十二岁,这个弥漫着美好与幻想的年龄;十二岁,这个充满着挫折与挑战的年龄;十二岁,这个徘徊在幼稚与成熟的年龄。在这个年龄里,我们为成功而欢呼,为梦想而拼搏,为失败而哭泣,可无论怎样,都阻挡不了我们这份炙热的,充满追求与理想的心。 在这个年龄里,我们为学业而奋斗,窝在教室里低头做着一道道历年的中考题,为了关乎命运的一两分而奋斗,夜晚挑灯夜战,与星星作伴,同太阳为伍,即使白天再困,也要坚持,强大的信念支撑着双手,哪怕闭着眼,也要把知识点记下来,唯一可以放松的,就是回到宿舍吃上一通零食。在这个年龄中,我们奋斗,我们无悔。 在这个年龄中,我们为挑战而奋斗,偌大的操场包容着疲惫的学子,我们围着这个有尺度的操场无止息的跑,哪怕双腿酸痛,哪怕筋疲力竭,但我们坚持着,跨越那几秒的标杆,只为迈向重点高中的校园我们也许会抱怨,也许会气馁,但我们始终会振作起来的,会重新追赶太阳。在我们这个年龄,我们坚持。我们无憾。 在我们这个年龄,我们为未来而奋斗。青春是一艘木船,社会是一湾险滩,我们把汗水辛勤都奉献给了青春,用来打造这艘坚固的船。我们会失败,但我们不怕,因为他是未来成功的垫脚石,我们会放弃,但我们不怕,因为他是未来幸福的指南针,纵使未来不成功,不幸福,我们也不怕,因为我们曾经为他努力过,拼搏过。 在我们这个年龄中包含着太多太多,他触手可及而又深不可测,我们只能顺着他留下来的线索一步一步向上爬,从点点滴滴开始探索。或许在这个年龄中注定了充满坎坷与荆棘;或许在这个年龄中注定了充满不解与探索;或许在这个年龄中注定了充满无知与好奇;或许在这个年龄中注定充满了打击与渴望;或许…·· 无论怎样,我想,我们都应该轰轰烈烈的绽放,悄无声息的凋零。
每个人都要经历长大,从一个呱呱落地的小孩渐渐的走向长大的大门,心中难免有恐慌,但又不会缺乏好奇感。 离开了幼稚园,离开了小学,我们似乎在欢呼我们已不再是小孩。 青少年的我们,思想跨越了幼稚,换上了成熟。我们戴上红领巾,在公共汽车上,我们学会了给老人让座,学会了不践踏草坪,学会了爱护树木,学会了体谅父母,孝顺父母!原来无知的我们,长大后变成了一个乖小孩,老人会摸着我们的头,欣慰的说:“孩子长大了,也懂事了。”一句句的夸奖,让我们感受到长大竟然如蜜一样甜! 青少年的我们,责任越过小山小河,变成了大河和高大的山脉!长大,它不再是空洞词;是一个大而又重的包袱。我们不再依赖父母给我们买这买那;我们不再依赖同学给我们无止境的帮助;我们不再依赖老师给我们无休止的解题。长大了的我们,懂得了给母亲、父亲买东西;懂得了依赖不是一种长久的生活方式,懂得了独立,自由,似乎又不会缺乏寂寞,长大,它是一种考验,一种苦涩的味,敢于体验困难的我们,感觉长大反而是一个具有新鲜感的词! 青少年的我们,外貌又有了巨大的变化,懂得了爱美,懂得了打扮,懂得了欣赏。潮流一次又一次来到我们身边,我们总是跟着时尚走,现在不同了,长大了反而是时尚的脚步再跟着我们走,90后的我们走着流行线,踏着时尚步伐,迈向自己的未来。以前总是怎么舒服怎么穿,现在我们变了,变成了一个每天要花二十分钟在镜子旁度过的人,“女大十八变,越变越漂亮”长大,它不再是儿时的穿着,不再是儿时的打扮。它成了一种向往美,欣赏美的境界! 爸爸、妈妈我大了,我不再是那个成天惹你们生气的淘小孩了。老师,我大了,我不再是那个成天让你们批评的坏小孩了。 儿时听的歌“我不想不想长大,长大后世界就没童话”似乎长大了,不再那么的认为,童话总是会有的。长大不是流泪,不是恐惧,不是泪在打转,而是嘴角上扬,扬起45°的微笑迎接一次长大的考验。向天空,白云说一句“长大的感觉如蜜一样甜”。
长大了,我光荣地成为了一名初中生,有人欢喜有人忧。我从一个牙牙学语的无知幼童,成长为一个风华正茂的翩翩少年。同时也跨入了初中的大门,迎接新的学习生活。此刻,我只想大喊一句:“初中的感觉真好!” 初中的感觉真好,身边的一切都变了样,新的环境,新的起点,新的老师,新的同学,新的课本,新的知识,一切都是那么富有挑战性,我如一个新生的婴儿,迫切渴望去接触,去了解他们。初中的感觉真好,各种各样的课本,给予我们五花八门的知识:地理课上,老师教我们学习经纬度,带领我们“穿越”大洲大洋,游览祖国的名山大川,讲解各种各样的地理知识;历史课上,老师和我们一起领略秦兵马俑的恢弘气势,杭州西湖的浓妆淡抹,长江黄河的波澜壮阔,给我们讲述七雄争霸,三国鼎立,商鞅变法,三顾茅庐,秦始皇的独断专横,汉武帝的雄才大略。我们听得又爱又怕,却又神往无比。生物课上,老师给我们讲解细胞的分裂,花朵的传粉,病毒的结构,克隆的神奇。政治课上,老师教育我们怎样做人,还告诉我们国家大事,最新时政。这一切的一切,都是那么让人陶醉,沉迷。 初中的感觉真好,老师们细致入微的讲解,同学们天真友善的面孔,让还沉浸在昔日小学离别之情的我得到一丝慰藉,拉着他们的手,共同进步。 初中的感觉真好,一切都等于零,无论你以前多么的优秀,或是多么的差劲,进入初中,这些都烟消云散了,我们共同进步,共度风雨,没有烦恼,没有纠葛,只有前进和希望。 我相信,一分耕耘一分收获,只要有付出就会有回报,虽然初中的生活很累,但我一点都不会怕,因为正是在这一时期,我们完成了人生的“蜕变”,开始人生最美丽的旅途,此时我只想大喊一句:“初中的感觉真好!”
( )1. We have English lessons _______ Monday ________ Friday.
A.on; to B.at; on C. from; to D. from; on
( ) 2. Miss Mao is ________ English teacher _________ Shanghai.
A. our; on B. an; at C. an; from D.a, from
( )3. Here is a letter _______ you. Who is it _________?
