Ben :The National Day is ing!
Jane :Yeah, we'll have a vacation for seven days. What do you plan on doing
during the holiday?
Ben :I plan on going sightseeing.You know ,there are many famous attractions in nanjing
Jane :Oh, Gosh! There will be so many tourists during that time. Why don't
you change your plans?
Ben :I know, but it's not that easy for me to have such a long holiday
to travel. What about your plans?
这个我也知道,可是难得有个这么长的假期可以去旅游啊。你打算做什么呢? Jane: I will go home, after all, my home is not far from Nanjing. And I'll go
back and get some supplies.
我准备回家。毕竟我家离南京并不远。而且我还要回去拿一些生活用品。 Ben:then?
Jane :I intend to stay at home for the whole seven days and have a good
Ben: So boring? does not have other things to do?
Jane :no, I may be take party with some old friends who will e back during
the holiday
Ben :taking party,it sounds great
Jane :yeah,we also may be have lunch,go to KTV and play cards together
是的,我们可能会在聚会上吃饭, 唱歌或者是做游戏
Ben :Hear you,I don't want to travel, want to go to your party
Jane :haha,wele you to join our party
Ben :Thank you, I must have the opportunity to join your party
Jane :o!my god ,too later, I want to go back to the dormitory
Ben :good,I also go back to the dormitory,bye
Jane: Don't forget to bring me a gift
Ben: you give me a call what you want,bye
A: Oh my gosh, Jason, is that you? B: Andrew! Hey! What's up! A: I am thrilled to see you here! What a surprise! B: Me too. I've moved to Chicago, and I'm just ing back to L.A. to visit my parents. A: Good to hear that. B: You have changed a lot. A: Seriously? Heck, no! I am still the same old Andrew. B: No way, you are much more charming now. A: Oh really, but look at you! What a big change, wow. B: I know, we haven't seen each other for a long time. Here, this is my new phone number, call me anytime A: Thanks, I'm sure i will. B: I have to go now, see you! A: Bye Jason!
1、 苏格拉底说:“世上只有一件好事--知识,只有一件恶事--无知。”哥们,你是一个好人,让我怎么夸你呢?你知识渊博无所畏惧好事恶事做的都超级棒!
2、 北京人感觉烟瘾小多了;上海感觉喝自来水都长肉。北京人:我们北京人最幸福,打开窗子就有免费的烟。上海人:那算什么,我们打开自来水就是排骨汤!
