic hunger.
They are there, always there, the terrifying conditions of injustice and inequality that led Che many decades ago to start his journey toward that bullet and that photo awaiting him in Bolivia.
Anne Frank
Along with everything else she came to represent, Anne Frank symbolized the power of a book. All the same, the Book of Anne has inspired a panoply of responses — plays, movies, documentaries, biographies,
a critical edition of the diary — all in the service of understanding or imagining the girl or, in some cases, of putting her down.
The reason for her immortality was basically literary. She was an extraordinarily good writer, for any age, and the quality of her work seemed a direct result of a ruthlessly honest disposition. Millions were moved by the purified version of her diary originally published by her father, but the recent critical, unexpurgated edition has moved millions more by disanointing her solely as an emblem of innocence. Anne's deep effect on readers es from her being a normal, if gifted, teenager. She was curious about sex, doubtful about religion, caustic about her parents, irritable especially to herself; she believed she had been fitted with two contradictory souls.
Readers enjoy quoting the diary's sweetest line — "I still believe, in spite of everything, that people are
still truly good at heart" — -but the passage that follows is more revealing: "I simply can't build up my hopes on a foundation consisting of confusion, misery and death. I see the world gradually being turned into a wilderness; I hear the ever approaching thunder, which will destroy us too; I can feel the sufferings of millions; and yet, if I look up into the heavens, I think that it will all e right, that this cruelty will end, and that peace and tranquillity will return again ... I must uphold my ideals, for perhaps the time will e when I shall be able to carry them out."
When the Nazis invaded Holland, the Frank family, like all Jewish residents, became victims of a systematically constricting universe. First came laws that forbade Jews to enter into business contracts. Then books by Jews were burned. Then there were the so-called Aryan laws, affecting intermarriage. Then Jews were barred from parks, beaches, movies, libraries. By 1942 they had to wear yellow stars stitched to their outer garments. Then phone service was denied them, then bicycles. Trapped at last in their homes, they were "disappeared."
Good and Evil
Here is no childish optimism but rather a declaration of principles, a way of dealing practically with a world bent on destroying her. It is the cry of the Jew in the attic, but it is also the cry of the 20th century mind, of the refugee forced to wander in deserts of someone else's manufacture, of the invisible man who asserts his visibility.
Indeed, they love her, which is to say they love the book. In her diary she showed the world not only how fine a person she was, but also how necessary it is to e to terms with one's own moral being, even —
perhaps especially — when the context is horror. The diary suggests that the story of oneself is all that we have, and that it is worth a life to get it right.
A.放下封建传统礼教下的教师架子 尊重每一位学生 平等对待每一位学生
赏识教育是教育者以信任、尊重、理解、激励、宽容、提醒的心态和思维方式对被教育者实施的教育。其基础是爱学生,平等地爱每一个学生。然后,才能应用赏识教育的方法统领教学。实施赏识教育,首先要摆正师生的位置关系。封建传统的教育理念中,深扎于众多教育工作者脑海之中的传统礼教,也是深扎于当今中国老百姓心目中的教学理念之一,就是所谓的“君君、臣臣、父父、子子”与“天地君亲师”的纲常思想,在家长与孩子的地位上,在学生与老师的地位上,片面地强调家长在孩子面前是居高临下的长者,老师在学生面前也理所当然地处于权威与至尊的地位,赏识教育恰恰打破了这一传统理念的束缚,强调教师在学生面前要热爱学生,与学生交朋友,成为学生的知音。热爱是根本,平等是基础,尊重是保证。热爱学生,从认识上看,源于教师对其所教对象——学生的再认识,对于教师而言,“学生就是上帝”。学生就是教师的衣食父母,人的本质力量对象化,没有学生就没有“老师”,老师的工作以学生的存在为前提条件,是学生成就了老师的辉煌事业。从心理学上看,热爱是完成教学工作的良好心里活动,惟有热爱学生,才能唤起教师无穷无尽的教育能量与态势,也才能充分调动学生的课堂积极性与主动性。热爱学生的表现无疑存在于课堂教学之中,教师与学生在开展教学活动时,教师面对全体学生是可亲与可爱的笑容可掬,知识的传授是在谈话式,交流式的融洽氛围之中来完成,在这一过程中,教师与学生是平等的合作者,教师语言的表述,在充满诗情画意的愉悦情绪中完成,知识发生过程的展示、知识递进的代数演练程序、逻辑思维的开启、充满智慧的解题方案的形成??都是在教师对学生的期待与赏识的目光下来完成,因为有爱,因为教师的赏识,使学生的心灵得以舒展、潜能得以发挥。学生在教师对学生赏识的一招一式是爱的力量在驱动,是建立在平等地位与互相尊重基础之上的必然。老教师已经不再是“头戴瓜皮帽,手拿水烟袋”的“师爷”,而是学生的“忘年交” 年轻教师是学生的兄弟与姐妹。
B.及时扑捉中等生的闪光点 因势利导 建构生动有趣数学课堂氛围
C.精心谋划课堂教学程序 领异标新与保鲜赏识 激发学生的数学学习兴趣
数学组:张书昌 黄靖艳 2013年12月22日
其适用文章贡献出来.:) 由于适用的文章是
凡高 Van Gogh: 艺术类文章里引用,如arts and critics,greatness总是超前时代的所以
只能由后人评判,history强调individual(因为在艺术历史领域只能强调individual),还有percive world with different eyes也可以引用这个例子.此人的另类抽象painting风格和当时的审美标准不符,故遭排挤,而几百年后的critics才发现他的价值.