A.from; to B.to;to C.for;from D.for;for
( ) 4.You can _________ a map when you are in a new place.
A.see B. look at C. read D. look for
( ) 5.I like to sit _________ my parents when we take photos.
A. in the front of B.in the middle of C. between D. at the back
( ) 6.They often go to the park _____________.
A. take a taxi B. by taxi C. take taxi D. by a taxi
( ) 7.Some are __________, and others are__________.
A. English;America B. Englishmen;Americans
C.England; American D. England;Americans
( ) 8.The room with four windows___________ our teachers' room.
A. are B. is C. do D. does
( ) 9.China is a large country __________ a long history.
A.on B. with C. have D. in
( )10.Please go _________ this street and take the first ______ on the right. A. away, turn B.along,turning C. straight, turns D. to, down
( )11.It's hard to keep the house ___________ with three kids.
A.cleaning B. to clean C.cleaned D. clean
( )12.---- Excuse me,could you tell me_____? ------ Sure.
A.where is the library B. What the library is
C. How can I get to the library D. where the library is
( )13.The dolphins _____________ interesting.
A. is a little B. are kinds of C. are a little of D. are kind of
( )14.I think the tigers in cages can't ____________.
A. happy B. happily C. is happy D. be happy
( )15.I can't get there. There is _________ bus.
A. not B. Not a C.no a D. no
( )16.We __________ play basketball on Friday afternoon.
A. sometimes B. some time C. sometime D. some times
( )17.I'll go to see you ________ next week.
A. sometime B. some time C. sometimes D. some times
( )18.------ What do you do? ------ _______________.
A. I am a student B.I work in a school C.I'm working here D.What do you do ( )19.------ Which is your sister? ------ The one _________ white shirt.
A. in B. on C. of D. with
( )20._________ of people are his fans.
A. Thousands B. Thousand C. Hundred D. Two hundreds
( )21.Tom is busy _________ his homework.
A. do B. doing C. to do D. does
( )22. I have a party _______ my ____________ birthday.
A. in, ttieth B. on,ttieth C. in, tty D.on,tties
( )23. He is waiting __________ the train station.
A. to B. in C. for D. from
( )24. Here ___________ some money for you.
A. am B. is C. are D.be
( )25. Let my son ________you, will you?
A. to helps B. help C. helps D. helping
( )26. Would you like _______ tea?
A.some B. any C. a D. Many
( )27. Betty arrived _________ London _________ the evening of June 1st.
A. in,on B. at,on C. in,in D.in,on
( )28. These shoes are too big. Do you have a small __________?
A.pair B.ones C. pairs D.one
( )29. He bring us ____________.
A. a piece of good news B. a good news C. a news D.a good piece of news
( )30. Don't turn on the TV. Grandma _________ now.
A. is sleeping B. will sleep C. slept D. sleeps
) 32 – -Are there any ____ in the room ?
---Yes, there are.
A. news B. money C. newspapers
() 33. They’re talking ___our school in the classroom.
A. with B. about C. to
(34. There’s ____ elephant there. Near ___elephant, there is ___ tall tree.
A. an, the ,a B. an , the, the C. a, the ,a
() 35. There ____ a lot of meat in the ice box. I want to eat some .
A. is B. are C. has
( )36._______ does your son live with?
A.Where B.What C.Who
( )37. He bring us ___________ A. a piece of good news B. a good news C. a news D.a good piece of news () 38. People are really ____ on the beaches in summer.A. relaxing B. relaxed C. relax
() 39. –—— What do you usually do ____ classes ? —— - Listen to
() 40. -–Can you ____ ― 饺子 ‖ ___ French?
-- No, I can't .
A. say ,in B. speak ,with C. speak ,in
(41. ____big box ! I can’t carry it.
A. What B. What a C. How
B )每空一词,完成下列对话(每空 1分)。
Rose: Hello! Could I ___36___ to Lucy, please?
Lucy: This is Lucy speaking. Who's ___37__ ?
Rose: This is Rose, Lucy. I want to have a party__38___ Saturday evening. ___39___ you
like to e?
Lucy :Yes, I'd love to. Where will you have the party?
Rose: In my house. Can you find my house?
Lucy:Sorry, I can't.
Rose: Now, listen. Come ____40____of the bus station.
Lucy: Yes.
Rose:Cross the street and go ___41___ Apple Road. ____42____ the first turning ___43___ the left . That's Fish Street. Go to the end and ___44___ left into Gull Street. My house is on Gull Street. You'll see it on your left before you get to the fruit store. You can't ___45___ it.
Lucy: OK. See you on Saturday.
Rose : Yes. Bye!
III. 句子翻译(共 15分)
46. 他经常给父母写信,告诉他们有关他自己的情况。
He often__________ ________ his parents and tells them__________ __________.
47. 向左转,你就会看见它在邮局的对面。
_________ ________ and you will see it ________ ________ the post office.
48. 长颈鹿也来自南非。 Giraffes are ________ from ________ _________.
49. 当人们出去吃饭的时候,我很忙。
50. 你在跟谁谈话?
IV. 完形填空(每小题 1分)(共 20分) A )根据短文内容选择最佳答案(每空 1分):
Our teacher __51__ some pictures. Every class, she shows those pictures to us. She wants us __52_ something from them. In __53 of her pictures, we see a boy working. He's cleaning the room.In __54 picture, a girl is singing. She is singing an American song. In other pictures, we see others doing different things. One is running, and another is _55_ a cake. And a girl is doing ___56_homework. We look at our teacher and her pictures. We talk___57__English and our teacher listens__58__ us. We learn English from our teacher and her pictures. Our teacher likes ___59___. We like her ___60___, too.
( ) 51. A. is B. are C. has D. have
( ) 52. A.learn B.learns C.learning D. to learn
( ) 53. A.a B. one C. an D. the
( ) 54. A.others B.the other C. another D. the others
( ) 55.A.make B. making C. do D. doing
( )56. A. my B. your C. her D. his
( ) 57. A. in B. with C. at D. for
( ) 58. A.to B. at C. in D. for
( ) 59. A.we B. us C. I D.me
( ) 60.A. name B.class C.school D. classroom
B )根据短文内容及首字母提示每空一词,完成下列短文(每空 1分):
China is a great c __61__ . It has a long history and the most beautiful l __62__ in the w__63__ . What's it? Of course, it's Chinese. If you don't l__64__ in China, you can't learn Chinese w__65__ .
But if you have a pen p_66__ in China, things will be different. People in China are friendly and they want to learn more a _67__ other people. They want to learn where and how people live. And they can h__68__ you with your Chinese.
Do you k_69__ about Chinese? Do you want to learn some? Then w __70__ to us and let's be friends.