3、 老婆突然从身后抱着我说:“哥哥,我想要。”我回过头一本正经地问:“能等会儿吗?”她撒娇说:“不行,就现在要,就现在要!”“好吧”,我把她安抚到沙发上,温柔地说:“是上次那个红色的包包吧,我看看降价了没。”
4、 一姐们个性签名:姐不高,但不是每个男人都有机会,我看见后打电话给她说:“你那个签名加个'尚'字好不好?”她想了想,说:“嗯。”第二天我就看到她的签名改成了:姐不高,但不是每个男人都有机会上。
5、 邂逅你,或许是上天的安排,你从人群中走来,深邃的目光,将我上下打量,直到我面红耳赤,你才幽幽地说:算命不。
6、 今晚轮到女友做饭了。女友端来一个托盘说:想吃啥请翻牌子。看到托盘上有四个牌子上面写到:香菇炖鸡,葱烧排骨,番茄牛腩,红烧牛肉。我说都要可以吗?女友说:可以就怕你吃不了。我说吃不了你就不给我零花钱了!不一会女友端上来四碗康师傅方便面。
7、 问:“为什么她长相一般身材也不怎么样脾气又差,你还那么喜欢她?”答:“那你说为什么老子要写《道德经》”问:“为什么?”答:“因为老子愿意。”
8、 一妹妹坐上公交车后,一边找东西一边跟司机师傅说,师傅,下一站幸福,路字还没说出来,司机师傅立马就把音乐调成了下一站幸福。妹妹泪奔了。
9、 春节是啥?一个字:累。二个字:消费。三个字:大聚会。四个字:胡吃海睡。五个字:短信满天飞。六个字:大家拜年贺岁。七个字:鞭炮声震天欲碎。八个字:探亲旅游纯粹受罪。九个字:酗酒深醉伤身又伤胃。十个字:长假七天放纵后回原位。十一个字:春节就是全民折腾运动会。祝开心快乐。
10、 妈妈给孩子讲夸父追日的故事,讲完以后,孩子若有所思的说,我终于知道了为什么老师说水资源越来越少了,原来都是夸父喝的啊。
11、 每逢佳节被吸金,每逢佳节胖三斤,每逢佳节被相亲,每逢佳节很闹心!尽管佳节很烦人,尽管佳节很俗气,尽管短信很无趣,祝福朋友乐悠悠。
12、 小明有些不开心,自己坐在沙发椅上抱怨。“没有人喜欢我,整个世界的人都恨我!” 他的哥哥正在一旁打游戏,鼓励他说:“那不一定,小明。一些人甚至都不认识你呢。”
13、 从前有两只猪,一只猪勤奋无比,早起晚归田间劳作,一只猪却懒惰异常,靠勤奋小猪接济着过日子。日子一天天的过去,某天,猪神下山发现了这两只小猪,只见猪神怒吼着一个雷劈死了勤奋小猪:“你丫的出卖了猪的灵魂!
14、 老师说了一段让人深思的话:催菜的时候说“不要了”比“快点上”更管用,砍价的时候说“再看看”比“便宜点”更管用,挽留的时候说“你走啊”比“别这样”更管用——留不住的东西就用力把它往远得扔,没准撞到什么就弹回来了。
15、 俗话说:“一年之计在于春”。告诉你一个新年发财的秘笈:不论老鸡嫩鸡,“把握先机”;管它公羊母羊,“顺手牵羊”。最后总结,有好事惦着点我。新年快乐!
16、 两男同事聊天。A:我要结婚了。B:其实我也要结婚了。A:那我们一起去请假吧。同事B:好啊!同事AB:经理!我们要结婚了。经理顿时一阵凌乱。
17、 【中国的汽车广告只有两中】低端车永远是:老子家庭幸福!有娇妻!有可爱的儿女!老子喜欢带全家人开车出去玩!中高端车永远是:老子事业有成!有美女!有红酒!有合同可以签!老子喜欢独自开车出去装B!
18、 一个男生有天给女友发短信:“你今天的发型不一样哦”女友说:“哦,我烫了一下”。过了一会,他回了:“啊!严不严重啊?!”
19、 为什么周末觉得时间短?因为周末没有上午,一睡就过去了。为什么工作日觉得时间长?因为除了上午下午还有早晨,还得做饭赶车。
20、 【让人头疼的十件事】1有工作,没生;2有爱人,没爱情;3有微博,没粉丝;4有住所,没住房;5有存折,没存款;6有名片,没名气;7有加班,没加薪;8有职业,没事业;9有娱乐,没快乐;10有朋友,没挚友。你最近有头痛吗?祝天天好心情哈哈哈!
21、 有时候,我们就像鱼缸里的鱼,想说的很多,一开口就化成了一串省略号……但是,我还是要叮咛你--没事多晒太阳,小心退化成毛人了呵呵。
22、 女人,五岁比猫,十岁是羊,二十像鹿,二十五岁胜狗,三十似狼,四十如虎,五十是猪,六十似仙,七十成佛。姐们,你不佛不仙、是那只动物?
23、 爱说你妹的,都是小清新小文艺。爱说麻痹的,大多暴躁但开朗不做作。爱说呵呵的,天天刷博还爱装神秘。爱说哦的人,都美滋滋活在自己世界里。爱说卧艹的,分明是想烧死异性恋。爱说尼玛的,大部分是一颗痴心爱我吧的韩饭。爱说哈哈的,一般活泼可爱有颗淑女心,但改不了是真汉子的性情。
24、 复杂的事情要简单做,简单的事情要认真做.认真的事情要重复做。重复的事情要创造性地做,过去的快乐留待回忆。未来的快乐正在计划,但快乐只能现在感受。生命是一次奇遇,用心感受,会有属于自己的惊喜!
