两分钟英语演讲稿?Ladies and Gent?lemen, Goo?d morning!? I m ?very glad to st?and here a?nd give yo?u a short ?speech.Man? s life ?is a process? of growin?g up, actu?ally I m s?tanding he??re is a growth. If a? person s ?life must ?constitute?d by vario?us choices?, ?then I grow up alo?ng with th?ese choice??s. Once I hope I can? study ?in a college ?in future,? however t?hat s pass?ed, as you? know I ?e here, now ?I wonder w??hat the future holds? for me.Wh?en I e to ?this ?school, I told ?to myself:? this my n?ear future?, all star?ts here. ?F?ollowing I? will learn to bee a? man, a in?tegrated m?an, who ha?s ?a fine body, can t?ake on imp?ortant tas?k, has ind?ependent t?hought, ?an open mind?, intensiv?e thought,? has the a?bility to ?judge righ?t ?and wrong, has a p?erfect job?. ??Once m?y teacher ?said : you? are ?not sewing, you? are styli?st; never ?forget whi?ch you sho?uld lay ?out to peopl?e is your ?thought, n?ot craft. ?I will put? my ?personality with? my intere?st and abi?lity into ?my study, ?during ?these process? I will bi?ne learnin?g with doi?ng. If I c?an achieve? ?this future , I thi?nk that I ?really gro?w up. And ?I deeply b??elieve kindred, good?-fellowshi?p and love? will perf?ection and? happy ?in the future?. ??How to? say futur?e? Maybe i??t s a nice wish. Let?s ?make up our minds,? stick to ?it and sur?ely well e?njoy our l?ife.?演讲稿二:
?两分钟英语演讲?稿Good morning, my de?ar teacher?s and frie?nds! ?My name is Li B?inge, from? class fou?r O five. ?Today, I a?m very ?happy to be h?ere. My to?pic is Our? School . ?My dear fr?iends, wel?e ?to our school! My ?school is ?very beaut?iful! It h??as a big playground.? We can pl?ay and do ?some sport?s there. N?ear the ?playground, ?there is a? garden. M?any trees ??and flowers are ther?e. ?So the air is ver?y clean an?d we can h?ear birds ?singing in? the ?
trees. It is so? wonderful?. Our teac?hing build?ings are a?round ?the garden and? look like? our teach?ers arms t?o wele us.? We can ?draw picture?s in the a?rt room on? the first? floor and? read ?story-books in? the libra?ry on the ?second flo?or. My cla?ssroom ?is on the thi?rd floor. ?It is clea?n and brig?ht. We lik?e to study? ?in it. The puter ro?om is on t?he fifth f?loor. We c?an sing an?d ?dance in the music? room on t?he sixth f?loor. What? a lot of ?fun! ?We can have lun?ch in the ?canteen ne?ar Defang ?Teaching B?uilding. ?In our scho?ol, our te?achers wor?k hard and? help us w?ith our ?lessons. We ?study hard? and liste?n to teach?ers carefu?lly. After? ?class, our teachers? play with? us and we? feel very? happy. Ou?r ?school is so nice ?and our te?achers are? so kind. ?We all lov?e them. ?Dear friends?, do you l?ike them?T?hat s all.? Thanks!?演讲稿三:?
两分钟英语演讲稿?The environment? of the wo?rld has be?en ?damaged by the hu?man beings? for so ma?ny years w?ithout muc?h ?notice.In recent y?ears,howev?er,more an?d more nat?ions ?have begun to p?reserve th?e environm?ent as the?y have rea?lized ?the importance? of it.The? nature ha?s given us? so much,b?ut look ?at what we h?ave done i?n return f?or its gen?erosity.Th?ousands up?on ?thousands of tree?s have bee?n cut down?,including? some prec?ious ?species. Numero?us rivers ?and lakes ?have been ?drained on?ly to ?set up modern ?buildings.? Priceless? wildlife ?has turned? into ?delicious dish?es on the ?table.The ?air is bei?ng befoule?d by the ?smoke from ?the chimne?ys of the ?plants...A?ll this ir?ritates th?e ?nature ,which resu?lts in the? shortage ?of valuabl?e resource?s,air ?pollution,coun?tless acre?s of lands? being ?
deserts,etc.F?ortunately?,many coun?tries have? got to kn?ow the ?seriousness o?f the prob?lem and ta?ke active ?measures t?o preserve? ?the environment.We ?sincerely ?hope that ?all the pe?o;le in th?e ?world willtake par?t in the c?ampaign an?d join han?ds to prot?ect ?the nature.?演讲稿四: ?
两分钟英语演讲稿?There was a man wh?o had seve?n sons, bu?t he ?had no daughter?, greatly ?though he ?longed for? one. At l?ast his ?wife told hi??m that they could ag?ain expect? a child a?nd, sure ?enough, whe?n it was b?orn it was? a baby gi?rl. There ?was ?great rejoicing,? but the c?hild was w??eak and puny, so wea?k that ?it had to be ?christened? at once. ?The father? told one ?of the boy?s ?to go quickly to t?he spring ?and fetch ?christenin??g water; the ?other six ran alo?ng with hi?m, and bec?ause each ?of them wa?nted ?to be the first? to dip th?e jug into? the well,? it fell i?n and ?sank?. So there they stoo?d and didn? t know wh?at to do, ?and none ?of them dar?ed go home?. When the?y didn t e? back thei?r father g?ot ?impatient and sai?d: I ll wa?ger they v?e been pla?ying some ?game ?again and forgo?tten all a?bout it, t?he godless? brats. He? was ?afraid the litt?le girl wo?uld have t?o die unba?ptized, an?d in his ?rage he cri?ed out: I ?wish those? boys woul?d all turn? into rave?ns. ?He d scarcely sp?oken the w?ords when ?he heard a? whirring ?of wings ?in the air ?overhead, ?looked up ?and saw se?ven coal-b?lack raven?s ?flying away. ?
件事。结果怎样固然重要,但我更在乎每个过程的问心无悔。因为我和同事们是朋友,是兄弟,是姐妹。为完成一件工作,为达成一个目标,为成就一份梦想。我们随时随地的探讨,忘乎所以的争论,心与心的真诚交流。我们随时去竞争对手那里观摩、学习。我们不断的到农贸市场去探索、去寻找。我们一次次耐心的和联营商沟通、引导。我们反复在自己的店堂里实践、调整。有过汗水,也有过泪水。但更多的是奋斗过后一个会心的微笑,不需要太多,我们知道我们能做到,我们也知道我们还要怎么去做。每个阳光灿烂的日子里,都是一个没有硝烟的战场。感谢公司职能部门和主管领导,你们的关怀与支持,使我们备受鼓舞,获得一路前行的力量。 感谢我们的顾客,你们每一次真诚的建议,对我们都是一种鞭策;你们每一次惠顾,都是对我们工作的肯定。在目标与现实之间,给了我们真实,体现了我们的价值。相信我们会一如继往,而且会做得更好。感谢我们的竞争对手,你们每次的改变和关注的目光,让我们从不敢迷失方向,让我们一次次成长,逐渐成熟。感谢我们自己,在汗水与泪水中找到了我们的激情。心与心的相互碰撞,使我们相互给予真诚,相互给予感悟,相互给予感动,相互给予激情,相互给予促进。一路搀扶,不离不弃,向目标迈进。我们用激情感悟着生活的所有,我们用激情书写着工作的全部,我们用激情成就着未来的一切。不断的促进,不断的完善,就像火凤历经“涅盘”、“再生”的过程,才能变得更加美丽。当我们再次“浴火重生”之时,也更值得您的关注与期待———一路风雨兼程,挥汗如雨,铸就往日的经典,成就未来的辉煌。一切已经过去,一切已经开始,一切又刚刚开始。当你看到我们在这里收起最后一抹笔画,敲出最后一个句点,你知道,我们又上路了。我们坚信:红卫商圈的崛起与十堰西城的未来,我们将是最主要的演绎者。此刻,你是否也感觉到了呢,
两分钟精彩的演讲稿篇一 有人说,幸福其实很简单。是的,幸福不一定多么宏伟惊人,幸福就像初春新雨后冒出的笋尖,稍一低头或弯腰便能发现它遍布足下;抑或是在盛夏乡野的天空中,偶尔抬头便可看到的漫天繁星。幸福就是喜悦,发现生活之美的单纯的喜悦,只要伸手就能触到。有一颗永远不老的心,平和的态度,积极的心态,幸福便处处皆可捡拾。
两分钟精彩的演讲稿篇二 未来是白纸,时间便是墨水,等待我们去涂抹。不论白描,还是细描,还是工笔花鸟,或是水墨山水,是中国风骨,或是中西合璧,都等着我
两分钟精彩的演讲稿篇三 我家附近有一条路,没有路灯,两边是一幢幢楼房,似乎是闲置着的,夜晚极少有灯光。
在场的老师及同学们大家好! 在我的演讲开始之前,我想先说一下,在平时呢我是一个挺会侃的人,说话也挺利索,
情形,整天听到“我很烦啊”,“我愁死了”等等。 那么,为什么会出现这种情形呢?那是因为他们没有珍惜时间,在浪费青春,如果把时
时间是靠自己挤出来的,青春很短暂,我们浪费不起,我们不能 预见自己的未来,更无法掌控自己的未来,我们所能握住的只有今天。所谓“少壮不努
力,老大徒伤悲”,讲的就是人要在趁年轻时候,多多努力,让自己的青春无悔。 问大家一下,你们听过可米小子的《青春纪念册》吗?看来很多人都听过,很好听吧,
学生两分钟演讲稿 敬爱的老师、亲爱的同学们: 大家好!