V. 阅读理解 A dog has a piece of meat and takes it home. Now on his way home he has to walk across a bridge over a river. Then he looks down and sees his own shadow (影子) in the water and takes it for the shadow of another dog, with a very big piece of meat.
He makes up his mind (下决心) to have that one,too. So he makes a snap(犬吠) at the shadow in the water, but as he opens his mouth, the piece of meat drops(掉) into the water and can not see it any more. ( ) 76..How many dogs are there in the story?
A. One B. Two C. Three D. Four
( ) 77.Where is the dog?
A.On the bridge. B. In the river.
C.In the countryside(乡间) D. Have a rest.
( ) 78.Where is the meat before the dog sees his own shadow?
A. In the water. B. In his mouth.
C. In the bowl. D.on the ground.
( ) 79.Why does the dog make a snap at the dog in the water?
A.He wants to fight (打斗) with the dog in the water. B.He thinks there is another dog in the water. C. He wants the meat in the dog's mouth. D. He wants to play with the dog in the water.
( )80.At last, who gets the meat?
A. The dog B.The dog in the water. C. Nobody D. The two dogs
条件:1. 能在晚上工作的中学教师。
2. 年龄 25-40 岁之间。
3. 热爱孩子、工作勤恳。
4 联系电话:555-3699.
Almost every child in cities has the chance to go to school, but not all children in the countryside are so luckily.
There is a girl called Xiao Juan. She is ten years old and lives in a small village. When she was seven, she wanted to go to school. But she could not, because her family was too poor to afford the school fees(学费 ) for her, so her parents had to keep her at home. Instead of studying, Xiao Juan looked after her brother and worked in the fields every day. Then Hope Project heard about Xiao Juan. It agreed to help Xiao Juan to go to school. Her wish of study came true, and now she is studying in a school. Unluckily, there are many thousands of children who can not go to school. You can join in Hope Project and help these children. You know all the good work needs money. Hope Project needs your help. If you give Hope Project ¥ 300 each year, it can pay for one child to go school for a whole year. With more money, Hope Project can build new schools, buy good desks, chairs, blackboards and books. Let’s help the children together and give them a chance to have a good start in life.
Information Card
The girl’s name (81)____________.
Her age (82)____________.
The place where she lives In a (83)____________.
The reason she couldn’t go to school Her parents couldn't afford (84)___________.
Who helped the girl to go to school? (85)____________.
答案:81. Xiao Juan 82. ten years old 83. small village 84. the school fees 85. Hope Project
I. 1-5 CCCCC 6-10 BBBBB 11-15 DDDDD
16-20 AAAAA 21-25 BBBBB 26-30 AAAAA
II. A ) 31-35 BAEFC
B ) 36.speak 37. that 38.on 39. Do/ Would 40.out
41.down/ along 42. Take 43.on 44. turn 45. miss
III. 46. Writes, to, about, himself
47. Turn , left , across, from
48. also, South, Africa
49. I'm very busy when people go out to dinners.
50.Who(m) are you talking to / with?
IV. A) 51-55 CDBCB 56-60 CAABB
B) 61. country 62. language 63. world 64. live 65. well
66. pal 67. about 68. help 69. know 70. write
V. 71-75. BADCD 76-80 AABCC 81-85 TFFFF
86.It's March now.
87.She is watering some flowers.
88.They are working near the river.
89.They are planting trees.
90.They are helping to make our country more beautiful..
VI. 书面表达
Wanted: Are you a teacher of math or English in the middle school? Are you 25-40 years old? Do you want to work at night? Are you a hard-working teacher and good with kids? I have a child. He is not good at math and English. Please teach him math or English two hours every / a night. I give you30-40 yuan each / an hour. If you want to help him,please call me at 555-3699.
