“首相”或”正方领袖” 第一个发言选手的职责是展开辩题。对于整个辩论的前半部分起着至关重要的作用。所以合理的角度、适当的陈述都可以为整个辩论开个好头。
“反方领袖” 反方开篇陈述的目的在于,直接或间接地驳斥正方提出的(我觉得”案例”这个词用在这里不合适,但我没有更好的建议),或通过提出确凿的论据,反驳辩题。
“副首相” 辩手应该驳斥反方领袖的发言,并进一步加强”首相”提出的。
“反方第二领袖” 辩手应支持他/她的队友,答复对方辩手提出的疑问并且在驳论中添加新论点。
“正方成员” 辩手应该通过引入一个延展案例来支持正方开篇陈述队伍的立场。一个有力的延展案例应该提出一个与正方一、二辩手完全不同的自己的理论,同时此理论也对其产生支持。正方选手也可以反驳反方第二领袖提出的(观点?)。
“反方成员” 辩手应该支持反方一、二辩手的立场,并且必须引入新的延展。与正方辩手一样,反方辩手独特的延展案例应与反方一、二辩手提出的完全不同,但同时仍然在大方向上与他/她们的观点一致。反方辩手同样也可以直接或间接地反驳正方辩手的论述。
“正方总结” 辩手应该总结正方的论述和反方的反驳,除非是要反驳反方辩手的论述,否则正方总结不应再提出新的立论点。
“反方总结” 辩手应该总结反方的延展案例并且对整场辩论中每支辩论队的立场做出回应。反方总结不能提出新的立论点。
Introduction About Debate
1. ?Matter? relates to the issues in debate, the case being presented and the material used to substantiate
2. The issues under debate should be correctly
prioritized (by teams) and ordered (by individuals), dealing with the most important/pertinent first.
3. Matter should be logical and well reasoned.
4. Matter should be relevant, both to the issue in
contention and the cases being advanced.
5. Matter should be persuasive.
wNo ?new matter? is to be introduced during Reply Speeches. The Reply Speech presents teams with an
opportunity to focus on the major issue(s) in the debate and the way in which both teams approach that ?point of Clash?. The Reply Speech should also give an ?optimistic overview? of the general approach to the debate by both sides and
focus on the relative merits of the case by the side Replying,
and the relative weaknesses in the case of the opposing team.
wAll speakers should develop ?positive matter? in
advancing their respective cases. While an Opposition team may win by demonstrating that the Government has not proved the motion true, they should not rely purely on their rebuttal of the Government case and will likely benefit from presenting positive matter in opposition to the motion.
a) Vocal Style: Volume, clarity, pronunciation, pace, intonation, fluency, confidence, and authority.
b) Language: Conversational.
c) Use of notes: Should not distract, should not be read. d) Eye Contact: With audience.
e) Gesture: Natural, appropriate.
f) Sincerity: Believability.
g) Personal Attacks: (derogatory ments are not to be tolerated).
h) Humor: Effectiveness, appropriateness.
The major influence on an adjudicator must be: ?Is the speaker?s and team?s Method EFFECTIVE in advancing the case??
a) Organization: The structuring of individual arguments and ordering of collective arguments in the speeches .
b) Issue Selection: The identification of relevant points of clash in the round.
c) Perspective: The ability to explain the relevance of individual arguments to the motion being argued.
d) Refutation: The willingness and ability to engage and critique the points offered by the opposing team.
e) Teamwork: The degree to which the members of a team work together to collectively advance a strategy.
How to Choose Motions?
Prioritization of 3 Motions Given Based on:
a) Knowledge Resource of Team members
How much do we know of this issue?
b) Debating Positions of Your Team
What advantage will we have with this motion as Government/Opposition team?
c) Knowledge of Opposing Team?s status
What are the strengths/weaknesses of our Opponents in this debate?
Case Construction involves:
Defining the Motion & Creating Arguments that support it: Defining the Motion means
a) Clearly stating meanings of “key terms”
E.g. “This House believes that professional athletes are good role models for Chinese youth.”
How to Choose Motions?
Prioritization of 3 Motions Given Based on:
a) Knowledge Resource of Team members
How much do we know of this issue?
b) Debating Positions of Your Team
What advantage will we have with this motion as
Government/Opposition team?
c) Knowledge of Opposing Team?s status
What are the strengths/weaknesses of our Opponents in this debate?
Case Construction involves:
Defining the Motion & Creating Arguments that support it: Defining the Motion means
a) Clearly stating meanings of “key terms”
E.g. “This House believes that professional athletes are good role models for Chinese youth.”
b) Establish Team Line (Base Line) & Split:
(THBT the world is a global village)
Team Line/Base Line/Stance
Because of the existence of interdependence and
mon interest
Spilt/Case Division
This is true in the a) social arena, b) geopolitical realm and c) economic sphere
c) Creating Arguments that support it
Prioritize the Arguments with the strongest presented first to prove global interdependence and growing mon interest:
Argument 1 (1stSpeaker)
Social Arena --evidence, case studies, statistics, trend analysis, etc
Argument 2 (1stSpeaker)
Geopolitics --ditto
Argument 3 (2ndSpeaker)
Global Economics --ditto
3rd Speakers must not carry new arguments
Setting Opposition Case
Proposing “Status Quo”
“Why change when things are fine now …”
Offering a “Counter Proposal”
“Our plan works better than yours ….?
Provide “Positive Objections”
“Yours does not work and will be harmful to…”
w** Opinion needs to have team line, split, prioritized arguments in 1stand 2ndSpeakers too!
Refutation Strategies
What are Rebuttals?
Arguments raised in response to Opinion?s arguments. Comprises analysis of why Opinion is wrong, is consistent with own case, as well support/reinforce own team line
How to do it?
State what argument is rebutted, explain flaw(s) in
argument, support it with evidence. examples, case studies, and finally linking it relevantly to your side of the topic.
Rebutting Parts of Arguments
1. Factual Error: Your argument is factually wrong
“Your statistics/example/case studies are wrong
because ….”
2. Your argument is not supported by any evidence
“You merely asserted that ... without providing any relevant examples…”
3.The consequences of your argument are not
acceptable (morally, socially, etc)
“How could you ban smoking in pubs when it violates the right of the smoker and his friends to socialize together …”
4.Not Important: Your argument is correct but has little weight in this debate
“Your policy helps on the minority, the smokers, but what about the majority of the non-smokers who have to inhale second-hand smoke in pubs …”
5.Your argument is illogical –the conclusions do not follow from the premises
“You claim that banning cigarette advertisements on TV will cause more young people to smoke as it makes smoking more mysterious and enticing, like a forbidden fruit, but I submit to you that the opposite is more likely to be true: banning a steady stream of advertisements depicting
smoking as glamorous/attractive will REDUCE the number of young people who smoke.”
6. Not Relevant/Irrelevant:
“The fact that smoking causes cancer is not relevant to this debate because the issue at hand is the right of
individual citizens to make informed choices concerning their own personal health ….”
7. Contradiction in Opponents? Arguments
Point out that the speakers/team are not clear about their own case. To be able to catch the opponents contradicting themselves requires good tracking skills, that is, skills in good note-taking and Active Listening.
8. Failure to perform roles/responsibilities declared PM: “ To totally destroy the Opposition and win today?s debate, the Government will do the following 3 things:
Show that women are stronger than men
Show that women are smarter than men
Show that women are wiser leaders than men
To prove that women are true heroes of the New
To damage the opponents, point out their failure to cover the areas they promised to go over in the PM?s speech.
Rebutting the Case as a Whole
To break down the case of the opponents, it is not enough to rebut each/all/random arguments put forth by them.
Winning a debate will require you to systematically break down a team?s case.
Here are the questions/points to consider
1 What is their approach to the case? Is it flawed? Why? 2 What tasks did they set themselves? Did they address them? What problems are there in the way they address them?
