作文一:《英语作文:Martial Arts中国功夫》500字
Martial Arts
Martial Arts,what is often referred to as Kungfu at the time,is a fighting style developing in a long-term in China.Now,it is more and more popular especially in foreign and regarded as a kind of traditional sports even being the representative of China culture.In ancient generations,in order to survive in a hostile environment,our ancestors created the primary means to defence and attack with bare hands and fists.Martial Arts is a bat mode,but we advocate peace and virtue rather than aggression and violence,which was upheld by martial artists generation by generation.
There are no accidents.
One meets its destiny on the road he takes to avoid it
Your mind is like this water, my friend , when it is agitated ,it bees difficult to see ,but if you allow it to settle , the answer bees clear.
Quit don’t quit. Noodles don’t noodles.
There is a saying, yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery But today is a gift. That is why it's called the present (the gift)
Yes,look at this tree Chivu(师傅)
I can not make it bloosm and suits me, nor make it bear food before it’s time.
那可不是幻觉 大师
But there are things we can control
I can control when the fruit will fall
... And I can control
What time to seed
That is not illusion , Master
8.乌龟:是啊 不过无论你做了什么
你可能想要苹果 或桔子
Yes, but no matter what you do,
That seed will grow to be a peach tree
You may wish for an Apple or an orange
But you will get a peach
But peach can not defeate Tai Long
10.乌龟:也许它可以的 ,如果你愿意引导它、滋养它、相信它。
Maybe it can if you are willing to guide it , to nuture it , to believe in it .
11. 阿宝,天不遂人愿,
I'm sorry things didn’t work out …
It’s just what it’s meant to be
Paul ,forget everything else ,your destiny still awaits.
We are Noodle folk
Broth runs deep through our veins
you cannot leave ,real warrior never quits.
Why didn’t you quit ? you know I was trying to get rid of you, but you stayed
Yes ,I stayed.
I stayed ,because every time you threw up brick on the head or said I smelled, it hurts. But it could never hurt more than I did everyday in my life just being me. I stayed ,because I thought .. If anyone could change me, could make me not me, it was you the greatest Kong Fu teacher in the whole of China!
10.Enough talk, let's fight!少废话,决斗吧
11、There'e no charge for awesomeness or to attractiveness !!
The secret ingredient of my secret ingredient soup is...nothing.
13. 认为它特别,它就特别了。
To make something special ,you just have to believe it’s special.
最后更新时间:2008-07-23 23:58:02
北方人的喝茶方式总是让我很纳闷,往一大杯水里扔进一些茶叶,泡一泡,就可以喝了 虽然这种喝茶方法效率比较高,不过他们更多的是吧茶当作解渴的饮料喝,而不是一种悠闲自在地品茶或者叫品茗也好。而外国人喝茶更是让人啼笑皆非,往一杯泡的
发黑的红茶里加入牛奶就喝了起拉 茶味全无,茶的精粹消失殆尽。
功夫茶,潮汕人的闲情雅逸、志趣豪情,潮汕人待人接物的礼 节、为人处世的象征??