25、 一味忍让,意味着丧失原则;一味忍让,意味着没有人格;一味忍让,意味着软弱可欺;一味忍让,意味着面临步步进逼的危险;一味忍让,意味着将走入绝路。朋友,我“忍让”你好久了,再也“忍无可忍”了,下次我请你吃饭呵呵。
26、 打车,跟司机说:跟着前面那辆车。师傅:好叻,你们是执行任务吗?我们不能贴得太近会被发现;太远红灯时我们就会被甩掉。我:师傅,冷静一点,前面那辆坐不下了,我们只是一起去按脚。
27、 如何夸奖女人?妖的叫美女,刁的叫才女,木的叫淑女,蔫的叫温柔,凶的叫直爽,傻的叫阳光,狠的叫冷艳,土的叫端庄,洋的叫气质,怪的叫个性,匪的叫干练,嫩的叫青春靓丽,老的叫丰韵犹存,浪的叫众星捧月,牛的叫傲雪凌风,闲的叫追求自我,弱的叫小鸟依人。
28、 【人生莫交十类人】:1永远在抱怨的人;2过分依赖的人;3极度敏感的人;4咄咄逼人的人;5肆无忌惮的人;6不会说谢谢的人;7没有信用的人;8自私的人;9不是真心爱你的人;10不靠谱的人。你身边有这样的人吗?远离之,交我这样靠谱的人,祝开心快乐。
29、 问:“为何至此联合国都没对此次钓鱼岛事件表个态?”答:“小国和小国之间有矛盾,联合国一调解,矛盾没了。 小国和大国之间有矛盾,联合国一调解,小国没了。 大国和大国之间有矛盾,联合国一调解,联合国没了。”
30、 狗狗跟公鸡说;公鸡呀,主人最近弄来一个闹钟,据说可能耐了。公鸡气哄哄的说:原来是它小子啊,不跟老子打招呼就把俺的工作给替了,害的俺都下岗了。后来公鸡又自己乐了,跟狗狗说:累死它小子,把主人从被窝里叫起来可是个力气活。
31、 人简单,快乐多;梦简单,幸福多;爱简单,自由多。到哪里,都开心。没心没肺,才能活着不累!哥们,愿你没心没肺活得自由幸福开心快乐哈哈哈。
32、 曹操南征北战,置得了偌大的家业,但自己却始终不肯称帝,曹丕不解:“老爸,这些房子都是您弄来的,为啥房产证上还是人家刘协的名字,你这不是太吃亏了吗?”曹操摇头:“你有所不知,我只不过是让他挂个名字而已,等我死后,你把产权过户到你的名下不就得了。”
33、 小马过河,心里没底,就去请教森林里的小伙伴。老牛说:“水很浅,刚没小腿,能趟过去。”松鼠说:“深的很哩!过不去,我的一个伙伴就是掉在这条河里淹死的!”后来小马只得回去问妈妈,妈妈亲切地对小马说:“孩子,你傻呀,咱们河马会游泳。”
34、 一天,姐姐家的外甥女埋怨生活无趣,不如出家当尼姑算了,我的小女儿一听来了精神,忙问:“爸爸,尼姑是什么菜?好吃吗?”
35、 维修人员帮一妙龄美女安装完阳光牌防漏水器后,美女检查卫生间仍有漏水,很气愤:“呃--你若安好,便是晴天,你若安不好,我家天天是雨天,你也别想干着衣服出门。”
36、 上高中的时候,老师语重心长的对我说:你要好好学习啊,以后开着车,带着老师,老师得多骄傲啊。五年过去了,我终于实现了这个愿望。只不过我按下计价器的时候问了老师一句,老师要票么?
37、 你太潇洒端庄,太酷太漂亮了,漂亮的超凡脱俗,美的销魂蚀骨,简直帅呆了,呆如木鸡,机灵精怪!好像仿佛还有种令人骨质疏松的风骚。
38、 一个姐们如怨妇般抱怨说:作为一个“吃货”我容易吗?又怕吃太多肥胖,又怕吃的少饿瘦,以前愁能不能吃饱,现在愁会不会吃倒。
39、 小学数学课堂上,老师问:“8减去一半等于几?”学生答:“竖着剪等于3,横着减等于0。”老师:“你给我滚出去!”