3 What is the general emphasis of the case? What assumptions are made? Can they be refuted?
4 What are the key arguments of the other side? How can they be shown to be flawed?
5.Focus on identifying the key issues/arguments which are used to support the case of the opponents and then systematically breaking them down by showing that they cannot stand up to scrutiny.
**Do not try to shoot down all examples/arguments as there will not be enough time, and is unsystematic.
Point of Information(POI)
POIs are ments made by members directed at the speech of
the member holding the floor; POI should be brief, pertinent and
preferably witty. Points of order and points of personal privilege
are prohibited.
Offering & Responding to Points of Information (POIs)
A POI can be a Question or a
Statement/Clarification/Contradiction and should not take more than 15 seconds
Each Speaker is strongly encourage to Accept at least 2POIs
All team members should try to give POIs without being disruptive
How POIs offered are judged
w1.The threat they pose to the strength of the argument of the debater,
w2.Value of its wit and humour
How POIs taken are judged
1.Promptness and Confidence in answering
2.Strength of the Response
3.Value of wit and humor
“please answer my question” “my dear friend”
We think this is tremendous waste of your words by always saying “my dear friends”, “please answer my questions” so bluntly.
Topic:World Governments Should Conduct Serious Campaigns Against Smoking
The argument : key words
1. Definite link: smoking and bronchial troubles, heart disease, lung cancer.
2. Governments hear, see, smell, no evil.
3. A few governments: timid measures.
4. E.g. Britain: TV advertising banned; nation?s conscience appeased; cancerous death.
5. Official reactions to medical findings: lukewarm.
6. Tobacco: source of revenue. E. g. Britain: tobacco tax pays for educations.
7. A short- sighted policy.
8. Enormous sums spent fighting the disease; lives lost.
9. Smoking should be banned altogether.
10. We are not ready for such drastic action.
11. But governments, if really concerned, should conduct aggressive anti-smoking campaigns.
12. The tobacco industry spends vast sums on
13. Advertising: insidious, dishonest.
14. Never shown pictures of real smokers coughing up lungs, only virile young men.
15. Smoking associated with great open-air life, beautiful girls, togetherness, Nonsense!
16. All advertising should be banned; anti-smoking campaign conducted.
17. Smoking should be banned in public places.
18. Young people should be warned, dire consequences.
19. Warning, death?s head, included in every packet.
20. Governments should protect us from ourselves.
The counter-argument key words
1. There are still scientists who doubt smoking / cancer link.
2. People who don?t smoke should keep quiet.
3. Smoking brings many psychological benefits:
4. Relieves stresses of everyday life: provides
constant consolation.
5. E. g. we smoke when taking exams, worried, bereaved, etc.
6. Associated with good living; social contacts made easier.
7. Smoking is very enjoyable: relaxing, e.g. with a cup of coffee; after a meal, etc.
8. It?s absurd to suggest we ban it after so many hundreds of years.
9. Enormous interests involved: governments, tobacco growers, tobacco industries, retail businesses.
10. Tax apart, important source of ine to many countries: e.g. USA, Rhodesia, Greece, Turkey.
11. People should be free to decide, not bullied by governments; banning is undemocratic.
12. The tobacco industry spends vast sums on medical research.
13. Improved filters have resulted; e.g. Columbia University.
14. Now possible to smoke and enjoy it without danger.
6.11 语言反应训练
1. A big black bug bit a big black bear, made the big black bear bleed blood.
2. A flea and a fly flew up in a flue. Said the flea, "Let us fly!" Said the fly, "Let us flee!" So they flew through a flaw in the flue.
3. A tidy tiger tied a tie tighter to tidy her tiny tail.
4. A writer named Wright was instructing his little son how to write Wright right. He said: "It is not right to write Wright as 'rite'---try to write Wright aright!"
5. Betty Botter had some butter, "But," she said, "this butter's bitter. If I bake this bitter butter, it would make my batter bitter. But a bit of better butter -- that would make my batter better."
6. Bill's big brother is building a beautiful building between two big brick blocks.
7. He thrusts his fists against the posts and still insists he sees the ghosts.
8. How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? He would chuck, he would, as much as he could, and chuck as much wood as a woodchuck would if a woodchuck could chuck wood.
9. I thought a thought. But the thought I thought wasn't the thought I thought I thought.
10. If you notice this notice you will notice that this notice is not worth noticing.
11. If a shipshape ship shop stocks six shipshape shop-soiled ships, how many shipshape shop-soiled ships would six shipshape ship shops stock?
12. Sarah sitting in her sitting room, all she does is sits and shifts, all she does is sits and shifts.
13. She sells seashells by the sea shore. The shells she sells are surely seashells. So if she sells shells on the seashore, I'm sure she sells seashore shells.
14. Three gray geese in the green grass grazing. Gray were the geese and green was the grass.
15. While we were walking, we were watching window washers wash Washington's windows with warm washing water.
16. A Finnish fisher named Fisher failed to fish any fish one Friday afternoon and finally he found out a big fissure裂缝in his fishing-net.
17. Where is the watch I put in my pocket to take to the shop because it had stopped?
18. Mr. Cook said to a cook: "Look at this cook-book. It's very good." So the cook took the advice of Mr. Cook and bought the book.
19. How much dew would a dewdrop drop if a dewdrop could drop dew?
20. Sandy sniffed sweet smelling sunflower seeds while sitting beside a swift stream.
目的:锻炼学生用英语思维、组织语言、表达思想的能力 ? One day, I saw a girl on a bus...
? The animals in the forest are holding a meeting... ? I saw a woman in a car accident...
? flower, butterfly, cry
? frog, cloud, horse
? boy, death, laugh
? TV, president, writer
1. If I were the Dean of Foreign Languages
2. Planes, Cars, bicycles, or on foot, which do you prefer?
3. If I were a reporter, I?d like to cover entertainment news, international news, domestic news, or documentaries.
4. If I were a writer, I would focus on … in my novels in this Wenchuan Earthquake.
On Debating
Clarity: Avoid use of terms which can be interpreted differently by different readers. When we are talking to people who substantially agree with us we can use such terms as "rednecks" or "liberals" and feel reasonably sure that we will be understood. But in a debate, we are talking to people who substantially disagree with us and they are likely to put a different interpretation on such words.
Evidence: Quoting an authority is not evidence. Quoting a majority opinion is not evidence. Any argument that starts with, "According to Einstein..." is not based on objective evidence. Any argument that starts with, "Most biologists believe..." is not based on objective evidence. Saying, "The Bible says..." is not evidence. Authorities and majorities can be wrong and frequently have been. (历届辩论赛中出现最多的问题)
Emotionalism: Avoid emotionally charged words--words that are likely to produce more heat than light. Certainly the racial, ethnic, or religious hate words have no place in rational debating. Likewise, avoid argumentum ad hominem. Personal attacks on your opponent are an admission of intellectual bankruptcy. Also, slurs directed at groups with whom your opponent is identified are usually nonproductive. Try to keep attention centered on the objective problem itself. There is a special
problem when debating social, psychological, political, or religious ideas because a person's theories about these matters presumably have some effect on his own life style. In other words, rather than saying "and that's why you are such an undisciplined wreck" say,
"a person adopting your position is, I believe, likely to bee an undisciplined wreck because ..."
Causality: Avoid the blunder of asserting a causal relationship with the popular fallacy of post hoc ergo propter hoc which declares that because some event A happened and immediately afterward event B happene
d that event A was the cause of event B. (I knew someone whose car stalled on the way to work. She would get out and open the hood and slam it and then the car would start. Singing a song would have been just as effective to allow time for a vapor lock to dissipate!) Also avoid the popular fallacy that correlation proves causation. People who own Cadillacs, on average, have higher ines than people who don't. This does not mean that if we provided people with Cadillacs that they would have higher ines.
