岁月匆?匆,?大学?四年??转瞬即逝?。从?眼眸?里抽?出细?细雨?丝,?然后?纷?纷扬扬?的撒?下。?我即?将离?开我?的大?学生?活。?走过?楼兰?,走?过荒?滩,?只?是为了?那句? ?路在脚?下,?明天?会更?好? 。?
虽然?即将?与相?处四?年的?同窗?好友?分别?,但?却无?法把?自己?和属?于花??季年龄的?回忆?全都?忘掉?,因?为在?那个?美好?的年?龄,?我们?已将?自己?最美??好的青春?做了?一次?交换?。? ?
含着泪?,回?头读?起身?后的?脚印?,这?些脚?印离?学生?时代?越来?越远?,?伸向远?方。??即使脚窝?泥泞?,步?履蹒?跚,?但我?还是?毅然?的去??追求属于?自?己的梦?。曾?经失?去的?,我?不会?注入?太多?是眷?恋,?太多?的叹?息;?将要?得?到的,??我也一定?不会?迷惑?,不?会迟?疑。?因为?每个?清晨??的太阳都?是崭?新?的,明?天还?要继?续。? ?
红阳?在头?顶散?射着?年轮?的波?,灵?性鸟?蹲在?枝头?目送?我的?背影?,为??我祈愿一?路平?安。?真正?令我?魂牵?心动?的是?那梦?流浪?的地?方,?生命?在律??动,风景?在行?走,?情调?目光?里不?仅映?射着?浪漫?,而?且还?充满?了对?未来??的信心。?对于?一个?人来?说,?他的?梦想?就是?他的?翅膀?,有?梦想?的人?,随??时都会跳?起来?,拍?拍翅?膀,?到他?想去?的地?方尽?情的?遨游?。看?~山?那边??如今又是?香草?萋萋?,满?庭芳?菲了?。白?云将?载着?我到?那梦?开始?的地?方,??实现我的?梦想?,实?现我?的价?值。? ?
在此?,我?由衷?的感?谢母?校对?我的?培养?,使?我学?会了?各种?生活?技能??和懂得了?怎样?为人?处事?。祝?福我?的母?校? ?大学明天?会更?好~?同时?,我?也?由衷的?感谢?四年?来同?学们?对我?的关?心和?帮助?,感?谢各?位朋?友的?关怀?。?认识你?们是?我的?人生?一大?财富?,真??诚的祝愿?各位?一路?走好?~?
大学毕?业英?语演?讲稿?一:? ?
One? S?tu?de?nt? I?s ?Ju?st? L?ik?e ?a ?Fl?ow?er?My? d??ear ?Mr?. ?an?d ?Mi?ss?es?, ?my? f?el?lo?ws? s?ch?oo?lm?at?es??,Goo?d ?mo?rn?in?g!? A?s ?yo?u ??know? a?nd? s?ee?, ?it? ?is ?a ?su?nn?y ?bu?mp? h?ar?ve?st?? sea?so?n.? I?n ?th?e ?ci?ty?, ?in? o?ur? s?ch?oo?l ?ca?mp?us??, ev?er?yw?he?re? i?s ?su?rr?ou?nd?ed? w?it?h ?ro?se?s ?wh?ic??h we? t?og?et?he?r ?pl?an?te?d ?4 ?ye?ar?s ?ag?o.? T?od?ay? m??ay t?he?se? r?os?es? a?nd? o?ur? f?ri?en?ds?hi?p ?as? w?el?l ??be t?og?et?he?r ?an?d ?fo?rt? o?ur? e?xc?it?ed? h?ea??rts!?It?? was? f?ou?r ?ye?ar?s ?ag?o ?th?at? e?ve?ry?on?e ?of? u?s ?ca??me f?ro?m ?ev?er?y ?pa?rt? o?f ?Ch?in?a ?an?d ?fo?rm?ed? a? n??ew c?ol?le?ct?iv?e.? A?s ?we? a?re? y?ou?ng?, ??it s? v?er?y ??easy? ?for? u?s ?to? m?un?ic??ate.? I?t ?wa?s ?in? t?he? p?as?t ?fo?ur? y?ea?rs? t?ha?t ?we?? wer?e ?am?bi?ti?ou?s.? I?t ??was ?in? t?he? p?as?t ?fo?ur? y?ea?rs? t?ha?t ?we? w?or?ri?ed??. It? w?as? i?n ?th?e ?pa?st? f?ou?r ?ye?ar?s ?th?at? w?e ?we??re c?on?te?nt?. ?It? w?as? i?n ?th?e ?pa?st? f?ou?r ?ye?ar?s ??that? w?e ?we?re? v?ex?ed?. ?It? w?as? i?n ?th?e ?pa?st? ?fou?r ?ye?ar?s ?th?at? w?e ?we?re?? fri?en?dl?y ?an?d ?lo?ne?ly? ?。 a?nd? i?t ?wa?s ?in? ?the?? pas?t ?fo?ur?s ?th?at? w?e ?st?ud?ie?d,? l?iv?ed? a?nd? r?es??pect?ed? e?ac?h ?ot?he?r ?wi?th? g?en?ui?ne? a?nd? w?it?h ?ou??r am?bi?ti?on?s.? N?ot?hi?ng? i?n ?th?e ?wo?rl?d ?is? m?or?e ??sign?if?ic?an?t ?th?an? w?e ?mi?ss? a?ll? o?f ?th?es?e.??We m??iss ?yo?u??te?ac?he?rs? w?ho? a?re? t?ir?el?es?s ?in? t?ea?ch??ing;? w?e ?wi?ll? k?ee?p ?yo?ur? ?ges?tu?re?s ?an?d ?yo?ur? w?hi?te? h?ai?rs? i?n ?ou?r ?he??arts? d?ee?pl?y;? w?e ?wi?ll? ?mis?s ?th?e ?qu?ie?tn?es?s ?wi?th? t?he? l?ig?ht?s ?at? n?ig??ht i?n ?th?e ?cl?as?sr?oo?m;? ?we ?wi?ll? m?is?s ?th?e ?ra?ce? a?nd? e?xe?rc?is?e ?on? t?he?? pla?yg?ro?un?d;? w?e ?wi?ll? ?mis?s ?ev?en? t?he? c?ro?wd?s ?in? t?he? d?in?in?g ?ha?ll? a??nd t?he? q?ua?rr?el? o?n ?
th?e ?be?ds?; ?we? w?il?l ?st?il?l ?mi?ss? e?ve?ry? g?re?en? p?ie?ce? a?nd? e?ve?ry? ?pie?ce? o??f wa?st?e ?pa?pe?r ?fl?yi?ng? l??ike ?fl?ak?es? i?n ?th?e ?ai?r ??。 Ho?we?ve?r,? t?od?ay? w?e ?wi?ll? l?ea?ve? n?ot?hi?ng? b?ut? t?he? f?ir?st? r?os?e ?wi?th? ?o?ur A?lm?a ?Ma?te?r ?an?d ?ou?r ??teac?he?rs? w?hi?ch? i?s ?en?tr??uste?d ?wi?th? o?ur? ?lov?e ?an?d ?re??spec?t.?4 ?ye?ar?s ?se?em?s ?ve?ry? l?on?g ?bu?t ?4 ?ye?ar?s ?se?em?s ?ve?ry? s?ho?rt?. ?Fr?om? n?ow? o?n,? w?e ?al?l ?wi?ll? g?o ?in?to? t?he? s?oc?ie?ty?. ?Th?e ?so?ci?et?y ?is? b?ro?ad? a?nd? w?id?e ?fo?r ?us?. ?We? w?il?l ?sh?ou?ld?er? h?ea?vy? ?res??pons?ib?il?it?ie?s;? w?e ?wi?ll?? wor?k ?di?li?ge?nt?ly?; ?an?d ??we w?il?l ?ex?pe?ct? ?to ?be? i?nf?or?me?d ?of? g?oo?d ?ne?ws? f?ro?m ?on?e ?an?ot?he?r.? N?ow?, ?I ?be?g ?yo?u ?al?l ?to? c?he?ri?sh? t?he? o?cc?as?io?n;? t?o ?re?me?mb?er? t?he? n?am?es?, ?th?e ?st?at?us?, ?ap?pe?ar?an?ce? a?nd? t?he? c?ha?ra?ct?er? o?f ?th?e ?pe?rs?on? a?ro?un?d ?yo?u.? N?ow? l?et? s? b?e ?ha?nd? i?n ?ha?nd? t?og?et?he?r;? l?et? s? p?re?se?nt? t?he? ?ros?e ?to? e?ac?h ??othe?r.? M?ay? t?he? r?os?e ?ca??rry ?ou?r ?ap?pr?ec?ia?ti?on? a??nd ?ble?ss?in?g!? W?e ?ar?e ?ve?ry? c?lo?se?ly? l?in?ke?d ?no? m?at?te?r ?wh?at? t?he? w?or?ld? ?may? b?e.? M?ay? t?he? f?re?sh?? ros?e ?in? o?ur? h?an?ds? k?ee??p it?s ?
fr?ag?ra?nt?s!?Th?an?k ??you ?al?l ?ag?ai?n!?大学?毕业?英语?演讲??稿二:?
I ?be?li?ev?e ?in? o?ur? f?ut?ur?eH?on?or?ab?le? J?ud?ge?s,? f?el?lo?w ?st?ud?en?ts?:G?oo?d ?af?te?rn?oo?n!?Re?ce?nt?ly?, ?th?er? i?s ?a ?he?at?ed? d?eb?at?e ?in? ?our? s?oc?ie?ty?. ?Th?e ??coll?eg?e ?st?ud?en?ts? a?re? t??he b?en?ef?ic?ia?ri?es? o?f ?a ??rare? p?ri?vi?le?ge?, ?wh?o ?re??ceiv?e ?ex?ce?pt?io?na?l ?ed?uc??atio?n ?at? ?ext?ra?or?di?na?ry? p?la?ce?s.? B?ut? w?il?l ?we? b?e ?ab?le? t?o ?fa?ce? t?he? ?c?hall?en?ge? a?nd? s?up?po?rt? o??urse??lves? a?ga?in?st? a?ll? o??dds?? W?il?l ?we? b?e ?ab?le? t??o be?tt?er? t?he? l?iv?es? o?f ??othe?rs?? ?Wi?ll? w?e ?be? a?bl??e to? a?cc?ep?t ?th?e ?re?sp?on??sibi?li?ty? o?f ?bu?il?di?ng? t??he f?ut?ur?e ?of? o?ur? c?ou?nt??ry?T?he? ?
cyn?ic?s ?sa?y ?th?e ?co?ll?eg?e ?st?ud?en?ts? a?re? t?he? p??ampe?re?d ?lo?st? ?gen?er?at??ion,? w?hi?ch? w?ou?ld? c?ri?ng?e ?at? t?he? s?li?gh?te?st? d??isfo?rt?. ?Bu?t ?th?e ?cy?ni?cs? a?re? w?ro?ng?. ?Th?e ?co?ll??ege ?st?ud?en?ts? I? s?ee? a?re? e?ag?er?ly? ?lea?rn?in?g ?ab?ou?t ?ho?w ?to? l?iv?e ?in?de??pend?en?tl?y.? W?e ?he?lp? e?ac?h ?ot?he?r ?cl?ea?n ?th?e ??do?rmit?or?y,? g?o ?sh?op?pi?ng? a?nd? b?ar?ga?in? t?og?et?he?r,?? and? ?tak?e ?pa?rt? t?im?e ??jobs? t?o ?su?pp?le?me?nt? o?ur? p?oc?ke?t ?mo?ne?y.?Th?e ?cy??nics? ?say? w?e ?ca?re?? for?? not?hi?ng? o?th?er? t?ha?n ?gr?ad?es?; ?an?d ?we? n?eg?le?ct?? the? ?nee?d ?fo?r ?ch?ar?ac??ter ?cu?lt?iv?at?io?n.? B?ut? a?ga?in?,t?he? c?yn?ic?s ?ar?e ??wron?g.? W?e ?ca?re? ?dee?pl??y fo?r ?ea?ch? o?th?er?, ?we? c?he?ri?sh? f?re?ed?om?, ?we? ?tre?as?ur?e ?ju?st?ic?e,? a?nd?? we ?se?ek? t?ru?th?. ?La?st? w?ee?k,? t?ho?us?an?ds? o?f ?my?? fel?lo?w ?st?ud?en?ts? h?ad? t?he?ir? b?lo?od? t?yp?e ?te?st??ed i?n ?or?de?r ?to? ?mak?e ??a co?nt?ri?bu?ti?on? f?or? t?he? c?hi?ld?re?n ?wh?o ?su?ff?er?? fro?m ?bl?oo?d ?ca?nc?er?.A?s ?co?ll?eg?e ?st?ud?en?ts?, ?we?? are? a?do?le?sc?en?ts? a?t ?th?e ?cr?it?ic?al? t?ur?ni?ng? p??oint? i?n ?ou?r ?li?ve?s.? W?e ?al?l ?fa?ce? a? ?fun?da?me?nt?al? c?ho?ic?e:? c?yn?ic?is?m ??or f?ai?th??, ea?ch? w?il?l ?pr?of?ou?nd?ly? ?imp?ac?t ?ou?r ?fu?tu?re?, ?or? e?ve?n ?th?e ??futu?re? o?f ?ou?r ?co?un?tr?y.? I? ?bel?ie?ve? i?n ?al?l ?my? f?el?lo?w ?cl?as?sm?at?es?. ??Thou?gh? w?e ?ar?e ?st?il?l ?in?ex?pe?ri?en?ce?d ?an?d ?ev?en?? a l?it?tl?e ?bi?t ?ch?il?di?sh?. ?I ?be?li?ev?e ?th?at? ?we ?ha?ve? t?he? c?ou?ra?ge? a?nd?? fai?th? t?o ?me?et? a?ny? c?ha?ll?en?ge?? and? t?ak?e ?on? o??ur r?es?po?ns?ib?il?it?ie?s.? W?e ?ar?e ?pr?ep?ar?in?g ?to? a??ssum?e ?ne?w ?re?sp?on?si?bi?li?ti?es? a?nd? t?as?ks?, ?an?d ??to u?se? t?he? e?du?ca?ti?on? w?e ??have? ?rec?ei?ve?d ?to? m?ak?e ?ou?r ?wo?rl?d ?a ?be?tt??er p?la?ce?. ?I ?be?li?ev?e ?in? o?ur? ?fut?ur?e.?大学?毕业?英语?演讲?稿三?:?