第1篇:潮汕功夫茶 400字
潮 汕 茶 文 化 潮汕人的功夫茶结情
谣。” 一杯功夫茶,体现出潮汕人谦逊礼让的美德。
功夫茶顾名思义,一是花时间,二是讲究本领。它历史悠久,据说是由福建的“小杯茶”演变来的。宋代,中国上层社会“斗茶”之风盛行,谁家买得好茶,就要请客。宾客中有好茶或带来媲美,或请来暗斗。这种风气逐步演变到茶农、茶商的试茶评茶。由于日日品茶,喝得太多也难受,就大杯改小杯而成为很浓的小杯茶,这就是工夫茶的雏形。潮汕是鱼米之 1
乡,人们喜欢饮浓茶,“小杯茶”也由茶商传入潮汕。日久天长,渐渐在茶具、茶叶和冲泡技术上越来越讲究,形成了独特的“潮汕工夫茶”。 功夫茶起源于宋代, 在广东的潮州府(今潮汕地区)及福建的漳州、泉州一带最为盛行, 乃唐、宋以来品茶艺术的承袭和深入发展。苏辙有诗曰:“闽中茶品天下高,倾身事茶不知劳。”
品功夫茶是潮汕地区很出名的风俗之一, 在潮汕本地,家家户户都有功夫茶具,每天必定要喝上几轮。即使用乔居外地或移民海外的潮汕人,也仍然保存着品功夫茶这个风俗。可以说, 有潮汕人的地方,便有功夫茶的影子。
潮汕工夫茶,已成为当前研究潮汕文化的重要内容。饮工夫茶则是人们日常生活中的一种交际礼尚,因而产生了许多礼俗。这些礼俗也体现出了潮汕人的心理。在这次的《功夫茶座》里,我们就来谈谈这方面的话题。 潮汕人爱喝茶这其中便有着潮汕人的好客心理。早在明朝中期,饮茶之风就已经遍及潮汕地区,从城市到农村,从有钱人家到普通家庭,几乎家家都摆设有一套工夫茶具。无论家居自饮、客来礼敬、拜祖祭神或是婚丧嫁娶,处处可以看见茶的踪迹。喝工夫茶是潮汕人的风俗,以茶待客,更是潮汕人的优良传统之一,暗合了工夫茶道“和、敬、精、乐”的文化精髓。 茶在日常生活中,已成为潮汕礼俗文化的一个重要组成部分。“寒夜客来茶当酒”,对来客敬茶以示礼仪,共诉相聚的喜悦,是茶道的基础,也是好客心理的一种体现。
“新客换茶”宾主喝茶(本文来自:WWw.bDFQy. 千 叶 帆文摘:潮汕功夫茶英语作文)时,中间有新客到来,主人要表示欢迎,立即换茶,否则被认为“慢客”,“待之不恭”。换茶叶之后的二冲
“先尊后卑,先老后少”到人家跟前说声“请喝茶”,对方回以“莫拘礼”、“莫客气”、“谢谢”。如果是较多人的场合,杯不便收回,放在各人面前桌上。在第一次斟茶时,要先尊老后卑幼,第二遍时就可按序 3
斟上去。对方在接受斟茶时,要有回敬反应,喝茶是长辈的,用中指在桌上轻弹两下,表示感谢;小辈平辈的用食、中指在桌面轻弹二次表示感谢。 潮汕地区地少人多,农业生产精耕细作。精巧的生产方式潜移默化地塑造了潮汕人的细腻心灵,因此工夫茶精巧茶具的使用和冲泡程序的讲究,又与潮汕人细腻的心理相吻合。潮汕工夫茶,从茶叶的采制,茶具的选配,到用水、候汤、冲饮,都非常有学问,细腻讲究,正好反映潮汕人精细的性格特征。此外,潮汕人有很强烈的文化认同感,那些闯荡四方的潮汕
生意人更是自觉不自觉地流露出这种“潮汕情结”。 “独在异乡为异客”,远游的海外潮人总会珍藏着工夫茶具和上好的茶叶,见是家乡来的客人,一定会以茶相待。
(十一)韩信点兵:巡城至茶汤将尽时,将壶中所余斟于每一杯中,这些是全壶茶汤中的精华,应一点一滴平均分注,因而戏称韩信点兵。 (十二)敬奉香茗:先敬主宾,或以老幼为序。
北方人的喝茶方式总是让我很纳闷,往一大杯水里扔进一些茶叶,泡一泡,就可以喝了 虽然这种喝茶方法效率比较高,不过他们更多的是吧茶当作解渴的饮料喝,而不是一种悠闲自在地品茶或者叫品茗也好。而外国人喝茶更是让人啼笑皆非,往一杯泡的
发黑的红茶里加入牛奶就喝了起来 茶味全无,茶的精粹消失殆尽。
而真正地喝茶,应该是气定神闲,悠然自我地喝茶。潮汕功夫茶之功夫正式这种境界地升华。一个人坐在茶?a href=“://.bdfqy./lango/” target=“_blank” class=“keylink”>狼埃 皇俏,笳 撬嬉舛 ㄉ裣校
还?a href=“://.bdfqy./taishano/” target=“_blank” class=“keylink”>泰山崩于前,还是黄河之水泛于前;一套潮汕功夫茶茶具,一般情况下有四个小杯,一个特殊茶壶,最好茶壶是由紫沙呢制作的; 5
Praying mantis 螳螂拳
Dragon style 虎拳
Flight on water 水上漂
Fly through air 飞檐走壁
Spanking monkey 疾猴
Drunken fist 醉拳
Secret gong-fu from the south 南派功夫
No shadow kick 无影脚
Buddha palm technique 如来神掌
The iron elbow 铁拳
One-finger death touch 一阳指
Horse stance 马步
Same kind the thirteen monks 少林十三和尚
Enter the dragon 猛龙过江
The bride with white hair 白发魔女传
The forbidden kingdom 天庭
Five elements mountain 五指山
Jade emperor 玉皇大帝
Peach banquet 蟠桃宴
Heavenly minister 天庭官员
The river of sand 流沙河
the Elixir of Immortality 长生不老之药