哥白尼 Copernicus: 引用题目有:greatness超前时代,挑战权威(当时是church),history
莫扎特 Mozart: greatness只能由后人判断
毕加索 Picasso: greatness只能由后人判断
的反面例子,arts反映hidden ideas的反面例子.此人是20世纪最伟大的画家,其画风格为cubism,很多人说他的画只反映个人的
ideocyncratic,而没有反映社会的hidden ideas,此人在世时就被判为greatness了.
林肯 Abraham Lincoln: history关注
individuals,effective leader要随机应变,just and unjust laws.此人南北战争,解放黑奴,没有他,可能就没有今天这样的美国了.据说他
马丁路德金 Martin Luther King: leaders要有很高的moral and ethical
standards,history关注individuals的重要性,just and unjust laws,学习历史的重要性.
黑奴运动,他的"I have a dream"演讲教育了一代一代人.他的moral and ethical
莎士比亚 Shakespeare: greatness由后人评判的反面例子,survive and arts里强调arts可以培养人什么的.此人的介绍我就不
贝多芬 Beethoven: arts的重要性,arts and critics.此人为著名作曲家,'命运'激励了多少人,当时的critics也批斗过他,因为standards
很rigid and stale.
希特勒 Hitler: 不能迷信权威啊,学习历史的重要性啊(不重蹈覆辙),history强调individual啊.此人是著名战争狂,由于全国人都迷信他的言论才能坐上首相位置,学习他的例子可以使现在的社会不重蹈他的覆
辙,他这个individual也反映当时mon people/multitude的普遍value:战争主义,chauvinism.
加利略 Galileo: 不迷信权威,history强调individual(因为在科学研究领域只能强调
individual),beginner and expert.当时的expert和authority就是Aristotle,认为物体越重下降越快.而此人证明了其实都是一样
亚力士多德 Aristotle: 和加利略一起举例.
爱因斯坦 Einstein: 不迷信权威.greatness由后人判断的反面例子.beginner and
牛顿 Newton. 不迷信权威,greatness由后人判断.此人是个权威,被爱因斯坦挑战见爱
华盛顿 George Washington: history研究individual的重要性.leaders 要有moral standards. 此人为美国开国总统,没有他开了连续任两届总统就得下台的先河,可能美国在他之后好久都是专制国家,因为当时有
凯萨 Caesar. history研究individual的重要性. 此人即是亚利山大大帝,所建立的亚力
托马斯.杰佛森 Thomas Jefferson: 这个有点想不起来用在哪里了.此人说过all men are created equal->the declaration of
甘地 Gandhi: greatness的文章,leaders and moral standards的文章. 此人是印度的
拿破仑 Napoleon: individual的重要性. 此人是著名战争狂,他的发起的战争虽然很荒
肯尼迪 Kennedy: scandals,leaders should
have moral standards. 此人在位时很大程
度缓解了苏美关系.却有marital scandals.所以scandals会distract us from people's real
罗斯福 Roosevelt(FDR): individual的重要性,领导要听取群众意见,随机应变. 此人有两大贡献:发动反德战争,带美国走出
成吉斯汗 Genghis Khan: 领导要听取群众
意思,而不是有强硬持久的原则和目标: 这个也不用介绍了.
斯大林 Stalin: 同成吉斯汗.
达尔文 Darwin: 挑战权威. 进化论的祖师爷,写过'the origin of species'.挑战当时普遍的神创论.
孟德尔 Mendel: expert and beginner,data
的重要性. 因为是expert,因为做了十年研
law of Inheritance.
瓦特 Watt James: 很多都适用,如creativity很重要啊,兴趣很重要而不是老去考虑对社
会会有什么贡献啊. 此人发明了蒸汽机,从小喜欢机械,并一直研究.
里根 Reagon: 投资类题目适用. 他发起了星球计划.为将来的太空军备竞赛作准备.结果由于工程浩大而放弃,浪费了很多钱,所以投资都应该用在对社会有实在好处上.
居里 Mary Curie: 学习历史人物的重要性,失败是成功之母. 此女人经过十年才找到
克里克 Crick: imagination and knowledge. 此人很变态,发现DNA结构是由于做梦!
麦克斯维 Maxwell: imagination and
knowledge,greatness由后人判断. 此人是著名物理学家,他大胆推测出电磁场理论
1.成功 / 英雄 / 困难类 (被写的经久不衰!)