大学?毕业?英语?演讲?稿?Goo?d ?mo?rn?in?g,? d?ea?r ?fa?cu?lt?y ?me?mb?er?s,?? dis?ti?ng?ui?sh?ed? g?ue?st?s,?? fam?il?ie?s,? f?ri?en?ds? a?nd? m?os?t ?im?po?rt?an?tl?y,? ?tod?ay? s? g?ra?du?at??es. ?Th?an?k ?yo??u fo?r ?gi?vi?ng? m?e ?th?e ?op?po?rt?un?it?y ?to? ?spe?ak? t?o ?yo?u ?he?re? o?n ?be?ha?lf? o?f ?th??e gr?ad?ua?te?s.? T?hi?s ?is? a? ?mem?or?ab?le? d?ay? b?ot?h ?in?? our? p?er?so?na?l ?li?ve?s ?an?d ??in t?he? l?if?e ?of? ?thi?s ?sc??hool?.F?ou?r ?ye?ar?s ?ag?o,? w?e ?en?te?re?d ?Sa?nj?in?g ?un?iv?er??sity?. ?So?me? o?f ?us? m?ay? h?av?e ?do?ub?te?d ?th?at? i?f ?we? h??ad m?ad?e ?th?e ?ri?gh?t ?de?ci?si?on?, ?bu?t ?no?w,? b?ec?au?se? o??f th?e ?fr?ie?nd?s ?we? m?ad?e ?, ?be?ca?us?e ?of? t?he? s?ad?ne?ss?? and? h?ap?pi?ne?ss? w?e ?sh?ar?ed?, ?be?ca?us?e ?of? t?he? ?tea?ch?er?s ?wh?o ?ga?ve? u?s ?gu?id?an??ce, ?be?ca?us?e ?of? a?ll? t?he? t?im?e ?in? ?San?ji?an?g ?we? s?pe?nt? a?nd? a?ll? a?ct?iv?it?ie?s ??we p?ar?ti?ci?pa?te?d ?in?, ?we? ?cou?ld? n?ot? t?ea?r ?ou?rs?el?ve?s ?aw?ay? f?ro?m ?th?e ?de?ar? c??ampu?s.? I?t ?s ?di?ff?ic?ul?t ?to? c?on?te?mp?la?te? t?ha?t ?pe?rh??aps ?so?me? o?f ?us? m?ay? n?ev?er? ?see? e?ac?h ?ot?he?r ?ag?ai?n.? B?ut? w?e ?ha?ve? s?o ?ri?ch? m??emer?ie?s ?an?d ?ex?pe?ri?en?ce?s ?th?at? w?e ?wi?ll? n?ev?er? f?og??et e?ac?h ?ot?he?r.?To?da?y ?we? ?ent?er? t?he? r?ea?l ?wo?rl?d ?to? f?ac?e ?th?e ?ch?al?le?ng?e ?.W??ith ?th?e ?kn?ow?le?dg?e ?an?d ?fr?ie?nd?s ?we? g?ai?ne?d ?fr?om? o??ur u?ni?ve?rs?it?y,? w?it?h ?th?e ?en?du?ra?nc?e,? p?er?se?ve?ra?nc??e, i?nd?us?tr?y ?we? p?os?se?ss?, ?ev?er?y ?ob?st?ac?le? ?tha?t ?we? m?ay? e?nc?ou?nt?er? i?n ?ou?r ??live?s ?wi?ll? b?e ?ov?er?e.? I? b?el?ie?ve? ?tha?t ?ev?er?yo??ne w?il?l ?ma?ke? e?ve?ry? e?ff?or?t ??to s?tr?iv?e ?fo?r ?ou?r ?li?fe?. ?An?d ?re?me?mb?er?, ?an? i?de?al?? job? i?s ?no?t ?fo?un?d ?ly?in?g ?in? t?he? s?tr?ee?t;? ?it ?ta?ke?s ?ti?me? a?nd? e?ff?or?t ?to? f??ind.? B?ut? i?n ?th?e ?en?d,? i?t ?wi?ll? b?e ?th?er?e ?fo?r ?yo?u.?? So ?do?n ?t ?se?tt?le? f?or? s?ec?on?d ?be?st? a?nd? k?ee?p ?lo?ok??ing.?Im?po?rt?an?tl?y,? W?e ?ar?e ?he?re? t?od?ay? t?o ?gi?ve? o?ur?? tha?nk?s ?to? ?
the? u?nc?on?di?ti?on?al? s?up??port? o?f ?ea?ch? o?f ?yo?u,? y??our ?wo?rd?s ?of? ?enc?ou?ra?ge?me?nt? i?n ?go?od? t?im?es? a?nd? y?ou?r ?wo?rd?s ?of? c?on?so?la?ti?on? i?n ?di?ff??icul?t ?mo?me?nt?s.? W?e ?th?an?k ?yo?u ?fo?r ?yo?ur? e?no?rm?ou?s ?pa?ti?en?ce? ?wit?h ?us?, ?fo?r ?al?wa?ys?? giv?in?g ?a ?li?tt?le? m?or?e ??than? w?e ?as?ke?d ?fo?r ?an?d ??for ?in?st?il?li?ng? i?n ?us? t??he v?al?ue?s ?an?d ?pr?in?ci?pl??es t?ha?t ?go?ve?rn? o?ur? l?iv??es n?ow? a?nd? h?el?pi?ng? u?s ??to b?ee? t?he? p?eo?pl?e ?we? a??re. ?Th?e ?de?gr?ee? t?ha?t ?we?? wil?l ?re?ce?iv?e ?to?da?y ?al??so b?el?on?gs? t?o ?yo?u.?La?st??, I ?wo?ul?d ?li?ke? t?o ?co?ng??ratu?la?te? e?ac?h ?of? y?ou? f??or h?av?in?g ?re?ac?he?d ?th?is?? goa?l.? W?e ??did ?it?, ?an?d ??now ?we? a?re? r?ea?dy? t?o ?gr??adua?te?!?大学毕?业英?语演?讲稿?四:? ?
大?学毕业英?语演?讲稿?Fa?cu?lt?y,? f?am?il??y, f?ri?en?ds?, ?an?d ?fe?ll?ow? ?gra?du?at?es?, ?go?od? e?ve?ni?ng?.I? a?m ?ho?no?re?d ?to? a?dd?re?ss? y?ou? t?on?ig?ht?. ?On? b?eh?al?f ?of? t?he? g?ra?du?at?in?g ?ma?st?er?s ?an?d ?do?ct?or?al? s?tu?de?nt?s ?of? ?Was?hi?ng??ton ?Un?iv?er?si?ty? s? S?ch??oo?l of? E?ng?in?ee?ri?ng? a?nd? A??ppli?ed? ?Sci?en?ce?, ?I ?wo?ul?d ?li?ke? t?o ?th?an?k ?al?l ?th?e ?pa?re?nt?s,? s?po?us?es?, ?fa?mi?li?es?, ?an?d ?fr?ie?nd?s ?wh?o ?en?co?ur?ag?ed? a?nd? s?up?po?rt?ed? u?s ?as? w?e ?wo?rk?ed? t?ow?ar?ds? o?ur? g?ra?du?at?e ?de?gr?ee?s.? I? w?ou?ld? e?sp?ec?ia?ll?y ?li?ke? ?to ?th?an?k ?my?? own? f?am?il?y,? e?ig?ht? m?em??bers? o?f ?wh?ic?h ?ar?e ?in? t??he ?aud?ie?nc?e ?to?da?y.? I? w?ou?ld? a?ls?o ?li?ke? t?o ?th?an?k ?al?l ?of? t?he? ?dep?ar?tm??ent ?se?cr?et?ar?ie?s ?an?d ?ot??her ?en?gi?ne?er?in?g ?sc?ho?ol?? sta?ff? ?mem?be?rs? w?ho? a?lw?ay?s ?se?em?ed? t?o ?be? t?he?re? w?he?n ?co?nf?us?ed? g?ra?du?at?e ?st?ud?en?ts? n?ee?de?d ?he?lp?. ?An?d ?fi?na?ll?y ?I ?wo?ul?d ?li?ke? t?o ?th?an?k ?th?e ?Wa?sh?in?gt?on? U?ni?ve?rs?it?y ?fa?cu?lt?y ?me?mb?er?s ?wh?o ?se?rv?ed? a?s ?ou?r ?in?st?ru?ct?or?s,? m?en?to?rs?, ?an?d ?fr?ie?nd?s.?As? I? t?hi?nk? b?ac?k ?on? t?he? ?
sev?en?-a?nd?-a?-h?al?f ?ye?ar?s ?I ?sp?en?t ?at? W?as?hi?ng?to?n ??Univ?er?si?ty?, ?my? ?min?d ?is?? fil?le?d ?wi?th? m?em?or?ie?s,? h?ap?py?, ?sa?d,? f?ru?st?ra?ti?ng??, an?d ?ev?en?? hum?or?ou?s.?To?ni?gh?t ?I ?wo?ul?d ?li?ke? t?o ?sh??are ?wi?th? y?ou? s?om?e ?of? ?t?he m?em?or?ie?s ?th?at? I? t?ak?e ?wi?th? m?e ?as? I? l?ea?ve? W?as??hing?to?n ?Un?iv?er?si?ty??.I t?ak?e ?wi?th? m?e ?th?e ?me?mo?ry? o??f my? o?ff?ic?e ?on? t?he? ?fou??rth ?fl?oo?r ?of? L?op?at?a ?Ha?ll? -? t?he? r?oo?m ?at? t?he? e?nd?? of ?th?e ?ha?ll?wa?y ?th?at? w?as?? too? h?ot? i?n ?su?mm?er?, ?to??o co?ld? i?n ?wi?nt?er?, ?an?d ?al?wa?ys? t?oo? f?ar? a?wa?y ?fr?om?? the? w?om?en? s? r?es?tr?oo?m.? T?he? w?in?do?w ?wa?s ?my? o?ff?ic??e s ?be??st f?ea?tu?re?. ?We?re? i?t ?no?t ?fo?r ?th?e ?ph?ys?ic?s ??buil?di?ng? a?cr?os?s ?th?e ?wa?y,? i?t ?wo?ul?d ?ha?ve? a?ff?or?de??d me? a? c?le?ar? ?vie?w ?of? t??he a?rc?h.? B?ut? i??nste?ad? I? g?ot? a? v?ie?w ?of? t?he? r?oo?f ??of t?he? ?phy?si?cs? b?ui?ld?in??g. I? a?ls?o ?ha?d ?a ?vi?ew? o?f ?on?e ?co?rn?er? o?f ?th?e ?ro?of?? of ?Ur?ba?ue?r ?Ha?ll?, ?wh?ic??h se?em?ed? t?o ?be? a? f?av?or?it?e ?pe?rc?h ?fo?r ?va?ri?ou?s ?sp??ecie?s ?of? b?ir?ds? w?ho? a?lt?er?na?te?ly? w?on? p?er?ch?in?g ?ri??ghts? ?for? s?ev?er?al? w?ee?ks?? at ?a ?ti?me?. ?An?d ?I ?ha?d ?a ?ni?ce? v?ie?w ?of? t?he? ?phy?si?cs? c?ou?rt?ya?rd?, ?no?te?wo?rt??hy a?s ?a ?go?od? p?la?ce? f?or? w?at?ch?in?g ?pe?op?le? r?un? t?he??ir d?og?s.? I?t ?s ?am?az?in?g ?ho?w ?fa?sc?in?at?in?g ?th?es?e ?vi??ews ?be?ca?me? t?he? l?on?ge?r ?I ?wo?rk?ed? o?n ?my? d?is?se?rt?at??ion.? B?ut? m?y ?fa?vo?ri?te? v?ie?w ?wa?s ?of? a? n?ea?rb?y ?oa?k ??tree?. ?Fr?om? m?y ?fo?ur?th?-f?lo?or? ?van?ta?ge? p?oi?nt? I? h?ad? a? r?at?he?r ?in?ti?ma?te? v?ie??w of? t?he? t?re?e ?an?d ?th?e ?va?ri?ou?s ?bi?rd?s ?an?d ?sq?ui?rr??els ?th?at? i?nh?ab?it? i?t.? O?cc?as?io?na?ll?y ?a ?bi?rd? w?ou?ld?? lan?d ?on? m?y ?wi?nd?ow? s?il?l,? w?hi?ch? u?su?al?ly? h?ad? t?he?? eff?ec?t ?of? s?ta?rt?li?ng? b??oth ?of? u?s.?I ?ta??ke w?it?h ?me? t?he? m?em?or?y ?of? ?two? y?ou?ng? p?ro?fe?ss?or?s ?wh?o ?pa?ss??ed a?wa?y ?wh?il?e ?I ?wa?s ?a ?gr?ad?ua?te? ?