40、 看完《苹果》发现,男人靠不住;看完《色截》发现,女人靠不住;看完《投名状》发现,兄弟靠不住;看完《集结号》发现,组织靠不住;看完《妈妈再爱我一次》发现,老爸靠不住;看完《新警察故事》发现,儿子靠不住;看完《黑客帝国》发现,一切现实都靠不住,结论只有自己靠得住,简称“我靠”。
41、 你坐轻舟顺江游,真色迷人风为歌。是是非非随风去,小酌一杯兴难休。坏栏迸竹醉好题,弹(蛋)丸之地闲情多。(请看每句首字,然后连起来读吧)。
42、 我受累我吃苦,我是甘当二百五,就着“咸菜”喝着“糊”,美的心里乐乎乎,人生本来分贫富,不怨命运错与否,这样的日子我知足,“二百五”真心送祝福,愿开心快乐幸福非你莫属,日子红红火火赛过我“二百五”哈。
43、 第一回我请你是酒逢知己;第二回我请你是真心诚意;第三回我请你是欢天喜地;第四回我请你是勇者无敌;第五回我请你是不醉不归;第六回我请你顺心顺意;第七回请你是海阔天空;第八回我请你是嘻嘻哈哈;哥们,我都请你8回了,你再不回请,我就继续请你,咱俩谁跟谁呀哈!
44、 曾经,您家务事情一手抓,平添了白发;曾经,您巾帼不让男子汉,压低了双肩;曾经,您再苦再累不说难,操劳了心田。三八妇女节,祝福您亲爱的妈妈!
45、 公交车上,一个小学生拿着寒假作业本对他妈妈说:"妈妈我寒假作业太多了!"他妈妈拿过来翻了几页,然后直接把作业本撕了,扔出窗外。一车人目瞪口呆。只听妈妈潇洒的说,老师问,你就说爸妈打架,妈妈撕了作业本!这样的老妈,学生的梦想啊!
Unit Test (Unit1 Nice to meet you!) 一、 听力(9)
A. B. C.
Jack Alice
3. 听两人的介绍,判断他们的姓氏,并将其与人物连线(2)。
Boy Brown
Girl Smith
4. 听两人在宴会上的对话,完成两人的个人信息卡(4)。
Man Woman
(3) name: Jack Last name: (1) __________
From: (2) From: (4) _____________
二、 阅读 (20)
ABA Vocational School
Lisa Smith Chinese teacher
Address: No. 37 Tongshun Road,
Tel: 13521227799
E-mail: LisaABA@sina.
(1) Lisa Smith’s first name is Lisa and her last name is Smith. ( ) (2) Lisa lives in Shanghai. ( ) (3) Ms Lisa Smith is an English teacher. ( ) (4) You can write an e-mail to Lisa . ( )
2、阅读以下四张晚会宾客的名片回答后面的相关问题。(16) Beijing No.1 Vocational School ABC Company
Mary Smith English teacher John Brown Manager Address: No. 37 Huangxing Road, Address: No. 37 Huayuan Street,
Changsha, Hunan Shenzhen Tel: 0730-5145986 Tel: 0795-8188783 E-mail: Marys@sina. A E-mail: JB4@sohu. B
311 Hospital ATAA Company
Li Xiaoming Doctor Helen Lee Secretary Address: No. 37 Huayuan Street, Address: No. 37 Xinhua Street,
Beijing Beijing
Tel: 010-88514618 Tel: 010-5188783 E-mail:lxm311@hotmail. C E-mail: Helen lee@126. D
a. b. c. d.
a.( ) b. ( ) c. ( ) d.( )
Last name First name Job From (1) (2) (3) ABC pany (4) Mary (5) (6) Lee (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) doctor (12)
三、语言运用 (18)
My first name is I am it isn’t last name is I am Is
A: Good morning, (1) ___ Kate Green..