2.大众观点类:(媒体 / 团体 / 主流)
3.谎言 / 现象本质 / 隐私 (这个我也不懂)
4.动机类 (这个说的优点玄乎)
5.改变 / 科技 / 创新类
1.Bill Gates (比尔盖茨)
When Bill Gates made his decision to drop out from Harvard, he did not care too much of the result. Gates entered Harvard in 1973, and dropped out two years later when he and Allen started the engine of Microsoft. Many people did not understand why Gates gave up such a good opportunity to study in the world’s No.1 University. However, with size es power, Microsoft dominates the PC market with its operating systems, such as MS-DOS and Windows. Now, Microsoft bees the biggest software pany in the world and Bill Gates bees the richest man in the world.
2.Thomas Edison (托马斯 爱迪生)
In 1879, after more than 1,000 trials and $40,000, Thomas Edison introduced an inexpensive alternative to candles and gaslight: the incandescent lamp. Using carbonized filaments from cotton thread, his light bulb burned for two days. These bulbs were first installed on the steamship Columbia and have been lighting up the world ever since. 用于创造力/科技类、失败是成功之母、努力、成功 / 英雄 / 困难类
3.Mother Teresa (特雷莎修女)
Mother Teresa, winner of the Nobel Peace Prize, dedicated the majority of her life to helping the poorest of the poor in India, thus gaining her the name "Saint of the Gutters." The devotion towards the poor won her respect throughout the world and the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979. She founded an order of nuns called the Missionaries of Charity in Calcutta, India dedicated to serving the poor. Almost 50 years later, the Missionaries of Charity have grown from 12 sisters in India to over 3,000 in 517 missions throughout 100 countries worldwide.
4.Diana Spencer(戴安娜王妃)
Lady Diana Spencer, Princess of Whales, is remembered and respected by people all over the world more for her beauty, kindness, humanity and charitable activities than for her technical skills.
5.Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela (纳尔逊·罗利赫拉赫拉·曼德拉) Mandela, the South African black political leader and former
president, was awarded 1993 Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts to
antiracism and antiapartheid. Nelson Mandela is one of the great moral and political leaders of our time: an international hero whose lifelong dedication to the fight against racial oppression in South Africa won him the Nobel Peace Prize and the presidency of his country. Since his triumphant release in 1990 from more than a quarter-century of
imprisonment, Mandela has been at the centre of the most pelling and inspiring political drama in the world. As president of the African National Congress and head of South Africa‘s antiapartheid movement, he was instrumental in moving the nation toward multiracial government and majority rule. He is revered everywhere as a vital force in the fight for human rights and racial equality.
6.Beethoven (贝多芬)
Beethoven, the German Composer, began to lose his hearing in 1801 and was entirely deaf by 1819. However, this obstacle could not keep him from being one of the most famous and prolific posers in art history. His music, including 9 symphonies, 5 piano concertos, several senates and so on, formes a transition from classical to romantic position. 用于成功 / 英雄 / 困难类
7.George Bush(乔治 布什)
On January 16, 1991, President Bush ordered the mencement of Operation Desert Storm, a massive U.S.-led military offensive against Iraq in the Persian Gulf.
In late 1992, Bush ordered U.S. troops into Somalia, a nation devastated by drought and civil war. The peacekeeping mission would prove the most disastrous since Lebanon, and President Clinton abruptly called it off in 1993.
用于成功 / 英雄 / 困难类
8.Jimmy Carter(吉米卡特)
President Carter's policy of placing human rights records at the forefront of America's relationships with other nations contributed to a cooling of Cold War relations in the late 1970s.
In 1980, for the first time in seven years, Fidel Castro authorized emigration out of Cuba by the country's citizens. The United States weled the Cubans, but later took steps to slow the tide when evidence suggested that Castro was using the refugee flight to empty his prisons. 用于成功 / 英雄 / 困难类/斗争、
9.Neville Chamberlain(内维尔张伯伦)
In 1938, British Prime Minister Chamberlain signed the Munich Pact with Adolf Hitler, an agreement that gave Czechoslovakia away to Nazi conquest while bringing, as Chamberlain promised, "peace in our time."
Eleven months after the signing of the Munich Pact, Germany broke the peace in Europe by invading Poland. A solemn Chamberlain had no choice but to declare war, and World War II began in Europe.
10.Raoul Wallenberg (瓦伦堡)
Raoul Wallenberg was a young Swedish aristocrat. In 1944 he left the safety of his country and entered Budapest. Over the next year he outwitted the Nazis and saved as many as 100,000 Jews (he was not himself Jewish) from the death camps. In 1945 he was arrested by the Russians, charged with spying, and imprisoned in a Russian labor camp.
用于道德类/英雄、自救 (Conscience is a more powerful motivation than money,fame and power)
11.George Soros -- (乔治 索斯洛)the financial crocodile
Soros, who at one stage after the fall of the Berlin Wall was providing more assistance to Russia than the US government, believes in practising what he preaches.His Open Society Institute has been pivotal in helping eastern European countries develop democratic societies and market economies. Soros has the advantage of an insider's knowledge of the workings of global capitalism, so his criticism is particularly pointed. Last year, the Soros foundation's network spent nearly half a billion dollars on projects in education, public health and promoting democracy, making it one of the world's largest private donors.