stu?de?nt?. ?An?ne? J?oh?ns?to?ne?, ?th?e ?on?ly? f?em?al?e ?pr?of??esso?r ?fr?om? w?ho?m ?I ?to?ok? a? c?ou?rs?e ?in? t?he? e?ng?in?ee??ring? s?ch?oo?l,? a?nd? B?ob? D?ur?r,? a? ?pol?it?ic?al? s?ci?en?ce? p?ro?fe?ss?or? a?nd? a? m?em?be??r of? m?y ?di?ss?er?ta?ti?on? ?m?itte?e,? b?ot?h ?lo?st? b?ra?ve? b?at?tl?es? w?it?h ?ca?nc?er?. ?I ??reme?mb?er? t?he?m ?fo?nd?ly?.I? t?ak?e ?wi?th? m?e ?th?e ?me?mo?ry?? of ?fa?il?in?g ?th?e ?fi?rs?t ?ex?am? i?n ?on?e ?of? t?he? f?ir?st?? eng?in?ee?ri?ng? c?ou?rs?es? I? t?oo?k ?as? a?n ?un?de?rg?ra?du?at??e. I? r?em?em?be?r ?th?in?ki?ng? t?he? c?ou?rs?e ?wa?s ?ju?st? t?oo?? har?d ?fo?r ?me? a?nd? t?ha?t ??I wo?ul?d ?ne?ve?r ?be? a?bl?e ?to? p?as?s ?it?. ?So? I? ??t ?to? t?al?k ?to? t?he? p?ro?fe?ss?or??, re?ad?y ?to? d?ro?p ?th?e ?cl?as?s.? A?nd? ?he ?to?ld? m?e ?no?t ?to? g?iv?e ?up?, ?he? t?ol?d ?me?? I c?ou?ld? s?uc?ce?ed? i?n ?hi?s ?cl?as?s.? F?or? r?ea?so?ns? t?ha??t se?em?ed? p?le?te?ly? l?ud?ic?ro?us? a?t ?th?e ?ti?me?, ?he? s?ai??d he? h?ad? f?ai?th? i?n ?me?. ?An?d ?af?te?r ?th?at? m?y ?gr?ad?es?? in ?th?e ?cl?as?s ?sl?ow?ly? i?mp?ro?ve?d,? a?nd? I? e?nd?ed? t?he?? sem?es?te?r ?wi?th? a?n ?A ?on? ?the? f?in?al? e?xa?m.? I? r?em?em?be?r ?ho?w ?mo?ti?va?ti?on?al? i??t wa?s ?to? k?no?w ?th?at? s?om?eo?ne? ?bel?ie?ve?d ?in? m?e.?I ?ta?ke? w?it?h ?me? m?em?or?ie?s ?of?? the? ?mid?we?st?er?n ?fr?ie?nd??line?ss? t?ha?t ?so? s?ur?pr?is?ed? m?e ?wh?en? I? a?rr?iv?ed? ?in ?St?. ?Lo?ui?s ?8 ?ye?ar?s ?ag?o.?? Sin?ce? m?ov?in?g ?to? N?ew? J?er?se?y,? I? a?m ?sa?d ?to? s?ay?, ??nobo?dy? h?as? a?sk?ed? m?e ?wh?er?e ?I ?we?nt? t?o ?hi?gh? s?ch?oo??l.I ?ta?ke? w?it?h ?me? t?he? m?em?or?y ?of? t?he? s?ho?rt?-l?iv?ed?? put?er? s?ci?en?ce? ?gra?du?at??e st?ud?en?t ?so?ci?al? m?it?te?e ?lu?nc?he?s.? T?he? i?de?a ?wa?s ??that? ?gro?up?s ?of? C?S ?gr?ad?? stu??dent?s ?we?re? s?up?po?se?d ?to? t?ak?e ?tu?rn?s ?co?ok?in?g ??a mo?nt?hl?y ?lu?nc?h.? B?ut? a?ft?er? o?ne? g?ra?d ?st?ud?en?t ?pr??epar?ed? ?a p?ot? o?f ?ch?ic?ke??n th?at? p?oi?so?ne?d ?al?mo?st? t?he? e?nt?ir?e ?CS? g?ra?d ?st?ud??ent ?po?pu?la?ti?on? a?nd? o?ne? u?nl?uc?ky? f?ac?ul?ty? m?em?be?r ??in o?ne? f?el?l ?
sw?oo?p,? t?he?re? w?as?n ?t ?mu??ch e?nt?hu?si?as?m ?fo?r ?ha?vi?ng? m?or?e ?lu?nc?he?s.?I ?ta?ke? w??ith ?me? t?he? m?em?or?y ?of? a? m?or?e ?su?cc?es?sf?ul? g?ra?du?at??e st?ud?en?t ?ef?fo?rt?, ?th?e ?es?ta?bl?is?hm?en?t ?of? t?he? A?ss??ocia?ti?on? o?f ?Gr?ad?ua?te? ?E?ngin?ee?ri?ng? S?tu?de?nt?s,? k?no?wn? a?s ?AG?ES?. ?St?ar?te?d ?by?? a h?an?df?ul? o?f ?en?gi?ne?er?in?g ?gr?ad?ua?te? s?tu?de?nt?s ?be??caus?e ?we? n?ee?de?d ?a ?wa?y ?to? ?ele?ct? r?ep?re?se?nt?at?iv?es? t?o ?a ?ca?mp?us?-w?id?e ?gr?ad??uate? s?tu?de?nt? ?gov?er?nm?en??t, A?GE?S ?so?on? g?re?w ?in?to? a?n ?or?ga?ni?za?ti?on? t?ha?t ?no??w sp?on?so?rs? a? w?id?e ?va?ri?et?y ?of? a?ct?iv?it?ie?s ?an?d ?ha??s be?en? ?ins?tr?um?en?ta?l ?in?? add?re?ss?in?g ?a ?nu?mb?er? o?f ?en?gi?ne?er?in?g ?gr?ad?ua?te? ?stu?de?nt? c?on?ce?rn?s.?I ?ta?ke?? wit?h ?me? t?he? m?em?or?y ?of? a?n ?En?gi?ne?er?in?g ?an?d ?Po?li??cy d?ep?ar?tm?en?t ?th?at? o?nc?e ?ha?d ?fl?ou?ri?sh?in?g ?pr?og?ra??ms f?or? ?ful?l-?ti?me? u?nd?er??grad?ua?te?, ?ma?st?er?s,? a?nd? d?oc?to?ra?l ?st?ud?en?ts?.I? ?tak?e ?wi?th? m?e ?me?mo?ri?es? o?f ??the ?19?92? U?.S?. ?Pr?es?id?en?ti?al? d?eb?at?e.? ?Eag?er? t?o ?ge?t ?in?vo?lv?ed? i?n ?al?l ?th?e ??exci?te?me?nt? I? v?ol?un?te?er?ed? t?o ?he?lp? w?he?re?ve?r ?ne?ed??ed. ?I ?re?me?mb?er? s?pe?nd?in?g ?se?ve??ral ?da?ys? i?n ?th?e ?ma??kesh?if?t ?de?ba?te? H?Q ?gi?vi?ng? o?ut?-o?f-?to?wn? r?ep?or?te?rs?? dir?ec?ti?on?s ?to? t?he? a?th?le?ti?c ?pl?ex?. ?I ?re?me?mb?er? b??eing? t?hr?il?le?d ?to? g?et? ?a?ssig?ne?dt?he? j?ob? o?f ?co?ll?ec?ti?ng? f?il?m ?fr?om? t?he? p?ho??togr?ap?he?rs? i?n ?th?e ?de?ba?te? h?al?l ?du?ri?ng? t?he? d?eb?at??e. A?nd? I? r?em?em?be?r ?th?e ?di?sa?pp?oi?nt?me?nt? o?f ?dr?aw?in??g th?e ?sh?or?te?st? s?tr?aw? a?mo?ng? t?he? ?stu?de?nt? v?ol?un?te?er?s ?an?d ?be?in?g ?th?e ?on?e ??who ?ha?d ?to? t?ak?e ?th?e ?fi?lm? ?out? o??f th?e ?de?ba?te? h?al?l ?an?d ?do?wn? t?o ?th?e ?da?rk?? roo?m ?fi?ve? m?in?ut?es? ?int??o th?e ?de?ba?te? -? w?it?h ?no? c?ha?nc?e ?to? r?e-?en?te?r ?th?e ??deba?te? h?al?l ?af?te??r I ?le?ft?.I? t?ak?e ?wi?th? m?e ?me?mo?ri??es o?f ?un?iv?er?si?ty? h?ol?id?ay?s ?
wh?ic?h ?ne?ve?r ?se?em?ed? t?o ?ap?pl?y ?to? g?ra?du?at?e ?st?ud?en?ts?. ?I ?re?me?mb?er? ?spe??ndin?g ?ma?ny? a? f?al?l ?br?ea??k an?d ?Pr?es?id?en?t ?s ?Da?y ??holi?da?y ?wi?th? ?my ?fe?ll?ow? g?ra?d ?st?ud?en?ts? i?n ?al?l ?da?y ?me?et?in?gs? b?ro?ug?ht? t?o ?us? b?y ?th?e ?pu?te?r ?sc?ie?nc?e ?de?pa?rt?me?nt?.I? t?ak?e ?wi?th? m?e ?me?mo?ri?es? o?f ?ex?am?s ?th?at? s?ee?me?d ?de?si?gn?ed? m?or?e ?to? t?es?t ?en?du?ra?nc?e ?an?d ?pe?rs?ev?er?an?ce? ?tha?n ?ma?st?er?y ?of? t?he? s??ubje?ct? m?at?te?r.? I? m?an?ag??ed t?o ?es?ca?pe? ?tak?in?g ?an?y ?cl?as??ses ?th?at? f?ea?tu?re?d ?in?fa?mo?us? 2?4-?ho?ur?-t?ak?e-?ho?me? ?exa?ms?, ?bu?t ?re??memb?er? t?he? s?uf?fe?ri?ng? o??f my? l?es?s ?fo?rt?un?at?e ?co??llea?gu?es?. ?An?d ?wh?at? d??oc?tora?l ?st?ud?en?t ?co?ul?d ?fo??rget? t?he? p?ai?n ?an?d ?su?ff??erin?g ?on?e ?mu?st? e?nd?ur?e ??to s?ur?vi?ve? t?he? q?ua?li?fy??ing ?ex?am?s?? I? t?ak?e ?wi?th?? me ?th?e ?me?mo?ry? o?f ?th?e ??seve?n-?mi?nu?te? r?ul?e,? ?whi?ch? a?lw?ay?s ?se?em?ed? t?o ?be? a?n ?ac?ce?pt?ab?le? e?xc?us?e ?fo?r ?be?in?g ?te?n ?mi?nu?te?s ?la?te? ? ?大学?毕业?典礼?演讲?稿? ?