Innuendo(影射): Innuendo is saying something pejorative about your opponent without ing right out and saying it but by making more or less veiled allusions to some circumstance, rumor, or popular belief. If you want to see some excellent examples of innuendo, watch Rush Limbaugh. Politicians are, unfortunately, frequently guilty of using innuendo. It is an easy way to capitalize on popular prejudices without having to make explicit statements which might be difficult or impossible to defend against rational attack.
Be sure of your facts. What is the source of your information? If it is a newspaper or a magazine, are you sure that the information hasn't been "slanted" to agree with that publication's political bias? Where crucial facts are concerned, it is best to check with more than one source. Often international publications will give you a different perspective than your hometown newspaper. Check to see whether the book you are using was published by a regular publishing pany or whether
it was published by some special interest group like the John Birch Society or a religious organization. These books cannot be trusted to present unbiased evidence since their motivation for publishing is not truth but rather the furtherance of some political or religious view.
Understand your opponents' arguments. It is good practice to argue with a friend and take a position with which you do not agree. In this way you may discover some of the assumptions your opponents are making which will help you in the debate. Remember that everybody thinks that his position is the right one, and everybody has his reasons for thinking so.
Do not impute ridiculous or malevolent ideas to your opponent. An example of this is the rhetorical statement,
"Have you stopped beating your wife?" This imputes or presupposes that your opponent has beaten his wife. One frequently sees references by conservative speakers and writers to the idea that gay activists want "special privileges." This would be ridiculous if it were true. It isn't true, but speaking as if it were true and well known to all is egregiously unfair to listeners or readers who may not be well informed. It is probably always wise to treat your opponent with respect, even if he doesn't deser
ve it. If he doesn't deserve respect, this will probably soon bee obvious enough.
Regression to the mean(逻辑退化): Another source of error which occurs very frequently is the failure to take into account regression to the mean. This is a bit technical, but it is very important, especially in any kind of social or psychological research which depends upon statistical surveys or even experiments which involve statistical sampling. Rather than a general statement of the principle (which bees more and more unintelligible as the statement bees more and more rigorous) an example will be used.
Let's consider intelligence testing.
1. Perhaps we have a drug that is supposed to raise the IQ of mentally retarded kids. So we give a thousand intelligence tests and select the 30 lowest scoring individuals.
2. We then give these low scoring kids our drug and test them again.
3. We find that there has been an increase in the average of their IQ scores.
4. Is this evidence that the drug increased the IQ?
Not necessarily! Suppose we want to show that smoking marijuana lowers the IQ. Well, we take the 30 highest scoring kids in our sample and give them THC and test them again. We find a lower average IQ. Is this evidence that marijuana lowers the IQ?
Not necessarily! Any statistician knows that if you make some kind of a measurement of some attribute of a large sample of people and then select the highest and lowest scoring individuals and make the same measurement again, the high scoring group will have a lower average score and the low scoring group will have a higher average score than they did the first time. This is called "regression to the mean" and it is a perfectly universal statistical principle.
There are undoubtedly more points to be made here. Suggestions will be gratefully received. Larry has made the following suggestions:
?Apply the scientific method. (运用科学方法)
?Cite relevant personal experience. (合理引用相关的个人经历) ?Be polite. (辩论过程中有礼待人)
?Organize your response. (Beginning, middle, end.) (对你辩词进行合理的组织) ?Treat people as individuals.
?Cite sources for statistics and studies used.
?Literacy works. Break posts into sentences and paragraphs. ?Read the post you are responding to. ?Stay open to learning.
I would be glad to hear your opinion of ? 我很乐意听听你对??的意见。 Are you of the same opinion as I? 你与我的看法一致吗?
I was wondering where you stood on the question of ? 我想知道你对??问题怎么看。
B引入自己的新观点或看法的用语 Another point is that ? 另一点是?? Another way of looking at it is ? 看这个问题的另一个看法是?? I forgot to say / tell you that? 我忘记要讲?...
That’s all I want to say. 我想说的就这些了。
Do you agree? I’m sure you agree. 你赞同吗?我相信你是赞同的。 D就对方阐述的观点进行总结时的用语 As you said? 像你所说的那样?? But didn’t you say that?? 但是,难道你没说过??吗?、
If I understood you correctly, you said that? 要是我理解正确的话,你说过??.
I’m not sure really. Do you think so? Well, it depends. I?m not so certain.
Well, I’m not so sure about that.
I’m inclined to disagree with that. No, I don’t think so really. F如何强烈反对对方某一观点 I disagree.
I disagree with you entirely. I?m afraid I don?t agree. I?m afraid you are wrong there. I wouldn?t accept that for one minute. You can't really mean that. You can?t be serious.
对方辩友,my fellow debaters
Honorable judges, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen..... 如果想要驳斥对方的逻辑,进行假设:according to your logic
You are missing the point!(你没有说重点!你没有围绕中心!即,他在钻洞子,这个时候他很有可能会说漏。注意,要用are,不能说成You're,因为这样语气,士气就没有了。)
You just don't understand what we talked about!(你根本就没有明白我们刚说了什么!即:误解了,曲解了)
You know what? You are straying from the main point!你知道吗?你已经跑题了!(也要注意,都用You are)
自由辩论的阶段,可以在他在说的时候,插进去,说“Wait!Wait!You just said??,did you?”(当然这句话要用在,你发现对方说的不正确时~~)
You are generalizing what I asked!(你在以偏盖全!即:我要你回答这个,但对方你绕过去了!)
Please ask my question!(请不要回避我的问题!请你回答!!)
Honorable judges, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen.....
Ways to open a debate
? To set the framework for our opinion, we believe it is necessary to state…
? We would like to introduce our stand by giving the following definitions. …
? In order to effectively debate this topic, we would like to propose….
? A number of key issues arise which merit (deserve) closer examination.
? We will elaborate one of the most striking features of this problem, namely…
? In the first place we would like to make clear that…. The main argument focuses on….
1. Giving Reasons and offering explanations:
? To start with…,
? The reason why...,
? That's why...,
? For this reason...,
? That's the reason why...,
? Many people think....,
? Considering...,
? Allowing for the fact that...,
? When you consider that...,
2. Asking for an opinion from the other party
? I would be glad to hear your opinion of … 我很乐意听听你对……的意见。
? Are you of the same opinion as me? 你与我的看法一致吗?
? I was wondering where you stood on the question of … 我想知道你对……问题怎么看。
? well…what do you think (about)
? Do you agree? (don't you agree?)你同意吗?(你是不是同意?)
? What's your view on the matter?就这件事你的看法呢? how do you see it?你怎么看它?
? Let's have your opinion.让我们听听你的意见! ? do you think that…?你认为…吗
3. Stating an opinion陈述观点
? I think..., In my opinion..., I believe…
? I'd like to point out that我想指出的是…
? Speaking for myself站在自己的立场上说…
? In my experience…根据我的经验…
? I'd like to say this: …我会这样说…
? I suppose...,
? I'd rather..., I'd prefer...,
? The way I see it...,
? As far as I'm concerned...,就我而言,…
? If it were up to me...,
? I suspect that...,
? I'm pretty sure that...,
? It is fairly certain that...,
? I'm convinced that...,
? I honestly feel that…,
? I strongly believe that...,
? Without a doubt...,
? While others may argue that…, Considering the current …,
? It?s safe to say that…,
? In fact…, It?s a fact that…,
? A recent study has shown that…,
4. How to convince in a debate
? The other team has tried to make some good points, however, they forgot to think about some very important
issues, namely….
? We hear what the opposition are saying but we do not agree. We will prove to you…
? That?s one way to think about it, however,….
? Their opinion may seem plausible at first glance, however, we would like to remind you of recent developments in this area. According to ….
? At first sight, their argument seems to be true. But…. ? They unfortunately failed to reveal the truth of the matter,….
? It is easy enough to make broad generalisation
about...like the other team just did, but in reality it is a very plex issue.
? It is only a matter of time until it will bee evident
that the other team?s stand must fall due to the following reasons….
? One must take into account that….