用于大众观点类:(媒体 / 团体 / 主流)
12.Paul Revere(保罗 )
Our perceptive towards Paul Revere just illustrates this point.
According to the romantic legend, he, galloping along of the dark from one farm house to another, alerted the people to the ing British. And of course the story emphasized the courage of one man, made him a hero in our history books. However, his heroism required a matrix of others
who were already well-prepared to mobilize against the oppressor and he was just one part of a pre-arrange plan. Heroes like Revere have no usefulness apart from a society primed to act.
13.Henry Ford(亨利 福特)
Henry ford,one of the most influential inventors in the history, was always inattentive in school. Once ,he and a friend took a watch apart to probe the principle behind it. Angry and upset, the teacher punished him both to stay after school. their punishment was to stay until they had fixed the watch. but the teacher did not know young ford’s genius,in ten minutes,this mechanical wizard had repaired the watch and was on this way home.It is imagination that invigorated Ford to make a through inquiry about things he did not know.He once plugged up the spout of a teapot and placed it on the fire. then he waited to see what would happen. the water boiled and, of course, turned to steam. since the steam had no way to escape, the teapot exploded. the explosion cracked a mirror and broke a
window.Ford’s year of curiosity and tinkering paid off,when he built his imagination of horseless carriage into reality, the history of
transportation was changed forever
15.Alexander Graham Bell (亚历山大 格雷厄姆贝尔)
Not realizing the full impact it would have on society, Alexander Graham Bell introduced the first telephone to an amazed audience at America's Centennial Exposition in Philadelphia in 1876. Within a year, Bell had installed 230 phones and established the Bell Telephone Company, which was later transformed into AT&T. In 1997, 643,000,000,000 calls were made by people in the United States alone.
第三步:联系实际。如果本题是论述题,则根据本题联系实际中的一些现象,给出评价;如果本题是材料题,则材料就是实际,指出材料中的一些问题,也就是将材料用你学过的关于政治的术语再复述一遍。这部分一定要有,而且要作为一个段落,如果字迹工整的话,即使这一段答得驴头不对马嘴,至少也有两分。 第四步:总结。这一部分是绝对送分的,但也要有技巧。要将其作为一个段落,如果此题是论述题,则将整个题目再复述一遍,不要忘了在前面加上一个所以;如果此题是材料题,则提倡材料中好的做法,批评材料中坏的做法。
如果答大题时你能熟练地按上面的四步做,大题方面你至少可以比相同水平的其他人多得n分,不信? 试用历史唯物主义的有关原理说明"以德治国"与"以法治国"的关系及其重要意义(2002年政治重中之重)。首先仔细读题目,题目中已经告诉我们是用马哲中的历史唯物主义的几章的原理,而以法治国和以德治国是邓论中的内容,因此要考虑将两个学科结合起来答题。表面上看题目中有两个基本概念以法治国和以德治国,联系到马哲,以德治国便是是道德问题,是上层建筑;以法治国便是法制问题。如此以来,此题需要答的基本概念和原理有:道德,法制,以德治国,以法治国,上层建筑,道德与法制的关系,以法治国和以德治国的关系。然后联系实际,这一步没关系,只要稍微写两句而且字迹工整便不失大格。最后总结,好像这里把题目重抄一遍不顺口,其实只要稍微一改便行:要把以法治国和以德治国相结合。
建议考生找出本题目是关于哪个科学的哪个章节,在草稿纸上写下此章节内所有可能与本题有联系的基本概念及原理。大多数题目是跨章节,甚至跨学科的,要注意思维的发散性。 第二步:解释每一个概念并写出原理的基本内容。
一、 政治材料分析题的基本特点:
一般的材料提供信息很多,有主有次,还有重复的,这就提醒考生在做这类试题、阅读材料时,边读边用铅笔将含义相同的归类,并用1、2、3、......标注,对重要的核心句或者关键词,在下面画线,以备答题时直接应用,避免大量的重复阅读,造成无为的浪费。 第三,利用获取的信息回答问题。在答题论述时,要求做到观点和材料的统一。这是解题的主体部分,要求考生用选定的基础理论知识,联系题中的材料进行分析论述,把理论与实际、观点与事实结合起来,即做到事理交融,观点统帅材料。要紧扣材料分析,或从材料中提炼出观点,或用观点分析材料,或用材料论证观点。防止就事论事,或就理论谈理论。 第四,简短有力地做好小结。在小结部分,要牢牢抓住题意,适可而止。这是答题的结尾部分,是解题的落脚点。在结尾时,或针砭时弊,或点明意义,或联系自身,这些都要从题意出发,恰到好处,总的要求是思路清晰、表述简练、视角丰富,达到用画龙点睛、升华主题的目的就可。
SAT 作文素材集锦
Lady Gaga创新
Inspired by glam rock singers like David Bowie and Freddie Mercury, as well as dance-pop artists such as Madonna and Michael Jackson, Gaga is well-recognized for her outré and ever-changing sense of style in music, in fashion, in performance and in her music videos. Her contributions to the music industry have accrued her numerous achievements including five Grammy Awards, among twelve nominations; two Guinness World Records; and the estimated sale of 13 million albums and 51 million singles, making her one of the best-selling music artists worldwide. Billboard named her the Artist of the Year in 2010, ranking her as the 73rd Artist of the 2000s decade. Gaga has been included in the Time 100 list of the most influential people in the world as well as being listed in a number of Forbes' annual lists.