艰辛的,会付出汗水,付出辛劳。因此我认为每个人的劳动成果都应该受到尊重。 劳动不仅伟大,而且神圣。劳动创造了物质生活,创造了精神文明,创造了人类五千年
灿烂的文明史。劳动人民用自己的勤劳和智慧,为整个世界做出了巨大的贡献! 劳动是没有高低贵贱之分的。当太阳还未升起的时候,被誉为“城市美容师”的清洁工
劳动的成果吗?这凝结着汗水的劳动成果,理所当然受到尊重。 然而,有些人却不这么做:走在大街上随地吐痰,随手扔垃圾,即使不远处就有垃圾箱,
这些不尊重别人劳动成果的人是可耻的! 同学们,请时刻提高自己的道德素养,养成良好的文明习惯,珍惜别人的点滴劳动成果
吧!让我们从自身做起!从现在做起! 我的演讲完毕,谢谢大家!篇三:两分钟演讲稿。doc 尊敬的各位领导,亲爱的各位牛商会的伙伴们: 大家好。
给我这么好的一次机会,让我在这里学习 成长。现在我介绍一下自己,我叫卢金铃,①⑧⑨
②③③①②① ⑧ ⑦来自富宇门锁,我们公司是专门制造锁具的,主要生产大门锁。在公司
谢谢大家!篇四:两分钟演讲稿 《做孩子的榜样》
引领孩子们去拥抱多彩的人生。 亲爱的老师们,我们要以“捧一颗心来,不带半棵草走”的精神,守住心灵的宁静,建
让我们一起携手努力。 我的演讲完毕,谢谢大家!篇五:五四演讲稿两分钟演讲稿 五四演讲稿两分钟演讲稿 尊敬的领导,亲爱的同事们 大家好
五月四日,我们迎来了一个属于年轻人的节日,五四,青年节 穿岁月峰头,伴历史云
As everyone knows,English is very important today.It has been used everywhere in the world.It has bee the most mon language on Internet and for international trade. If we can speak English well,we will have more chance to succeed.Because more and more people have taken notice of it,the number of the people who go to learn English has increased at a high speed.
But for myself,I learn English not only because of its importance and its usefulness,but also because of my love for it.When I learn English, I can feel a different way of thinking which gives me more room to touch the world.When I read English novels,I can feel the pleasure from the book which is different from reading the translation.When I speak English, I can feel the confident from my words.When I write English,I can see the beauty which is not the same as our Chinese...
I love English,it gives me a colorful dream.I hope I can travel around the world one day. With my good English, I can make friends with many people from different contries.I can see many places of great intrests.I dream that I can go to London,because it is the birth place of English.
I also want to use my good English to introduce our great places to the English spoken people,I hope that they can love our country like us.
I know, Rome was not built in a day. I believe that after continuous hard study, one day I can speak English very well.
If you want to be loved, you should learn to love and be lovable. So I believe as I love English everyday , it will love me too.
I am sure that I will realize my dream one day!
Thank you!
ill tell you an experience of myself happened last week. last thursday our school was tackling something about woking fou study. i wanted to have a try even though i knew the salary was so low and i had little chance,because the students who had the certificate were always thought to
have priority to get the job. fortunately i was called at noon and a teacher said to me that she wanted me to work for her and asked if i could change my mind.
at that moment i was so excited that immediately i accepted her idea. but later on,she found me that im not a student,so i had little chance and suggest me to get one. then an idea occurred to me that i could call my father and ask him to send me the letter. at the same time i was told that i was admitted to the job and dont need the certificate.
that time i forgot to remind my father,until the next day he called me that he had posted it and it would arrive in just one day. at that moment i was moved, and even moved into tears, because i knew my father was injured not long before,the process of helping me with the affairs was not so convenient for him.
but he tried his best to help me. sometimes we may plain about unsatisfying things around us,and blame them on our parents,sometimes theyll be angry with us, and sometimes we cant quite understand what they are thinking about. but on balance, almost every parent is selfless to his or her child. they are ready to offer everything to us when we are in bad situation.
we used to sharing sorrow with them,but do not forget to share our happiness with them, perhaps they will be much happier than we are. so from now on, lets care more about our parents and do not leave pity to them. thats what i want to tell you today. thank you!
Thank you!
I enter tile university after years of hard study and preparation. But life in the university is not as satisfactory as what I had expected. I bee lazy and dont want to study.I bee silcent. I bee puzzled. I dont know what I can do in the future. Then I bee unhappy.
Four years in the university is only a short period when pared my whole lifetime. Now it has passed a half. In this year, many people ,such as my parents,my friends, ask me what I want to do and tell me to map out a plan for my life. I dont want to follow their suggestion, and I want to go my style. So I think carefully. I have been a young volunteer for five years.Its very happy and significant. Then I have a dream.I want to join the University Student Volunteers Go West Programe. I think I can be a teacher in the west.I want to try my best to help them and help me. I want to see the world cearly. Now I cant reach its demand and its very diffcult,but I will work hard in the next two years. There is an old sayingwhere there is a will,there is a way.I think my dream can e ture.Now in the university I mature,and in the university I prepare for the real world.
At last,I want to say to everybodyHlod fast to your dreams,no matter how big or small they
are.The path to dreams may not be smooth and wide,even some sacrifices are needed.But hold on to the end,you can find there is no geater happiness than making your dream e ture.
Thank you!
Dreams are the wind for our sails on the ocean. Dreams kindle a flame to illuminate our dark roads. Dreams are the armor for our fragile hearts. Martin Luther King had a dream it was to have justice for all people. Lincoln had a dream it was to set the slaves free. They sought their dreams and ultimately made them e true. When I was young, I saw a dog one day. I threw a stone at it just for fun. Then it fell down and looked very weak. At that moment, I was surprised to notice it was pregnant. I cant remember what happened next, but theres one thing I know: that I felt guilty. It was the first time that I found life could so easily pass away. At that time, I had a dream, which was to help those people who needed help. There are too many wars and disasters. About 16,000 people have died in the Iraq War and one child dies every eight seconds in Africa because of starvation. I have dreams, you have dreams and they have dreams too. We should help them. We should save their lives so that they can pursue th
eir own dreams. Just like the lyric of a song says, We are the ones who make a brighter day so lets start giving. Well, thats my dream, a simple but meaningful one.
Thank you!
Good afternoon, boys and girls. my name is chen junlei. im from qianjia wan. i am 12 years old. im a boy, and i am a student. my favorite colour is green. my favorite fruit are apples and watermelons. my favorite foods are pizzas hotdogs and hamburgers.
my old friend is zhu jialiang. this is my new friend, zheng jie. look, this is mr. ji, my english teacher. and he is my cousin.
look, i have a family photo. this is my grandfather. hes not very old. he is 64. he likes watching tv. this is my grandmother. shes 60. she loves me very much. whos this woman? shes my mother. she is 36. shes very beautiful. whos that man? hes my dad. hes 36, too. he always go to school with me. whos this boy? ha, ha, its me. hes smart.
my speech is over. thank you everyone, goodbye!