大学英?语自?我介?绍演?讲稿? H?el?lo?,e?ve?ry?on?e!? I? w?as? f?or?tu?na?te? t?o ?20?0 ?* ?ye?ar?s ?in? S?ep?te?mb?er?。? I ?ta?ke? w?it?h ?me?? the? m?em?or?y ?of? ?Fri?da?y ?af?te?rn?oo?n ?AC?M ?ha?pp?y ?ho??urs,? k?no?wn? n?ot? f?or? k?eg?s ?of? b?ee?r,? ?but? r?at?he??r bo?wl?s ?of? r?ai?nb?ow? s?he??rbet? p?un?ch?. ?Ov?er? t?he? s??ever?al? ?yea?rs? t?ha?t ?I ?at?te?nd?ed? t?he?se? h?ap?py? h?ou?rs? t?he?y ?en?jo?ye?d ?va?ry?in?g ?de?gr?ee?s ?of? p?op?ul?ar?it?y,? o?ft?en? p?ro?po?rt?io?na?l ?to? t?he? q?ua?li?ty? a?nd? ?q?uant?it?y ?of? t?he? a?cp?an?yi??ng r?ef?re?sh?me?nt?s ?- ?bu?t ??ther?e ?wa?s ?al?wa?ys? ?the? r?ai?nb?ow? s?he?rb?er?t ?pu?nc?h.?I ?ta?ke? w?it?h ?me? m?em?or?ie?s ?of? p?ur?pl?e ?pa?rk?in?g ?pe?rm?it?s,? t?he? W?es?t ?Ca?mp?us? s?hu?tt?le?, ?ch?ec?ki?ng? m?y ?pe?nd?af?le?x,? o?ve?r-?du?e ?li?br?ar?y ?bo?ok?s,? t?ry?in?g ?to? p?ri?nt? f?ro?m ?ce?c,? ?lun??ches? o?n ?De?lm?ar?, ?fr?ie?nd??s wh?o ?sl?ep?t ?in? t?he?ir? o??ffic?es?, ?
mi?ni?at?ur?e ?go?lf? i?n ?Lo?pa?ta? H?al?l,? T?he? G?re?en?wa?y ?Ta?lk?, ?di?vi?si?on? ?III? b??aske?tb?al?l,? a?nd? t?ry?in?g ??to c?on?vi?nc?e ?De?an? R?us?se??l th?at? y?et? ?ano?th?er? e?ng?in?ee?ri?ng? s?ch?oo?l ?ru?le? s?ho?ul?d ?be? c?ha?ng?ed?.F?in?al?ly?, ?I ?wo?ul?d ?li?ke? t?o ?co?nc?lu?de?, ?no?t ?wi?th? a? m?em?or?y,? b?ut? w?it?h ?so?me? ?a?dvic?e.? W?ha?t ?wo?ul?d ?a ?gr??adua?ti?on? s?pe?ec?h ?be? w?it??hout? a? l?it?tl?e ?ad?vi?ce?, ??righ?t?? A?ny?wa?y,? t?hi?s ?ad??vice? e?s ?in? t?he? f?or?m ?of?? a v?er?se? ?del?iv?er?ed?? to ?th?e ?19?77? g?ra?du?at?in?g ?cl?as?s ?of? L?ak?e ?Fo?re?st? C?ol?le?ge? ?by ?Th?eo?do?re? S?eu??ss G?ei?se?l,? b?et?te?r ?kn?ow??n to? t?he? w?or?ld? a?s ?Dr?. ??Seus?s ?- ?He??re s? h?ow? i?t ??goes?:M?y ?un?cl?e ?or?de?re?d ??popo?ve?rs?fr?om? t?he? ?res?ta?ur?an?t ?s ?bi?ll? o?f ?fa?re?. ?An?d ?wh?en? t?he?y ?we?re? s?er?ve?d,?he? ?reg?ar?de?d ?th?em?? wit?h ?a ?pe?ne?tr?at?in?g ?st??are ?. ?. ?.T?he?n ?he? s?po?ke?? gre?at? W?or?ds? o?f ?Wi?sd?om? a?s ?he? s?at? t?he?re? o?n ?th?at? c?ha?ir?: ?To? e?at? ?the??se t?hi?ng?s,? s?ai?d ?my? u?nc??le, ?yo?u ?mu?st? e?xc?er?ci?se?? gre?at? ?car?e.?Yo?u ?ma?y ?sw?al?lo?w ?do?wn? w?ha?t ?s ?so?li?d ?. ?. ?. ?BU?T ?. ?. ?.y?ou? ?mus?t ?sp?it? o?ut? t?he? a?ir??! An?d ?. ?. ?.a?s ?yo?u ?pa?rt??ake ?of? t?he? w?or?ld? s? ?bil?l ?of? f?ar?e,? t?ha?t ?s ?da?rn?ed? g?oo?d ?ad?vi?ce? t?o ?fo?ll?ow?. ?Do? a? l?ot? ?of ?sp?it??ting? o?ut? t?he? h?ot? a?ir?. ??And ?be? c?ar?ef?ul? w?ha?t ?yo??u sw?al?lo?w.?Th?an?k ?yo?u.?大学??毕业英语?演讲?稿五?:?
大学?毕业?英语?演讲?稿?I? tak?e ?wi?th? m?e ?th?e ?me?mo??ry o?f ?Fr?id?ay? ?aft?er?no?on? A?CM? h?ap?py? h?ou?rs?, ?kn?ow?n ?no?t ?fo?r ?ke?gs? o?f ?be?er?, ?bu?t ?ra?th?er? b?ow?ls? o?f ?ra?in?bo?w ?sh?er?be?t ?pu?nc?h.? O?ve?r ?th?e ?se?ve?ra?l ?ye?ar?s ?th?at? I? a?tt?en?de?d ?th?es?e ?ha?pp?y ?ho?ur?s ?th?ey? e?nj?oy?ed? v?ar?yi?ng? ?deg?re?es?? of ?po?pu?la?ri?ty?, ?of?te?n ??prop?or?ti?on?al? t?o ?th?e ?qu??alit?y ?an?d ?qu?an?ti?ty? o?f ??the ?ac?pa?ny?in?g ?re?fr?es?hm??ents? -? b?ut? t?he?re? w?as? a??lway?s ?
th?e ?ra?in?bo?w ?sh?er?be?rt? p?un?ch?.I? t?ak?e ?wi?th? m?e ?me?mo?ri?es? o?f ?pu?rp?le? ?par??king? p?er?mi?ts?, ?th?e ?We?st?? Cam?pu?s ?sh?ut?tl?e,? c?he?ck??ing ?my? ?pen?da?fl?ex??, ov?er?-d?ue? l?ib?ra?ry? b?oo?ks?, ?tr?yi?ng? t?o ?pr?in?t ?fr?om? c?ec?, ?lu?nc?he?s ?on? D?el?ma?r,? f?ri?en?ds? w?ho? s?le?pt? i?n ?th?ei?r ?of?fi?ce?s,? ?min?ia?tu??re g?ol?f ??in L?op?at?a ?Ha?ll??, Th?e ?Gr?ee?nw?ay? T?al?k,? d??ivis?io?n ?II?I ?ba?sk?et?ba?ll??, an?d ?tr?yi?ng? t?o ?co?nv?in??ce D?ea?n ?Ru?ss?el? t?ha?t ?ye??t an?ot?he?r ?en?gi?ne?er?in?g ??scho?ol? r?ul?e ?sh?ou?ld? b?e ??chan?ge?d.?Fi?na?ll?y,? I? ?wou?ld? l?ik?e ?to? c?on?cl?ud?e,? n?ot? w?it?h ?a ?me?mo?ry?, ?bu?t ?wi?th? s?om?e ?ad?vi?ce?. ?Wh?at? w?ou?ld? a? g?ra?du?at?io?n ?sp?ee?ch? b?e ?wi?th?ou?t ?a ?li?tt?le? ?adv?ic?e,? r?ig?ht?? ?An??yway?, ?th?is? a?dv?ic?e ?es? i??n th?e ?fo?rm? o?f ?a ?ve?rs?e ??deli?ve?re?d ?to? t?he? 1?97?7 ??grad?ua?ti?ng? c?la?ss? o?f ?La??ke F?or?es?t ?Co?ll?eg?e ?by? T??heod?or?e ?Se?us?s ?Ge?is?el?, ??bett?er? k?no?wn? t?o ?th?e ?wo??rld ?as? D?r.? ?Seu?ss? -? H?er?e ?s ?ho?w ?it? g?oe?s:?My? u?nc?le? o?rd?er?ed? p?op?ov?er?s ?fr?om? t?he? ?res?ta?ur?an?t ?s ??bill? o?f ?fa?re?. ?An?d ?wh?en?? the?y ?we?re? s?er?ve?d,? h?e ??rega?rd?ed? t?he?m ?wi?th? a? p??enet?ra?ti?ng? s?ta??re .? .? .?? The?n ?he? s?po?ke? ?gre?at? W?or?ds? o?f ?Wi?sd?om? a?s ?he? s?at? t?he?re? o?n ?th?at? c?ha?ir?: ?To? e?at? ?the?se? t?hi?ng??s, s?ai?d ?my? u?nc?le?, ?yo?u ??must? e?xc?er?ci?se? g?re?at? c??are.? ?You? m?ay? s?wa?ll?ow? d?ow?n ?wh?at? s? s?ol?id? .? .? .? B?UT? .? .? .? y?ou? m?us?t ?sp?it? o?ut? t?he? a?ir?! ?An?d ?. ?. ?. ?as? y?ou? p?ar?ta?ke? o?f ?th?e ?wo?rl?d ?s ?bi?ll? o?f ?fa?re?, ?th?at? s? d?ar?ne?d ?go?od? a?dv?ic?e ?to? f?ol?lo?w.? D?o ?a ?lo?t ?of? s?pi?tt?in?g ?ou?t ?th?e ?ho?t ?ai?r.? A?nd? b?e ?ca?re?fu?l ?wh?at? y?ou? s?wa?ll?ow?. ?
?大学毕?业典?礼演?讲稿? ?
大学?英语?自我??介绍演讲?稿? He?ll?o,?ev?er?yo?ne?! ?I ?wa?s ?fo?rt?un?at?e ?to? ?2?00 *? y?ea?rs? i?n ?Se?pt?em?be??r。 ?
大学毕?业演?讲稿? ?
?(一?)? ?尊敬的?各位?老师? ?、亲爱?的同??学们:? ?大家下?午好?~? ?今天我非?常荣?幸能?够在?这个?特别?的时?刻? ,代?表南?学护?理学?院年??级全体?学生在?此发?言,?向的?母校?道别?,向?的师?长们?道别?,? 向朝?夕相?处的?同窗??们道别? ,也?向这?段不?能忘?怀的?青葱?岁月?道别?~? ?四年的?大学?时光?已如??白驹过隙?,转?瞬即?逝。?作为?学子?,我?们已?从一?个渴?求知?识的?新生?,成??长为一名?略有?所成?的毕?业生?,生?活、?学习?中的?点点?滴滴?无不?凝聚?了各??位老师的?心血?。是?你们?教给?了我?们科?学的?知识?和严?谨的?态度?;是?你们??让我们体?会到?了成?功的?喜悦?;也?是你?们教?给了?我们?做人?的道?理。?今天??我们之所?以能?满怀?自信?的站?在这?里,?要感?谢我?们的?母校?,感?谢护?理学??院的全体?老师?,感?谢你?们用?青春?和汗?水缔?造了?我们?今天?的成?绩。? ?有?人说,?丰富?多彩?的大?学校??园就像是?一个?熔炉?,煅?烧出?每个?人与?众不?同?的精彩?人生?。我?们经?历了?大一?的纯?真年?代,?走过?了大?二的?轻舞?飞扬?,?告别了?大三?的紧?张与?忙碌?,来?到今??天大四的?依依?别离?。时?光荏?苒,?岁?月如梭?,四?年的?大学?生活?就这?样即?将离?我们?远去?。依?然记?得大?一刚?入?学时的?情景?,那?时的?我们?青涩?而又?懵懂?,刚??刚经历完?高考?的洗?礼,?满?怀着对?大学?生活?的憧?憬与?向往?踏进?了启?秀校?区的?大门?。一?晃眼?,那?熟?悉?的一幕幕?已然?留在?了四?年前?。这?四年?的来?路,?走得??辛苦而又?快乐?,?四年的?生活?,过?得充?实而?美丽?,今?天来?看? ,竟?然象?昨天?的事?情? 。四??年的岁月?,? 14?60? ?个日日?夜夜?,听?起来?似乎?是那?么的?漫长?,而?当今?天?面对离?别,?又觉?得它?是那??么的短暂?。? 四年?的时?光,?弹指?一挥?间,?但很??多记忆将?成为?生命?中最?为珍?贵的?收藏?:还?清晰?记得?第一?次站?在军?训操??
场 上的?那个?瞬间?,带?着未?脱的?稚气?和对?大学?未来??生活的无?限幢?憬,?我?们开启?了通?向丰?富多?彩大?学生??活的大门?。转?眼间?,时?光的?年轮?匆匆?转?过,? 我们?的回?忆中?多了?足够?一辈?子品?味的?东西? ?。和我?们一?起成?长的??启秀校区?,美?丽的?濠河?,鸟?语花?香树?下的??长凳都曾?留下?了我?们的?晨读??的背影;?精密?的实?验仪?器、?条件?优越?的实?验室?里,?曾留?下了?我们?对科??学的向往??,运动场?上留?下了?我们?拼搏?的身?影????那铭刻?了我?们共?同经??历的日子?,让?我们?受到?了锻?炼,?增长?了经?验,??也更让我?们体?会到?了我??们护理学?院严?谨的?作风?和学?风,?体会?到了?那种?团结?向上?的精?神面?貌。? ?太多太?多的?情景?值得?去回?忆。? ?岁月?匆匆?,大?学四?年转?瞬即??逝。从眼??眸里抽出?细细?雨丝?,然?后纷?纷扬?扬的?撒下?,我?们将?离开?我的?大学?生活?,走?过楼?兰,?走过?荒滩?,只??是为了那?句路?在脚?下,?明天?会更?好。?不久??之后,我?们将?踏上?新的?征程?。让?我们?再一?次向?老师?们说?声“?谢谢??”,?是你们用?自己?的言?行和?关爱?让我?们得?到了?远比?书本?知识?更加?宝贵?的信??念;让我?们对?自己?的父?母说?声“??谢谢”,?是他?们一?如既?往地?支持?让我??们在人生?路上?充满?了勇?气;?让我?们对?这美?丽的?校园?说声?“谢?谢”?,是??它不变的?安静?、祥?和记?载了?我们?的奋?斗与?成长?;让?我们?对彼?此互?相说??声“谢谢?”,?让我?们回?想那?纯真?灿烂??的笑容、?朋友?间的?友谊?,去?感悟??那美好的?生活?,让?我们?一起?记录?下这?美好?的时?刻。? ?毕业?是一?首久?唱?不衰的?老歌?,是?散场?之后?的余?音绕?耳,?所有?甜美?或者??苦涩的故?事,?定?格为热?泪盈?眶的?欣悦?,依?然真?诚直??率的目光? ?,依然?奔流?激荡?的热?血,??正牵引着?再一??次传唱,?传唱?那飘?逝的?日月?春秋?。乘?风破?浪会?有时?,直??挂云帆济?沧海?。让?时间?作证?,承?载着?护理?学院?老师??们的殷切?期望?和深??情嘱托;?一定?会做?拥有?智慧?并富?有激?情的?人,?做胸?怀大?志并?脚踏?实地??的人,做?德才?兼备??并勇于创?新的?人,?做富?有责?任并?敢挑?重担?的人?~同??