☆ Coming up with a new point:
? Another point is that … 另一点是……
? Another way of looking at it is … 看这个问题的另一个看法是……
? I forgot to say / tell you that… 我忘记要讲…
5. Clarifying a point阐述观点
? a. what I said was…我刚才说的是…
? b. what I mean to say was…我的意思是说…
? c. let me repeat what I said.让我重复我刚才所说的。 ? d. let me rephrase what I said.让我重申刚才所说的。 6. Concluding your own point of views
? That?s all I want to say. 我想说的就这些了。
? Do you agree? I?m sure you agree. 你赞同吗?我相信你是赞同的。
7. Concluding the points of the other side debater ? As you said… 像你所说的那样……
? But haven?t you said that…? 但是,难道你没说过……吗?、 ? If I understood you correctly, you said that… 要是我理解正确的话,你说过…….
☆ How to Agree Strongly with an Opinion.
? I couldn't agree more!
? That's absolutely true!
? Absolutely!
? I agree with your point.
? I'd go along with you there.
? I'm with you on that.
? That's just what I was thinking.
? That's exactly what I think.
? That's a good point.
? That's just how I see it.
? That's exactly my opinion.
? That's a good point. 这个看法不错
? I feel the same way.我也持同样的想法。
8. How to Half Agree with an Opinion.
? Yes, perhaps, however ... Well, yes, but ... Yes, in a way, however ... Hmm, possibly, but ... Yes, I agree up to a point, however ... Well, you have a point there, but ... There's something there, I suppose, however. I guess you could be right, but ... Yes, I suppose so, however ... That's worth thinking about, but ...
9. Politely disagreeing
? I don't think that...,
? on the other hand… on the contrary… ? Hmm, I'm not sure you're right.
10. I'm inclined to disagree with that.
? Don't you think it would be better..., I'd prefer... ? But what about..., 但关于…方面呢?
? That can't be true那不可能是真的。
? I'm afraid I don't agree...
? Frankly, I doubt if..., ? considered... ? the fact that...
? I can't possibly agree with you.我不可能同意你。
? I hate to disagree with you,but…我不喜欢反对你,但…
? all right,but don't you think…?好吧,但难道你不觉得… ? but that's different.但那是不一样的
? While your statement is pelling, I believe you have not expressed the main point of the problem.
? I understand your viewpoint, but it fails to consider... ? The problem with your point of view is that... ☆ strongly disagreeing
? I disagree (with your idea).
? I disagree with you entirely.
? I?m afraid I don?t agree.
? I wouldn?t accept that for one minute.
? You can't really mean that.
? You can?t be serious about that. .
? You must be joking.
? I wouldn't go along with you there.
? It's possible you are mistaken about that.
11. Possible conclusions
? To conclude, we must emphasise our opinion of…., therefore the other team?s point of view can no longer be supported.
? To sum up, our motion must stand, simply because during the debate we have shown….
? This debate has made obvious that their opinion cannot stand since…..
? The simple truth is…
? conclusion that…
? To draw a line under this debate, …
? After careful consideration, we must conclude that…. ? I think we have agreed to disagree.我想我们有相同点和不同点。
Pay attention!
? Avoid using absolute statements like Always, All, or Never. It?s remended to use these words instead: ? Almost all…,
? Usually…,
? Most of the time…,
? Every now and then…,
? Once in a while…,
? Frequently…, Rarely…,
? On occasion…, while keeping your opinions credible. ? Refrain from saying you are wrong. You can say your idea is mistaken.
? Don't disagree with obvious truths.
? Attack the idea not the person.
? Use many rather than most.
? Avoid exaggeration.
? Use some rather than many.
? The use of often allows for exceptions.
? The use of generally allows for exceptions. ? Quote sources and numbers.
? If it is just an opinion, admit it.
? Do not present opinion as facts.
? Smile when disagreeing.
? Stress the positive.
? You do not need to win every battle to win the war. ? Concede minor or trivial points.
? Avoid bickering, quarreling, and wrangling. ? Watch your tone of voice.
? Don't win a debate and lose a friend.
? Keep your perspective - You're just debating. Opening proposition 正方
? Prime minister, Deputy minister, Closing proposition Opening opposition 反方
? Leader opposition, Deputy opposition, Closing opposition
A Team U Were Part Of
Describe a team you were part of.
You should say:
when the team was formed
who else participated in it
what you did there
and explain why you became part of the team.
What do children (or, young people) usually do in groups?
Do you like co-operating with others?
What qualities (attributes) does a person need to be able to co-operate with others?
Which is more popular in your country, team sports or individual sports? Do you think co-operation between countries is important?
A Small Successful Company
Describe a small pany that you think is successful.
You should say:
what the name is
how you know about it
what does this pany do
and explain why do you think it is successful.
Do you think it's easier to be an employee in a pany or to be a pany owner?
What are the advantages of owning your own business?
How do small businesses attract customers (or clients)?
Do you think it's easy to have your own business (your own pany) in China? What can be done to ensure that customers' rights and interests are not encroached upon?
Describe a special thing you want to buy in the future You should say:
what it is
why you want to buy it
how long do you want to have it
and explain how to get it.
What things are people buying nowadays in China?
Which do you think are better, big shops such as department stores or small shops?
Do you think supermarkets create a problem for some small shops?
Do you think small shops might disappear in the future?
Do you think men and women have the same shopping habits?
An Exciting Sport
Describe an exciting sport you know.
You should say:
what the sport is
how you know about it
is it difficult
and explain why you think it is exciting.
How do you think of extreme sports?
Should governments ban dangerous sports for young people?
Would you encourage young people to do these sports?
What kinds of ball games do Chinese people like to do?
What kinds of sports can people in your country watch on TV?
A Change To Improve Local Area
Describe a change that will improve your local area.
You should say:
what the change is
why the change is needed
whether there will be any problems associated with change
and explain how it will improve your local area.
Does everyone like changes to their hometown?
In general, what are some of the reasons why changes occur to cities?
Do you think government should consult the views of the people before these changes are carried out?
What effects does a fast-growing population have on a city?
What are some differences between young people in the past and at present? An Activity U Do To Keep Fit
Describe an activity you do to keep fit.
You should say:
what you do
when you started doing it
how much time you spend doing it
and explain how this activity helps you keep fit.
Do you think most Chinese people lead a healthy lifestyle nowadays?
What are the advantages or disadvantages of spending your leisure time with your work colleagues?
Do you think employers should provide recreational facilities for their employees?
How is the time and length of annual holidays decided in China?
At what age do people retire in China?
An Electronic Equipment
Describe an electronic equipment you are familiar with.
You should say:
what the equipment is
when you bought it
what you can do with it
and explain why it is special to you.
Do you think it's important for employees (in industry) to be trained to use the equipment at work?
What do you think are the benefits of using modern equipment and devices (in the home)?
Do you agree that older people have difficulties in using (advanced) modern equipment?
How can we help elderly people to use these modern devices?
Do you think that the use of so much labour-saving equipment in the home tends to make people lazy?
A Special Toy
Describe a special toy you had in your childhood.
You should say:
what it was
who give it to you
How often you played it
and explain why it was special to you.
What kind of toy would you give if you had children?
Compared with the toys that children play nowadays, is there any toy you didn't have when you were young?
Do you think children should pay with hi-tech toys?
An Educational TV Program
Describe an educational TV program.
You should say:
what the program is
what type of program it is
what contents it has
and explain what you learned from the program.
What kinds of programs are the most popular (in China)?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of watching TV for both adults and children?
Would you say, for adults, watching TV is a good way to relax?
How are TV programs today different to those of the past?
What are the differences between watching the news on TV and reading the news in a newspaper.
A Book U Liked To Read
Describe a book you liked to read in your childhood.
You should say:
who wrote this book
what it is about
when you read it
and explain why you liked it.
Do children prefer to read or to watch TV? (Why?)
What kind of books do children like reading (today)?
What are the benefits that children derive from reading?
How can parents encourage their children to read more?