Critical reception of Gaga's music, fashion sense and persona are mixed. Her status as a role model, trailblazer and fashion icon is by turns affirmed and denied. Gaga's albums have received mostly positive reviews, with critics pointing out her unique place in pop music, the need for new movements in popular culture, the attention Gaga brings to important social issues, and the inherently subjective nature of her art. Her role as a self-esteem booster for her fans is also lauded, as is her role in breathing life into the fashion industry.
Her performances are described as "highly entertaining and innovative"; in particular, the blood-spurting performance of "Paparazzi" at the 2009 MTV Video Music Awards was described as "eye-popping" by MTV.
She later returned to the 2010 MTV Video Music Awards wearing a dress supplemented by boots, a purse and a hat—each fabricated from the flesh of a dead animal. The dress, named Time magazine's Fashion Statement of 2010 and more widely known as the "meat dress", was made by Argentinian designer Franc Fernandez and received divided opinions—evoking the attention of worldwide media but invoking the fury of animal rights organization PETA. Gaga, however, later denied any intention of causing disrespect to any person or organization and wished for the dress to be interpreted as a statement of human rights with focus upon those in the LGBT munity.
YO-YO Ma (马友友)
one of the most famous cellists of the modern age, the man deemed perhaps the finest cellist alive
began performing before audiences at age five, and performed for Presidents and when he was seven. At age eight, he appeared on American television with his sister, Yeou-Cheng Ma, in a concert conducted by . (成功需要找到自己的专长)
Spirited and fun-loving Yo-Yo Ma brought new dimensions to the classic art of cello playing. Immediately upon his arrival on the music scene in the late 1960s and early 1970s he ranked among the finest cellists of the ttieth century. As his (成功需要创新)
Eclectic Dimensions
Ma, who named his cello "Sweetie Pie," prepares for performance with meticulous care, yet interprets impromptu on stage in response to the audience; in that way Ma personally confided to Lloyd Schwartz of Harvard Magazine, "the desire to municate with an audience is almost a separate development. That's the main reason I've chosen to perform music. Say there's a tty-minute concerto. In those tty minutes I'd like to make that music live, e to life [for the audience]. I can always tell, hear that special hush." (成功需要be different)
SAT 作文例子
1. The Last Leaf by O. Henry
Johnsy is an inhabitant of an art colony in Greenwich Village, where pneumonia is taking its toll. Eventually, Johnsy is stricken with the disease and gives up all desire to live. Outside her window resides an old ivy vine on which only a few leaves remain. Convinced that she will die when the last leaf falls, Johnsy watches the vine incessantly. This morbid fascination distresses her big hearted neighbor Mr. Berhman, an old painter scraping by as an artist’s model and still dreaming of painting his masterpiece. Time passes, Johnsy remains fascinated by the withering vine. To her growing astonishment, a single last leaf remains attached firmly to the vine. Taking this as an embodiment of hope, Johnsy’s condition ameliorated. In the meantime, her neighbor contracts pneumonia and has been taken to hospital, where he later dies. It is later discovered that he had contracted the disease after staying up all night to paint the perfect image of a single leaf on the brick wall outside Johnsy’s window. (168字)
2. Charles Schulz
Charles Monroe Schulz is an American cartoonist, whose ic strip Peanuts is considered to be one of the most popular and influential in the history of the medium. Although Charles is a shy, timid teenager, he is steadfast and persistent. It is his self-defeating stubbornness and admirable perseverance in trying his best against all odds that made him a popular figure. He can never win a ballgame but continues to play baseball; he can never fly a kite successfully but continues to do so. Although his drawings were first rejected by his high school yearbook and then refused by Disney,
he persevered and created the world renowned Charlie Brown and Snoopy, known as Peanut ic, which reflects his own life. Peanuts ran for 50 years, and, at its peak, appeared in more than 2,600 newspapers in 75 countries. (138字)
3. Thomas Edison
Thomas Edison is considered to be one of the most prolific inventors in history, holding 1,093 US patents under his name. He is one of the first inventors to apply the principles of mass production and large teamwork to the process of invention, and therefore is often credited with the creation of the first industrial research laboratory. To find a long lasting material for the light bulb, Edison and his team worked for many years and experienced more than 1,500 failures through the process. However, their research was not hampered by setbacks and their hard work was finally paid off in 1879. Using a small carbonized bamboo filament, Edison and his team were able to produce a light bulb that was able to last over 40 hours. After soughting further improvements, Edison finally filed for US patent 223898 in November4, 1879. His invention of the light bulb not only revolutionized the nascent electric industry, but also made electricity viable to mankind. (161字)
4. Henry Ford
Henry Ford, the American founder of the Ford Motor Company, had been stimulated by Thomas Edison in his youth and followed Thomas Edison’s career then. In 1896, while attending a pany-sponsored convention in Manhattan Beach, New York, Henry
Ford was introduced to the great inventor Thomas Edison. During their conversation, Edison asked the young Henry Ford a series of questions and when the conversation was over, Edison emphasized his satisfaction by banging his fist down on the table. "Young man," he said, "that's the thing! You have it!” To Henry Ford, as he later indicated, that bang on the table was worth worlds.