? ? ? ?篇一:?
?两分钟演讲??稿两分钟演讲?稿? 在场的老?师及同?学们大?家好~? ?在我?的演讲开始之?前,我?想先说?一下,?在平时?呢我是?一个挺?会侃的?人,说?话也挺?利索,?但现在?站在这?,我觉?得有一??点紧张,所以?能不能?请大家?先给我?点掌声?鼓励我?一下,?~呵,?谢谢~? ?下面就开始?我的演?讲了,??我今天演讲的?题目是?《青春?无悔》?。在场?的同学?们,包?括我,?我们都?还处在??一个让人羡慕?的青春?期,青?春它本?应是一?个充满?活力、?热情及?遐想的?年纪,?它可以?很张扬?,但同?时又可?以很安?静。处??在这样一种年?纪的我?们本应?要好享?受青春?带给我?们的希?望及未?来的憧?憬,可?是在我?们的身?旁常常?发生的?是“少?年不识??愁滋味,为赋?新词强?说愁”?的情形?,整天?听到“?我很烦?啊”,?“我愁?死了”?等等。? ?那么,为什?么会出??现这种情形呢?,那是?因为他?们没有?珍惜时?间,在?浪费青?春,如?果把时??间充分利用了?,还会?出现这?种情形?吗,大?家都知?道伟大?的作家?鲁迅吧?,曾有?人夸他?是一个?天才作?家,而?鲁迅则?说:?
?“我不?是什么?天才,?我只是?把别人?喝咖啡?的时间??用来写作而已?。”?是的,时?间是靠?自己挤?出来的?,青春??很短暂,我们?浪费不?起,我?们不?能预见自?己的未?来,更??无法掌控自己?的未来?,我们?所能握?住的只?有今?天。所谓?“少壮?不努力?,老大?徒伤悲?”,讲?的就是?人要在?趁年轻?时候,?多多努?力,让?自己的?青春无?悔。? 问大家?一下,?你们听?过可米?小子的??《青春纪念册?》吗,?看来很?多人都?听过,??很好听吧,呵?。在这?里,我?希望在?场的所?有同学?都能好?好珍惜?青春,?不浪费?青春,?掌好自?己的舵?,把握?好方向?,走好??现在的每一步?,让自?己的青?春无悔?,等到?201?X?年,?我们大学毕业?后,在?场的我?们都能?用一颗?“无悔?”的心?装订成??我们汉语言?061?的“青春?纪念册?”。? ?
? ? ? ?篇二:?
??学生两分钟演?讲稿学?生两分?钟演讲?稿? 敬爱的老?师、亲?爱的同?学们:?
?大家好~? ?劳动是人类?生存和?发展的?基石。?没有劳?动就没?有我们??这个缤纷的世?界。然?而,劳?动也是??艰辛的,会付?出汗水?,付出?辛劳。?因此我?认为每?个人的?劳动成?果都应?该受到?尊重。? ?劳动不仅伟?大,而??且神圣。劳动?创造了?物质生?活,创?造了精?神文明?,创造?了人类?五千年??灿烂的文明史?。劳动?人民用?自己的?勤劳和?智慧,?为整个?世界做?出了巨?大的贡?献~? 劳动是?没有高?低贵贱?之分的?。当太?阳还未?升起的?时候,??被誉为“城市?美容师?”的清??洁工早?早的来到自己?的岗位?上,为?城市扫?去了垃?圾,却?怎么也?扫不去?两鬓不?断生长?的银发?;那些?建筑工?人冒着?严寒酷?暑,将??一砖一瓦盖成?大楼大?厦。瞧?~那些?高楼大?厦是多?么的雄?伟壮观?~我们?的老师?把自己?的知识?传递给?我们,?使我们?一个个??踏上了成功之?路???这些不?都是别?人辛勤?劳动的?成果吗??,这凝结着汗?水的劳??动成果,理所?当然受?到尊重?。? 然而,有?些人却?不这么?做:?
?走在大?街上随?地吐痰?,随手?扔垃圾?,即使?不远处?就有垃?圾箱,?也?不肯多走一?步;上?课不专?心听讲?,做小?动作;?走在花?园里践?踏草坪??,使环境得到?了破坏????这些不尊?重别人?劳动成?果的人?是可耻?的~? 同学?们,请时?刻提高?自己的?道德素??养,养成良好?的文明?习惯,?珍惜别?人的?点滴劳动?成果吧??~让我们从自?身做起?~从现?在做起?~? 我的演讲?完毕,?
? ?? ? ?篇三:?
?大家好?。? 今天走上?这个豪?华气派?的舞台?我的心?情很激?动。我?能?站在这个豪?华舞台?上,我?要感谢?牛商会?的各位?领导,?是你们?搭建了??这个舞?台,你们辛苦?了。我?还要感?谢富宇?门锁的?老板,?是你给?我这么?好的一?次机会?,让我?在这里?学习? 成长。?现在我?介绍一?下自己?,我叫??卢金铃,?
?? ?
?? ?
?? ? ??来自富宇?门锁,??我们公司是专?门制造?锁具的?,主要?生产大?门锁。?在公司?里我负?责的是?免费推?广这一?块,来?公司不?久才一?个月,??对推广这方面?还是有?很多不?懂的地?方,但?是牛商?精神不?断的鞭?策自己?,克服?困难,?永不言?败,全?力以赴?。我相??信我一定会超?越自我?,迈上?辉煌。? ?
?谢谢大?家~? 篇四:? ?
?两分钟演讲?稿《做??孩子的榜样》? ?记得法国作?家卢梭?说过?:“榜样?~?榜样~没有?榜样,?你永远?不能成?功地教?给儿童?任何东?西。”?法国作?家?罗曼,罗兰?也说过?:?
?“要撒播?阳光到?别人心?中,总?得自己?心中有?阳光。?”我想?,我们??每个教师的言?行举止?就如同?这里的?“榜样?”和“?阳光”?。俗话?说,喊?破嗓子?不如做?出样子?,所以?说教师?是一面?旗帜,?学生如?影随形?般地追?着走;?教师是?路标,?学生毫?不迟疑?地顺着?标记往?前行。? ?说实?话,从?我加入教师这?支队伍?已经六?年了,?也当了?六年班?主任,?我只是?给了学?生一缕?春风,?而他们?却给了?我整个??春天。嗓子哑?时,讲?台上悄?悄放着?的金嗓?子喉宝?;手工?课后,?那些歪?歪扭扭?的纸质?玫瑰花?堆满了?我的办?公桌????这一切的一?切让我?享受到?被感恩?、被喜?爱的满?足???? 一个人的?生命是有?限的,?而我们?的教育?事业是?常青的?。我的?生命在?学生身?上延?续,我的?价值在?学生身?上体现?。我无?悔于我?的生命?,更无?悔于我??的选择。如果?人生再?给我一?次选择?,我仍?会义无?反顾地?选择做?教师,?仍会?执着的拿?起粉笔?,在大?地上画??满一个个迎接?光明的?窗子,?引领孩?子们?去拥抱多?彩的人?生。? 亲爱的?老师们?,我们?要以“?捧一颗?心来,??不带半棵草走?”的精?神,守?住心灵?的宁静?,建设?爱岗敬?业,爱?生如子?的精?神家园。?不仅做?为人民?服务的??教师,更要做?让人民?满意的?教师,?让我?们一起携?手努力?。? 我的演讲?完毕,? ?
?谢谢大家?~? 篇五:?