What are the differences between watching TV and reading?
A Time You Got Lost
Describe a time when you got lost.
You should say:
when and where it happened
who was there with you
how you felt when you got lost
and explain how you eventually found your way.
Why do some people get lost easily but others don't?
Is digital map important? Would people rely more on digital maps?
Why do people like travelling?
What kind of preparation do people need to do?
An Ambition
Describe an ambition you have not achieved yet.
You should say:
what it is
when you first had this ambition
why you had this ambition
and explain why you haven't achieved it yet.
Do you think children should have ambitions?
Do you think parents should stop children form thinking too big?
What's the importance of having ambition?
What are the advantages feeling ambitious towards your work?
A Stage Of Life
Describe an age or a stage of life that was enjoyable to you.
You should say:
when it was
what you did during that period of life
who was with
and explain why you think it was enjoyable to you.
What's the legal marriage age in China?
Do you think these age limits might be changed in the future? Why? Changed to what ages? Why not?
In China, is there any special celebration when people bee adults? Do people in China celebrate retirement from work?
What's the attitude in China towards old people?
An Old Person You Respect
Describe an old person you respect.
You should say:
who this person is
what he or she look likes like
how do you know this person
and explain why you respect him or her.
Why do panies usually not hire old people for work?
In your country, at what age do people usually retire from work? Is this retirement age a law or is it just the custom in your country? Do you think this is a suitable age to retire?
Do you think many old people would like to continue working after they retire? What problems do you imagine some old people have as a result of retiring from work?
Why do some employers think that hiring old people has advantages?
What do you think is the role of old people in the family today? Has this role changed, pared to the past?
Do you think that old people should live with their children (and grandchildren)? What are the benefits of this?
Something You Learned On Internet
Describe something interesting you learnt from the internet.
You should say:
what you learnt
what website you learnt it from
how you learnt it and explain
why you think what you learned was interesting.
How has the internet changed your country?
What would happen when the internet couldn't work in your country? Would libraries disappear in the future?
Why is weibo popular in China?
Do you think information from weibo is more valuable than those from other sources?
A Good Leader
Describe a friend who you think is a good leader.
You should say:
who this friend is
how you first met
how other people behave towards him or her
and explain why you think he or she is a good leader.
Part 3
In your culture, what kinds of people can be leaders?
Has there been a change in the characteristics that leaders should have? Many women are earning more money now, does it mean that they can be leaders?
A Historical Building
Describe a historical building.
You should say:
where it is
when and who you t with
what it is like
and explain why you think you wanted to visit it.
Do you think we should repair old buildings?
How to attract more people to visit historical places? How to protect historical buildings?
What's the most important historical building in your country?
How to make people more interested in history?
关于举办湘潭大学第四届“百灵鸟杯”英语辩论赛暨 第十八届“外研社杯”全国英语辩论赛校内选拔赛的通知
主办:教务处、校团委、大学英语教学部 承办:校学生会 二、参赛对象
湘潭大学在校本专科学生(2012、2013级)及研究生 三、组队及报名方式
联系人:黄伯清;电话:58292163;e-mail:kszx@xtu.edu.。 四、比赛规则
复赛(16进8):5月10日下午2:30~4:30。 半决赛(8进4):5月17日上午8:30~10:30。 决赛:5月17日下午2:30~4:30。 六、辩题设置
初赛辩题是Children from rural areas should not be encouraged to go to college,复赛辩题是China should carry out the one-family-two-childrenpolicy with no restrictions,半决赛和决赛辩题在上一轮比赛结束后宣布。
共青团湘潭大学委员会 大学英语教学部
湘潭大学第四届“百灵鸟杯”英语辩论赛暨第第十八届 “外研社杯”全国英语辩论赛校内选拔赛报名名额分配表
学 院: (盖章)
联系人: 联系电话:
湘潭大学第四届“百灵鸟杯”英语辩论赛暨第十八届 “外研社杯”全国英语辩论赛校内选拔赛辩手职责与评分准则
Speaker Roles
Each speaker has a role and each speech has a specific purpose. The descriptions of speaker roles listed below are suggestive and are not intended to be exhaustive or exclusive. All speakers, except the final speakers for the Proposition and Opposition (Proposition and Opposition Whips), should introduce new material. All debaters should refute the opposing teams’ arguments, except the Prime
Speaker Points Guidelines
Teams should be ranked on the basis of their matter and manner.
Matter refers to the content and substance of a team’s arguments. Matter includes arguments and reasoning, evidence, examples, case studies, facts, statistics and any other material that a team uses to further the case. Matter includes both positive (or substantive) material and refutation (arguments specifically aimed to counter the arguments of the opposing team(s)).
Matter should be relevant, logical and consistent. It should relate to the issues of the debate: positive material should support the case being presented and refutation should engage the material presented by the opposing team(s). Arguments should be developed logically in order to be clear and well reasoned and therefore plausible. The conclusion of all arguments should support the member’s case. Members should ensure that the matter they present is consistent within their speech, their team and the remainder of the members on their side of the debate. All members should present positive matter (except the final two members in the debate) and all members should engage in refutation (except the first member in the debate). The Government Whip may choose to present positive matter if it is relevant to refuting the Member of the Opposition’s extension.
Manner refers to the strategy and presentation of a team’s arguments. Manner includes elements such as argument choice, speech structure, vocal and physical delivery, use of POIs, and so forth.
Manner should enhance the team’s effort to prove or disprove the motion and should be pelling. To enhance their effort, the team should appropriately prioritize and apportion time to the dynamic issues of the debate, present their arguments in an order that is clear and logical, engage the arguments of the opposing side through direct or indirect refutation. Compelling manner is that which presents the material in a way that demonstrates a concern for vocal and physical presentation. Compelling teams deliver arguments with appropriate levels of passion, present their material in a way that attends to appropriate vocal and physical delivery, and avoid behaviors that detract from the force and effectiveness of their arguments.
This description of matter and manner is necessarily inplete. The adjudication panel should assess the totality of each team’s efforts (including, but not limited to, matter and manner) to achieve a just and fair decision. After the adjudicators have agreed upon the ranking for each team, the panel should determine the speaker scores for each debater. Individual speaker scores should be assigned as follows, where a score of 75 would reflect
The aggregate of the two team members’ individual speaker scores will prise their team’s team score. Each team must receive a team score appropriate to their rank in the debate; no “low point wins” may be assigned. For example, if the 2nd place team in the round is assigned an aggregate team score of 170 points, the 1st place team must receive at least 171 aggregate points. Ties in team scores are not permitted.
Manner 主要指辩手陈述己方观点和反驳对方观点时所采用的风格和策略。风格包括说话方式,如音量,清晰度,发音,节奏,语调,流利程度,自信心等,也包括目光交流,可信度,自然恰当的手势,和有效适度的幽默感等方面。策略包括组织论据,选择论点,应对质询,和团队合作等方面。本比赛没有一成不变的“正确”风格和策略。鉴于英语并非参赛选手的母语,英语水平可以作为评分的一个依据,但不能作为唯一的评分依据。
(Note: Each team should be ranked 1st, 2nd , 3rd or 4th . Provide 1-100 speaker points for each Please provide reasons for your rankings:
一、 初赛
1. Staying in China or going aboard for education bees more and more popular for several years. Do you think which is better?
2. Should middle school students be allowed to bring the cell phone or not?
3. Is it good or not to observe the experience
4. City or village, which one is the best place to live in
5. Can money buy happiness?
6. Should we diet in order to keep fit?
7. Is puppy love good or bad for studying?
8. Does criticism do more harm than good to people?
9. Is it good or not for Yunnan to cancel the senior high school entrance examination
二、 复赛
1. Is it good or not for Yunnan to cancel the senior high school entrance examination
2. Is it good or not for Kunming to build the underground
3. “Piracy” means the publishing, reproducing of a book, CD, VCD, tape, etc. without permission. Are you in favor of piracy or against piracy?