After receiving the plete approval from Thomas Edison, Henry Ford strived to acplish his invention of the cheap and convenient Model T. After further improvements, the price of Model T decreased from $850 to $225, a price that is affordable to most social classes. The design later revolutionized the transportation industry in America because prior to its introduction, cars were a form of luxury that is only affordable to the upper echelons. And in just 19 years after the first introduction, the sales of the Model T had reached an astounding 15,007,034, a record which stood for the next 45 years. (204字)
5. Jack Welch
Jack Welch was the former CEO of General Electric. He joined the pany in 1960 and worked as a junior engineer. After a year at GE, he was displeased with the strict bureaucracy regarding pay rise which led to a mere $1000 increase in his salary after his first year. Welch, who then harbored thoughts of leaving the pany, was convinced by Reuben Gutoff to stay. He then started questioning the decisions made by the authorities and moved up the ranks quickly. When he became the CEO of GE in 1981, he worked to streamline the pany by trimming inventories and dismantling the bureaucracy that almost led him to leave the pany. Each year, he would fire
the bottom 10% of his managers, while rewarding the top 20% with bonuses and stock options. By pushing his managers to perform, the perennial problem with
regards to perceived inefficiency was effectively eradicated. When Welch left GE, the pany had gone from a market value of $14 billion to more than $410 billion at the end of 2004, making it the most valuable and largest pany in the world. (186字)
6. Christopher Reeve
Christopher Reeve was an American actor who is best known for his portrayal of the superhero Superman. However, unlike the man of steel he was in his movies, Reeve became quadriplegic after being thrown from a horse in an equestrian petition in 1995. As a result, he required a wheelchair and breathing apparatus for the rest of his life. Despite the setbacks, Reeve was reinvented by that experience and brought the kind of energy and enthusiasm that made him successful as a film star to an entirely different issue, with huge effect. He lobbied on behalf of people with spinal cord injuries for human embryonic stem cell research and established the Christopher Reeve Paralysis Foundation, a non-profit research organization which raises money for research in spinal cord injuries. Also, he lobbied for scientists to be allowed to conduct stem cell research in the hopes of eventually curing paralysis and other current
incurable diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. Through this, Reeve will be remembered as “Superman ” not only in the movies, but also in reality. (175字)
7. Franklin Roosevelt
Franklin Roosevelt was the 32nd president of the United States who rose to prominence during the Great Depression. During that time, President Hebert Hoover’s economic program was unsatisfactory and ineffective and kept millions of people under poverty and hunger. In the midst of despair, Franklin Roosevelt, who had long been
questioning Hoover’s economic program, was elected as the President to bat the economic crisis. He assembled a group of elites and constructed a more effective economic program called New Deal. The new program provided money and supplies to needy families and created jobs for the unemployed. As a result, President Roosevelt effectively rekindled hope to millions of despondent Americans. New Deal proved to be an important turning point in the history of America. It made a powerful start of a strong government role in the nation’s economic affairs that remained and developed to the present day. (146字)
8. Bill Gates
Bill Gates is an American business executive who served as the chairman of Microsoft Corporation, the leading puter software pany in the United States. He
cofounded Microsoft together with Paul Allen in 1975 and became the youngest ever self-made billionaire in 1987 at the age of 31. In the 1990s, Gates became more involved in philanthropy as he believed that there is more to be expected from a person like himself. In 1994, he sold some of his shares in Microsoft to create the William H. Gates Foundation. Then, in 2000, Gates and his wife bined three family foundations into one to create the world renowned Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation which, ranked by assets, quickly became the largest foundation in the world. As of
2007, Gates and his wife were the second most generous philanthropist in America, having donated over $28billion USD to charity. (145字)
9. Florence Nightingale
Florence Nightingale was born in a rich, upper class, well-connected British family. Yet, she opposed the expected role for a woman of her status, which was to bee a wife and mother. Her decision to bee a nurse in 1844 infuriated her family members. Despite vehement disagreements, Nightingale’s determination did not waver. When the Crimean War broke out in 1854, Nightingale hoped that she could help ameliorate the situation and hence travelled to Turkey immediately. She devoted herself to
nursing the injured soldiers and the situation gradually appeased. Six months later, the mortality rate at the hospital fell from 60% during her arrival to 2.2%. As a result, she became a prominent figure in England and became known as “The Lady with the Lamp” as a sign of respect. (129字)
10. Oprah Winfrey
Oprah Winfrey is an American television host who, according to some assessments, is the most influential woman in the world. She had a traumatic childhood and, in 1991, took her personal story of child abuse all the way to Capital Hill, testifying before the Senate Judiciary Committee in support of the National Child Protection Act, which advocated the establishment of a national database of convicted child abusers. “I am speaking out on behalf of the children who wish to be heard, but whose cries, wishes
and hopes often, I believe, fall upon deaf or inattentive ears”, she said. The US Senate heard her moving plea loud and clear. With Winfrey’s support, the Act was signed into law by President Bill Clinton in 1993. In 2008, she once again used her influence to call attention to the Combating Child Exploitation bill. On air, she urged her audience to contact their senators in favor of the bill. As a result, the senate offices were flooded with calls, emails and letters, and the bill was eventually signed into law. (176字)
SAT 作文分类:
1. 现象和实质(appearance vs substance)
2. 价值和动机(values and motives)
3. 追求完美(aim to be perfect)
4. 坚持和变通(perseverance vs circumstantial change)
5. 谎言与真相(truth and deception)
6. 合作双赢(cooperation vs individuality)
7. 群体归属
8. 主观和客观(objectivity vs subjectivity)
9. 标新立异(originality)
10. 幸福(happiness)
11. 成功要素(what constitutes success?)