Drunken Master 醉八仙
Has skills of his own 不是省油的灯
Come drink with me 我要你血债血偿
Heaven help us 阿弥陀佛
Two tigers cannot live on the same mountain 一山不容二虎
Vengeance has a way of rebounding upon oneself. 冤冤相报何时了
Gongfu. Hard work over time to acplish skill. A painter can have gongfu. Or the butcher who cuts meat every day with such skill...his knife never touches bone. Learn the form, but seek the formless. Hear the soundless. Learn it all, then forget it all. Learn The Way, then find your own way. The musician can have gongfu. Or the poet who paints pictures with words and makes emperors weep. This, too, is gongfu. But do not name it, my friend, for it is like water. Nothing is softer than water...yet it can overe rock. It does not fight. It flows around the opponent. Formless, nameles...the true master dwells within. Only you can free him.
作者:梅特林 发布:2008-10-30 《功夫之王》正在全球热映,影片中成龙、李连杰两位华人功夫巨星华丽的武打让功夫迷们欲罢不能,电
Praying mantis 螳螂拳
Dragon style 虎拳
Flight on water 水上漂
Fly through air 飞檐走壁
Spanking monkey 疾猴
Drunken fist 醉拳
Secret gong-fu from the south 南派功夫
No shadow kick 无影脚
Buddha palm technique 如来神掌
The iron elbow 铁拳
One-finger death touch 一阳指
Horse stance 马步
Same kind the thirteen monks 少林十三和尚
Enter the dragon 猛龙过江
The bride with white hair 白发魔女传
The forbidden kingdom 天庭
Five elements mountain 五指山
Jade emperor 玉皇大帝
Peach banquet 蟠桃宴
Heavenly minister 天庭官员
The river of sand 流沙河
the Elixir of Immortality 长生不老之药
Drunken Master 醉八仙
Has skills of his own 不是省油的灯
Come drink with me 我要你血债血偿
Heaven help us 阿弥陀佛
Two tigers cannot live on the same mountain 一山不容二虎
Vengeance has a way of rebounding upon oneself. 冤冤相报何时了
Gongfu. Hard work over time to acplish skill. A painter can have gongfu. Or the butcher who cuts meat every day with such skill...his knife never touches bone. Learn the form, but seek the formless. Hear the soundless. Learn it all, then forget it all. Learn The Way, then find your own way. The musician can have gongfu. Or the poet who paints pictures with words and makes emperors weep. This, too, is gongfu. But do not name it, my friend, for it is like water. Nothing is softer than water...yet it can overe rock. It does not fight. It flows around the opponent. Formless, nameles...the true master dwells within. Only you can free him.