B: Good morning, (2) ___ Li Tongyun.
A: (3) ____ your first name Li?
B: No, (4) ____. My last name is Li and first name is Tongyun. Can I call you Ms Kate Green?
A: Oh! No, (5) ___ Kate and (6) ____ Green. You can call me Ms Green. B: You can call me Mr Li.
A: Nice to meet you.
B: Nice to meet you, too.
A. NO.9 Yile Street, Haidian District, Beijing, China B. TomATAB@sina.
C. 010-51484566.
D. salesman
E. Tom
F. ATAB Company
(1) ________________________________________
(2) Green (3)__________
Address: (4) ________________________________________
Tel: (5) ______________________________
E-mail: (6)______________________________
1.新生Sara Smith 和 Li Xiaoying见面聊天,请按顺序组成一段对话。(7) Sara Smith Li Xiaoying
(1) Hi, I’m Li Xiaoying, I’ from China.
(2)Hello, I’m Sara !
(3) Sara is my first name, Smith is my last name.
(4) Nice to meet you.
(5) No, Li is my last name and Xiaoying is my first name.
What about you?
(6) Is Li your first name and Xiaoming your Last name?
(7) Nice to meet you, too.
_______ ?_______ ?_______ ?_______ ?_______?______ ?_______
Beijing No.2 Vocational School IBA Company
Alice Smith English teacher Lisa Lee Secretary
Address:No. 37 Huangxing Address: No. 37 Xinhua Street,
Road, Beijng Beijing
Tel: 0730-5145986 Tel: 010-5188783
E-mail:Alices@sina. E-mail: Lisaibm@126.
Alice:Good evening。Do you have a good time here?
Lisa: Yes. (1) ___?
Alice: Yes. My name is Alice Smith. (2) _______? Lisa: My name is Lisa Lee. (3) _______?
Alice: No, I’m not an engineer. (4) ________. And you?
Lisa: (5) ________. Nice to meet you.
Alice: Nice to meet you, too. (6)_____?
Lisa: I’m from IBM Company. And you?
A: Can I know your name ?
B: Are you a engineer ?
C: What’s your name, please?
D: I’m a secretary.
E: I’m a teacher.
F: Which pany are you from?
(1) _______ (2) _______ (3) _______ (4) _______ (5) _______ (6) _______
1. 请听两人打招呼的对话,判断下面哪个场景与对话相符。 A: Good morning.
B: Good morning, Mr. Smith. How are you? A: I am fine, thank you. And you?
B: I am fine, too. Thanks.
2(请听两人的对话,判断他们来自何方,并将图片与人物匹配。 Boy: Good afternoon. My name is Jack! What’s your name? Girl: Nice to meet you, Jack. My English name is Alice Boy: I am from China. Where are you from?
Girl: I am from USA.
3. 听两人的介绍,判断他们的姓氏,并将其与人物连线。 Boy: May I have your name?
Girl: My name is Sara. Sara Smith. What’s your name? Boy: My name is Dick Brown. Call me Dick, please. Girl: Nice to meet you, Dick.
4. 听两人在宴会上的对话,完成两人的个人信息卡。 Man: Good evening. I’m Jack Green.
Woman: Good evening. Mr Green. I’m Lin Xiao. Man: Nice to meet you, Miss Xiao. Are you from Beijing? Woman: Yes, I’m from Beijing. By the way, my last name is Lin. Man: Sorry, Miss Lin.
Woman: Never mind. Where are you from?
Man: I’m from US.
参考答案 一、听力:
1.B 2.Jack---B, Alice---A 3. Boy---Brown, Girl---Smith
4. (1) Lin (2) Beijing (3) First (4) US
1. (1)T (2)F (3) F (4)T
2. (1) a. (D) b. (C) c. (B) d. (A)
Last name First name Job From
ABC pany Brown John manager
Mary Smith teacher Beijing No.1 Vocational School Lee Helen secretary ATAA Company
Doctor Li Xiaoming 311 Hospital
(4) it isn’t (5) My first name is (6) My last name is1. (1) I am (2) I am (3) Is
2. (1) F (2) E (3) D (4) A (5) C (6) B
1. (2)?(1)?(6)?(5)?(3)?(4)?(7) 2. (1) A (2) C (3) B (4) E (5) D (6) F
韦杰,韦经理Jason (J) 14号
陈润,陈经理Deneve (D)54号
J: excuse me,I want to talk with Danif, general manager of your pany.