4. Do you think cosmetic surgery have a positive or negative influence
on our society?
5. Should different cultures merge into each other or maintain their unique features?
6. Which is more important for hunting a job, the personal ability or interpersonal relationships?
7. Does advertisement play a positive or negative role in our society?
8. Is it good to use Internet words instead of using traditional words
9. When we see the old lying on the ground, lend a hand or not?
1. Is it a right and smart way for Americans to take up the Wall Street and even Washington D.C
2. Foreign culture has great effect on Chinese culture. Does the advantage of such effect outweigh the disadvantage or does the disadvantage outweigh the advantage?
3. What does work mean to people? Work to live or live to work?
English Corner
? 正方一辩:谢谢主席。 各位观众,对方辩友,大家好。我方的观点是网络对于大学生利大于弊。随着经济的发展和信息时代的到来,我们的生活发生了翻天覆地的变化,这就要求我们大学生应该掌握更多更新的多方面信息,要求我们大学生从众多角度来分析问题,那么我们大学生获得信息的渠道应该是什么呢?对了,就是网络。网络的优点有以下几个方面。首先,网络可以给我们大学生提供更为广阔的学习空间和学习资源。大学生可以通过网络进行英语四、六级的学习和计算机等级考试的学习等等,而且在大学里同学们在学习上搞不懂的问题很多都可以在网络上经过探讨获得一个比较令人满意的答案。除此之外,大学生也可以登陆众多学校的网站,与其他学校的老师和学生交流学习体会,使得自己的知识更加的完善和全面。其次,大学生今后要从事的行业的动态信息对于大学生也是十分重要的,那么这些信息的来源的途径之一就是网络,而且网络的速度快,更新快,可以使大学生对自己专业的动态信息了如指掌,这就使大学生今后的就业既有方向性,又有目的性,使大学生对自己所学习的专业的要求有更加深刻的了解与认识,让他们的学习不再盲目,让他们的就业更加顺利。总而言之,网络是大学生所必需的,也是必要的,网络对于大学生利大于弊。谢谢大家!
英语辩论 Shanzhai culture is good to China
开场陈词 the beginning state
Good evening, honorable judges, chairman, ladies and gentlemen, Our view is that Shanzhai culture is good to China
For years, most users used “shanzhai” to just mean “fake”. But the vicious rivalry among shanzhaiji manufacturers is shifting the industry from imitation to innovation. With more than 10,000 black market handset makers in Shenzhen alone pushing units for profits of 10 to 20 yuan ($1.5-3) apiece, low revenues and high petition means shanzhaiji makers must now get creative to survive.
“Shanzhai mobile phones have shown pretty impressive innovation in terms of technology, appearance and manufacturability, which find no
parallels,” said principal of Newport Technologies Karl Weaver, who specializes in shanzhaiji.
“A lot of unusual technologies and designs are bined together. These binations bring out a wild variety of functions, although most infringe on the original manufacturer in some way.”
China is the world’s largest handset market with about 650 million mobile users and another 8.52 million sets sold every month. Last year, about 250 million shanzhaiji entered the market, Weaver says.
In Beijing’s Zhongguancun electronics market, vendors peddle fake Nokia phones with electric shavers and two SIM card slots — features the real brand doesn’t offer. 3G iPhone replicas with exteriors identical to the real devices are sold for 400 yuan pared to $299. Others are printed with names like “Sunyericcsun”.
The vast array of knockoff name-brand products, such as cell phones, DVDs, MP3 players, have made
How to half agree with an opinion 表示部分同意
Yes, perhaps. Well, yes. Yes, in a way. possibly.
Yes, I agree up to a point. Well, you've got a point there.
There's something in that, I suppose.
I guess you could be right.
Yes, I suppose so. That's worth thinking about.
How to disagree politely with an opinion 进行有礼貌的否决
I am not sure really. I can’t possibly agree with you.
Do you really think so? Well, it depends.
I'm not so certain. Well, I'm not so sure about that.
No, I don't think so really.
I’m afraid i disagree. i'm afraid i have a different opinion.
i'm afraid i don't share your opinion.
i see your point, but i can't really agree with you.
I don’t think so. that’s not (entirely) true.
i find that hard to swallow.
all right, but don’t you think??
How to disagree strongly with an opinion 坚决的否认
I disagree. I disagree with you entirely.
I'm afraid I don't agree. I'm afraid you are wrong there.
you can't be serious.
you're really stretching the truth.
I wouldn't accept that for one minute.
what are you talking about? you must be joking.
You can't really mean that. you've got it all wrong.
no, i won't agree! don't waste your breath.
You can't be serious. You must be joking.
you don't have a leg to stand on.
I would be glad to hear your opinion of ?
well?what do you think(about?)? How do you see it?
Do(don’t) you agree? What’s your view on the matter?
Are you of the same opinion as I? Let’s have your opinion.
I was wondering where you stood on the question of ?
Do you think that??
Another point is that ?
Another way of looking at it is ?
I forgot to say / tell you that?
in my opinion? Personally I think?
I believe that? I think that?
My (the) point is that?
if you ask me... I’d like to say this?
I’d like to point out that
Speaking for myself ... As far as I’m concerned,...
what I said was?
what I mean to say was?
let me repeat what I said...
let me rephrase what I said...
That’s all I want to say.
Do you agree? I’m sure you agree.
1?? Can you believe ???
2.If I want you to choose from ? and ? , which will you join in?
3.If you ??, can you??? I don’t think so.
4.To my defense...
5.My dear friend give me a clear answear please now.
6.I guess what you said just now is too far from our topic to catch it ,we have no interest in it.
8.If you keep on such stupid type like this,nobody will believe the simple
lies that you fed.
9.your word made me think of such a thing:though the stars shinning in the sky,tell me why do you know how they can fall above,tell me why. .your word made me think of such a thing:though the stars shinning in the sky,tell me why do you know how they can fall above,tell me why. 你的话让我想起了这样一件事:天上的星星在闪烁,告诉我你怎么会知道它能掉下里来呢,告诉我为什么!