08临床七年二系二班 彭雪峰 2008210047
There is no secret at all
_____kongfu panda
Some lines layman’s language film. A reflection of the light of wisdom and philosophy of color. Especially the wise turtle master, he says many things are full of meaning, under the peach tree he says to the raccoon ” When I can not force the peach blossom, when the results, I can only wait for it to mature, As if to tell us ”
Everything has its natural growth cycle, we can not change nature, it can be carefully and patiently cultivated and cared for, to make it better quality, do not to pull up the seedlings in order to help them grow faster philosophy quite mean haste makes waste. And the word” Your mind is like water, when agitated, it is difficult to see, but when it calmed down, the answer bees clear” It shows the Chinese pursuit the spiritual realm: Looking hard gas rather the sea.” Yesterday is history, tomorrow is mystery, and today is a gift.” Stressed the importance of the present reality, only to seize the day to see the history, we can see the future. At the end of the film, those words said by the raccoon are also full of meaning. “You are the Dragon Warrior, you bring peace to this valley
to believe it’s special. You have to do is to believe, fully believe. I think this is also the secret of the dragon scroll is blank Why the interpretation of the powers of the world's most powerful secrets is the self-confidence, and only believe in yourself to unlimited potential. The soul of Chinese culture, including the soul of Chinese martial arts are equal grams of yin and yang, which is a usual way of thinking. The film, we can see a lot of reflection at the soul of China. Imitation of Nature in the martial arts form, to show the tiger, crane, mantis, monkey, snake image in the five-Jie. The origin of the five original form of ancient martial arts, Chinese culture is embodied in the idea inside the Imitation of Nature. In addition, the image of the sacred tears spring Tai Chi, Kung Fu is China's another genre - the embodiment of Tai Chi were, stress is allelopathy, going to the system properties object, Other things such as wonderland general of the Chinese landscape, light and sweet traditional Chinese music, the most food with Chinese characteristics, as well as mysterious and interesting in the eyes of foreigners calligraphy and acupuncture, in the film have a manifestation of apt. As long as you believe, anything is possible
Good morning, teachers and fellow schoolmate:
My name is XXX Today it's my great pleasure to give a presentation about chinese “gongfu”, the same means of martial arts nowdays, ( At the
beginning ,I really hope I can make a good performance today.,Thank you!
It is well known that Chinese gongfu is the Chinese traditional cultures and crystallization of the Chinese wisdom., it is the main carrier of national culture that accumulate the deep thoughts. As fast as I know, Chinese culture is also making an impact on Western culture; the popularity of Chinese Gongfu, including sanda Taijiquan, 咏春, and so on., is not limited to China and bee more and more popular in the world.
I don't know why i am so infatuated with the gongfu, maybe I am influenced by the gongfu star,such as Bruce Lee 李小龙,and his master “叶问”
Bruce Lee is the master martial generation in my mind, also carry forward the Chinese culture hero., And he was famous for his kungfu movies, . otherwise,
I worship 叶问 because of the spirit of his self-reliance and never give up ,no matter how tough the life is. Even in the worst circumstances ,He is also still pleasure in helping others at the same time. Many years passed by, the spirit of them still encourages people to work hard for the rejuvenation [ri,d?u:vi'nei??n] of
the Chinese nation.
Martial arts can strengthen body, make us more strong In the spirit., it es
from china,and belongs to the world, , As a Chinese, we are all proud of it..
”,同样的是“武术”的意思,(在开 我的名字是XXX,今天我很高兴能给个主题演讲关于中国“功夫
Chinese Martial ['mɑ:??l]Arts 中国武术
The origin of Chinese Martial arts 中国武术的起源
Wushu in China goes back to ancient times, originating from productive laboring of the ancient ancestry 祖先. In the primitive society, being out-numbered 数目超过by animals, facilitated with only simple tools and inferior差的[in'fi?ri? productive forces, people had to survive by gathering in groups. They lived on hunting with rocks and sticks. Hitting 打with their hands, kicking with their feet and cutting, chopping 砍 or stabbing 刺with simple weapons, they performed all kinds of movements, which displayed certain skills of defense or attacking. These performances made up the substantial background of Wushu. In the clan[kl?n]部落society, there often occurred battles between the tribes. Armed forces became the means of plundering['pl?nd?]掠夺. Bows, arrows, casting stones and other rocky items appeared as weapons, being improved gradually according to the needs of fight. When having a rest, especially when celebrating their triumphs['trai?mf, -?mf]胜利, people danced to the imitations of defending and attacking movements, stabbing, blowing and kicking. After prolonged[pr?u'l??d,持久的 accumulation, the experiences began to be raised to the level of consciousness, hence Wushu came into being.