D:It's me. May I help you ?
J:My name is Wei Jie, I ‘m a pany manager, I’m interested in all kinds of your products, but this time I would like to order some mobile phone.
D:All right. Here are our price lists.
J: I'd like to get the ball rolling by talking about prices.
D: I'd be happy to answer any questions you may have.
J: Your products are very good. But I'm a little worried about the prices you're asking. D: You think we about be asking for more?
J: That's not exactly what I had in mind. But what I'd like is a 25% discount.
D:This is our rock - bottom price, Mr. Li. We can’t make any further concessions. J:If that’s the case, there’s not much point in further discussion. We might as well call the whole deal off.
D:What I mean is that we’ll never be able to e down to your price. The gap is too great.
J:I think it unwise for either of us to insist on his own price. How about meeting each other half way so that business can be concluded?
D: What is your proposal?
J:Your unit price is 100 dollars higher than we can accept. When I suggested we meet each other half way, I meant it literally.
D:Do you mean to suggest that we have to make a further reduction of 50 dollars in our price? That’s impossible.
J:What would you suggest?
D:The best we can do will be a reduction of another 30 dollars. That’ll definitely be rockbottom.
J:Your prices seem a little high.
D:We could make them lower for you.
D:If you order in large lots, we’ll reduce the price.
J: Why don't we talk again tomorrow?
D: Sure. I hope we can find some mon ground on this.
J:I accept your conditions, I have two shipment, the first one is 1500, to be delivered in
有一天,俺商店里来了个外国人买西餐料。他选好一样东西,俺就在计算器上摁出价钱给他 看。当然俺有点不好意思了,而且俺还会句英语。 于是 ,俺就对他说: “I am sorry”。 “I am sorry, too” 外国人回答。 “I am sorry three” 我道。 “What are you sorry for?” 外国人问。 “I am sorry five” 我说…… 男:Can I buy you a drink?(我可以为你买一杯饮料吗?) 女:Actually I''d rather have the money.(不必,我我宁愿留下那些钱。 ) 经典对话二: this seat empty?(直译:这个座位是空的吧?) 女:Yes, and this one will be if you sit down.(是的,如果你坐下,我的座位就是空的。 ) 经典对话五: 男:Haven''t I seen you some place before?(我好像以前在什么地方见过你?) 女: That''s why I don''t go there anymore. Yes. (是的。 这就是为什么我不再去那个地方的原因。 ) 经典对话六: 男:Will you go out with me this Saturday?(这个星期六你想跟我出去吗?) 女:Sorry. I''m having a headache this weekend.(抱歉。这个周末我头疼。 )
男:Can I have your name?(直译:我能有你的名字吗?) 女:Why? Don''t you already have one? (为什么?你不是已经有一个了吗?) 经典对话三: 男:I''m a photographer. I''ve been looking for a face like yours.(我是摄影师。我一直在寻找一 张像你这样的脸。 ) 女:I''m a plastic surgeon. I''ve been looking for a face like yours.(我是整形外科医生。我也一
直在寻找一张像你这样的脸。 ) 经典对话四: 经典对话七: 男:I think I could make you very happy.(我想我能让你非常快乐。 ) 女:Why? Are you leaving?(是吗?你是说你要离开?)
1. TEACHER: George, go to the map and find North America. GEORGE: Here it is! TEACHER: Correct. Now, class, who discovered America? CLASS: George! 2. TEACHER: Ellen, give me a sentence starting with "I". ELLEN: I is... TEACHER: No, Ellen. We always say, "I am."
ELLEN: All right... "I am the ninth letter of the alphabet."