学们,临?别之?际,?让立?下誓?言:?今天?,以?作为?的毕?业生?为荣?;明?天,??将会以为?荣~?“雄?关漫?道真??如铁,而?今迈?步从?头越?。”? ?如今,?就要?离?开母校?了,?老师?们为?所做?的一?切,?暂时?无以?回报??,让我们?牢记?“博??爱、笃学?、进?取”?的院?训,?努力?开创?更加?美好?的未?来~?最后?,请?允许??我代表全??体毕业生?送上?我们?的毕?业赠?礼,?祝愿?亲爱?的老?师工?作顺?利,??身体健康?~祝?愿我?们的?母校?兴旺?发达??,再创辉?煌~? ?大学?毕业?演讲?稿?
? ?
? ?(二)? ?大家?下午?好~?我很?荣幸?作为??一名学生?代表?在毕?业典?礼?上发言?,此?时此?刻我??心里面是?无比?的激?动,?因为?我将?要离?开培?养我?关?心我的?母校?,将?要和?一起?学会?成长?的在?座朋?友们?分开?。光?阴似?箭,?四?年过去?了,?在这?段时?间里?我学?会了?很多?很多?,学?会了?怎样?去学?习,?学?会了怎?样去?做人?,学?会了?怎样?去奉?献。?正是?由于??母校给我?这样?的机?会?去锻炼?,如?今才?让我?获得??了人生中?第一?次成?功找?到了?一份?满意?的工??作,在此?我请?允许?我介?绍一?下如?何去?赢得?公司?的信?赖,??如何赢得?他人??的尊重。? ?有人?说如?今找?工作?难,?找到?好工?作更?难~?的确?,现?实的?情?况就是?这样?,参?加过?就业?招聘?会的?人都?知道?,现?在大?学生??真是太多??了~但是?你有?没有?想过?,大?学生?多仅?仅是?一个?方面?,工?作岗?位还?是很??多,尤其?我们?江苏??地区,最?主要?的原?因还?是不?够优?秀,?如果?每个?人都??是用最严?格的?标准?来要?求自?己,?真正?在大?学里??面掌握文?化知?识,?学会??了为人的?道理?,学?会了?理性?去思?考问?题,?怎么?可能?会找?不到?工作?了~??我想?这句话是?很重?要的?“没?有人?会知?道你?有多?大能?耐,?只有?靠自?己去??证明给别?人看?”就?这些?方面?结合??我个人想?法主?要从?以下?几点?来谈?:? ?第 ?
? ?
? ?一、要?树立?自信?的心?理当?然自??信的背后?也要?有自?己的?汗水?,要??打有准备?之仗?,我?相信?上天?总是?将辛?运之?神降?临到?辛勤?劳动?的人?。在??我出去找?工作?的过?程当?中,?也遇?到了?不少?的困?难,?但是?你要?相信?这句??话,“天?生我?才必?有用?”在?很多?人心?理总?是有?这样?的阴?影,?认为?我自??己现在的?双重?身份?会不?会引?起用?人单?位的?怀疑?,会?不会?招受?到用?人单??位的冷遇?,会?不吃?闭门?羹,?这种?心理?我想?人人?都会?有,?但是?从我?过来??人来看,?现在?用人?单位?看重?学校?的越?来越?少,?关键?是你?是否?有这?个能??力能够打?动面?试的?考官?,有?没有?这个?能力?一下?子让?面试?官对?你有?印象?~在?单位?实习?过程?当中?,我?代表?扬子?江出?去参?加了?七场?招聘?会,?当然??从被面试?者转?变为?面试?官当?时还?有种?不太?适应?的感?觉,?但是?我清?楚的??感受到了?这两?者之?间的?差距?,那?种差?距其?实就?是概?括成?一句?话“?态度??决定一切?”,?往往?现在?的学?生都?是比?较自?傲,?没有?一种?虚心?的态?度,??总是认为?自己?了不?起,?这种?心理?千万?不能?有,?要努?力踏?实让?其他?人对??你的评价??是了不起?,坦?然的?面对?一切?。从?不要?掩饰?自己?的身?份,?不管??是那个学?校,?只要?你认?真对?待,?对自?己的?前途?负责?,你?就能?获得?相应??的成功。? ?第?
? ?
经成功?了一?大半?~其?实在?座所?有的?人都?能做?到这??一点,只?是你?愿不?愿?意去做?,有?没有?这样?的习?惯。?机会?总是?赋予?哪些?有头?脑、?有准?备,?有?毅力的??人。 ?第?
? ?
? ?三、我?讲到?就是?心宽?,在?茫茫?人海?中,?肯定?有比?你强?的人?,?如?果和他们?竞争?,也?许你?会感?觉到?心理?不是?那么?自信??,诚然,?这种?心?理是很?正常?的,?但是?每一?次都?要把?自己?的水?平发?挥出?来,?就算?没有?竞?争过其?他人??,那么在?这次?面试?的过?程当?中为?什么?输给?了竞?争对??手,自?己要总?结? ,就?算给?自己?一次?锻炼?的机??会,这就?叫心?宽,?有了?一次?次努??力,你就?会自?然的??学会了如?何去?展现?自己?,我?相信?在座?的每?一位?都很??强,只要?你们?有信?心,?有胆?识,?就一?定能?到达?胜利??的彼岸。? ?在竞?争?的骇浪?中,?你不?前进?必然?要倒?退,?你不?努力?,必?然会?失败?,现?在学?校?给了我??们这样一?个好?的机?会,?我们?就应?该更?加要?努力?,让??自己在宿?迁?学院的?校园?里成?长起?来,?再有?着联?建高?校做?坚强?的后?盾,?尽管?放飞?自?己的翅?膀,?飞的??越高越远?。? ?敬爱的?领导?,老?师们?,在?次为??我代表?02?级全体?同学?向你?们表?示感?谢,?感谢??你们在这?四年?来对?我们?的关?爱和?帮?助,我?们永?远会?牢记?在心?理。? ?大学?毕业?演讲?稿?
? ?(三)? ?大家?好~? ?
? ?我今天?要演?讲的?题目?是:?《我?难忘?的大?学生?活》? ?20?**?年?9?月我从地?处偏?僻的?黄金?乡来?到这?旅游?名城?哈尔??滨,走进?了旅?游学?院,??圆了我多?年梦?寐以?求的?大学??梦。有人?说:?“大??学是铸就?平凡?人的?辉煌?,造?就大??师的摇篮?。”?作为?一名?普通?的大?学生?,我?注定?不能??成为大师?,但?平凡?的我?决不?能选?择平?庸。?“非?志无??以成学,?非学?无以?广才?”,??这次难得?的求?学机?会将??是我人生?中一?次重?要的?转折?点,?所以?我会?倍加??
珍惜。带?着这?份朴?素的?感情?、也?带着?我的?希望?和梦?想,??就这样默?默地??坚持着三?年的?大学?生活?。我?虽然?柔弱?,但??我不乏毅?力;?我虽?然基?础不??扎实,但?我用?勤奋?和汗?水弥??补着不足?。? ?在两年?多姿?多彩?的大?学生?活?中,学?院领?导的?关心?爱护?以及?老师?的谆?谆教?诲、?同学?们的?和谐?快乐?相?处,给?我留?下了?美好?的记?忆,?我衷?心的?感谢??你们,感?谢你?们给?予我?知?识和能?力,?给予?我温?暖和?关怀?,在?这里?我要?真诚?地说?一声?:谢?谢你??们~丰富?多彩?的大?学生?活需?要自?己好?好把?握,?我认?真地?上好?每一?堂课?,认?真地?完成?好每?次的?作业?。课?后我?总是?畅游?在图?书馆?、电?子阅?览室??的知识海?洋中?,汲?取着?新鲜?营养?。我?将每?一点?滴时?间都?聚集?到了?课程??中、专业?中。?“是?斗士?就要?拼搏?沙场?,是?学子?就要?勇攀?高峰?。”?对于??我,学习?的艰?辛可?想而?知,?我要?攻克?的一?道道?学习?障碍?。一?道道?难题??不会我就?请教?老师?,或?者和?同学?们一?道探?讨。?“一?份耕?耘,?一份?收获?”,?我最?终取?得了?良好?的成?绩。?我爱?我的?大学?生活?。只?要付?出的?辛勤??汗水能得?到学?院、?单位?的肯?定和?大家?的许?,就?足以?让我?感到?万分?欣慰?,因?为我?学习?的动?力就?是将?学到?的知?识能?更好?地为?未来?铺就?一条?成功??之路。? ?愉快、?难忘?的大?学生?活即?将结?束,?两年?多的?大学?生活?为我?将?来的工?作打?下了?良好?的基?础。?我坚??信,在以?后的?工作?中,?我会?更好?地?发挥主?观能?动性?,从?点滴?的小?事做?起。?古人?说:?不积?跬步?,无?以至?千?里?。我将以?高尚?的职?业道?德、?严谨?的工?作作?风、?负责?的工??作态度,?通?过我勤?劳的?双手?,将?一个?个困?难变?成一?个个?跳动?的音?符,?奏响?出悦?耳?动听的?旅游?工作?交响?曲。?? 时光?流逝?,空?间转?移。?再见?了,?美丽?的哈??尔滨吗~??再见了,?我的?大学?--?--?难忘?的旅?游学?院~?老师?们,??再次真诚??地感谢你?们,?我在?工作?中会?时常?想念?你们?;同??学们,让?我们?展开?壮志??与毅力的?事业?双翼?,一?起飞?向更??高的蓝天?~? ?我的演?讲完?毕,? ?
? ?谢谢大?家~? ?初中毕?业演?讲稿? ?毕业演?讲稿? ?
每每提到王羲之,大家都会羡慕他的成就、惊叹他的天赋,但是他成功背后更多的是汗水与勤奋。爱迪生说过:“天才是百分之一的灵感和百分之九十九的汗水”,充分证明 “天道酬勤” 这个自然规律,它决不亏待勤奋的人。一个不愿付出艰苦劳动的人、一个甚至不肯挥洒汗水的人只能虚度年华空白少年头。人类历史创造了两类天才:一类聪明绝顶,一类终生勤奋。而历史对后者格外垂青。因此,你若立志创造一番事业,那么,勤奋之舟则是万万不能弃之不用的。
大家好~我是初一(12)班的万嫣然。今天我演讲的题目是《求知若饥,虚心若愚》。 众所周知,乔布斯是一位it行业的天才。他设计方面虽然不如他的一些朋友,并且还是一个完美主义者,性格暴躁——这在他在创立了next公司后,更加体现出来。但是,他在商业上却有很大的天赋。在乔布斯中学时,他的朋友沃兹设计出一些电子产品,但他从未想过也卖,而乔布斯,往往能把它们推销出去。
我就说三个乔布斯印象最深的故事吧。 第一个故事,是这样的:乔布斯从来没从大学毕业。他在里德学院待了六个月就办休学了。这得从他的出生前讲起。他的亲生母亲当时是个未毕
第二个故事发生在乔布斯30岁时。年轻时,乔布斯拼命工作,使苹果在十年间从一间车库里的两个小伙子扩展成了一家员工超过四千人、市价二十亿美金的公司,而他才刚迈入人生的第三十个年头,就被炒了鱿鱼。曾经是乔布斯整个生活重心的东西不见了,令他不知所措。有几个月,他实在不知道要干什么好,他甚至想要离开硅谷。但是渐渐的,他发现,他还是喜爱着他做过的事情,所以他决定从头来过。接下来五年,乔布斯开了一家叫做next的公司,又开一家叫做pixar的公司。pixar接着制作了世界上第一部全计算机动画电影,玩具总动员,现在是世界上最成功的动画制作公司。后来,苹果计算机买下了next,乔布斯回到了苹果, next发展的技术成了苹果后来复兴的核心。多年后乔布斯回忆说:“我很确定,如果当年苹果没开除我,就不会发生这些事情。这帖药很苦口,可是我想我需要这帖药。有时候,人生会用砖头打你的头。不要丧失信心。我确信,我爱我所做的事情,这就是这些年来让我继续走下去的唯一理由。你得找出你爱的,工作上是如此,对情人也是如此。
“你的工作将填满你的一大块人生,唯一获得真正满足的方法就是做你相信是伟大的工作,而唯一做伟大工作的方法是爱你所做的事。如果你还没找到这些事,继续找,别停顿。尽你全力,你知道你一定会找到。而且,事情只会随着时间越来越好。所以,在你找到之前,继续找,别停顿。” 当乔布斯十七岁时读到一则格言,是「把每一天都当成生命中的最后一天,你就会轻松自在。」这对他影响深远,他每天早上都会自问:「如果今天是此生最后一日,我今天要干些什么,」每当他连续太多天都得到一个「没事做。」的答案时,他便知道知道自己必须有所变革了。提醒自己快死了,是乔布斯在人生中下重大决定时,所用过最重要的工具。因为几乎每件事在面对死亡时,都消失了,只有最重要的东西才会留下。人生不带来,死不带去,诊断没什么道理不顺心而为。一年前,乔布斯被出癌症。医生告诉他,那几乎可以确定是一种不治之症。医生建议他回家,好好跟亲人们聚一聚。乔布斯整天想着那个诊断结果,那天晚上做了一次切片,发现那是非常少见的一种胰脏癌,可以用手术治好。篇三:名人演讲稿
在我们身着军装的男女军人和自豪的军属身上?? 在受伤的战士们告诉我他们不仅会再次站立行走,而是会奔跑,甚至参加马拉松时??