Everything has two sides 每件事情都有两面
Benefits are more than disadvantage. 利大于弊
Positive/Negative more than impact/reports积极/消极作用/报道
Existence means truth.存在即是真理
Import/support our viewpoint包含/支持着我方的观点
提问人的追问 2009-10-07 15:33
Firstly,let us check out the definition of culture
culture means a situation or a cerain consequence which people are
appealed to interested in and tend to discuss it ofen Thus Shanzhai could be relevent to culture it must be a thing worth concentrating on ,worth caring about and worth discussing
Secondly,There is a say goes take this :anything that exists is reasonable Although Shanzhai culture oriented from invitating,it had developed as an accepted element of Chinese culture.No one can deny that the freat influence of Shanzhai culture has been accelerating the paces of
overspreading in digital product,the growing of entertainment munity as well as in other aspects
Thridly ,Every author knows that a good may always begin with copying.It turns out the same way with culture The branch of culture may also appear from copying
Shanzhai culture is a way of development.Its benefits can be found in many aspects.For example, manufacturers who are making Shanzhai products can learn from famous brands and gradually develop their own style.With
moderate government regulation, Shanzhai enterprises can even pete with those monopoly entreprises in domestic mrarkets
It provides many opportunities for people to enjoy a kind of culture which we have never experienced before.While enjoying the creativity among the Shanzhai culture, people find their way of life revitalized and full of vigo
这的确不假 但是在当今的社会 我们却是很需要这样的人才,社会进步加快 智能化的水平变搞,以前的司机都会开车,而且会修车 但是近几年的发展告诉我们 不会修车的司机越来越多 我们要在当今社会生活的舒服和安逸 就必定要知道怎么看地图去想去的地方 不用自己来画地图 看到喜欢的游戏 要了解怎么玩的游戏规则 不用自己去设计 。。。。。。。。
“一门精”,因为人的脑力有限, 人的大脑潜力是无穷的,“一门精”,也是社会发展的趋势使然
我们却是很需要这样的人才,社会进步加快 智能化的水平变搞,以前的司机都会开车,而且会修车 但是近几年的发展告诉我们 虽然不会修车的司机越来越多 然而故障的解决还是要靠“一门精”,你对于社会的“门门通”也不起作用 我们要在当今社会生活的舒服和安逸 就必定要有一门精来测量地图后 你才能去想去的地方 有了喜欢的游戏 要靠一门精设计出来 你才能玩 光了解怎么玩的游戏规则 无疑是画饼充饥 。。。。。。。。
“ 通 ” 是 “ 精 ” 的 基 础 ; “ 精 ” 是 “ 通 ” 的 极 至 。 在 “ 门 门 通 ” 中 实 现 “ 一 门 精 ” 才 是 市 场 最 需 要 的。 — — 王 远 郑 彬
我 欣 赏 “ 一 门 精 ” , 这 个 社 会 是 多 元 化 的 , 各 种 尖 端 科 技 在 推 动 着 各 个 元 的 发 展 。 显 然 , 尖 端 科 技是 “ 一 门 精 ” 人 才 活 动 的 主 要 领 域 , 而 “ 门 门 通 ” 的 人 在 这 一 领 域 只 能 望 洋 兴 叹 。 — — 张 海涛
现 在 的 社 会 , 分 工 越 来 越 细, 在 很 多 领 域 都 需 要 有 专 业 知 识 , 才 能 更 有 利 于 工 作 , 所 以 “ 一 门 精 ” 是一 种 很 好 的 选 择 , 也 是 我 们 在 工 作 中 得 心 应 手 的 有 力 武 器 。 — — 黄 永 明
竞 争 是 新 时 代 的 生 存 方 式 , 创新 是 抢 占 制 高 点 的 唯 一 途 径 , 而 创 新 需 要 专 门 人 才 , 专 才 是 各 个 领 域 的 中 坚 力 量 。 鸣 叫 的 百鸟 , 各 有 独 特 的 声 音 ; 娇 艳 的 鲜 花 , 各 有 自 己 的 色 彩 , 专 才 都 以 自 己 独 特 的 表 现 方 式 而 存 在。 所 以 我 认 为 , 只 有 “ 一 门 精 ” 才 能 在 新 世 纪 绽 放 出 别 样 的 花 朵 。
— — 裴 长 太
The catering industry is a long history of service industry, with the rapid
Corkage fee, is the consumer to have dinner in a restaurant, if own drinks, charge the hotel to consumers due to provide open
First of all, from the consumer perspective, the hotel corkage fee charged is actually violated even bargain rights of consumers and the right to choose
development of modity economy, and students with catering service industry
enterprises, whether should to the consumer to charge corkage fee although there are clear provisions in the our existing law does not, but I insist that the hotel corkage fee charged is not reasonable.
the bottle, pour wine and other services to its cost. In fact, a corkage fee is the catering enterprises to consumers extra charge service fees. The consumer to the hotel for consumption, have paid the relevant fees to the hotel restaurant, but the hotel also to consumers extra charge, which is obviously unreasonable. So I insist that, the hotel corkage fee charged is not reasonable.
independently. Because a lot of the hotel clearly defined
Although consumers bring their own
The survey most consumers think, hotel
Turist Hotel guild regulations say that all operators have the right to prohibit consumers bring their own drinks, has the
Bring their own drinks corkage fee
In the customer a corkage fee is reasonable on the issue, 81% of customers
drinks, however, entered the restaurant, takes up a restaurant business place, enjoy the service of the restaurant, so the corkage fee is actually the service fees, consumers do not drink or enjoy the hotel services, separate additional charge corkage fees unreasonable. refused to customers to bring their own drinks, or to charge customers a so-called
right to own standard charged
charged is not reasonable. The so-called open a bottle of service charges, is only your own wine Hotel Limited means, some hotels to open a bottle of wine itself cost price is higher, so expensive hotel corkage fee, so difficult to accept.
are unreasonable, if you don't know in the customer's case received customer corkage fee, this is not a violation of consumers' right to know and even bargain rights?
In March 19, 2006, the city of Dalian Ms. Lu with a bottle of red wine to 55 yuan,
Now the country in this regard (corkage fee) no provision is very clear. Then we say
Hotel in the provision of services
中消协:要强制取消开瓶费 中消协表示,依据《消费者权益保护法》的规定,经营者不得以格式合同、通知、声明、店堂告示等方式作出对消费者不公平、不合理的规定。谢绝自带酒水,即使进行公示,也属于不合理的格式条款,像浙江温州23家酒店单方面集体声明“自2007年元旦起,不能自带酒水”的做法,
a restaurant, the checkout was the hotel charged me 100 yuan for corkage fee. The hotel should charge a corkage fee to two times higher than the price of wine, so charge corkage fee is reasonable?
that the operators, operational autonomy of course should be protected, but you this operational autonomy, not at the expense of consumers the right to choose independently and even bargain rights as the price. Especially in the consumer inadvertently and don't know the corkage fees charged to consumers the amount under the condition of opening bottle fee, which shows a violation of consumer rights performance.
claimed that
The association: to be forced to cancel a corkage fee
In CaseTrust said, according to
drinks, even for publicity, also belong to the unreasonable terms of format, such as Zhejiang Wenzhou 23 Hotel unilateral
I would like to ask each other a debate, the future of public toilets specified paper Mo with otherwise received toilet paper fee.
Development of catering industry is not 反方 无效明示可以拒绝
collective statement
rely on the profits to survive, profits era has gone for ever, is on the characteristics of the operation, integrity management, quality of service
development, KFC, McDonald's house does not sell drinks ah, not as the world chain business now? How Chinese will rely on the profits + violence?
The author thinks, this kind of regulation no practical significance, because of conflict with the law, no matter whether express,
rights violated consumers should enjoy the. China's
even bargain condition, forced transaction refused to operator. Thus, the restaurant forced to charge consumers corkage fee, is one kind of tort behavior significantly, the behavior and not due to
Although there has been a standard, as a consumer, I still think the corkage fee is the terms of overlord. Express, not on behalf of consumers to accept a charge opening bottle fee, does not represent the fees will be perfectly logical and reasonable, more do not represent restaurants can be in the right and self-confident to charge a corkage fee. Consumers in the hotel to eat and drink what decide by consumers, consumers should have the right to choose their own, restaurants do not have the right to charge a corkage fee. The restaurant in the pursuit of profit space, drinks prices high, but the hotel drinks are winery rebate high drinks, consumers want to consume the drinks in the hotel, do not necessarily have sales, which virtually deprived of the legitimate rights and interests of consumers. Therefore, the majority of consumers will not accept a corkage fee. Fees in advance to inform consumers, consumers can choose the way of consuming, can choose not to charge a corkage fee restaurant consumption. Although the rules, but I believe that, most of the hotel will still consider the brutal petition in the market and consumer's consciousness of protecting rights
Access to this industry standard text. This specification does not like the media called it,
will be in the restaurant charges to be explicit
In fact, specified in this specification, it is only required to catering enterprises will supply varieties, the charge of service standards and other special provisions were expressly, clearly the price, without the use
of lists ways to catering enterprises have the right to collect fees the project scope and the name of the list, because this is not required by it to regulate, even it has no right to regulate matters. In fact, the reason is very simple. As many occasions we all require operators to express, express is one thing, but to express the legality of the content, the effective is another matter. For example, the price law require businesses to have stated price of any modity, but businesses prices marked the existence of huge profits and fraud, by the clause or other regulations to be recognized. So, you can't think matters law require businesses to express, as long as the express according to the requirement, that means the legal matters. Take the restaurant, a restaurant of national protected animal, can you say the restaurant the price tag, its behavior is lawful? Similarly, a corkage fee even express, also does not mean that it is reasonable and lawful.