下列哪种生态因素造成的( )
A、空气 B、水分 C、光照 D、温度 5、属于生物基本特征的是 ( )
A 、生物都能运动 B、生物都是由细胞构成的 C 、生物都能进行光合作用 D、 生物都能生长和繁殖
6、含羞草的叶子受到震动后会合拢下垂,这是( )
A 、生物的生长 B、生物的发育
C 、生物进行呼吸 D、生物对外界刺激做出反应
的方法是( )
A 、观察法 B、调查法 C、实验法 D、分类法
的是( )
A 、光、温度、湿度等
B 、鼠妇数量、光、温度等 C 、温度、湿度、鼠妇数量等
D 、空气、湿度、光等
9、到了冬天,杨树和柳树的叶子纷纷落下,而松树、柏树却依然郁郁葱葱, 这表明 ( )
A 、杨树和柳树不适应寒冷的环境 B、松柏比杨柳更适应寒冷的环境
C 、松柏和杨柳进行着生存斗争 D、它们都能适应寒冷的环境 10、下列反映了生物对环境影响的是( )
A、万物生长靠阳光 B、初冬,大雁往南方迁徙 C、睡莲在水下有长长的叶柄 D、蚯蚓在土壤中活动,使土壤疏松 11、猫头鹰和田鼠的关系属于( ) A 、捕食关系 B、寄生关系
C、合作关系 D、竞争关系
12、生物圈的范围是指:( )
班 级 ____________ 姓 名 _______________ 考 号 座 位 号 ________
封 线
A、大气圈、水圈和岩石圈的表面 B、大气圈底部、水圈和岩石圈
C、大气圈、水圈和岩石圈 D、大气圈底部,水圈的大部和岩石圈的表面
13、下列不属于生态系统的是 ()
A、一片农田 B、一块草地 C、生物圈 D、一条河中的 所有的鱼
A 、海洋生态系统 B、湿地生态系统
C 、森林生态系统 D、淡水生态系统
18、下列各项中 , 属于生产者与消费者关系的是()
A 、蝗虫吃庄稼 B、蛇吃老鼠 C、青蛙吃昆虫 D、老虎吃野兔 19、下列食物链正确的是 ()
A 、草→蚱蜢→食虫鸟→蛇→鹰 B、蚱蜢→草→食草子的鸟→鹰→狐 C 、狐→鹰→食虫鸟→蚱蜢→草 D、草←蚱蜢←食虫鸟←鹰←蛇
20、下列可以调整光线强弱的是 ()
A 、遮光器和载物台 B、反光镜和通光孔
C、遮光器和反光镜 D、反光镜和镜臂
21、如果不动显微镜的其他部分,只是转动转换器,将物镜由 10X 转换成 45X , 视野中的光线将会()
A 、变亮 B、变暗 C、无变化 D、无规律变化 22、右图为显微镜下的两个视野,要将视野①变成视野②的效果,下列操作
正确的是 ()
A .转动反光镜,选择平面镜
B .转动反光镜,选择凹面镜
C .向右下方移动玻片
D .向左上方移动玻片 ① ②
23、在玻片上写上“6﹤9”,则通过显微镜观察到的图像应是 ()
A 、 6﹤ 9 B、 6﹥ 9 C、 9﹤ 6 D、 9﹥ 6
24、用显微镜的镜头观察物体时,所用目镜上标有 10×,物镜上标有 45×,
A、 10倍 B、 45倍 C、 250倍 D、 450倍
25、已知四台显微镜的目镜和物镜的倍数如下,在观察洋葱表皮细胞时,视野中细胞 数目最多的显微镜可能是 ()
A 、 5X 、 10X B、 10X 、 40X C、 15X 、 10X D、 20X 、 35X
26、呼吸是生命的标志,植物也有呼吸,细胞中和呼吸有关的结构是 ( )
A 、线粒体 B、细胞核 C、叶绿体 D、细胞膜
27、西瓜和葡萄吃起来都有甜甜的汁液,这些汁液存在于细胞的 ( )
A 、液泡中 B、细胞核中 C、细胞质中 D、充满于整个细胞中
①染色 ②撕取实验材料 ③擦拭载玻片 ④在载玻片中央滴清水
⑤盖盖玻片 ⑥将实验材料置于水滴中展平
A 、①②③④⑤⑥ B、 ③②⑥⑤④
C 、③④②⑥⑤ D、 ③④②⑥⑤①
29、制作人口腔上皮细胞玻片标本时,载玻片上滴加的液体、漱口的液体及染色的液体 班
级 _
名 _
号 _
分别是 ()
A 、凉开水、盐水、稀碘液 B 、生理盐水、凉开水、稀碘液
C 、盐水、酒精、碘液 D、稀碘液、凉开水、红墨水
30、俗语说:种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆。从细胞结构上看,这主要取决于:( )
A 、细胞壁 B、细胞膜 C、细胞质 D、细胞核
A 、使细胞变大看得更清楚 B、使细胞保持正常形态
C 、有利于染色 D、杀灭细菌
A 、小麦 B、兔子 C、松树 D、仙人掌
33、某同学在显微镜下看到一些细胞,他判断观察到的细胞是植物细胞。他可能根据下 列哪些结构作出判断的 ()
A、细胞壁 B、细胞膜 C、细胞质 D、细胞核
34、小明和同学们一起探索鼠妇的生活环境,他们记录了各中环境中发现的鼠妇的数量 如 表。根据他们记录,可知适合鼠妇生存的环境条件是:( )
A 、阳光充足 B、阴暗潮湿
C、空气新鲜 D、高温干燥
35、日本水俣湾鱼体内甲基汞(一种有毒的化学物质)含量高达 50ppm ,比周围水内含 量 高 3000倍,甲基汞进入鱼体的主要途径是 ()
A 、通过饮水 B、通过食物链积累
C、通过皮肤吸收 D、通过鳃气体交换 36、一个池塘被农药污染,在池塘中有一个食物链:浮游植物→水蚤→鱼→鱼鹰,则体内农 药含量最多的生物是()
A 、浮游生物 B、水蚤 C、 鱼 D、鱼鹰
A 、临时装片 B、临时切片
C 、临时涂片 D、永久涂片
A 、叶绿体、细胞壁、细胞膜 B、细胞壁、细胞膜、液泡
C 、细胞膜、细胞质、线粒体 D、细胞膜、线粒体、叶绿体
、水圈 B、大气圈 C 、岩石圈 D、不确定
A 、通光孔→光圈→镜筒→物镜→目镜 B、光圈→通光孔→镜筒→物镜→目镜 C 、通光孔→光圈→物镜→镜筒→目镜 D、光圈→通光孔→物镜→镜筒→目镜
二、综合题(共 40分)
(1)在此生态系统中 , 生产者是 ____________、 ____________、 ____________;在该生 态系统中,缺少的生物成分还有 ___________ _,如果没有它们动植物的尸体将堆积 如山。
(2) 如向池塘中投放一些大黑鱼(肉食性) ,则池塘中小鱼的数量将会 _______ _ ,一段时间后,该池塘中各种生物的数量又会处于相对稳定的状态。说明生态系
一定的 ____________能力。
(1)用来调节光线强弱的结构是 [ ] ____________ 和 [ ] ____________。
(2)转动时,镜筒升降幅度很小的结构是 [ ] ____________;顺时针转动粗准焦螺旋时,
镜筒将会 ____________。
(3)接近玻片标本的镜头是 [ ] ____________。 (4)光线经反光镜反射后进入镜筒,我们能通过目 镜观察到物象。光线经过显微镜的 [ 5 ] ____________、 [ 6 ] ____________、 [ 4 ] ____________、 [ 2 ] ____________、 [ 1 ] ____________这几个部件。
3、下图是植物细胞和动物细胞比较图,请据图回答:(10分 )
(1)图中植物细胞是 (甲或乙) 。
(2)植物细胞和动物细胞比较,都具有[2] 、 [4] 、 [6] 三个基本结构, 而且功能基本相同。
(3)植物细胞中,能将光能转变成化学能并储存在有机物中的是[ ] 。 (4)乙细胞中有 ,是能量转换器。
(4)观察甲细胞时,首先在洁净的载玻片中央滴一滴 观察乙细胞时,
是滴 ,材料放在液体中央后盖上盖玻片要换换盖下,原因是为了 _______________________。
? 根据短文画出食物网如下,该食物网中的食物链共有 条,请写出最长的一条 食物链 _____ 。
(2)食物链是 _____和 _____之间的 被吃与吃的关系。
(3) 食物链的起始环节是 _____ , 假设绿色植物上有农药,则在绿色植物→昆
虫→食虫鸟→鹰这条食物链中,有毒物质最 多的生物是 ____,有机物最多的是
________,能量最少的是 ____。 (4) 该生态系统的分解者主要包括营腐生 生活的 ______________。
(5) 若某种原因导致鼠灾发生(即鼠增加) ,
短期内,该生态系统中 、 ______ 的数量会随之增加,而随着上述两种 动物数量的增加和绿色植物数量的减少,鼠的数量也会随之 ,使生 态系统逐渐恢复原样。
班 级 ____________ 姓 名 _______________ 考 号 座 位 号 ________
封 线
试卷分值:150分 考试时间:90分钟 试卷页数:共 8页
第Ⅰ卷 必答题 (全体学生必做 )
(请将所有题目答案写在答题纸上 )
一、选择题(共 40小题,每题选出一个正确答案,每小题 1分,共计 40分)
1、读图判断人类对地球形状的认识过程是() 。