每一天,他们都在提醒我,能够生活在这地球上最伟大的国度中是多么的幸福。 成为诸位的第一夫人,是我的荣耀和幸运??
但是就像所有的母亲一样,我也曾担心如果他当选,这对我们的女儿们意味着什么。 身处万众瞩目的聚光灯下,我们要如何让他们保持脚踏实地,
在搬到华盛顿之前,我们的生活充满简单的快乐?? 周六参加足球赛,周日则在祖母家?? 还有巴拉克和我的约会之夜,我们要么出去晚餐,要么去看场电影,因为作为一个筋疲力尽的老妈,我实在没法同时去晚餐和电影还不打瞌睡。
说真话,我爱我们为女儿们所创造的生活??我深爱和我一起创造这生活的男人?? 而且我不愿意让这一切因为他当了总统而发生变化。 我爱的就是巴拉克原来的样子。 你们瞧,即便当时巴拉克已经是一名参议员兼总统候选人了?? 对我而言,他仍是那个开着辆锈迹斑斑的破车来接我去约会的男子,我几乎都能透过乘客这侧车门上的破洞看到飞逝而过的路面?? 他仍是那个把一张从垃圾箱里翻出来的咖啡桌当做自己最了不起的财产的男子,那个仅有的一双体面的鞋子比自己的脚还小了半号的男子。
你们瞧,对我的父亲来说,这是身为一个男人的责任。 就和我
数年间,那些不如她有能力的男性员工——事实上,还是她亲手培训的男性员工——都被提升到了比她高的职位,挣的钱越来越多,而与此同时,巴拉克一家只能勉强度日。 但一天又一天,她仍然早起去赶公车??比其他任何人都早到公司??
而且,她常常这样告诉巴拉克:只要你的孩子过得好,巴,其他什么都不重要。 就和许许多多美国家庭一样,我们俩的家庭都知足常乐。
你们今天都好吗?(掌声)蒂姆?斯派塞(Tim Spicer)好吗?(掌声)我现在与弗吉尼亚州阿灵顿郡韦克菲尔德高中的学生们在一起。美国各地从小学预备班到中学12年级的学生正在收听收看。我很高兴大家今天都能参与。我还要感谢韦克菲尔德高中出色的组织安排。请为你们自己热烈鼓掌。
(转自:wWw.hnBoXu. 博旭范文网:名人大学毕业演讲稿)我首先要讲讲你们对自己应尽的责任。你们每个人都有自己的长处。你们每个人都能做出自己的贡献。你们对自己应尽的责任是发现自己的能力所在。而教育能够提供这样的机会。
心自己的?工作?不够?宏伟?,更?不要?嫌弃?自己?的工?资太?少。?要谦?卑地?做好??被赋予的?每项?责任?。用?一颗??仆人的心?去服?务自?己周?围的?人。?亲爱?的毕??业生们,?请牢?记我?们的?传统?,我?们的?生命?原则?,我?们的??福尼斯精?神。??更要记得?心中?所持?守的?那份?共同?的愿?景? nd?as?h;?春风?化雨?,利?国利?民?!?批戴着以?品格?为标?杆的?荣装?,带?着我?们所?有人?的祝?福,?向这?个世?代发??出有影响?力的?声音?! ?
大学? ?毕业感?言? 大学?大四?毕业?生的?演讲?稿:? ?
大学毕?业感? ?言 ?尊敬的?老师?,各?位同? ?学:?
大家?上午??好: ?
怀着梦?想和?激情?走进?大学?的校?门,?开始?一段?新的?人生?旅程?。转?眼?离别的?时候?就要??到了,真?希望?时间?慢些?走,?让? 我再?多点?时间?好好?享受??下大学里?的生?活,?友谊?。大?学的?生活?真好?,回?忆起?来诸?多辛?酸苦?辣。? ?
首先?我想?谈谈?我在? ?大学的?收获?。其?实原?先没?有想??到这个问?题,?上?回应聘?主考?官问?我这?,记?得当?时为?了求?职说?了? 些冠?冕堂?皇的?话,?现在??觉得大学?我的?收获?并不?是学?到了?多少?知识?,也??并不是受?到了?那个?教授?,? 老师?的熏?陶,?点拨?,而?是学?会了?怎么?去为?人处?世,?怎么?去独?立,?怎?么去快?乐的?生活?,怎?么去? ?正确的?看待?,分?析社?会的?一些?问题?。这?也许??就是所谓?的成?熟吧?,我?觉得?这些?应该?比知?识还?要? 重要??些。 ?
?大学毕业?感言?(?共2?篇)]? ?在中学?同学?印象?中我?也许?是个?勤奋?,刻??苦努力的?人,?但是?在大?学同?学印?象中?,他?们原?话是?你? 活的??比较悠闲?,?其实意?思是?懒散?,呵?呵。?确实?,大?学我?包过?夜,?挂过?科,?顶撞?过老??师,逃课?,? 抄作?业是?很正?常的?事,?但是?我并?不认?为这??就是所谓?的堕??落,一方?面因?为我?觉得?初中?是身??体上 ?累,高?中是?精神?上累?,大?学有?时?只?是想让自?己随?心所?欲的?生活?一下?,但?还是?有些??人说看见?你? 天天?开开??心心的,?一定?能长?寿的?,很?高兴?我大?学里?学会?了怎?么去?让自?己快?乐的??生活,也?带给? ?身边的?人快?乐。?另一?方面??我还是知?道什?么时?候应?该怎?么?
做的,?考试?前半?个月?我会?是最?努力?的? 一个?人,??上回应聘?我简?历? 身上??我看见一? ?种可贵?的朴?实,?没有?谁浪?费东?西,?没有?谁攀?比谁?穿的?好或??差,大家??都明白父?母赚?钱的?艰辛?。? ?
都说大?学是?半个?社会?,但?是我?感觉?到同?学之?间只?有单?纯的?同学??情,朋友??情,兄弟?情,?大家?最? 高兴?的事?就是?一起?出去?吃饭??了,没有?多?余的钱?就点?几个?小菜?,有?多余?的就?搞点??酒。也许?我以? ?后会走?过很?多地??方吃过很?多天?下美??味,但是?我最?怀恋?的肯?定还?是大?学学?校门?口的?豆瓣??鲫鱼和? 麻辣?豆腐?了。? ?
还记?得和?老蒋?,红?军? ?一起在食?堂门?口摆?摊卖?书,?每回?赚个?十几?块?钱就去??食堂挥霍?掉。?还记?得和?拐子?,小?罗还?有两? ?个姐姐??去教室整?气势?(?就是打?牌?),输?了就?画乌?龟。?还记?得有?回包?夜停?电我?们回?寝室?从一?楼?翻 ?上二楼??,好黑人?啊,?还记?得在?球场?上飞?奔的?快乐?(?现在长??胖了,跑??起来有点?吃亏?了,?哎,?颠峰? ?状态已?经过??去了)?,还记?得全?班一?起坐?22??个小时的?火车?去上??海游玩、?实习?。在?火车?上一?起忍? ?受饥饿?,疲?劳与??颠簸。在?上海?一起?参观?大型?船舶?,憧?憬着?未来????? 大学的?工作?,一?个行? ?业的兴?衰决?定着?大学?生的?就业?,还?好船?舶行?业现?在发?展的?相当?好,?我?们毕业?生也?跟着?沾光?。? ?
当我找?到工?作时?马上?跟认??识同学,?朋友?,亲?戚打?电话?,有?些人?认?为我是?炫耀??,其实并?不是?炫? 耀,?我只?想过?“如?鱼饮?水,?冷暖??自知”的??生活,我?也没?有炫?耀的?资本?,只?是大?学以?前有?些很? ?要好的?说我?这么?内?向,不?善交?际的?人以??后谁要啊?!?我现在?只是?想向?他们?证明?自己?(?就这么??单纯 ?的想法?)?。有些?亲戚?很势?利?(还是?很怀?恋小?时侯?,虽?然亲?戚们?都没??有什么钱?,但?之间??的关?系相 ?当融洽?)?,瞧不?起我?的父?母,?我只?想告?诉?他们,?我父?母虽?然没?有你?们有?权,?有利?。但?他们?用微? ?薄的收?入也?把我??
培养出来?了,?用他?们的?慈爱?教会?我怎?么做?人,??也没有求?过你?们什?么,??也没有? 占过?你们?便宜?,有?个同?学说?“以?后努?力赚?钱砸?死势?利的?人”?但?是父母?从小?就培?养的?了我?宽广? ?的胸怀?,对?我身?边的?每? 个人?我都?会真? ?诚对待?,但?我会?用我?的方?式告?诉他?们怎?么为?人。? ?
在毕?业之?际,?我唯?有? 祝福??所有的同?窗都??能在这缤?纷的?世界?里找?到?自己的?精彩?,谢?谢大?家? 篇二?:?
大学?大四?毕业?生的?演讲?稿:? ?
大学毕?业感?言? 大学?大四?毕业?生的??演讲稿:? ?
大学毕?业感?言? 尊敬?的老?师,?各位??同学:?
大家?上午?好:? ?
怀着梦?想和?激情?走进?大学?的校?门,?开始?一段?新的?人生?旅程?。转?眼?离别的?时候?就要?到了?,真?希望?时间?慢些??走,让我?再多?点时?间好?好享?受?下大学?里的?生活?,友?谊。?大学?的生?活真?好,?回忆?起来?诸多?辛酸?苦辣?。? ?
首先我?想谈?谈我?在大?学的?收获?。其?实原?先没?有想?到这?个问?题,?上?回应聘??主考官问?我这?,记?得当?时为?了求?职说?了些?冠冕??堂皇的话?,现?在?觉得大?学我?的收?获并?不是??学到了多?少知?识,?也并?不是?受到?了那?个教??授,老师?的熏?陶,?点拨?,而?是学?会了?怎么?去为?人处?世,?怎么?去独?立,??怎么去快?乐的?生活?,怎?么去?正确?的看?待,?分析?社会?的一?些问?题。?这也??许就是所?谓的?成熟?吧,?我觉?得这?些应?该比?知识?还要?重要?些。? ?
在中?学同?学印?象中?我也?许是?个勤?奋,?刻苦?努力?的人?,但?是在?大学??同学印象?中,?他们?原话?是你?活的?比较?悠闲?,其?实意?思是?懒散?,呵?呵。??确实,大?学我?包过?夜,?挂过?科,?顶撞?过老?师,?逃课?,抄?作业?是很?正常??的事,?[大学??大四毕业?生的?演讲?稿:? ?
大学毕?业感?言?(共?2篇?)]?但是我?并不?认为?这就?是所?谓的?堕落?,一?方?面因为?我觉?得初?中是?身体?上累?,高?中是?精神?上累?,大?学有?时只?是想?让?自己随?心所?欲的?生活?一下?,但?还是?有些?人说?看见?你天?天开??开心心的?,?一定能?长寿?的,?很高?兴我?大学?里学?会了??怎么去让?自己?快乐?的生?活,?也?带给身?边的??人快乐。??另一方面?我还?是知?道什?么时?候应?该怎?么做?的,?考?试?前半个月?我会?是最?努力?的一?个人?,上?回应?聘我?简历? ?堂挥霍?掉。?还记??得和拐子?,小?罗还?有两?个姐?姐去?教室?整气?势?(就是?打牌?)?,输了?就画?乌?龟。还?记得?有回?包夜?停电?我们?回寝?室从?一楼?翻上?二楼?,好?黑人??啊,还?记得在?球场?上飞?奔的?快乐??(现在长?胖了?,跑?起来?有点?吃亏?了,?哎,?颠峰??状态已经?过去?了?),还?记得?全班?一起?坐?22?个小时?的火?车去?上海?游玩??、实习。?在火?车上?一起?忍受?饥饿?,疲?劳与?颠簸?。在??上海一起?参观?大型?船?舶,憧?憬着?未来???? ?大学的?工作?,一?个行?业的?兴衰?决定?着大?学生?的就??业,还好??船舶行业?现在?发展?的相??当好,我?们毕?业生?也跟?着沾?光。?当我??找到工作?时马?上跟?认识?同学?,朋?友,?亲戚?打电??话,有些?人认?为我?是炫??耀,其实?并不?是炫?耀,?我只?想过?“如?鱼饮?水,?冷暖?自知?”的?生活?,我??也没有炫?耀的??资本,只?是大?学以?前有?些很?要好?的说?我这?么内?向,?不善??交际的人?以后?谁要?啊?!我现?在只?是想?向他?们证?明自?己?(?就这么单?纯的?想?法)?。有些?亲戚?很势?利?(还是?很怀?恋小?时侯?,虽?然亲?戚们?都没?有什?么钱?,但?之间?的关?系相?当融?洽?),瞧?不起?我的?父母?,我?只想?告诉?他们?,我?父?母虽然?没有?你们?有权?,有?利。?但他?们用?微薄?的收?入也?把我?培养?出来??了,用他?们的?慈爱??教会我怎?么做?人,?也没?有求?过你?们什?么,?也没?有占??过你们便?宜,?有个?同学?说“?以后?努力?赚钱?砸死?势利?的人??”但是父?母从??小就培养?的了?我宽?广的?胸怀?,对?我身?边的?每个?人我?都会?真诚?对待?,但??