Brief introduction of Chinese Martial Arts武术简介
Chinese Wushu, with a history of several millennia千年, has bee a traditional Chinese culture. In feudal society, it was banned and suppressed 镇压by rulers, but it thrived among the mon people instead of dying out. This evinces表明that the strong attraction and vitality of Wushu in China. Wushu is characterized not only by exterior beauty, found in postures, movements and techniques, but also deep interior beauty, emphasizing “ life essence, vital energy, and spirit.” 武术不仅以外在的形体美著称,如架势,动作以及技巧,而且其内在美更为独特,被称为“生活之本,力量之源”. The essence of Wushu rests on the theories of Yin and Yang, the five elements and eight diagrams['dai?ɡr?m].武术的本质是阴阳学说、五行学说和八卦理论. Styles of Chinese martial arts can be categorized as the Northern style and the Southern style according to the geographical regions divided by the Huanghe River. The practice of Wushu is a hard task, it takes time and requires arduous['ɑ:dju?s]费力的 efforts. With the development of modern science and technology, Wushu movies and TV dramas have bee very popular. The present different schools and style of Wushu embodies the wisdom and culture of all the ethnic groups in China.
Taiji Boxing 太极拳
Taiji Boxing is characterized by the unification of mind, breath and motions (body). It requires concentration of mind and calmness of motions. “ Mind works as a mander and body a soldier;” “ When in motion all of the body moves. When at rest, all of the body rests.” “ Calmness is required for motion.” Simple force is not preferred. Force is like a wheel and waist is its axis. The motions are continuous as a circle. The breath is deep and controlled by the diaphragm. Be concentrated, gentle and natural. Be stable as a mountain when not moving, and be flowing as a river when moving. The moves are characterized by roundness, softness, slowness, stability and evenness. They are extended but very well coordinated协调, and all are an antithetical 对立的unity of Yin and Yang ( negative and positive).
Chinese Gongfu is a very important and unique form of Chinese culture. It can be viewed as both a popular and a classical art: today it is very mon and widespread; on the other hand, it has had a very long developed history. Not only did it not decline and disappear as many other facets of pre-modern Chinese culture, it even seems to be gaining much recognition, both in its actual practice and in its relative literature, thetics, philosophy, psychology, etc. are more and more intriguing[in'tri:ɡi?]有趣的.
Chinese Gongfu possesses an important and extensive cross-cultural跨文化的 significance. Western culture has, of course, a great influence on the path of Chinese modernization.
Meanwhile Chinese culture is also making an impact on Western culture; the popularity of Chinese Gongfu, including Taijiquan, Qigong, etc., is not limited to China but has bee a worldwide phenomenon; it thus is a typical example of this reverse impact. As it includes different aspects such as fighting exercise['eks?saiz] and health care, daily life and academic study学术研究, natural state and social scope, research on Gongfu could shed a wholly['h?uli] new light on these interrelated phenomena in an intercultural context.
think that, if the research sets out出发 from aesthetics[i:s'θetiks] 美学 perspective, people can more easily prehend理解 the characters of the popularity and fashion of Gongfu as "art"; and if Gongfu research starts with the aesthetic method, namely "perceptually prehensive method", the profoundness深奥 namely multi-gradation and multi-orientation of its intercultural significance can be explained in a correspondingly simply way; thus the research on Gongfu will more effectively oppose the "cultural centered views", so as to raise a new subject and even open up a new path for modern international academia.
1.Beauty of form of Wushu and Chinese Art
Many westerners find the action and routines of Chinese Wushu (Martial Art) to be quite spectacular, but also ask if a real Gongfu fight would look so impressive. This really involves a very interesting problem: Chinese Gongfu has not only practical goals, but also embodies the pursuit and appreciation of beauty.
2.Beauty of mood of Qigong and the wisdom of Taoist School and Chan sect禅宗
Chinese Gongfu includes both Wushu and Qigong. In fact, the higher level of most of Wushu (martial arts) is Qigong. Qigong exercise has created aesthetic miracles 奇迹of life and culture, which modern sports cannot hope to reach.
3. Being beauty of Gongfu and Tao-ontological aesthetics
Gongfu-aesthetics studies both the outside beauty of form and the inner beauty of spirit. Moreover, it may involve ontology [?n't?l?d?i] 本体论,存在论 (being philosophy) of beauty of life.