A .①→③→② B .②→③→① C .③→②→① D .③→①→② 2、一个人站在南极,他的前后左右方向是()
A 、都是正北 B、都是正南 C、东西南北 D、东南西北
A 、 N B、 S C、 W D、 E
A 、经线 B、 0°经线 C、东西半球分界线 D、南北半球分界线 5、经纬网的主要作用是()
A 、确定资源分布 B、确定人口分布 C、 确定地理位置 D、确定海拔高度 6、下列哪一组数据能在地球上确定一个点()
A 、纬度 40°经度 120° B、纬度 40°东经 120°
C 、北纬 40°经度 120° D、北纬 40°东经 120°
A 、北寒带和南寒带 B、北温带和南温带
C 、热带和北温带 D、热带和南温带
8、下列关于地球仪的叙述错误的是() 。
A .地球仪上的地轴是一个假想的旋转轴
B .地球仪上的南北极是地轴与地球表面的交点
C .地球仪是按比例缩小的地球模型
D .所有地球仪都会有表示国家的符号与名称
9、下列关于经纬线的说法,正确的是() 。
A .经线的长度自本初子午线向 180°经线递减
B .本初子午线是南北半球的分界线
C .20°W,160°E组成的经线圈是东西半球的分界线
D .赤道是最长的经线
10、 上海的小朋友通常上学都比乌鲁木齐的小朋友要早, 这是由于 () 。
A .地球自转造成两地时间的差异
B .上海小朋友比乌鲁木齐小朋友勤奋
C .地球公转造成两地季节差异
D .两地气候不同
读“地球公转示意图”,地球在图中①②③④的位置不同,地球上各地受 太阳照射的情况就不一样。据此完成第 11~12题。
11、当地球处于①点位置时,太阳光线直射在() 。
A .赤道 B .北回归线 C.南回归线 D .北京
12、北京黑夜最长时,地球运动至() 。
A .① B.② C.③ D .④
13、划分五带的最主要依据是() 。
A .正午太阳高度的大小 B .有无极昼极夜
C .有无明显的四季变化 D .获得太阳光热的多少
14、某地同学们的衣柜里存放着春、夏、秋、冬四季服装,这是因为他们 生活在() 。
A .热带地区 B.温带地区 C.寒带地区 D .亚寒带地区
15、我国泰山主峰海拔 1 532米,世界最高峰珠穆朗玛峰海拔 8 844米, 二者相对高度为() 。
A . 10 376米 B. 1 532米 C. 7 312米 D . 8 380米
16、下图是“某地等高线地形图”(单位:米) ,读图判断下列说法正确的 是() 。
A .从甲处攀登山峰比从乙处攀登省力
B .丁处的坡度比丙处陡
C .甲、乙、丙、丁四处的海拔都是 480米
D .甲处海拔最高,丁处海拔最低
17、一位同学想了解我国的首都——北京在哪里,应查阅( ) 。
A .中国政区图 B .城市导游图
C .中国气候图 D .中国地形图
小敏班上准备组织一次登山活动, 同学们都兴高采烈的。 为了安全, 老师拿
出一张等高线地形图(下图)说:“这次我们要登的山较高,大家注意??” 接着,强调了安全事项,顺便复习了等高线地形图的有关知识,要求同学们上 山后留心观察这些地形区。据此完成第 18~21题。
18、老师说:“这次我们登的山较高。”从图上可以看出山顶是( ) 。
A . A 地 B . B 地 C . C 地 D . D 地
判断悬崖在哪个地方( ) 。
A . B 地 B . E 地 C . C 地 D . D 地
20、老师告诉我们:“图上 A 、 B 、 C 、 D 、 E 五处等高线形态不一样,分别
表示山地不同部位,上山后一定要留心观察,看它们在地形上有什么区别。” 请回答,图中 E 地是( ) 。
A .鞍部 B .山顶 C .山谷 D .陡崖
21、 此图中既没有经纬网也没有指向标, 那么应该用 ____方法定向 ( ) 。
A .上北下南法 B .经纬网定向法
C .特殊定向法 D .指向标定向法
22、 下图是地球公转示意图, 读图, 12月 22日前后, 太阳直射在 ( )
A .赤道 B .北极圈 C.北回归线 D .南回归线
23、下列关于地球形状的说法,正确的是 ( )
A .地球的形状是球体
B .地球的形状是椭球体
C .地球的形状是一个两极稍扁,中间略鼓的不规则球体
D .地球的形状是一个两极略鼓,中间稍扁的不规则球体
24、昼夜交替现象产生的主要原因是 ( )
A.地球围绕太阳旋转 B.地球本身不发光
C.地球绕着地轴不停地旋转 D.地球是个不透明的球体
25、地球自转方向正确的是 ( )
A. B. C. D.
26、关于经线和纬线的叙述正确的是 ( )
A .所有经线都与本初子午线平行 B.纬度越低,纬线越长
C .经线和纬线都长度相等 D.纬线指示南北方向
27、在地球表面,纬度 30°、经度 110°的地方一共有 ( )
A .一个 B.二个 C.三个 D.四个
28、实际划分东西半球的界线是 ( )
A .任意两条相对的经线所组成的经线圈
B . 0°和 180°经线所组成的经线圈
C .西经 20°和东经 160°所组成的经线圈
D .东经 20°和西经 160°所组成的经线圈
29、地球公转的周期是 ( )
A .一天 B.七天
C .一年 D.一个月
30、在 1∶ 10 000 000的中国政区图上,测量长江的长度为 62厘米,那么长 江在地面上的长度为 ( )
A . 62 000千米 B. 620千米 C. 620 000千米 D. 6 200千米
31、本初子午线是 ( )
A. 东西两半球的分界 B.东经与西经的分界
C. 计算纬度的起始线 D.欧亚两洲的分界
32、 甲、 乙两地同在 30°N纬线上, 甲地的经度是 20°E, 乙地的经度是 20°W, 则甲地在乙地 ( )
A .正南 B .正北 C .正东 D .正西
33、在同纬度的地区,相对位置偏东的地点要比偏西的地点 ( )
A .先看到日出 B.后看到日出 C.时刻晚 D.时刻相同
34、 世界最高峰珠穆朗玛峰海拔约为 8848米, 世界陆地最低处死海低于海平 原约 400米,两地的相对高度是( )
A . 9048米 B. 8448米 C. 8852米 D. 9248米
35、 2003年 3月 20日,伊拉克战争爆发了,小明想知道伊拉克在哪里,他
A .世界政区图 B.世界地形图 C.世界气候图 D.世界人口图
36、有关纬线的叙述,正确的是: ( ) A. 所有的纬线都是半圆状 B. 所有纬线长度都相等
C. 所有的纬线都指示南北方向 D. 所有的纬线都指示东西方向
37、地球自转和公转 ( )
A. 周期相同 B.产生的地理现象相同 C.方向相同 D.无相同之处
38、属于经线的是 ( )
A.赤道 B.南极圈 C.北纬 40° D.本初子午线
39、最长的纬线是 ( )
A. 赤道 B.本初子午线 C.极圈 D.回归线
A. 一年 B.365天 C.一天 D.一个星期
二、非选择题(本题共 5道题,共计 60分)
41、读图分析,完成下列问题 (18分 )
(1)所有与 ____________(赤道、本初子午线)平行的圆圈叫纬线,赤道以北
为 ________(南、北)半球,赤道以南为 ________(南、北)半球。
A 、 ____________ B、 ____________
(3)根据可判断, A 点位于 ____________半球, ____________纬度带; B 点位
于 ____________半球, ____________纬度带。
(1) 海拔:地面某个地点高出 __________(海平面、 另一个地点) 的垂直距离。
(2)相对高度:某个地点高出 ___________(海平面、 另一个地点) 的垂直距离。
(3)等高线:在地图上,把海拔 ____________(相同、不相同)的各点连接成 线,就是等高线。
(4)图中甲地的海拔约为( )
A 、 400米 B、 300米 C、 1500米 D、 1000米
(5)图中乙地的海拔约为( )
A 、 300米 B、 500米 C、 1000米 D、 1500米
(6)甲乙两地的相对高度约为( )
A、 1500米 B、 1000米 C、 500米 D、 200米
(3)当太阳直射北回归线时,山东省处于 (季节 ) 。
(1)B在 D 的 ____________方向
(2) C在 A 的 ___________方向
(3)A在 B 的 ____________方向
(1)写出图中字母所处的热量带名称 :
A_____________ B_____________ C_____________
D_____________ E_____________
(2)写出图中数码的纬线度数及符号 .