No charge, small profits but quick turnover? When most restaurants catering industry still continue regulations
only collect
Yanqing Road restaurant has started the first
If catering enterprises said
Although consumers bring their own
Although consumers bring their own drinks,
The consumer does not drink also enjoy the hotel services, separate additional charge corkage fees unreasonable. The survey most consumers think, hotel refused to customers to bring their own drinks, or to charge customers a so-called
Turist Hotel guild regulations say that all operators have the right to prohibit consumers
bring their own drinks, has the right to own standard charged
清华大学辩论团队培训资料 吴子薇 澳门大学美女辩论词 郭文娜,北京外国语大学 外研社激情辩论 外研社辩论赛达人视频 陈懿 北京理工大学
外研社辩论赛达人视频,胡杨,浙江大学 英语辩论赛技巧(外研社辩论赛思辨和语言训练
On Debating
Clarity: Avoid use of terms which can be interpreted differently by different readers. When we are talking to people who substantially agree with us we can use such terms as
Evidence: Quoting an authority is not evidence. Quoting a majority opinion is not evidence. Any argument that starts with,
Emotionalism: Avoid emotionally charged words--words that are likely to produce more heat than light. Certainly the racial, ethnic, or religious hate words have no place in rational debating. Likewise, avoid argumentum ad hominem. Personal attacks on your opponent are an admission of intellectual bankruptcy. Also, slurs directed at groups with whom your opponent is identified are usually nonproductive. Try to keep attention centered on the objective problem itself. There is a special
problem when debating social, psychological, political, or religious ideas because a person's theories about these matters presumably have some effect on his own life style. In other words, rather than saying
Causality: Avoid the blunder of asserting a causal relationship with the popular fallacy of post hoc ergo propter hoc which declares that because some event A happened and immediately afterward event B happened that event A was the cause of event B. (I knew someone whose car stalled on the way to work. She would get out and open the hood and slam it and then the car would start. Singing a song would have been just as effective to allow time for a vapor lock to dissipate!) Also avoid the popular fallacy that correlation proves causation. People who own Cadillacs, on average, have higher ines than people who don't. This does not mean that if we provided people with Cadillacs that they would have higher ines.
Innuendo(影射): Innuendo is saying something pejorative about your opponent without ing right out and saying it but by making more or less veiled allusions to some circumstance, rumor, or popular belief. If you want to see some excellent examples of innuendo, watch Rush Limbaugh. Politicians are, unfortunately, frequently guilty of using innuendo. It is an easy way to capitalize on popular prejudices without having to make explicit statements which might be difficult or impossible to defend against rational attack.
Be sure of your facts. What is the source of your information? If it is a newspaper or a magazine, are you sure that the information hasn't been
it was published by some special interest group like the John Birch Society or a religious organization. These books cannot be trusted to present unbiased evidence since their motivation for publishing is not truth but rather the furtherance of some political or religious view.
Understand your opponents' arguments. It is good practice to argue with a friend and take a position with which you do not agree. In this way you may discover some of the assumptions your opponents are making which will help you in the debate. Remember that everybody thinks that his position is the right one, and everybody has his reasons for thinking so.
Do not impute ridiculous or malevolent ideas to your opponent.
An example of this is the rhetorical statement,
Regression to the mean(逻辑退化): Another source of error which occurs very frequently is the failure to take into account regression to the mean. This is a bit technical, but it is very important, especially in any kind of social or psychological research which depends upon statistical surveys or even experiments which involve statistical sampling. Rather than a general statement of the principle (which bees more and more unintelligible as the statement bees more and more rigorous) an example will be used.
Let's consider intelligence testing.
1. Perhaps we have a drug that is supposed to raise the IQ of mentally retarded kids. So we give a thousand intelligence tests and select the 30 lowest scoring individuals.
2. We then give these low scoring kids our drug and test them again.
3. We find that there has been an increase in the average of their IQ scores.
4. Is this evidence that the drug increased the IQ?
Not necessarily! Suppose we want to show that smoking marijuana lowers the IQ. Well, we take the 30 highest scoring kids in our sample and give them THC and test them again. We find a lower average IQ.
Is this evidence that marijuana lowers the IQ?
Not necessarily! Any statistician knows that if you make some kind of a measurement of some attribute of a large sample of people and then select the highest and lowest scoring individuals and make the same measurement again, the high scoring group will have a lower average score and the low scoring group will have a higher average score than they did the first time. This is called
There are undoubtedly more points to be made here. Suggestions will be gratefully received. Larry has made the following suggestions:
?Apply the scientific method. (运用科学方法)
?Cite relevant personal experience. (合理引用相关的个人经历)
?Be polite. (辩论过程中有礼待人)
?Organize your response. (Beginning, middle, end.) (对你辩词进行合理的组织) ?Treat people as individuals.
?Cite sources for statistics and studies used.
?Literacy works. Break posts into sentences and paragraphs.
?Read the post you are responding to.
?Stay open to learning.
第十六届 全国大学生英语辩论赛
第一分钟末 响铃一次(允许开始提出“质询”)
第六分钟末 响铃一次(提出“质询”的时间结束)
第七分钟末7:00 连续响铃两次(发言时间结束)
超时15秒之后7:15 连续响铃(发言缓冲时间结束)
4. 辩手角色分配
The Motions
1University entrance slots should be allocated to provinces probation
ally based on population
2 This house believes that China should allow prisoners to donate their organs in exchange for lessened prison sentences. 中国应允许服刑人员通过捐献器官来减刑。
3 This House believes that China should establish English as its official language.
4 This house believes that the International Olympic Committee should remove any age requirements for children to pete in the Olympics.
5 This house believes that China should provide financial incentives to rural families who bear and raise daughters.
6 This house believes that contestants who have undergone cosmetic surgery should be prohibited from peting in beauty pageant. 中国应禁止做过整容手术的选手参加选美比赛。
英语辩论赛总结 班级:数学101
时间:2011-9-19 18:30—20:00
地点:主校区 二教 310
到场人员(人数):本班5人 信息101班6人
正反方:本次辩论赛由我班和信息101班共同完成, 反方:数学101班:大学生毕业后考研更好
一辩 二辩 三辩 四辩 正方(信息101) 张晶 金妍 杨杏 张楠 反方(数学101) 梁凤影 张启慧 李鞠鑫 何健文 备注:主持人:徐航(信息101班)
表演节目:金姬(信息101班) 赵英翠(数学101班) 大致流程:
1. 主持人介绍比赛流程及规则并宣布比赛开始;
2. 正方一辩进行立论陈词,时间为3分钟;
3. 反方一辩立论陈词,时间3分钟;
4. 信息班表演节目:
5. 自由辩论,时间为10分钟,双方各五分钟:
6. 数学班表演节目:
7. 反方总结陈词,时间三分钟:
8. 正方总结陈词,时间三分钟:
9. 主持人对本此辩论赛进行总结:
正方一辩:步入大二以后,由于来到了主校区,周围环境变的繁华了许多,所以对于班级里开展的此类活动有些失去了兴趣。但是在同学们的鼓励下,还是参加了本次辩论赛。每次参加活动都会有所收获,这次当然也不例外;不仅提高了自身的表达能力,而且让我深深的认识到了“英语是一种语言”,想要学好英语,就要多说多练。 正方二辩:本次英语辩论赛,虽然基本没有观众,没有嘉宾,但是这样的辩论赛才让我真正释放了自己,好久没有这么大胆的用英语来进行激烈的辩驳了,真是痛快。虽然会有语法错误,但是经过同学们的指正之后,使得我对其能够记忆的更加深刻。而且从一定程度上激发了我对于英语学习的兴趣。
正方三辩:本次英语辩论赛和以往两次有所不同,以往都是班级内部进行辩论,而这次是和信息班进行辩论,而且辩论的主题也是我比较感情趣的,在搜集资料的过程当中,是我了解到了更多的关于考研与就业的内容,让我对于考研和就业都有了更加客观的认识。 正方四辩:参加了这次英语辩论赛真的让我学到了很多,不仅提高了