Chinese martial arts, known in Mandarin ['m?nd?rin]国语 as wushu (武术) and popularly as kungfu (Chinese: 功夫 ), consist of a number of fighting styles that were developed over the centuries. Those fighting styles can be classified according to mon themes that are identified as "families" (家), "sects" (派) or "schools" (门) of martial arts. Example of themes are physical exercises that mimic ['mimik]模仿 movements from animals or a history and training method that gather inspiration from various Chinese philosophies, myths and legends. Some styles focus on the harnessing of qi(运气) and are labeled internal (内 家 拳), while others concentrate on improving muscle and cardiovascular [,kɑ:di?u'v?skjul?] fitness心血管健康 and are labeled external (外 家 拳). Geographical association, as in northern (北 拳) and southern (南 拳), is another popular method of categorization. Each fighting style offers a different approach to the mon problems of self-defense, health, and self-cultivation修养 from a Chinese perspective.观点
Kung fu or gongfu or gung fu (功夫, Pinyin: gōngfu) is a Chinese term often used by speakers of the English language to refer to Chinese martial arts. Its original meaning is somewhat different, referring to one's expertise [,eksp?:'ti:z] 专门技术 in any skill, not necessarily martial. The Chinese literal equivalent of "Chinese martial art" would be 中國武術 zhōngguó wǔshù.
In its original meaning, kung fu can refer to any skill. Gōngfu (功夫) is a pound of two words, bining 功 (gōng) meaning "achievement" or "merit" ['merit]优点, and 夫 (fū) which translates into "man", so that a literal rendering翻译 would be "human achievement". Its connotation [,k?n?u'tei??n]内涵 is that of an acplishment arrived at by great effort.
In Mandarin, when two "first tone" words such as gōng and fū are bined, the second word often takes a neutral ['nju:tr?l] 中性的 tone, in this case forming gōngfu.
Originally, to practice kung fu did not just mean to practice Chinese martial arts. Instead, it referred to the process of one's training - the strengthening of the body and the mind, the learning and the perfection of one's skills - rather than to what was being trained. It refers to excellence achieved through long practice in any endeavor [in'dev?]努力. You can say that a person's kung fu is good in cooking, or that someone has kung fu in calligraphy [k?'liɡr?fi]书法; saying that a person possesses kung fu in an area implies skill in that area,
which they have worked hard to develop. Someone with "bad kung fu" simply has not put enough time and effort into training, or seems to lack the motivation积极性 to do so. Kung fu is also a name used for the elaborate精心制作的 Fujian tea ceremony (Kung-fu cha).
The term kung fu was not popularly used in the sense of "Chinese martial art" until the 20th century, thus the word would be seldom found in any ancient texts.[citation needed] The term was first known to have been reported by the French Jesuit missionary ['mi??n?ri] 传教士 Jean Joseph Marie Amiot, in the 18th century. The term was unmon in the mainstream主流 English language until the late 1960s, when it became popular due to Hong Kong films, Bruce Lee李小龙, and later the television series Kung Fu. Before the 1960s Kung Fu was referred to primarily as "Chinese boxing".
In contemporary当代的 hacker ['h?k?]黑客 culture the fu has been generalized to a suffix后缀, implying that the thing suffixed involves great skill or effort. For example, one may talk of "script-fu" to refer to plicated scripting. It is unknown whether this was consciously based on the original, broader meaning of the term or whether it was a simple wordplay on the less general Western notion of "kung fu".
It is well known that Chinese gongfu is the Chinese traditional cultures and crystallization of the Chinese wisdom, it is the main carrier of national culture that accumulate the deep thoughts. As fast as I know, Chinese culture is also making an impact on Western culture; the popularity of Chinese Gongfu, including sanda Taijiquan, 咏春,and so on, is not limited to China and bee more and more popular in the world. I don’t know why I am so infatuated with the gongfu, maybe I am influenced by the gongfu star, such as Bruce Lee李小龙,and his master叶问,Bruce Lee is the master martial generation in my mind, also carry forward the Chinese culture hero. (And he was famous for his kungfu movies). Otherwises, I worship 叶问because of the spirit of his self-reliance and never give up, no matter how tough the life is. Even in the worst circumstances, he is also still pleasure in helping others at the same time. Many years passed by, the spirit of them still encouraged people to work hard for the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.
Martial arts can strengthen body, make us more strong in the spirit, it es from China, and belongs to the world. As a Chinese, we are all proud of it.