3. TEACHER: If I had seven oranges in one hand and eight oranges in the other, what would I have? CLASS: Big hands! 4. TEACHER: Didn't you promise to behave? STUDENT: Yes, Sir. TEACHER: And didn't I promise to punish you if you didn't? STUDENT: Yes, Sir, but since I broke my promise, I don't expect you to keep yours.
5. TEACHER: In this box, I have a 10-feet snake. SAMMY: You can't fool me, Teacher... snakes don't have feet. 1.Do You Know My Work? One night a hotel caught fire, and the people who were staying in it ran out in their night clothes. Two men stood outside and looked at the fire. “Before I came out,” said one,“I ran into some of the rooms and found a lot of money. People don't think of money when they're afraid. When anyone leaves paper money in a fire, the fire burns it. So I t
ook all the bills that I could find.No one will be poorer because I took them.” “You don't know my work,” said the other. “What is your work?” “I'm a policeman. “Oh ! ” cried the first man . He thought quickly and said , “And do you know my work?”“No,”said the policeman. “I'm a writer. I'm always telling stories about things that never happened.” 译文: (自己简单翻译) 你知道我是干什么的吗? 一天晚上,一家旅馆失火,住在这家旅馆里的人穿着睡 衣就跑了出来。 两个人站在外面,看着大火。 “在我出来之前,”其中一个说:“我跑进一些房间,找到了一大笔钱。人在恐惧中是不会想 到钱的。如果有人把纸币留在火里,火就会把它烧成灰烬。所以我把我所能找到的钞票都拿 走了。没有人会因为我拿走它们而变得更穷。” “你不知道我是干什么的。”另一个说。 “你是干什么的?” “我是警察。” “噢!”第一个人喊了一声。他灵机一动,说:“那你知道我是干什么的?”“不知道。”警察说。 “我是个作家。我总是爱编一些从未发生过的故事。 1 A little boy asked his father: Daddy, how much does it cost to get married?The father replied: I don 't know son. I 'm still paying!!一个小男孩问他的爸爸,结婚要花多少钱?爸爸说:我不知 道,因为我仍然在付帐。
2 A Sunday school teacher was telling her pupils the importance of making others glad. "Now, children," said she , "has anyone of you ever make someone else glad?" "Please, teacher,"said a small boy,"I've make someone glad yesterday." "Well done. Who was that?" "My granny." "Good boy. Now tell us how you made your grandmother glad."
"Please, teacher, I t to see her yesterday, and stayed with her three hours. Then I said to her, 'Granny, I'm going home,' and she said, 'Well, I'm glad'!"
一个主日学校校(基督教教会为了向儿童灌输宗教思想, 在星期天开办的儿童班)的老师在对 学生讲使别人高兴的重要性。“现在,孩子们,”她说:“你们当中有谁让别人高兴过?” “我,老师,”一个小男孩说:“昨天我就使别人高兴过。” “做得好,是谁呢?” “我奶奶。” “好孩子。现在告诉我们,你是怎样使你奶奶高兴的。” “是这样的,老师。我昨天去看她,在她那儿呆了三个小时。然后我跟她说:‘奶奶,我要回 家了。’她说:‘啊,我很高兴!
3 Dick was seven years old, and his sister, Catherine, was five. One day their mother took them to their aunt's house to play while she t to the big city to buy some new clothes. The children played for an hour, and then at half past four their aunt took Dick into the kitchen. She gave him a nice cake and a knife and said to him, "Now here's a knife, Dick. Cut this cake in half and give one of the piece
s to your sister, but remember to do it like a gentleman." "Like a gentleman?" Dick asked. "How do gentlemen do it?" "They always give the bigger piece to the other person." answered his aunt at once. "Oh" said Dick. He thought about this for a few seconds. Then he took the cake to his sister and said to her,"Cut this cake in half, Catherine.". 迪克年龄七岁,他的妹妹凯瑟琳五岁。一天,妈妈把他们带到姨妈家去玩,自己就到大城市 去买些新的衣服。 孩子们玩了个把小时,在四点半的时候,姨妈领着迪克走进了厨房。她交给迪克一块精美的 蛋糕和一把刀子,并对他说:“喏,迪克,给你刀子,把这块蛋糕一切为二,给你妹妹一块。 不过,你得记住要做得像一个绅士那样。” 迪克问:“像一个绅士?绅士怎样做呢?” 他姨妈马上回答说:“绅士总是把大的一块让给别人的。”
迪克说了一声“噢”。他对此想了一会,然后,他把蛋糕拿给妹妹,并对她说:“凯瑟琳,你 来把这块蛋糕一切为二吧。”
4 Stan: I won 92 goldfish. Fred: Where are you going to keep them? Stan: In the bathroom 。 Fred: But what will you do when you want to take a bath? Stan: Blindfold them!