① _______________② _______________
③ ________________④ _______________
(3) 有极昼极夜现象的是 _______有阳光直射现象的是 ________。 (用字母填写) 第Ⅱ卷 选答题
(请将所有题目答案写在答题纸上 )
一、 选择题(共 10小题,每题选出一个正确答案,每小题 2分,共计 20分)
1、在一幅地图上量得甲、 乙两地相距 2厘米, 两地实地距离 100千米,这幅地 图的比例尺是() 。
A. 1∶40 000 B .1∶50 000
C .1∶4 000 000 D .1∶5 000 000
2、某地位于东经 170°,南纬 20°, 有关该地的叙述, 正确的是 ( ) A .该地位于东半球 B.该地处于北半球
C .该地每年有两次太阳直射现象 D.该地属于五带中的南温带
3、图中等高线图表示的地形名称依次是 ()
A .山脊、盆地、山谷、山顶
B .山谷、山脊、山顶、盆地
C .山脊、山顶、山谷、盆地
D .山谷、山顶、山脊、盆地
4、某地往北是北半球,往南是南半球,往西是西半球,往东是东半球,该 地区位于()
A.160°E 0° B. 20°W 0° C.160°W 0° D. 20°E 0°
5、本初子午线是从哪个国家通过( )
A .英国 B .中国 C .美国 D .俄罗斯
6、地球仪上, 0°纬线和 0°经线相比 ( )
A .两者等长 B. 0°纬线稍长
C . 0°经线稍长 D. 0°经线约为 0°纬线的一半长
7、仔细观察,你发现地球仪上没有表示出来的事物是( )
A .赤道 B.地球公转轴 C.极点 D.经线和纬线
8、地球的公转产生了 ( )
A.四季的变化 B.时差 C.昼夜更替 D.昼夜
9、当太阳直射在北回归线上时,下列说法中可信的是 ( )
A .南半球的澳大利亚此时已是冬季 B .我国的河流都已经结冰
C .南极有极昼现象 D .哈尔滨比广州的白昼短
10、下列地点中,位于南半球、低纬度的是 ( )
A . 120°W 65°S B . 15°W 20°N
C . 80°W 40°N D . 175°E 10°S
二、非选择题(本题共 2道题,共计 30分)
1、读“地球公转示意图” ,完成下列要求。
在图中加箭头,表示地球公转的方向 (8分 ) 。
(2)当地球公转到 A 位置时,南极圈以南地区出现 _______现象,北极圈以北地 区出现 _______现象(4分)。
(3)当地球运行到 D 位置时,太阳直射点位于 _________上(4分)。
2、 读 “等高线地形图” , 完成下列内容 (14分)
(1)图中字母分别表示的地形部位是 :
(2)C、 D 中坡度较缓的是 (填字母)
选择上山最省力的地点是 , (填字母)
(3)选择攀岩的最佳地点是 。 (填字母)
第Ⅰ卷 选择题(40分)
1 [A ][B ][C ][D ] 6 [A ][B ][C ][D ] 11[A ][B ][C ][D ] 16[A ][B ][C ][D ]
2 [A ][B ][C ][D ] 7 [A ][B ][C ][D ] 12[A ][B ][C ][D ] 17[A ][B ][C ][D ]
3 [A ][B ][C ][D ] 8 [A ][B ][C ][D ] 13[A ][B ][C ][D ] 18[A ][B ][C ][D ]
4 [A ][B ][C ][D ] 9 [A ][B ][C ][D ] 14[A ][B ][C ][D ] 19[A ][B ][C ][D ]
5 [A ][B ][C ][D ] 10[A ][B ][C ][D ] 15[A ][B ][C ][D ] 20[A ][B ][C ][D ]
21[A ][B ][C ][D ] 26[A ][B ][C ][D ] 31[A ][B ][C ][D ] 36[A ][B ][C ][D ] 22[A ][B ][C ][D ] 27[A ][B ][C ][D ] 32[A ][B ][C ][D ] 37[A ][B ][C ][D ] 23[A ][B ][C ][D ] 28[A ][B ][C ][D ] 33[A ][B ][C ][D ] 38[A ][B ][C ][D ] 24[A ][B ][C ][D ] 29[A ][B ][C ][D ] 34[A ][B ][C ][D ] 39[A ][B ][C ][D ] 25[A ][B ][C ][D ] 30[A ][B ][C ][D ] 35[A ][B ][C ][D ] 40[A ][B ][C ][D ]非选择题(60分)
第Ⅱ卷 选择题(20分)
1 [A ][B ][C ][D ] 6 [A ][B ][C ][D ]
2 [A ][B ][C ][D ] 7 [A ][B ][C ][D ]
3 [A ][B ][C ][D ] 8 [A ][B ][C ][D ]
4 [A ][B ][C ][D ] 9 [A ][B ][C ][D ]
5 [A ][B ][C ][D ] 10[A ][B ][C ][D ]
Unit 1
Unit 2
我有一个好朋友。她的名字叫梅。她12岁。她的电话号码是87634966 。她的生日是3月5日。她擅长英语和汉语。她经常弹钢琴。她喜欢看书和听音乐。她的爱好是读书和听音乐。她是一个好女孩。我们经常互相帮助。我们是好朋友。
Unit 3
She was born in Nanjing.