?两分钟?的英语??演讲稿两分钟?的英语?演讲稿? i ?ll ?tel?l y?u a?n ?expe?rie?nce? f ?mys?elf? ha?ppe?ned? la?st ?eek?. l?ast? th?urs?day? ur? sc?hl ?as ?tac?kli?ng ?sme?thi?ng ?abu?t k?ing? fu? st?udy?. i? an?ted? t ?hav?e a? tr?y ?even? th?ugh? i ?kne? th?e s?ala??ry as ?s l? an?d i? ha?d l?itt?le ?cha??nce,be?cau?se ?the? st?ude?nts? h ?had?? the c?ert?ifi?cat?e e?re ?ala?ys ?thu??ght t ?hav?e p?rir?ity? t ?get? th?e j??b. frt?una?tel?y i? as? ca?lle?d a?t ?nn a??nd a t?eac?her? sa?id ?t m?e t?hat? sh?e a?nte?d m?e t? rk? fr? he?r a?nd ?ask?ed ?if ?i c?uld? ch?ang?e m?y m?ind?. a?t t?hat? mm?ent? i ?as ?s e?xci?ted? ?that ?imm?edi?ate?ly ?i a?cce?pte??d her ?ide?a. ?but? la?ter? n,?she? fu??nd me ?tha??t i m ?nt ?a s?tud?ent?,s ??i had ?lit?tle? ch?anc?e a?nd ?sug?ges??t me t? ?get n?e. ?the?n a?n i?dea? cc?urr?ed ?t m?e t?hat? i ?cul?d c?all? my? fa?the?r ?and ?ask? hi?m t? se?nd ??me the? le?tte?r. ?at ?the? sa?me ?tim??e i as? tl?d t??hat ?i as ?adm?itt?ed ?t t?he ?jb ?and? dn? t ?nee?d t?he ?cer?tif?ica?te.? th?at ?tim?e ?i fr?gt ??t remi?nd ?my ?fat?her?,un?til? th?e n??ext da?y h?e c?all?ed ?me ?tha?t ?he h?ad ?pst?ed ?it ?and? it? ul?d a?rri?ve ?in ?jus?t n?e d?ay.? at?? that ?mme?nt ?i a?s m?ved?, a?nd ?eve?n m?ved? in?t t?ear?s, ?bec?aus?e i? kn?e m?y f?ath?er ?as ?inj?ure?d n?t l?ng ?bef?re,?the? pr?ces?s f? he?lpi?ng ?me ?ith? th?e a?ffa?irs? ?as nt? s ?v?eni?ent? fr? hi??m. but? he? tr?ied? hi?s b??est t ?hel??p me. ?sme?tim?es ?e m?ay ?pla?in ?abu??t unsa?tis?fyi?ng ?thi?ngs? ar?und? us??,and ?blam?e t?hem? n ?ur ?par?ent?s,s?met?ime?s t?hey? ll? be? an?gry? it?h u?s, ?and? ?smeti?mes? e ?can? t ?qui??te und?ers?tan?d h?at ?the?y a?re ?thi??nking ?abu?t. ?but? n ?bal?anc?e, ?alm??st eve?ry ?par?ent? is? se?lfl?ess? t ??his r ?her? ch?ild?. ?they? ar?e r?ead?y t? ff?er ?eve?ryt?hin?g t? us? he?n e? ar?e i?n b?ad ?sit?uat?in.? ?e use??d t sh?ari?ng ?srr? it?h t?hem?,bu?t d?? nt fr?get? t ?sha?re ?ur ?hap?pin?ess?? ith t?hem?, p?erh?aps? th?ey ?ill? be? mu?ch ?hap?pie?r t?han? e ?are?. s? fr?m ?n n,? le?t s? ca?re ?mre? ab?ut ??ur par?ent?s a?nd ?d n?t l?eav?e p?ity?? t the?m. ?tha?t s? ha?t i? an?t t? te??ll yu ?tda?y. ?tha?nk ?yu!? ?篇六:?
?两分钟的?英语演?讲稿两?分钟的?英语演?讲稿? ? ?I l?l t?ell? yu? an? ?exper?ien?ce ??f myse?lf ?hap?pen?ed ?las?t e?ek.? La??st Thu?rsd?ay ?ur ?sch?l ?as t?ack?lin?g s?met?hin?g a?but? rk?ing? fr? st?udy?. i? an?ted? t ?hav?e a? tr?y ?
even? th?ugh? i ?kne? th?e s?ala?ry ?as ?s l? an?d i? ha?d l?itt?le ?cha??nce,be?cau?se ?the? st?ude?nts? h ?had? th?e c?ert?ifi?cat?e e?re ?ala?ys ??thught? t ?hav?e p?rir?ity? t ?get? th?e j?b. ?frt?una?tel?y i? as? ca?lle??d at ?nn a??nd a t?eac?her? sa?id ??t me t?hat? sh?e a?nte?d m?e t? rk? fr? he?r a?nd ?ask?ed ?if ?i c?uld? ch??ange m?y m?ind?. a?t t?hat? mm?ent? i ?as ?s e?xci?ted? ?that ?imm?edi?ate?ly ?i a?cce?pte?d h?er ?ide?a. ?but?? later? n,?she? fu?nd ?me ?tha??t i m ?nt ?a s?tud?ent?,s ?i h?ad ?lit?tle?? chanc?e a?nd ?sug?ges?t m?e t? ?ge?t ne. ?the?n a?n i?dea? cc?urr?ed ?t m?e t?hat? i ?cul?d c?all? my? fa?the??r and ?ask? hi?m t? se?nd ?me ?the?? lette?r. ?at ?the? sa?me ?tim?e i? as? tl?d t??hat ?i as ?adm?itt?ed ?t t?he ?jb ?and? dn? t ?nee?d t?he ?cer??tifica?te.? th?at ?tim?e ?i fr?gt ??t remi?nd ?my ?fat?her?,un?til? th?e n?ext? da?y h?e c?all?ed ?me ?tha?t ?he h?ad ?pst?ed ?it ?and? it? ul?d a??rrive ?in ?jus?t n?e d?ay.? at?? that ?mme?nt ?i a?s m?ved?, a?nd ?eve?n m??ved in?t t?ear?s, ?bec?aus?e i? kn?e m?y f?ath?er ?as ?inj?ure?d n?t l?ng ??befre,?the? pr?ces?s f? he?lpi?ng ?me ?ith? th?e a?ffa?irs? ?as nt? s ?v?eni?ent? fr? hi?m. ?but? he? tr?ied?? his b??est t ?hel?p m?e. ?sme?tim?es ?e m?ay ?pla?in ?abu?t u?nsa?tis?fyi??ng thi?ngs? ar?und? us?,an?d ?blam??e them? n ?ur ?par?ent?s,s?met?ime?s t?hey? ll? be? an?gry? it?h u?s, ?and?? smeti?mes? e ?can? t ?qui?te ?und??erstan?d h?at ?the?y a?re ?thi?nki?ng ?abu?t. ?but? n ?bal?anc?e, ?alm?st ??every ?par?ent? is? se?lfl?ess? t ?his? r ?her? ch?ild?. ?they? ar?e r?ead?y t? ff?er ?eve?ryt?hin?g t? us? he??n e ar?e i?n b?ad ?sit?uat?in.? ?e ?used t? sh?ari?ng ?srr? it?h t?hem?,bu?t d? nt? fr?get? t ?sha?re ?ur ?hap??piness? ?ith t?hem?, p?erh?aps? th??ey ill? be? mu?ch ?hap?pie?r t?han? e ?are?. s? fr?m ?n n,? le?t s? ca?re ?mre? ab?ut ?ur ?par?ent?s a?nd ?d n??t leav?e p?ity? t ?the?m. ?tha?t s? ha?t i? an?t t? te?ll ?yu ?tda?y. ?tha??nk yu!? ?中学生感恩?英语演??讲稿 ? ?the? pe?t s?aid?: s?pri?ng ?fle?rs ?t t??he dr ?pus?hed? pe?n ?。
i ?sai?d: ??thanks? gi?vin?g t? th?e d?r p?ush?ed ?pen? th?e l?ivi?ng.? if? yu? ?caref?ull?y l?ist?en ?t t?he ?vic?es ?f f??lers, ?are? ev?ery?her?e h?arm?niu?s ?life? mv?eme?nt.? ?诗人说:?
?感恩把?生活的?门推开?了。只?要你用?心去听?花开的?声音,?生活到?处?都是和谐的?乐章。? th?en,? as? a ?mid?dle? sc?hl ?stu?den??t, h t?han?ksg?ivi?ng?? ?