中国功夫英语演讲稿Traditional martial arts are part of china’s outstanding culture and it contains the spirit of the chinesenation-specific values, way of thinking, imagination, which embodies the Chinese nation’s vitality andcreativity, and intelligence are the crystallization of the Chinese people, but also a treasure for allmankind civilization.The origin of Chinese Martial arts Wushu in China goes back to ancient times, originating from productive laboring of the ancient ancestry.In the primitive society, people had to survive by gathering in groups. They lived on hunting with rocks and sticks. Hitting with their hands, kicking with their feet and cutting, chopping or stabbing with si-mp-le weapons, they performed all kinds of movements, which displayed certain skills of defense or attacking. These performances made up the substantial background of Wushu.In the clan [kln] society, there often occurred battles between the tribes. Armed forces became the means of plundering. Bows, arrows, casting stones and other rocky items appeared as weapons, being improved gradually according to the needs of fight. When having a rest, especially
when celebrating their triumphs, people danced to the imitations of defending and attacking movements, stabbing, blowing and kicking. After prolonged accumulation, the experiences began to be raised to the level of consciousness, hence Wushu came into being.Type of gongfuChinese martial arts consist of a number of fighting styles that were developed over the centuries. Those fighting styles can be classified according to mon themes that are identified as “families” (家), “sects” (派) or “schools”
(门). Styles of Chinese martial arts also can be categorized as the Northern style and the Southern style according to the geographical regions divided by the Huanghe River.Chinese love for martial artsChinese love for martial arts can be reflected in many martial arts novels and all kinds of film and television works.The works of Jin Yong, Gu Long, Liang Yusheng is representative of martial arts novels. Recent years, a lot of martial arts writers appear on the mainland. For example, Feng Ge, the writer of Kun Lun(昆仑 )and Cang yue, the writer of
TingXueLou Series, who are the representative of New martial arts writers. It is said that “Outstanding martial arts novelist to write the world faces; and astute readers read out the vicissitudes of life and attitudes of human.” We may not be the
astute readers, but we can at least enjoy martial in our own way.
Superb and legendary martial arts, peculiar experience of a survivor, a love story full of pathos attract many readers.Martial arts film and television works are emerging.中国武术精神 The
spirit of the Chinese martial arts1个人的武德修养 Individual
cultivation of martial arts ethics.The practicers should respect teachers, filial piety, and righteousness and should not belligerent.2 Collective morality.集体的道德观念。The
practicers should help the poor and the weak, solve villainous crimes and righteous.3爱国主义的精神。The spirit of
patriotismAll the practicers must loyalty to the nation. The goal they practice martial arts is to protect the country and the people.武术对世界的影响Chinese Gongfu is a very important and
unique form of Chinese culture. It can be viewed as both a popular and a classical art. Today it is very mon and widespread. Chinese Gongfu possesses an important and extensive cross-cultural跨文化的 significance. The popularity
of Chinese Gongfu, including Taijiquan, Qigong, etc. is not limited to China but has bee a worldwide phenomenon. We can also enjoy some Kongfu movies directed by foreign directors at times!In the future, We hope more people could interest in our Chinese culture and have a depth knowledge of Chinese Kongfu.中国功夫英语演讲稿 [篇2]Recently, more
and more foreigners e to China to learn Chinese Kung Fu. They believe that Kung Fu is one of the most mysterious Chinese cultures. Many Chinese action stars, like Bruce Lee, Jackie Chan, and some movies, like Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, Kung Fu Panda have influenced the world greatly and they have played a significant role in the promotion of Chinese martial arts. Here I will give a brief introduction to the origin of Kung Fu and tell you something about Shaolin.In the center of the vast Chinese nation lies the Mountain of Songshan, one of the country’s holiest spots and home to the Shaolin Monastery, the birthplace of Kung Fu.In AD 527, the religious teacher, Da Mo, traveled from India to Shaolin to spread the word of Buddha. He spent nine years living alone and meditating in a cave above the Shaolin temple. To keep his muscles healthy, he developed a series of movements and breathing exercises based on the movements of animals. These were to bee the basis of Kung Fu.When Da Mo returned to the Shaolin temple, he began to teach the monks these techniques, and his tool of meditation evolved into a tool of bat. Kung Fu was born.As Shaolin’s reputation grew, more and more young people