大学?毕业?生代?表发?言稿??演讲稿? 尊敬?的各?位领?导、?老师?、同?学们?:?
大家?上午?好~? ?很荣幸?我能?在这?里代?表?201?7?届毕业?生向?辛勤?培育??我们四年?的母?校表?达最?诚挚?的谢??意~ ?青春是?人生?最美?好的?时光?,而?在?海大度?过的?这一?段青?春岁?月无?疑将?成为?我们?人生?中最?为宝?贵的??记忆。?四年时?光,?弹指?一挥?间,?但很?多记?忆将?成为??我们生命?中最?为珍?重的?收?藏,还?记得?四年?前刚?入校??时你我所?立下?的雄?心壮?志吗?,还?记得?在教??室、图书?馆中?你我?孜孜?不倦?学习?的身?影吗?,还?记得?导师?的谆?谆教??诲和?小有收获?时你?我那?种发?自内?心的?喜悦?吗??? ?太多?太多?的情?景值?得我?们?去回忆?。海?大四?年,?我们?学会?了分?析与?思考?,学?会了?丰富?与锻?炼,?学?会了合?作与?竞争?,学?会了?继承?与创?新,?也学?会了?如何?不断?超越??、突破?自己的?极限?而成?长。?如今?我们?就要?毕业?了,??所有这些?温暖?的记?忆都?将?铭刻在?我们?心灵?的最?深处??,那会是?我们?生命?中最?难忘?的岁?月。? ?
四年?前,?我们?满怀?梦想?,背?负期?望,?聚首?海大??。四年后?的今??天,?我们又将?怀着?对母?校的?留恋?,奔?赴各?地开?创属?于自?己崭?新的?明天?。四??年的时光?,听?起来?似乎?那么?漫长?,而??当我们今?天面?对毕?业典?礼时?,又??觉得它是?那么?短暂?。? ?
旁,还是?教室?、宿?舍、?食堂?都曾?有过?我们??的欢笑与?泪水?,大?学四?年,??我们见证?了海??大的百年?盛世?;。?这既?漫长?又短?暂的?大学??时光已化?做无??形的胶片?,将?永远?珍藏?在我??们的脑海?中。? ?
过了?今天?,我?们的?大学??生活将划?上一?个圆?满的?句号?,我?们将?告别??朝夕相处?的同?学,?告别?循循?善诱?的老?师,??告别美丽?如画?的校?园,?踏上??人生新的?征程??。但我们?永远?不会?舍弃?在海?大学?到的?点点??滴滴,永?远不??会忘了在?迷茫?彷徨?时老?师的??悉心指点?,永?远不?会忘?了伤?心难?过时?同学??的真切问?候。?我们?不会?忘记?海大?,因?为这??里有我们?最为?灿烂?的青?春,??更因为这?段华??美的青春?乐章?中融?入了?老师?们无?私的?爱和??同学们真?挚的??情。 ?
一日?为师?,终?生不?忘。? ?
面对??同窗,我?们想?说:? ?
一朝同?窗,?一世?朋友?。? ?
今天,?只是?毕业?,我?们之?间的?师生?情谊?、同?学友?爱将?伴随?着时?间?的?推移不断?升级?。大?连海?事大?学,?已经?成为??一次又一?次默?化在?我们??心中永远?无法?抹去?的记?忆,?将是?我们?心中?永远?的圣?地。? ?
无论?多美?的语?言,?都表?达不?完我?们对?母校?的谢?意;?无论?多么??动听?的声音,?都诉?说不?尽我?们对?海大?的恩?情~?我们?会用?实际?行动?让“?大连??海事大学?”的?名字?更加?响亮?。? ?
海大?,我?们爱?你~? ?谢谢大??家~ ? ?
Good morning, dear faculty members, distinguished guests, families, friends and most importantly , today’s graduates. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to speak to you here on behalf of the graduates. This is a memorable day both in our personal lives and in the life of this school.
Four years ago, we entered Sanjing university. Some of us may have doubted that if we had made the right decision, but now, because of the friends we made , because of the sadness and happiness we shared, because of the teachers who gave us guidance, because of all the time in Sanjiang we spent and all activities we participated in, we could not tear ourselves away from the dear campus. It’s difficult to contemplate that perhaps some of us may never see each other again. But we have so rich memeries and experiences that we will never foget each other.
Today we enter the real world to face the challenge .With the knowledge and friends we gained from our university , with the endurance, perseverance, industry we possess, every obstacle that we may encounter in our lives will be overe. I believe that everyone will make every effort to strive for our life. And remember, an ideal job is not found lying in the street; it takes time and effort to find. But in the end, it will be there for you. So don’t settle for second best and keep looking.
Importantly, We are here today to give our thanks to the unconditional support of each of you, your words of encouragement in good times and your words of consolation in difficult moments. We thank you for your enormous patience with us, for always giving a little more than we asked for and for instilling in us the values and principles that govern our lives now and helping us to bee the people we are. The degree that we will receive today also belongs to you.
Last, I would like to congratulate each of you for having reached this goal. We did it, and now we are ready to graduate!
One Student Is ?Just Like ?a FlowerMy? dear Mr. ?and Misses?, my ?fellows schoolm?ates,Good ?morning! A?s you know? and see, ?it is ?a sunny bump h?arvest sea?son. In th?e city, in? our schoo??l campus, everywhere? is surrou?nded with ?roses whic?h we toget?her ?planted 4 years ?ago. Today? may these? roses and?? our friendship ?as well be tog?ether and ?fort our e?xcited hea?rts!It was? four ?years ago that? everyone ?of us came?? from every part of ?China ?and formed a n?ew collect?ive. As we? are young?, it s ver?y easy ?for us to mun??icate. It ?was in the past four? years tha?t we ?were ambitious.? It was in? the past ?four years? that we w?orried. ?It was in th??e past four years th?at we were? content. ?It was in ?the ?past four years ?that we we?re vexed. ?It was in ?the past f?our ?years that we we?re friendl?y and lone?ly ... and? it was in? the ?past fours that? we studie?d, lived a?nd respect?ed each ot?her with ?genuine and? with our ?ambitions.? Nothing i?n the worl?d is ?more significan?t than we ?miss all o?f these.We? miss ?
you?teachers w?ho are tir?eless in t?eaching; w?e will kee?p your ?gestures and ?your white? hairs in ?our hearts? deeply; w?e will mis?s ?the quietness with? the light?s at night? in the cl?assroom; w?e will ?miss the race? and exerc?ise on the? playgroun?d; we will? miss even? ?the crowds in the d?ining hall? and the q?uarrel on ?the beds; ?we ?will still miss e?very green? piece and? every pie?ce of wast?e paper ?flying like ?flakes in ?the air ..?. However,? today we ??will leave ?nothing but the fir?st rose wi?th our Alm?a Mater an?d our teac?hers ?which is entrus?ted with o?ur love an??d respect.4 years se?ems very ?long but 4 ?years seem?s very sho?rt. From n?ow on, we ?all will g?o ?into the society. ??The society is broad? and wide ?for us. We? will ?shoulder heavy? responsib?ilities; w?e will wor?k diligent?ly; and ?
we will expe?ct to be i?nformed of? good news? from one ?another. ?Now, I beg ?you all to? cherish t?he occasio?n; to reme??mber the names, ?the status, ap?pearance a?nd the cha?racter of ?the person? around ?you. Now let? s be hand? in hand t?ogether; l?et s prese?nt the ros?e ?to each other. May? the rose ?carry our ?appreciati?on and ble?ssing! ?We are very c?losely lin??ked no matter what t?he world m?ay be. May? ?the fresh rose in o?ur hands k?eep its fr?agrants!Th?ank you al?l ?again!大学?毕业英语演讲稿二:
I belie?ve in our ?futureHono?rable Judg?es, fellow? ?students:Good after?noon!Recen?tly, ther ?is a heate?d debate i?n ?our society. The c?ollege stu?dents are ?the benefi?ciaries of? a ?rare privilege, w?ho receive? exception?al educati??on at extraordinary ?places. Bu?t will we ?be able to? face ?
the challenge ?and suppor?t ourselve?s against ?all odds? ?Will we ?be able to b?etter the ?lives of o?thers? Wil?l we be ab?le to acce?pt ?the responsibilit?y of build?ing the fu?ture of ou??r country?The ?cynics say the c?ollege stu?dents are ?the pamper?ed lost ?generation, ?which woul?d cringe a?t the slig?htest disf?ort. But ?the cynics ?are wrong.? The colle?ge student?s I see ar?e ?eagerly learning a?bout how t??o live independently??. We help each ?other clean the? dormitory?, go shopp?ing and ba?rgain toge?ther, ?and take part ?time jobs ?to supplem?ent our po?cket money?.The ?cynics say we c?are for no?thing othe?r than gra?des; and w?e ?neglect the need f?or charact?er cultiva??tion. But again,the ?cynics are? wrong. We? care deep?ly for eac?h other, ?we cherish ?freedom, w?e treasure? justice, ?and we see?k truth. L?ast ?week, thousands ?of my fell?ow student?s had thei?r blood ty?pe ?tested in order t?o make a c?ontributio??n for the children w?ho ?suffer from blood? cancer.As? college s?tudents, w?e are ?adolescents at? the criti?cal turnin?g point in? our lives?. We all ?face a fund?amental ch?oice: cyni?cism or fa?ith, each ?will ?
profoundly impa?ct our fut?ure, or ev?en the fut?ure of our? ?country. I believe ?in all my ?fellow cla?ssmates. T?hough we a?re ?still inexperienc?ed and eve?n a little? bit child?ish. I bel?ieve ?that we have th?e courage ?and faith ?to meet an?y challeng?e and ?take on our re?sponsibili?ties. We a?re prepari?ng to assu?me new ?responsibilit?ies and ta?sks, and t?o use the ?education ?we have ?received to ?make our w?orld a bet?ter place.? I believe? in our ?future.?大学毕业英语演讲稿三:?
大学毕业英语演讲稿?Good mornin?g, dear fa?culty memb?ers, ?distinguished g?uests, fam?ilies, fri?ends and m?ost import?antly, ?today s gradu?ates. Than?k you for ?giving me ?the opport?unity to ?speak to yo?u here on ?behalf of ?the gradua?tes. This ?is a memor?able ?day both in our? personal ?lives and ?in the lif?e of ?this school.Fou?r years ag?o, we ente?red Sanjin?g universi?ty. Some ?of us may h?ave doubte?d that if ?we had mad?e the righ?t decision?, ?but now, because o?f the frie?nds we mad?e , becaus?e of the s?adness ?and happiness? we shared?, because ?of the tea?chers who ?gave us ?guidance, be?cause of a?ll the tim?e in Sanji?ang we spe?nt and all? ?activities we parti?cipated in?, we could? not tear ?ourselves ?away ?from the dear c?ampus. It ?s difficul?t to conte??mplate that ?perhaps some of us? may never? see each ?other agai?n. But we ?have ?so rich memerie?s and expe?riences th?at we will? never fog?et each ?other.Today ?we enter t?he real wo?rld to fac?e the chal?lenge .Wit?h ?the knowledge and ?friends we? gained fr?om our uni?versity, w?ith ?the endurance, p?erseveranc?e, industr?y we posse?ss, ?every obstacle t?hat we may? encounter? in our li?ves will b?e overe. ?I believe t?hat everyo?ne will ma?ke every e?ffort to s?trive for ?our ?life. And rememb?er, an ide?al job is ?not found ?lying in t?he ?street; it takes ?time and e?ffort to f?ind. But i?n the end,? it ?will be there fo?r you. So ?don t sett?le for sec?ond best a?nd keep ?looking.Impo?rtantly, W?e are here? today to ?give our t?hanks to ?
the uncondi?tional sup?port of ea?ch of you,? your word?s of ?encouragement i?n good tim?es and you?r words of? consolati??on in difficult mome?nts. We th?ank you fo?r your eno?rmous pati?ence ?with us, for al?ways givin?g a little? more than? we asked ?for and ?for instilli?ng in us t?he values ?and princi?ples that ?govern our? ?lives now and helpi?ng us to b?ee the peo??ple we are. The degr?ee ?that we will rece?ive today ?also belon?gs to you.?Last, I wo?uld ?like to congratu?late each ?of you for? having re?ached this? goal. ?We did it, an?d now we a?re ready t?o graduate?!?大学毕业英语演讲稿四:?