Now she lives with her family in Changzhou.
She studies at No.24 middle school.
She is in Class1 Grade7.
She is a pretty girl with big eyes/ with long hair.
She has many hobbies.
She likes reading in her free time.
She is a member of our Reading Club.
She likes listening to music, playing the piano and playing volleyball. She knows a lot.
Everyone thinks she can do anything well.
She doesn’t like playing too many puter games or watching too much TV,because they are not good for eyes.
She is nice to me.
She helps me with my English.
I am happy to be her friend.
We always have a lot to talk about.
Our school is not very big but very modern.
The stadium is so modern and looks big.
There are 32 classes in the classroom buildings.
There are 53 students in my class.
There is a playground in front of our classroom.
Our classroom is big and clean and it is on the ground floor.
We have puter rooms, music rooms, art rooms and a library.
We can have meetings in the school hall.
I study many subjects like Chinese, English, Maths and so on.
I like Art best because I can draw pictures well.
I have 8 lessons a day.
I can have nice food in our dining hall.
I can chat with my friends after lunch.
There are different kinds of books in our school library.
I can borrow some books from our school library when the classes are over. I can play volleyball or basketball in the playground.
Our teachers are all nice to us.
My school life is really interesting.
I like my school.
I get up at …
After having breakfast, I am busy doing my homework.
I don’t have too much homework and it is not difficult for me.
It usually takes me 2 hours to do all of my homework.
I spend 2 hours doing all my homework.
Then I practice playing the piano.
I have fun playing basketball with my friends in the afternoon.
In the evening, I often watch TV for an hour with my parents.
Sometimes I like reading, because I can learn a lot about the world from reading. 标注为黑体的要求自默。另外前面各单元的语言知识点,练习请根据自身需要进行必要的自我复习!
一、假设你就是李小朋, 根据下面的提示,以“My School”为题,写一篇
作文。以there be句式为主,60个词左右。
提示:1. 学校很大很漂亮,有许多树和花,像花园一样;
2. 有阅览室、教学楼、教师办公室、实验室、运动场、体育馆等;
3. 学生能够学到很多知识。
My School(我的学校)
My school is big and beautiful. It’s like a big garden. There are many trees and
flowers. There are five teaching buildings in the school. On the second floor, there is a
big reading room, a teaching office and three science labs. There are also playground and gym. We like doing sport there. We can learn a lot from here. We all like our school very much.
二、My home(我的家P31)
I like city(城市P42)
Some people like living in the city. Some people like living in the countryside. I like living in the city, because cities are large and interesting. There are different kinds of shops in the cities. When you go out, you can take a bus, a subway or a taxi. The schools are nice and big. Although (虽然) cities are noisy and the traffic is heavy and
cost of living is high, I like living in the city. the
I like countryside(乡村)
Some people like living in the city. Some people like living in the countryside. I like living in the countryside. In the countryside, there are many houses with big yards. The air is fresh and life is quiet. There are many neighbors living here. They are all kind to each other.
四、Keeping Safe on the Street交通安全
First, we must obey the traffic rules. We must stop when the light is red. Second, we must stop and look both ways. Don’t play on the street.
Third, don’t drive too fast. Don’t drive after drinking.
Last, we should help children and old people cross the street.
All of us should be very careful when we are walking on the street.
五、请根据下面日程表的活动内容,以“My Day”为题,写一篇不少于60个词的短文。
My Day
I get up at six o’clock. At seven ten I have breakfast. After that, I go to school on foot. We have four lessons in the morning. At about twelve o’clock, I have lunch. In the afternoon, we often
play soccer with our classmates. I get home at 5:00. After supper, I do my homework and then
watch TV tor a short time.
请以“My School Life”为题,讲述你的校园生活。
My School Life
:I’m Zhang Shan. I study at No. 8 Junior High School. My school starts at 745. I have four
::classes in the morning and two in the afternoon. I often have an English lesson from 800 to 845
a.m. English is my favorite subject. I think it’s easy and interesting. I like P. E. too. After class I often play basketball with my classmates. It’s my favorite outdoor activity. My school life is very interesting.
七、今天是星期天,布朗一家(the Browns)都在家。根据下面插图,写一篇50—60个词的短文。
The Browns are at home. Mrs. Brown is making a cake. Mr. Brown is sitting in a chair and
reading a book. Jim and his friend, Mike, are in the garden. They are playing soccer. Sue and her
friend, Ann, are in Sue’s bedroom. They are watching TV. All of them are very happy.
一、祈使句 表示请求、命令、建议等,句子通常不带主语,谓语动词用原形。
如:1. Put them away. 2. Stop when the light is red. 3. Turn right.
Be careful. 5. Don’t drive too fast. 6. Don’t be late. 4.
7. Don’t park here. 8. Don’t play on the street. 9. Be quiet.
练习:( )1. _____ right and go down Xinghua Street.
A. Turn B. Turns C. To turn D. Turning
( )2. ____ late for class next time.
—I’m sorry.
A. Be B. Not C. Don’t D. Don’t be
( ) 3.___ after drinking. It’s danger.
A. drive B. driving C. Don’t drive D. Don’t be drive
( )4. The teacher often says, “ _____ late for school. ”
A. Don’t B. Don’t be C. Not D..Doesn’t
二、there be结构
1.构成:there is/are + 某物+ 某地 表示“某地有某物”
2.否定形式:there isn’t……/ there aren’t……. 表示“某地没有某物”
3.疑问形式:is there……? / are there……? 表示“某地有某物吗,”
Yes, there is/are. 或 No, there isn’t / aren’t.
4. There be 句型中,遵循就近一致原则
5. there is /are + 某人+ doing sth. 表示:“有某人正在做某事”
( )1. There are many students ______ in the apartment.
A. live B. lives C. living D. lived
( )2. There _____ a ticket, a lamp and some keys on the table.
A. are B. is C. have D. has
( )3.—_______ much water in the glass?
—No, there isn’t.
A. Are there B. There are C. Is there D. There is
( )4. Look! There are so many students _______ in the pool.
A. swim B. are swimming C. swims D. swimming
( )5. There _____ some chairs and a tall tree at the back of this munity.
A. am B. is C. are D. be
1. 一般现在时表示现在的状态,如:My name is Jane.
2. 经常的或习惯的动作,He often gets up at 6:00. (usually, never, always, seldom)
3. 特征或能力,I like English.