那么,作为?一名中?学生,?怎样感?恩呢,? fi?rst? th?ank?sgi?vin?g t?hei?r ?pare?nts?, b?eca?use? ev?ery?ne ?s l?ife?? is a ?t?inu?ati?n f? th?e p?are?nts? ?f ne ?bld?, a?ll ?f t?he ?par?ent?s g?ave? us? lv?e, ?let?? us en?jy ?the? hu?man? ?rld f?? affec?tin? an?d h?app?ine?ss,? th?ere?fre?, e? ul?d l?ike? t ?tha??nk the? ?paren?ts.? ?首先要感恩?自己的?父母,?因为每?个人的?生命都?是父母?血脉?的延续?,?父母给了我们?全部的?爱?,让我们享?受到了?人世间?的亲情?和幸?福,因此?,?我们要感谢?父母。? te?ach??ers ar?e u?r g?rth?领路人?, a?re ?ur ?fri?end?s, ?tea?che?rs ?car?e f??r us ,? th?eir? rd?s a?nd ?dee?ds,? le?t u?s ?bene?fit? fr? li?fe,? e ?pay? fr? te?ach?ers? ef?frt??s and ?sea?t, ?e s?hul?d ?than??ksgivi?ng ?tea?che?rs.? ?老师是我们??成长的领路人?,是我?们的朋?友,?老师爱护?我们,?言传身??教,让我们受?益终身?,老师?为我们?付出心?血和?汗水,我??们应该感恩老?师。? stu?den?ts ?stu?dy ??the li?ves? f ?ur ?fel?l ?stud??ents t? en?cur?age? ea?ch ?the?r, ?hel?p e?ach? th?er,? t ?jin?tly?? vere ?dif?fic?ult?ies? an?d s?etb?ack?s, ?the? mn? ta?ste? f ?suc??cess a?nd ?hap?pin?ess? ?learn??ing, e? sh?uld? be? gr?ate?ful? fr? ev?ery? da?y a?nd ?e a?cpa?nie??d the ?stu?den?ts.? ?同学是我们?学习生??活的同伴,同?学间互?相鼓励?,互相?帮助?,?共同战胜困难??与挫折,共同?品尝学?习的成?功与快?乐,我?们应该?感谢天?天与我?们相伴?的同学?。? than?ksg?ivi?ng-?fig?hti?ng,? th?ank?sgi?vin?g ?unli?mit?ed!? st?ude?nts?, a?nd ?sci??ety th?ank?sgi?vin?g! ?let? us? al?ays? t ?the? li?fe ?car?ing? an??d full? f ?lve? an?d l?ve!? ?感恩?无痕,感恩无?限~?同学们,?学会感?恩吧~?让我们?的生活??永远走向关怀?,充满?真情和?爱心~?
?怎样才?能学好?英语? ? ?as ??everyn?e k?ns,?eng?lis?h i?s v?ery? ?imprt?ant? td?ay.?it ?has? be?en ?use?d e?ver?yhe?re ?in ?the?? rld.i?t h?as ?bee? ?the m?st ??mn lan?gua?ge ?n i?nte?rne?t a?nd ?fr ?int?ern?ati?nal? tr?ade?. i??f e ca?n s?pea?k e?ngl?ish? el??l,e il?l h?ave? mr?e c?han?ce ?t s?ucc?eed?.be??cause ?mre? an?d m??re pep?le ?hav?e t?ake?n n?tic?e f? it?,th?e n?umb?er ?f t?he ?pep??le h g? t ?lea?rn ?eng?lis?h h?as ?inc?rea?sed? at? a ?hig?h s?pee??d. but? fr? ?mysel?f,i? le?arn?? engli?sh ?nt ?nly? be?cau?se ?f i?ts ?imp?rta?nce? an?d i?ts ?use??fulnes?s,b?ut ?als? be?cau?se ?f m?y l?ve ?fr ?it.?hen? i ?lea?rn ??englis?h, ?i c?an ?fee?l a? di?ffe?ren?t a?y f? th?ink?ing? hi?ch ??gives ?me ?mre? rm? t ?tuc?h ?
the ?rld?.he?n i? re?ad ?eng?lis?h n?vel?s,i? ca?n f?eel? th?e p?lea?sur?e f?rm ??the bk? hi?ch ?is ?dif?fer?ent? fr?m r?ead?ing? th?e t?ran?sla?tin?.he?n i? sp?eak?? engli?sh,? i ?can? fe?el ?the? ?fid??ent fr?m m?y r?ds.?hen? i ?rit??e engl?ish?,i ?can? se?e t?he ?bea?uty? hi?ch ?is ??nt the? sa?me ?as ?ur ?chi?nes?e..?. i? lv?e ?engl?ish?,it? gi?ves? me? a ?clr?ful? dr?eam?.i ?hpe? i ?can? tr?ave?l a?run??d the ?rld? ne? da?y. ?ith? my? gd? en?gli?sh,? i ?can? ma?ke ?fri?end?s i?th ?man??y pepl?e ?frm ?dif?fer?ent? ?tri?es.??i can ?see? ma?ny ?pla?ces? f ?gre?at ?int?res?ts.?i ?drea?m t?hat? i ?can? g ?t l?ndn?,be?cau?se ?it ?is ?the? bi?rth? pl??ace f ?eng?lis?h. ?i a?ls ?ant? t ?use? my? gd? en?gli?sh ?t i?ntr?duc?e u?r g?rea??t plac?es ?t t?he ?eng?lis?h s?pke?n p?epl?e,i? hp?e t?hat? th?ey ?can? lv?e u?r c??untry ?lik?e u?s.i? ?kn, r?me ?as ?nt ??built ?in ?a d?ay.? i ?bel?iev?e t?hat? af?ter? ?tin?uus? ha?rd ?stu?dy,? ne? da??y i? can s?pea?k e?ngl?ish? ve?ry ?ell?. i?f y?u a?nt ?t b?e l?ved?, ?yu s?hul?d l?ear?n t? lv?e a?nd ?be ?lva?ble?. s? i ??believ?e a?s i? lv?e e?ngl?ish? ?every??day , ?it ?ill? lv?e m?e t?. i? am? su?re ?tha?t i? il?l r?eal?ize? my? dr?eam? ?ne da?y! ?tha?nk ?yu!? ?中学生三分?钟英语?演讲稿? ? ? gd? mr?nin?g,d?ear? ?teach?er ?and? my? fr?ien?ds.? it?’?s a v?ery? in?tre?sti?ng ?tpi?c t?day?. i? ?think? my? da?d a?s a? he?r f?r m?e h?en ?i a?s a? yu??ng chi?ld.? e ?d g? fi?shi??ng, ?alks,?? and t?her? fu?n t?hin?gs ?fr ?a k?id.? ev?ery? ch?ild? ha?s a? gd? an?d ?grea?t f?ath?er,? an?d s? d ?i. ?my ?dad? pl?aye??d a ve?ry ?imp?rta?nt ?rle? in? ?my da??ily li?fe`?```?`ex?act?ly ?spe?aki?ng,? in? my? pa??st 16 ?yea?rs.? my? ?fathe?r a?lay?s s?tan?ds ?in ?the? ce?nte?r f? my?? life?, fr?m p?ast? ti?ll ?n ?and ?pss?ibl?y i?n t?he ?fut?ure?. m?y f?ami?ly ??as rat?her? pr? he?n i? as? in? ?my ch??ildhd.? e ?did?n t? ha?ve ?ur ?n h?use? an?d h?ad ?t l?ive? in? a ?sha?bby?,? s?mall r?m r?ent?ed ?frm? my? fa?the?r s? fa?ctr?y. ?the? rm? as? s ?sma?ll ?tha?t ?ther?e a?s l?itt?le ?spa?ce ?fr ?pep?le ??t alk.? i ?did?n t? ha?ve ?my ?n b?ed ?and? ha?d t? sl?eep? it?h m?y p?are?nts?. t??his is? te?rri?ble? bt?h f?r m?y ?pare??nts an?d m?e. ?but? fa?the?r m?ade? th?is ?all? di?ffe?ren?t?~he r?ks ?ver?y ?hard? n ?his? n ?bus?ine?ss,? n ?e h?ave?? ur n ?2 h?use?se,?sur?ly,?i h?ave? my? ?n rm.?and? he? ta?ke ?ur ?fam?ily? s ?muc?h h?app?ine?ss,? ri?che?r a?nd ?ric?her??. hen ?i a?s l?itt?le,? i ?did? ev?ery??thing ?ith? my? da?d. ?yu ?cul?d a?lay?s f?ind? ?me si?tti?ng ?n h?is ?kne?e r? al?kin?g a?nd ?din?g e?ver?yth?ing? it?h h??im. ev?ery? ?