12. 进步和倒退(alternate points of view)
13. 英雄的定义(hero vs celebrity)
14. 情感和理智
15. 文学艺术价值(artistic value)
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作文八:《名人家庭教育的例子 教育例子》3400字
第二天气温逐渐变暖,它们慢慢地苏醒过来,又自动排好队伍开始在那里绕圈子。就这样它们日复一日地重复着如此简单的运动,竟没有一只发现这是一个严重的错误,没有一只能离开这个可怕骗人的怪圈子而闯出一条新路。数天的奔波它们不吃不喝,这些可怜的毛毛虫最后无一幸免地累死在花盆的边沿上。 启示:其实很简单,只要它向里一拐就能吃到嫩绿的叶子和芬芳的鲜花;向外一拐掉在花盆下就能吃到丰盛的菜叶,应能逃脱这可悲的下场,但它们就是做不到。可能是生理原因或智商太低,这无可厚非。但做为万物之灵的人类也会上演如此循规蹈矩、盲目从众的闹剧,这就耐人寻味发人深思了。我国几千年的封建思想残余束缚了人
1、欧阳修是北宋著名的文学家、政治家。他在颍州当长官的时候,手下有一个名叫吕公著的年轻人。有一次,欧阳修的好友范仲淹路过这里,便到他家中拜访,欧阳修邀请吕公著一同待客。席间,范仲淹对吕公著说:“你能在欧阳修身边做事真是太好了,你应该多向他请教作文写诗的技巧。”此后,在欧阳修的言传身教下,吕公著的写作技巧提高得很快。 2、孟子小时候很贪玩,模仿性很强。他家原来住在坟地附近,他常常玩筑坟墓或学别人哭拜的游戏。母亲认为这样不好,就把家搬到集市附近,孟子又模仿别人做生意和杀猪的游戏。孟母认为这个环境也不好,就把家搬到学堂旁边。孟子就跟着学生们学习礼节和知识。孟母认为这才是孩子应该学习的,心里很高兴,就不再搬家了。
李嘉诚先生也算吧。 15岁丧父,家境贫寒无法继续读书,就离开潮州到香港投靠亲戚。22岁开始白手起家创业,30岁的时候建立起庞大的塑胶花事业。后来转战地产、码头、零售、IT等多个不同行业,商业上的成就惊人。同时,多年来一直依靠自学,并且深感知识改变命运的重要性,还成立了基金会捐赠扶持教育和医疗。
华罗庚 这位数学家在给人们留下了大量的研究著作的同时,也留下了他自学成才的足迹。 1910年,华罗庚出生在江苏省的一个小县城——金坛。他小时候,家中清贫,父亲在小镇上开了个小杂货铺,代人收购蚕丝,一家人过着半饥不饱的生活。华罗庚上初中时,对数学产生了特殊的兴趣,他的老师王维克很器重这个聪明机灵的少年,常常单独辅导他,给他出一些难题做,这使少年华罗庚得益匪浅。 华罗庚在金坛中学念完初中后,因家里无力再供他上学,只得辍(chuò)学到父亲的小杂货店里帮助料理店务。可这位酷爱数学的年青人,人虽然守在柜台前,心里经常琢磨的还是数学。王维克老师借给他几本数学教材:一本大代数,一本解析几何,一本微积分。华罗庚便跟着这几位不会说话的老师步入了高等数学的大门。 华罗庚18岁那年,在王维克老师的帮助下,到金坛中学当了一名会计兼管学校事务工作。他曾回忆当时艰难的生活:“除了学校里繁重的事务外,早晚还要帮助料理小店的事务。每天晚上大约8点钟才能回家。清理好小店的帐目之后,才能钻研数学,常常到深夜。” 不久,金坛县流行伤寒,华罗庚不幸染病,卧床半年。后来病慢慢好了,可是左脚却弯曲变形,落了个跛足的终身残疾。 华罗庚在贫病之中刻苦自学,不但读了许多书,而且还勤于独立思考,敢于向权威挑战。19岁那年,他发觉一位大学教授的论文写错了。便把自己的看法写成一篇文章,题目叫《苏家驹之代数的五次方程式解不能成立之理由》,于次年发表在上海的《科学》杂志上。随后,华罗庚又连续发表了几篇数学论文,署名“金坛人”。 这个在数学论坛上崭露头角的“金坛人”,引起了清华大学数学系主任熊庆来教授的注意。当他打听到这个数学奇才原来是个只读过初中的小青年时,深为震惊,便写信邀华罗庚来当时北平的清华大学数学系当管理员。 到清华后,华罗庚的进步更快了。他自学了英语、德语。24岁时,已能用英文写作数学论文。25岁时,他的论文已引起国外数学界的注意。28岁时,他当上了西南联大教授。后来,他又被熊庆来教授推荐到英国剑桥大学去深造。 华罗庚成功了!在走过坎坷的自学之路后,他成了世界著名的数学大师,国外数学界这样评价他:“华罗庚教授的研究著作范围之广,足可使他堪称为世界上名列前茅的数学家之一”。