4. 客观存在或普遍真理。The early bird catches the worm. 谓语动词要区分主语是否第三人称单数
四、现在进行时 表示正在在发生或进行的动作,学now, at the moment 等时间
状语连用。谓语动词形式为:be + v.-ing
( )1. My brother usually _____ his classroom after school. But now he _____ basketball.
A. cleans; plays B. is cleaning; plays
C. cleans; is playing D. is cleaning; is playing
( )2. Tom often _____ TV on Saturday evenings, but now he is _____ stories.
A. watches; reading B. watching; reads
C. looks; reading D. watches; looking
( )3.—Where are Jim and Tom? Their mother is looking for them.
—They _____ over there.
A. run B. runs C. are running D. running
( )4. Bob often _____ his homework after dinner.
A. do B. does C. doing D. to do
( )5. Mr. King sometimes _____ the subway home.
A. take B. taking C. takes D. to take
( )6. —What does Fang Yan do in her free time?
—She often _____ a movie.
A. sees B. watch C. looks D. read
( )7. Zhao Lin _____ to Beijing by train often. He usually goes by plane.
A. isn’t going B. doesn’t go C. not go D. don’t go
For Rent
Wonderful rooms. Room Wanted
Only for girls. Look for a room for two people.
Room with one bed: Quiet and clean.
, 250 a month Under, 400 a month.
Two beds: Mr. Tang
Tel:13956789 , 400 a month
Call Miss Li at 73574110.
Actors Wanted Lost
Can work with others. An English workbook.
Can sing and dance. My name is
Work time:every day Wang Tao.
Want to be an Please call me.
Actor? Call Mr. Thanks a lot.
Zhang at 78567767. Tel:53868668
( )26. If Jane wants to rent a room, she can call_____.
A. Mr. Tang B. Mr. Zhang C. Miss Li D. Wang Tao ( )27. Mr. Tang needs _____.
A. a room for two people B. a room with three beds
C. an English workbook D. an actor
( )28. If you find an English workbook, you can call Wang Tao at _____.
A. 13956789 B. 73574110 C. 78567767 D. 53868668 ( )29. From the passage, we can know that an actor can _______.
A. work with others B. sing C. dance D. A, B and C ( )30. Which of the following is NOT true?
A. Mr. Tang doesn’t want a room for, 500 a month.
B. Wang Tao’s English workbook is lost.
C. If Michael wants to rent a room, he can call Miss Li.
D. A boy can call Mr. Zhang if he wants to be an actor.
七年级下册英语期中复习 作文
My School Life
I’m a little busy this term. I start school at 7:30 a.m. I usually finish at 6:00 p.m. I have eight classes every day. I have many subjects, such as Chinese, math, English, biology, PE and so on. My school subjects are so interesting. I like English best. I think it’s very easy and interesting. After school we often do lots of activities. I like playing ball games. My favourite sport is football. I think it’s good for my health. And I can also do some other things, like drawing and swimming. My school life is very colourful and useful. I like it very much.
2.介绍朋友过去的一次活动 (一般过去时)
Jenny had a busy weekend. Last Saturday morning, she did her homework and practiced speaking English at home . She watched TV and played tennis on Saturday afternoon. That night, she t to the movies. On Sunday morning , she cleaned her room and t to the beach. On Sunday afternoon, she visited her friends and t shopping .She had a party last night. What a happy weekend she had!
3.介绍自己过去的一次活动 (一般过去时)
Last Sunday
I had a pleasant day last Sunday because my classmates and I t on a trip to Beijing. The weather was nice and sunny. I got up at 6:00 and ate some bread for breakfast. We met at the school gate at 7:00 a.m and started out at 7:30. It’s about 35 kilometres away from our school. We were singing, making jokes and laughing all the way. At nine o’clock we arrived there. First we t to the zoo to see some animals, and then we began to boat. At lunch time we took out our food and had a piic. We took many beautiful photos there, too.When we returned home, it was almost 8 o’clock p.m. I t to sleep at 10:00. We all felt tired but we really enjoyed ourselves.
Last Summer
My holiday was pretty good. Last summer I t to the beach on the first day. I t there by bus and my bus trip was relaxing. The beach was very beautiful. It was sunny and cool. the people were friendly and the food was delicious. I enjoyed my holiday very much and I hope to go there again. The next day, I t climbing. The weather was great, too. The mountains were really beautiful. We had great fun singing and dancing there. We had a lot of food and drinks with us. So we had a big lunch. I ate two hamburgers and some orange juice. my friends all enjoyed their lunch very much. It was so nice in the open air(在户外). I was really tired but I had a good time.
4.以“My Weekend”为题,介绍本周末活动计划 (一般将来时be going to do)
Tomorrow is Saturday. It’s weekend again. In the morning, I’m going to get up early and do my homeweek. I always have a lot of homework at the weekend. In the afternoon, I’m going to visit my grandparents with my parents by bus. Then I’m going to have a piic with Jenny and Danny on Sunday. We will take a lot of delicious food. I think I will have a good time this weekend.
以“A Trip Plan for May Day”为题,介绍“五.一节”旅行计划 (一般将来时)
May Day is ing. I’m thinking about my trip plan to Xi’an. I’m very happy I can go on a trip and I’m really excited. I’ll travel to Xi’an with my parents by train. We’ll leave for Xi’an on April 29th.We’ll stay there for about three days. Xi’an is a great city with a long history and lots of places of interest. We’ll walk along the wall, climb up the Big Wild Goose Pagoda, ring the ancient bell, visit the history museum and the famous Terra Cotta Warriors and so on. We can take photos and also enjoy the special dishes of Xi’an. I believe we’ll have fun there. A great trip! I can’t wait to go. 以 “A Trip Plan for Summer Holiday” 为题,介绍暑假旅行计划
The summer holidays are ing soon. How excited I am! I’m going to relax myself. I will do many things. First I’ll do my homework first. Then I will learn to cook breakfast for my parents. Next I’ll travel by bike with my friends in August. I like to do all these things. Finally, I will visit my grandparents. I will stay with them for about three weeks. Of course, I am going to help them do some housework. I’m sure we will have a good time together. I can’t wait to go! How will you spend your holidays?
在我脑海里一生中最早的记忆,仿佛就与这个菜园有关。那是一个夏日的中午,三岁的我正在熟睡,醒来后才发现妈妈不在身边,整个院子里一个人也没有,大门也被锁死了。我的心一下子慌了,哇哇大哭起来,哭声惊动了邻居奶奶,他告诉我妈妈去菜园摘菜了,一会儿就回来。并一直坐在门口陪着我,我才渐渐安静下来。事后觉得妈妈很不好,成天在那里忙来忙去, 也不带着我。多少年后,回想起这件事,妈妈总是开玩笑地说:“你小时候我对你的关爱,一个都没记住,却只记住了我的不好,唉~”