night? he? ul?d r?ead? me? a ?bed? ti?me ?str?y a?nd ?mak?e t?he ?vic?es ?f e?ach?? chara?cte?r. ?i l?ear?nt ?a l?t f?rm ??my dad?dy.? i ?lea?rnt? t ?nev?er ?tak?e ?thin?gs ?t s?eri?usl?y a?nd ?t a?lay?s s?mil?e. ?lik?e m?any? th?er ?fat?her?s, ??my dad? an?d i? al?s h?as ?gen?era?tin? ga?p. ?he ?is ?nt ?gd ?at ?r e?ven? ca?n?’t rk? th?e p?ute?r. ?s h?en ?i s?itt?ing? at? th?e p?ute?r d?esk?,he? il?l s?ay ??smethi?ng ?lik?e ?‘yu ?shu?ld ?pay? mr??e atte?nti?n t? yu?r s?tud?y?’, ?‘dn?’t as?te ?tim?e n? th?e p?ute?r g??ames?’ , ?‘it ?ill? be? ba?d f?r y??ur eye?s?’ and? s ?n. ?h c?an ?i- ?a p?ute?r f?an ?–? redu?ce ?tim?e n? pu?ter?? s? i ?t?inu?e ?stud?yin?g a?nd ?pla?yin?g n? it? ye?ars? pa??sted, ?my ?fat??her is? ve?r 4?5 n?. ?it i?s t?ime? fr?? me t ?lk ?aft?er ?him? an?d i?am ?sur?e i? il?l d? an?d e? il?l ?live? an? ev?en ?bet?ter? li?fe.? an?d i? il?l s?ay,?i r??eally ?lve? yu? da?d,c?aus?e ?yu a?re ??the he??r in m?y m?ind?. t?han?k y?u s? mu?ch!? Sa?y N? t ?Jun?k f?d G?d ?mrni?ng,? ev?ery?bdy?! B?ys ?and? gi?rls?, p?lea??se rai?se ?yu ?han?d I?f y?u d?n?’t li?ke ?fri?ed ?chi?cke?n i?ngs?.(?你可现场?问问题?) H? ab?ut ?dub?le ?che?ese? ?burge?r? ?Rai?se ?yu ?han?ds ?if ?yu ?dn?’t l?ike? Fr?enc?h f?rie?s. ?I c?an ?see? ?s man?y p?epl?e l?ike? fr?ied? ch?ick?ens?, d??uble c?hee?se ?bur?ger?s a?nd ?Fre?nch? fr?ies?. N? le?t m?e a?sk ?yu ?ne ?mre? qu??estin:? Ra?ise? yu? ha?nds? ?if yu? li??ke ?junk f?d. ?I c?an ?see? th?at ?nbd?y l?ike?s j?unk? fd?. R?igh?t? ?Bys? an?d g??irls, ?d y?u r?eal?ize? th?at ?the? ne? yu? er?e i?n f?avr? ju?st ?n ?are ?jun?k f?ds.? Ju?nk ?fd ?is ?a s?lan?g r?d f?r f??ds ith? li?mit?ed ?Nut?rit?ina?l ?valu??e. Fds? th?at ?are? hi?gh ?in ?sal?t, ?sug?ar,? fa?t r? ca?lri?es ?and? l ?nut?rie??nt t?ent?. a?re ?jun?k f?ds.? By?s a?nd ?gir?ls,? li?ste?n u?p! ?jun?k ?fds ?may? ca?use? hy?per?ten?sin? Ju?nk ?fds? ma??y incr?eas?e v?ari?us ?kin?ds ?f c??ancer,? ca?rdi?vas?cul?ar ?dis?eas?e, ?dia?bet??es, an?d b?esi?ty ?Bys? an?d ?girl?s, ??I am n?t s?tan?din?g h?ere? t ?sca?re ?yu ?Eat?ing? he?alt?hy ?fds? sh?uld? ?start? fr?m t?he ?yun?g S? le?t u?s s?tar?t f??rm tda?y L?et ?us ?say? n ?t j?unk? ?fd? Bys a?nd ?gir?ls,? it? is? nt? a ?mat?ter? h ?lng? yu? cu?ld ?liv?e I?t i?s ?the ?qua?lit?y f? li?fe ?tha?t c?unt?s! ?Gd ??bless ?eve?ryb?dy!? By?e! ?Lad?ies? ?an?d gent?lem?en,? gd? mr?nin?g. ?It?’s m??y grea?t h?nr ?t b?e h?ere? an?d I? ?am? very ?hap?py ?t s?ee ?yu ?all?. T?han?k y?u f?r b?ein?g h?ere?. h?at ?I a?m ?ging? t ?tal?k a?but? td?ay ?is ?h t? sp?eak?? gd En?gli?sh.? Fi?rst? f ?all?, I?’?
d lik?e t? ta?lk ?abu?t t?he ?imp?rta?nce? f ?spe?aki?ng ?gd ?Eng?lis?h a?nd ?sha??re my ?exp?eri?enc?e i?n l?ear?nin?g E?ngl?ish? it?h y?u. ?As ?yu ?kn,? En?gli?sh ??has ?bee a?n i?nte?rna?tin?al ?lan?gua??ge. he?rev?er ?yu ?g, ?Eng?lis?h i?s a?lay?s ?mnly? us?ed.? It? is? ?ven?ien?t t? kn? th?e l?ang?uag?e. ?At ?the? sa?me ??time,E?ngl?ish? ma?y b?e t?he ?mst? im?prt?ant? fa?ctr? in? de?cid?ing? hi?ch ?cun??tries ?are? le?ade?rs ?in ?the? fu?tur?e. ?The? la?ngu?age? f ?the? ms?t ?adva?nce?d m?ana?gem?ent? an?d t?ech?nlg?y i?s u??ndubte?dly? En?gli?sh.? Be?ing? ?able ??t absr?b t?his? in?frm?ati?n i?s r?eal?ly ?the? ke?y t? th?e n?e c?ent?ury?. ?In t?he ?21c?ent?ury?. e? ca?n?’t g ?the??re and? sp?eak? ur? n ?lan?gua?ge ?bec?aus?e ?nbdy? is? gi?ng ?t l?ear?n i?t i?n r?der? t ?und?ers?tan?d u?s. ?ur ?Asi?an ??rival,? ?India?, h?as ?sur?ged? ah?ead?? f the?r d?eve?lpi?ng ?cun?tri?es ?in ?inf?rma?tin? ?techn?lgy? be?cau?se ?f i?ts ?sup?eri?r E?ngl?ish? sk?ill?s. ?Unl?ess?? e are? ab?le ?t m?ast?er ?Eng?lis?h, ?e i?ll ?nt ?be ?abl?e t? ge?t u?r p?pul?ati??n t us?e I?T ?and ?tak?e a?dva?nta?ge ??f the ?ne ?e?my.? Th?ere? is? an? ur?gen?t n?eed? t ?hav?e a? rk?frc?e h?ich? is?? prfic?ien?t i??n the ?lan?gua?ge ?in ?vie? f ?the? ?infrm?ati?n t?ech?nlg?y n?sla?ugh?t. ?Sec?nd,? ab?ut ?lea?rni?ng ?Eng??lish, ?I ?thin?k l?ayi?ng ?a s?trn?g f??undati?n i?s t?he ?fir?st ?and? ms?t i?mpr?tan?t s?tep?. ?In t?her? rd?s, ?yu ?shu?ld ?rea?d a?nd ?spe?ak ?Eng?lis?h e?ver??y day.? ?Memri?zin?g n?e r?ds ?and? ph??rases ?is ?als? he?lpf?ul.? f ?cur?se,? le?arn?ing? ?Engli?sh ?tak?es ?sme? ti?me,? s ?dn?’t b?e i?mpa?tie?nt.? Re?mem?ber?, R?me ?asn?’?t bui?lt ?in ?a d?ay.? An?d t?hen? si?nce? En?gli?sh ?is ?nt ?ur ??native? tn?gue?, ?e mu?st ?dev?elp? th??e musc?les? f ?yur? sp?eec?h r?gan?s t? pr?duc?e u?nfa?mil?iar? ?sunds?. h?en ?yu ?rea?d, ?rea?d a?s l?udl?y a?s p?ssi?ble??, as c?lea?rly? as? ?pssib?le ?and? as?? quick?ly ?as ?pss?ibl?e. ?Tng?ue ?mus?cle?s?’ tra?ini?ng ?is ?f i?mpr?tan?ce ??in lea?rni?ng ?any? fr?eig?n l?ang?uag?e. ?Thi?rd,? if? yu? an?t ?t sp?eak? gd? En?gli?sh,? pl?eas?e d?n?’t ca?re ?h p??rly el?l y?u s?pea?k, ?nly? ?care ?abu??t catc?hin?g t?he ?cha?nce?s t? sp?eak?. Y?u m?ust? en?jy ?lsi?ng ?fac?e, ?jus?t f??rget a?but? yu?r f?ace?. T?he ?mre? yu? sp?eak?, t?he ?bet?ter? yu?r ?Engl?ish? il?l b?ee.? Th?e m?re ?mis?tak?es ?yu ?mak??e, the? mr?e p?rgr?ess? yu? ?ill m?ake??. Yu m?ust? en?jy ?spe?aki?ng ?pr ?Eng?lis?h, ?bec?aus?e s?pea?kin?g ?is t?he ?nly? th?ing? th?at ?ill? le?ad ?yu ?tar?ds ??succes?s. ?Dn?’t g?ive? up?. ?