attempted to join the order. They had their heads shaved as an external sign of inward purity, and they swore an oath of
obedience to their masters. Their training was relentless. Their fists would bee as hard as iron and their bodies almost impervious to pain.Today, Kung Fu has given rise to more than 1,000 styles of martial arts. The Shaolin style is still probably the most famous of all. And I do believe the spirits of Shaolin will be carried forward along with the increasing international exchanges.中国功夫英语演讲稿 [篇3]开头语Good
afternoonteachers and classmates,The topic of my speech is
chinese kung fu. Recently, more and more foreigners e to China to learn Chinese Kung Fu. They believe that Kung Fu is one of the most mysterious Chinese cultures. Many Chinese action stars, like Bruce Lee, Jackie Chan, and some movies, like Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, Kung Fu Panda have
influenced the world greatly and they have played a significant role in the promotion of Chinese martial arts. Here I will give a brief introduction to the origin of Kung Fu4大门派的介绍Emei
martial arts in Chinese mountain Emei as birthplace. This is the spread of “ streaky “ Chengdu DujiangyanQingchengshan ( the school ). JintangGenting hill iron temple area ( Tiefo pie ), Sichuan Fengdu green mountain ( green pie ), Sichuan Fuling point easy to cave area ( point easy to send ), Sichuan Rongchang and Longchang ( Huang Lin faction). Eight leaves in
the world spread refers to Zhao door, door door, monk, Yue tower called four people. Hong,, word, called four small home. The people Mr Tang Shunzhi writes “ Emei seven Taoist boxing song “ said: “ the good magic, multiple skills, Emei boxing world strange. “Wudang martial arts has a long history and profound. Wudang Taoist Zhang Sanfeng sets of
Yuanmomingchu its culmination, the title of Wudang martial arts blazed the trail. The Zhang Sanfeng the essence of the “Book of Changes” and “moral” and martial arts are
harmoniously integrated to create important health fitness value to Taijiquan, Xingyiquan, Baguazhang mainly Wudang martial arts. Experience on behalf of a martial artist after innovation, enrich, accumulation, a form of Chinese martial arts genre, known as “the northern Shaolin Southern respect
Wudang”.Beautiful 5A-class tourist destination - Kongtong the
mountain, Kongtong martial arts martial arts originated Kongtong sent to bee one of its practices, routines, martial kung fu, pay attention to the real fight, real take martial art and physical health and increase the skill for the purpose of. Kongtong faction martial arts “Jones” (weapons), it does not belong to the 18 weapons. A variety of forms, small size, easy to carry, is not easy to be found by the other party, grips can often
surprise move.The gist of the Shaolin kungfu technique is Zen Wu unity. Shaolin Temple is the birthplace of Zen Buddhism, Zen to clear your heart, epiphany Buddhahood as is practical. In the eyes of Buddhism, Zen is the right way, boxing brave but Moji, monks, but by practicing martial arts to win their hearts and convergence screen consider meditation purposes. Also receive a fitness self-defense, the Custodian of the effect of nursing Temple.结束语It is well known that Chinese gongfu is
the Chinese traditional cultures and crystallization of the Chinese wisdom, it is the main carrier of national culture that accumulate the deep thoughts. As fast as I know, Chinese culture is also ma-ki-ng an impact on Western culture; the popularity of Chinese Gongfu, including sandaTaijiquan, 咏春,and so on, is
not limited to China and bee more and more popular in the world. I don’t know why I am so infatuated with the gongfu, maybe I am influenced by the gongfu star, such as Bruce Lee李
小龙,and his master叶问,Bruce Lee is the master martial
generation in my mind, also carry forward the Chinese culture hero. (And he was famous for his kungfu movies). Otherwises, I worship 叶问because of the spirit of his self-reliance and never give up, no matter how tough the life is. Even in the worst circumstances, he is also still pleasure in helping others at the
same time. Many years passed by, the spirit of them still encouraged people to work hard for the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Martial arts can strengthen body, make us more strong in the spirit, it es from China, and belongs to the world. As a Chinese, we are all proud of it.That’s all. Thank you
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