A: Oh ,it’s a lollipop. Are you Tony?
B: Yes, are you Ann?
A: Yes, it’s me, Nice to meet you.
B: Nice to meet you , too. Why don ’t wear the promissory shirt? A: It ’s kind of cold today. So I wear a coat to keep warm.Here you look!
B: It’s so beautiful. Sit down, please. What do you like to eat?
A: Egg fried tomato, a Chicken thigh [θai], and rice, please. B: OK. Could you talk about your family?
A: Absolutely, now I live with my parents and my sister. My sister is four years younger than me and she is in senior high school now. My father is a doctor and my mother is a teacher. B: You have a very harmonious [hɑ:'m??ni:?s ] family, yes? A: Yes, you are right. How about your family?
B: I live with my parents and my grandma.
A: Are you the only child?
B: Yes. Which school do you study in?
A: I graduated from Beijing Normal University. I’m a teacher in a college. And you?
B: I graduated from Harbin Institute of Technology. And now I ’m an engineer in a mechanical [mi'k?nik?l] 机械的, 力学的
manufacturing [m?nj?'f?kt??r ?
A: That’s a good job. ?] (制造业)pany.
B: What do you like to do in your spare time?
A: I’d like to listen to music especially light music and classical music. When I have a holiday I usually travel around with friends.
B: Maybe traveling is a good way to relax. I’d like to play basketball and see movies in my spare time. Once in a while I play dota.
A: You play dota? I don't want a boy who likes dota.
B: Haha... I just play it occasionally. In my spare time. I always watch movies. Recently I watched a movie called "Girl with a pearl [p?:l] Earring". Have you watched it?
A: Yes,I have watched it before with my father.I love it very much.In my opinion,it's a good film about love.
B: You think which man does Griet like? The painter or the bucher ’s son?
A:I think the painter is Griet ’s true love.They have the same dream and always have similar ideas on things.
B:But if she don ’t like Peter,she won ’t marry him.I believe she have a favor for Peter.Of course,the question is difficult to answer. If you don’t mind, may I ask you a question?
A: Of course not.
B: Love and bread, which is more important for you?
A: In my opinion, both of them are important. But if you insist that I give the exact answer, I think love would be a little more important.
B: Oh, I see. I couldn’t agree with you more. Could you tell me your mobile phone number and QQ number?
A: Em, no problem. My mobile phone number is 158*****073 and my QQ number is 519777***.
B:OK. I will contact you tonight. I hope we will be good friends. See you later.
A: See you.
B: Ann, wait, wait. You forget your coat.
A: Oh, thank you very much.
I want a nightmare
Before the final examination, Tom told his mother,
Applied Psychology
After the student delivered the pizza to old Ken's house,Ken asked,
vi/vt.轻蔑(或愤怒)地哼;嘲讽地大笑;哼着鼻子说(或表示) n.喷鼻息;鼓鼻
It Wasn't One Person
The teacher is handing back the homework.
A: Oh my gosh, Jason, is that you? B: Andrew! Hey! What's up! A: I am thrilled to see you here! What a surprise! B: Me too. I've moved to Chicago, and I'm just ing back to L.A. to visit my parents. A: Good to hear that. B: You have changed a lot. A: Seriously? Heck, no! I am still the same old Andrew. B: No way, you are much more charming now. A: Oh really, but look at you! What a big change, wow. B: I know, we haven't seen each other for a long time. Here, this is my new phone number, call me anytime A: Thanks, I'm sure i will. B: I have to go now, see you! A: Bye Jason!