Just? tr?y y?ur ?bes?t. ?Eve?ry ?tim??e yu m?ve ?yur? mu?th,? yu?r m?emr?y i??ll dee?pen?, y?ur ?mus?cle?s i?ll ?str??engthe?n. ?Yu ?can? ma?ke ?it.? I ?hav??e made? ?a s?ide?rab?le ?amu?nts? f ?pub?lic? En?gli?sh ?spe?aki?ng ?in ?my ?lif?e, ?I ?am f?ten? as?ked? hy? th??e craz?y E?ngl?ish? me?thd? is? be?tte??r than? th?er ?met?hds? r ?if ?the? cr??azy En?gli?sh ?met?hd ?ill? he?lp ?all?? Engli?sh ?lea?rne?rs.? My? an?ser? is??, the ?met?hd ?ill? he?lp ?the? En?gli??sh lea??rners ?bec?aus?e i?t i?s a? pe??rfect ?mat?ch ?ith? th?e C?hin?ese? pr??incipl?es ?f ?dili?gen?ce,? se?lf-?hel?p a?nd ?det?erm?ina?tin?. M?ere? ex?psu?re ?t E?ngl?ish? ?ill n?t e?nab?le ??yu t s?pea?k E?ngl?ish?. I?f y?u a?nt ??t driv?e y?u h?ave? t ?get? in? th?e c??ar and? dr?ive?, i?f y?u a?nt ?t d?anc??e yu h?ave? t ?tur?n n? ?the m?usi?c a?nd ?dan?ce,? if? yu? an?t t? si?m y?u h?ave? t ?jum?p i?n t?he ?ate?r ?and ??sim. I?n f?act?, s?imm?ing? is? th?e p??erfect? pa?ris?n t? le??arning? ?Engli?sh.? Yu? ca?n?’t le?arn? t ?sim? by? si?tti?ng ?in ?a r?m a?nd ?rea?din?g ?bks ?abu?t s?imm?ing? sk?ill?s. ?In ??rder t? be? a ?sim?mer? yu?’?ve gt? t ?q?uer? ?yu fe?ar,? yu?’?ve gt? t ?sur?viv?e a?nd ?suc?k i?n a?ter?, y?ell? fr? he?lp,? ?yu’?ve gt? t ?lse? fa?ce ?man?y t?ime?s b?efr?e y?u c?an ?mak?e i?t. ?But?, t? ?be a ?gd ?sim?mer?? yu’?ve gt? t ?pra?cti?ce ?aga?in ?and? ag?ain?. T? be? ag?rea?t ?simm?er ??yu hav?e t? pr?act?ice? fr? ye?ars? un??til yu? ca?n h?arm?niz?e e?ver?y ?part? f ?yur? bd?y a?nd ?min?d. ?Fin?all?y, ?I a?nt ?t g?ree?t y?u a?nd ?enc?ura?ge ?yu ?t s?eiz?e t?his? un?iqu?e p?prt?uni?ty ?t c?nqu?er ?Eng?lis?h a?nd ?mak?e ?life?lng? fr?ien?ds ?frm? al?l v?er ??ur cll?ege?. A?s y?u k?n, ?e a?re ?hum??an bei?ngs? ,n?t a?nim?als?. e? kn? ha??t e an?t t? d.? e ?kn ?ur ?des?tin?y i??s in ?ur h?and?s. ?ith? ha?rd ?rk ?and? de?ter?min?ati?n, ?e c?an ?d a?nyt?hin?g e? se?t ?ur m?ind? t ?d. ?Tda?y, ??I ill ?acp?any? yu? ev?ery? mi?nut?e n?? this ?uni?que? ?jurne?y. ?I a?nt ?yu ?t p?en ?yur? he?art?, I? an?t y?u t? be? de?vte?d, ?I a?nt ?yu ?t b?e c?raz?y, ?I a?nt ?yu ?t f?rge?t a?but? yu?r f?ace?, I? an?t t? pe?n y?ur ?mut?h i?ldl?y, ?I a?nt ?yu ?q?uer? yu?r l?azi?nes?s a?nd ?all? th?e t?her? hu?man? ?eakne??sses, ?I a?nt ?yu ?t v?ere? al?l t?he ??篇七: ?
?教师两分钟?演讲稿?教师两?分钟演?讲稿? 尊敬的?领导,?各位老?师,大?家好~? ?来到第四小?学,我?的感觉?是,我??们的领导平易?近人,?和蔼可??敬。同事们之?间,一?见如故?,友好?相处。??我们每天高高?兴兴的?上班来?
,欢欢?喜喜的?回家去?,过得?充实而?自我。? ?多年的教学?历程,?使我深??深的领悟到:? ?
?谢谢大家~? ?篇八:?
?教?师两分钟演讲?稿教师?两分钟?演讲稿? ?尊敬的领导?,各位?老师,??大家好~? 来到第四?小学,?我的感?觉是,?我们的?领导平?易近人?,和蔼??可敬。同事们?之间,?一见如?故,友?好相处?。我们?每天高??高兴兴的上班?来,欢?欢喜喜?的回家?去,过?得充实?而自我?。? 多年的教?学历程?,使我??深深的领悟到?:?
?教育是一?项伟大?的事业?,师德?是教师?的光辉?,是教?师的灵?魂,是??教师的?人格魅力,是?教师的?生命内?涵。一?个好的?教师,?必须要?有爱心?、有责?任心、?有敬业?精神。?用最佳?的教学?手段,?教育方?法,来?展示自??己的工作热情?和激情?,为学?生打造?最佳的?学习环?境。只?有这样?,学生?才会把?你当成?,真正?的灵魂?工程师?,只有?这样,?我们才?能证明??自己,无愧于?这个光?荣的称?号。为?了这个?目标,?我们一?直在努?力。我?相信,?只要大?家齐心?协力,?我们第?四小学?的明天?,一定?是灿烂??、辉煌的~? ?
?谢谢大家?~? 篇九:?
?五四演?讲稿两?分钟演?讲稿五?四演讲?稿两分?钟演讲?稿? 尊敬的领?导,?亲爱的同?事们? 大家好? ?五月四日,?我们迎?来了一?个属于?年轻人?的节日?,五四?,青年?节? 穿?岁月峰头,伴?历史云?烟? 回望???中国共?产主义?青年?团已走过?八十多?年的征?程。一?代又一?代的优?秀青年?用热血?为民族??的复兴做出了?不朽的?贡献,?我们应?铭记于?心,时?刻不忘?,“青??春不停步,?誓死跟党?走”?! ?此时祖国正?值?xx期间,?正是需?要人才?的时期?,我们??
不应该只顾着?欣赏五?月的花?海,更?要为祖?国为人?民多做?贡献,?正是因?为我们?年轻,?我们富?有热血?,我们?拥有信?念,所?以我们?更应该?多担当?责任,?首先我?们是要??学会对自己负?责,有?句话叫?“青春?无悔”?还有一?句是“?青春如?梦”,?你错过?了,也?就回不?来了,?我希望?听到的?是后辈??人的称赞? 这是属于?我们的?时代,??这里没有战争?,但我?们更需?要勇气?,?这里没有饥?饿,我?们更需?要节约??? ??最后,让我们?大家一?起迎接?五四?青年节,?为祖国?,也为?了自己?? 篇十:?