大学毕业?英语演讲稿Faculty, family?, friends,? and fello?w ?graduates, good ev?ening.I am? honored t?o address ?you tonigh?t. ?On beha?lf of the graduating? masters a?nd doctora?l students? of ?Washington Unive?rsity s Sc?hool of En?gineering ?and Applie?d ?Science, I would l?ike to tha?nk all the? parents, ?spouses, ?families, a?nd friends? who encou?raged and ?supported ?us as we ?w?orked towards our gr?aduate deg?rees. I wo?uld especi?ally like ?to ?thank my own fami?ly, eight ?members of? which are? in the au??dience today. I woul?d also lik?e to thank? all of th?e departme?nt ?secretaries and o?ther engin?eering sch?ool staff ?members wh?o ?always seemed to b?e there wh?en confuse?d graduate? ?students needed hel?p. And fin?ally I wou?ld like to? thank the?? Washington Universi?ty faculty? members w?ho served ?as our ?instructors, ?mentors, a?nd friends?.As I thin?k back on ?the ?seven-and-a-half? years I s?pent at Wa?shington U?niversity,? my ?mind is filled w?ith memori?es, happy,? sad, frus?trating, a??nd even humorous.Ton?ight I wou?ld like to? share wit?h you some? of the ?memories tha?t I take w?ith me as ?I leave Wa?shington U?niversity.?I ?take with me the m?emory of m?y office o?n the four?th floor o?f ?Lopata Hall - the ?room at th?e end of t??he hallway that was ?too ?hot in summer, t?oo cold in? winter, a?nd always ?too far aw?ay from ?
the women s ?restroom. ?The window? was my of?fice s bes?t feature.? ?Were it not for the? physics b?uilding ac?ross the w?ay, it wou?ld ?have afforded me ?a clear vi?ew of the ?arch. But ?instead I ?got ?a view of the ro?of of the ?physics bu?ilding. I ?also had a? view ?of one corner ?of the roo?f of Urbau?er Hall, w?hich seeme?d to be ?a favorite p?erch for v?arious spe?cies of bi?rds who ?
alternately ?won perchi?ng rights ?for severa?l weeks at? a time. ?And I had a? nice view? of the ph?ysics cour?tyard, not?eworthy as? ?a good place for wa?tching peo?ple run th?eir dogs. ?It s amazi?ng ?how fascinating t?hese views?? became the longer I? worked on? my ?dissertation. Bu?t my favor?ite view w?as of a ne?arby oak t?ree. ?From my fourth-?floor vant?age point ?I had a ra?ther intim?ate view ?of the tree? and the v?arious bir?ds and squ?irrels tha?t inhabit ?it. ?Occasionally a b?ird would ?land on my? window si?ll, which ?usually ?had the effe?ct of star?tling both? of us.I t?ake with m?e the memo?ry ?of two young prof?essors who? passed aw?ay while I? was a gra?duate ?student. Anne ?Johnstone,? the only ?female pro?fessor fro?m whom ?I took a cour?se in the ?engineerin?g school, ?and Bob Du?rr, a ?political scie?nce profes?sor and a ?member of ?my dissert?ation ?mittee, both l?ost brave ?battles wi?th cancer.? I remembe?r them ?fondly.I take? with me t?he memory ?of failing? the first? exam in ?one of the ?first engi?neering co?urses I to?ok as an u?ndergradua?te. ?I remember think?ing the co?urse was j?ust too ha?rd for me ?and that ?I would nev?er be able? to pass i?t. So I we?nt to talk? to the ?professor, r?eady to dr?op the cla?ss. And he? told me n?ot to give? ?up, he told me I co?uld succee?d in his c?lass. For ?reasons th?at ?seemed pletely lu?dicrous at? the time,? he said h?e had fait?h in ?me. And after t?hat my gra?des in the? class slo?wly improv?ed, and ?I ended the ?semester w?ith an A o?n the fina?l exam. I ?remember ?how motivat?ional it w?as to know? that some?one believ?ed in me.I? ?take with me memori?es of the ?midwestern? friendlin?ess that s?o ?
surprised me when ?I arrived ?in St. Lou?is 8 years? ago. Sinc?e ?moving to New Jers?ey, I am s?ad to say,? nobody ha?s asked me? where ?I t to hig?h school.I? take with? me the me?mory of th?e ?short-lived puter ?science gr?aduate stu?dent socia?l mittee ?l?unches. The idea was? that grou?ps of CS g?rad studen?ts were ?supposed to ?take turns? cooking a? monthly l?unch. But ?after ?one ?grad student prepare?d a pot of? chicken t?hat poison?ed ?almost the entire? CS grad s?tudent pop?ulation an?d one unlu?cky ?facult?y member in one fell? swoop, th?ere wasn t? much enth?usiasm ?for having mo?re lunches?.I take wi?th me the ?memory of ?a more ?suc?cessful graduate stu?dent effor?t, the est?ablishment? of the ?Association ?of Graduat?e Engineer?ing Studen?ts, known ?as AGES. ?S?tarted by a handful ?of enginee?ring gradu?ate studen?ts because? ?we needed a way to ?elect repr?esentative?s to a cam?pus-wide ?g?raduate student gove?rnment, AG?ES soon gr?ew into an? ?organization that n?ow sponsor?s a wide v?ariety of ?activities? and ?has b?een instrumental in ?addressing? a number ?of enginee?ring ?graduate studen?t concerns?.I take wi?th me the ?memory of ?an ?Enginee?ring and Policy depa?rtment tha?t once had? flourishi?ng ?programs for full?-time unde?rgraduate,? masters, ?and doctor?al ?student?s.I take with me mem?ories of t?he 1992 U.?S. Preside?ntial ?debate. Eager ?to get inv?olved in a?ll the exc?itement ?
I volunteere??d to help wherever n?eeded. I r?emember sp?ending ?several days ?in the mak?eshift deb?ate HQ giv?ing out-of?-town ?reporters dire??ctions to the athlet?ic plex. I? remember ?being ?thrilled to ge?t assigned?the job of? collectin?g film fro?m the ?photographers ??in the debate hall d?uring the ?debate. An?d I ?remember the dis?appointmen?t of drawi?ng the sho?rtest stra?w among ?the student ??volunteers and being? the one w?ho had to ?take the ?film out of? the debat?e hall and? down to t?he dark ro?om five ?minutes into?? the debate - with n?o chance t?o re-enter? the debat?e ?
hall after I left.?I take wit?h me memor?ies of uni?versity ho?lidays ?which never s?eemed to a?pply to gr?aduate stu?dents. I r?emember ?spending man?y a fall b?reak and P?resident s? Day holid?ay with my? ?fellow grad student?s in all d?ay meeting?s brought ?to us by t?he ?puter science dep?artment.I ?take with ?me memorie?s of exams? that ?seemed designe?d more to ?test endur?ance and p?erseveranc?e than ?mastery of th?e subject ?matter. I ?managed to? escape ta?king any ?classes tha?t featured? infamous ?24-hour-ta?ke-home ex?ams, but ?remember th?e sufferin?g of my le?ss fortuna?te colleag?ues. And ?what doctor?al student? could for?get the pa?in and suf?fering one? ?must endure to surv?ive the qu?alifying e?xams? I ta?ke with me? the ?memory of the s?even-minut?e rule, wh?ich always? seemed to? be an ?acceptable ex?cuse for b?eing ten m?inutes lat?efor anyth?ing on ?campus, but w?hich doesn? t seem to? apply any?where else? I go.I ?take with me? the memor?y of Frida?y afternoo?n ACM happ?y hours, ?known not f?or kegs of? beer, but? rather bo?wls of rai?nbow sherb?et ?punch. Over the s?everal yea?rs that I ?attended t?hese happy? hours ?they enjoyed ?varying de?grees of p?opularity,? often ?
proportional ?to the qua?lity and q?uantity of? the acpan?ying ?refreshments - ?but there ?was always? the rainb?ow sherber?t ?punch.I take with ?me memorie?s of purpl?e parking ?permits, t?he ?West Campus shutt?le, checki?ng my pend?aflex, ove?r-due libr?ary ?books, trying to? print fro?m cec, lun?ches on De?lmar, frie?nds who ?slept in the?ir offices?, miniatur?e golf in ?Lopata Hal?l, The ?Greenway Talk?, division? III baske?tball, and? trying to? ?convince Dean Russe?l that yet? another e?ngineering? school ru?le ?should be changed?.Finally, ?I would li?ke to conc?lude, not ?with ?a memory, but w?ith some a?dvice. Wha?t would a ?graduation? speech ?be without a? little ad?vice, righ?t? Anyway,? this advi?ce es in ?the form of? a verse d?elivered t?o the 1977? graduatin?g class of? ?Lake Forest College? by Theodo?re Seuss G?eisel, bet?ter known ?to ?
the world as Dr. ?Seuss - He?re s how i?t goes:My ?uncle orde?red ?popoversfrom the? restauran?t s bill o?f fare. An?d when the??y were served,he reg?arded them? with a pe?netrating ?stare . . ?.Then he ?spoke great? Words of ?Wisdom as ?he sat the?re on that? chair: To? ?eat these things, s?aid my unc?le, you mu?st excerci?se great ?care.You ma?y swallow ?down what ?s solid . ??. . BUT . . .you mus?t ?spit out the air! ?And . . .a?s you part?ake of the? world s b?ill ?of fare, that s ?darned goo?d advice t?o follow. ?Do a lot o?f ?spitting out the h?ot air. An?d be caref?ul what yo?u swallow.?Thank ?you.大学毕业英语演讲稿五?:?
大学毕业英语演讲稿?I take with me t?he memory ?of ?Friday afternoon ?ACM happy ?hours, kno?wn not for? kegs of b?eer, ?but rather bowl?s of rainb?ow sherbet? punch. Ov?er the sev?eral ?years that I at?tended the?se happy h?ours they ?enjoyed va?rying ?degrees of pop?ularity, o?ften propo?rtional to? the quali?ty and ?quantity of t?he acpanyi?ng refresh?ments - bu?t there wa??s always the rainbow? sherbert ?punch.I ta?ke with me? memories ?of ?purple parking pe?rmits, the? West Camp?us shuttle?, checking? my ?pendaflex, over-?due librar?y books, t?rying to p?rint from ??cec, lunches on Delm?ar, friend?s who slep?t in their??
offices, miniature ?golf in Lo?pata Hall,? The Green?way ?Talk, division I?II basketb?all, and t?rying to c?onvince De?an ?Russel that yet a?nother eng?ineering s?chool rule? should be? ?changed.Finally, I ?would like? to conclu?de, not wi?th a memor??y, but with some adv?ice. What ?would a gr?aduation s?peech be w?ithout ?a little advi?ce, right?? Anyway, t?his advice? es in the? form of ?a verse del?ivered to ?the 1977 g?raduating ?class of L?ake Forest? ?College by Theodore? Seuss Gei?sel, bette??r known to the world? as ?Dr. Seuss - Here? s how it ?goes:My un?cle ordere?d popovers? from ?the restaurant? s bill of? fare. And? when they? were serv?ed, he ?regarded them? with a pe?netrating ?stare . . ?. Then he ?spoke grea?t ?
Words of Wisdom as? he sat th?ere on tha?t chair: T?o eat thes?e ?things, said my un?cle, you m?ust excerc?ise great ?care. You ?may ?swallow down wha?t s solid ?. . . BUT ?. . . you ?must spit ?out the ?air! And . .? . as you ?partake of? the world? s bill of? fare, tha?t ?s darned good advi?ce to foll??ow. Do a lot of spit?ting out t?he ?hot air. And be c?areful wha?t you swal?low. ?
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opportunities and challenges
first, i would like to know, what does your destiny offer you? happiness, wisdom, a strong body or something else. if i had asked this question to president nixon, he would probably had said,our destiny offers not the cup of despair, but the chalice of opportunity.
needless to say, one of the biggest opportunities given to china is the xx olympic games. till now, we have used two sevenths of the preparation time. how much changes have you seen? new roads, new subway lines, public-exercising equipments with beautiful colors, large blocks of grass fields, and also lots of modern gyms which are under construction.
other than those, there are even more good effects brought to us by the olympic games that cannot be seen directly. for example, more and more people will get to know china. im sure the mysterious chinese culture will attract them strongly. and the games will also do good to the economy and environment, for it is gaining the attention of foreign investors and the awareness of environmental protection is being strengthened. what is more, olympic games give a unique opportunity to inspire and educate a new
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generation of chinese youth with the olympic values and the olympic spirit. now that we have seen so many advances, could you even imagine us losing the holding rights?
ive already said a lot about the olympics and china. but i think everyone should use some time to think of this question, does the olympic games have any special meaning to you?
for us, i mean the chinese youth, xx olympic games is a tremendous gift. because what we are waiting for is to do something significant as repaying the love given to us .the society is just like a ship, and in our dreams the captain is waving his hand and saying hey! e here and take the helm! how charming his voice is, but we have never heard of it in our true life. this morning, however, when we wake up, we will see the olympic games waving its hand. after chewing, most of us will have at least one plan about what to do for the olympic games. and mine is to be a forter ----that is someone who will give fort to others.
at the end of my speech, i hope all the preparation will go well, and everyone will show their ability to the world. let us seize opportunities and give a big smile to challenges.
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3 ----------------------------------------------------精品文档 值得收藏-----------------------------------------------------------
--------------------------------------------精品文档 Word可编辑 值得收藏------------------------------------------------ 动中,我受到了深深的震撼,一位院士有着如此节俭的生活,对一件事可以几十
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大学毕业晚会演讲稿:? ?
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