他而去……他一生充满坎坷和奇迹,却为全世界带来欢乐和进步。 他是举世公认的科学圣人,人类历史上智慧最杰出的天才,被人们成为“二十世纪的哥白尼”。在科学史上,只有伽利略与牛顿可与之比肩,然而却没有谁比得上他那无私的胸怀,深邃的思想,高尚的情操和感人的魅力。
唐代诗人陈子昂,早年没有用心读书,以至“年十八未知书”,都18岁了,在学识上还一无所知,\要改弦易辙,要急起直追,需要强大的精神动力,需要果断的抉择。果然,不久在父母教育下,他一旦悔悟,入乡校求学,便“慨然立志”,谢绝门客,专精文典。终于,数年攻读,一举成才。 莎士比亚原是戏院门口的一个马车夫,但他有机会便从门缝和小洞中窥看戏台演出,进行学习,他终于成了闻名遐迩的剧作家和表演艺术家。 狄更斯不管刮风下雨,每天到街头去观察、谛听,记下行人的只言片语,最后成了举世闻名的文坛巨星。 近代火车的奠基人斯蒂芬森,直到19岁才一边工作一边进入夜校读书。当一些少年看到斯蒂芬森这样一个大小伙子坐在他们中间时,有的讥讽,有的挖苦,斯蒂芬森却只是一笑置之,只顾埋头刻苦攻读,如饥似渴地吸收书本中的养料。 还有美国18世纪电学家、政治家富兰克林,只读过两年书,后来当印刷工人。在工作的同时,他投身政治活动,成为一名政治活动家。40岁后他又转入科学领域,开始做电学实验。政治活动与科学活动的实践使他愈益认识到自己的学问之不足,于是正像他在《自传》里写的:“除了读书以外,我不允许我自己有其他的娱乐。我从不到酒馆、赌场或任何其他娱乐场所去消磨时光。”虽说富兰克林不允许自己娱乐未免过苛,但他这种力戒“消磨时光”的精神是可贵的。确实,“大器晚成”很不容易。
赏识教育 , 作文教学的金钥匙
[摘要 ] 《语文新课标》中指出了语文作文教学的重要性。作文 教学既是小学语文教学中的重点又是难点 , 教师要学会赏识学生的 习作 , 这样才能激发他们的写作热情。本人从事语文教学已有十几 年 , 下面我根据自己的语文教学经验 , 发表点滴看法。首先 , 我们要 赏识学生习作 , 满足他们自尊的心理需要 , 其次 , 还要教会赏识妁办 法 , 满足学生自我实现的需要 , 最后 , 要学生学会赏识别人 , 培养学 生健全的人格。这样无论对于眼前的习作 , 还是日后的长久发展 , 都 是大有裨益的。
[关键词 ] 小学语文 ; 作文教学 ; 赏识教育
有的学生在习作中。常常会出现厌烦写作、惧怕写作的心理 , 会让 我们的习作教学面临被动的局面。而赏识教育 , 就像一把金钥匙 , 让 学生受到赏识 , 受到感动 , 从而打开习作之门 , 达到习作教学的一种 极佳境界 , 学生的习作 , 都希望得到老师的赏识、同学的赞美 ; 无人 喝彩 , 无人赏识 , 就无法满足自我实现的需要。心理学家罗杰斯说 :“相信人具有自发学习的天然倾向 , 但他只对能够大有影响于个人 行为的知识才感兴趣。 ”根据小学生学习动机的特点 , 对他们的行为 大有影响的不仅仅在于知识本身 , 更重要的是他人对自己的评价。 因此 , 教师要常对学生说 :“你不会写 , 教会你写 , 你不喜欢写 , 让你 喜欢写。 ”让学生在学习作文过程中体会到成功的快乐。我认为从 以下三个方面得以实现 :
一、赏识学生习作 , 满足他们自尊的心理需要
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