?两分钟党?员发展?对象演?讲稿两?分钟党?员发展?对象演?讲稿? ?各位老?师、同学:?
? ?大家中午好?~? 我是?#####??专业研二的学?生。我?叫?###?,目前是一??名光荣的党员?发展对?象。研?究生的?生活已?经过去?了一半?,回顾?这一年?半的时?光,我?感慨万?千。? 研一期?间,我?积极参?加学院?的工作?,担任??第四届研究生?会学研?部部长?一职。?在各位?老师和??同仁的帮助下?,我们?成功的?举办了?四期全?校英语?角和若?干期的?学院硕?博论坛?活动。?在工作?中,我?踏实、?肯干,?积极动?员一切?可以动?员的力?量,协?调各方?面的工??作,为圆满的?举办每?一期活?动而努?力奔波?着。经?过这一?年的努?力,我?收获了?很多工?作方面?的经验?,其中?最大的?一条就?是要充?分发挥?每个人?的力量?,正所?谓众人??拾柴火焰高,?集体的?智慧和?力量是?伟大的?。? 一?个小小的部门?是如此?,一个?国家更?是如此?。目前?我们国?家正在?进行玉?树地区?震后救?援工作?。此时?,国家??一定会统筹协?调各方?力量,?积极应?对各方?面的问?题。每?一个中?国人都?会为灾?区的人?民祈福?,每一?个共产?党员都?会听从?党的指?挥,坚?守自己?的工作?岗位。?而作为??党员发展对象?的我,?以拥有?这样勤?政为民?的党而?感到自?豪。我?将按照?共产党?员的标?准更加?严格要?求自己?,争取?早日在?思想上?、组织?上加入?中国共?产党。?敬请组??织监督~? 谢谢~? 篇十一?:?
?学生两分?钟英语?演讲稿?学生两?分钟英?语演讲?稿? Gd m?rni?ng ?eve?ryn?e, ?tda?y i?s m?y t?urn? t ?the? sp?eec?h. ?Fir?st ??f all,? I ?uld? li?ke ?t s?ay ?tha?t a? qu?ick? te?st,? e ?hpe? th?at ?the? gd? pr?epa?rat??in, gd? te?st ?fr ?all?, i?s t?he ?nly? ay? hm?e f?r a? gd? ye?ar.? My? En?gli?sh ?is ?nt ??high, ?I i?sh ?I c?uld? it?hin? th?e n?ext? t ?yea?rs ?t l?ear?n E?ngl?ish? el?l. ?I h?pe ??yu ill? be? ab?le ?t l?ear?n E?ngl?ish? af?ter? gr?adu?ati?n t? ha?ve ?a g?d ?
futu?re.? Fi?nal?ly,? I ?ish? th?e s?tud?ent?s a?nd ?tea?che?rs ?a h?app?y n?e y?ear?, ?furt?her? st?udy? an?d r?k. ?ell?! I? fi?nis?hed? th?e s?pee?ch.? Th??ank yu? fr? ?liste?nin?g?。 大家早?上好,?今天是?轮到我?讲话。??首先,我要说?的是,?快速测?试,我?们希望?很好的?准备,?良好的?测试的?所有,?是唯一?回家的?路上有?一个良?好的一?年。我?的英语?水平不?高,我?希望我?能在未?来两年?内学好?英语。?我希望?,你将??能够学习英语?毕业后?有一个?美好的?未来。?最后,?我祝愿?学生和?教师的?快乐新?的一年?里,进?一步研?究和工?作。好?!?我完成了讲?话。谢?谢你听?。?
课前三分钟励志演讲稿一同学们,决不轻言放弃是一种美德,更是一种积极的人生态度我们无法创造命运,但我们可以以实际行动改变命运,我们可以向命运中的艰难困苦挑战不被困难所吓倒,不言放弃,终能历经风雨见彩虹,谱写精彩的人生大家好,的成就,而且也保卫了大汉江山的稳定与繁荣杨振宁坦然面对自己的失败,认真分析原因,正确地评估自己的能力,最终,他卸下了“实验物理”的专业抱负,改修“理论物理学”,在理论方面,他驾轻就熟,一日千里,最终摘下“诺贝尔奖”的桂冠1.放飞梦想 流光溢彩的年华,谁没有自己心中五彩的梦想,用心去编织,用勤奋去创造,只为这个梦想变的更精彩,更动人,只为这个梦想能变成现实 放飞梦想,我的梦想很简单却不缺乏色彩2.而今迈步从头越3.风景不在对岸亲爱的同学们,走进二中校园可能是你不得已的选择,可能你感觉到二中学校有很多不尽人意的地方可能你在一、三、五中读高中的同学,会在你们的面前有一种优越感,但我想把**的一句话转告你们,别去羡慕他们,这句是在红军长征途中,**对红一方面军战士说的当时在懋功,一四方面军会师,红一方面军转战连日,疲惫不堪,衣衫褴褛,而四方面军兵强马壮,连头上的八角帽都比一方面军大一头,一方面军战士非常羡慕他们,而**则告诉一方面军战士们,我们是最优秀的,历史最终也证
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明**是正确的,4. 命运就在于手中这一点首先要依靠演讲稿思想内容的丰富、深刻见解精辟有独到之处发人深思语言表达要形象、生动富有感染力如果演讲稿写得平淡无味毫无新意即使在现场“演”得再卖力效果也不会好甚至相反 第四、整体性演讲稿并不能独立地完成演讲任务它只是演讲的一个文字依据是整个演讲活动的一个组成部分演讲主体、听众对象、特定的时空条件共同构成了演讲活动的整体撰写演讲稿时不能将它从整体中剥离出来为此演讲稿的撰写要注意以下几个方面 首先要根据听众的文化层次、工作性质、生存环境、品位修养、爱好愿望来确立选题选择表达方式以便更好地沟通 其次演讲稿不仅要充分体现演讲者独到、深刻的观点和见解而且还要对声调的高低、语速的快慢、体态语的运用进行设计并加以注释以达到最佳的传播效果 另外还要考虑演讲的时间、空间、现场氛围等因素以强化演讲的现场效果 第五、口语性 口语性是演讲稿区别于其他书面表达文章和会议文书的重要方面书面性文章无需多说其他会议文书如大会工作报告、领导讲话稿等并不太讲究口语性虽然由某一领导在台上宣读但听众手中一般也有一份印制好的讲稿一边听讲一边阅读不会有什么听不明白的地方演讲稿就不同了它有较多的即兴发挥不可能事先印好讲稿发给听众为此演讲稿必须讲究“上口”和“入耳”所谓上口就是讲起来通达流利所谓入耳就是听起来非常顺畅没有什么语言障
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碍不会发生曲解具体要做到 把长句改成适听的短句 把倒装句改为常规句 把听不明白的文言词语、成语加以改换或删去 把单音节词换成双音节词 把生僻的词换成常用的词 把容易误听的词换成不易误听的词 这样才能保证讲起来朗朗上口听起来清楚明白 第六、临场性 演讲活动是演讲者与听众面对面的一种交流和沟通听众会对演讲内容及时作出反应或表示赞同或表示反对或饶有兴趣或无动于衷演讲者对听众的各种反映不能置之不顾因此写演讲稿时要充分考虑它的临场性在保证内容完整的前提下要注意留有伸缩的余地要充分考虑到演讲时可能出现的种种问题以及应付各种情况的对策总之演讲稿要具有弹性要体现出必要的控场技巧 主要功能 第一、“使人知”演讲这是一种以传达信息、阐明事理为主要功能的演讲它的目的在于使人知道、明白如美学家朱光潜的演讲《谈作文》讲了作文前的准备、文章体裁、构思、选材等使听众明白了作文的基本知识它的特点是知识性强语言准确 第被污染了,也能洗净自己,像水一样不断地积蓄自己的力量,不断地冲破障碍,当你发现时机不到的时候,把自己的厚度给积累起来,当有一天时机来临的时候,你就能够奔腾入海,成就自己的生命,10.有两句话我是比较欣赏的,生命是一种过程,事业是一种结果我们每一个人活是活在每一天的,假如说你每一天不高兴,你把所有的每一天组合起来,就是你一辈子不高兴,但是假如说你每一天都
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